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Since both heat and sodium arsenite induce thermotolerance, we investigated the differences in synthesis and redistribution of stress proteins induced by these agents in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Five major heat shock proteins (HSPs; Mr 110, 87, 70, 28, and 8.5 kDa) were preferentially synthesized after heat for 10 min at 45.5 degrees C, whereas four major HSPs (Mr 110, 87, 70, and 28 kDa) and one stress protein (33.3 kDa) were preferentially synthesized after treatment with 100 microM sodium arsenite (ARS) for 1 hr. Two HSP families (HSP70a,b,c, and HSP28a,b,c) preferentially relocalized in the nucleus after heat shock. In contrast, only HSP70b redistributed into the nucleus after ARS treatment. Furthermore, the kinetics of synthesis of each member of HSP70 and HSP28 families and their redistribution were different after these treatments. The maximum rates of synthesis of HSP70 and HSP28 families, except HSP28c, were 6-9 hr after heat shock, whereas those of HSP70b and HSP28b,c were 0-2 hr after ARS treatment. In addition, the maximum rates of redistribution of HSP70 and HSP28 families occurred 3-6 hr after heat shock, whereas that of HSP70b occurred immediately after ARS treatment. The degree of redistribution of HSP70b after ARS treatment was significantly less than that after heat treatment. These results suggest that heat treatment but not sodium arsenite treatment stimulates the entry of HSP70 and HSP28 families into the nucleus.  相似文献   

An overall increase of 40% in nuclear-associated protein has been shown to be one of the sequellae of exposure of eukaryotic cells to elevated temperatures. Several investigators have shown that the increased protein/DNA ratios correlated well with the degree of cytotoxicity. In previous investigations, we have shown that cycloheximide, which protects the cell from the killing effects of heat, produces a dramatic reduction of the bulk nuclear-associated proteins after heating. In this investigation, we studied a previously unobserved efflux of a 26 kDa protein after heat shock and the preferential accumulation of the 70 kDa protein. The 26 kDa protein was shown not to be a member of previously described heat shock protein families. Preferential reduction of a 26 kDa protein and accumulation of a 70 kDa protein was observed in nuclei isolated from Chinese hamster ovary cells after heating at 43 degrees C. After heat treatment, the 26 kDa protein in the nucleus was decreased to a level 0.1-0.3 times the original amount in unheated cells, and the 70 kDa protein in the nucleus increased by a factor of 1.6-1.8. The normal levels of these two proteins were restored when cells were incubated at 37 degrees C following heat shock. Cells treated with heat protectors, cycloheximide and histidinol, demonstrated approximately the same redistribution in nuclear 26 and 70 kDa proteins immediately after heating as those not exposed to these drugs. On the other hand, restoration to control levels was much faster in the protector-treated cells, suggesting that "repair" of heat-induced damage is an important factor in the cells ability to survive this insult. Return to normal protein levels did not require new protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA synthesis in synchronized Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese hamster ovary cells were synchronized without inhibitors by mitotic selection and labelled in G1, S or G2 phase by incubation for 90 min with [3H]- OR [14C]uridine. Purified polyribosomes were extracted with phenol and the polyadenylated mRNA prepared by poly(U)-Sepharose chromatography. Poly-adenylated [3H]uridine-labelled mRNA from the G1 phase of the cell cycle was compared by exponential polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in formamide with [14C] uridine-labelled polyadenylated nRNA from the S or G2 phase. The electrophoretic patterns obtained correspond to the size range expected for mRNA (7-28 S). No prominent differences were detected between mRNAs synthesized in different phases of the cell cycle. From these data we conclude that the major size classes of polyribosomal poly(A)-containing mRNA are synthesized in equal ratios throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

