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Rapamycin is an antibiotic that stimulates autophagy in a wide variety of eukaryotes, including the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Low concentrations of rapamycin extend yeast chronological life span (CLS). We have recently shown that autophagy is required for chronological longevity in yeast, which is attributable in part to a role for autophagy in amino acid homeostasis. We report herein that low concentrations of rapamycin stimulate macroautophagy during chronological aging and extend CLS.  相似文献   

Human-nucleotide-excision repair (NER) deficiency leads to different developmental and segmental progeroid symptoms of which the pathogenesis is only partially understood. To understand the biological impact of accumulating spontaneous DNA damage, we studied the phenotypic consequences of DNA-repair deficiency in Caenorhabditis elegans. We find that DNA damage accumulation does not decrease the adult life span of post-mitotic tissue. Surprisingly, loss of functional ERCC-1/XPF even further extends the life span of long-lived daf-2 mutants, likely through an adaptive activation of stress signaling. Contrariwise, NER deficiency leads to a striking transgenerational decline in replicative capacity and viability of proliferating cells. DNA damage accumulation induces severe, stochastic impairment of development and growth, which is most pronounced in NER mutants that are also impaired in their response to ionizing radiation and inter-strand crosslinks. These results suggest that multiple DNA-repair pathways can protect against replicative decline and indicate that there might be a direct link between the severity of symptoms and the level of DNA-repair deficiency in patients.  相似文献   

The chronological life span of yeast, the survival of stationary (G0) cells over time, provides a model for investigating certain of the factors that may influence the aging of non-dividing cells and tissues in higher organisms. This study measured the effects of defined defects in the base excision repair (BER) system for DNA repair on this life span. Stationary yeast survives longer when it is pre-grown on respiratory, as compared to fermentative (glucose), media. It is also less susceptible to viability loss as the result of defects in DNA glycosylase/AP lyases (Ogg1p, Ntg1p, Ntg2p), apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases (Apn1p, Apn2p) and monofunctional DNA glycosylase (Mag1p). Whereas single BER glycosylase/AP lyase defects exerted little influence over such optimized G0 survival, this survival was severely shortened with the loss of two or more such enzymes. Equally, the apn1delta and apn2delta single gene deletes survived as well as the wild type, whereas a apn1delta apn2delta double mutant totally lacking in any AP endonuclease activity survived poorly. Both this shortened G0 survival and the enhanced mutagenicity of apn1delta apn2delta cells were however rescued by the over-expression of either Apn1p or Apn2p. The results highlight the vital importance of BER in the prevention of mutation accumulation and the attainment of the full yeast chronological life span. They also reveal an appreciable overlap in the G0 maintenance functions of the different BER DNA glycosylases and AP endonucleases.  相似文献   

Studies in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans have shown increased longevity with the increased free radical scavenging that accompanies overexpression of oxidant-scavenging enzymes. This study used yeast, another model for aging research, to probe the effects of overexpressing the major activity protecting against superoxide generated by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) overexpression increased chronological life span (optimized survival of stationary (G0) yeast over time), showing this is a survival ultimately limited by oxidative stress. In contrast, the same overexpression dramatically reduced the replicative life span of dividing cells (the number of daughter buds produced by each newly born mother cell). This reduction in the generational life span by MnSOD overexpression was greater than that generated by loss of the major redox-responsive regulator of the yeast replicative life span, NAD+-dependent Sir2p histone deacetylase. It was also independent of the latter activity. Expression of a mitochondrially targeted green fluorescent protein in the MnSOD overexpressor revealed that the old mother cells of this overexpressor, which had divided for a few generations, were defective in segregation of the mitochondrion from the mother to daughter. Mitochondrial defects are, therefore, the probable reason that MnSOD overexpression shortens replicative life span.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase III is a cytosolic protein which is particularly abundant in skeletal muscle, adipocytes, and liver. The specific activity of this isozyme is quite low, suggesting that its physiological function is not that of hydrating carbon dioxide. To understand the cellular roles of carbonic anhydrase III, we inactivated the Car3 gene. Mice lacking carbonic anhydrase III were viable and fertile and had normal life spans. Carbonic anhydrase III has also been implicated in the response to oxidative stress. We found that mice lacking the protein had the same response to a hyperoxic challenge as did their wild-type siblings. No anatomic alterations were noted in the mice lacking carbonic anhydrase III. They had normal amounts and distribution of fat, despite the fact that carbonic anhydrase III constitutes about 30% of the soluble protein in adipocytes. We conclude that carbonic anhydrase III is dispensable for mice living under standard laboratory husbandry conditions.  相似文献   

