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Francisella tularensis causes the human disease tularemia. F. tularensis is able to survive and replicate within macrophages, a trait that has been correlated with its high virulence, but it is unclear the exact mechanism(s) this organism uses to escape killing within this hostile environment. F. tularensis virulence is dependent upon the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), a cluster of genes that we show here shares homology with type VI secretion gene clusters in Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We demonstrate that two FPI proteins, VgrG and IglI, are secreted into the cytosol of infected macrophages. VgrG and IglI are required for F. tularensis phagosomal escape, intramacrophage growth, inflammasome activation and virulence in mice. Interestingly, VgrG secretion does not require the other FPI genes. However, VgrG and other FPI genes, including PdpB (an IcmF homologue), are required for the secretion of IglI into the macrophage cytosol, suggesting that VgrG and other FPI factors are components of a secretion system. This is the first report of F. tularensis FPI virulence proteins required for intramacrophage growth that are translocated into the macrophage.  相似文献   

The bacterial Type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a dynamic macromolecular structure that promotes inter- and intra-species competition through the delivery of toxic effector proteins into neighbouring cells. The T6SS contains 14 well-characterised core proteins necessary for effector delivery (TssA-M, PAAR). In this study, we have identified a novel accessory component required for optimal T6SS activity in the opportunistic pathogen Serratia marcescens, which we name TagV. Deletion of tagV, which encodes an outer membrane lipoprotein, caused a reduction in the T6SS-dependent antibacterial activity of S. marcescens Db10. Mutants of S. marcescens lacking the core component TssJ, a distinct outer membrane lipoprotein previously considered essential for T6SS firing, retained a modest T6SS activity that could be abolished through deletion of tagV. TagV did not interact with the T6SS membrane complex proteins TssL or TssM, but is proposed to bind to peptidoglycan, indicating that the mechanism by which TagV promotes T6SS firing differs from that of TssJ. Homologues of tagV were identified in several other bacterial genera, suggesting that the accessory function of TagV is not restricted to S. marcescens. Together, our findings support the existence of a second, TssJ-independent mechanism for T6SS firing that is dependent upon the activity of TagV proteins.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica employs two type III secretion systems (T3SS) for interactions with host cells during pathogenesis. The T3SS encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2) is required for the intracellular replication of Salmonella and the survival inside phagocytes. During growth in vitro, acidic pH is a signal that promotes secretion of proteins by this T3SS. We analyzed protein levels and subcellular localization of various T3SS subunits under in vitro conditions at acidic or neutral pH, inducing or ablating secretion, respectively. Growth at acidic pH resulted in higher levels of SsaC, a protein forming the outer membrane secretin, without increasing expression of the operon containing ssaC. Acidic pH also induced oligomerization of SsaC subunits, a prerequisite for a functional secretin pore. It has previously been described that environmental stimuli resembling the intraphagosomal habitat of Salmonella control the expression of SPI2 genes. Here we propose that such stimuli also modulate the assembly of a functional T3SS that is capable of translocation of effector proteins into the host cell.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis causes tularemia, a disease which requires bacterial escape from phagosomes of infected macrophages. Once in the cytosol, the bacterium rapidly multiplies, inhibits activation of the inflammasome and ultimately causes death of the host cell. Of importance for these processes is a 33-kb gene cluster, the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), which is believed to encode a type VI secretion system (T6SS). In this study, we analyzed the role of the FPI-encoded proteins VgrG and DotU, which are conserved components of type VI secretion (T6S) clusters. We demonstrate that in F. tularensis LVS, VgrG was shown to form multimers, consistent with its suggested role as a trimeric membrane puncturing device in T6SSs, while the inner membrane protein DotU was shown to stabilize PdpB/IcmF, another T6SS core component. Upon infection of J774 cells, both ΔvgrG and ΔdotU mutants did not escape from phagosomes, and subsequently, did not multiply or cause cytopathogenicity. They also showed impaired activation of the inflammasome and marked attenuation in the mouse model. Moreover, all of the DotU-dependent functions investigated here required the presence of three residues that are essentially conserved among all DotU homologues. Thus, in agreement with a core function in T6S clusters, VgrG and DotU play key roles for modulation of the intracellular host response as well as for the virulence of F. tularensis.  相似文献   

Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram‐negative bacterium that causes fatal septicaemia in humans and animals. C. violaceum ATCC 12472 possesses genes associated with two distinct type III secretion systems (T3SSs). One of these systems is encoded by Chromobacterium pathogenicity islands 1 and 1a (Cpi‐1/‐1a), another is encoded by Chromobacterium pathogenicity island 2 (Cpi‐2). Here we show that C. violaceum causes fulminant hepatitis in a mouse infection model, and Cpi‐1/‐1a‐encoded T3SS is required for its virulence. In addition, using C. violaceum strains with defined mutations in the genes that encode the Cpi‐1/‐1a or Cpi‐2 locus in combination with cultured mammalian cell lines, we found that C. violaceum is able to induce cytotoxicity in a Cpi‐1/‐1a‐dependent manner. Characterization of Chromobacterium‐induced cytotoxicity revealed that cell lysis by C. violaceum infection involves the formation of pore structures on the host cell membrane, as demonstrated by protection by cytotoxicity in the presence of osmoprotectants. Finally, we demonstrated that CipB, a Cpi‐1/‐1a effector, is implicated in translocator‐mediated pore formation and the ability of CipB to form a pore is essential for Chromobacterium‐induced cytotoxicity. These results strongly suggest that Cpi‐1/‐1a‐encoded T3SS is a virulence determinant that causes fatal infection by the induction of cell death in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Salmonella harbors two type III secretion systems, T3SS1 and T3SS2, encoded on the pathogenicity islands SPI1 and SPI2, respectively. Several effector proteins are secreted through these systems into the eukaryotic host cells. PipB2 is a T3SS2 effector that contributes to the modulation of kinesin-1 motor complex activity. Here, we show that PipB2 is also a substrate of T3SS1. This result was obtained infecting human epithelial HeLa cells for 2 h and was confirmed in murine RAW264.7 macrophages, and rat NRK fibroblasts. Analysis at different time points after infection revealed that translocation of PipB2 is T3SS1-dependent in epithelial cells throughout the infection. In contrast, translocation into macrophages is T3SS1-dependent during invasion but T3SS2-dependent at later time points. The N-terminal 10 amino acid residues contain the signal necessary for translocation through both systems. These results confirm the functional overlap between these virulence-related secretion systems and suggest a new role for the effector PipB2.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica uses two functionally distinct type III secretion systems encoded on the pathogenicity islands SPI-1 and SPI-2 to transfer effector proteins into host cells. A major function of the SPI-1 secretion system is to enable bacterial invasion of epithelial cells and the principal role of SPI-2 is to facilitate the replication of intracellular bacteria within membrane-bound Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCVs). Studies of mutant bacteria defective for SPI-2-dependent secretion have revealed a variety of functions that can be attributed to this secretion system. These include an inhibition of various aspects of endocytic trafficking, an avoidance of NADPH oxidase-dependent killing, the induction of a delayed apoptosis-like host cell death, the control of SCV membrane dynamics, the assembly of a meshwork of F-actin around the SCV, an accumulation of cholesterol around the SCV and interference with the localization of inducible nitric oxide synthase to the SCV. Several effector proteins that are translocated across the vacuolar membrane in a SPI-2-dependent manner have now been identified. These are encoded both within and outside SPI-2. The characteristics of these effectors, and their relationship to the physiological functions listed above, are the subject of this review. The emerging picture is of a multifunctional system, whose activities are explained in part by effectors that control interactions between the SCV and intracellular membrane compartments.  相似文献   

The phage shock protein locus (pspFpspABCDE) of Escherichia coli has proved to be something of an enigma since its discovery. The physiological functions of the psp locus, including those of the predicted effector protein PspA, are unknown. In a previous genetic screen, we determined that a Yersinia enterocolitica pspC mutant was severely attenuated for virulence. In this study, the psp locus of Y. enterocolitica was characterized further. The pspC gene of Y. enterocolitica was found to be important for normal growth when the Ysc type III secretion system was expressed in the laboratory. This growth defect was specifically caused by production of the secretin protein, YscC. Expression of the psp genes was induced when the type III secretion system was functional or when only the yscC gene was expressed. This induction of psp gene expression required a functional pspC gene. Most significantly, evidence suggests that the expression of at least one gene that is not part of the psp locus is regulated by Psp proteins. This unidentified gene (or genes) may also be important for growth when the type III secretion system is expressed. These conclusions are supported by the effects of various psp mutations on virulence. This is the first indication that Psp proteins might be involved in the regulation of genes besides the psp locus itself.  相似文献   

