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Zusammenfassung Im Herbst 1984 schliefen mindestens 50 Hohltauben (Columba oenas), wahrscheinlich aber wesentlich mehr, an drei verschiedenen Stellen auf grobscholligen Sturzäckern der offenen Ackerlandschaft des Marchfeldes östlich von Wien. Bäume verwendeten sie nur als Sammelplatz. Im gleichen Zeitraum war auch ein traditioneller Schlafplatz zusammen mit Türkentauben (Streptopelia decaoto) in einem Wiener Randbezirk (16 km entfernt) benutzt; er lag in einem Gehölz.
Stock Doves (Columba oenas) roosting also in open fields
Summary In autumn 1984, at least 50 — probably many more — Stock Doves roosted in open fields, roughly ploughed, east of Vienna. The nearest trees, 200 metres distant, were used only as perches until darkness approached. Some 16 km distant, another roosting place in trees was shared with Collared Doves (Streptopelia decaocto).

Feral Pigeons Columba livia live in almost every city in the world and are often a problem because of their large numbers. Knowledge of the spatial use of the city by Pigeons is important for population control management. Previous studies have given contradictory results concerning the urban area used by Pigeons and their feeding strategies. We used the global positioning system (GPS) to investigate the spatial use of urban habitats by Feral Pigeons in Basel, Switzerland. The total ranges of the subpopulations varied between 32.9 and 306.3 ha and overlapped partially. The total ranges of individual Feral Pigeons varied between 2.9 and 150.6 ha. Pigeons from a single loft had one or two main feeding places and up to 33 other places that they used for occasional feeding or for resting. Individual Pigeons visited up to ten different locations. Our study shows that Feral Pigeons have individual feeding strategies and are flexible enough to adapt to different urban environments. Therefore, we must contradict the view that Feral Pigeons are dependent on intentional feeding by humans and are unable to fly more than a few hundred metres. Our results are important for Pigeon control management, biomonitoring projects using Feral Pigeons as indicators of pollution and the study of disease transmission. Pigeon control management based on killing has only a local and temporary effect, because Pigeon subpopulations are interconnected. Pigeons from other areas will replace removed individuals. Biomonitoring projects usually assume that Pigeons show a limited mobility. Our study reveals that this is not a generally valid assumption. Because Pigeon subpopulations are connected, diseases can be spread over an entire urban area. This is of human concern, as seven infectious diseases have been shown to be transmitted from Feral Pigeons to humans.  相似文献   

四川南充市区珠颈斑鸠的繁殖生态学和巢址选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年11月~2004年4月在四川省南充市区内对珠颈斑鸠(Streptopelia chinensis)繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。结果表明:珠颈斑鸠3月初开始求偶交配,求偶行为复杂,有“婚飞”行为;雌雄参与筑巢,营巢期7~8 d。影响巢址选择的主要因素有6种:栖位与巢周隐蔽因子、巢下隐蔽因子、光照因子、人为活动因子、食物因子和营巢树因子;窝卵数2枚,雌雄轮流孵卵,孵卵期17~18 d,孵化率86.67%;雌雄均参与育雏,育雏期18~20 d,雏离巢率73.08%,繁殖生产力1.82,种群育雏高峰期为7月和8月中上旬。  相似文献   

Feral Pigeons Columba livia are highly adapted to urban environments and are thus often abundant in cities. This can lead to various problems, including fouling of building facades and pavements, transmission of allergens and pathogenic micro‐organisms, and infestations of ectoparasites derived from breeding sites. To develop effective, long‐lasting and humane control strategies, it is necessary to understand the demography of Feral Pigeons. Although food shortage is a major source of reproductive failure in Feral Pigeons, it is still unclear at which phase of the reproductive cycle this reduces overall reproductive success. Here, we assess the effect of a sudden reduction in the food base on the reproduction of a well‐studied Feral Pigeon breeding colony. The findings of this study suggest that the number of broods per pair decreases significantly during food scarcity, and that although hatching success remains constant, a significantly greater number of nestlings die during the rearing phase. This suggests that the high energy demand of Feral Pigeon nestlings could not be met under conditions of food scarcity, which reduced the total number of fledged young by more than half and led to a reduction in the colony size. These results have important implications for selecting suitable, durable and humane control strategies for the management of large Feral Pigeon populations in urban environments.  相似文献   

Capsule Although subject to human disturbance Turtle Doves do nest successfully in these olive and orange orchards.

