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Iodinated human beta-endorphin was affinity-cross-linked to opioid receptors present in membrane preparations from bovine frontal cortex, bovine striatum, guinea pig whole brain, and rat thalamus. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography revealed covalently labeled peptides of 65, 53, 41, and 38 kilodaltons (kDa). The 65- and 38-kDa peptides were present in all four tissues. The 41-kDa peptide was seen only in bovine caudate and guinea pig whole brain while the 53-kDa peptide was absent in rat thalamus. All four labeled peptides were constituents of opioid receptors since their labeling was fully suppressed by the presence of excess opiates, such as bremazocine, during binding. The distribution and levels of the labeled species in the brain tissues examined and, in earlier work, in the neuroblastoma X glioma NG 108-15 cell line suggested that the 65-kDa peptide is a binding component of mu receptors while the 53-kDa peptide is a binding subunit of delta receptors. This result was strongly supported by the finding that the labeling of the 65-kDa peptide is selectively reduced by the presence of the highly mu-selective ligand Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-(N-Me)Phe-Gly-ol (DAMGE) during binding, while while the labeling of the 53-kDa peptide is selectively reduced or eliminated by the highly mu-selective ligand [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE). The labeling of the 41- and 38-kDa bands was reduced by either DAMGE or DPDPE. The relationship of these lower molecular weight opioid-binding peptides to mu and delta receptors is not understood. Several possible explanations are presented.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(20):PL315-PL320
The naturally occurring indole alkaloid ibogaine is of interest because of its reported ability to block drug seeking behavior for extended periods. The compound also potentiates morphine-induced analgesia in mice and reduces certain naltrexone-precipitated withdrawal signs in morphine-dependent rats. Although these results might suggest ibogaine interaction with opioid receptors, previous receptor binding studies (Brain Res. 571:242–247, 1980) found that ibogaine had a Ki value of only 2 μM for the kappa opioid receptor and was virtually inactive in blocking mu and delta receptor binding (Ki >100 μM). The present investigation of ibogaine interaction with the mu opioid receptor from mouse forebrain labeled with [3H]-naloxone, however, yielded significantly more potent mu opioid Ki values. LIGAND analysis indicated that the data were best fit by a two site binding model, with Ki values of about 130 nM and 4 μM, reflecting ibogaine recognition of different agonist affinity states of the receptor. Inclusion of 100 mM NaCl in the assay to induce the agonist low affinity state of the receptor, reduced ibogaine's inhibition of [3H]-naloxone binding. These results suggest that ibogaine is an agonist at the mu opioid receptor with a Ki value of about 130 nM, potentially explaining ibogaine's antinociceptive effects as well as its reported reduction of opioid withdrawal symptoms and attenuation of drug seeking behavior.  相似文献   

Pasternak GW 《Life sciences》2001,68(19-20):2213-2219
Although mu opioids share many pharmacological characteristics, they also reveal many differences. Many approaches over the years have suggested the existence of multiple mu opioid receptors. The unique selectivities of naloxonazine, for example, provided a way of distinguishing mu, from mu2 actions. Studies of morphine-6beta-gluruconide suggested that its actions involved yet another mu opioid receptor subtype. The cloning of a mu opioid receptor, MOR-1, provided a way of exploring this possibility at the molecular level. Recent studies have now identified a number of splice variants of this gene that appear to be important in the production of mu opioid analgesia.  相似文献   

125I-beta-Endorphin (human) binds with high affinity, specificity, and saturability to rat brain and neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cell (NG 108-15) membranes. Dissociation constants and binding capacities were obtained from Scatchard plots and are 2 nM and 0.62 pmol/mg of protein for rat whole brain and 6 nM and 0.8 pmol/mg of protein for NG 108-15 cells. Results from competition experiments also indicate that this ligand interacts with high affinity with both mu and delta opioid binding sites, with a slight preference for mu sites, while exhibiting low affinity at kappa sites. We have demonstrated that human 125I-beta-endorphin is a useful probe for the investigation of the subunit structure of opioid receptors. The specific cross-linking of this ligand has revealed the presence of four reproducible bands or areas after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography at 65, 53, 38, and 25 kDa. All labeled bands seem to be opioid receptor related since they are eliminated when binding is carried out in an excess of various opiates. The evidence we have obtained using rat whole brain (delta congruent to mu), rat thalamus (largely mu), bovine frontal cortex (delta:mu congruent to 2:1), and NG 108-15 cells (delta) demonstrates that different labeling patterns are obtained when mu and delta binding sites are cross-linked. The pattern obtained on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from cross-linked mu sites contains a major (heavily labeled) component of 65 kDa and a minor component of 38 kDa, while patterns from delta sites contain a major labeled component of 53 kDa. This 53-kDa band appears clearly in extracts from NG 108-15 cells and bovine frontal cortex, while in rat whole brain a diffusely labeled region is present between 55 and 41 kDa. In addition, NG 108-15 cells also display a minor labeled component at 25 kDa. The relationship of the minor bands to the major bands is not clear.  相似文献   

