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Competition for females generally results in some males adopting alternative reproductive tactics to acquire matings. For fish, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of these tactics are not well understood because of an inability to link directly the interactions of individuals on the breeding grounds with genetic data. This study combines behavioural observations with genetic estimates of male reproductive success within an intensively studied wild population of lacustrine brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Male brook trout exhibit a conditional reproductive strategy with small males adopting a peripheral position to that of larger dominant males in their proximity to spawning females. Parentage analysis of eggs collected from wild redds confirmed the reproductive success of individual males. Males relegated to peripheral positions during spawning participated frequently in spawning events, but in most cases the first male to spawn was the sole contributor, and no more than two males contributed successfully to a single brood. While behavioural observations of salmonines suggests that reproduction is partitioned among males in a manner dependent upon body size and proximity to spawning females, the genetic evidence from this study suggests a more limited distribution of reproductive success in the field. The genetic contributions of male brook trout are highly skewed towards larger males for this population. A review of the salmonine literature suggests little difference in individual reproductive success for males exhibiting size-related tactics within a conditional mating strategy vs. precocial maturation. Collectively, these genetic studies provide new insights on the evolution of alternative life histories among salmonines.  相似文献   

An experiment to induce anadromy in a population of wild brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis , was conducted near Sept-Iles, Quebec, in 1978–1979. Brook trout were captured from the Matamek River, tagged and transported to the Matamek River estuary during late spring and early summer, and allowed free movement between an impassable waterfall 0.7 km upstream and the sea. Fish were recaptured in autumn as they returned to fresh water. Over two years, 34.0% of the released fish were recaptured. Best returns were in the 2+ and 3+ age classes with 38.0 and 62.1% recaptured, respectively. Straying of transplanted fish appeared to be <1%. All age classes included sea run brook trout (sea trout) but the largest percentages of sea trout occurred in older fish. Growth was better in sea trout than in fish which did not develop anadromy, presumably a function of an increased food supply at sea. Severe tagging effects stunted growth and probably suppressed anadromy, especially among younger fish. Sexual characteristics of recaptured fish indicated suppressed maturation of gonads in sea trout compared to fish remaining in fresh water and there was a shift to a larger percentage of females in the sea trout. Comparisons between our results and data on other anadromous Salvelinus species underscore the potential for sea-ranching of trout and char as a moderate effort, high yield aquaculture technique.  相似文献   

Four parasite species (Crepidostomum cooperi, Cystidicoloides ephemeridarum, Acanthocephalus dirus, Salmincola edwardsii) infected 215 juvenile brook trout (105 young-of-year; 110, 1-yr-old) from Hunt Creek, Michigan, in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Prevalences of these species in 2004 (main study year) varied from 29 to 37%. Crepidostomnum cooperi had the highest mean intensity and mean abundance, followed by C. ephemeridarum. The number of fish infected with each parasite species was significantly higher in 1-yr-old fish than in young-of-year fish. Also, the mean intensities and mean abundances of C. cooperi and C. ephemeridarum and the mean abundance of A. dirus were significantly higher in older fish. The mean intensity of C. cooperi and prevalence of A. dirus were significantly higher in fish between creek sections. Fish length had a significant positive effect on the abundances of C. cooperi and C. ephemeridarum; parasite species richness, on the abundances of A. dirus and S. edwardsii; and parasite species richness in the 2003 and 2004 trout cohorts, respectively. Crepidostomum cooperi, C. ephemeridarum, A. dirus, and S. edwardsii commonly infect Michigan brook trout. The small number of parasite species infecting Hunt Creek brook trout is similar to the number of parasite species of brook trout from other Michigan creeks.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation linked to habitat use has been observed in fish, both between and within species. In many river systems, migratory and resident forms of salmonids coexist, including anadromous (migrant) and resident brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. In such populations, juvenile anadromous (migrant) brook trout, prior to migration, inhabit regions of higher current velocity than residents. Because it is more costly to occupy fast currents than slow currents, differences in morphology minimizing the effects of drag were expected between the two forms. As predicted, migrant brook trout were found to be more streamlined (narrower and shallower bodies) than resident brook trout, and these differences persisted into the marine life of the fish. Migrants also exhibited shorter pectoral fins, which facilitate pelagic swimming, indicating that migrants, prior to their migration to the sea, possess the appropriate morphology for swimming in open water habitats. The reported differences between migrants and residents were powerful enough to derive discriminant functions, using only five of the seven measured traits, allowing for accurate classification of brook trout as either migrants or residents with an overall correct classification rate of 87%. Importantly, this study contributes to the notion that a link exists between morphology, habitat use, metabolic costs and life-history strategies. Contribution to the program of CIRSA (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur le Saumon Atlantique).  相似文献   

Critical thermal maximum (CTmax) is widely used to measure upper thermal tolerance in fish but is rarely examined in embryos. Upper thermal limits generally depend on an individual's thermal history, which molds plasticity. We examined how thermal acclimation affects thermal tolerance of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) embryos using a novel method to assess CTmax in embryos incubated under three thermal regimes. Warm acclimation was associated with an increase in embryonic upper thermal tolerance. However, CTmax variability was markedly higher than is typical for juvenile or adult salmonids.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were used to test whether groups of pre‐spawning adult brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis from the same population and captured at the same location during their breeding migration comprised kin. Only weak evidence for kin associations was found at the onset of breeding: the proportion of kin captured at the same location was low and similar to the proportion found across all locations and the average relatedness of S. fontinalis captured at the same location was low. A dilution of kin associations from the feeding to breeding phase is hypothesized to stem from mainly natural mortality that reduces family size by the adult stage. The results illustrate the dynamic nature of kin associations between consecutive life stages, even within the same fish population.  相似文献   

