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Adenylosuccinate lyase is a homotetramer that catalyzes two discrete reactions in the de novo synthesis of purines: the cleavage of adenylosuccinate and succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide (SAICAR). Several point mutations in the gene encoding the enzyme have been implicated in human disease. Bacillus subtilis adenylosuccinate lyase was used as a model system in which mutations were constructed corresponding to those mutations associated with severe human adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency. Site-directed mutagenesis was utilized to construct amino acid substitutions in B. subtilis adenylosuccinate lyase; Met(10), Ile(123), and Thr(367) were replaced by Leu, Trp, and Arg, respectively, and the altered enzymes were expressed in Escherichia coli. These purified enzymes containing amino acid substitutions were found to have substantial catalytic activity and exhibit relatively small changes in their kinetic parameters. The major deviations from the wild-type-like behavior were observed upon biophysical characterization. All of these enzymes with amino acid replacements are associated with marked thermal instability. I123W adenylosuccinate lyase exhibits notable changes in the circular dichroism spectra, and a native gel electrophoresis pattern indicative of some protein aggregation. T367R also exhibits alterations at the quarternary level, as reflected in native gel electrophoresis. Experimental results, combined with homology modeling, suggest that the altered enzymes are primarily structurally impaired. The enzyme instability was found to be lessened by subunit complementation with the wild-type enzyme, under mild conditions; these studies may have implications for the in vivo behavior of adenylosuccinate lyase in heterozygous patients. Residues Met(10), Ile(123), and Thr(367) appear to be located in regions of the enzyme important for maintaining the structural integrity required for a stable, functional enzyme.  相似文献   

Thr(93), Ser(94), Thr(140), and Ser(306) are conserved in all adenylosuccinate lyases (ASL) and are close to other amino acids previously identified by mutagenesis as being in the active site. To test their involvement in the enzyme's function, each of these amino acids was replaced by alanine. All the mutants exhibit circular dichroism spectra which are similar to that of wild-type enzyme, indicating there is no appreciable change in secondary structure. T93A exhibits 0.5% of the V(max) of wild-type ASL with a 10-fold increase in K(m) for adenylosuccinate. S94A has 65% of the V(max) of wild-type ASL with little change in K(m). T140A exhibits 0.03% of the activity of wild-type enzyme with an 11-fold increase in K(m). S306A has 0.4% of the V(max) of wild-type ASL with a sevenfold increase in K(m). Measurements of the pH-V(max) profile reveal a pK(2) value for S94A of 7.83 and S306A of 7.65, in contrast to 8.24 for the wild-type enzyme and 8.42 for T93A. Thr(93) may orient adenylosuccinate optimally for catalysis, while Ser(94) stabilizes protonated His(89), a determinant of pK(2). Thr(140) may, through hydrogen bonding, interact with Asn(270), an amino acid essential for catalysis. Ser(306) may be involved in a hydrogen bond network that ultimately stabilizes protonated His(68), which is probably the general acid in the reaction of enzyme with substrate. The results of this paper demonstrate the importance in the catalytic function of ASL of hydrogen bonds and hydrogen bonding networks involving serine and threonine.  相似文献   

Adenylosuccinate lyase (ASL) of Bacillus subtilis contains three conserved histidines, His(68), His(89), and His(141), identified by affinity labeling and site-directed mutagenesis as critical to the intersubunit catalytic site. The pH-V(max) profile for wild-type ASL is bell-shaped (pK (1) = 6.74 and pK (2) = 8.28). Only the alkaline side changes with temperature, characteristic of histidine pKs. To identify determinants of pK (2) in the enzyme-substrate complex, we replaced residues at two positions close to His(68) (but not to His(89) or His(141)) in the structure. Compared with the specific activity of 1.75 mumol adenylosuccinate reacting/min/mg of wild-type enzyme at pH 7.0, mutant enzymes D69E, D69N, R310Q, and R310K exhibit specific activities of 0.40, 0.04, 0.00083, and 0.10, respectively. While D69E has a K (m) for adenylosuccinate similar to that of wild-type ASL, D69N and R310K exhibit modest increases in K (m), and R310Q has an 11-fold increase in K (m). The mutant enzymes show no significant change in molecular weight or secondary structure. The major change is in the pH-V(max) profile: pK (2) is 8.48 for the D69E mutant and is decreased to 7.83 in D69N, suggesting a proximal negative charge is needed to maintain the high pK of 8.28 observed for wild-type enzyme and attributed to His(68). Similarly, R310Q exhibits a decrease in its pK (2) (7.33), whereas R310K shows little change in pK (2) (8.24). These results suggest that Asp(69) interacts with His(68), that Arg(310) interacts with and orients the beta-carboxylate of Asp(69), and that His(68) must be protonated for ASL to be active.  相似文献   

