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The proglucagon-derived peptide family consists of three highly related peptides, glucagon and the glucagon-like peptides GLP-1 and GLP-2. Although the biological activity of glucagon as a counter-regulatory hormone has been known for almost a century, studies conducted over the past decade have now also elucidated important roles for GLP-1 as an antidiabetic hormone, and for GLP-2 as a stimulator of intestinal growth. In contrast to pancreatic glucagon, the GLPs are synthesized in the intestinal epithelial L cells, where they are subject to the influences of luminal nutrients, as well as to a variety of neuroendocrine inputs. In this review, we will focus on the complex integrative mechanisms that regulate the secretion of these peptides from L cells, including both direct and indirect regulation by ingested nutrients.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is a pleiotropic hormone that affects multiple facets of intestinal physiology, including growth, barrier function, digestion, absorption, motility, and blood flow. The mechanisms through which GLP-2 produces these actions are complex, involving unique signaling mechanisms and multiple indirect mediators. As clinical trials have begun for the use of GLP-2 in a variety of intestinal disorders, the elucidation of such mechanisms is vital. The GLP-2 receptor (GLP-2R) is a G protein-coupled receptor, signaling through multiple G proteins to affect the cAMP and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, leading to both proliferative and antiapoptotic cellular responses. The GLP-2R also demonstrates unique mechanisms for receptor trafficking. Expression of the GLP-2R in discrete sets of intestinal cells, including endocrine cells, subepithelial myofibroblasts, and enteric neurons, has led to the hypothesis that GLP-2 acts indirectly through multiple mediators to produce its biological effects. Indeed, several studies have now provided important mechanistic data illustrating several of the indirect pathways of GLP-2 action. Thus, insulin-like growth factor I has been demonstrated to be required for GLP-2-induced crypt cell proliferation, likely involving activation of beta-catenin signaling. Furthermore, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide modulates the actions of GLP-2 in models of intestinal inflammation, while keratinocyte growth factor is required for GLP-2-induced colonic mucosal growth and mucin expression. Finally, enteric neural GLP-2R signaling affects intestinal blood flow through a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism. Determining how GLP-2 produces its full range of biological effects, which mediators are involved, and how these mediators interact is a continuing area of active research.  相似文献   

Structure, measurement, and secretion of human glucagon-like peptide-2   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
By using radioimmunoassays toward the cDNA-predicted amino acid sequence of human glucagon-like peptide-2, a peptide was isolated from extracts of human ileum. By mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing, this peptide was identified as human proglucagon 126-158. High-performance liquid chromatography analyses indicated that a similar immunoreactive peptide (iGLP-2) was present in human plasma. Human plasma concentrations of iGLP-2 were elevated 3- to 4-fold at 1 to 2 h after ingestion of 800 to 1200 kcal meals.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), derived from proglucagon, is thought to act as a negative regulator of energy homeostasis in mammals, since intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of GLP-1 inhibits feeding behavior and enhances energy expenditure. The anorexigenic effect of GLP-1 is also observed in chicks, but whether brain GLP-1 enhances energy expenditure has not been investigated. The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of ICV injection of GLP-1 on energy expenditure as well as metabolic changes in chicks. The injection of GLP-1 did not affect energy expenditure calculated from oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. On the other hand, the injection of GLP-1 significantly decreased respiratory quotient, suggesting that brain GLP-1 shifted the use of energy sources from carbohydrates to lipids. In support of this, ICV injection of GLP-1 increased plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentration while plasma glucose concentration was decreased. In conclusion, GLP-1 appears to act in the brain as a metabolic modulator rather than as a regulator of total energy expenditure in chicks.  相似文献   

