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In previous work we characterized a brain derived collapsing factor that induces the collapse of dorsal root ganglion growth cones in culture (Raper and Kapfhammer, 1990). To determine how the growth cone cytoskeleton is rearranged during collapse, we have compared the distributions of F-actin and microtubules in normal and partially collapsed growth cones. The relative concentration of F-actin as compared to all proteins can be measured in growth cones by rationing the intensity of rhodamine-phalloidin staining of F-actin to the intensity of a general protein stain. The relative concentration of F- actin is decreased by about one half in growth cones exposed to collapsing factor for five minutes, a time at which they are just beginning to collapse. During this period the relative concentration of F-actin in the leading edges of growth cones decreases dramatically while the concentration of F-actin in the centers decreases little. These results suggest that collapse is associated with a net loss of F- actin at the leading edge. The distributions of microtubules in normal and collapsing factor treated growth cones were examined with antibodies to tyrosinated and detyrosinated isoforms of alpha-tubulin. The tyrosinated form is found in newly polymerized microtubules while the detyrosinated form is not. The relative proximal-distal distributions of these isoforms are not altered during collapse, suggesting that rates of microtubule polymerization and depolymerization are not greatly affected by the presence of collapsing factor. An analysis of the distributions of microtubules before and after collapse suggests that microtubules are rearranged, but their polymerization state is unaffected during collapse. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the brain derived collapsing factor has little effect on microtubule polymerization or depolymerization. Instead it appears to induce a net loss of F-actin at the leading edge of the growth cone.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that cytosolic calcium levels regulate growth cone motility and neurite extension. The purpose of this study was to determine if intracellular calcium levels also influence the initiation of neurite extension induced by growth-promoting factors. An in vitro preparation of axotomized neurons that can be maintained in the absence of growth-promoting factors was utilized. The distal axons of cultured Helisoma neurons plated into defined medium do not extend neurites until they are exposed to Helisoma brain-conditioned medium. This provided the opportunity to study the intracellular changes associated with neurite extension. Cytosolic calcium levels were monitored with the calcium-sensitive dye fura 2 at the distal axon. In control medium calcium levels in the distal axon were constant. However, transient elevations in cytosolic calcium in the axonal growth cone occurred after addition of conditioned medium and coincident with the initiation of neurite extension. Application of calcium channel blockers showed that the transients resulted from calcium influx across the neuronal membrane. The transients, however, were not required for neurite extension, although they did influence the rate and extent of neurite outgrowth. Simultaneous extracellular patch recordings demonstrated that the calcium transients were correlated temporally with an increase in rhythmic spontaneous electrical activity of cells, suggesting that conditioned medium influences ionic membrane properties of these neurons. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of F-actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex of formaldehyde-fixedAllium root cells was visualized with rhodaminephalloidin (RP). Increased RP fluorescence appears in late anaphase in a broad zone between separating chromosomes. The fluorescence is mostly amorphous in appearance and does not resemble the distinct actin fibers seen in interphase cells. The actin becomes more concentrated near the midplane by telophase and takes the form of a relatively bright layer of fluorescence adjacent to the forming cell plate. This distribution differs markedly from that of phragmoplast microtubules (MTs) which extend back from the plate toward the daughter nuclei. F-actin continues to accumulate in new parts of the expanding phragmoplast, while RP fluorescence gradually decreases near older portions of the plate. It disappears completely near the new wall in most interphase cells. Treatment of root tips with cytochalasin B or D before fixation markedly reduces RP fluorescence, but phragmoplast MTs remain. Colchicine or oryzalin treatment leads to the disappearance of both phragmoplast actin and MTs. The possible function of actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex is discussed.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - CD cytochalasin D - CIPC isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl-)carbamate - DIC differential interference contrast - MT microtubule - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PM plasmalemma - RP rhodamine-phalloidin  相似文献   

