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Dwarf pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants with genotypes cryc and crys responded differently when an 8 h photoperiod (8 h daylight, 16 h dark) was extended to 24 h (8 h daylight, 16 h incandescent light). Genotype cryc showed up to a 4-fold increase in internode length, sustained by increases in both cell length (particularly of epidermal cells) and cell number (particularly of cortical cells) while crys plants showed up to a 2-fold increase in internode length sustained mostly by an increase in cell number. Under an 8 h (daylight) photoperiod the two genotypes did not differ in their sensitivity to applied gibberellin A1 (GA1) and they showed a similar pattern of response. GA1 significantly increased internode length, cell length and cell number in both genotypes. Incandescent light did not increase the size of the response to GA1 except for crys plants at high dose rates of GA1 (29–58 nmol). At saturating doses of GA1 the two genotypes attained a similar peak internode length; incandescent light increased the peak by about 40%. GA1 increased the rate of leaf appearance by up to 33% while incandescent light reduced the rate by 4–7%. The elongation response of the more mature internodes of cryc plants to GA1 or incandescent light was due primarily to an increase in cell length whereas increased cell number made a significant contribution in the case of internodes which were relatively immature at the time the stimulus was applied. The progressive increase in internode length of both genotypes during ontogeny was due primarily to an increase in cell number. In conclusion, alleles cryc and crys (background le La) do not confer a difference in sensitivity to GA1 and the increase in internode length in response to incandescent light is probably not the result of a real or perceived increase in GA1 level. Allele crys may partially block a phytochrome mediated response to light and the key difference between genotypes crys and cryc may lie in the greater elongation (extensibility?) of cryc epidermal cells in incandescent light.  相似文献   

Abstract Bradyhizobium japonicum USDA 110 has been shown to contain several genetically similar, naturally occurring colony morphology variants. One of these variants, L2-110, although devoid of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, retains significant levels of explanta nitrogen fixation ability relative to other symbiotically competent USDA 110 variants (MN-110 and I-110). Interestingly, Northern blot analyses revealed that L2-110 nodules, despite their lack of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, contained 65% the level of mRNA for dinitrogenase ( nif DK) and 64% the level of dinitrogenase reductase ( nif H) mRNA relative to MN-110 nodules. Western blot analyses of tissue from the same nodules detected 32% the level of dinitrogenase and 31% the level of dinitrogenase reductase in L2-110 relative to MN-110. L2-110 appears to be a new class of mutant based on the complete absence of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (Fix and the presence of significant exanta nitrogen fixation (Nif+).  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP is essential for the accumulation of many prespore mRNAs and can advance the time of appearance of mRNAs specifically enriched in prestalk cells. Additionally, when late-developing cells are washed free of cAMP, a number of growth phase mRNAs reaccumulate. This reaccumulation can be suppressed by cAMP. These effects of cAMP are all mediated through the cell surface cAMP receptor and can occur under conditions where the receptor-associated adenylate cyclase is inactive, indicating that the initial intracellular transduction event necessary for expression of these mRNAs does not depend upon cAMP synthesis. The dihydropyridine derivatives, nifedipine and nitrendipine, are highly specific Ca++ channel blockers. They are shown here to prevent the influx of Ca++ from the external medium that occurs in response to cAMP binding to the cell surface receptor during development. These two compounds as well as another Ca++ antagonist, 8-N,N-diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxy-benzoate (TMB-8) and a calmodulin inhibitor, N-(6-amino-hexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide (W7), all specifically decrease cAMP-mediated prespore mRNA accumulation in a dose-dependent manner. They also prevent cAMP from suppressing the expression of the growth phase genes. The growth phase mRNAs reaccumulate in cAMP-treated cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of these drugs. By contrast, cAMP induction of the pre-stalk-enriched mRNA is not as significantly affected by these agents. These results raise the possibility that the cell surface cAMP receptor can couple to different signal transduction systems and thereby induce or suppress the expression of different sets of cAMP-regulated genes during development.  相似文献   

In growing Escherichia coli cells, the master regulator of the general stress response, sigmaS (RpoS), is subject to rapid proteolysis. In response to stresses such as sudden carbon starvation, osmotic upshift or shift to acidic pH, sigmaS degradation is inhibited, sigmaS accumulates and numerous sigmaS-dependent genes with stress-protective functions are activated. sigmaS proteolysis is dependent on ClpXP protease and the response regulator RssB, whose phosphorylated form binds directly to sigmaS in vitro. Here, we show that substitutions of aspartate 58 (D58) in RssB, which result in higher sigmaS levels in vivo, produce RssB variants unable to bind sigmaS in vitro. Thus, RssB is the direct substrate recognition factor in sigmaS proteolysis, whose affinity for sigmaS depends on phosphorylation of its D58 residue. RssB does not dimerize or oligomerize upon this phosphorylation and sigmaS binding, and RssB and sigmaS exhibit a 1:1 stoichiometry in the complex. The receiver as well as the output domain of RssB are required for sigmaS binding (as shown in vivo and in vitro) and for complementation of an rssB null mutation. Thus, the N-terminal receiver domain plays an active and positive role in RssB function. Finally, we demonstrate that RssB is not co-degraded with sigmaS, i.e. RssB has a catalytic role in the initiation of sigmaS turnover. A model is presented that integrates the details of RssB-sigmaS interaction, the RssB catalytic cycle and potential stress signal input in the control of sigmaS proteolysis.  相似文献   

