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花粉管通道法在植物遗传转化中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文综述了花粉管通道法的创立与发展,应用此方法所取得的最新研究成果,对遗传转化中所涉及的机理进行了探讨,最后比较了该方法较其它常用的转化法的优势与局限性。  相似文献   

花粉管通道法介导的铁皮石斛转基因技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以含有GFP和GUS基因的质粒和农杆菌为载体,采用花粉管通道法对铁皮石斛进行转基因技术研究。结果表明:(1)铁皮石斛种子萌发和原球茎生长对卡那霉素的最低致死浓度分别为90和150 mg·L~(-1)。进一步研究证实,在筛选转化种子和原球茎时,可分别向培养基中添加100和150 mg·L~(-1)的卡那霉素进行选择培养。(2)以携带GFP和GUS基因的质粒(pSuper1300和pBI121)和农杆菌为载体,用无菌去离子水重悬质粒pSuper1300和pBI121至浓度为100 ng·μL~(-1),用2%蔗糖+1/2MS+0.1%silwet-77+0.1%AS或5%蔗糖+0.1%silwet-77+0.1 mmol·L~(-1)AS重悬携带质粒pSuper1300和pBI121的农杆菌至菌液浓度为OD_(600)=0.7~0.8;在授粉后0.5~2.5 h内使用柱头滴加法导入携带外源基因的质粒或农杆菌溶液,收集成熟的转化种子,经选择培养及PCR检测发现,几乎所有处理的转化材料均能检测出外源GFP和GUS基因片段。另外,与农杆菌相比,以质粒为载体进行转化,可获得更高的结实率。该研究结果为铁皮石斛的基因工程育种提供了参考。  相似文献   

Gao XR  Wang GK  Su Q  Wang Y  An LJ 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(11):1781-1787
A minimal linear gene cassette (35S-phytase gene-nos) with T-DNA borders was acquired by PCR and directly introduced into soybean through the pollen tube pathway. A total of 13% of T1 plants were positive for phyA by specific PCR. Southern blot analyses showed that phyA insertions were harbored stably in T2 progeny. Phytase expression level increased 2.5-fold over a 6-week period; its highest activity was 150 U/mg protein, compared to 56 U/mg protein in untransformed controls. Activity of phytase increased to 125 FTU/kg in T3 transgenic seeds as compared to 64 FTU/kg in wild-type plants.  相似文献   

花粉管通道法转基因技术的细胞胚胎学机理探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文从细胞胚胎学出发,从理论上对花粉管通道、花粉管通道法的转化机理进行了研究。认为,外源DNA进入胚囊的途径,即外源DNA沿着连接柱头与胚囊的花粉管外界面渗入胚囊;外源DNA转化的受体应为合子;外源DNA转化的时期应限定在精卵融合至合子分裂前这一段时期,此时合子细胞壁尚未封闭;外源DNA转化受体的机制可能是外源DNA与处于原生质体状态的合子的随机融合。强调在应用此方法时,应对植物雌蕊结构以及受精经历的时间有全面了解,并列出了一些重要植物授粉后受精过程各阶段的时间,对外源DNA导入部位和方法提出了建议,并分析了花粉管通道法转基因技术转化率较低的原因。  相似文献   

Sogo A  Tobe H 《Annals of botany》2006,97(1):71-77
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is generally known that fertilization is delayed for more than a few weeks after pollination in Fagales. Recent studies showed that, during that period, pollen tubes grew in pistils in close association with the development of the ovule in a five-step process in Casuarina (Casuarinaceae) and a four-step process in Alnus (Betulaceae). The number of pollen tubes was reduced from many to one, a fact suggesting that delayed fertilization plays a role for gametophyte selection. Myrica (Myricaceae) also shows delayed fertilization for >2 weeks after pollination, but nothing is known of how pollen tubes grow in the pistil during that period. METHODS: Pollen-tube growth and the development of the ovule in pistils was investigated by fluorescent and scanning electron microscopy and analysis of microtome sections of the pistils. KEY RESULTS: Developmental study of the pollen-tube growth in the pistil of M. rubra showed that the tip of the pollen tube was branched or lay in a zigzag pattern in the upper space of the ovarian locule or near the tip of the integument, and subsequently was swollen on the nucellar surface. Such morphological changes indicate that the pollen-tube growth was temporarily arrested before fertilization. The pollen-tube growth in M. rubra can therefore be summarized as occurring in three steps: (1) from the stigma to the ovarian locule; (2) from the ovarian locule to the nucellar surface; and (3) from the nucellar surface to the embryo sac. CONCLUSION: Myrica differs from other families in that the pollen tubes arrest their growth on the nucellar surface, probably digesting nutrient from nucellar cells. There is little information on five other families of Fagales. An extensive study is needed to better understand the diversity and function of the mode of pollen-tube growth within the order.  相似文献   

