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“Psychosomatic medicine” does not demand that the general practitioner function as a psychiatrist; rather, it is a psychiatric orientation that can increase the effectiveness of purely medical treatment for such conditions as neuroses. The general practitioner to whom the patient turns may achieve permanent results with nonverbal techniques where formal psychotherapy would be impracticable or unacceptable.The first aim is to relieve pressure so that the patient can regain his mental balance and thereby his self-confidence. Arts, hobbies, sports, and the like can be prescribed rather specifically according to the patient''s personality and needs. Nutrition can be improved simply at first by prescribing needed additions to diet rather than imposing restrictions. Vitamin deficiency may by itself be the cause of neurosis or more serious mental disease, whereas psychic stress by itself may create a need for additional vitamin intake. Hormone therapy may be extremely helpful but must be based on clear indication and limited to specific purposes.Since lack of sleep and rest quickly impairs mental function, it is important for neurotic persons to learn relaxation as a necessity for sleep. Sedatives may be used in a crisis but should be abandoned as soon as possible.With all drugs there are problems of excess and habituation. The least, the mildest, the shortest dosage is the ideal.The initial steps of psychotherapy are available to any physician: Establishing rapport, noting how complaints are stated, encouraging ventilation, winning confidence rather than immediate results.  相似文献   

Robert O. Jones 《CMAJ》1965,92(7):333-340
The basic premise that psychiatry and medicine are one and the same discipline is advanced. Patients present with symptoms: sometimes largely the result of structural change, sometimes largely the result of emotional perturbation, but most frequently a mixture of both. The physician can never do his job satisfactorily without attention to the emotional problems of his patient, which is essentially the subject matter of psychiatry. He must have adequate training during his medical school years in order to recognize and handle emotional problems. The psychiatrically oriented general practitioner and the psychiatrist, who live in the community, are most valuable mental health resources and must have treatment facilities in the general hospital. Furthermore, hospital and medical insurance plans must be devised that will not penalize either doctor or patient when mental illness is recognized and dealt with in the most appropriate manner.  相似文献   

William B. Spring 《CMAJ》1965,93(8):353-357
Bladder function during sleep was studied by the use of a cystometer which recorded detrusor contractions and intravesical pressure as urine accumulated in the bladder during diuresis. The cystometrographic tracing was obtained while the patient was awake. A detrusor contraction can occur during sleep. Results of such studies on five patients are presented, with photographs of representative cystometrographic tracings.The general pattern of the cystometrogram during sleep was found to be different from that obtained while the patient was awake. A detrusor contraction can occur during sleep and may subsequently: (a) subside without awakening the patient; (b) be associated with the involuntary escape of urine or flatus; or (c) cause the patient to awaken. It is suggested that detrusor contractions rather than increases in urinary volume are responsible for the individual''s awakening at night to urinate.In the light of these observations, further study of patients with enuresis and those with non-obstructive nocturia is required.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to several general practitioners and specialists in an attempt to obtain a consensus on standards of care for patients receiving long-term digoxin treatment. The consultants'' suggested standards were slightly more stringent than those of the general practitioners. The records of 42 patients taking digoxin under the care of two general practitioners were studied to see how far their actual care matched up to the suggested standards. The models of management proposed by these patients'' doctors were only slightly different from those suggested by other practitioners, but measured against these models the patients'' care was in some cases inadequate. Nevertheless, there was little relationship between the recorded levels of care and the health of the patient, and it may have been the standard of recording rather than the care that was inadequate. Measuring plasma digoxin levels in these patients proved to be of little value. Medical audit is thus a useful tool in helping the general practitioner to review his work and improve his knowledge, but it may not be a practical or true way of measuring the quality of care.  相似文献   

D. G. McKerracher 《CMAJ》1963,88(20):1014-1016
Psychiatrists should include the family doctor in their plans for future psychiatric services. The general practitioner now treats most of the patients who seek help for psychiatric disorder and he could not give up his psychiatric practice even if he wanted to. Furthermore, there are not now nor will there ever be enough psychiatrists to take over all patients with mental ills. Most emotionally disturbed patients can be better handled by their family physicians than by a specialist.To provide the best care for emotionally disturbed people the communication between family doctors and psychiatrists must be improved. The specialist must acknowledge the importance of the general practitioner''s role in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment and give him more help. Medical schools must provide better undergraduate and postgraduate psychiatric training for the students who will become family doctors. Health plans and other prepayment agencies should properly compensate the general practitioner for giving psychiatric treatment. The specialist in psychiatry should consult more readily with the general practitioner and help him carry out some of the therapy. General hospitals should permit family doctors to admit mental patients to psychiatric wards in a general hospital and to carry out psychiatric treatment with the help of the specialist in psychiatry.  相似文献   