Bradyrhizobium japonicum possesses three soluble c-type cytochromes, c550, c552, and c555. The genes for cytochromes c552 (cycB) and c555 (cycC) were characterized previously. Here we report the cloning, sequencing, and mutational analysis of the cytochrome c550 gene (cycA). A B. japonicum mutant with an insertion in cycA failed to synthesize a 12-kDa c-type cytochrome. This protein was detectable in the cycA mutant complemented with cloned cycA, which proves that it is the cycA gene product. The cycA mutant, a cycB-cycC double mutant, and a cycA-cycB-cycC triple mutant elicited N2-fixing root nodules on soybean (Nod+ Fix+ phenotype); hence, none of these three cytochromes c is essential for respiration supporting symbiotic N2 fixation. However, cytochrome c550, in contrast to cytochromes c552 and c555, was shown to be essential for anaerobic growth of B. japonicum, using nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor.  相似文献   

Jia K  Levine B 《Autophagy》2007,3(6):597-599
Dietary restriction extends life span in diverse species including Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the downstream cellular targets regulated by dietary restriction are largely unknown. Autophagy, an evolutionary conserved lysosomal degradation pathway, is induced under starvation conditions and regulates life span in insulin signaling C. elegans mutants. We now report that two essential autophagy genes (bec-1 and Ce-atg7) are required for the longevity phenotype of the C. elegans dietary restriction mutant (eat-2(ad1113) animals. Thus, we propose that autophagy mediates the effect, not only of insulin signaling, but also of dietary restriction on the regulation of C. elegans life span. Since autophagy and longevity control are highly conserved from C. elegans to mammals, a similar role for autophagy in dietary restriction-mediated life span extension may also exist in mammals.  相似文献   

Dragoi AM  Fu X  Ivanov S  Zhang P  Sheng L  Wu D  Li GC  Chu WM 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(4):779-789
CpG-DNA and its related synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODNs) play an important role in immune cell survival. It has been suggested that Akt is one of the CpG-DNA-responsive serine/threonine kinases; however, the target protein of CpG-DNA that leads to Akt activation has not been elucidated. Here, we report that ex vivo stimulation of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) from mice lacking the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) results in defective phosphorylation and activation of Akt by CpG-DNA. Unexpectedly, loss of the Toll-like receptor 9 has a minimal effect on Akt activation in response to CpG-DNA. Further in vitro analysis using purified DNA-PK and recombinant Akt proteins reveals that DNA-PK directly induces phosphorylation and activation of Akt. In addition, in BMDMs, DNA-PKcs associates with Akt upon CpG-DNA stimulation and triggers transient nuclear translocation of Akt. Thus, our findings establish a novel role for DNA-PKcs in CpG-DNA signaling and define a CpG-DNA/DNA-PKcs/Akt pathway.  相似文献   