This study examines the capability of growth cones from identified neurons of the snail Helisoma trivolvis to perform calcium homeostasis. Calcium influx into the cytoplasm was eliminated or increased experimentally to alter [Ca]i, and the compensatory response of the growth cone was measured with the fluorescent calcium indicator Fura-2. Growth cones compensated for both increases and decreases in calcium influx by restoring [Ca]i towards basal levels under both types of challenges. The intrinsic ability of growth cones to control [Ca]i was examined in physically isolated growth cones. Isolated growth cones demonstrated essentially identical calcium homeostatic properties to their intact counterparts, indicating that mechanisms governing calcium homeostasis exist intrinsically in the growth cone. Such independence may add significantly to the growth cone's potential to locally interpret and respond to stimuli encountered en route to its appropriate target.  相似文献   

Formyl-met-leu-phe (fMLP) induces actin assembly in neutrophils; the resultant increase in F-actin content correlates with an increase in the rate of cellular locomotion at fMLP concentrations less than or equal to 10(-8) M (Howard, T.H., and W.H. Meyer, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:1265-1271). We studied the time course of change in F-actin content, F-actin distribution, and cell shape after fMLP stimulation. F-actin content was quantified by fluorescence activated cell sorter analysis of nitrobenzoxadiazole-phallacidin-stained cells (Howard, T.H., 1982, J. Cell Biol., 95(2, Pt. 2:327a). F-actin distribution and cell shape were determined by analysis of fluorescence photomicrographs of nitrobenzoxadiazole-phallacidin-stained cells. After fMLP stimulation at 25 degrees C, there is a rapid actin polymerization that is maximal (up to 2.0 times the control level) at 45 s; subsequently, the F-actin depolymerizes to an intermediate F-actin content 5-10 min after stimulation. The depolymerization of F-actin reflects a true decrease in F-actin content since the quantity of probe extractable from cells also decreases between 45 s and 10 min. The rate of actin polymerization (3.8 +/- 0.3-4.4 +/- 0.6% increase in F-actin/s) is the same for 10(-10) - 10(-6) M fMLP and the polymerization is inhibited by cytochalasin D. The initial rate of F-actin depolymerization (6.0 +/- 1.0-30 +/- 5% decrease in F-actin/min) is inversely proportional to fMLP dose. The F-actin content of stimulated cells at 45 s and 10 min is greater than control levels and varies directly with fMLP dose. F-actin distribution and cell shape also vary as a function of time after stimulation. 45 s after stimulation the cells are rounded and F-actin is diffusely distributed; 10 min after stimulation the cell is polarized and F-actin is focally distributed. These results indicate that actin polymerization and depolymerization follow fMLP stimulation in sequence, the rate of depolymerization and the maximum and steady state F-actin content but not the rate of polymerization are fMLP dose dependent, and concurrent with F-actin depolymerization, F-actin is redistributed and the cell changes shape.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species are well known for their damaging effects due to oxidation of lipids, proteins and DNA that ultimately result in cell death. Accumulating evidence indicates that reactive oxygen species also have important signaling functions in cell proliferation, differentiation, cell motility and apoptosis. Here, we tested the hypothesis whether reactive oxygen species play a physiological role in regulating F-actin structure and dynamics in neuronal growth cones. Lowering cytoplasmic levels of reactive oxygen species with a free radical scavenger, N -tert-butyl-α-phenylnitrone, or by inhibiting specific sources of reactive oxygen species, such as NADPH oxidases or lipoxygenases, reduced the F-actin content in the peripheral domain of growth cones. Fluorescent speckle microscopy revealed that these treatments caused actin assembly inhibition, reduced retrograde actin flow and increased contractility of actin structures in the transition zone referred to as arcs, possibly by activating the Rho pathway. Reduced levels of reactive oxygen species ultimately resulted in disassembly of the actin cytoskeleton. When neurons were cultured overnight in conditions of reduced free radicals, growth cone formation and neurite outgrowth were severely impaired. Therefore, we conclude that physiological levels of reactive oxygen species are critical for maintaining a dynamic F-actin cytoskeleton and controlling neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Filopodia on neuronal growth cones constantly extend and retract, thereby functioning as both sensory probes and structural devices during neuronal pathfinding. To better understand filopodial dynamics and their regulation by encounters with molecules in the environment, we investigated filopodial dynamics of identified B5 neurons from the buccal ganglion of the snail Helisoma trivolvis before and after treatment with nitric oxide (NO). We have previously demonstrated that treatment with several NO-donors caused a transient, cGMP-mediated elevation in [Ca(2+)](i), which was causally related to an increase in filopodial length and a reduction in the number of filopodia on growth cones. We demonstrate here that these effects were the result of distinct changes in filopodial dynamics. The NO-donor SIN-1 induced a general increase in filopodial motility. Filopodial elongation after treatment with SIN-1 resulted from a significant increase in the rate at which filopodia extended, as well as a significant increase in the time filopodia spent elongating. The reduction in filopodial number was caused by a significant decrease in the frequency with which new filopodia were inserted into the growth cone. With the exception of the back where filopodia appeared less motile, filopodial dynamics appeared to be mostly independent of the location on the growth cone. These results suggest that NO can regulate filopodial dynamics on migrating growth cones and might function as a messenger to adjust the action radius of a growth cone during pathfinding.  相似文献   