Net rates of NO3? and K+ uptake were compared for oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Jet neuf), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. S23), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Augusta) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Fen-man) in flowing solution culture during a 4-day sequence of low-low-high-high natural irradiance. Concentrations of NO3? (10 μM) and K+ (2.5 μM) in solutions were maintained automatically and hourly variation in net uptake of these ions was measured. During the 2 days of low irradiance (<1 MJ m?2 day?1) the uptake rates of both ions by all species were low at <1 mmol NO3?, m?2 h?1 and <0.4 mmol K+ m?2 h?1. Uptake increased in each species during the first day of high irradiance (7.90 MJ m?2 day?1) to >4 mmol NO3? m?2 h?1 and >1.4 mmol K+ m?1 h?1. These higher rates were maintained throughout the following night. The lag-time between maximum irradiance and the onset of the highest acceleration in uptake was greater for NO3? (5–8 h) than for K+ (≤1 h) in rape, wheat and Italian ryegrass. Uptake of NO3?, by perennial ryegrass showed an almost constant acceleration for 18 h following maximum irradiance. In all species the measured maximum inflows (uptake rate per unit root length) of both ions were greater than theoretical maximum potential inflows to a non-competing infinite-sink root in soil, by factors of 7 and 36, respectively, for NO3? and K+, averaged over all species.  相似文献   

It is now well established that the σS subunit of RNA polymerase is a master regulator in a complex regulatory network that governs the expression of many stationary-phase-inducible genes in Escherichiacoli. In this review, more recent findings will be summarized that demonstrate that σS also acts as a global regulator for the osmotic control of gene expression, and actually does so in exponentially growing cells. Thus, many σS-dependent genes are induced during entry into stationary phase as well as in response to osmotic upshift. K+ glutamate, which accumulates in hyperosmotically stressed cells, seems to specifically stimulate the activity of σS-containing RNA polymerase at σS-dependent promoters. Moreover, osmotic upshift results in an elevated cellular σS level similar to that observed in stationary-phase cells. This increase is the result of a stimulation of rpoS translation as well as an inhibition of the turnover of σS, which in exponentially growing non-stressed cells is a highly unstable protein. Whereas the RNA-binding protein HF-I, previously known as a host factor for the replication of phage Qβ RNA, is essential for rpoS translation, the recently discovered response regulator RssB, and ClpXP protease, have been shown to be required for σS degradation. The finding that the histone-like protein H-NS is also involved in the control of rpoS translation and σS turnover, sheds new light on the function of this protein in osmoregulation. Finally, preliminary evidence suggests that additional stresses, such as heat shock and acid shock, also result in increased cellular σS levels in exponentially growing cells. Taken together, σS function is clearly not confined to stationary phase. Rather, σS may be regarded as a sigma factor associated with general stress conditions.  相似文献   

Thirty-six mesocosms, each containing a two-species community of Trifolium repens (C3 legume) and Stenotaphrum secundatum (C4 grass), were grown in sand with three nutrient regimes, zero N low P, zero N high P and supplied N high P, under ambient (aCO2) and twice ambient CO2 (eCO2) for 15 months in two greenhouses. Aboveground annual production in the P limited mesocosms did not respond to eCO2 and was reduced by 50% relative to mesocosms with an adequate P supply, where dry-matter production was increased by 12–24% under eCO2. The stimulation of production by eCO2 occurred throughout the year despite a clear seasonality in growth. There was no effect of eCO2 on leaf area index (LAI), which was larger under high P than low P. Live root mass at the end of the experiment was higher under eCO2 in all nutrient treatments, but the response of total belowground C (root+soil) to eCO2 depended on P treatment. Under limiting P, belowground C was not significantly changed by eCO2 (2–2.3 t belowground C ha−1). Under high P supply, both root and soil C pools increased under eCO2. Under aCO2, low P supply increased belowground C by 0.7–1 t C ha−1 above that added by the high P treatment. P is commonly limiting in Australian ecosystems and the majority of ecosystem N input is provided by biological N fixation. Consequently, the response of legumes to eCO2 is of particular importance. These results demonstrate that at low P availability, there is likely to be only a limited response of biomass production by T. repens to eCO2, which in turn may constrain any ecosystem response.  相似文献   

