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Interpolated Markov models for eukaryotic gene finding.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Computational gene finding research has emphasized the development of gene finders for bacterial and human DNA. This has left genome projects for some small eukaryotes without a system that addresses their needs. This paper reports on a new system, GlimmerM, that was developed to find genes in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Because the gene density in P. falciparum is relatively high, the system design was based on a successful bacterial gene finder, Glimmer. The system was augmented with specially trained modules to find splice sites and was trained on all available data from the P. falciparum genome. Although a precise evaluation of its accuracy is impossible at this time, laboratory tests (using RT-PCR) on a small selection of predicted genes confirmed all of those predictions. With the rapid progress in sequencing the genome of P. falciparum, the availability of this new gene finder will greatly facilitate the annotation process.  相似文献   

Heuristic approach to deriving models for gene finding.   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Computer methods of accurate gene finding in DNA sequences require models of protein coding and non-coding regions derived either from experimentally validated training sets or from large amounts of anonymous DNA sequence. Here we propose a new, heuristic method producing fairly accurate inhomogeneous Markov models of protein coding regions. The new method needs such a small amount of DNA sequence data that the model can be built 'on the fly' by a web server for any DNA sequence >400 nt. Tests on 10 complete bacterial genomes performed with the GeneMark.hmm program demonstrated the ability of the new models to detect 93.1% of annotated genes on average, while models built by traditional training predict an average of 93.9% of genes. Models built by the heuristic approach could be used to find genes in small fragments of anonymous prokaryotic genomes and in genomes of organelles, viruses, phages and plasmids, as well as in highly inhomogeneous genomes where adjustment of models to local DNA composition is needed. The heuristic method also gives an insight into the mechanism of codon usage pattern evolution.  相似文献   



Complex networks are studied across many fields of science and are particularly important to understand biological processes. Motifs in networks are small connected sub-graphs that occur significantly in higher frequencies than in random networks. They have recently gathered much attention as a useful concept to uncover structural design principles of complex networks. Existing algorithms for finding network motifs are extremely costly in CPU time and memory consumption and have practically restrictions on the size of motifs.  相似文献   

Dictionary-driven prokaryotic gene finding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Gene identification, also known as gene finding or gene recognition, is among the important problems of molecular biology that have been receiving increasing attention with the advent of large scale sequencing projects. Previous strategies for solving this problem can be categorized into essentially two schools of thought: one school employs sequence composition statistics, whereas the other relies on database similarity searches. In this paper, we propose a new gene identification scheme that combines the best characteristics from each of these two schools. In particular, our method determines gene candidates among the ORFs that can be identified in a given DNA strand through the use of the Bio-Dictionary, a database of patterns that covers essentially all of the currently available sample of the natural protein sequence space. Our approach relies entirely on the use of redundant patterns as the agents on which the presence or absence of genes is predicated and does not employ any additional evidence, e.g. ribosome-binding site signals. The Bio-Dictionary Gene Finder (BDGF), the algorithm’s implementation, is a single computational engine able to handle the gene identification task across distinct archaeal and bacterial genomes. The engine exhibits performance that is characterized by simultaneous very high values of sensitivity and specificity, and a high percentage of correctly predicted start sites. Using a collection of patterns derived from an old (June 2000) release of the Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL database that contained 451 602 proteins and fragments, we demonstrate our method’s generality and capabilities through an extensive analysis of 17 complete archaeal and bacterial genomes. Examples of previously unreported genes are also shown and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The quest for orthologs: finding the corresponding gene across genomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orthology is a key evolutionary concept in many areas of genomic research. It provides a framework for subjects as diverse as the evolution of genomes, gene functions, cellular networks and functional genome annotation. Although orthologous proteins usually perform equivalent functions in different species, establishing true orthologous relationships requires a phylogenetic approach, which combines both trees and graphs (networks) using reliable species phylogeny and available genomic data from more than two species, and an insight into the processes of molecular evolution. Here, we evaluate the available bioinformatics tools and provide a set of guidelines to aid researchers in choosing the most appropriate tool for any situation.  相似文献   