High level synthesis of immunoglobulins in Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The expression of lambda L and microH chain cDNA was examined in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Each cDNA was linked to a different, amplifiable, selectable drug marker gene, and expression was monitored in the presence of increasing concentrations of the selective drugs. Cells were obtained that produced greater than 60 micrograms/10(6) cells/48 h of assembled antibody. This Chinese hamster ovary cell-synthesized IgM was polymeric, and exhibited specific hapten binding and C fixation. The expression strategy employed here may prove useful for the future production of genetically engineered antibodies and other multi-subunit proteins.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry was used to measure the fluorescence polarization of the lipid probe trimethylammonium-diphenylhexatriene as an indicator of plasma membrane fluidity of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells heated under various conditions. Fluorescence polarization was measured at room temperature about 25 min after heating. When cells were heated for 45 min at temperatures above 42 degrees C, fluorescence polarization decreased progressively, signifying an increase in plasma membrane fluidity. The fluorescence polarization of cells heated at 42 degrees C for up to 55 h was nearly the same as for unheated control populations, despite a reduction in survival. The fluorescence polarization of cells heated at 45 degrees C decreased progressively with heating time, which indicated a progressive increase in membrane fluidity. The fluorescence polarization distributions broadened and skewed toward lower polarization values for long heating times at 45 degrees C. Thermotolerant cells resisted changes in plasma membrane fluidity when challenged with subsequent 45 degrees C exposures. Heated cells were sorted on the basis of their position in the fluorescence polarization distribution and plated to determine survival. The survival of cells which were subjected to various heat treatments and then sorted from high or low tails of the fluorescence polarization histograms was not significantly different. These results show that hyperthermia causes persistent changes in the membrane fluidity of CHO cells but that membrane fluidity is not directly correlated with cell survival.  相似文献   

Endostatin, a carboxy-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, has been shown to act as an anti-angiogenic agent that specifically inhibits proliferation of endothelial cells and growth of various primary tumors. Here, we describe the expression by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells of murine endostatin and of a tagged-fusion protein, (his)6-met-endostatin. A dicistronic mRNA expression vector was utilized in which endostatin cDNA was inserted upstream of the amplifiable marker gene, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). After transfection of the expression vectors, stepwise increments in methotrexate levels in the culture medium were applied, promoting gene amplification and increasing expression levels of the proteins of interest. The expression level of secreted native endostatin was about 78 microg/mL while the one for secreted (his)6-met-endostatin was about 114 microg/mL, for the best expressing clones. Characterization of physico-chemical and immunological activities of the proteins was performed using SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. The biological activities of recombinant endostatins were tested with a cow pulmonary artery endothelial (C-PAE) cell proliferation assay. Both recombinant endostatin and (his)6-met-endostatin inhibited, in a dose-dependent fashion, growth of C-PAE cells stimulated by basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF).  相似文献   

When exponentially growing CHO cells were deprived of arginine (Arg), cell multiplication ceased after 12 h, but initiation of DNA synthesis continued: after 48 h of starvation with continuous [3H]thymidine exposure, 85% of the population had incorporated label, as detected autoradiographically. Consideration of the distribution of exponential cells in the various cell cycle phases leads to a calculation that most cells in G1 at the time that Arg was removed, as well as those in S, engaged in some DNA synthesis during starvation. In contrast, isoleucine (Ile)-starved cells did not initiate DNA synthesis, as has been reported by others. Experiments with cells synchronized by mitotic selection confirmed this difference in Arg- and Ile- deprived behavior, but also showed that cells which underwent the mitosis leads to G1 transition during Arg starvation remained arrested in G1 (G0?). The results suggest that Arg-deprived cells continue to maintain some proliferative function(s) while Ile-deprived cells do not.  相似文献   

Pesticide clastogenicity in Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M F Lin  C L Wu  T C Wang 《Mutation research》1987,188(3):241-250
Paraquat, alachlor, butachlor, phorate and monocrotophos, several of the most extensively used pesticides in Taiwan, were investigated for their clastogenicity using chromosome aberration (CAb) induction in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Significance levels of the binomial trend analysis and binomial mutagenicity data test were two criteria for the summary judgement of the pesticide clastogenicity. Except for phorate, all pesticides tested were clastogenic to CHO cells in the absence of in vitro metabolic activation by S9. 5 microliters/ml rat-liver extract, S9, were used as the source of in vitro metabolic activation. 3 different outcomes were found after the addition of S9. Paraquat: significant decrease in induced CAbs. Monocrotophos: concomitant occurrence of decreased cytotoxicity and increased clastogenicity. Alachlor, butachlor and phorate: increased cytotoxicities with no sign of enhancement in clastogenicity.  相似文献   