Aim To investigate the breeding ecology of Turtle Doves in a man‐made agricultural habitat in central Morocco.

Methods Turtle Dove nests were monitored in orange and olive orchards over three years (2006, 2007 and 2008). Nest abundance, nest location, egg‐laying chronology, clutch size, nest survival rates and breeding success were determined and compared between orchard types.

Results The Moroccan population of Turtle Doves start breeding earlier than European populations. Clutch size, nest survival rates and breeding success were similar in orange and olive orchards. Nest location differed between orange and olive trees. Nest densities were 16 nests/ha in olive orchards and 45 nests/ha in orange orchards. Nest success rate averaged 48%. Daily nest survival rates did not vary according to orchard types, year and date. In the two orchards, no nest position variables were significant predictors of nesting success.

Conclusion Although highly frequented by people, fruit orchards seem to be suitable breeding habitats for Turtle Doves in this region.  相似文献   

Capsule GPS tracking gives very precise information about Feral Pigeons' spatio-temporal behaviour in the urban habitat.

Aims To test the suitability and the limits of GPS tracking in the urban habitat for a detailed analysis of Feral Pigeons' spatio-temporal behaviour.

Methods We placed ten receivers in eight different locations in the city of Basel, Switzerland. Between 1 and 23 April 2003, we performed 166 recordings and compared the stored positions with the real location. We also tested the GPS receivers on 29 free-living Feral Pigeons.

Results Almost 82% of the positions obtained with the GPS receivers were within 25 m and 96% within 100 m of the real location. The accuracy varied between locations, depending on the proportion of open sky. In 38% of the tests, no positions were stored. We performed 143 test flights with 29 Feral Pigeons (18 males and 11 females). A total of 118 flights produced ‘storable’ position information, 25 flights (17.5%) produced no storable data. Over 47% of the flights were complete (beginning and ending at loft), the others began or ended elsewhere. We encountered some difficulties: delays to get the first fix; reflection of the satellite signal on tall buildings; and limited battery life.

Conclusion Despite some difficulties related to the urban habitat and the technical features of the GPS receivers, we recommend the GPS-based tracking method for studying the spatio-temporal behaviour of Feral Pigeons and other birds weighing over 300 g and which are easy to capture.  相似文献   

The heaviest clutches (2 eggs) laid by Woodpigeons Columba palumbus in a Cambridgeshire study area weighed 30% more than the lightest. Yet the variation in egg-weight within clutches was less than 1 %. Irrespective of initial weight, eggs lost weight at the same constant rate during incubation. Heavy eggs hatched more successfully than light eggs and none weighing less than 16 g hatched. There was no correlation between chicks' weight at hatching and their weight at day 6 during the July-September part of the breeding season. The ability to feed crop milk at this stage could compensate for low chick-weight, but this might not be true early in the season. Weight at day 6 was correlated with the weight at day 16 or 17. The growth pattern is discussed. Chicks in broods of one achieved a higher weight at day 17 than those in broods of two. The survival rate both in and after leaving the nest was the same in both brood-sizes. Chick-weight in artificially created broods of three was almost as high as in broods of two, but again data refer to the July-September period when abundant cereal food is available. Survival before and after fledging was lower in broods of three. Clutch- and egg-weight declined from April until September. It is suggested that this is adaptive, in that the adults produce heavier eggs when food supplies are most difficult to collect. The critical period probably occurs during the few days when the adult must produce crop milk and the young cannot be left unattended. Thus egg-weight depends on the female's capacity to acquire nutrients, and is related to the needs of embryonic development and the amount of compensation in nutrient supply which can be provided immediately after hatching. But clutch-size is more related to the bird's ability to feed and rear young to the point of fledging, thereby influencing the number of offspring which survive to leave progeny. Egg-weight and female body-weight were positively correlated in females weighing less than 480 g but not in heavier females. First-year birds did not acquire adult weight until midsummer and they would probably produce light eggs if they could breed before this month. However, their gonads do not recrudesce until July and this prevents them breeding in the spring. Seasonal changes in body-weight and fat content of adults and first-year birds are described and discussed; differences were noted between adult males and females which were considered to be adaptive. The moult is described. It begins in April and continues until November, approximately one pair of primaries being replaced per month. The moult ceases during the winter months, when it is known that food supplies become limiting. Woodpigeons lay light eggs relative to their body-weight but can achieve the extra parental care needed for the altricial chicks by producing crop milk. Because the moult is extended, the energy demands of moulting and breeding combined are relatively low and this enables the Woodpigeon to have a long breeding season and to moult coincidentally.  相似文献   