Laboratory brook trout were used to evaluate, refine, or develop biochemical procedures for the analysis of fish blood. Analytical values were obtained for the following blood properties: total and differential leucocytes and erythrocytes; erythrocyte and plasma proteins (by electrophoresis); plasma refractive index; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrocyte osmotic fragility; blood surface tension and density; haemoglobin; and packed cell volume. These blood factors are discussed with reference to fish health and disease and to changes caused by deleterious quantities of water pollutants.  相似文献   

An atypical brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) spawning area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis Brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) spawned successfully on a 0.3 m thick aggregation of waterlogged sticks, woodchips and debris overlying the soft ooze bottom of a small Precambrian Shield lake. Brook charr were apparently attracted to groundwater seeping up through the aggregation and utilized the tangle of various sized sticks as a spawning substrate. Eggs were deposited in late October and alevins emerged from the area in late March, periods that coincide with the conventional spawning of native brook charr on gravel areas in nearby lakes. Our observations support the contention that upwellin, water is more important than bottom type in stimulating brook charr to select a spawning site.  相似文献   

Survival time of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill) at low pH was directly related to size, and inversely related to temperature. Between pH 2.50 and 3.25 an increase in pH by increments of 0.25 each led to a 2–3 fold increase in survival time. At higher pH's (3.25–3.75) elevations in pH by the same increments each produced a 3–5 fold increase. Brook trout tested at pH 3.35 and 3.50 showed maximum survival times in June-August. Members of seven inbred lines of brook trout were tested for acid tolerance; the lines differed markedly providing strong evidence that acid tolerance is hereditary. Tests involving either intercrossed or backcrossed offspring of tolerant or intolerant parentals demonstrated intermediate survival in 12.5% of all experiments and heterosis in 66.7% of the tests. Differences in survival of inbred lines were the most marked at pH 3.25. Exposure for 1 week at pH 3.75 resulted in a 20–25% decrease in survival time of 18 fish tested at pH 2.50 and 3.00. Out of a total of 24 trout (17 g) tested at pH 3.75 two highly tolerant individuals were still alive after 6.1 weeks. Thus it is likely that a strain resistant to a pH below 4.1, the previously recorded lower limit, can be developed by selective breeding.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity was demonstrated in the follicle wall surrounding oocytes of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) by an assay system that incorporated protein substrates into sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (substrate-SDS-PAGE). At least six proteolytic enzymes (78, 70, 67, 59, 22 and 20 kDa) were present when follicle wall extracts were electrophoresed and incubated in gels containing gelatin. Of these six enzymes, only two enzymes (20 and 22 kDa) were present when follicle wall extracts were resolved and incubated in gels containing casein. The activities of the 78 and 70 kDa enzymes were completely inhibited with metallo- and collagenolytic protease inhibitors and partially inhibited with serine protease inhibitors. The activities of the 67 and 59 kDa enzymes were completely blocked with metallo- and collagenolytic protease inhibitors. The activities of the 22 and 20 kDa enzymes were only slightly decreased with a serine protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

Macrophage aggregates (MAs) occur in various organs of fishes, especially the kidney, liver and spleen, and contain melanin, ceroid/lipofuscin and hemosiderin pigments. They have been used as indicators of a number of natural and anthropogenic stressors. Macrophage aggregates occur in salmonids but are poorly organized, irregularly shaped, and are generally smaller than those in derived teleosts. These features complicate quantification, and thus these fishes have seldom been used in studies correlating MAs with environmental stressors. To alleviate these complications, we developed color filtering algorithms for use with the software package ImagePro Plus (Media Cybernetics) that select and quantify pigmented area (i.e. colors ranging from gold to brown to black) in tissue sections. Image analysis results compared well with subjective scoring when tested on brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss captured from high-elevation lakes or hatcheries. Macrophage aggregate pigments correlated positively with age and negatively with condition factor. Within individual fish, pigmentation correlated positively among organs, suggesting that the kidney, liver or spleen are suitable indicator organs. In age-matched fishes, MA pigments were not different between hatcheries and lakes in the organs examined. Between lakes, differences in pigments were observed in the kidney and spleen, but were not explained by age, condition factor, sex or maturation state. Our results indicate that quantification of the area occupied by MA pigments is an efficient and accurate means of evaluating MAs in salmonid organs and that organ pigmentation correlates with age and condition factor, as seen in studies with more derived fishes.  相似文献   

Redd (nest) surveys for resident brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were conducted annually in a mountain lake in northern New York for 11 years with multiple surveys conducted during the spawning season in eight of those years. Repeated surveys throughout the spawning season allowed us to fit an individually based parametric model and estimate the day of year on which spawning was initiated, reached its midpoint, and ended during each year. Spawning phenology was then assessed relative to (1) mean of maximum daily air temperature and (2) mean of maximum daily water temperature at the lake bottom during summer in each year using a linear model. Elevated temperatures in summer were correlated with a delay in spawning and a reduction in the total number of redds constructed. Increasing the summer mean of maximum daily air temperatures by 1 °C delayed spawning by approximately 1 week and decreased the total number of redds constructed by nearly 65. Lake spawning brook trout select redd sites based on the presence of discharging groundwater that is relatively constant in temperature within and across years, leading to relatively consistent egg incubation times. Therefore, delayed spawning is likely to delay fry emergence, which could influence emergence synchrony with prey items. This work highlights non‐lethal and sub‐lethal effects of elevated summer temperatures on native resident salmonids in aquatic environments with limited thermal refugia.  相似文献   

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