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资源交互斑块性生境中两种不同分枝型匍匐茎植物的克隆内分工 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
以青藏高原和四川盆地过渡带两种不同分枝型匍匐茎植物野草莓 (Fragaria vesca)和过路黄 (Lysimachia christinae)为对象 ,研究它们在高光照低养分斑块和低光照高养分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境中的克隆内分工。结果显示 ,与资源的空间同质性处理 (I)和 (II)相比 ,资源的空间异质性处理 (III)和 (IV)中野草莓和过落黄的近端、远端和整个克隆片段的生物量和分株数均获得显著增加。生长在低光高养条件下的远端分株 ,若与高光低养的近端分株相连 ,相比连接到低光高养的近端分株 ,它们分配更多的生物量到地下部分 ;生长在高光低养条件下的远端分株 ,若与低光高养的近端分株相连 ,相比连接到高光低养的近端分株 ,它们分配更多的生物量到地上部分 ;生长在高光低养条件下的近端分株 ,若与低光高养的远端分株相连 ,相比连接到高光低养的远端分株 ,它们分配更多的生物量到地上部分。实验结果表明 ,资源交互斑块性生境中野草莓和过路黄均发生了克隆内分工。通过克隆内分工 ,克隆植物能有效的利用异质性分布的资源 ,缓解资源交互斑块性分布对克隆植物生长的不利影响 相似文献
异质性生境中匍匐茎草本野草莓(Fragaria vesca)的克隆内资源共享 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了不同海拔高度(1800和3900m)的匍匐茎克隆植物野草莓(Fragaria vesca)种群对光照和养分资源斑块性分布生境的响应。结果表明:与资源的空间同质性处理(Ⅰ)和(Ⅱ)相比,资源的空间异质性处理(Ⅲ)和(Ⅳ)中2个种群的野草莓的近端、远端分株部分和整个克隆片段的生物量和分株数均明显增加。当近端分株部分经历低光高养,而与其相连的远端分株部分经历高光低养时,相比于整个克隆片段都处于低光高养的同质性生境,来自2个海拔的种群的近端分株部分都会增加对根的生物量分配;当近端分株部分经历高光低养,而与其相连的远端分株部分经历低光高养时,相比于整个克隆片段都处于低光高养的同质性生境,来自2个海拔的种群的近端分株部分都会减少对根的生物量分配,远端分株部分也被观察到类似的生物量分配格局。相比于高光低养的同质性生境,当与低光高养的远端分株部分相连时,经历高光低养的近端分株部分有更大的叶面积;相比于低光高养的同质性生境,当与低光高养近端分株部分相连时,经历高光低养的远端分株部分有更大的叶面积。结果表明,野草莓在资源交互斑块性生境中发生了克隆内分工,克隆内分工有利于克隆植物对异质性资源的利用,对克隆植物在资源斑块性分布生境中的生存和生长具有重要的意义。 相似文献
研究了3种来自中国北方林下、草地和碱化草甸匍匐茎型克隆草本植物绢毛匍匐委陵菜(Potentilla reptans L.var.sericophylla Franch.)、鹅绒委陵菜(P.anserina L.)和金戴戴(Halerpestes ruthenica (Jacq.)Qvcz.)对由高光照低养分斑块和低光照高养分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境的适应性对策。当生长于高照低养分条件下分株(HL分株)与生长于低光照高养分条件下分株(LH分株)之间的匍匐茎连接时,3种克隆植物HL分株、LH分株以及整个分株对系统(HL分株+LH分株)的生物量均得到显提高,同时,HL分株根冠比显增加,而HL分株根冠比显下降。这表明,当互连分株置于由低光照高养分斑块和高光照低养分斑块组成的异质性环境中时,3种植物克隆分株均发生了环境诱导的功能特化。克隆内资源共享以及克隆内不同分株的功能特化有利于整个分株系统对局部丰富资源的获取,从而能够缓解资源交互斑块性生境对克隆植物的不利影响。 相似文献
研究了3种来自中国北方林下、草地和碱化草甸匍匐茎型克隆草本植物绢毛匍匐委陵菜 (Potentilla reptans L. var. sericophylla Franch.)、鹅绒委陵菜 (P. anserina L.) 和金戴戴 (Halerpestes ruthenica (Jacq.) Qvcz.) 对由高光照低养分斑块和低光照高养分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境的适应性对策.当生长于高光照低养分条件下分株 (HL分株) 与生长于低光照高养分条件下分株 (LH分株) 之间的匍匐茎连接时, 3种克隆植物HL分株、LH分株以及整个分株对系统 (HL分株 + LH分株) 的生物量均得到显著提高.同时, LH分株根冠比显著增加, 而HL分株根冠比显著下降.这表明, 当互连分株置于由低光照高养分斑块和高光照低养分斑块组成的异质性环境中时, 3种植物克隆分株均发生了环境诱导的功能特化.克隆内资源共享以及克隆内不同分株的功能特化有利于整个分株系统对局部丰富资源的获取, 从而能够缓解资源交互斑块性生境对克隆植物的不利影响. 相似文献
资源异质性环境中三种匍匐茎草本植物克隆内资源共享和分株功能特化(英文) 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
研究了 3种来自中国北方林下、草地和碱化草甸匍匐茎型克隆草本植物绢毛匍匐委陵菜 (PotentillareptansL .var.sericophyllaFranch .)、鹅绒委陵菜 (P .anserinaL .)和金戴戴 (Halerpestesruthenica (Jacq .)Qvcz .)对由高光照低养分斑块和低光照高养分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境的适应性对策。当生长于高光照低养分条件下分株(HL分株 )与生长于低光照高养分条件下分株 (LH分株 )之间的匍匐茎连接时 ,3种克隆植物HL分株、LH分株以及整个分株对系统 (HL分株 LH分株 )的生物量均得到显著提高。同时 ,LH分株根冠比显著增加 ,而HL分株根冠比显著下降。这表明 ,当互连分株置于由低光照高养分斑块和高光照低养分斑块组成的异质性环境中时 ,3种植物克隆分株均发生了环境诱导的功能特化。克隆内资源共享以及克隆内不同分株的功能特化有利于整个分株系统对局部丰富资源的获取 ,从而能够缓解资源交互斑块性生境对克隆植物的不利影响 相似文献
水生植物是一类以草本植物为主、与水紧密相关的生态类群, 大多数具有克隆性。面对水环境的变化, 水生植物在形态、行为和生理上表现出多样化的表型可塑性, 对异质生境具有很强的适应能力。表型可塑性研究已在陆生植物的多个类群展开, 然而目前对异质生境下水生植物的生态适应对策, 尤其是表型可塑性的研究尚重视不够。本文在阐明克隆植物表型可塑性主要实现方式及其关系、水生环境异质性及其特点的基础上, 重点从形态可塑性、觅食行为、克隆整合、克隆分工和风险分摊等5个方面讨论了水生植物如何通过表型可塑性适应异质性水生环境。在今后的水生植物表型可塑性研究中, 建议着重探讨以下问题: (1)表型可塑性的变化规律及机理; (2)克隆整合对群落和生态系统的影响; (3)克隆整合与克隆片段化的权衡; (4)不同克隆构型的表型可塑性及其内在机制; (5)表型可塑性的适应性进化; (6)水生植物与其他类群/营养级物种的关系; (7)水生生态系统对全球变化的响应。 相似文献