Breeding and survival of New Zealand Pigeons Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The breeding and survival of New Zealand Pigeons Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae were studied by radiotelemetry at three contrasting native forest sites in the North and South Islands of New Zealand. At each site, mean annual productivity was low (0-0.12 fledglings/adult) in relation to the mean annual rate of adult mortality (0.18-0.53). Losses of eggs and chicks to introduced mammals were the main identified causes of nest failure. Causes of adult mortality included episodic predation by introduced mammals and apparent starvation in spring at one site. At the most intensively-studied site (Pelorus Bridge), where 75 birds were radiotagged over 7 years, there was a marked annual variation in breeding success (0-0.3 fledglings/adult), including one season (1986–1987) when no breeding activity was detected at all. New Zealand Pigeons were legally hunted in the past, but our results indicate that harvesting is unlikely to be sustainable under current ecological conditions.  相似文献   

LARS GUSTAFSSON 《Ibis》1988,130(1):11-16
Field experiments with nest boxes show that nest holes are a limiting factor on the local population size of the Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis. When this limiting resource occurs with different types that are quality related there is intraspecific competition among males for the best nest boxes, with bigger males being the better competitors. Population dynamics of Great Tit Parus major and Blue Tit P. caeruleus when compared with Collared Flycatchers suggests that there is strong interspecific Competition for available nest holes. This is also shown by removal experiments.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2005,27(2):125-128
We experimentally tested whether the lack of high-quality nest holes may limit the number of secondary cavity-nesters in cavity-rich habitats. We mapped and measured natural tree-holes in 10 mature aspen forests in Estonia. In five experimental plots, we provided nest-boxes on trees having suitable cavities for hole-nesting passerines. This improved the quality of available cavities but retained their total number (due to territoriality, sites in the same tree could not be occupied simultaneously) and location on the landscape. In the next breeding season, the density of hole-nesting passerines increased in experimental plots but remained at the same level in control plots. The increase was due to the species that used boxes: Parus major that preferred these over natural cavities, and Ficedula hypoleuca that used both nest types more opportunistically. We concluded that the quality of cavities can influence the numbers of hole-nesting birds in old cavity-rich forests, also; probably, adaptive habitat selection is the proximate mechanism in this case.  相似文献   

Capsule Woodpigeons range over greater areas during winter than summer with winter dispersion greatest in the first two winters following fledging.

Aims To radiotrack Woodpigeons, to analyse the BTO ringing recoveries and to examine ranging behaviour.

Methods Movements of 19 adult and nine newly fledged Woodpigeons around a 1070-ha study site in eastern England were monitored by radiotracking. The BTO recovery data were analysed for birds ringed in arable areas of Britain during the period 1950 to 1999.

Results The mean 95% minimum convex polygons during the summer were 254 ha for adults and 294 ha for juveniles. These ranges increased to 628 ha for adults and 1283 ha for juveniles during winter. Although they left the study area over the winter, some radiotagged juveniles returned to their natal areas the following summer. Winter dispersion followed by a return to the natal area the following summer only occurred for the first two years of life.

Conclusion Although Woodpigeons are largely sedentary, the winter dispersion of juvenile birds will weaken any effect of localized winter shooting on the numbers of breeding birds in that area the following spring.  相似文献   

Underhill, L.G., Underhill, G.D. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 1999. Primary moult and body-mass of the Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola, and its abundance relative to the Laughing Dove S. senegalensis, in the Western Cape. Ostrich 70 (3&4): 196–199.