M Nozaki  M Niwa  J Hasegawa  E Imai  M Hori  H Fujimura 《Life sciences》1982,31(12-13):1339-1342
By treating the rat crude synaptosomal fraction with 5,5'-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), DTNB, a marked decrease of stereo-specific binding of opioid agonist (dihydromorphine or D-Ala-D-Leu-enkephalin) was observed, but there was no effect in the case of the binding of opioid antagonist (naloxone or diprenorphine). The decrease of the agonist binding in the presence of 500 microM of DTNB was nearly equal to that of 100 mM of NaCl. The ability of opioids to inhibit 3H-naloxone binding in the absence of DTNB was compared to their inhibitory potency in the presence of 500 microM of DTNB to obtain DTNB response ratio. This ratio closely correlated with sodium index of each opioid. Potency of the inactivation of the agonist binding by congeners of DTNB changed with net charge of the reagents, and 2,2'-dithiobis-(5-nitropyridine), bearing a positive charge, was most effective. These results suggest that an aliphatic sulfhydryl group, being sensitive to DTNB is located to the active center of an anionic binding site for the agonist, and controls opioid agonist binding through a proton transfer mechanism.  相似文献   

Previous studies delineated two classes of δ binding sites; a δ binding site not associated with the opioid receptor complex, termed the δncx site, and a δ site associated with the opioid receptor complex, termed the δcx site. The δncx site has high affinity for [ -Pen2, -Pen5]enkephalin, and is synonymous with what is now identified as the δ1 binding site. Pretreatment of membranes with the δ-selective acylating agents FIT, or (+)-trans-SUPERFIT, deplete membranes of the δncx binding site, which permits the selective labeling of the δcx binding site with [3H][ -Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin. The present study compared the properties of the δcx binding site present in brain membranes pretreated with (+)-trans-SUPERFIT with the properties of the δcx site present in untreated membranes. The major findings are: 1) pretreatment of membranes with (+)-trans-SUPERFIT decreased the IC50 values of δ-preferring drugs, and increased the IC50 values of μ-preferring drugs, for the δcx binding site; 2) the degree of δ selectivity was highly correlated with the magnitude of the (+)-trans-SUPERFIT-induced shift in the IC50 values; 3) the ligand-selectivity patterns of the μ and δcx sites present in (+)-trans-SUPERFIT-pretreated membranes were poorly correlated; 4) whereas μ-preferring drugs were noncompetitive inhibitors of [3H][ -Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin binding to the δcx site, δ-preferring drugs were competitive inhibitors. Viewed collectively, these data support the hypothesis that the μ and δcx binding sites are distinct, provide additional evidence for δ receptor heterogeneity, and suggest that ( (+)-trans-SUPERFIT-pretreated membranes will provide a useful preparation for studying the δcx binding site.  相似文献   


