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The extracellular enzyme fructosyltransferase (FTF) is considered to be a significant virulence factor in the dental biofilm. We have developed a method using surface plasmon resonance to detect the activity of immobilized FTF in situ. This real time technique provides a sensitive direct assay for characterizing functional properties of immobilized enzymes such as FTF.  相似文献   

A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay without surface regeneration was developed for rapid and sensitive detection of chloramphenicol (CAP). A CAP-amine derivative was synthesized using a polyethylene glycol chain attached to the CAP through a carbamate linkage and immobilized onto a Biacore dextran surface. This chemically modified surface significantly changed the binding behavior between antibody and CAP, shown by both fast association and fast dissociation rates, and created a rapid and sensitive SPR immunoassay of the CAP without any regeneration. The limits of detection achieved for CAP were 32.2 pg/ml in aqueous buffer and 42.4 pg/ml in honey-spiked samples.  相似文献   


Many environmental applications exist for biosensors capable of providing real-time analyses. One pressing current need is monitoring for agents of chemical- and bio-terrorism. These applications require systems that can rapidly detect small organics including nerve agents, toxic proteins, viruses, spores and whole microbes. A second area of application is monitoring for environmental pollutants. Processing of grab samples through chemical laboratories requires significant time delays in the analyses, preventing the rapid mapping and cleanup of chemical spills. The current state of development of miniaturized, integrated surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor elements has allowed for the development of inexpensive, portable biosensor systems capable of the simultaneous analysis of multiple analytes. Most of the detection protocols make use of antibodies immobilized on the sensor surface. The Spreeta 2000 SPR biosensor elements manufactured by Texas Instruments provide three channels for each sensor element in the system. A temperature-controlled two-element system that monitors for six analytes is currently in use, and development of an eight element sensor system capable of monitoring up to 24 different analytes will be completed in the near future. Protein toxins can be directly detected and quantified in the low picomolar range. Elimination of false positives and increased sensitivity is provided by secondary antibodies with specificity for different target epitopes, and by sensor element redundancy. Inclusion of more than a single amplification step can push the sensitivity of toxic protein detection to femtomolar levels. The same types of direct detection and amplification protocols are used to monitor for viruses and whole bacteria or spores. Special protocols are required for the detection of small molecules. Either a competition type assay where the presence of analyte inhibits the binding of antibodies to surface-immobilized analyte, or a displacement assay, where antibodies bound to analyte on the sensor surface are displaced by free analyte, can be used. The small molecule detection assays vary in sensitivity from the low micromolar range to the high picomolar.


Many environmental applications exist for biosensors capable of providing real-time analyses. One pressing current need is monitoring for agents of chemical- and bio-terrorism. These applications require systems that can rapidly detect small organics including nerve agents, toxic proteins, viruses, spores and whole microbes. A second area of application is monitoring for environmental pollutants. Processing of grab samples through chemical laboratories requires significant time delays in the analyses, preventing the rapid mapping and cleanup of chemical spills. The current state of development of miniaturized, integrated surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor elements has allowed for the development of inexpensive, portable biosensor systems capable of the simultaneous analysis of multiple analytes. Most of the detection protocols make use of antibodies immobilized on the sensor surface. The Spreeta 2000 SPR biosensor elements manufactured by Texas Instruments provide three channels for each sensor element in the system. A temperature-controlled two-element system that monitors for six analytes is currently in use, and development of an eight element sensor system capable of monitoring up to 24 different analytes will be completed in the near future. Protein toxins can be directly detected and quantified in the low picomolar range. Elimination of false positives and increased sensitivity is provided by secondary antibodies with specificity for different target epitopes, and by sensor element redundancy. Inclusion of more than a single amplification step can push the sensitivity of toxic protein detection to femtomolar levels. The same types of direct detection and amplification protocols are used to monitor for viruses and whole bacteria or spores. Special protocols are required for the detection of small molecules. Either a competition type assay where the presence of analyte inhibits the binding of antibodies to surface-immobilized analyte, or a displacement assay, where antibodies bound to analyte on the sensor surface are displaced by free analyte, can be used. The small molecule detection assays vary in sensitivity from the low micromolar range to the high picomolar.  相似文献   