Summary Soybean is a recalcitrant species for in vitro manipulation. Chinese scientists developed two in planta non-tissue culture soybean transformation procedures: (1) via the “pollen-tube-pathway” to introduce exogenous genomic total DNA of Glycine gracilis, the seed of which consisted of 50% protein, and (2) “ovarian injection” with exogenous plasmid DNA containing atrazine-resistant gene. A high yield and high seed protein (45.44%) cultivar, ‘Heisheng 101’, resulted from the first method, and atrazine-resistant F1, F2, and F3 plants were obtained from the second method. Both exogenous single-genic Mendelian traits and multi-genic quantitative traits were transferrable with these simple and inexpensive procedures. However, some controversy exists with the acceptance of these novo procedures; mainly because instead of the standard Southern blotting, the RAPD and dot blotting techniques were used in the molecular confirmation of the transgenic status in the reported studies. This mini-review is dedicated to the memory of the late Dr. Guang-chu Yin (1936–1994), former Head of the Soybean Research Institute of Heilongiang, Academy of Agricultural Science, Harbin, China. Dr. Yin led the advancement of soybean biotechnology in China and pioneered the soybean pollen-tube-pathway transformation.  相似文献   

The pollen-tube pathway is feasible to transform vector- and selectable marker-free linear gene cassettes into plants to address the biosafety issues. However, its transformation frequency is low and the screening of selectable marker-free transformants by PCR analysis is time-consuming and expensive. In this study, a linear GFP cassette (Ubi-GFP-nos) flanked by 25bp T-DNA borders was transformed into maize via the pollen-tube pathway. The forepart of each maize ear was divided into five segments (segments I-V) at an interval of two rows of kernels. The segments that were most likely to contain transgenic kernels were identified by monitoring GFP expression in the immature embryos. A total of 21 ears were transformed with the linear GFP cassette. Seven out of 19 ears exhibited positive GFP expression in the immature embryos. Transgenic kernels were primarily identified in segments III and IV. A total of 121 plants derived from kernels located within segments III and IV of the remaining two ears were screened by PCR analysis. Six plants (4.96%) showed the presence of the GFP cassette. Southern blot analysis showed that the transgenic plants had simple integration patterns. The identification of transgenic kernels would facilitate PCR screening for marker-free transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Factors affecting soybean cotyledonary node transformation   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Cotyledonary node transformation efficiency was evaluated using a sonication assisted Agrobacterium-mediated transformation (SAAT) protocol, three dissimilar A. tumefaciens strains, and explants derived from 28 diverse cultivars and/or genotypes of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. The explants were evaluated at 10 and 45 days after co-cultivation for transformation with a binary vector containing both a GUS-intron gene and an NPTII selectable marker. The best overall strain of A. tumefaciens was determined to be KYRT1 based on stable GUS transformation of soybean cotyledonary node explants measured at the terminal 45 day evaluation point. SAAT did not increase stable transformation at 45 days post co-cultivation. SAAT was determined to significantly decrease shoot proliferation of some genotypes, but it is unclear what effect this may have on the recovery of transformed shoots. Significant differences were also detected between genotypes for transformation and shoot proliferation frequency. Received: 9 March 1998 / Revision received: 9 July 1998 / Accepted: 28 July 1998  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) is capable of hydrolyzing membrane phospholipids, producing phosphatidic acid. To alter phospholipid profiles in soybean seed, we attenuated PLD enzyme activity by an RNA interference construct using the partial sequence from a soybean PLDα gene. Two transgenic soybean lines were established by particle inflow gun (PIG) bombardment by co‐bombarding with pSPLDi and pHG1 vectors. The lines were evaluated for the presence and expression of transgenes thoroughly through the T4 generation. PLD‐suppressed soybean lines were characterized by decreased PLDα enzyme activity and decreased PLDα protein both during seed development and in mature seeds. There was no change in total phospholipid amount; however, the PLD‐attenuated transgenic soybean seed had higher levels of di18 : 2 (dilinoleoyl)‐phosphatidylcholine (PC) and ‐phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in seeds than the non‐transgenic lines. The increased polyunsaturation was at the expense of PC and PE species containing monounsaturated or saturated fatty acids. In addition to increased unsaturation in the phospholipids, there was a decrease in unsaturation of the triacylglycerol (TAG) fraction of the soybean seeds. Considering recent evidence for the notion that desaturation of fatty acids occurs in the PC fraction and that the PC → DAG (diacylglycerol) → TAG pathway is the major route of TAG biosynthesis in developing soybean seed, the current data suggest that PLDα suppression slows the conversion of PC to TAG. This would be consistent with PLD playing a positive role in that conversion. The data indicate that soybean PLD attenuation is a potentially useful approach to altering properties of edible and industrial soybean lecithin.  相似文献   