The relationship between centriole formation and DNA synthesis was investigated by examining the effect of taxol on the centriole cycle and the initiation of DNA synthesis in synchronized cells. The centriole cycle was monitored by electron microscopy of whole-mount preparations [Kuriyama and Borisy, J. Cell Biol., 1981, 91:814-821]. A short daughter centriole appeared in perpendicular orientation to each parent during late G1 or early S and elongated slowly during S to G2. Addition of 5-20 micrograms/ml taxol to a synchronous population of cells in S phase did not inhibit centriole elongation; rather, elongation was accelerated. In contrast, when taxol was added to M phase or early G1 cells, centriole duplication was completely inhibited. The taxol block was reversible since nucleation and elongation of centrioles resumed as soon as the drug was removed. Cells exposed to taxol progressed through the cell cycle and became blocked in mitosis, as indicated by an increase in the mitotic index, but eventually the mitotic arrest was overcome, resulting in formation of multinucleated cells. A peak in mitotic index was seen in the following generation, indicating that chromosomes duplicated in the presence of taxol. Incorporation of 3H-thymidine followed by autoradiography confirmed that DNA synthesis was initiated in the presence of taxol even though formation of daughter centrioles was inhibited. It seems, therefore, that centriole duplication is not a prerequisite for entry into S phase. Since DNA synthesis has already been demonstrated not to be necessary for centriole duplication, these two events, normally coordinated in time, appear to be independent of each other.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants defective in glycosaminoglycan synthesis to metabolize 125I-labeled thrombospondin (TSP). Wild type CHO cells bound and degraded 125I-TSP with kinetics similar to those reported for endothelial cells. Both binding and degradation were saturable (half-saturation at 20 micrograms/ml). When the concentration of labeled TSP was 1-5 micrograms/ml, mutant 745, defective in xylosyltransferase, and mutant 761, defective in galactosyltransferase I, bound and degraded 6- to 16-fold less TSP than wild type; mutant 803, which specifically lacks heparan sulfate chains, bound and degraded 5-fold less TSP than wild type; and mutant 677, which lacks heparan sulfate and has increased levels of chondroitin sulfate, bound and degraded 2-fold less TSP than wild type. Binding and degradation of TSP by the mutants were not saturable at TSP concentrations up to 100 micrograms/ml. Bound TSP was localized by immunofluorescence to punctate structures on wild type and, to a lesser extent, 677 cells. Heparitinase pretreatment of wild type cells caused a 2- to 3-fold decrease in binding and degradation, whereas chondroitinase pretreatment had no effect. Chondroitinase pretreatment of the 677 mutant (deficient heparan sulfate and excess chondroitin sulfate) caused a 2-fold decrease in binding and an 8-fold decrease in turnover, whereas heparitinase pretreatment had no effect. Treatment of wild type cells with both heparitinase and chondroitinase resulted in a 6- to 8-fold decrease in binding and turnover. These results indicate that cell surface proteoglycans mediate metabolism of TSP by CHO cells and that the primary effectors of TSP metabolism are heparan sulfate proteoglycans.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis in two mutants of Chinese hamster overy cells, ts 13A and ts 15C, which were temperature sensitive for growth, was found to be shut off rapidly at the nonpermissive temperature. The mutants did not complement each other and the ts lesion was not located on the X chromosome. Both isolates were found to be considerably more sensitive to the alkylating agents, ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) and methylmethanesulfonate (MMS), as compared to the parental cells, but showed normal sensitivity to UV irradiation. The mutants also showed interesting differences in their response to EMS-induced mutation frequencies at the ouabain-resistant and thioguanine-resistant loci. At high survival (50%) the frequencies of mutations at these genetic loci were markedly low in the ts mutants as compared to the parental cells. In ts+ revertants isolated from the mutants, the ts phenotype and the increased sensitivity to EMS and MMS were affected simultaneously, indicating that both these characteristics resulted from a single genetic lesion.  相似文献   

