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Two new X-autosome Robertsonian (Rb) translocations, Rb(X.9)6H and Rb(X.12)7H, were found during the course of breeding the Rb(X.2)2Ad rearrangement at Harwell. The influence of these new Rbs on meiotic chromosome segregation was investigated in hemizygous males and heterozygous females and compared to that of Rb(X.2)2Ad. Screening of metaphase II spermatocytes gave incidences of sex chromosome aneuploidy of 9.2% in Rb(X.2)6H/Y and 9.6% in Rb(X.9)2Ad/Y males; no metaphase II cells were present in the testes of the Rb(X.12)7H/Y males examined and no males with this karyotype have so far proved fertile. In breeding tests, 5% of the progeny of Rb(X.2)2Ad/Y males were sex chromosome aneuploids compared to 10% of the Rb(X.9)6H/Y offspring. The difference was not significant, however. Cytogenetic analyses of metaphase II stage oocytes showed elevated rates of hyperhaploidy (n + 1) in Rb heterozygous females over chromosomally normal mice: 4.2% for Rb(X.2)2Ad/+; 2.1% for Rb(X.9)6H/+; 2.2% for Rb(X.12)7H/+ and 1.1% for normal females. There was, however, no statistically significant difference in the rates of hyperhaploidy between the three different Rb types, nor overall between Rb/+ and normal females. Karyotypic analyses of liveborn offspring of Rb heterozygous females revealed low incidences of X0 animals but no other type of sex chromosome aneuploidy. Intercrosses of heterozygous females and hemizygous males yielded 5.5% aneuploidy for Rb(X.2)2Ad and 5.4% for Rb(X.9)6H. In heterozygous females, there was evidence from the metaphase II and breeding test data for all three rearrangements, of preferential segregation of the Rb metacentric to the polar body resulting in a deficiency of cells and progeny carrying a translocation chromosome.  相似文献   

Mice with Robertsonian (Rb) translocations have been discovered in some 45 populations in Europe. In Belgium, we have observed either Rb(4.12) in a heterozygous or homozygous state (2 n = 39 and 38 respectively), or Rb(4.12) homozygous with a heterozygous Rb(5.10), or both fusions in a homozygous state (2 n = 37 and 36, respectively). Some locations are highly polymorphic and hétérozygotes are found frequently. These observations suggest that the Rb population in Belgium could be of recent origin and probably is the result of introgression from Alsace (France) or Germany.  相似文献   

Incontinentia pigmenti and X-autosome translocations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is a rare X-linked disease with marked female-to-female transmission and a dominant pattern of inheritance. Reports of six unrelated females with IP and X-autosomal translocations, all with the X breakpoint at Xp11, and an additional report of a female with IP and a 45,X/46,X,r(X) karyotype suggests that this may be the locus for the IP gene. When four of these cases, including the r(X), were re-examined with a non-isotopic in situ hybridization technique and an X centromere-specific probe (pSV2X5), the Xp11 breakpoint was confirmed. However, results from a fifth reported case, t(X;17), showed that the X breakpoint was within the centromeric alphoid repetitive sequences recognized by the probe pSV2X5. As the clinical presentation of this patient was consitent with the IP phenotype and diagnosis, the centromeric position of the X-chromosome breakpoint raises several questions with respect to the homogeneity of the Xp11 locus for IP.  相似文献   

