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味觉系统对于食品风味、营养和毒害的"主动认知"对保证哺乳动物生存具有积极意义。哺乳动物具有甜、鲜、苦、咸、酸五类基本味觉。近年来,随着微电子技术及分子生物学等学科的快速发展,人类对味觉系统的研究取得了较大的进展。呈味分子与味觉感受器上的受体结合后,引起味觉细胞去极化和神经递质的释放,神经纤维接收递质并将产生的神经信号传达到脑的味觉感受区,完成味觉识别过程。本文对味觉系统中味觉感受器的组成、味觉受体介导的信号途径以及味觉信息的神经传导过程进行了系统的论述。  相似文献   

人们之所以能够感受酸、甜、咸、苦、鲜五味,是因为在口腔中存在这五种味觉的化学受体,近日,科学家在口腔中发现了油感受器,因此第六种味觉——油味觉浮出水面,11月的《临床研究》杂志对这一新发现进行了详细报告。在此之前的研究显示,  相似文献   

机体的营养代谢状态参与调制外周味觉信息的整合,影响外周味觉感受和食物摄入。味蕾上的味觉受体及神经递质都是营养状态调节味觉感知的重要靶点。本文旨在探讨营养状态对味蕾上的重要神经递质甘丙肽及其受体表达的影响。我们比较了高脂饮食诱导的肥胖大鼠、慢性限制性饮食大鼠、以及正常膳食大鼠味蕾水平甘丙肽及其受体2 (galanin receptor 2,GalR2)mRNA表达水平的差异,以探讨机体营养代谢状态是否通过调控味蕾水平甘丙肽的表达来影响味觉感知。分别给予各组大鼠6周的高脂饮食、半量饮食和正常饮食,检测其体重、血糖、血脂等代谢相关指标,用real-time PCR方法检测其味蕾甘丙肽与GalR2 mRNA的表达变化。结果显示:与对照组相比,高脂饮食大鼠的体重显著增加,血清甘油三酯及血糖水平显著增高,味蕾水平甘丙肽与GalR2的mRNA表达水平显著降低,而慢性限制性饮食大鼠味蕾甘丙肽的mRNA表达增高,是对照组的2.3倍。结合以前的研究,我们可以得出初步结论:高脂饮食诱导的肥胖大鼠味觉感受行为学的变化可能与味蕾甘丙肽及其受体的表达变化存在相互关系。味蕾水平的甘丙肽及其受体GalR2参与营养状态调控大鼠味觉感知及摄食行为的外周机制。  相似文献   

味觉决定了动物的摄食,它提供了动物对食物极其重要的感觉信息。味觉可以分为甜、鲜、苦、酸和咸5种基本感觉形式。甜味受体基因有T1R2和T1R3基因,鲜味受体基因有T1R1、T1R3和mGluR4基因;苦味受体基因有T2R基因;PKD1L3和PKD2L1基因是候选的酸味受体基因;ENaC和TRPV1基因是咸味受体基因。本文综述了这五种味觉受体的基因表达、信号转导机制和分子进化机制的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

汤清波  马英  黄玲巧  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1433-1444
很多昆虫具有极其灵敏的味觉感受系统, 在其取食选择、 交配和产卵等过程中起重要作用。相对于昆虫的嗅觉机制, 对昆虫味觉感受机制的研究较少。传统的味觉感受研究主要集中在味觉感器外部形态、 味觉电生理和行为学上。近年来随着分子遗传学、 生物信息学和神经生物学技术的应用, 昆虫味觉的研究不断深入, 主要体现在下列两方面: (1)味觉受体方面, 通过分子生物信息学等手段获得了多种昆虫的味觉受体, 不同种昆虫之间受体数目差异较大, 不同受体之间氨基酸的相似性较低。通常, 根据味觉受体配体物质的性质可以把味觉受体分为取食抑制素受体和取食刺激素受体两大类。(2)味觉神经元的投射及味觉编码机制方面, 多个研究表明昆虫外围味觉神经元在中枢神经系统中的投射部位为咽下神经节和后脑, 但是不同性质的受体神经元投射的具体位置有所不同。本文对昆虫味觉感器和神经元的基本特征, 味觉受体的进化、 表达和功能, 味觉神经元在中枢神经系统中的投射, 味觉神经元的编码机制及味觉可塑性等进行了综述。  相似文献   

