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Serum amyloid P component is a normal plasma glycoprotein which is the precursor of amyloid P component, a minor but universal constituent of amyloid deposits. When isolated human P component is exposed to free ionised Ca2+ it aggregates and precipitates. This phenomenon is completely inhibited by the presence of 10(-4)-10(-2) M methyl 4,6-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)-beta-D-galactopyranoside, a recently synthesised specific ligand for amyloid P component. This observation suggests that the autoaggregation of human amyloid P component involves the Ca2+ dependent specific ligand binding property of P component, but does not distinguish between receptor-site-mediated and allosteric mechanisms.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid P component is a normal plasma glycoprotein which is the precursor of amyloid P component, a minor but universal constituent of amyloid deposits. When isolated human P component is exposed to free ionised Ca2+ it aggregates and precipitates. This phenomenon is completely inhibited by the presence of 10?4?10?2 M methyl 4,6-O-(1-car?yethylidene)-β-D-galactopyranoside, a recently synthesised specific ligand for amyloid P component. This observation suggests that the autoaggregation of human amyloid P component involves the Ca2+ dependent specific ligand binding property of P component, but does not distinguish between receptor-site-mediated and allosteric mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two monoclinic (P2(1)) crystal forms of human serum amyloid P component (SAP) in complex with the 4,6-pyruvate acetal of beta-D-galactose (MObetaDG) were prepared. Structure analysis by molecular replacement and refinement at 2.2A resolution revealed that crystal form 1 (a=95.76A, b=70.53A, c=103.41A, beta=96.80 degrees) contained a pentamer in the asymmetric unit with a structure very similar to that of the published search model. The mode of ligand co-ordination was also similar except that four of the five subunits showed bound ligand with an additional H-bond between O1 of the galactose and the side-chain of Lys79. One sub-unit showed no bound ligand and a vacant calcium site close to a crystal contact. The 2.6A resolution structure of crystal form 2 (a=118.60A, b=109.10A, c=120.80A and beta=95.16 degrees ) showed ten sub-units in the asymmetric unit, all with two bound calcium ions and ligand. The most extensive protein-protein interactions between pentamers describe an AB face-to-face interaction involving 15 ion pairs that sandwiches five molecules of bound MObetaDG at the interface.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones corresponding to the human serum amyloid P component (SAP) were isolated, and the complete nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence of preSAP was determined. PreSAP biosynthesis is directed by a 1.1-kilobase mRNA. Synthesis and postsynthetic processing of preSAP in Xenopus oocytes result in secretion of a protein with mobility similar to native purified SAP when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The human SAP gene is on chromosome 1, probably closely linked to the gene for C-reactive protein which encodes the related acute phase reactant found in human plasma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serum amyloid P component (SAP) is a universal constituent of amyloid deposits and contributes to their pathogenesis. SAP also has important normal functions in the handling of chromatin in vivo and resistance to bacterial infection. The atomic resolution crystal structure of SAP is known, but its physiological oligomeric assembly remains controversial. In the absence of calcium, isolated human SAP forms stable decamers composed of two cyclic disk-like pentamers interacting face to face. However, in the presence of its specific low molecular weight ligands and calcium, SAP forms stable pentamers. In the presence of calcium, but without any ligand, isolated human SAP aggressively autoaggregates and precipitates, imposing severe constraints on methods for molecular mass determination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gel filtration chromatography and density gradient ultracentrifugation were used to compare SAP with the closely related molecule, C-reactive protein (CRP; which is known to be a single pentamer) and the effect of human serum albumin on SAP autoaggregation was investigated. RESULTS: In most physiological buffers and with the necessary absence of calcium, SAP, whether isolated or from whole serum samples, eluted from gel filtration columns clearly ahead of CRP. This is consistent with the existence of a monodisperse population of SAP decamers, as previously reported. However, in Tris/phosphate buffer, SAP was pentameric, suggesting that decamerization involved ionic interactions. On density gradients formed in undiluted normal human serum, SAP sedimented as single pentamers not complexed with any macromolecular ligand, regardless of the presence or absence of calcium. The calcium-dependent autoaggregation of isolated SAP was completely inhibited by physiological concentrations of albumin and the SAP remained pentameric. CONCLUSIONS: Human SAP exists within serum as single uncomplexed pentamers in the presence or absence of calcium. This oligomeric assembly, thus, does not require a calcium-dependent small molecule interaction. The usual >2000-fold molar excess of albumin over SAP in plasma is apparently sufficient to keep SAP in its physiological conformation.  相似文献   