The disturbed adolescent is psychologically isolated from the worlds of childhood and adulthood. His sense of alienation results from both the upsurge of instinctual drives and his uneasy attempts to master changing physical attributes and new freedoms and responsibilities. The former result in conformity and in concerns about “normality.” The latter lead to confusion and to alternating rebellion and over-dependence.The general practitioner may be the first person consulted by the troubled adolescent or his parents. The physician''s sensitivity can be crucial in helping the family work together toward a solution. Persistent anxiety in either parent or child is in itself a problem. An understanding of those factors inherent in the adolescent experience may provide the physician with a recognition of disturbance denied by the adolescent with a facade of bravado or indifference.The physician must be prepared to help the adolescent accept a protracted period of stress, usually with only partial resolution of distressing problems.  相似文献   

In a typical two week period in 1984 in three urban areas with general practitioner deputising services roughly 40% of first contact patient encounters out of hours were with hospital accident and emergency departments, and only a quarter were with general practitioner deputising services, although 47%, 64%, and 97% of general practitioners in the areas had permission to use such services. Roughly a third only of the encounters were with the practices themselves, and even fewer occurred overnight (11 pm-7 am). In a fourth urban area where 68% of general practitioners formed an out of hours cooperative rota a third of the encounters were with the accident and emergency department and half (more overnight) were with the rota. The presence of a woman principal in a practice and large partnerships of four principals or more were associated with an increased proportion of encounters with the practice itself. Undue prominence may have been given to the role of deputising services in out of hours care. Paradoxically, the use of general practitioner cooperatives may result in even less personal care being given by the patient''s own practice.  相似文献   

A patient with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome treated with haloperidol, ingested once daily after awakening from sleep, exhibited an irregular sleep-wake pattern with a free-running component of approximately 48 h. Transfer to risperidone, ingested once daily after awakening from sleep, was beneficial resulting in a sleep-wake cycle more synchronized at the appropriate phase to the external zeitgebers, and fewer nocturnal disturbances. The circadian sleep-wake schedule was fully synchronized when the patient had been subsequently treated with melatonin at 21:00h, before intended nocturnal sleep, in addition to risperidone in the morning. Restoration of the sleep-wake circadian pattern was accompanied by the patient's subjective report of significant improvement in his quality of life, social interactions, and occupational status. This observation suggests that circadian rhythm sleep disorders can be related to the typical neuroleptic haloperidol and restored by the atypical neuroleptic risperidone. Similar findings reported in patients suffering from other disorders support the hypothesis that the described disruption of the sleep-wake schedule is medication rather than illness-related. Therefore, it is very important to realize that circadian rhythm sleep disorders may be a side effect of neuroleptics.  相似文献   

As prevention in psychiatry really refers to early detection and consequent prevention of complications and chronicity, the general practitioner is the most important person in the medical community in preventing mental disorders. As more postgraduate courses in psychiatry become available to practicing family physicians, the majority of patients with psychiatric disorders will be effectively managed by the general medical practitioner.The family physician is already doing this, although not as well as he could. In some instances, he may be unaware of the extent to which the disease with which he deals is psychic disease. As the number of community health centers increases, family physicians will play a vital role in their function. With the necessary knowledge to detect psychic disturbance and to treat emotional disorders effectively, the family physician will prevent many of the instances of progression to chronic psychiatric illness with which we are now plagued. The psychiatrist of the future will act as consultant, treating only patients with the more complicated mental disorders.  相似文献   

R. Bruce Sloane 《CMAJ》1964,90(23):1301-1307
An analysis of existing psychiatric facilities in the community reveals their heterogeneity and fragmentation. Parallel, overlapping and non-communicating, they deal with treatment in a piecemeal fashion and with prevention only by default. Divorce between the different therapeutic phases of what is often the same illness violates any continuity of care. The provincial mental hospital, which arose in part out of social pressure to isolate the “mad” patient, finds itself, often enough, isolated in turn from the community it serves.Greater integration of available treatment resources for the psychiatric patient would serve both his interest and the general concepts of preventive and rehabilitative medicine. An understanding of how this may be achieved may engender social and professional impetus toward the accomplishment. The general hospital is a logical coordinating focus for these facilities and when it has adopted this role this might lead to a greater acceptance of emotional illness by both patients and doctors.  相似文献   

Questions about inheritance in all kinds of diseases and defects are commonly asked of nearly all physicians. In attempting to answer these questions, however, the physician is often hampered by lack of formal instruction in clinical genetics.Since the health department, if it is to carry out its epidemiologic function, must be as concerned over the increasing identification of genetic agents in disease as it is and has been over environmental disease agents, it should come to represent a source of assistance not now generally available to the physician. In short, as it carries out those activities by which its store of general genetic information is increased, and until other sources of genetic consultation become reasonably available, the health department can be of real service to physicians as a resource to which they may turn for help when dealing with families wanting genetic information.Such a service has been provided experimentally for the last two years by the Contra Costa County Health Department.This program calls for the taking of family pedigrees by public health nurses on families with questions of a genetic nature who are health department clients and on families who are referred by their private physicians for this service. An interpretation of each pedigree is made by the department''s physician in charge of the program and submitted to the family''s physician for his use in counseling the family. Evidence to date suggests the process can be a highly useful service to the practitioner and his patient.  相似文献   