Clonal plants spread vegetatively within their habitats by forming rooted ramets on stolons or rhizomes. Each of these ramets is capable of an independent existence after establishment. Nevertheless, ramets remain physically connected by stolon or rhizome internodes for variable periods of time, thereby allowing for resource movement and signal transduction within clones.Interconnected ramets of clonal plants, though potentially independent and totipotent, can specialize functionally in the performance of limited numbers of tasks such as the uptake of resources from above- vs below-ground sources, carbohydrate storage, vegetative spread and sexual reproduction. Such specialization and cooperation is comparable to a division of labour in economic systems or in colonies of social animals. The ecological significance of division of labour in clonal plants may be found in the increased efficiency of entire clones in exploiting their environments.Two different types of division of labour in clonal plants will be discussed in this review. The first type is an environmentally-induced specialization of ramets in the uptake of locally abundant resources (plastic division of labour), which can be found in several stoloniferous species. Evidence exists that this response increases resource uptake in spatially heterogeneous environments. The second type of division of labour, which occurs mainly in rhizomatous species, relates to a developmentally-programmed specialization and cooperation between interconnected ramets. This response pattern is thought to enhance plant performance by restricting the number of tasks for individual ramets and thereby significantly increasing the efficiency of task performance. In some plants, such an inherent division of labour is likely to contribute to nutrient extraction from poor and unpredictably variable sources.In this article not only benefits but also potential costs and constraints on division of labour in clonal plants are shown. The aim is to provide a review of existing knowledge and to develop concepts and hypotheses for future research. 相似文献
* Plants must cope with environmental variation in space and time. Phenotypic plasticity allows them to adjust their form and function to small-scale variations in habitat quality. Empirical studies have shown that stoloniferous plants can exploit heterogeneous habitats through plastic ramet specialization and internal resource exchange (division of labour). * Here we present a spatially explicit simulation model to explore costs and benefits of plasticity in spatio-temporally heterogeneous environments. We investigated the performance of three plant strategies in pairwise competition. The nonplastic strategy was unable to specialize. The autonomous plastic strategy displayed localized responses to external resource signals. In the coordinated plastic strategy, localized responses could be modified by internal