Structural determinants for activity of glucagon-like peptide-2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is a 33 amino acid gastrointestinal hormone that regulates epithelial growth in the intestine. Dipeptidylpeptidase IV cleaves GLP-2 at the position 2 alanine, resulting in the inactivation of peptide activity. To understand the structural basis for GLP-2 action, we studied receptor binding and activation for 56 GLP-2 analogues with either position 2 substitutions or alanine replacements along the length of the peptide. The majority of position 2 substitutions exhibited normal to enhanced GLP-2 receptor (GLP-2R) binding; in contrast, position 2 substitutions were less well tolerated in studies of receptor activation as only Gly, Ile, Pro, alpha-aminobutyric acid, D-Ala, or nor-Val substitutions exhibited enhanced GLP-2R activation. In contrast, alanine replacement at positions 5,6,17, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30, and 31 led to diminished GLP-2R binding. Position 2 substitutions containing Asp, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Trp, and Tyr, and Ala substitutions at positions 12 and 21 exhibited normal to enhanced GLP-2R binding but greater than 75% reduction in receptor activation. D-Ala(2), Pro(2) and Gly(2), Ala(16) exhibited significantly lower EC(50)s for receptor activation than the parent peptide (p < 0.01-0.001). Circular dichroism analysis indicated that the enhanced activity of these GLP-2 analogues was independent of the alpha-helical content of the peptide. These results indicate that single amino acid substitutions within GLP-2 can confer structural changes to the ligand-receptor interface, allowing the identification of residues important for GLP-2R binding and receptor activation.  相似文献   

There is current interest in the use of inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) as therapeutic agents to normalize glycemic excursions in type 2 diabetic patients. Data indicating that metformin increases the circulating amount of active glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in obese nondiabetic subjects have recently been presented, and it was proposed that metformin might act as a DP IV inhibitor. This possibility has been investigated directly using a number of in vitro methods. Studies were performed on DP IV enzyme from three sources: 20% human serum, purified porcine kidney DP IV, and recombinant human DP IV. Inhibition of DP IV hydrolysis of the substrate Gly-Pro-pNA by metformin was examined spectrophotometrically. Effects of metformin on GLP-1([7-36NH2]) degradation were assessed by mass spectrometry. In addition, surface plasmon resonance was used to establish whether or not metformin had any effect on GLP-1([7-36NH2]) or GLP-1([9-36NH2]) interaction with immobilized porcine or human DP IV. Metformin failed to alter the kinetics of Gly-Pro-pNA hydrolysis or GLP-1 degradation tested according to established methods. Surface plasmon resonance recordings indicated that both GLP-1([7-36NH2]) and GLP-1([9-36NH2]) show micromolar affinity (K(D)) for DP IV, but neither interaction was influenced by metformin. The results conclusively indicate that metformin does not act directly on DP IV, therefore alternative explanations for the purported effect of metformin on circulating active GLP-1 concentrations must be considered.  相似文献   



Dexamethasone-induced hypertension models have been used to study the mechanisms of glucocorticoid-induced hypertension, but the role of glucocorticoids in central cardiovascular regulation is not clearly understood. In the present study, we investigated the sites associated with dexamethasone-induced hypertension in the central nervous system in rats. We further investigated whether glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) was effective for dexamethasone-induced hypertension.

Main methods

Male Sprague–Dawley rats were treated with saline or dexamethasone (0.03 mg/kg/day, s.c) for 10 days. GLP-2 (60 μg/kg, i.v.) was given to rats after dexamethasone treatment. We measured systolic blood pressure by a tail-cuff method in conscious rats, and arterial blood pressure in anesthetized rats. Immunohistochemical techniques were used to detection of the c-fos protein (Fos).

Key findings

Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH) was higher in dexamethasone-treated rats than in saline-treated rats. However, Fos-IR in the infralimbic cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus was similar in saline-treated and dexamethasone-treated rats. Peripheral administration of GLP-2 reduced mean arterial blood pressure by 26%. After the peripheral administration of GLP-2, Fos-IR in the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM) increased in dexamethasone-treated rats.