A survey of the total care provided by a general practitioner and his paramedical team for 3,137 patients in Teesside in 1972 showed that even in this area of high morbidity and mortality the work load was very small. The doctor held an average of 2·3 consultations per patient per year, and the overall average for the team of doctor, nurse, and health visitor was only 3·1. By delegating work to a team of trained paramedical workers, by increasing the proportion of personal medicine, and by engaging the co-operation of his patients, the general practitioner reduced his work load considerably, without any apparent reduction in standard of care.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the classical binomial form of ascertainment, assuming a constant probability pi that any affected individual may become a proband for his pedigree, cannot describe a rather wide range of ascertainment procedures that might arise in practice. Some more general heuristic ascertainment formulas might then be preferred, and in this paper we consider the probabilistic basis for these formulas. We retain the binomial assumption of the classical scheme but allow the ascertainment probability to depend on the number of potential probands per pedigree. This probability can be expressed by an increasing or a decreasing function of that number. Various illustrations are given and situations where the "cooperative" binomial scheme should be valuable are discussed.  相似文献   

This article attempts to lay down guide-lines for the general practitioner faced with a patient with a myocardial infarction in his home. A too rigid distinction between home or hospital care should not be attempted. Rather the general practitioner should look at home and hospital care and decide which is more appropriate in a particular case. In particular, he must distinguish clearly between cases he sees very soon after an attack and those he sees some hours later. Two hours is suggested as a useful dividing time between the two groups of patients.  相似文献   

Body mass index: risk predictor for cosmetic day surgery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
de Jong RH 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2001,108(2):556-61; discussion 562-3
Body mass index (BMI; weight per unit surface area) is the scientific yardstick by which overweight is gauged relative to the population norm. The contrary association between obesity and diabetes or hypertension is only too well known. Less appreciated is the heightened sensitivity to respiratory depressants such as sedatives and analgesics in the obese (BMI >/= 30) and the increased incidence of sleep apnea in the morbidly obese (BMI >/= 35)-either or both of which raise the risk of cosmetic surgery when sedation or anesthesia is contemplated. Guided by the BMI, a gender-independent measure of fatness, the surgeon now can inform the patient of her or his relative operative risk and offer an objective rationale for advising overnight hospitalization rather than office-based day surgery.The BMI is readily calculated when height and weight are expressed in metric units, much less so when measured in foot-pound units. In fact, the calculations are sufficiently cumbersome that the BMI remains underused in U.S. office surgery. The author's complimentary "BMI Calculator"-an Excel workbook available on-line to society members-is designed so that office staff need enter only height (in feet and inches) and weight (in pounds) to print the BMI for the patient's permanent record.The BMI places patient weight relative to height in proper perspective for aesthetic surgery, whether with sedation or under general anesthesia. The BMI ought to be as routine a part of the preoperative assessment as blood pressure or hemoglobin content.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature related to general-practitioner hospital beds. In England and Wales 21% of all maternity beds are controlled by general practitioners rather than consultants, and the proportion has increased considerably since 1955. Nearly one in five of these 21% are sited in the wards of a consultant hospital. General-practitioner beds, other than maternity, represent 3% of all hospital beds (excluding psychiatric beds) and this proportion has remained constant over the past 15 years. Only about 1% of these general-practitioner beds are located in a consultant hospital.In the discussion three questions are raised: Will general-practitioner inpatient care have a useful function in the future? What might that function be? Where should the care be located? The broader issue of the future role of the general practitioner needs to be considered before these questions can be satisfactorily answered. Unless a “hospital orientated” role of the general practitioner prevails there seems little place for practitioner inpatient care in urban areas. In the more rural areas, however, whatever the role of the practitioner becomes, certain groups of patients might advantageously receive inpatient care from their practitioners. Firmer answers to the questions raised cannot be given until a co-ordinated programme of research and development concerning different patterns of care is started.  相似文献   

R. A. Stanley 《CMAJ》1963,88(14):717-720
Medical education as a preparation for general practice is assessed from the viewpoint of the general practitioner. The historical development of Canadian medical education and its present functioning are reviewed. The doctor in general practice, although aware of the existing inadequacies of his system of preparation, is loath to relinquish control of the pattern he has built up for himself. It has served the community well and he fears many of its advantages will be lost if replacement, rather than repair, is attempted. Certain inadequacies are discussed and the correction of these is urged as of vital importance to the Canadian people.  相似文献   

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