Adenylosuccinate lyase (ADL) catalyzes the breakdown of 5-aminoimidazole- (N-succinylocarboxamide) ribotide (SAICAR) to 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribotide (AICAR) and fumarate, and of adenylosuccinate (ADS) to adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and fumarate in the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway. ADL belongs to the argininosuccinate lyase (ASL)/fumarase C superfamily of enzymes. Members of this family share several common features including: a mainly alpha-helical, homotetrameric structure; three regions of highly conserved amino acid residues; and a general acid-base catalytic mechanism with the overall beta-elimination of fumarate as a product. The crystal structures of wild-type Escherichia coli ADL (ec-ADL), and mutant-substrate (H171A-ADS) and -product (H171N-AMP.FUM) complexes have been determined to 2.0, 1.85, and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. The H171A-ADS and H171N-AMP.FUM structures provide the first detailed picture of the ADL active site, and have enabled the precise identification of substrate binding and putative catalytic residues. Contrary to previous suggestions, the ec-ADL structures implicate S295 and H171 in base and acid catalysis, respectively. Furthermore, structural alignments of ec-ADL with other superfamily members suggest for the first time a large conformational movement of the flexible C3 loop (residues 287-303) in ec-ADL upon substrate binding and catalysis, resulting in its closure over the active site. This loop movement has been observed in other superfamily enzymes, and has been proposed to be essential for catalysis. The ADL catalytic mechanism is re-examined in light of the results presented here.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis inorganic pyrophosphatase is the first member of a newly identified Family II of PPases. To examine the role of a signature sequence found near the C-terminus, two truncated variants and a series of site-specific mutants were produced. A truncation of 17 residues (17AATR) but also single alanine substitutions, R295A and K296A, produced inactive enzyme. Removal of 5 nonconserved terminal residues (5AATR) markedly affected enzyme stability. Replacing S294 with A, T, C, or V decreased activity, the latter two mutations showing the greatest effect. Substitutions V299I and V300I had no or minor effects, whereas V300W and V299G/V300W significantly reduced activity. The sizes of truncated proteins and the full-length PPase were indistinguishable by gel-filtration. We conclude that the C-terminus has no role in multimerization, while both its conserved and nonconserved regions are essential for full enzyme activity. The signature sequence is required for both the conformation and composition of the active site.  相似文献   

Structural basis of substrate specificity in the serine proteases.   总被引:21,自引:12,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Structure-based mutational analysis of serine protease specificity has produced a large database of information useful in addressing biological function and in establishing a basis for targeted design efforts. Critical issues examined include the function of water molecules in providing strength and specificity of binding, the extent to which binding subsites are interdependent, and the roles of polypeptide chain flexibility and distal structural elements in contributing to specificity profiles. The studies also provide a foundation for exploring why specificity modification can be either straightforward or complex, depending on the particular system.  相似文献   

Alginate lyases play important roles in alginate degradation in the ocean. Although a large number of alginate lyases have been characterized, little is yet known about those in extremely cold polar environments, which may have unique mechanisms for environmental adaptation and for alginate degradation. Here, we report the characterization of a novel PL7 alginate lyase AlyC3 from Psychromonas sp. C-3 isolated from the Arctic brown alga Laminaria, including its phylogenetic classification, catalytic properties, and structure. We propose the establishment of a new PM-specific subfamily of PL7 (subfamily 6) represented by AlyC3 based on phylogenetic analysis and enzymatic properties. Structural and biochemical analyses showed that AlyC3 is a dimer, representing the first dimeric endo-alginate lyase structure. AlyC3 is activated by NaCl and adopts a novel salt-activated mechanism; that is, salinity adjusts the enzymatic activity by affecting its aggregation states. We further solved the structure of an inactive mutant H127A/Y244A in complex with a dimannuronate molecule and proposed the catalytic process of AlyC3 based on structural and biochemical analyses. We show that Arg82 and Tyr190 at the two ends of the catalytic canyon help the positioning of the repeated units of the substrate and that His127, Tyr244, Arg78, and Gln125 mediate the catalytic reaction. Our study uncovers, for the first time, the amino acid residues for alginate positioning in an alginate lyase and demonstrates that such residues involved in alginate positioning are conserved in other alginate lyases. This study provides a better understanding of the mechanisms of alginate degradation by alginate lyases.  相似文献   