RESULTS: A new algorithm is developed which is intended to find groups of genes whose expression values change in a concordant manner in a series of experiments with DNA arrays. This algorithm is named as CoexpressionFinder. It can find more complete and internally coordinated groups of gene expression vectors than hierarchical clustering. Also, it finds more genes having coordinated expression. The algorithm's design allows parallel execution. AVAILABILITY: The algorithm is implemented as a Java application which is freely available at: http://www.bioinformatics.ru/cf/index.jsp and http://bioinformatics.ru/cf/index.jsp.  相似文献   

周海廷 《生物技术》2002,12(5):33-34
用非数学语言描述了隐马尔科夫过程(hidden mark-ov model,HMM),介绍了HMM用于基因识别的原理及基于HMM开发的,比较常用的基因识别程序。  相似文献   

A gene team is a set of genes that appear in two or more species, possibly in a different order yet with the distance between adjacent genes in the team for each chromosome always no more than a certain threshold δ. A gene team tree is a succinct way to represent all gene teams for every possible value of δ. In this paper, improved algorithms are presented for the problem of finding the gene teams of two chromosomes and the problem of constructing a gene team tree of two chromosomes. For the problem of finding gene teams, Beal et al. had an O(n lg2 n)-time algorithm. Our improved algorithm requires O(n lg t) time, where t ≤ n is the number of gene teams. For the problem of constructing a gene team tree, Zhang and Leong had an O(n lg2 n)-time algorithm. Our improved algorithm requires O(n lg n lglg n) time. Similar to Beal et al.'s gene team algorithm and Zhang and Leong's gene team tree algorithm, our improved algorithms can be extended to k chromosomes with the time complexities increased only by a factor of k.  相似文献   

Computational gene finding in plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Colonies of Bacillus anthracis Sterne allow the growth of papillation after 6 days of incubation at 30°C on Luria–Bertani medium. The papillae are due to mutations that allow the cells to overcome the barriers to continued growth. Cells isolated from papillae display two distinct gross phenotypes (group A and group B). We determined that group A mutants have mutations in the nprR gene including frameshifts, deletions, duplications and base substitutions. We used papillation as a tool for finding new mutators as the mutators generate elevated levels of papillation. We discovered that disruption of yycJ or recJ leads to a spontaneous mutator phenotype. We defined the nprR/papillation system as a new mutational analysis system for B. anthracis. The mutational specificity of the new mutator yycJ is similar to that of mismatch repair‐deficient strains (MMR) such as those with mutations in mutL or mutS. Deficiency in recJ results in a unique specificity, generating only tandem duplications.  相似文献   

The Gibbs sampling method has been widely used for sequence analysis after it was successfully applied to the problem of identifying regulatory motif sequences upstream of genes. Since then, numerous variants of the original idea have emerged: however, in all cases the application has been to finding short motifs in collections of short sequences (typically less than 100 nucleotides long). In this paper, we introduce a Gibbs sampling approach for identifying genes in multiple large genomic sequences up to hundreds of kilobases long. This approach leverages the evolutionary relationships between the sequences to improve the gene predictions, without explicitly aligning the sequences. We have applied our method to the analysis of genomic sequence from 14 genomic regions, totaling roughly 1.8 Mb of sequence in each organism. We show that our approach compares favorably with existing ab initio approaches to gene finding, including pairwise comparison based gene prediction methods which make explicit use of alignments. Furthermore, excellent performance can be obtained with as little as four organisms, and the method overcomes a number of difficulties of previous comparison based gene finding approaches: it is robust with respect to genomic rearrangements, can work with draft sequence, and is fast (linear in the number and length of the sequences). It can also be seamlessly integrated with Gibbs sampling motif detection methods.  相似文献   

SLAM is a program that simultaneously aligns and annotates pairs of homologous sequences. The SLAM web server integrates SLAM with repeat masking tools and the AVID alignment program to allow for rapid alignment and gene prediction in user submitted sequences. Along with annotations and alignments for the submitted sequences, users obtain a list of predicted conserved non-coding sequences (and their associated alignments). The web site also links to whole genome annotations of the human, mouse and rat genomes produced with the SLAM program. The server can be accessed at http://bio.math.berkeley.edu/slam.  相似文献   

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