A water-soluble variant of the transmembrane domain of the human mu opioid receptor (wsMOR-TM) was previously characterized. This study explored whether the full-length version of the engineered water-soluble receptor, (wsMOR-FL), could be overexpressed in Escherichia coli and if it would retain water solubility, binding capability and thermostability. wsMOR was over-expressed and purified in E. coli BL21(DE3) cells (EMD/Novagen) as we reported previously for the wsMOR-TM. Both native N and C termini were added back to the highly engineered wsMOR-TM. Six His-tag was added in the N terminus for purification purposes. The wsMOR-FL was characterized using atomic force microscope for its monomeric state, circular dichroism for its secondary structure and thermostability. Its binding with naltrexone is also determined. Compared to the native human MOR, wsMOR-FL displays similar helical secondary structure content and comparable affinity (nM) for the antagonist naltrexone. The secondary structure of the receptor remains stable within a wide range of pH (6–9). In contrast to the transmembrane portion, the secondary structure of full-length receptor tolerated a wide range of temperature (10–90?°C). The receptor remains predominantly as a monomer in solution, as directly imaged using atomic force microscopy. This study demonstrated that functional full-length water-soluble variant of human mu receptor can be over-expressed and purified using an E. coli over-expression system. This provides a novel tool for the investigation of structural and functional properties of the human MOR. N- and C-termini strengthened the thermostability of the protein in this specific water soluble variant.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The effects of various modifications on the beta subunit of lutropin have been studied using the binding characteristics of the reconstituted hormone in the rat testicular radioligand assay. Conditions for iodinating lutropin and lutropin derivatives were determined which resulted in 15 per cent specific binding when tested immediately and retention of 6 to 7 per cent specific binding even after storage for 6 months. Acetimidinyl, acetyl, and carbamyl derivatives of the beta subunit were prepared and combined with unmodified alpha subunit to form reconstituted lutropin. Modification of the beta subunit was shown to have no effect on the time course of binding to testicular receptors or, with one exception, on the extent of receptor saturation. Very high concentrations of lutropin reconstituted with acetylated beta subunit showed an anomalous binding behavior. Scatchard plots of the binding data support the view that the native hormone has a unique receptor affinity which is irreversibly disrupted by separation of subunits and that derivatization of the beta subunit does not alter this parameter further. These data also suggest that there are no significant differences in the amino groups modified on the beta subunit. Competition and preincubation tests for receptor sites that reacted only with modified lutropin and not with the native hormone were negative.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis and binding properties of specific photoaffinity ligands for mu and delta opioid receptor subtypes. These ligands are derived from DAGO: Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-NMePhe-Gly-ol, a mu selective probe and DTLET: Tyr-D-Thr-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr, a delta selective probe by modifying the Phe 4 residue. These modifications are: i) a nitro group on the para position of Phe ring as Phe(4 NO2) or Nip, ii) an azido group as Phe(4 N3) or AZ. Pharmacological responses on mouse vas deferens (delta sites) and guinea pig ileum (mu sites), as well as competition experiments with [3H] DAGO and [3H] DTLET on crude rat brain membranes have been performed. The nitro group on the phenyl ring of the Phe residue preserves the affinity and selectivity of each probe: NipDAGO for the mu sites, NipDTLET for the delta ones. However the nitro probes do not appear to be photoactivable by u.v. irradiation. Likewise, azidation of the phenyl ring of the Phe residue does not change the receptor selectivity of each probe, but AZDAGO has less affinity than its parent molecule DAGO, while AZDTLET has more affinity than DTLET. These compounds are photoactivable and provide an efficient tool to characterize and isolate the different receptor subtypes, especially the delta site.  相似文献   

We reported recently that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is involved in agonist-induced down regulation of mu and delta opioid receptors [J. Biol. Chem. 276 (2001) 12345]. While evaluating the effects of various protease inhibitors on agonist-induced opioid receptor down regulation, we observed that while the peptide aldehyde, leupeptin (acetyl-L-Leucyl-L-Leucyl-L-Arginal), did not affect agonist-induced down regulation, leupeptin at submillimolar concentrations directly inhibited radioligand binding to opioid receptors. In this study, the inhibitory activity of leupeptin on radioligand binding was characterized utilizing human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell lines expressing transfected mu, delta, or kappa opioid receptors. The rank order of potency for leupeptin inhibition of [3H]bremazocine binding to opioid receptors was mu > delta > kappa. In contrast to the effect of leupeptin, the peptide aldehyde proteasome inhibitor, MG 132 (carbobenzoxy-L-Leucyl-L-Leucyl-L-Leucinal), had significantly less effect on bremazocine binding to mu, delta, or kappa opioid receptors. We propose that leupeptin inhibits ligand binding by reacting reversibly with essential sulfhydryl groups that are necessary for high-affinity ligand/receptor interactions.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,52(18):PL199-PL203
Specific radioligand binding protocols were utilized to compare the affinity of morphine and the high-potency opioid etonitazene at mu1, mu2, delta, kappa1 and sigma receptors. Both etonitazene and morphine displayed a mu1-selective binding profile; however, etonitazene had a 2500-fold higher affinity at this receptor type. The latter result is consistent with the relative potencies of morphine and etonitazene in various behavioral tests.  相似文献   