Chen HQ  Tian W  Chen YS  Li L  Raum J  Sung KL 《Biorheology》2004,41(5):655-664
We investigated neutrophil activation, specifically F-actin content and distribution, in situations mimicking the in vivo environment using steady and oscillatory shear. Under low steady shear (<150 s(-1)) F-actin levels were decreased for both treated (n-formyl-L-methioryl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine (fMLP)) and untreated neutrophils. The F-actin content increased with a change to higher steady shear levels. Neutrophils show the same behavior of decreased F-actin content for oscillatory shear (26.7 s(-1)) as they did for steady shear. In both situations, the low shear levels caused a decrease in F-actin content. However, as the magnitude of the shear rate increased, cells showed a reversal to increasing F-actin content. Shear caused a decrease in F-actin in the cell cortex for both control and fMLP treated cells. Ctyochalasin B (CB), a common F-actin assembly blocker, significantly decreased F-actin content. The results indicate that neutrophils regulate their actin network based on the level and type of shear stress they encounter in the bloodstream.  相似文献   

The present experiments address the question of how stimulation parameters, which evoke action potentials in neuronal cell bodies, influence growth cone movements of different identified neurons. The motility of growth cones of Helisoma buccal neurons B19 and B4 was monitored while somata were stimulated simultaneously via an intracellular microelectrode. The findings show that the responses of growth cones of B19 and B4 contain components that are common as well as unique to each neuron. Whereas rates of growth cone advance were suppressed in a graded fashion by stimulus frequencies beyond a threshold of 2 s-1 for both neurons, B4 was more sensitive to electrical stimulation and exhibited a new response, namely, growth rates were enhanced during the poststimulation recovery period after stimulation at specific frequencies. Thus, electrical activity can result in enhancement as well as in inhibition of growth cone movement. Changes in number of filopodia on B19 and B4 were graded also, with B4 again displaying greater sensitivity. The frequency dependence of filopodia compared to growth rate changes was different and suggests a possible dissociation between filopodial activity and growth cone motility. Patterned electrical activity produced effects similar to constant stimulation for B19 growth cones, whereas it decreased the threshold frequency and eliminated the growth enhancement effect for B4. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the quantitative features of electrical activity as well as intrinsic properties of neurons both determine the growth cone response to changes in neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Biron D  Moses E 《Biophysical journal》2004,86(5):3284-3290
Actin filament length distribution in cells is often regulated to fit specific tasks. In comparison to the well-studied regulation of the average filament length (e.g., using capping proteins), controlling the width of the distribution is less well understood. We utilize two complementary methods to measure the effect of alpha-actinin on the width of the distribution of lengths of F-actin in vitro. Analyzing transmission electron micrographs shows that crosslinking by alpha-actinin reduces the width of the length distribution of F-actin, decreasing the coefficient of variation by two- to threefold. Analysis of fluorescence data from depolymerization assays confirms this observation. We suggest a mechanistic molecular model in which a local (weak) stabilization of crosslinked monomers in the filament is the physical origin of the decrease in the variance of lengths. Although alpha-actinin is known to bind reversibly to F-actin, our model shows that even weak binding can produce this effect, and that in fact it persists throughout a wide range of binding strengths.  相似文献   