Plant lectin recognition of glycans was evaluated by SPR imaging using a model array of N-biotinylated aminoethyl glycosides of β-d-glucose (negative control), α-d-mannose (conA-responsive), β-d-galactose (RCA120-responsive) and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosamine (WGA-responsive) printed onto neutravidin-coated gold chips. Selective recognition of the cognate ligand was observed when RCA120 was passed over the array surface. Limited or no binding was observed for the non-cognate ligands. SPR imaging of an array of 40 sialylated and unsialylated glycans established the binding preference of hSiglec7 for α2-8-linked disialic acid structures over α2-6-sialyl-LacNAcs, which in turn were recognized and bound with greater affinity than α2-3-sialyl-LacNAcs. Affinity binding data could be obtained with as little as 10–20 μg of lectin per experiment. The SPR imaging technique was also able to establish selective binding to the preferred glycan ligand when analyzing crude culture supernatant containing 10–20 μg of recombinant hSiglec7-Fc. Our results show that SPR imaging provides results that are in agreement with those obtained from fluorescence based carbohydrate arrays but with the added advantage of label-free analysis.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for real-time measurement of the interaction between an archaeal TATA-binding protein (TBP) with stress-gene promoters from the archaeon Methanosarcina mazeii using surface plasmon resonance (SPR), the BIACORE 3000 equipment, and the SA (streptavidin) Sensor Chip. Measurements were based on the SPR optical phenomenon, which resulted in light extinction when TBP bound a promoter. This process, detected as a change in a particular angle, was recorded in a sensorgram. The BIA-evaluation program allowed the calculation of the equilibrium constant (K(A)) of the interaction of M. mazeii TBP with the promoters of the stress genes grpE, hsp70(dnaK), and hsp40(dnaJ) (0.47, 0.26, and 1.21x10(7)M(-1), respectively) and, for comparison, with the promoter of a non-heat-shock gene, orf16 (0.08x10(7)M(-1)). The association rate (k(a)) of the non-heat-shock gene orf16 was 0.4x10(4)M(-1)s(-1) and those for the stress genes, grpE, hsp70(dnaK), and hsp40(dnaJ) were higher: 2.8, 1.5, and 3.5x10(4)M(-1)s(-1), respectively. The new procedure will allow a comparative analysis of different TPBs and promoters (wild type and mutants) under physiologic and stress conditions, and a correlation of TBP binding parameters with constitutive and stress-induced gene expression.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has become one of the most important techniques for studying macromolecular interactions. The most obvious advantages of SPR over other techniques are: direct and rapid determination of association and dissociation rates of binding process, no need for labelling of protein or lipids, and small amounts of sample used in the assay (often nM concentrations of proteins). In biochemistry, SPR is used mainly to study protein-protein interactions. On the other hand, protein-membrane interactions, although crucial for many cell processes, are less well studied. Recent advances in the preparation of stable membrane-like surfaces and the commercialisation of sensor chips has enabled widespread use of SPR in protein-membrane interactions. One of the most popular is Biacore's L1 sensor chip that allows capture of intact liposomes or even subcellular preparations. Lipid specificity of protein-membrane interactions can, therefore, be easily studied by manipulating the lipid composition of the immobilised membrane. The number of published papers has increased steadily in the last few years and the examples include domains or proteins that participate in cell signalling, pore-forming proteins, membrane-interacting peptides, coagulation factors, enzymes, amyloidogenic proteins, prions, etc. This paper gives a brief overview of different membrane-mimetic surfaces that can be prepared on the surface of SPR chips, properties of liposomes on the surface of L1 chips and some selected examples of protein-membrane interactions studied with such system.  相似文献   

Matrix mineralization is a terminal process in osteoblast differentiation, and several approaches have been introduced to characterize the process in tissues or cultured cells. However, an analytical technique that quantitates in vitro matrix mineralization of live cells without any labeling or complex treatments is still lacking. In this study, we investigate a simple and enhanced optical method based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detection that can monitor the surface-limited refractive index change in real-time. During monitoring MC3T3-E1 cells in vitro culture every 2 days for over 4 weeks, the SPR angle is shifted with a greater resonance change in cells cultured with osteogenic reagents than those without the reagents. In addition, the SPR results obtained have a close relevance with the tendency of conventional mineralization staining and an inductively coupled plasma-based calcium content measure. These results suggest a new approach of a real-time SPR monitoring in vitro matrix mineralization of cultured cells.  相似文献   

利用一种全新的生物大分子相互作用检测仪表面等离子激元共振(SPR)生物传感器,对乙肝表面抗原,抗体,破伤风类毒素,抗体等生物制品进行生物特异性相互作用分析(BIA),并对其在免疫学检测上的特征进行了探讨。  相似文献   