PE_PGRS30 is required for the full virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role and function of PE_PGRS proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) remains elusive. In this study for the first time, Mtb isogenic mutants missing selected PE_PGRSs were used to investigate their role in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis (TB). We demonstrate that the MtbΔPE_PGRS30 mutant was impaired in its ability to colonize lung tissue and to cause tissue damage, specifically during the chronic steps of infection. Inactivation of PE_PGRS30 resulted in an attenuated phenotype in murine and human macrophages due to the inability of the Mtb mutant to inhibit phagosome–lysosome fusion. Using a series of functional deletion mutants of PE_PGRS30 to complement MtbΔPE_PGRS30, we show that the unique C‐terminal domain of the protein is not required for the full virulence. Interestingly, when Mycobacterium smegmatis recombinant strain expressing PE_PGRS30 was used to infect macrophages or mice in vivo, we observed enhanced cytotoxicity and cell death, and this effect was dependent upon the PGRS domain of the protein.Taken together these results indicate that PE_PGRS30 is necessary for the full virulence of Mtb and sufficient to induce cell death in host cells by the otherwise non‐pathogenic species M. smegmatis, clearly demonstrating that PE_PGRS30 is an Mtb virulence factor.  相似文献   

Prepilin peptidases cleave, among other substrates, the leader sequences from prepilin-like proteins that are required for type II protein secretion in Gram-negative bacteria. To begin to assess the importance of type II secretion for the virulence of an intracellular pathogen, we examined the effect of inactivating the prepilin peptidase (pilD) gene of Legionella pneumophila. Although the pilD mutant and its parent grew similarly in bacteriological media, they did differ in colony attributes and recoverability from late stationary phase. Moreover, at least three proteins were absent from the mutant's supernatant, indicating that PilD is necessary for the secretion of Legionella proteins. The absence of both the major secreted protein and a haemolytic activity from the mutant signalled that the L. pneumophila zinc metalloprotease is excreted via type II secretion. Most interestingly, the pilD mutant was greatly impaired in its ability to grow within Hartmannella vermiformis amoebae and the human macrophage-like U937 cells. As reintroduction of pilD into the mutant restored inefectivity and as a mutant lacking type IV pilin replicated like wild type, these data suggested that the intracellular growth of L. pneumophila is promoted by proteins secreted via a type II pathway. Intratracheal inoculation of guinea pigs revealed that the LD50 for the pilD mutant is at least 100-fold greater than that for its parent, and the culturing of bacteria from infected animals showed a rapid clearance of the mutant from the lungs. This is the first study to indicate a role for PilD and type II secretion in intracellular parasitism.  相似文献   

Previous results suggest that mutations in most genes in the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI) attenuate the bacterium. Using a mouse model, here we determined the impact of mutations in pdpA, pdpC, and pdpD in Francisella novicida on in vitro replication in macrophages, and in vivo immunogenicity. In contrast to most FPI genes, deletion of pdpC (FnΔpdpC) and pdpD (FnΔpdpD) from F. novicida did not impact growth in mouse bone-marrow derived macrophages. Nonetheless, both FnΔpdpC and FnΔpdpD were highly attenuated when administered intradermally. Infected mice produced relatively normal anti-F. novicida serum antibodies. Further, splenocytes from infected mice controlled intramacrophage Francisella replication, indicating T cell priming, and mice immunized by infection with FnΔpdpC or FnΔpdpD survived secondary lethal parenteral challenge with either F. novicida or Francisella tularensis LVS. In contrast, deletion of pdpA (FnΔpdpA) ablated growth in macrophages in vitro. FnΔpdpA disseminated and replicated poorly in infected mice, accompanied by development of some anti-F. novicida serum antibodies. However, primed Th1 cells were not detected, and vaccinated mice did not survive even low dose challenge with either F. novicida or LVS. Taken together, these results suggest that successful priming of Th1 cells, and protection against lethal challenge, depends on expression of PdpA.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is an intracellular bacterial pathogen, and is a category A bioterrorism agent. Within quiescent human macrophages, the F. tularensis pathogenicity island (FPI) is essential for bacterial growth within quiescent macrophages. The F. tularensis-containing phagosome matures to a late endosome-like stage that does not fuse to lysosomes for 1-8 h, followed by gradual bacterial escape into the macrophage cytosol. Here we show that the FPI protein IglD is essential for intracellular replication in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (hMDMs). While the parental strain replicates robustly in pulmonary, hepatic and splenic tissues of BALB/c mice associated with severe immunopathologies, the isogenic iglD mutant is severely defective. Within hMDMs, the iglD mutant-containing phagosomes mature to either a late endosome-like phagosome, similar to the parental strain, or to a phagolysosome, similar to phagosomes harbouring the iglC mutant control. Despite heterogeneity and alterations in phagosome biogenesis, the iglD mutant bacteria escape into the cytosol faster than the parental strain within hMDMs and pulmonary cells of BALB/c mice. Co-infections of hMDMs with the wild-type strain and the iglD mutant, or super-infection of iglD mutant-infected hMDMs with the wild-type strain show that the mutant strain replicates robustly within the cytosol of hMDMs coinhabited by the wild strain. However, when the wild-type strain-infected hMDMs are super-infected by the iglD mutant, the mutant fails to replicate in the cytosol of communal macrophages. This is the first demonstration of a F. tularensis novel protein essential for proliferation in the macrophage cytosol. Our data indicate that F. tularensis transduces signals to the macrophage cytosol to remodel it into a proliferative niche, and IglD is essential for transduction of these signals.  相似文献   