The duration of primary moult of adult Cape Turtle Doves Streptopelia capicola was estimated to be 192 days. 23 November was the estimated mean starting date, with 95% of birds starting within 88 days of this date. The mean body-mass of adults was 148 g and of first-year birds was 130 g. In residential areas, Cape Turtle Doves were trapped less frequently than Laughing Doves S. senegalensis; at most rural sites, Cape Turtle Doves comprised about two-thirds of the catch. On a dairy farm, where doves were attracted to cattle feed, 1 % of doves were Cape Turtle Doves. The emerging pattern is that Laughing Doves predominate at sites where food is provided on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

Many bird species nest in close association with other bolder and more aggressive birds which provide protection against nest predators. The woodpigeons, Columba palumbus, that nest in poplar plantations in Northern Italy are found almost exclusively clumped around hobby, Falco subbuteo, nests. Woodpigeons settle in the area and build their nests after the hobby has started nesting. We carried out experiments with dummy nests and observations on woodpigeon nests. Dummy woodpigeon nests placed near a hobby's nest suffered less depredation by hooded crows, Corvus corone cornix, than those placed far from it. A logistic regression analysis showed that three variables, hobby nesting stage, distance from the hobby's nest and the hobby's aggressiveness, influenced the probability of nest predation. The degree of protection varied during the hobby's nesting period and was highest when chicks were in the nest. The hobby's aggressiveness against intruders varied both between and within individuals during different nesting phases. The predation rate of dummy nests associated with the falcon was negatively correlated with the aggressiveness score of the hobby during the 6 days of dummy nest exposure. Observations on real nests showed that woodpigeons selected hobbies that had a high fledging success, and a more vigorous defensive behaviour. Clues that would allow woodpigeons to choose the best protector may be early nesting by the hobby and its aggressiveness. Hobbies preyed on adult woodpigeons, but the risk incurred by the woodpigeons was low compared with the very high risk of nest predation in this area. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Capsule Three similarly sized passerine species with various breeding strategies behaved differently in the presence of models of mammalian and avian predators.

Aims We tested whether solitary breeders behave in the presence of a predator in order to avoid disclosing their nest site in: hole-nesting Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, shrub-nesting Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla and ground-nesting Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis.

Methods The behaviour of parents in response to two types of predator model (visually oriented Corvid birds and olfactory oriented Mustelid mammals) placed sequentially at 40, 5 and 1 m distance from the nest was recorded from a shelter.

Results The hypothesis was supported in open-nesting species (Meadow Pipit and Blackcap), as parents did not approach the nest in the presence of a predator. In the hole-nesting Pied Flycatcher the parents disclosed the nest site in most cases (by entering the nest). The intensity of alarm calling increased with decreasing distance of a predator from the nest in all species except Meadow Pipit in the presence of Raven Corvus corax models. The intensity of attacking changed only in Meadow Pipit with decreasing distance of Stoat Mustela erminea from the nest.

Conclusion The results showed that anti-predator behaviour was species-specific, depending on type of predator, habitat and nest inaccessibility.  相似文献   

Summary Bird densities were estimated on 41 small islands and two mainland plots at a South Swedish lake both in 1976 and 1983. In the latter year, three additional plots were also censused. The ratio between combined densities of hole-nesting birds on the mainland and on islands was 3:1 both in plots without and with nest boxes. In plots with boxes combined densities of hole-nesting birds doubled compared with control plots. This increase was caused by a tenfold increase of pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Territories of this species were on average established about a week later on the islands compared with the mainland. Furthermore, 50% of the males on the islands did not attract a female. Densities of great tit Parus major, marsh tit Parus palustris and nuthatch Sitta europaea were unaffected by increased nesthole availability. For P. major this result contrasts with those in other studies.The density of chaffinch Fringilla coelebs in habitats with similar height and vertical structure was two times higher on the islands compared to the mainland. On the islands the density was the same on islands with only one pair and on those with two or more pairs. In spring, there were no significant differences between islands and the mainland in the proportion of leaves with insect feeding traces. The proportion of Salix leaves with feeding traces increased with island size, but this was not so for Alnus and Betula leaves. In late summer, the proportion of leaves with feeding traces were halved inside a plot with nest boxes and hence increased bird densities compared to a nearby control plot. This result was the same along the lake shore and about 150 m away from the shore.The discussion centers on the effect of man on the food-and nest site-availability of hole-nesting birds, food limitation of insectivorous birds and density compensation on islands.  相似文献   