Several microtubule-binding proteins including EB1, dynactin, APC, and CLIP-170 localize to the plus-ends of growing microtubules. Although these proteins can bind to microtubules independently, evidence for interactions among them has led to the hypothesis of a plus-end complex. Here we clarify the interaction between EB1 and dynactin and show that EB1 binds directly to the N-terminus of the p150(Glued) subunit. One function of a plus-end complex may be to regulate microtubule dynamics. Overexpression of either EB1 or p150(Glued) in cultured cells bundles microtubules, suggesting that each may enhance microtubule stability. The morphology of these bundles, however, differs dramatically, indicating that EB1 and dynactin may act in different ways. Disruption of the dynactin complex augments the bundling effect of EB1, suggesting that dynactin may regulate the effect of EB1 on microtubules. In vitro assays were performed to elucidate the effects of EB1 and p150(Glued) on microtubule polymerization, and they show that p150(Glued) has a potent microtubule nucleation effect, whereas EB1 has a potent elongation effect. Overall microtubule dynamics may result from a balance between the individual effects of plus-end proteins. Differences in the expression and regulation of plus-end proteins in different cell types may underlie previously noted differences in microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   

Filopodial actin bundles guide microtubule assembly in the growth cone peripheral (P) domain and retrograde actin-network flow simultaneously transports microtubules rearward. Therefore, microtubule-end position is determined by the sum of microtubule assembly and retrograde transport rates. However, how filopodia actually affect microtubule assembly dynamics is unknown. To address this issue we quantitatively assessed microtubule and actin dynamics before and after selective removal of filopodia. Filopodium removal had surprisingly little effect on retrograde actin-flow rates or underlying network structures, but resulted in an approximate doubling of peripheral microtubule density and deeper penetration of microtubules into the P domain. The latter stemmed from less efficient coupling of microtubules to remaining actin networks and not from a change in microtubule polymer dynamics. Loss of filopodia also resulted in increased lateral microtubule movements and a more randomized microtubule distribution in the P domain. In summary, filopodia do not seem to be formally required for microtubule advance; however, their presence ensures radial distribution of microtubules in the P domain and facilitates microtubule transport by retrograde flow. The resulting dynamic steady state has interesting implications for rapid microtubule-positioning responses in the P domain.  相似文献   

The growth cone contains dynamic and relatively stable microtubule populations, whose function in motility and axonal growth is uncharacterized. We have used vinblastine at low doses to inhibit microtubule dynamics without appreciable depolymerization to probe the role of these dynamics in growth cone behavior. At doses of vinblastine that interfere only with dynamics, the forward and persistent movement of the growth cone is inhibited and the growth cone wanders without appreciable forward translocation; it quickly resumes forward growth after the vinblastine is washed out. Direct visualization of fluorescently tagged microtubules in these neurons shows that in the absence of dynamic microtubules, the remaining mass of polymer does not invade the peripheral lamella and does not undergo the usual cycle of bundling and splaying and the growth cone stops forward movement. These experiments argue for a role for dynamic microtubules in allowing microtubule rearrangements in the growth cone. These rearrangements seem to be necessary for microtubule bundling, the subsequent coalescence of the cortex around the bundle to form new axon, and forward translocation of the growth cone.  相似文献   

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