The normal physiological roles of the phylogenetically conserved human plasma proteins C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid P component (SAP) are not known. Novel drugs targeting their ligand specificities are in clinical development as both proteins have significant pathophysiological effects, SAP in promoting amyloidosis and CRP in exacerbating ischemic injury. Both proteins bind to phosphoethanolamine and we show here that, under physiological conditions, phosphoethanolamine is bound with higher affinity by human SAP than by human CRP. An explanation is provided by X-ray crystal structures that show SAP residue Tyr74 allowing additional hydrophobic protein-ligand interactions compared with the equivalent Thr76 of CRP. Docking simulations show many more low energy positions for phosphoethanolamine bound by CRP than by SAP and are consistent with the crystallographic and functional binding results. These fundamental observations on structure-activity relationships will aid the design of improved pentraxin targeting drugs.  相似文献   

Structure of the mouse serum amyloid P component gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A genomic DNA clone corresponding to the mouse serum amyloid P component (SAP) has been isolated and characterized for the first time. The numbers of exons, the relative sites of intron/exon junctions, and the size of the coding region for mature SAP protein are all in complete agreement with those of the human SAP gene. In the 5'-flanking region of the mouse SAP gene, there is a small DNA segment (43-base pairs) which is highly homologous with the corresponding region of the human SAP gene. However, most parts of the 5'-flanking regions are not conserved between the mouse and human SAP genes, and several phorbol ester-responsive element-like sequences are present only in the mouse SAP gene.  相似文献   

Pentraxins such as human serum amyloid P component (SAP) and C reactive protein (CRP) represent an ancient family of proteins that are ubiquitous in nature and have evolved with little change in structure or regulation. The pentraxin in the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is unique because it is preferentially expressed in the female at high constitutive levels and accordingly called female protein (FP) or FP(SAP) due to its close homology with human SAP. The high levels of FP in female serum (100-fold greater than male serum) suggested its role in hamster pregnancy, one of the shortest of any eutherian mammal. We determined the serum FP concentration in pregnant Syrian hamsters and found a marked decrease (>80%) at term with the nadir at parturition with subsequent increase. A similar downregulation of FP was found in the normal female Syrian hamster after injury (acute phase response), so in both cases the assumed beneficial effects were achieved with less, rather than more pentraxin, a paradoxical pentraxin response. The fall in serum FP concentration could represent a response to protect the fetus from the high and potentially toxic level of FP normally found in the female, that is harmful because of its association with amyloidosis. An FP that is 97.5% identical to Syrian hamster FP is found in the Turkish hamster (Mesocricetus brandti), although serum levels in females are much lower, and amyloid is very rare. During pregnancy/parturition of Turkish hamsters, the serum level of FP remained remarkably constant. In a more distantly related hamster, the Armenian hamster (Cricetulus migratorius), serum FP actually increased during pregnancy and at parturition in a manner similar to that found in the Armenian hamster during an acute phase response. The heterogeneity of FP kinetics during pregnancy in these three species of hamster indicates pleomorphic gene structure for regulation of their similar FPs, and suggests that this protein may have a different function in the pregnancy of each species.  相似文献   