Spinophilin, a dendritic spine-enriched scaffold protein, modulates synaptic transmission via multiple functions mediated by distinct domains of the protein. Here, we show that spinophilin is a key modulator of opiate action. Knockout of the spinophilin gene causes reduced sensitivity to the analgesic effects of morphine and early development of tolerance but a higher degree of physical dependence and increased sensitivity to the rewarding actions of the drug. At the cellular level, spinophilin associates with the mu opioid receptor (MOR) in striatum and modulates MOR signaling and endocytosis. Activation of MOR by opiate agonists such as fentanyl and morphine promotes these events, which feedback to suppress MOR responsiveness. Our findings support a potent physiological role of spinophilin in regulating MOR function and provide a potential new target for the treatment of opiate addiction.  相似文献   

An insulin receptor mutant was constructed utilizing site-directed mutagenesis to delete the Arg-Lys-Arg-Arg basic amino acid cleavage site (positions 720-723) from the cDNA encoding the human insulin proreceptor. This mutant was transfected into Chinese hamster ovary cells. Immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled cells revealed a 205-kDa proreceptor which bound to wheat germ agglutinin. Processed 130-kDa alpha and 95-kDa beta subunits were also observed and contained approximately 20% as much protein as the proreceptor on a molar basis. Trypsin digestion of intact metabolically labeled cells decreased the proreceptor band by 80%. Pulse-chase studies revealed a half-life of 28 h for the proreceptor. When cells were photolabeled with 125I-B2(2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)-des-PheB1 (NAPA)-insulin, the proreceptor incorporated 10% as much label as the 130-kDa alpha subunit in spite of a 5-fold molar excess. Incubation of NAPA-labeled cells at 37 degrees C for 20 min resulted in 60% of the labeled subunits, but little labeled proreceptor, becoming resistant to trypsin degradation. Immunoprecipitation of NAPA-insulin-stimulated cells with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies revealed that 62% of the processed labeled receptors, but very little proreceptor, contained phosphotyrosine. Thus, this mutant receptor is synthesized, glycosylated, and expressed on the cell surface as uncleaved proreceptor, although some processing to alpha and beta subunits still occurs. It exhibits a markedly decreased affinity for insulin, and when insulin is bound to, demonstrates defective internalization, down-regulation, and autophosphorylation. These data suggest that cleavage of the mutant proreceptor into subunits is required not only for the development of high affinity binding sites, but also for normal transduction of the signal which activates the beta subunit tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

Amino acid residues that participate in antagonist binding to the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR) have been identified by selectively modifying functional groups with chemical reagents. Moreover, a region directly involved with strychnine binding has been localized in the 48-kDa subunit of this receptor by covalent labeling and proteolytic mapping. Modification of tyrosyl or arginyl residues promotes a marked decrease of specific [3H]strychnine binding either to rat spinal cord plasma membranes or to the purified GlyR incorporated into phospholipid vesicles. Occupancy of the receptor by strychnine, but not by glycine, completely protects from the inhibition caused by chemical reagents. Furthermore, these tyrosine- or arginine-specific reagents decrease the number of binding sites (Bmax) for [3H]strychnine binding without affecting the affinity for the ligand (Kd). These observations strongly suggest that such residues are present at, or very close to, the antagonist binding site. In order to localize the strychnine binding domain within the GlyR, purified and reconstituted receptor preparations were photoaffinity labeled with [3H]strychnine. The radiolabeled 48-kDa subunit was then digested with specific chemical proteolytic reagents, and the peptides containing the covalently bound radioligand were identified by fluorography after gel electrophoresis. N-Chlorosuccinimide treatment of [3H]strychnine-labeled 48K polypeptide yielded a single labeled peptide of Mr approximately 7300, and cyanogen bromide gave a labeled peptide of Mr 6200.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Analgesic effect of interferon-alpha via mu opioid receptor in the rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Using the tail-flick induced by electro-stimulation as a pain marker, it was found that pain threshold (PT) was significantly increased after injecting interferon-alpha (IFN alpha) into the lateral ventricle of rats. This effect was dosage-dependent and abolished by monoclonal antibody (McAb) to IFN alpha. Naloxone could inhibit the analgesic effect of IFN alpha, suggesting that the analgesic effect of IFN alpha be related to the opioid receptors. Beta-funaltrexamine (beta-FNA), the mu specific receptor antagonist could completely block the analgesic effect of IFN alpha. The selective delta-opioid receptor antagonist, ICI174,864 and the kappa-opioid receptor antagonist, nor-BNI both failed to prevent the analgesic effect of IFN alpha. IFN alpha could significantly inhibit the production of the cAMP stimulated by forskolin in SK-N-SH cells expressing the mu-opioid receptor, not in NG108-15 cells expressing the delta-opioid receptor uniformly. The results obtained provide further evidence for opioid activity of IFN alpha and suggest that this effect is mediated by central opioid receptors of the mu subtype. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that multiple actions of cytokines, such as immunoregulatory and neuroregulatory effects, might be mediated by distinct domains of cytokines interacting with different receptors.  相似文献   