美国科学家发现了鲜味味觉受体的分子机制,鲜昧是五种味道中最神秘的一种,是一种开胃的味道,自然存在于一系列食物中,在进食的时候能给人以愉悦的感觉。相关论文发表在《国家科学院院刊》上。  相似文献   

味觉在昆虫取食和产卵选择中发挥重要作用,而昆虫的味觉感受主要依赖于味觉感官中表达的味觉受体(Gustatoryreceptors)。很多化合物能引起昆虫的味觉反应,在行为上表现为喜好或厌恶,在选择压力下昆虫的味觉还可能发生改变。本文介绍昆虫味觉受体功能研究的新技术和新方法,综述了昆虫糖受体和苦味受体功能的研究进展,探讨了昆虫取食(或产卵)阻碍素和刺激素在害虫防治中的应用潜力。深刻理解昆虫的味觉感受机制,不仅有助于开发新型昆虫行为调节物,设计以味觉受体为潜在靶标的害虫绿色防控技术,还在昆虫行为抗药性治理,合理规划作物种植体系及品种选育等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

味觉是口中的物质与味觉受体细胞相互作用而产生的一种生理感觉,正常的味觉功能在人类选择食物种类、保证营养摄入、维持酸碱平衡、警惕毒害物质等方面具有重要作用。味觉受体作为味觉产生的感受器,主要分布在口腔感觉系统和胃肠道感觉系统,在其他器官如气管、脾脏等也有表达。导致味觉异常或者障碍的因素均会在一定程度上影响机体的正常生理功能。本文综述了不同感觉系统味觉受体的分布、影响因素,展望了相关研究在食品科学和医药科学开发中的应用前景,为味觉受体的研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

人类感觉包括:视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉,还有温觉、痛觉等. 生物体是如何感知物理世界的问题一直吸引着人类,虽然在不同感知觉受体的发现及研究过程中不断取得新的突破性进展,但是对这些感知觉基础生物学层面的理解仍然有限. 2021年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予感知觉研究领域,以表彰David Julius和Ardem Patapoutian 在感知温度与触觉受体的发现上做出的深远而广泛的贡献. 对于听觉研究而言,虽然早在1961年就获得诺贝尔奖,但是听觉受体的研究仍然不足. 本文着重对无脊椎动物触觉及听觉受体NOMPC、哺乳动物听觉受体TMC的发现及研究进程进行详细介绍,并对未来感知觉领域的发展提供建议.  相似文献   

味觉是人和动物的一种基本生理感觉,用来识别食物的性质、调节食欲、控制摄食量.味觉不仅仅存在于口腔中,同样存在于胃肠道中.最近研究表明,动物肠道的粘膜上存在着表达味觉受体和味觉相关因子的细胞,调控着肠道激素如GLP-1和GIP的分泌以及糖转运体SGLT-1和GLUT-2的表达.甜味剂的刺激影响这些激素的分泌及载体的表达,从而影响机体对葡萄糖的吸收和利用.肠道味觉的研究有助于揭示肠道消化吸收功能的调控机理,同时为糖尿病、肥胖、代谢失调及其它饮食相关疾病的治疗提供新的切入点.主要介绍了肠道粘膜上的味觉受体细胞、味觉的信号转导途径以及甜味感受对肠道激素的分泌和葡萄糖吸收的影响,最后讨论了味觉细胞生物学的发展方向.  相似文献   

The pharmacology and signaling of bitter, sweet, and umami taste sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last decade, many of the molecular components that mediate the transduction of taste signaling have been elucidated. The chemosensory receptors for taste have been identified as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ion channels that are expressed on the surface of highly specialized taste sensory cells. Tastant molecules act as agonists, binding to and stabilizing active conformations of receptors, resulting in the initiation of signal transduction cascades. Taste signaling, therefore, should be amenable to the methods of pharmacology. This review focuses on the GPCR-mediated signaling of bitter, sweet, and umami tastes and emphasizes the opportunities for pharmacologic evaluation.  相似文献   

