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A cohort was established for evaluation of cancer risk factors in Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. As one of the cohort studies, stools of 947 residents (403 males and 544 females, age range: 29-86 years) were screened for Clonorchis sinensis eggs using both Kato-Katz method and formalin-ether sedimentation technique. The overall egg positive rate of C. sinensis was 37.7% and individual EPG (eggs per gram of feces) counts ranged from 24 to 28,800. Eight egg positive residents voluntarily joined a process of collection of the passed worms after praziquantel treatment. A total of 158 worms were recovered from 5 of the 8 treated persons, ranged from 3 to 108 in each individual. The worms were 15-20 mm x 2-3 mm in size, and showed brown-pigmented, red, or white body colors. This is the first collection record of C. sinensis adult worms from humans through anthelmintic treatment and purgation. The adult worms of C. sinensis may be paralyzed by praziquantel and then discharged passively through bile flow in the bile duct and by peristaltic movement of the bowel.  相似文献   

A mu-class glutathione S-transferase (Cs26GST) of molecular mass 26 kDa was characterized from Clonorchis sinensis. In adult C. sinensis, the distribution of the Cs26GST was investigated by immuno-histochemistry and electron microscopy. Cs26GST was localized to the tegument and parenchyma. Immunogold labeling was strong in the tegumental cell bodies and moderate in the tegument and ova in the oviduct. It is suggested that Cs26GST plays a role in the metabolism and fecundity of C. sinensis.  相似文献   

1. Adult Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese liver fluke, is known to migrate to the bile ducts of its mammalian host and cause significant pathology. 2. An acidic, thiol-dependent proteinase with a native mol. wt of approximately 18,500 was purified to homogeneity using ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. By SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the mol. wt of the enzyme was estimated to be 15,000. 3. The enzyme was similar to cathepsin B-like cysteine proteinases based on pH optimum, substrate specificity, and inhibitor sensitivity. 4. Antisera from human clonorchiasis and C. sinensis-infected rabbits reacted in immunoblots with the partially purified proteinase. The C. sinensis proteinase may be useful for serodiagnosis of clonorchiasis.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of the cercaria of the liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis (Cobbold, 1875), was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The body surface is almost encircled by many rows of regularly arranged spines. The tegumental syncytium of the body contains many rod-shaped dense granules and central electron-lucent bodies, neither of which are present in the tail tegument. There are four rows of hooked teeth and modified spines on the oral cone. These teeth are differentiated morphologically and probably functionally from the other body spines. Disc-shaped papillae with long or short cilia are distributed on the body in a bilaterally symmetrical pattern dorsally and ventrally. There are 30 to 37 papillae with much longer cilia laterally. Four pairs of papillae were found on the tail. From their structure and location these papillae appear to have a mainly tango- or rheoreceptive function. Another type of sheathed papillae is situated around the oral sucker. The cuticular tegument is expanded laterally at the base of the tail, forming a characteristic sac-like structure.  相似文献   

Schistosoma bovis is a ruminant pathogen that is poorly known at a molecular level. With an aim of identifying the parasite proteins involved in host-parasite interplay, we studied two protein extracts that contain, respectively, the proteins excreted/secreted by the adult worm (ES) and the tegumental proteins exposed to the host (TG). The 2-DE, 2-D immunoblot and MS were employed to separate and identify the antigenic proteins and the most abundant non-antigenic proteins in each extract. There were some 400 and 600 spots detected in the ES and the TG extracts, respectively. Ninety-six spots were subjected to MS analysis and 64 of them were identified. Overall, we identified 18 S. bovis proteins located at the host-parasite interface, 16 of which have not been identified previously in this parasite, and one of which -lysozyme- has never been reported in a Schistosoma species. Of the proteins identified, at least 4 can counteract host defence mechanisms. The other proteins are also likely to play some role in the host-parasite relationships. Therefore, studies in grater depth on all these proteins will provide a better understanding of how this parasite interacts with its host and new strategies for anti-schistosome drug or vaccine design.  相似文献   

Using transmission and scanning electron microscopy, the early migration of juvenile Fasciola hepatica was examined in naive and resistant rats. In naive rats, the migration of flukes to the peritoneal cavity was uneventful. In resistant rats, flukes were rapidly coated with antibody whilst still in the gut lumen and a proportion of the flukes were unable to penetrate the intestinal wall. Those that did penetrate were unharmed as they crossed the gut wall, but on entering the peritoneal cavity they were coated with antibody and host cells including eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, and mast cells. Eosinophils were seen degranulating onto the fluke surface, and this appeared to result in the erosion of the tegumental syncytium.  相似文献   