Glucose deprivation induces the major glucose regulated proteins (GRPs) in Chinese hamster ovary cells. When these cells are then returned to a glucose containing environment, GRP synthesis is repressed while concurrently other proteins, identified as heat shock proteins, are induced. The induction of the GRPs is found to mark precisely the onset of a decline in the cell's ability to survive a thermal stress while the expression of heat shock proteins, when glucose is restored, is paralleled by significant increases in survival protection or thermotolerance.  相似文献   

The hyperthermic inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis, i.e., reduction in replicon initiation and delay in DNA chain elongation, was previously postulated to be involved in the induction of chromosomal aberrations believed to be largely responsible for killing S-phase cells. Utilizing asynchronous Chinese hamster ovary cells heated for 15 min at 45.5 degrees C, an increase in single-stranded regions in replicating DNA (as measured by BND-cellulose chromatography) persisted in heated cells for as long as replicon initiation was affected. Alkaline sucrose gradient analyses of cells pulse-labeled immediately after heating with [3H]thymidine and subsequently chased at 37 degrees C revealed that these S-phase cells can eventually complete elongation of the replicons in operation at the time of heating, but required about six times as long relative to control cells which completed replicon elongation within 4 h. DNA chain elongation into multicluster-sized molecules was prevented for up to 18 h in these heated cells, resulting in a buildup of cluster-sized molecules (approximately 120-160 S) mainly because of the long-term heat damage to the replicon initiation process. Utilizing bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-propidium iodide bivariate analysis on a flow cytometer to measure cell progression, control cells pulsed with BrdU and chased in unlabeled medium progressed through S and G2M with cell division starting after 2 h of chase time. In contrast, the majority of the heated S-phase cells progressed slowly and remained blocked in S phase for about 18 h before cell division was observed after 24 h postheat. Our findings suggest that possible sites for where the chromosomal aberrations may be occurring in heated S-phase cells are either (1) at the persistent single-stranded DNA regions or (2) at the regions between clusters of replicons, because this long-term heat damage to the DNA replication process might lead to many opportunities for abnormal DNA and/or protein exchanges to occur at these two sites.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 3000 men living in Yamaguchi were screened for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency using Beutler's spot test and three types of starch gel electrophoresis. These electrophoresis used a phosphate buffer system at pH 7.0, a TRIS-EDTA-borate buffer system at pH 8.6, and a TRIS-hydrochloride buffer system at pH 8.8. Fifteen G6PD-deficient variants were found at the rate of 0.5% and classified into four groups. As new variants, G6PD Konan, Kamiube, and Kiwa were identified. These three variants had a mild to moderate G6PD deficiency and were not associated with any clinical signs. G6PD Konan had fast electrophoretic mobility as compared with normal levels, G6PD Kiwa had slightly elevated electrophoretic mobility, and G6PD Kamiube had normal electrophoretic mobility. These three variants had normal levels of Km G6P, Km NADP, and Ki NADPH, normal utilizations of both 2-deoxy-G6P and deamino-NAPD, normal heat stability, and a normal pH curve. The other variant was G6PD Ube, which we had previously found in Yamaguchi (Nakashima et al., 1977). One boy with G6PD Ube was Korean.  相似文献   

The protein synthesis patterns at various stages of the cell cycle of Chinese hamster ovary cells were examined by labelling cells with [35S]methionine and then separating the proteins by isoelectric focussing and two-dimensional, nonequilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis. We have observed a number of proteins which display quantitative differences in synthesis at specific cell cycle stages and of these the alpha- and beta-tubulins have been identified. A few proteins appear to be uniquely synthesized at specific times during the cell cycle. These include the histones and a modified version of them, which are synthesized only in S phase, and a pair of 21 kilodalton (kDa), pI 5.5 proteins, which appear only in late G2 and mitosis. We have also identified a 58-kDa, pI 7.5 protein which is present at all cell cycle stages except during late G2. This protein appears to have the same temporal properties as a 57-kDa protein called "cyclin" originally described in sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