In the mouse, gametes with gross chromosome duplications and deficiencies can complement each other to give viable zygotes (with some notable exceptions involving particular chromosomes). These complementation-type offspring can be recognised in intercrosses between translocation heterozygotes in which one parent is homozygous for a recessive genetic marker not carried by the other. This system has beeN used by Lyon and colleagues (1976) to study non-disjunction in heterozygotes for tobacco mouse and laboratory-derived Robertsonian translocations. Although non-disjunction is frequent in the former group, still higher frequencies are needed for a workable test system in which wild type mice are treated and mated to a tester stock generating many aneuploid gametes. Possible approaches include (1) use of semidominant markers, (2) marking both arms, (3) combining two or three independent Robertsonians in the tester stock, (4) use of compounds of Robertsonians wih monobrachial homology, since these give very high frequencies of non-disjunction, (5) generation of a compound of three Robertsonians with tribrachial homology, which should produce aneuploid gametes only. This last seems the most promising approach, if the compound proves fertile, and would be analogous to the isochromosome system of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology reflects a long process of adaptation to external conditions and the barriers encountered before ova fertilization can take place; however, not all morphological variation found in gametes can be explained by the effects of these selective forces, as the genetic component may also contribute to the establishment of different gametic features. In north‐eastern Spain, there is a wide Robertsonian system of Mus musculus domesticus, where individuals with 2n ranging from 27 to 40 chromosomes have been described. To elucidate the effect of the karyotype on sperm head form, a comparative analysis between different chromosomal groups of mice from this zone was carried out. Sperm heads from eight St (2n = 40) and 24 Rb (2n = 30–39) males were processed for scanning electron microscopy and analysed using geometric morphometric techniques. Canonical variate analyses showed substantial shape differences between St and Rb mice in the ventral spur region and between Rb groups in the post‐acrosomal region. Significant differences in sperm head size were also detected between chromosomal groups. Structural disorders related to spermatogenesis, genetic alterations, and epistatic interactions among loci are probably involved in the relationship between the phenotypic variation of the sperm head and Rb translocations. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 878–889.  相似文献   

Summary The authors studies 17 cases of Robertsonian translocations. In all cases but one C banding showed that a dicentric translocation was involved. Silver staining demonstrated the presence of an NOR between the two centromeres in only one case.  相似文献   

Unusual meiotic behavior of the XY chromosome pair was observed in sterile male mice doubly heterozygous for two Robertsonian translocations, Rb(16.17)7Bnr and Rb(8.17)1Iem. Nonrandom association between the X chromosome and the translocation configuration, ascertained from the frequencies of relevant C-band contacts, was found in 9 of 10 sterile males. Besides the nonrandom association, the XY chromosomes showed signs of impaired condensation, as judged by measurement of their lengths at diakinesis/MI of the first meiotic division. In contrast, neither nonrandom contact nor decondensation of the XY chromosomes pair was found in fertile males heterozygous for a single Robertsonian translocation, Rb1Iem or Rb7Bnr. The present observations lend indirect support to the working hypothesis advanced previously, the assumption that interference with X-chromosome inactivation is a possible cause of spermatogenic breakdown in carriers of various male-sterile chromosomal transloations. Alternative explanations of the available data, which cannot be ruled out, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Centromeric breaks and dissociation of Robertsonian translocations have been suggested to be the cause of a few cases of mosaicism. One possible explanation for dissociation could be that the point of reunion of the two acrocentrics would be a structurally fragile site. Mitomycin C (MMC) treatment of lymphocyte cultures from 6 patients having a Robertsonian translocation showed that in cases 1 and 2, who were already mosaics, MMC induced a statistically significant increase of the number of cells with the dissociated translocation. In the remaining cases a preferential centromeric break on the translocation was observed, indicating instability of the region. The relationship of monocentric and dicentric translocations, the viability of the cells resulting from the dissociation, and the clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Dicentric and monocentric Robertsonian translocations in man   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
E. Niebuhr 《Human genetics》1972,16(3):217-226
Summary 5 balanced Robertsonian translocations in man were identified by fluorescence studies. Orcein staining showed two distinct centromeres in 4 of these cases (tdic(13;13), tdic(13;14), tdic(15;21), tdic(21;22)) indicating breaks in the short arms of the involved chromosomes. The dicentric translocation chromosomes were rather stable but monocentrics were noticed in each case. Fluorescence- and measurement studies seemed to indicate that an invisible centromere and part of the short arms were present in these monocentric chromosomes. One case, t(14q21q), was monocentric in all metaphase plates but measurement studies were very suggestive of a visible 21 centromere and incorporation of the invisible 14 centromere (and short arm material) in the long arm of the translocated 14 chromosome, indicating that this translocation originally might have been a real dicentric. Heterochromatin staining was carried out in all cases. The tdic(15;21) showed 6 heterochromatin blocks; 2 of these blocks were probably satellites from chromosome No. 21, visible too in fluorescence. The 4 other translocations showed 4 separated blocks. No differences were observed between monocentrics and dicentrics supporting the theory of a preserved, but invisible centromere in monocentrics.
Zusammenfassung 5 balancierte humane Translokationen vom Robertson-Typ wurden durch Fluorescenzuntersuchungen identifiziert. Die Orceinfärbung zeigte in 4 dieser Fälle 2 distinkte Zentromere (tdic(13;13), tdic(13;14), tdic(15;21), tdic(21;22)). Dieser Fund ließ es als wahrscheinlich erscheinen, daß der Bruch am kurzen Arm der involvierten Chromosomen stattgefunden hatte. Die dizentrischen Translokationschromosomen waren verhältnismäßig stabil. Es wurden doch monozentrische Chromosomen in allen Fällen beobachtet. Eine Kombination von Fluorescenzuntersuchung und Messung der Chromosomen machte es wahrscheinlich, daß auch in diesen monozentrischen Chromosomen ein unsichtbares Zentromer und Teile der kurzen Arme vorhanden sind. Eine (14q21q)-Translokation hatte in allen Metaphasen nur ein Zentromer. Messungen jedoch deuteten an, daß das 21-Zentromer sichtbar war, daß aber das 14-Zentromer und Material der kurzen Arme am langen Arm des translozierten 14-Chromosoms inkorporiert waren. Das Translokationschromosom ist möglicherweise ursprünglich ein dizentrisches Chromosom gewesen. In allen Fällen wurde eine Heterochromatinfärbung ausgeführt. Die tdic(15;21) hatte 6 Heterochromatinblöcke. 2 davon waren wahrscheinlich die Satelliten des Chromosoms Nr. 21, die auch bei der Fluorescenzmikroskopie sichtbar waren. Die 4 anderen Translokationen hatten 4 separate Blöcke. Monozentrische und dizentrische Chromosomen zeigten hier keinen Unterschied, was die Theorie unterstützt, daß die Zentromere im monozentrischen Chromosomen erhalten, aber unsichtbar sind.