Human serum amyloid P component (SAP) is a glycoprotein structurally belonging to the pentraxin family of proteins, which has a characteristic pentameric organization. Mice with a targeted deletion of the SAP gene develop antinuclear Abs, which was interpreted as evidence for a role of SAP in controlling the degradation of chromatin. However, in vitro SAP also can bind to phosphatidylethanolamine, a phospholipid which in normal cells is located mainly in the inner leaflet of the cell membrane, to be translocated to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane during a membrane flip-flop. We hypothesized that SAP, because of its specificity for phosphatidylethanolamine, may bind to apoptotic cells independent of its nuclear binding. Calcium-dependent binding of SAP to early, nonpermeable apoptotic Jurkat, SKW, and Raji cells was indeed observed. Experiments with flip-flopped erythrocytes confirmed that SAP bound to early apoptotic cells via exposed phosphatidylethanolamine. Binding of SAP was stronger to late, permeable apoptotic cells. Experiments with enucleated neutrophils, with DNase/RNase treatment of late apoptotic Jurkat cells, and competition experiments with histones suggested that binding of SAP to late apoptotic cells was largely independent of chromatin. Confocal laser microscopic studies indeed suggested that SAP bound to these apoptotic cells mainly via the blebs. Thus, this study shows that SAP binds to apoptotic cells already at an early stage, which raises the possibility that SAP is involved in dealing with apoptotic cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid P component (SAP) is a highly preserved plasma protein named for its ubiquitous presence in amyloid deposits. Although SAP is described to bind many ligands, no clear biological function has been ascribed to it as yet. This review summarizes the current knowledge about the protein SAP, its ligands and functional properties. Finally, the author focuses on the recent finding of the binding of SAP to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Gram-negative bacteria and the possible functional consequences of these interactions.  相似文献   

The long pentraxin 3 (PTX3), serum amyloid P component (SAP), and C-reactive protein belong to the pentraxin family of pattern recognition molecules involved in tissue homeostasis and innate immunity. They interact with C1q from the classical complement pathway. Whether this also occurs via the analogous mannose-binding lectin (MBL) from the lectin complement pathway is unknown. Thus, we investigated the possible interaction between MBL and the pentraxins. We report that MBL bound PTX3 and SAP partly via its collagen-like domain but not C-reactive protein. MBL-PTX3 complex formation resulted in recruitment of C1q, but this was not seen for the MBL-SAP complex. However, both MBL-PTX3 and MBL-SAP complexes enhanced C4 and C3 deposition and opsonophagocytosis of Candida albicans by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Interaction between MBL and PTX3 led to communication between the lectin and classical complement pathways via recruitment of C1q, whereas SAP-enhanced complement activation occurs via a hitherto unknown mechanism. Taken together, MBL-pentraxin heterocomplexes trigger cross-activation of the complement system.  相似文献   

1. A new purification procedure was started with salting-out fractionation of serum proteins at 45-75% saturated ammonium sulfate concentration, followed by HE agarose affinity chromatography by which calcium-dependently bound CRP and SAP were purely eluted with EDTA-containing buffer. 2. Pure CRP and SAP were finally separated by DEAE-5PW HPLC. 3. This procedure gave recovery of 15 and 26%, and fold purification of 2650 and 2400 for CRP and SAP, respectively. 4. Each subunit of CRP and SAP had one intrasubunit disulfide bond, determined by reduction and carboxymethylation.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate recognition by amyloid P component from human serum has been investigated by binding experiments using several glycosaminoglycans, polysaccharides and a series of structurally defined neoglycolipids and natural glycolipids. Two novel classes of carbohydrate ligands have been identified. The first is 6-phosphorylated mannose as found on lysosomal hydrolases, and the second is the 3-sulphated saccharides galactose, N-acetyl-galactosamine and glucuronic acid as found on sulphatide and other acidic glycolipids that occur in neural or kidney tissues or on subpopulations of lymphocytes. Binding to mannose-6-phosphate containing molecules and inhibition of binding by free mannose-6-phosphate and fructose-1-phosphate are features shared with mannose-6-phosphate receptors involved in trafficking of lysosomal enzymes. However, only amyloid P binding is inhibited by galactose-6-phosphate, mannose-1-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate. These findings strengthen the possibility that amyloid P protein has a central role in amyloidogenic processes: first in formation of focal concentrations of lysosomal enzymes including proteases that generate fibril-forming peptides from amyloidogenic proteins, and second in formation of multicomponent complexes that include sulphoglycolipids as well as glycosaminoglycans. The evidence that binding to all of the acidic ligands involves the same polypeptide domain on amyloid P protein, and inhibition data using diffusible, phosphorylated monosaccharides, is potentially important leads to novel drug designs aimed at preventing or even reversing amyloid deposition processes without interference with essential lysosomal trafficking pathways.  相似文献   