We developed a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay to estimate the competitive inhibition by pharmaceuticals for thyroxine (T4) binding to thyroid hormone transport proteins, transthyretin (TTR) and thyroxine binding globulin (TBG). In this SPR assay, the competitive inhibition of pharmaceuticals for introducing T4 into immobilized TTR or TBG on the sensor chip can be estimated using a running buffer containing pharmaceuticals. The SPR assay showed reproducible immobilization of TTR and TBG, and the kinetic binding parameters of T4 to TTR or TBG were estimated. The equilibrium dissociation constants of TTR or TBG measured by SPR did not clearly differ from data reported for other binding assays. To estimate the competitive inhibition of tetraiodothyroacetic acid, diclofenac, genistein, ibuprofen, carbamazepine, and furosemide, reported to be competitive or noncompetitive pharmaceuticals for T4 binding to TTR or TBG, their 50% inhibition concentrations (IC50) (or 80% inhibition concentration, IC80) were calculated from the change of T4 responses in sensorgrams obtained with various concentrations of the pharmaceuticals. Our SPR method should be a useful tool for predicting the potential of thyroid toxicity of pharmaceuticals by evaluating the competitive inhibition of T4 binding to thyroid hormone binding proteins, TTR and TBG.  相似文献   

Due to the enormous complexity of the proteome, focus in proteomics shifts more and more from the study of the complete proteome to the targeted analysis of part of the proteome. The isolation of this specific part of the proteome generally includes an affinity-based enrichment. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), a label-free technique able to follow enrichment in real-time and in a semiquantitative manner, is an emerging tool for targeted affinity enrichment. Furthermore, in combination with mass spectrometry (MS), SPR can be used to both selectively enrich for and identify proteins from a complex sample. Here we illustrate the use of SPR-MS to solve proteomics-based research questions, describing applications that use very different types of immobilized components: such as small (drug or messenger) molecules, peptides, DNA and proteins. We evaluate the current possibilities and limitations and discuss the future developments of the SPR-MS technique.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance mass spectrometry in proteomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the enormous complexity of the proteome, focus in proteomics shifts more and more from the study of the complete proteome to the targeted analysis of part of the proteome. The isolation of this specific part of the proteome generally includes an affinity-based enrichment. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), a label-free technique able to follow enrichment in real-time and in a semiquantitative manner, is an emerging tool for targeted affinity enrichment. Furthermore, in combination with mass spectrometry (MS), SPR can be used to both selectively enrich for and identify proteins from a complex sample. Here we illustrate the use of SPR-MS to solve proteomics-based research questions, describing applications that use very different types of immobilized components: such as small (drug or messenger) molecules, peptides, DNA and proteins. We evaluate the current possibilities and limitations and discuss the future developments of the SPR-MS technique.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensors have been widely utilized for measuring interactions of a variety of molecules. Fewer examples include higher biological entities such as bacteria and viruses, and even fewer deal with plant viruses. Here, we describe the optimization of an SPR sensor chip for evaluation of the interaction of the economically relevant filamentous Potato virus Y (PVY) with monoclonal antibodies. Different virus isolates were efficiently and stably bound to a previously immobilized polyclonal antibody surface, which remained stable over subsequent injection regeneration steps. The ability of the biosensor to detect and quantify PVY particles was compared with ELISA and RT-qPCR. Stably captured virus surfaces were successfully used to explore kinetic parameters of the interaction of a panel of monoclonal antibodies with two PVY isolates representing the main viral serotypes N and O. In addition, the optimized biosensor proved to be suitable for evaluating whether two given monoclonal antibodies compete for the same epitope within the viral particle surface. The strategy proposed in this work can help to improve existing serologic diagnostic tools that target PVY and will allow investigation of the inherent serological variability of the virus and exploration for new interactions of PVY particles with other proteins.  相似文献   