利用FITC(fluorescein is othiocyanate,异硫氰酸荧光素)标记的外源DNA对小麦进行了花粉管通道法转化,在荧光显微镜下观察了外源DNA进入小麦胚囊的情况,并初步研究了转化时间及转化溶液组成对DNA进入胚囊效率的影响。结果表明,外源DNA沿着花粉管生长过程中形成的花粉管通道进入胚囊;授粉45 min和60min进行转化外源DNA进入胚囊的几率较大,因此在此段时间开始转化较为合适;相对于TE缓冲液,将0.05%Silwet L-77和5%蔗糖作为转化溶液可以缩短DNA进入胚囊的时间,但不能提高外源DNA进入胚囊的几率。研究表明,使用FITC标记观察外源DNA进入胚囊效率的方法,可简便有效地应用于花粉管通道法转化条件的初步优化。  相似文献   

Abstract. Cross and self pollen tubes were cultured in 'Victoria' plum flowers ( Prunus domestica L.) at 5, 10, 15 and 20°C. Pollen-tube lengths measured at intervals were fitted by S-shaped growth curves (logistic function) and the parameters of the curves used to derive a generalized model for pollen-tube growth based on accumulated temperatures. Above the threshold of 2.5°C, maximum growth rate was 0.34 mm per day-degree and the tubes reached half their final length at 16.6 day-degrees above 2.5°C. The model indicates that fertilization of plum flowers requires 16–20 d at a constant temperature of 5°C after pollination, but only 3–4 d at 15°C. Mathematical expressions based on the model are given for estimating pollen-tube penetration and growth rate from values of cumulated temperature since pollination, and for estimating the cumulated temperature necessary for pollen tubes to penetrate a given distance. Pollen-tube growth rates were the same in detached flowers, flowers attached to twigs, and flowers on young, grafted trees in pots. In detached flowers growth stopped before fertilization could occur, but some embryo sacs were fertilized in both the remaining treatments. Accurate pollen-tube growth assessments can therefore be made with detached flowers which are most convenient to use and can be accommodated in small incubators. Studies on fertilization, however, must use flowers on bulky and expensive grafted trees.  相似文献   

将带有afp基因的Ti质粒pMon(232),作为供体DNA,用花柱道和子房注射DNA的方法转化番茄品种“中蔬四号”对D1D2代进行田间抗寒性观察,发现在春季平均气温低于正常年分4.4℃条件下,有些组分田间长势明显好于对照。初步确认已获得抗寒性。对D2代转基因植株进行MDH同工酶分析,均与对照有明显差异,间接验证了外源DNA的导入,说明同工酶分析,可作为转基因植株早期筛选的生化指标。  相似文献   