We have compared the in vitro replicative life span and characteristics of immortalization of skin fibroblast cultures derived from ad libitum-fed and caloric-restricted Fischer 344 rats of 6, 24, and 29 months of age. Cells from all 6-, 24-, and 29-month-old animals showed a gradual decline in proliferative potential as evidenced by decreases in harvest density, in the fraction of cells initiating DNA synthesis, and in the number of population doublings per passage. These declines were accompanied by morphological changes including cell enlargement. The replicative life span prior to immortalization decreased significantly with donor age (P less than 0.0001), while caloric restriction had no effect on the cumulative population doubling level. Prior to immortalization mitotic cells from all cultures showed a normal rat karyotype. Postcrisis cultures tended to have more polyploid cells but there were no characteristic or specific chromosomal changes found in the cells with an immortalized phenotype. Interestingly, fibroblasts derived from caloric-restricted animals had a significantly slower growth rate through the tenth week after immortalization (P less than 0.005). When these cultures were seeded at one-quarter the normal seeding density, to favor the outgrowth of the fastest growing cells, a population with a more "transformed" phenotype emerged.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone (UQ) is a lipid found in most biological membranes and is a co-factor in many redox processes including the mitochondrial respiratory chain. UQ has been implicated in protection from oxidative stress and in the aging process. Consequently, it is used as a dietary supplement and to treat mitochondrial diseases. Mutants of the clk-1 gene of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are fertile and have an increased life span, although they do not produce UQ but instead accumulate a biosynthetic intermediate, demethoxyubiquinone (DMQ). DMQ appears capable to partially replace UQ for respiration in vivo and in vitro. We have produced a vertebrate model of cells and tissues devoid of UQ by generating a knockout mutation of the murine orthologue of clk-1 (mclk1). We find that mclk1-/- embryonic stem cells and embryos accumulate DMQ instead of UQ. As in the nematode mutant, the activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain of -/- embryonic stem cells is only mildly affected (65% of wild-type oxygen consumption). However, mclk1-/- embryos arrest development at midgestation, although earlier developmental stages appear normal. These findings indicate that UQ is necessary for vertebrate embryonic development but suggest that mitochondrial respiration is not the function for which UQ is essential when DMQ is present.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin β-receptor (LTβR) and TNF receptor-1 (TNFR1) are important for the development of secondary lymphoid organs during embryonic life. The significance of LTβR and TNFR1 for the formation of lymphoid tissue during adult life is not well understood. Immunohistochemistry, morphometry, flow cytometry, and laser microdissection were used to compare wild-type, LTβR(-/-), TNFR1(-/-) spleens with splenic tissue that has been newly formed 8 wk after avascular implantation into adult mice. During ontogeny, LTβR is sufficient to induce formation of the marginal zone, similar-sized T and B cell zones, and a mixed T/B cell zone that completely surrounded the T cell zone. Strikingly, in adult mice, the formation of splenic compartments required both LTβR and TNFR1 expression, demonstrating that the molecular requirements for lymphoid tissue formation are different during embryonic and adult life. Thus, interfering with the TNFR1 pathway offers the possibility to selectively block the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue and at the same time to spare secondary lymphoid organs such as spleen and lymph nodes. This opens a new perspective for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Murine Mycoplasma pulmonis infection induces chronic lung and airway inflammation accompanied by profound and persistent microvascular remodeling in tracheobronchial mucosa. Because matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9 are important for angiogenesis associated with placental and long bone development and skin cancer, we hypothesized that they contribute to microvascular remodeling in airways infected with M. pulmonis. To test this hypothesis, we compared microvascular changes in airways after M. pulmonis infection of wild-type FVB/N mice with those of MMP-9(-/-) and MMP-2(-/-)/MMP-9(-/-) double-null mice and mice treated with the broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor AG3340 (Prinomastat). Using zymography and immunohistochemistry, we find that MMP-2 and MMP-9 rise strikingly in lungs and airways of infected wild-type FVB/N and C57BL/6 mice, with no zymographic activity or immunoreactivity in MMP-2(-/-)/MMP-9(-/-) animals. However, microvascular remodeling as assessed by Lycopersicon esculentum lectin staining of whole-mounted tracheae is as severe in infected MMP-9(-/-), MMP-2(-/-)/MMP-9(-/-) and AG3340-treated mice as in wild-type mice. Furthermore, all groups of infected mice develop similar inflammatory infiltrates and exhibit similar overall disease severity as indicated by decrease in body weight and increase in lung weight. Uninfected wild-type tracheae show negligible MMP-2 immunoreactivity, with scant MMP-9 immunoreactivity in and around growing cartilage. By contrast, MMP-2 appears in epithelial cells of infected, wild-type tracheae, and MMP-9 localizes to a large population of infiltrating leukocytes. We conclude that despite major increases in expression, MMP-2 and MMP-9 are not essential for microvascular remodeling in M. pulmonis-induced chronic airway inflammation.  相似文献   

Swarming is a mode of translocation dependent on flagellar activity that allows bacteria to move rapidly across surfaces. In several bacteria, swarming is a phenotype regulated by quorum sensing. It has been reported that the swarming ability of the soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm2011 requires a functional ExpR/Sin quorum-sensing system. However, our previous published results demonstrate that strains Rm1021 and Rm2011, both known to have a disrupted copy of expR, are able to swarm on semisolid minimal medium. In order to clarify these contradictory results, the role played by the LuxR-type regulator ExpR has been reexamined. Results obtained in this work revealed that S. meliloti can move over semisolid surfaces using at least two different types of motility. One type is flagellum-independent surface spreading or sliding, which is positively influenced by a functional expR gene mainly through the production of exopolysaccharide II (EPS II). To a lesser extent, EPS II-deficient strains can also slide on surfaces by a mechanism that is at least dependent on the siderophore rhizobactin 1021. The second type of surface translocation shown by S. meliloti is swarming, which is greatly dependent on flagella and rhizobactin 1021 but does not require ExpR. We have extended our study to demonstrate that the production of normal amounts of succinoglycan (EPS I) does not play a relevant role in surface translocation but that its overproduction facilitates both swarming and sliding motilities.  相似文献   