Three types of presumed sensory endings were distinguished by scanning electron microscopy: a ciliated type, a domed type, and a pit. The ciliated and domed type were also serially sectioned for transmission electron microscopy. Six of the pit type were observed, a group of 3 on each side of the oral sucker. The ciliated type were found only among the tegumental spines, and on the anterior ventrolateral surfaces except for an anterodorsal pair. The domed type resembled the ciliated type in that it had a ciliary basal body and rootlet but it lacked a cilium. It was found only in the tegument above the suckers where it probably serves as a pressure or contact receptor. Movement in vitro occurred by alternate attachment and release of the suckers with a vermiform peristalsis and the rings of spines between the suckers were considered to aid this movement in vivo.  相似文献   

Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese liver fluke, is the causative agent of clonorchiasis as well as liver and biliary diseases. The excretory‐secretory products (ESPs) of the parasites play important roles in host–parasite interactions. In this study, we have investigated the proteome of ESPs obtained from C. sinensis adult worms. Although the full genome database of C. sinensis is not yet available, we have successfully identified 62 protein spots using 2‐DE‐based mass analysis and EST database of C. sinensis. The proteins identified include detoxification enzymes, such as glutathione S‐transferase and thioredoxin peroxidase, myoglobin and a number of cysteine proteases that are expressed abundantly. In order to identify potential targets for the diagnosis and therapy of clonorchiasis, we conducted immunoblot analysis of the ESPs proteome using the sera obtained from clonorchiasis patients and identified legumains and cysteine proteases as antigens present in the ESPs. Although the cysteine proteases were previously reported to elicit antigenicity, the legumains are found herein for the first time as a serological antigen of C. sinensis. To confirm these findings, we expressed recombinant legumain in Escherichia coli and verified that recombinant legumain also functions as a potent antigen against the sera of clonorchiasis patients. Our results illustrate the validity of immuno‐proteomic approaches in the identification of serodiagnostic antigens in the parasites.  相似文献   

The surface topography and ultrastructural changes of Schistosoma mansoni worms developed from ultraviolet-irradiated cercariae were compared with those from non-irradiated cercariae. The tegument of worms developed from irradiated cercariae showed a variety of changes including the occurrence of oedemata and most of the tubercles being torn at the tip and having lost their spines on the dorsal surface of some male worms. In females, parts of the tegument were devoid of spines and surface lesions were present. The range and extent of these changes differed not only among individual worms but also between different regions of individual worms resulting in generalized deformities in those worms originating from irradiated cercariae.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase (28GST) with molecular mass of 28 kDa is an antioxidant enzyme abundant in Clonorchis sinensis. In adult C. sinensis, 28GST was localized in tegumental syncytium, cytons, parenchyma, and sperm tails examined by immunoelectron microscopy. C. sinensis 28GST was earlier found to neutralize bioreactive compounds and to be rich in eggs. Accordingly, it is suggested that 28GST plays important roles in phase II defense system and physiological roles in worm fecundity of C. sinensis.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopical observations were made on the tegument of excysted metacercariae and adults of the paramphistome, Zygocotyle lunata (Digenea: Trematoda). In accord with other paramphistomes studied, this species lacks spines and mitochondria in the tegumentary syncytium and associated cytons. The newly excysted metacercarie, which possessed relatively few tegumental papillae, were cylindrical in comparison to adults which were distinctly flat. The adults had large numbers of tegumental papillae in the region of the oral sucker and acetabulum.  相似文献   

The morphology and histochemistry of the glycocalyx of the tegument was investigated by electron microscopy. The results showed that both the morphology and histochemistry of the glycocalyx varied depending on the environment immediately prior to fixation and also on postfixation treatments. Conventional electron microscope fixation appeared to preserve only about half the total thickness of the glycocalyx, and only histochemical tests applied en bloc gave a true morphological and histochemical picture. The glycocalyx, therefore, consists of two parts, an inner continuous layer which is tightly bound to the apical plasma membrane and is always preserved, and an outer fibrillar layer, which is not always preserved by conventional fixation. Both layers are anionic and carbohydrate-rich and therefore contain glycoproteins and sialic acids. The surface of Fasciola hepatica, therefore, has morphological and chemical features very like those proposed for the “greater membrane” by Lehninger.  相似文献   