Soybean transformation by electric discharge particle acceleration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
By the use of a direct DNA-delivery system based on electric discharge particle acceleration we have been able to obtain transgenic soybean plants expressing the neomycin phosphotransferase II and the β-glucuronidase genes. Techniques for efficient introduction of foreign genes into agronomically important crop plants have been limited by the inability to regenerate fertile plants from single cells or by the limited hostrange of Agrobacterium vectors. In the case of soybean ( Glycine max ) the problem has been compounded due to the lack of a regeneration method compatible with existing transformation technology. In a commercial genetic engineering program the following points need to be considered: (a) not all crops/cultivars can be regenerated from transformed tissues, (b) long time frames are required for the regeneration of transgenic plants from callus, (c) Agrobacterium has a rather limited host specificity and (d) problems associated with somaclonal variation.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定大豆乳清提取物中大豆异黄酮的含量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
井乐刚  张永忠 《植物研究》2006,26(5):629-632
建立了大豆乳清提取物中大豆异黄酮含量的高效液相色谱测定方法。采用Nova-Pak C18(3.9×150 mm,4 μm)色谱柱;以甲醇:0.4%磷酸=30:70(v/v)为流动相分析染料木苷和黄豆苷;流速为0.7 mL·min-1;柱温为30℃;检测波长为260 nm。试验结果表明,大豆乳清提取物中的大豆异黄酮含量为72.5%,其组成以染料木苷和黄豆苷为主,二者比例接近1∶1,苷元型大豆异黄酮未检出。染料木苷和黄豆苷的平均回收率分别为98.1%和98.4%,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为0.7%(n=5)和0.8%(n=5)。该方法快速、准确、重复性好。  相似文献   

Increasing lines of evidence indicate that chloroplast-related genes are involved in plant–virus interactions. However, the involvement of photosynthesis-related genes in plant immunity is largely unexplored. Analysis of RNA-Seq data from the soybean cultivar L29, which carries the Rsv3 resistance gene, showed that several chloroplast-related genes were strongly induced in response to infection with an avirulent strain of soybean mosaic virus (SMV), G5H, but were weakly induced in response to a virulent strain, G7H. For further analysis, we selected the PSaC gene from the photosystem I and the ATP-synthase α-subunit (ATPsyn-α) gene whose encoded protein is part of the ATP-synthase complex. Overexpression of either gene within the G7H genome reduced virus levels in the susceptible cultivar Lee74 (rsv3-null). This result was confirmed by transiently expressing both genes in Nicotiana benthamiana followed by G7H infection. Both proteins localized in the chloroplast envelope as well as in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Because the chloroplast is the initial biosynthesis site of defence-related hormones, we determined whether hormone-related genes are involved in the ATPsyn-α- and PSaC-mediated defence. Interestingly, genes involved in the biosynthesis of several hormones were up-regulated in plants infected with SMV-G7H expressing ATPsyn-α. However, only jasmonic and salicylic acid biosynthesis genes were up-regulated following infection with the SMV-G7H expressing PSaC. Both chimeras induced the expression of several antiviral RNA silencing genes, which indicate that such resistance may be partially achieved through the RNA silencing pathway. These findings highlight the role of photosynthesis-related genes in regulating resistance to viruses.  相似文献   

We observed that flowing helium at moderate pressures accelerated DNA-coated microprojectiles to velocities suitable for penetration of cells in intact plant tissues. The flowing helium principle permitted the construction of a simple and inexpensive transformation device that was easier to use than those previously described. This device provided efficient transformation of cells in soybean seedlings and other plants.  相似文献   

我国水产养殖业近年来发展迅速,同时也增加了大量水产废弃物,小龙虾Procambarus clarkii废弃物就是其中之一。黑水虻Hermetia illucens能将有机废弃物转化成高附加值的昆虫蛋白,因此,本研究将小龙虾废弃物与蛋白含量较高的豆腐渣混合,设计6个不同混合比例的饲料,筛选出高转化率和高性价比的饲料配方,分析饲料中营养物质降解情况和预蛹的营养成分。结果表明:小龙虾废弃物与豆腐渣按照4∶1混合,黑水虻存活率较高(93.42%±2.65%),幼虫产量最高(44.27±1.30 g),料重比最低(2.26±0.07),预蛹粗蛋白含量可达43.93%±0.49%;饲料残渣中的粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量比原饲料均有降低,其中粗脂肪降幅最大,说明黑水虻对脂肪利用率很高。综合评价认为小龙虾废弃物与豆腐渣4∶1混合为本实验范围内最佳饲料配方,本研究为进一步利用黑水虻处理小龙虾废弃物奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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