Taste enables organisms to determine the properties of ingested substances by conveying information regarding the five basic taste modalities: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. The sweet, salty, and umami taste modalities convey the carbohydrate, electrolyte, and glutamate content of food, indicating its desirability and stimulating appetitive responses. The sour and bitter modalities convey the acidity of food and the presence of potential toxins, respectively, stimulating aversive responses to such tastes. In recent years, the receptors mediating sweet, bitter, and umami tastes have been identified as members of the T1R and T2R G-protein-coupled receptor families; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying sour taste detection have yet to be clearly elucidated. This review covers the molecular mechanisms proposed to mediate the detection and transmission of sour stimuli, focusing on polycystic kidney disease 1-like 3 (Pkd1l3), Pkd2l1, and carbonic anhydrase 4 (Car4).  相似文献   

Abstract Taste perception plays a key role in determining individual food preferences and dietary habits. Individual differences in bitter, sweet, umami, sour, or salty taste perception may influence dietary habits, affecting nutritional status and nutrition-related chronic disease risk. In addition to these traditional taste modalities there is growing evidence that "fat taste" may represent a sixth modality. Several taste receptors have been identified within taste cell membranes on the surface of the tongue, and they include the T2R family of bitter taste receptors, the T1R receptors associated with sweet and umami taste perception, the ion channels PKD1L3 and PKD2L1 linked to sour taste, and the integral membrane protein CD36, which is a putative "fat taste" receptor. Additionally, epithelial sodium channels and a vanilloid receptor, TRPV1, may account for salty taste perception. Common polymorphisms in genes involved in taste perception may account for some of the interindividual differences in food preferences and dietary habits within and between populations. This variability could affect food choices and dietary habits, which may influence nutritional and health status and the risk of chronic disease. This review will summarize the present state of knowledge of the genetic variation in taste, and how such variation might influence food intake behaviors.  相似文献   

Taste perception plays an important role in the mediation of food choices in mammals. The first porcine taste receptor genes identified, sequenced and characterized, TAS1R1 and TAS1R3, were related to the dimeric receptor for umami taste. However, little is known about their regulatory network. The objective of this study was to unfold the genetic network involved in porcine umami taste perception. We performed a meta‐analysis of 20 gene expression studies spanning 480 porcine microarray chips and screened 328 taste‐related genes by selective mining steps among the available 12 320 genes. A porcine umami taste‐specific regulatory network was constructed based on the normalized coexpression data of the 328 genes across 27 tissues. From the network, we revealed the ‘taste module’ and identified a coexpression cluster for the umami taste according to the first connector with the TAS1R1/TAS1R3 genes. Our findings identify several taste‐related regulatory genes and extend previous genetic background of porcine umami taste.  相似文献   

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is believed to elicit a unique taste perception known as umami. We have used conditioned taste aversion assays in rats to compare taste responses elicited by the glutamate receptor agonists MSG, L-aspartic acid (L-Asp), and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), and to determine if these compounds share a common taste quality. This information could shed new light upon the receptor mechanisms of glutamate taste transduction. Taste aversions to either MSG, L-Asp or NMDA were produced by injecting rats with LiCl after they had ingested one of these stimuli. Subsequently, rats were tested to determine whether they would ingest any of the above compounds. The results clearly show that a conditioned aversion to MSG generalized to L-Asp in a dose-dependent manner. Conversely, rats conditioned to avoid L-Asp also avoided MSG. Conditioned aversions to MSG or L-Asp generalized to sucrose when amiloride was included in all solutions. Importantly, aversions to MSG or L-Asp did not generalize to NMDA, NaCl or KCl, and aversions to NMDA did not generalize to MSG, L-Asp, sucrose or KCl. These data indicate that rats perceive MSG and L-Asp as similar tastes, whereas NMDA, NaCl and KCl elicit other tastes. The results do not support a dominant role for the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptors in taste transduction for MSG (i.e. umami) in rats.  相似文献   

施鹏  黄京飞  张亚平 《遗传学报》2005,32(4):346-353
通过生物信息学和系统发育学分析,研究了苦味受体和甜味/鲜味受体的进化途径。结果显示,苦味受体和甜味/鲜味受体在进化上具有远相关,并且具有不同的进化途径,提示这可能是导致这些受体具有不同功能,传导不同味觉的原因。  相似文献   