demand signals from connected modules. * Plasticity in resource uptake proved beneficial in a broad range of environments. Modular coordination was beneficial under virtually all realistic conditions, especially if resource supplies did not closely match resource needs. * The benefits of division of labour extend considerably beyond the parameter combination covered by empirical studies. Our model provides a general framework for evaluating the benefits, costs and limits of plasticity in spatio-temporally heterogeneous habitats. 相似文献
竹类植物是一类以木本为主的克隆植物,凭借表型可塑性的优势,对异质生境具有很强适应能力。然而,目前对竹类植物表型可塑性的实现方式及其异质生境适应对策未见系统总结,从而在一定程度上限制了竹类生态学的发展。从形态可塑性、选择性放置、克隆整合和克隆分工等4个方面对竹类植物的表型可塑性研究进行分析和梳理,结果表明:竹类植物在异质生境中具有明显的表型可塑反应,主要采用形态可塑性、选择性放置和克隆整合来适应异质生境,而克隆分工的普遍性仍有待验证;目前侧重于研究构件形态和生物量分配格局,而很少深入探讨形态、生理和行为等可塑性机理。今后竹类植物表型可塑性研究重点在于:1)克隆整合的格局与机理;2)克隆整合对生态系统的影响;3)克隆分工的形成及其与环境关系;4)表型可塑性的等级性及环境影响;5)不同克隆构型的表型可塑性特征及其内在机制。 相似文献
过路黄为报春花科的多年生匍匐草本植物,是有名的中药材,也是十分优质的园林地被植物。该文报道了过路黄的自然三倍体,以期为过路黄的开发利用提供新的参考资料。该研究先将湖北省武汉狮子山和黄石月亮山的过路黄居群引种至同一实验地进行栽培,然后观测其植株形态和叶片气孔大小,并利用常规压片法进行细胞染色体的计数与核型分析。结果表明:源自黄石月亮山的过路黄的叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶片面积、花瓣长度、花瓣宽度、花瓣面积及叶背气孔面积均显著高于源自武汉狮子山的过路黄;黄石月亮山的过路黄核型公式为3n=36=3m+3sm+6st+24t,与武汉狮子山的过路黄核型2n=24=2m+2sm+4st+16t不同。基于上述形态与核型数据,该文认为黄石月亮山的过路黄居群为自然三倍体。过路黄自然三倍体的发现丰富了过路黄的多倍体资料,不仅能为过路黄的遗传多样性及进化研究提供参考,还能为过路黄的药用、园林应用及其新品种的培育提供优良材料。 相似文献
以中药金钱草 (LysimachiachristinaeHance)的茎段为外植体于MS附加不同激素配比的培养基上 ,探讨丛生芽诱导及生根培养的条件。在MS +6 -BA 0 .5~ 1.5mg·L-1+IBA 0 .2~ 0 .5mg·L-1和MS +6 -BA 1.5mg·L-1+NAA 0 .5mg·L-1的培养基上均可获得良好的丛生芽诱导 ,苗的生长迅速 ,繁殖系数高 ;在MS或MS +IBA 0 .1mg·L-1培养基上易于诱导生根。丛生芽诱导率和生根率均为 10 0 %。 相似文献
Yu Chu Fei-Hai Yu Ming Dong 《植物学报(英文版)》2006,48(4):400-408
Interconnected ramets of clonal plants can functionally specialize in the uptake of resources from aboveground and/or underground sources. Ramet pairs of the clonal stoloniferous herb Glechoma Iongltuba L. were grown In spatially heterogeneous environments with complementary availability of light and nutrients. Plasticity with respect to root-shoot ratio, fitness-related traits (biomass, number of ramets and dry weight per ramet), morphological traits (lamina area, root length) were experimentally examined. The aim was to understand the adaptation of G. Iongltuba to an environment with reciprocal patchiness of light and soil nutrients by plasticity In Its root-shoot ratio and clonal morphology. The results showed that the performance of ramets growing In patches with high light Intensity and low soil nutrients into the adjacent opposite patches was Increased in terms of fitness-related traits. However, the performance of those from patches with low light Intensity and high soil nutrients into the adjacent opposite patches was not changed. The root-shoot ratio and clonal morphology were plastic. Morphological traits such as lamina area and root length were altered In a way that enhanced the capture of light resources and soil nutrients. Apparent reciprocal resource transport between the ramets In an environment of reciprocal patchiness of resources can enhance the growth of ramets with complementary resource deficiencies. 相似文献