Meiotic analysis of two human reciprocal X-autosome translocations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Two cases of human reciprocal X-autosome translocation, t(X;12) and t(X;2), are described in sterile males, along with meiotic findings. Each carrier had inherited the translocation from his mother. Both showed azoospermia and germ-cell maturation arrest at the primary spermatocyte level, with most cells being arrested at the pachytene stage. A few metaphase I (MI) divisions were found, with occasional metaphase II cells being seen in the t(X;2) carrier. MI air-dried preparations gave clear evidence of chain quadrivalent formation. In the t(X;2) heterozygote, the pairing characteristics of the quadrivalent at pachytene were also analyzed in electron microscopic spreads. Disturbance of pairing around the breakpoints characterized most quadrivalents, and there was evidence in about 20% of the cells that nonhomologous pairing had taken place between the translocated chromosomes and the normal chromosome 2. Comparisons are made with similar nonhomologous pairing configurations seen at pachytene in quadrivalents of male reciprocal X-autosome translocations of the mouse.  相似文献   

Gamete segregation in female carriers of Robertsonian translocations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Eleven female carriers of either 45,XX,der(13;14) (q10;q10) or 45,XX, der(14;21)(q10;q10) underwent hormonal stimulation with the purpose of producing enough oocytes for in-vitro fertilization and preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Polar body biopsy was performed in those oocytes and FISH with painting probes was applied in their metaphase-like first polar body chromosomes. In this way, unbalanced, normal and balanced oocytes could be distinguished and segregation modes ascertained. der(14;21)(q10;q10) produced 42% unbalanced, 37% normal and 21% balanced oocytes (n = 86) while der(13;14)(q10;q10) generated 33% unbalanced, 51% normal and 16% balanced oocytes (n = 69). In both translocations the number of normal oocytes was significantly higher than the number of balanced oocytes. However, while the frequency of unbalanced events involving chromosome 13 and 14 was similar in der(13;14)(q10;q10), there were significantly more abnormalities involving chromosome 21 than 14 in the der(14;21) (q10;q10) cases. When comparing survival rates to term, trisomies from Robertsonian origin seem to survive more often than those originated by non-disjunction in non-translocation carriers. The meiotic segregation patterns found in female Robertsonian translocations are different from those described in male carriers, with higher rates of unbalanced gametes in females than in males.  相似文献   