The addition of oligosaccharide to asparagine residues of soluble and membrane-associated proteins in eukaryotic cells involves a polyisoprenoid lipid carrier, dolichol. In Chinese hamster ovary cells, the major isomer of this polyisoprenol has 19 isoprenyl units, the terminal one being saturated. Our laboratory has developed a procedure to analyze the levels and nature of the cell's dolichyl derivatives. Chinese hamster ovary cells contain predominately activated, anionic dolichol derivatives, such as oligosaccharyl pyrophosphoryldolichol, monoglycosylated phosphoryldolichols, and dolichyl phosphate. Our studies show that in growing cells there is continual synthesis of total dolichol. Also, preliminary data suggest there is no catabolism or secretion of this lipid. The level of dolichyl phosphate did not change significantly under a variety of conditions where the levels of enzyme activities utilizing dolichyl phosphate did change. These results suggested that these enzymes had access to the same pool of dolichyl phosphate and had similar Km values for this lipid.  相似文献   

Mitosis is a fundamental process in the development of all organisms. The mitotic spindle guides the cell through mitosis as it mediates the segregation of chromosomes, the orientation of the cleavage furrow, and the progression of cell division. Birth defects and tissue-specific cancers often result from abnormalities in mitotic events. Here, we report a proteomic study of the mitotic spindle from Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. Four different isolations of metaphase spindles were subjected to Multi-dimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) analysis and tandem mass spectrometry. We identified 1155 proteins and used Gene Ontology (GO) analysis to categorize proteins into cellular component groups. We then compared our data to the previously published CHO midbody proteome and identified proteins that are unique to the CHO spindle. Our data represent the first mitotic spindle proteome in CHO cells, which augments the list of mitotic spindle components from mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells cultured in vitro were used to assess the role of glutathione metabolism in the induction of the 32-kDa stress protein. Enhanced synthesis of the 32-kDa protein was observed after cells were incubated with CdCl2 or diethylmaleate and protein was subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by fluorography. Concomitantly, in both cell preparations an increase in heme oxygenase activity was observed. Proteins from CdCl2- and diethylmaleate-treated cells were subjected to Western blotting and protein crossreacting with either rabbit antibody to rat liver heme oxygenase-1 (32,000 Mr) or rat testis heme oxygenase-2 (36,000 Mr) quantitated. The analysis indicated that the CdCl2 treatment increased the intensity of the HO-1 band 5.5-fold while the diethylmaleate treatment increased it three-fold relative to control. Neither treatment affected the intensity of HO-2 antibody binding. Incubation of cells with buthionine sulfoximine, under conditions which resulted in greater than or equal to 90% of the intracellular glutathione being depleted, enhanced synthesis of a 32-kDa protein when assayed by SDS-PAGE. This protein exhibited a Mr similar to the 32-kDa protein induced by either CdCl2 or diethylmaleate treatment. Proteins from buthionine sulfoximine and diethylmaleate-treated cells were mixed together and subjected to 2D PAGE. The resulting fluorograph demonstrated that both treatments produced identical patterns. In contrast, incubation of cells in diamide, a thiol oxidizing compound, resulted in enhanced synthesis of the 110-, 90-, and 73-kDa heat shock proteins but not the 32-kDa protein. The data presented have shown that depletion of glutathione by two independent methods, conjugation and inhibition of synthesis, enhances the synthesis of a 32-kDa protein identified as heme oxygenase-1; oxidation of glutathione, on the other hand did not. We interpret this to indicate that glutathione depletion rather than conjugation or oxidation represents one pathway for induction of heme oxygenase-1.  相似文献   

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