Azidomorphine at low concentration (10–9 M) inhibits the high-affinity binding site of labeled naloxone in rat brain membrane preparations. In the presence of Na+ and guanine nucleotides the displacement curves of azidomorphine are increased toward high concentrations, whereas Mg2+ ions decrease the IC50 values; This demonstrates the agonist behavior of azidomorphine in binding experiments. When compared with morphine, azidomorphine displayed five-fold lower IC50 values. Based on the presented results, azidomorphine appears to be a good candidate for photoaffinity labeling of opiate receptors.  相似文献   

The activity of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can be modulated by a diverse spectrum of drugs ranging from full agonists to partial agonists, antagonists, and inverse agonists. The vast majority of these ligands compete with native ligands for binding to orthosteric binding sites. Allosteric ligands have also been described for a number of GPCRs. However, little is known about the mechanism by which these ligands modulate the affinity of receptors for orthosteric ligands. We have previously reported that Zn(II) acts as a positive allosteric modulator of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR). To identify the Zn(2+) binding site responsible for the enhancement of agonist affinity in the beta(2)AR, we mutated histidines located in hydrophilic sequences bridging the seven transmembrane domains. Mutation of His-269 abolished the effect of Zn(2+) on agonist affinity. Mutations of other histidines had no effect on agonist affinity. Further mutagenesis of residues adjacent to His-269 demonstrated that Cys-265 and Glu-225 are also required to achieve the full allosteric effect of Zn(2+) on agonist binding. Our results suggest that bridging of the cytoplasmic extensions of TM5 and TM6 by Zn(2+) facilitates agonist binding. These results are in agreement with recent biophysical studies demonstrating that agonist binding leads to movement of TM6 relative to TM5.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that autoantibodies recognize amino acid sequences in the LDL receptor binding region of apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100). Autoantibodies against an unmodified or malondialdehyde (MDA)-modified LDL receptor binding site peptide were determined by ELISA in baseline plasma samples of 78 cases with coronary events and 149 matched controls recruited from the prospective Malm? Diet Cancer Study. IgG and IgM recognizing this peptide were detected in all subjects but did not differ between cases and controls. Inverse associations were observed between IgG against the native binding site and plasma oxidized LDL (r = -0.21, P < 0.005), but there were no significant associations with total or LDL cholesterol levels. In univariate analyses, inverse associations were found between baseline carotid intima-media thickness and IgG against the MDA-modified binding site (r = -0.14, P < 0.05), but this association was lost when controlling for other major cardiovascular risk factors. Specificity studies demonstrated that the binding of autoantibodies to these sequences could be inhibited by oxidized but not by native LDL. Autoantibodies recognizing the LDL receptor binding site in apoB-100 are frequently expressed. Their association with plasma oxidized LDL suggests that they have been generated in response to breakdown products of LDL oxidation, but their influence on cholesterol metabolism and the development of atherosclerosis appears limited.  相似文献   

Louch HA  Buczko ES  Woody MA  Venable RM  Vann WF 《Biochemistry》2002,41(46):13644-13652
The carboxyl-terminal region of the tetanus toxin heavy chain (H(C) fragment) binds to di- and trisialylgangliosides on neuronal cell membranes. To determine which amino acids in tetanus toxin are involved in ganglioside binding, homology modeling was performed using recently resolved X-ray crystallographic structures of the tetanus toxin H(C) fragment. On the basis of these analyses, two regions in tetanus toxin that are structurally homologous with the binding domains of other sialic acid and galactose-binding proteins were targeted for mutagenesis. Specific amino acids within these regions were altered using site-directed mutagenesis. The amino acid residue tryptophan 1288 was found to be critical for binding of the H(C) fragment to ganglioside GT1b. Docking of GD1b within this region of the toxin suggested that histidine 1270 and aspartate 1221 were within hydrogen bonding distance of the ganglioside. These two residues were mutagenized and found also to be important for the binding of the tetanus toxin H(C) fragment to ganglioside GT1b. In addition, the H(C) fragments mutagenized at these residues have reduced levels of binding to neurites of differentiated PC-12 cells. These studies indicate that the amino acids tryptophan 1288, histidine 1270, and aspartate 1221 are components of the GT1b binding site on the tetanus toxin H(C) fragment.  相似文献   

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