Rifampicin, but not chloramphenicol or other inhibitors of translation, inhibited EDTA-induced autolysis in Escherichia coli. Inhibition of EDTA-induced autolysis in E. coli was also observed with nalidixic acid and novobiocin, inhibitors of topoisomerase II. Rifampicin or nalidixic acid-resistant mutants of E. coli were resistant to the inhibitory effect of the respective antibiotic on EDTA-induced autolysis. The implications of these studies in regard to our understanding of the regulation of autolysis in E. coli are discussed.  相似文献   

An intact genotoxic stress response appears to be atheroprotective and insulin sensitizing. ATM, mutated in ataxia telangiectasia, is critical for the genotoxic stress response, and its deficiency is associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and insulin resistance in humans and mice. The antimalarial drug chloroquine activates ATM signaling and improves metabolic phenotypes in mice. p53 is a major effector of ATM signaling, but it is unknown if p53 is required for the beneficial effects of chloroquine. We tested the hypothesis that the cardiometabolic effects of chloroquine are p53-dependent. ApoE-null mice with or without p53 were treated with low-dose chloroquine or saline in the setting of a Western diet. After 8 weeks, there was no p53-dependent or chloroquine-specific effect on serum lipids or body weight. Chloroquine reduced plaque burden in mice wild-type for p53, but it did not decrease lesion extent in p53-null mice. However, chloroquine improved glucose tolerance, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and increased hepatic Akt signaling regardless of the p53 genotype. These results indicate that atheroprotection induced by chloroquine is p53-dependent but the insulin-sensitizing effects of this agent are not. Discrete components of the genotoxic stress response might be targeted to treat lipid-driven disorders, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Mei J  Huang X  Zhang P 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(15):1197-1201
Sister chromatid separation depends on the release of cohesion by the activity of Esp1, a member of the caspase family [1, 2]. In budding yeast, Esp1p is kept inactive by its association with Pds1p, until the onset of anaphase, when Pds1p is ubiquitinated by the APC/Cdc20 complex [3--5] and subsequently degraded by the 26S proteasome. Pds1 is not an essential gene in budding yeast, but is required for cell cycle arrest prior to anaphase in response to the disruption of spindle structures [6, 7]. Thus, Pds1 mutant yeast cells display precocious sister chromatid separation in the presence of nocodazole [6]. Mammalian orthologs of yeast Esp1 and Pds1, separin and securin, have been identified [8], and, as anticipated, a nondegradable mutant form of securin inhibits sister separation when added to mitotic Xenopus egg extracts [8]. Securin was also independently identified as PTTG (pituitary tumor transforming gene), a gene overexpressed in pituitary tumors [9]. The relationship between its overexpression in tumors and its control of sister chromatid cohesion remains ill defined. To explore securin function in mammals, we took a targeted gene disruption approach in mice. Here, we report that securin is neither essential for cell viability nor required for spindle checkpoint function, and mice lacking securin are viable and apparently normal, but mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking securin grow abnormally in culture.  相似文献   

Members of the transforming acidic coiled coil (TACC) protein family are emerging as important mitotic spindle assembly proteins in a variety of organisms. The molecular details of how TACC proteins function are unknown, but TACC proteins have been proposed to recruit microtubule-stabilizing proteins of the tumor overexpressed gene (TOG) family to the centrosome and to facilitate their loading onto newly emerging microtubules. Using Xenopus egg extracts and in vitro assays, we show that the Xenopus TACC protein maskin is required for centrosome function beyond recruiting the Xenopus TOG protein XMAP215. The conserved C-terminal TACC domain of maskin is both necessary and sufficient to restore centrosome function in maskin-depleted extracts, and we provide evidence that the N terminus of maskin inhibits the function of the TACC domain. Time-lapse video microscopy reveals that microtubule dynamics in Xenopus egg extracts are unaffected by maskin depletion. Our results provide direct experimental evidence of a role for maskin in centrosome function and suggest that maskin is required for microtubule anchoring at the centrosome.  相似文献   

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