Several mutants in Loop7 region and near Loop7 region of calcineurin A (CN A) subunit have been constructed and purified using site-directed mutagenesis.Their phosphatase activity and the corresponding solution conformation were examined.Their phosphatase activities between wild-type CN and mutants were compared to identify the interaction of different immunosuppressive drugs with CN.The results showed that the phosphatase activities of the mutants at Loop7 were much higher than the one of wild-type CN.Furthermore,circular dichroism spectra of the mutants revealed that their solution conformations gave rise in changes in native structure of the protein.Cyclophilin-CyclosporinA (CyP-CsA) significantly inhibited the phosphatase activity of wild-type CN,and had no effects on the phosphatase activity of mutants in Loop7 region,which indicates that the site-directed mutagenesis at Loop7 region made a significant change in the interaction between CyP-CsA and CN.Examination of the activities of these mutants resulted in the presence of immunosuppressive component from traditional Chinese drugs.The component of Chinese drug,ZIP1,could directly inhibit both CN and CN mutants without drug binding protein.These results suggest that the Loop7 region is an important structural area involved in the inhibition by CyP-CsA.It is valuable to further study the inhibition by ZIP1.  相似文献   

Prolyl oligopeptidase contains a peptidase domain and its catalytic triad is covered by the central tunnel of a seven-bladed beta-propeller. This domain makes the enzyme an oligopeptidase by excluding large structured peptides from the active site. The apparently rigid crystal structure does not explain how the substrate can approach the catalytic groups. Two possibilities of substrate access were investigated: either blades 1 and 7 of the propeller domain move apart, or the peptidase and/or propeller domains move to create an entry site at the domain interface. Engineering disulfide bridges to the expected oscillating structures prevented such movements, which destroyed the catalytic activity and precluded substrate binding. This indicated that concerted movements of the propeller and the peptidase domains are essential for the enzyme action.  相似文献   

Prolyl oligopeptidase, an enzyme implicated in memory disorders, is a member of a new serine peptidase family. Crystallographic studies (Fülöp et al., 1998) revealed a novel oxyanion binding site containing a tyrosine residue, Tyr473. To study the importance of Tyr473 OH, we have produced prolyl oligopeptidase and its Tyr473Phe variant in Escherichia coli. The specificity rate constant, k(cat)/Km, for the modified enzyme decreased by a factor of 8-40 with highly specific substrates, Z-Gly-Pro-Nap, and a fluorogenic octapeptide. With these compounds, the decline in k(cat) was partly compensated for by reduction in Km, a difference from the extensively studied subtilisin. With the less specific suc-Gly-Pro-Nap, the Km value, which approximates Ks, was not significantly changed, resulting in greater diminution (approximately 500-fold) in k(cat)/Km. The second-order rate constant for the reaction with Z-Pro-prolinal, a slow tight-binding transition-state analogue inhibitor, and the Ki values for a slow substrate and two product-like inhibitors were not significantly affected by the Tyr473 OH group. The mechanism of transition-state stabilization was markedly dependent upon the nature of substrate and varied with pH as the enzyme interconverted between its two catalytically competent forms.  相似文献   