Chronic dexamethasone treatment induced Fos-IR in the DMH. Peripheral administration of GLP-2 suppressed dexamethasone-induced hypertension in rats by enhancing inhibitory neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous difference and tracer ([3-(3)H]glucose) techniques were used in 42-h-fasted conscious dogs to identify any insulin-like effects of intraportally administered glucagon-like peptide 1-(7-36)amide (GLP-1). Each study consisted of an equilibration, a basal, and three 90-min test periods (P1, P2, and P3) during which somatostatin, intraportal insulin (3-fold basal) and glucagon (basal), and peripheral glucose were infused. Saline was infused intraportally in P1. During P2 and P3, GLP-1 was infused intraportally at 0.9 and 5.1 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) in eight dogs, at 10 and 20 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) in seven dogs, and at 0 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) in eight dogs (control group). Net hepatic glucose uptake was significantly enhanced during GLP-1 infusion at 20 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) [21.8 vs. 13.4 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1) (control), P < 0.05]. Glucose utilization was significantly increased during infusion at 10 and 20 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) [87.3 +/- 8.3 and 105.3 +/- 12.8, respectively, vs. 62.2 +/- 5.3 and 74.7 +/- 7.4 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1) (control), P < 0.05]. The glucose infusion rate required to maintain hyperglycemia was increased (P < 0.05) during infusion of GLP-1 at 5.1, 10, and 20 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) (22, 36, and 32%, respectively, greater than control). Nonhepatic glucose uptake increased significantly during delivery of GLP-1 at 5.1 and 10 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) (25 and 46% greater than control) and tended (P = 0.1) to increase during GLP-1 infusion at 20 pmol. kg(-1). min(-1) (24% greater than control). Intraportal infusion of GLP-1 at high physiological and pharmacological rates increased glucose disposal primarily in nonhepatic tissues.  相似文献   

The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) belongs to Family B1 of the seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptors, and its natural agonist ligand is the peptide hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 is involved in glucose homeostasis, and activation of GLP-1R in the plasma membrane of pancreatic beta-cells potentiates glucose-dependent insulin secretion. The N-terminal extracellular domain (nGLP-1R) is an important ligand binding domain that binds GLP-1 and the homologous peptide Exendin-4 with differential affinity. Exendin-4 has a C-terminal extension of nine amino acid residues known as the "Trp cage", which is absent in GLP-1. The Trp cage was believed to interact with nGLP-1R and thereby explain the superior affinity of Exendin-4. However, the molecular details that govern ligand binding and specificity of nGLP-1R remain undefined. Here we report the crystal structure of human nGLP-1R in complex with the antagonist Exendin-4(9-39) solved by the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion method to 2.2A resolution. The structure reveals that Exendin-4(9-39) is an amphipathic alpha-helix forming both hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions with nGLP-1R. The Trp cage of Exendin-4 is not involved in binding to nGLP-1R. The hydrophobic binding site of nGLP-1R is defined by discontinuous segments including primarily a well defined alpha-helix in the N terminus of nGLP-1R and a loop between two antiparallel beta-strands. The structure provides for the first time detailed molecular insight into ligand binding of the human GLP-1 receptor, an established target for treatment of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) are produced in enteroendocrine L-cells and K-cells, respectively. They are known as incretins because they potentiate postprandial insulin secretion. Although unresponsiveness of type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients to GIP has now been reconsidered, GLP-1 mimetics and inhibitors of the GLP-1 degradation enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4 have now been launched as drugs against T2D. The major roles of GLP-1 in T2D are reduction of appetite, gastric motility, glucagon secretion, enhancement of insulin secretion and β-cell survival. For insulin secretion and peripheral insulin function, GLP-1 and its mimetics sensitise β-cells to glucose; accelerate blood glucose withdrawal, in-cell glucose utilisation and glycogen synthesis in insulin-sensitive tissues; and assist in the function and survival of neurons mainly using glucose as an energy source. Taken together, GLP-1 acts to potentiate glucose availability of various cells or tissues to assist with their essential functions and/or survival. Herein, we review the signalling pathways and clinical relevance of GLP-1 in enhancing cellular glucose availability. On the basis of our recent research results, we also describe a mechanism that regulates GLP-1 for glucokinase activity. Because diabetic tissues including β-cells resist glucose, GLP-1 may be useful for treating T2D.  相似文献   