Taste receptors cells are responsible for detecting a wide variety of chemical stimuli. Several molecules including both G protein coupled receptors and ion channels have been shown to be involved in the detection and transduction of tastants. We report on the expression of two members of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family of ion channels, PKD1L3 and PKD2L1, in taste receptor cells. Both of these channels belong to the larger polycystic kidney disease (PKD or TRPP) subfamily of TRP channels, members of which have been demonstrated to be non-selective cation channels and permeable to both Na(+) and Ca(2+). Pkd1l3 and Pkd2l1 are co-expressed in a select subset of taste receptor cells and therefore may, like other PKD channels, function as a heteromer. We found the taste receptor cells expressing Pkd1l3 and Pkd2l1 to be distinct from those that express components of sweet, bitter and umami signal transduction pathways. These results provide the first evidence for a role of TRPP channels in taste receptor cell function.  相似文献   

The ingestion of dietary protein is of vital importance for the maintenance of fundamental physiological processes. The taste modality umami, with its prototype stimulus, glutamate, is considered to signal the protein content of food. Umami was thought to be mediated by the heterodimeric amino acid receptor, T1R1 + T1R3. Based on knockout studies, additional umami receptors are likely to exist. In addition to amino acids, certain peptides can also elicit and enhance umami taste suggesting that protein breakdown products may contribute to umami taste. The recently deorphanized peptone receptor, GPR92 (also named GPR93; LPAR5), is expressed in gastric enteroendocrine cells where it responds to protein hydrolysates. Therefore, it was of immediate interest to investigate if the receptor GPR92 is expressed in gustatory sensory cells. Using immunohistochemical approaches we found that a large population of cells in murine taste buds was labeled with an GPR92 antibody. A molecular phenotyping of GPR92 cells revealed that the vast majority of GPR92-immunoreactive cells express PLCβ2 and can therefore be classified as type II cells. More detailed analyses have shown that GPR92 is expressed in the majority of T1R1-positive taste cells. These results indicate that umami cells may respond not only to amino acids but also to peptides in protein hydrolysates.  相似文献   

Although the five basic taste qualities—sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami—can be recognized by the respective gustatory system, interactions between these taste qualities are often experienced when food is consumed. Specifically, the umami taste has been investigated in terms of whether it enhances or reduces the other taste modalities. These studies, however, are based on individual perception and not on a molecular level. In this study we investigated umami-sweet taste interactions using umami compounds including monosodium glutamate (MSG), 5’-mononucleotides and glutamyl-dipeptides, glutamate-glutamate (Glu-Glu) and glutamate-aspartic acid (Glu-Asp), in human sweet taste receptor hT1R2/hT1R3-expressing cells. The sensitivity of sucrose to hT1R2/hT1R3 was significantly attenuated by MSG and umami active peptides but not by umami active nucleotides. Inhibition of sweet receptor activation by MSG and glutamyl peptides is obvious when sweet receptors are activated by sweeteners that target the extracellular domain (ECD) of T1R2, such as sucrose and acesulfame K, but not by cyclamate, which interact with the T1R3 transmembrane domain (TMD). Application of umami compounds with lactisole, inhibitory drugs that target T1R3, exerted a more severe inhibitory effect. The inhibition was also observed with F778A sweet receptor mutant, which have the defect in function of T1R3 TMD. These results suggest that umami peptides affect sweet taste receptors and this interaction prevents sweet receptor agonists from binding to the T1R2 ECD in an allosteric manner, not to the T1R3. This is the first report to define the interaction between umami and sweet taste receptors.  相似文献   



Taste receptor cells are responsible for transducing chemical stimuli from the environment and relaying information to the nervous system. Bitter, sweet and umami stimuli utilize G-protein coupled receptors which activate the phospholipase C (PLC) signaling pathway in Type II taste cells. However, it is not known how these cells communicate with the nervous system. Previous studies have shown that the subset of taste cells that expresses the T2R bitter receptors lack voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, which are normally required for synaptic transmission at conventional synapses. Here we use two lines of transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) from two taste-specific promoters to examine Ca2+ signaling in subsets of Type II cells: T1R3-GFP mice were used to identify sweet- and umami-sensitive taste cells, while TRPM5-GFP mice were used to identify all cells that utilize the PLC signaling pathway for transduction. Voltage-gated Ca2+ currents were assessed with Ca2+ imaging and whole cell recording, while immunocytochemistry was used to detect expression of SNAP-25, a presynaptic SNARE protein that is associated with conventional synapses in taste cells.  相似文献   

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