磷脂酶D是一类特殊的酯键水解酶,它能水解磷脂生成磷脂酸和羟基化合物,并能催化某些含羟基的化合物结合到磷脂的酰基上,形成新的磷脂,在食品和医药领域应用潜力巨大。本研究实现了蜡状芽孢杆菌磷脂酶D的克隆,并在大肠杆菌中成功表达。通常情况下,磷脂酶D存在2个HKD保守序列,以单体形式产生活性;少数原核生物中磷脂酶D只有1个HKD保守序列,以二聚体形式产生活性。通过酵母双杂实验发现,源于蜡状芽孢杆菌的磷脂酶D活性存在形式是单体结构,但其只具有1个HKD保守序列,靠近N端存在1个HRD序列,即HKD中K被R取代。将HRD定点突变为HKD,恢复为经典的2个HKD保守序列,其酶活性提高了10% 左右,蛋白质水平的表达量和稳定性无显著变化。通过定点突变提高磷脂酶D活性,为工业化高效生产新型磷脂奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6) is a bifunctional protein with glutathione peroxidase and phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activities, and it alone among mammalian peroxiredoxins can hydrolyze phospholipids. After identifying a potential catalytic triad (S32, H26, D140) from the crystal structure, site-specific mutations were used to evaluate the role of these residues in protein structure and function. The S32A mutation increased Prdx6 alpha-helical content, whereas secondary structure was unchanged by mutation to H26A and D140A. Lipid binding by wild-type Prdx6 to negatively charged unilamellar liposomes showed an apparent rate constant of 11.2 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) and a dissociation constant of 0.36 microM. Both binding and PLA(2) activity were abolished in S32A and H26A; in D140A, activity was abolished but binding was unaffected. Overoxidation of the peroxidatic C47 had no effect on lipid binding or PLA(2) activity. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer from endogenous tryptophanyls to lipid probes showed binding of the phospholipid polar head in close proximity to S32. Thus, H26 is a site for interfacial binding to the liposomal surface, S32 has a key role in maintaining Prdx6 structure and for phospholipid substrate binding, and D140 is involved in catalysis. This putative catalytic triad plays an essential role for interactions of Prdx6 with phospholipid substrate to optimize the protein-substrate complex for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Bacillus sp. GL1 xanthan lyase, a member of polysaccharide lyase family 8 (PL-8), acts exolytically on the side-chains of pentasaccharide-repeating polysaccharide xanthan and cleaves the glycosidic bond between glucuronic acid (GlcUA) and pyruvylated mannose (PyrMan) through a beta-elimination reaction. To clarify the enzyme reaction mechanism, i.e. its substrate recognition and catalytic reaction, we determined crystal structures of a mutant enzyme, N194A, in complexes with the product (PyrMan) and a substrate (pentasacharide) and in a ligand-free form at 1.8, 2.1, and 2.3A resolution. Based on the structures of the mutant in complexes with the product and substrate, we found that xanthan lyase recognized the PyrMan residue at subsite -1 and the GlcUA residue at +1 on the xanthan side-chain and underwent little interaction with the main chain of the polysaccharide. The structure of the mutant-substrate complex also showed that the hydroxyl group of Tyr255 was close to both the C-5 atom of the GlcUA residue and the oxygen atom of the glycosidic bond to be cleaved, suggesting that Tyr255 likely acts as a general base that extracts the proton from C-5 of the GlcUA residue and as a general acid that donates the proton to the glycosidic bond. A structural comparison of catalytic centers of PL-8 lyases indicated that the catalytic reaction mechanism is shared by all members of the family PL-8, while the substrate recognition mechanism differs.  相似文献   

The human beta1,3-glucuronosyltransferases galactose-beta1,3-glucuronosyltransferase I (GlcAT-I) and galactose-beta1,3-glucuronosyltransferase P (GlcAT-P) are key enzymes involved in proteoglycan and HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope synthesis, respectively. Analysis of their acceptor specificity revealed that GlcAT-I was selective toward Galbeta1,3Gal (referred to as Gal2-Gal1), whereas GlcAT-P presented a broader profile. To understand the molecular basis of acceptor substrate recognition, we constructed mutants and chimeric enzymes based on multiple sequence alignment and structural information. The drastic effect of mutations of Glu227, Arg247, Asp252, and Glu281 on GlcAT-I activity indicated a key role for the hydrogen bond network formed by these four conserved residues in dictating Gal2 binding. Investigation of GlcAT-I determinants governing Gal1 recognition showed that Trp243 could not be replaced by its counterpart Phe in GlcAT-P. This result combined with molecular modeling provided evidence for the importance of stacking interactions with Trp at position 243 in the selectivity of GlcAT-I toward Galbeta1,3Gal. Mutation of Gln318 predicted to be hydrogen-bonded to 6-hydroxyl of Gal1 had little effect on GlcAT-I activity, reinforcing the role of Trp243 in Gal1 binding. Substitution of Phe245 in GlcAT-P by Ala selectively abolished Galbeta1,3Gal activity, also highlighting the importance of an aromatic residue at this position in defining the specificity of GlcAT-P. Finally, substituting Phe245, Val320, or Asn321 in GlcAT-P predicted to interact with N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), by their counterpart in GlcAT-I, moderately affected the activity toward the reference substrate of GlcAT-P, N-acetyllactosamine, indicating that its active site tolerates amino acid substitutions, an observation that parallels its promiscuous substrate profile. Taken together, the data clearly define key residues governing the specificity of beta1,3-glucuronosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Three single-site mutations have been introduced at positions close to the QA ubiquinone in the reaction centre from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Two of these mutations, Ala M260 to Trp and Ala M248 to Trp, result in a reaction centre that does not support photosynthetic growth of the bacterium, and in which electron transfer to the QA ubiquinone is abolished. In the reaction centre with an Ala to Trp mutation at the M260 residue, electron transfer from the primary donor to the acceptor bacteriopheophytin is not affected by the mutation, but electron transfer from the acceptor bacteriopheophytin to QA is not observed. The most likely basis for these effects is that the mutation produces a structural change that excludes binding of the QA ubiquinone. A third mutation, Leu M215 to Trp, produces a reaction centre that has an impaired capacity for supporting photosynthetic growth. The mutation changes the nature of ubiquinone binding at the QA site, and renders the site sensitive to quinone site inhibitors such as o- phenanthroline. Adopting a similar approach, in which a small residue located close to a cofactor is changed to a more bulky residue, we show that the reaction centre can be rendered carotenoid-less by the mutation Gly M71 to Leu.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted calcium-binding phosphoprotein produced in a variety of normal and pathological contexts, including tissue mineralization and cancer. OPN contains a conserved RGD (arg-gly-asp) amino acid sequence that has been implicated in binding of OPN to cell surface integrins. To determine whether the RGD sequence in OPN is required for adhesive and chemotactic functions, we have introduced two site-directed mutations in the RGD site of the mouse OPN cDNA, in which the RGD sequence was either deleted or mutated to RGE (arg-gly-glu). In order to test the effect of these mutations on OPN function, we expressed control and mutated mouse OPN in E. coli as recombinant glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-OPN fusion proteins. Control mouse GST-OPN was functional in cell adhesion assays, supporting attachment and spreading of mouse (malignant PAP2 ras-transformed NIH 3T3, and, to a lesser extent, normal NIH 3T3 fibroblasts) and human (MDA-MB-435 breast cancer, and normal gingival fibroblast) cells. In contrast, neither of the RGD-mutated OPN proteins (“delRGD” or “RGE”) supported adhesion of any of the cell lines, even when used at high concentrations or for long assay times. GRGDS (gly-arg-gly-asp-ser) peptides inhibited cell adhesion to intact GST-OPN, as well as to fibronectin and vitronectin. In chemotaxis assays, GST-OPN promoted directed cell migration of both malignant (PAP2, MDA-MB-435) and normal (gingival fibroblast, and NIH 3T3) cells, while RGD-mutated OPN proteins did not. Together these results suggest that the conserved RGD sequence in OPN is required for the majority of the protein's cell attachment and migration-stimulating functions.  相似文献   