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating gastrointestinal disease, that affects premature infants. Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is an intestinotrophic hormone and reduces the inflammation. We suspected that GLP-2 would have protective and anti-inflammatory effects in an experimental rat model of NEC. NEC was induced in newborn rats by enteral feeding with hyperosmolar formula, asphyxial stress and enteral administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Rats were randomly divided into the following four groups: dam-fed, NEC, NEC + GLP-2(L) given 80 μg/kg/day of GLP-2, and NEC + GLP-2(H) given 800 μg/kg/day of GLP-2. GLP-2 was administered subcutaneously every 6 h before stress. All animals surviving beyond 96 h or any that developed signs of distress were euthanized. The clinical sickness score in the NEC + GLP-2(H) group was significantly lower than that in the NEC group. The NEC score and the survival rate in the NEC + GLP-2(H) group was significantly improved compared with those in the NEC and the NEC + GLP-2(L) groups. Villous height and crypt depth in both the GLP-2 treatment groups were significantly increased compared with those in the NEC group. There were no significant differences in the crypt cell proliferation indices among the groups. Ileal interstitial TNF-α and IL-6 level in the NEC + GLP-2(H) group was decreased to the same levels in the dam-fed group. High dose GLP-2 administration improved the incidence and survival rate for NEC. It also decreased mucosal inflammatory cytokine production. These results support a potential therapeutic role for GLP-2 in the treatment of NEC.  相似文献   

Little is known about the metabolism of the intestinotropic factor glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2); except that it is a substrate for dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) and that it appears to be eliminated by the kidneys. We, therefore, investigated GLP-2 metabolism in six multicatheterized pigs receiving intravenous GLP-2 infusions (2 pmol/kg/min) before and after administration of valine-pyrrolidide (300 mumol/kg; a well characterized DPP-IV inhibitor). Plasma samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassays allowing determination of intact, biologically active GLP-2 and the DPP-IV metabolite GLP-2 (3-33). During infusion of GLP-2 alone, 30.9+/-1.7% of the infused peptide was degraded to GLP-2 (3-33). After valine-pyrrolidide, there was no significant formation of the metabolite. Significant extraction of intact GLP-2 was observed across the kidneys, the extremities (represented by a leg), and the splanchnic bed, resulting in a metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of 6.80+/-0.47 ml/kg/min and a plasma half-life of 6.8+/-0.8 min. Hepatic extraction was not detected. Valine-pyrrolidide addition did not affect extraction ratios significantly, but decreased (p=0.003) MCR to 4.18+/-0.27 ml/kg/min and increased (p=0.052) plasma half-life to 9.9+/-0.8 min. The metabolite was eliminated with a half-life of 22.1+/-2.6 min and a clearance of 2.07+/-0.11 ml/kg/min. In conclusion, intact GLP-2 is eliminated in the peripheral tissues, the splanchnic bed and the kidneys, but not in the liver, by mechanisms unrelated to DPP-IV. However, DPP-IV is involved in the overall GLP-2 metabolism and seems to be the sole enzyme responsible for N-terminal degradation of GLP-2.  相似文献   