Adult Paramphistomum cervi or rumen fluke are pear-shaped, slightly concave ventrally and convex dorsally. The worm measures about 5-13 mm in length and 2-5 mm in width across the mid-section. As observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the tegumental surface in all part of the body, appears highly corrugated with transverse folds alternating with grooves and is spineless. At high magnification, the surface of the fold is composed of microfolds or ridges separated by microgrooves or pits. Corrugations and invaginations of the ventral surface are also more extensive than on the dorsal surface of the body. Both anterior and posterior suckers have thick rims covered with transverse folds without spine. The genital pore is situated at the anterior third of the body. There are two types of sensory papillae on the surface: type 1 is bulbous in shape, measuring 10-15 μm in diameter at the base with nipple-like tips, and type 2 has a similar shape and size and also a short cilia on top. These sensory papillae usually occur in large clusters, each having between 5 and 20 units depending on the region of the body. Clusters of papillae on the ventral surface and around the anterior suckers tend to be more numerous and larger in size. The dorsal surface of the body has the least number of papillae.  相似文献   

A karyological study was carried out in order to compared the chromosome numbers, chromosome morphologies and karyotypes of the oriental liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae), collected from Korea and China. Chromosome preparations were made by means of air-drying method. The chromosome number was 2n = 56 in both Korean and Chinese flukes, and chromosomes were divided into two groups based on this size; consisting of 8 pairs of large and 20 pairs of small chromosomes. However, the karyotypes showed some differences between Korean and Chinese flukes. The karyotype of liver flukes from Korea consisted of three metacentric pairs, one meta-/submetacentric pair, 16 submetacentric pairs and eight subtelocentric pairs of chromosomes. On the other hand, liver flukes from China consisted of two metacentric pairs, two meta-/submetacentric pairs, 16 submetacentric pairs and eight subtelocentric pairs of chromosomes.  相似文献   

We investigated the morphological effects of half-strength treatments with praziquantel, artemether, artesunate, OZ78 and tribendimidine as well as combinations of praziquantel with artemether, artesunate, OZ78 and tribendimidine and an artesunate–tribendimidine combination in rats harboring adult Clonorchis sinensis. Rats were infected with C. sinensis, dosed orally with single agents or combination treatments and flukes recovered at 3 or 5 days post-treatment. The number of flukes was counted, the viability recorded and surface changes monitored by scanning electron microscopy. Drug effects induced by the individual drugs at sub-curative doses 3 days post-treatment were minor with the exception of flukes recovered from rats treated with artemether and tribendimidine. Treatment with the praziquantel combinations of artesunate, OZ78 and tribendimidine did not produce a greater disruption of the tegument than the individual drugs 3 days post-treatment. On the other hand, at this time point many worms treated with artemether–praziquantel had died and eruptions, roughening or blebbing were observed on all worms examined. Five days post-treatment flukes exposed to any of the praziquantel combinations in rats had died. Rats treated with an artesunate–tribendimidine combination resulted in a rapid death of flukes, 3 days post-treatment all worms had been expelled.In conclusion, we have confirmed the promising clonorchicidal properties of different drug combinations in rats. Differences in the extent and time-scale of tegumental disruption have been observed. The effect of drug combinations against C. sinensis requires further scientific inquiry, e.g. in transmission electron microscopy studies and in the C. sinensis-rabbit model.  相似文献   

The gross morphology and fine structure of the newly excysted juvenile fluke are described. The tegument is organized as in the adult, with a spine-containing surface syncytium connected to a perinuclear region lying below the muscle layers. It differs from the adult, however, in having only one type of perinuclear region and one type of secretory body. The digestive system has all the morphological characteristics of a secretory epithelium, rather than an absorptive one. It has numerous dense secretory bodies, ribosomes, and GER, an irregular apical surface due to eccrine secretion, and a lumen filled with a moderately dense material derived from the dispersed secretory granules.The excretory system closely resembles that of the adult, but has, in addition, part of its ascending ducts ciliated and concretions as well as lipid droplets as visible excretory products. The muscle is identical with that of the adult and the parenchyma is also very similar to the adult, although it has more lipid droplets and is associated in a less complex way with cells of other organ systems. Groups of embryonic cells are present and are characterized by a dense, invaginated nucleus surrounded by a very thin layer of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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