Summary A woman was found to have 42 autosomes due to engagement of both chromosomes 14 in Robertsonian rearrangements, one with a chromosome 21 and the other with a chromosome 22: t(14q21q) and t(14q22q). The two translocations appear monocentric and by silver staining have no rRNA activity. The t(14q21q) translocation is familial and was ascertained through a nephew with Down syndrome, while the origin of the t(14q22q) translocation was not established. In addition to these two translocations, the woman had XX/XXX sex chromosome mosaicism. She has had two recognized pregnancies, each resulting in the birth of a child with one of the two translocations. Both children are phenotypically normal, as is their mother, the first normal liveborn individual identified with two Robertsonian translocations.  相似文献   

A sample of 229 Robertsonian translocations was classified into three groups according to the method of their ascertainment (Group I = couples with repeated abortions; Group II = karyotypically unbalanced probands; Group III = balanced translocation heterozygotes). Statistical analysis showed that the distributions of Robertsonian translocations differed significantly from random in all three groups. Additionally, the distributions were significantly different between couples with repeated abortions and karyotypically unbalanced probands and between unbalanced probands and balanced translocation heterozygotes.  相似文献   

Robertsonian metacentrics in the mouse   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
A survey is given on the occurrence, the geographic origin and the arm composition of 27 Robertsonian fusion metacentric chromosomes of wild populations of the mouse. Their study is of twofold interest: a) it is possible to introduce these naturally occurring metacentrics in laboratory strains for experimental use. At present, altogether 34 metacentric chromosomes of different composition are available including 7 cases of metacentrics known from laboratory strains of the mouse. b) With the search for metacentrics in the mouse and with their identification insights are permitted in the role of Robertsonian changes in the course of mammalian evolution — Several separate populations of the mouse with different sets of multiple (up to 9) metacentrics have been found in Switzerland and Italy. Some of the individual metacentrics may occur in different populations. The participation of an acrocentric autosome in the formation of metacentrics seem to be at random, but the sex chromosomes are never included in a metacentric. — Homology of the arms involved in metacentrics is conserved, so that in meiosis of interpopulation hybrids long chains or rings are observed. They may include up to 16 metacentrics arranged according to the alternating homologies of their arms. — Reduction of fertility of single or multiple metacentric heterozygotes and of the interpopulation hybrids is due to mechanisms of segregational imbalance and subsequent prenatal elimination of fetal offspring, but it follows also the pattern of male limited hybrid sterility. — From an evolutionary view point, karyotype rearrangements of Robertsonian type may initiate reproductive isolation, which prepares the ground for further genetic diversification and, as in the case of the mouse, of incipient speciation.  相似文献   

Summary We report the unique finding of a human fetus with 44 chromosomes with homozygous 14;21 translocations. This fetus appeared phenotypically normal but the long-term neurodevelopmental outcome had this pregnancy continued could not be predicted. We speculate one 14;21 translocation was inherited from her father and one arose de novo being maternal in origin. A previous sibling with psychomotor retardation has an abnormal chromosome complement of 45,XX,dup(7)(q21pter), t(14;21)(p11;q11). The mother's underlying disease, systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), and her prior chemotherapy may have contributed to the appearance of these chromosome aberrations. It is interesting that although 14;21 translocations are among the commonest structural chromosome rearrangements in man, there are no previous reports in newborn surveys of a child with 44 chromosomes resulting from the mating of two identical Robertsonian translocation carrier parents.  相似文献   

Kinetics of oogenesis in mice heterozygous for Robertsonian translocations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The total number of oocytes at different postmating time intervals (18-40 days) was determined in mice homozygous and heterozygous for different Robertsonian (Rb) translocations, of both laboratory and feral origin. The number of oocytes was lower in heterozygous than in homozygous mice throughout the period studied. Independently of the genetic background (i.e. laboratory or feral), structural heterozygosity had a progressive detrimental effect on oocyte numbers: open, or chain diakinetic configurations had a greater detrimental effect than close, or ring, configurations. The genetic background, however, affected the ovarian constitution in terms of the total number of germ cells, which are more numerous in laboratory than in feral mice. The kinetics of oogenesis seems to be faster in feral than in laboratory mice. At the light of the data here presented, and of those already available from the literature on male and female gametogenesis in conditions of structural heterozygosity, it appears that factors other than unsaturation of pairing sites or interference with pachytene X-chromosome inactivation have to be considered. In the wild, the reduced oocyte numbers in Rb heterozygous female can contribute to the retention of isolated populations in contact zones.  相似文献   

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