The gene encoding pectate lyase (PL) from Bacillus subtilis WSHB04-02 was amplified by PCR, fused with a periplasmic secretion signal peptide sequence, pelB, from pET22b(+), cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli cells using a temperature control vector, pHsh. The recombinant E. coil was grown in a 5 l fermentor. PL was secreted in broth at 22 U l−1 after 20 h when temperature was increased from 30°C to 42°C. The recombinant enzyme was purified to homogeneity as judged by SDS-PAGE. It was optimally active at pH 9.4 and 50°C over 30 min. Analysis of polygalacturonic acid (PGA) degradation products by electrospray ionization (ESI)-mass spectrometry (MS) indicated that PL produced a mixture of unsaturated oligo-galacturonides including unsaturated tri-galacturonic acid and unsaturated bi-galacturonic acid but not unsaturated mono-galacturonic acid.  相似文献   

The genetic code is degenerate, but alternative synonymous codons are generally not used with equal frequency. Since the pioneering work of Grantham's group it has been apparent that genes from one species often share similarities in codon frequency; under the "genome hypothesis" there is a species-specific pattern to codon usage. However, it has become clear that in most species there are also considerable differences among genes. Multivariate analyses have revealed that in each species so far examined there is a single major trend in codon usage among genes, usually from highly biased to more nearly even usage of synonymous codons. Thus, to represent the codon usage pattern of an organism it is not sufficient to sum over all genes as this conceals the underlying heterogeneity. Rather, it is necessary to describe the trend among genes seen in that species. We illustrate these trends for six species where codon usage has been examined in detail, by presenting the pooled codon usage for the 10% of genes at either end of the major trend. Closely-related organisms have similar patterns of codon usage, and so the six species in Table 1 are representative of wider groups. For example, with respect to codon usage, Salmonella typhimurium closely resembles E. coli, while all mammalian species so far examined (principally mouse, rat and cow) largely resemble humans.  相似文献   

In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , nitrogen staravation induced a reversible increase (2-fold) in NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD-IDH; EC and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-IDH; EC activities. Both enzymes were not affected by the concentration of CO2, the dark or the nature of the nitrogen source (nitrate, nitrite, or ammonium). When cells growing autotrophically were transferred to heterotrophic conditions, a 40% reduction of the NAD-IDH activity was detected, a 2-fold increase of NADP-IDH was observed and isocitrate lyase (ICL; EC activity was induced. The replacement of autotrophic conditions led to the initial activity levels. NAD- and NADP-IDH activities showed markedly different patterns of increase in synchronous cultures of this alga obtained by 12 h light/12 h dark transitions. While NAD-IDH increased in the last 4 h of the dark period, NADP-IDH increased during the last 4 h of the light period, remaining constant for the rest of the cycle.  相似文献   

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