Iron acquisition in Yersinia pestis is fundamental to the success of plague pathogenesis. We have previously identified an approximately 5.6 kb region (yfe) of Y. pestis genomic DNA, capable of restoring iron-deficient growth but not siderophore production to an Escherichia coli mutant (SAB11) incapable of synthesizing the siderophore, enterobactin. The yfe locus of Y. pestis, found in both pigmented (Pgm+) and nonpigmented (Pgm-) strains, comprises five genes arranged in two distinct operons (yfeA-D and yfeE ). The larger of these, yfeABCD, encodes an ABC transport system, whose expression is iron and Fur regulated and is repressed in cells grown in the presence of manganese. Cells from a Pgm-, Yfe- (DeltayfeAB ) mutant strain of Y. pestis exhibited reduced transport of both 55Fe and 54Mn. Furthermore, cells containing an intact yfe locus showed reduced 55Fe uptake when competing amounts of MnCl2 or ZnCl2 were present, whereas 54Mn uptake was inhibited by FeCl3 but not by ZnCl2. Similarly, yfe mutants of Y. pestis exhibited growth defects on media supplemented with the iron chelators 2,2'-dipyridyl or conalbumin. These growth defects were not relieved by supplementation with MnCl2. A ybt-, DeltayfeAB mutant of Y. pestis was completely avirulent in mice infected intravenously (LD50 > 1.7 x 107 cfu) compared with its parental ybt-, yfe+ strain, which had an LD50 of < 12. In addition, compared with its ybt+, yfe+ parent, a ybt+, DeltayfeAB mutant of Y. pestis had an approximately 100-fold increase in the LD50 from a subcutaneous route of infection. These data suggest that the Yfe and Ybt systems may function effectively to accumulate iron during different stages of the infectious process of bubonic plague.  相似文献   

Enterobacterial animal pathogens exhibit aggregative multicellular behavior, which is manifested as pellicles on the culture surface and biofilms at the surface-liquid-air interface. Pellicle formation behavior requires production of extracellular polysaccharide, cellulose, and protein filaments, known as curli. Protein filaments analogous to curli are formed by many protein secretion systems, including the type III secretion system (TTSS). Here, we demonstrate that Erwinia chrysanthemi, which does not carry curli genes, requires the TTSS for pellicle formation. These data support a model where cellulose and generic protein filaments, which consist of either curli or TTSS-secreted proteins, are required for enterobacterial aggregative multicellular behavior. Using this assay, we found that hrpY, which encodes a two-component system response regulator homolog, is required for activity of hrpS, which encodes a sigma54-dependent enhancer-binding protein homolog. In turn, hrpS is required for activity of the sigma factor homolog hrpL, which activates genes encoding TTSS structural and secreted proteins. Pellicle formation was temperature dependent and pellicles did not form at 36 degrees C, even though TTSS genes were expressed at this temperature. We found that cellulose is a component of the E. chrysanthemi pellicle but that pellicle formation still occurs in a strain with an insertion in a cellulose synthase subunit homolog. Since the TTSS, but not the cellulose synthase subunit, is required for E. chrysanthemi pellicle formation, this inexpensive assay can be used as a high throughput screen for TTSS mutants or inhibitors.  相似文献   

The Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2) type III secretion system (TTSS) promotes Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium virulence for mice and increased survival and replication within eukaryotic cells. After phagocytosis, Salmonella serovar Typhimurium assembles the SPI2 TTSS to translocate over a dozen effector proteins across the phagosome membrane. SpiC has been previously shown to be a translocated effector with a large contribution to virulence (K. Uchiya, M. A. Barbieri, K. Funato, A. H. Shah, P. D. Stahl, and E. A. Groisman, EMBO J. 18:3924-3933, 1999). This report demonstrates by competitive index that the virulence phenotype of a spiC mutant is equivalent to that of a secretion component mutant. In addition, translocation of SPI2 effector proteins was shown to require SpiC. Thus, the severe virulence phenotype resulting from deletion of spiC is likely due to the inability to translocate all SPI2 effectors. SpiC was also required to secrete translocon proteins SseB and SseC but not translocated effector SseJ, indicating that lack of assembly of the translocon explains the spiC mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

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