Children with short bowel syndrome face life-threatening complications. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a new therapy to induce effective adaptation of the remnant intestine. Adaptation occurs only during feeding. We focused on preprandial acyl ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin, and postprandial glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), which are known to have active orexigenic and trophic actions. This study aims to clarify the secretion trends of these hormones after massive small bowel resection and to obtain basic data for developing a new treatment. Sixty-three growing male rats were used: 3 were designated as controls receiving no operation and 60 were randomized into the 80% small bowel resection (80% SBR) group and the transection and re-anastomosis group. Changes in body weight, food intake, and remnant intestine morphology were also assessed for 15 days after the operation. Acyl ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin levels increased immediately, equivalently in both operation groups (P = 0.09 and 0.70). Interestingly, in 80% SBR animals, des-acyl ghrelin peaked on day 1 and acyl ghrelin peaked on day 4 (P = 0.0007 and P = 0.049 vs controls). GLP-2 secretion was obvious in 80% SBR animals (P = 2.25 × 10−6), which increased immediately and peaked on day 4 (P = 0.009 vs. controls). Body weight and food intake in 80% SBR animals recovered to preoperative levels on day 4. Morphological adaptations were evident after day 4. Our results may suggest a management strategy to reinforce these physiological hormone secretion patterns in developing a new therapy for short bowel syndrome.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-1-(7-36) (GLP-1) is a hormone derived from the proglucagon molecule, which is considered a highly desirable antidiabetic agent mainly due to its unique glucose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion profiles. However, the development of a GLP-1-based pharmaceutical agent has a severe limitation due to its very short half-life in plasma, being primarily degraded by dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) enzyme. To overcome this limitation, in this article we propose a novel and potent DPP-IV-resistant form of a poly(ethylene glycol)-conjugated GLP-1 preparation and its pharmacokinetic evaluation in rats. Two series of mono-PEGylated GLP-1, (i) N-terminally modified PEG(2k)-N(ter)-GLP-1 and (ii) isomers of Lys(26), Lys(34) modified PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1, were prepared by using mPEG-aldehyde and mPEG-succinimidyl propionate, respectively. To determine the optimized condition for PEGylation, the reactions were monitored at different pH buffer and time intervals by RP-HPLC and MALDI-TOF-MS. The in vitro insulinotropic effect of PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1 showed comparable biological activity with native GLP-1 (P = 0.11) in stimulating insulin secretion in isolated rat pancreatic islet and was significantly more potent than the PEG(2k)-N(ter)-GLP-1 (P < 0.05) that showed a marked reduced potency. Furthermore, PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1 was clearly resistant to purified DPP-IV in buffer with 50-fold increased half-life compared to unmodified GLP-1. When PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1 was administered intravenously and subcutaneously into rats, PEGylation improved the half-life, which resulted in substantial improvement of the mean plasma residence time as a 16-fold increase for iv and a 3.2-fold increase for sc. These preliminary results suggest a site specifically mono-PEGylated GLP-1 greatly improved the pharmacological profiles; thus, we anticipated that it could serve as potential candidate as an antidiabetic agent for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes patients.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is a peptide hormone with multiple beneficial effects on the intestine, including expansion of the mucosal surface area through stimulation of crypt cell proliferation, as well as enhancement of nutrient digestion and absorption. Recent advances in clinical trials involving GLP-2 necessitate elucidation of the exact signaling pathways by which GLP-2 acts. In particular, the GLP-2 receptor has been localized to several intestinal cell types that do not include the proliferating crypt cells, and the actions of GLP-2 have thus been linked to a complex network of indirect mediators that induce diverse signaling pathways. The intestinotropic actions of GLP-2 on the colon have been shown to be mediated through the actions of keratinocyte growth factor and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-2, whereas small intestinal growth has been linked to IGF-1, IGF-2, and ErbB ligands, as well as the IGF-1 receptor and ErbB. The cellular source of these mediators remains unclear, but it likely includes the intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts. Conversely, the anti-inflammatory and blood flow effects of GLP-2 are dependent on vasoactive intestinal polypeptide released from submucosal enteric neurons and nitric oxide, respectively. Finally, recent studies have suggested that GLP-2 not only modulates intestinal stem cell behavior but may also promote carcinogenesis in models of sporadic colon cancer. Further consideration of the molecular cross-talk and downstream signaling pathways mediating the intestinotropic effects of GLP-2 is clearly warranted.  相似文献   