Compared to non-flying nest-dwelling ectoparasites, the biology of most species of flying ectoparasites and its potential impact on avian hosts is poorly known and rarely, if ever, reported. In this study we explore for the first time the factors that may affect biting midge (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) abundances in the nest cavity of a bird, the hole-nesting blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, and report their effects on adults and nestlings during reproduction. The abundance of biting midges was positively associated with nest mass, parental provisioning effort and abundance of blowflies and black flies, while negatively associated with nestling condition. Furthermore, a medication treatment to reduce blood parasitaemias in adult birds revealed that biting midges were more abundant in nests of females whose blood parasitaemias were experimentally reduced. This finding would be in accordance with these insect vectors attacking preferentially uninfected or less infected hosts to increase their own survival. The abundance of black flies in the population was lower than that of biting midges and increased in nests with later hatching dates. No significant effect of black fly abundance on adult or nestling condition was detected. Blood-sucking flying insects may impose specific, particular selection pressures on their hosts and more research is needed to better understand these host–parasite associations.  相似文献   

The identification of migration dates and wintering zones for migratory birds are key elements for the understanding of the Afro-Palearctic migration system. From 2015 to 2022, a large-scale survey of Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur, a vulnerable species, was established in Northwest Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. We monitored migration dates and wintering individuals using the line-transect method. We found that Turtle Doves arrived in the last week of March and left the North African region in mid-October. Compared with Morocco, Doves arrived significantly earlier in Algeria and Tunisia. Moreover, Doves were discovered wintering on nine Northwest African sites, from October to February, where individuals feed in groups. We found that the occurrence probability of wintering Turtle Doves decreased significantly with increasing temperature and rainfall. Birds wintered most often close to wetlands since the overwintering probability decreased with the increasing distance from the recording area to the nearest water body. These are the first and only detailed findings on the migration phenology of the globally vulnerable Turtle Dove in north western Africa.  相似文献   

MASAOKI TAKAGI 《Ibis》2012,154(3):621-625
Appropriate nest‐site selection is one of the most important ways to minimize loss of reproductive investment due to predation. We determined the environmental characteristics associated with nest predation during the incubation and nestling periods of arboreal nesting Bull‐headed Shrikes on the oceanic Minami‐Daito Island where the predator community has low species diversity and includes only three introduced mammals: Ship Rat Rattus rattus, Japanese Weasel Mustela itatsi and Feral Cat Felis catus. Egg predation declined with increasing grassland cover around nests, whereas nestling predation declined with increasing nest concealment and nest height. Our results suggest that effective nest‐site characteristics for avoiding nest predation differ during the incubation and nestling periods and are dependent on the predator species and their search strategies, at least in habitats with low predator species diversity.  相似文献   

Data on nest success and brood productivity of three ground-nesting, three canopy-nesting and four hole-nesting (non-excavator) passerines were gathered in a primeval lowland temperate forest (Bialowieza National Park, E Poland). Natural holes were superabundant and the birds had to cope with a heavy pressure of a diverse assemblage of nest predators. We tested whether in such conditions nesting in holes is more productive, and whether nesting on the ground is most risky, as expected from some earlier generalisations. The nesting success varied significantly across the nest types. As predicted, the success of hole-nesters (51–74%) and their brood productivity were the highest. Contrary to expectations, the ground-nesters (27–40%) did not breed less successfully than the canopy-nesters (22–33%). Nest predators, responsible for 64–94% of nest losses in individual species, were the major cause of the differences among nest types. The Bialowieza results confirm the long-held view that holes tend to be the safest breeding places, but lend no support for the idea that nesting on the ground is more dangerous than in tree crowns.  相似文献   

Nest boxes are a popular management tool to increase nest site availability for hole-nesting birds, but biological consequences of this technique in different habitats are poorly studied. In our study area in southwestern Estonia, nest boxes for small passerines were set up in deciduous and coniferous woods. Great tits Parus major preferred the food-rich deciduous habitat for breeding, as judged by higher nest-box occupation, earlier egg-laying and larger clutches and eggs. However, in coniferous habitat more and heavier young fledged per nest, and the return rate of both fledglings and adults was higher. We propose two mutually non-exclusive explanations, both related to the maladaptive outcome of the provision of nest boxes: (i) in the preferred habitat, nest boxes caused a supra-optimal breeding density leading to an ecological trap; (ii) boxes drastically improved the non-preferred habitat, but birds were unable to exploit the breeding habitat fully. One should be careful in providing large numbers of artificial nest sites in preferred habitats. Sometimes it would be more preferable to improve less favourable habitats by removing critical constraints.  相似文献   

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