Hepatic mRNA levels of the mouse major acute phase proteins serum amyloid P component (SAP) and serum amyloid A component (SAA) were monitored at timed intervals after i.p. injection of thioglycollate or s.c. injection of azocasein. Both mRNA increased dramatically in response to either inflammatory stimulus. The increase in SAA mRNA levels accompanied an abrupt change in mRNA size from 650 to 750 bases. Peak SAA mRNA concentrations were observed 18 h after either stimulus; by 72 h concentrations had returned to preinflammatory levels. Peak SAP mRNA concentrations were observed 8 h after thioglycollate and 12 to 18 h after azocasein injection; by 36 h concentrations were close to preinflammatory levels. All mRNA species studied (SAP, SAA and the complement components C3, C5 and factor B) were induced more rapidly by the thioglycollate stimulus and reached higher peak concentrations. SAP mRNA levels were correlated with other parameters of inflammation: infiltration of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) into the peritoneum after thioglycollate injection, and serum concentrations of SAP after azocasein injection. Serum SAP concentrations rose 20-fold in response to the latter stimulus by 36 h, i.e., 18 to 24 h after the peak SAP mRNA levels. The highest numbers of PEC were present 24 h after the thioglycollate stimulus, i.e. 16 h after the maximum SAP mRNA concentration, indicating the continuation of an active local inflammation many hours after one aspect of the systemic response has ceased.  相似文献   

The pentraxins are a family of proteins characterized by cyclic pentameric structure, calcium-dependent ligand binding and sequence homology. The two main representatives of this family are the serum proteins, C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid P component (SAP). In man CRP is an acute phase reactant which increases up to 1000 fold during the acute phase response whereas SAP is a constitutive protein expressed at about 30 g/ml. These proteins activate complement through the classical pathway and participate in opsonization of particulate antigens and bacteria. In the past several years it has been determined that both of these pentraxins interact with nuclear antigens including chromatin and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). Both CRP and SAP have nuclear transport signals which facilitate their entry into the nuclei of intact cells. Furthermore, these pentraxins have been shown to affect the clearance of nuclear antigens in vivo. It is now believed that one of the major functions of the pentraxins could be to interact with the nuclear antigens released from apoptotic or necrotic cells. This interaction could mitigate against deposition of these antigens in tissue and autoimmune reactivity.Abbreviations CRP C-reactive protein - HSA human serum albumin - PC phosphocholine - SAP serum amyloid P component - snRNP small nuclear ribonucleoprotein - SLE systemic lupus erythematosus  相似文献   

A comprehensive series of solution and crystallographic studies reveal how simple, achiral, bivalent ligands of the cyclic pyruvate of glycerol promote face-to-face complex formation of the pentraxin, serum amyloid P component (SAP) into decamers. SAP, a protein of the human innate immune system, is universally present in amyloids, including cerebral amyloid deposits found in the brain of Alzheimer disease patients. Removal of SAP through a specific aggregation mechanism mediated by multivalent ligands appears to provide therapeutic benefit in the progression of this disease. Crystallographic studies reveal that in our novel series of ligands only the methyl and carboxylate moieties of the pyruvate ketal directly interact with the protein, but the geometric constraints imposed by the tether dictate which of two chair conformations are adopted by the pyruvate dioxane ring. Solution studies, as interpreted through a simple thermodynamic model, account for the distribution of pentameric and decameric bound states at different ligand concentrations and indicate that differences in the flexibility of the tether determine the geometry and stability of the specific aggregates formed between SAP and two different bivalent ligands. The factors affecting the design of ligands promoting face-to-face protein dimerization as well as potential biological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were produced by microinjection of a human serum amyloid P component (hSAP) gene or a fusion gene (SS) comprising the promoter for hSAP (nucleotides -600 to -14 from the start codon) and the coding region of the hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg). In adult mice, both transgenes were expressed only in the liver, and thus the pattern of expression resembled that of the endogenous mouse SAP gene. Both hSAP mRNA and HBsAg were first detected in liver on the second postnatal day. The level of these products increased rapidly and reached the maximum within the first week. These results suggest that the hSAP gene contains a short, cis-acting, developmental, and liver-specific regulatory sequence at the 5' or the 3' end and that this sequence can target expression of the foreign gene.  相似文献   

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