To dissect the interaction between beta-arrestin ((beta)arr) and family B G protein-coupled receptors, we constructed fusion proteins between the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor and (beta)arr2. The fusion constructs had an increase in apparent affinity selectively for glucagon, suggesting that (beta)arr2 interaction locks the receptor in a high-affinity conformation, which can be explored by some, but not all, ligands. The fusion constructs adopted a signaling phenotype governed by the tethered (beta)arr2 with an attenuated G protein-mediated cAMP signal and a higher maximal internalization compared with wild-type receptors. This distinct phenotype of the fusion proteins can not be mimicked by coexpressing wild-type receptor with (beta)arr2. However, when the wild-type receptor was coexpressed with both (beta)arr2 and G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5, a phenotype similar to that observed for the fusion constructs was observed. We conclude that the glucagon-like peptide 1 fusion construct mimics the natural interaction of the receptor with (beta)arr2 with respect to binding peptide ligands, G protein-mediated signaling and internalization, and that this distinct molecular phenotype is reminiscent of that which has previously been characterized for family A G protein-coupled receptors, suggesting similarities in the effect of (beta)arr interaction between family A and B receptors also at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The intestinotropic hormone glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-2-(1-33) is cleaved in vitro to GLP-2-(3-33) by dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV). To determine the importance of DP IV versus renal clearance in the regulation of circulating GLP-2-(1-33) levels in vivo, GLP-2-(1-33) or the DP IV-resistant analog [Gly(2)]GLP-2 was injected in normal or DP IV-negative rats and assayed by HPLC and RIA. Normal rats showed a steady degradation of GLP-2-(1-33) to GLP-2-(3-33) over time, whereas little or no conversion was detected for GLP-2-(1-33) in DP IV-negative rats and for [Gly(2)]GLP-2 in normal rats. To determine the role of the kidney in clearance of GLP-2-(1-33) from the circulation, normal rats were bilaterally nephrectomized, and plasma immunoreactive GLP-2 levels were measured. The slope of the disappearance curves for both GLP-2-(1-33) and [Gly(2)]GLP-2 were significantly reduced in nephrectomized compared with non-nephrectomized rats (P < 0.01). In contrast to both GLP-2-(1-33) and [Gly(2)]GLP-2, GLP-2-(3-33) did not stimulate intestinal growth in a murine assay in vivo. Thus the intestinotropic actions of GLP-2-(1-33) are determined both by the actions of DP IV and by the kidney in vivo in the rat.  相似文献   

BackgroundGlucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is known to increase mesenteric blood flow. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of GLP-2 on blood flow in different vascular sites, and dynamic changes in cardiac parameters.Methods10 healthy volunteers were given 450 nmol subcutaneous (SC) GLP-2 or isotonic saline (5 subjects) in a single blinded manner. During the following 90 min, blood flow in the superior mesenteric artery (SMA), celiac artery (CA), renal artery (RA), common carotid artery (CCA) was measured using Doppler ultrasound (US), and cardiovascular variables were measured by impedance cardiography and finger plethysmography. Plasma GLP-2 was measured at times 0, 30 and 60 min.ResultsCompared to the placebo group, GLP-2 elicited a 27% decrease in the resistance index (RI) and a 269.4% increase in Time Averaged Maximal Velocity (TAMV) in the SMA (P < 0.01). CA, RA and CCA: There were no significant changes in RI or TAMV in the GLP-2 or placebo group, and no change in CA diameter.Cardiac parameters: GLP-2 increased cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV) and heart rate (HR) compared to baseline (respectively: 15.3, 4.81 and 8.2% (P < 0.001, P < 0.01 and P < 0.01)). The CO, SV and HR changes were not significantly different from the placebo group.Mean plasma GLP-2 serum levels in the placebo group at times 0, 30 and 60 min were 22.8, 23.4 and 23.2 pmol/l. In the GLP-2 group 20.3, 1273 and 1725 pmol/l.ConclusionSC GLP-2 increased SMA blood flow, as previously shown, but elicited no changes in other vascular sites. CO and HR increased significantly, presumably due to the increased mesenteric blood flow.  相似文献   

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