In the past decade, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor-based technology has been exploited more and more to characterize the interaction between drug targets and small-molecule modulators. Here, we report the successful application of SPR methodology for the analysis of small-molecule binding to two therapeutically relevant cAMP phosphodiesterases (PDEs), Trypanosoma brucei PDEB1 which is implicated in African sleeping sickness and human PDE4D which is implicated in a plethora of disease conditions including inflammatory pulmonary disorders such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and central nervous system (CNS) disorders. A protocol combining the use of directed capture using His-tagged PDE_CDs with covalent attachment to the SPR surface was developed. This methodology allows the determination of the binding kinetics of small-molecule PDE inhibitors and also allows testing their specificity for the two PDEs. The SPR-based assay could serve as a technology platform for the development of highly specific and high-affinity PDE inhibitors, accelerating drug discovery processes.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was used as an affinity biosensor to determine absolute heparin concentrations in human blood plasma samples. Protamine and polyethylene imine (PEI) were evaluated as heparin affinity surfaces. Heparin adsorption onto protamine in blood plasma was specific with a lowest detection limit of 0.2 U/ml and a linear window of 0.2–2 U/ml. Although heparin adsorption onto PEI in buffer solution had indicated superior sensitivity to that on protamine, in blood plasma it was not specific for heparin and adsorbed plasma species to a steady-state equilibrium. By reducing the incubation time and diluting the plasma samples with buffer to 50%, the non-specific adsorption of plasma could be controlled and a PEI pre-treated with blood plasma could be used successfully for heparin determination. Heparin adsorption in 50% plasma was linear between 0.05 and 1 U/ml so that heparin plasma levels of 0.1–2 U/ml could be determined within a relative error of 11% and an accuracy of 0.05 U/ml.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from two sites in Alabama, USA were plaque assayed for F-specific RNA (FRNA) coliphages using Salmonella typhimurium WG49 as the host bacterium. While numerous plaques were detected with WG49 (a strain possessing Escherichia coli F pili), plaques were also observed with an F- control strain of Salm. typhimurium. Five isolates were plaque purified and examined by electron microscopy. All of the isolate particles were observed to be tailed, with five distinct particle types being differentiated. None of the isolate particles were consistent in morphology with the cubic FRNA coliphages. Host range evaluation supported classification of the isolates as salmonella phages. Somatic salmonella phages have previously been found to interfere with the assay of surface waters for FRNA coliphages. Their detection here demonstrates that such interference is also encountered in the assay of groundwaters.  相似文献   

SPR biosensing is increasingly popular for the detection of a multitude of biomolecules. It offers label-free detection and study of proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules in real time. A recent trend involves incorporation of AuNPs, either within the sensing surface itself or as signal enhancing tagging molecules. The importance of AuNP and detecting agent spacing is described and techniques using macromolecular spacing aids are highlighted. Recent methods to enhance SPR detection capabilities using gold nanoparticles are reviewed, as well as device fabrication and the results of incorporation. SPR detection is a highly versatile method for the detection of biomolecules and, with the incorporation of AuNPs, shows promise in extending it to a number of new applications.  相似文献   

Technologies based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) have allowed rapid, label-free characterization of protein-protein and protein-small molecule interactions. SPR has become the gold standard in industrial and academic settings, in which the interaction between a pair of soluble binding partners is characterized in detail or a library of molecules is screened for binding against a single soluble protein. In spite of these successes, SPR is only beginning to be adapted to the needs of membrane-bound proteins which are difficult to study in situ but represent promising targets for drug and biomarker development. Existing technologies, such as BIAcoreTM, have been adapted for membrane protein analysis by building supported lipid layers or capturing lipid vesicles on existing chips. Newer technologies, still in development, will allow membrane proteins to be presented in native or near-native formats. These include SPR nanopore arrays, in which lipid bilayers containing membrane proteins stably span small pores that are addressable from both sides of the bilayer. Here, we discuss current SPR instrumentation and the potential for SPR nanopore arrays to enable quantitative, high-throughput screening of G protein coupled receptor ligands and applications in basic cellular biology.  相似文献   

An immunosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) using protein G was developed for the detection of Salmonella typhimurium. A protein G layer was fabricated by binding chemically to self-assembly monolayer (SAM) of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) on gold (Au) surface. The formation of protein G layer on Au surface modified with 11-MUA and the binding of antibody and antigen in series were confirmed by SPR spectroscopy. The effect of detergent such as Tween-20 on binding efficiency of antibody and antigen was investigated by SPR. The binding efficiency of antigen to the antibody immobilized on Au surface was improved up to about 85% and 100% by using protein G and Tween-20, respectively. The surface morphology analyses of 11-MUA monolayer on Au substrate, protein G layer on 11-MUA monolayer and antibody layer immobilized on protein G layer were performed by atomic force microscope (AFM). Consequently, an immunosensor based on SPR for the detection of S. typhimurium using protein G was developed with a detection range of 10(2) to 10(9)CFU/ml. The current fabrication technique of a SPR immunosensor for the detection of S. typhimurium could be applied to construct other immnosensors or protein chips.  相似文献   

A surface plasmon resonance imaging-based Ni(2+)-iminodiacetic acid-coated gold chip system was developed to enable specific detection of a hexahistidine-tagged recombinant protein in crude extracts or in column chromatography fractions. This system is especially advantageous for high-throughput analysis of multiple proteins.  相似文献   

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