Genes coding for sporamin and β-amylase of sweet potato are inducible not only by high levels of metabolizable sugars, such as sucrose, but also by a low concentration of polygalacturonic acid (PGA). Calmodulin inhibitors and EGTA inhibited both the PGA-inducible and the sucrose-inducible accumulation of mRNAs for sporamin and β-amylase in sweet potato. Calmodulin inhibitors, EGTA and La3+, also inhibited the sucrose-inducible expression, in leaves of transgenic tobacco, of a fusion gene, β-Amy:GUS, which consists of the promoter of the β-amylase gene and the coding sequence for β-glucuronidase. The sucrose-inducible expression of the β-Amy:GUS fusion gene was also inhibited by two inhibitors of Ca2+ channels, diltiazem and nicardipine. These results suggest that the sugar-inducible expression of genes for sporamin and β-amylase involves, at least in part, Ca2+-mediated signalling, and that the cytosolic free Ca2+ may mediate cross-talk between signals related to carbohydrate metabolism and other stimuli. Treatment of coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs of tobacco expressing a Ca2+-binding photoprotein, aequorin, with 0.2 M sucrose for 24 h significantly reduced the level of luminescence that could be induced by cold shock, as compared to cold shock-induced luminescence in coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs treated with water. Repression of cold shock-induced luminescence was due to the conversion of holoaequorin to apoaequorin during the treatment with sucrose. Treatment of coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs with a 0.2 M solution of glucose or fructose, but not of mannitol or sorbitol, also reduced the cold shock-induced luminescence. It is suggested that non-synchronous increases in cytosolic level of free Ca2+ occur in leaf discs during treatment with high levels of metabolizable sugars.  相似文献   

The antioxidant status of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers of two genotypes, cv. Désirée and clone 10337de40 was investigated in relation to susceptibility to internal rust spot (IRS), a Ca2+-related physiological disorder. Concentrations of total calcium within the perimedulla tissue of tubers, grown with a restricted (1 m M CaCl2) Ca2+ supply, were similar in cv. Désirée (IRS resistant) and clone 10337de40 (IRS susceptible). A range of antioxidants was assayed in order to assess antioxidant status in both genotypes under the two Ca2+ treatments. Although no appreciable differences were detected between low Ca2+ and control treatments, certain antioxidants were present at significantly higher levels in the IRS resistant genotype, cv. Désirée. These included dehydroascorbate reductase (EC activity (more than 100% higher), total glutathione content (ca 40% higher), glutathione reductase (EC activity (almost 50% higher), peroxidase (EC activity (ca 60% higher) and superoxide dismutase (EC activity (almost 80% higher). There was no difference in ascorbate content, ascorbate free radical reductase activity (EC, α-tocopherol levels and catalase activity (EC between the two genotypes. The possible relationship between resistance to IRS and a superior antioxidant status, found in cv. Désirée, is discussed.  相似文献   

Shoot activity has been reported to affect rates of ion uptake by plant roots in other ways than merely through supply of assimilates. To elucidate the mechanisms by which a signal from the upper part of the plant controls the rate of K+ and NO3 uptake by roots, both uptake of K+ and NO3 and secretion into the xylem of young sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L.) were measured after changes in light intensity.
No close correlation was observed between the uptake of NO3 and that of K+; an increase in light intensity produced a much greater stimulation of NO3 uptake than of K+ uptake. On the other hand, secretion of NO3 into the xylem was tightly coupled to that of K+, and this coupling was strongly disturbed by excision of the root. The results suggest the involvement of the K2-malate shuttle on the regulation by the shoot of K+ and NO3 secretion in the xylem, which is linked to NO3 uptake, while K+ uptake is independent of this regulation mechanism.  相似文献   

Two bovine haemoglobin beta chains, electrophoretically identical with the beta A chain of Herefords, were obtained from Ongole and Banteng, Bos javanicus, cattle. The amino acid residue differences of the two beta chains were compared by electrophoresis, cation-exchange and reverse-phase chromatography, amino acid analyses, and Edman degradation in comparison with beta A chain. The results showed that two beta chains differed from the beta A chain of the Hereford breed by the substitution of serine with threonine at the beta 43 position. No other difference was found between the two chains and beta A. This new beta chain type was termed beta A Zebu, which forms a possible evolutionarily transitional type between the beta A and the rare variant beta D Zambia found previously in African zebu cattle. The beta A Zebu differentiates from the previous beta B by at least four amino acid substitutions involving five codon-base changes.  相似文献   

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