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There are difficulties in studying morphological and genetic features of transgenic plants which associate with the instability of transformation, the inactivation of insertion, and the derivation of somaclonal variations. This study describes the lines of tobacco plants that were obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and subsequent micropropagation in sterile conditions. Plants are characterized by dwarf length, increased proportion of sterile pollen grains, and the lack of insertion, which was detected before.  相似文献   

Nanobodies (or VHHs) are single-domain antigen-binding fragments derived from Camelid heavy chain-only antibodies. Their small size, monomeric behaviour, high stability and solubility, and ability to bind epitopes not accessible to conventional antibodies make them especially suitable for many therapeutic and biotechnological applications. Here we describe high-level expression, in Nicotiana benthamiana, of three versions of an anti-hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) nanobody which include the original VHH from an immunized library (cAbLys3), a codon-optimized derivative, and a codon-optimized hybrid nanobody comprising the CDRs of cAbLys3 grafted onto an alternative ‘universal’ nanobody framework. His6- and StrepII-tagged derivatives of each nanobody were targeted for accumulation in the cytoplasm, chloroplast and apoplast using different pre-sequences. When targeted to the apoplast, intact functional nanobodies accumulated at an exceptionally high level (up to 30% total leaf protein), demonstrating the great potential of plants as a nanobody production system.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal is a kind of poisonous metabolite that can react with RNA, DNA and protein, which generally results in a number of side advert effects to cell. Glyoxalase I is a member of glyoxalase system that can detoxify methylglyoxal. An EST encoding a glyoxalase I was isolated from a SSH (suppression subtractive hybridization)-cDNA library of wheat spike inoculated by Fusarium graminearum. The corresponding full length gene, named TaGly I, was cloned, sequenced and characterized. Its genomic sequence consists of 2,719 bp, including seven exons and six introns, and its coding sequence is 929 bp with an open reading frame encoding 291 amino acids. Sequence alignment showed that there were two glyoxalase I domains in the deduced protein sequence. By using specific primers, TaGly I was mapped to chromosome 7D of wheat via a set of durum wheat ‘Langdon’ D-genome disomic-substitution lines. The result of Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that TaGly I was induced by the inoculation of Fusarium graminearum in wheat spikes. Additionally, it was also induced by high concentration of NaCl and ZnCl2. When TaGly I was overexpressed in tobacco leaves via Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection, the transgenic tobacco showed stronger tolerance to ZnCl2 stress relative to transgenic control with GFP. The above facts indicated that TaGly I might play a role in response to diverse stresses in plants.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper describes two methods of the synthesis of ethyl (3R,4S)- and (3S,4S)-4-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino]-5-[(tert-butyloxycarbonyl)amino]-3-hydroxypentanoates, useful for the syntheses of edeine analogs. Differently N-protected (S)-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid was used as a substrate in both procedures. The absolute configuration of newly generated asymmetric carbon atoms C-3 in β-hydroxy-γ,δ-diamino products was assigned by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy after their transformation into corresponding piperidin-2-ones. Received May 24, 2002 Accepted October 10, 2002 Published online December 18, 2002 Acknowledgment The authors are indebted to the Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Gdańsk for financial support. Authors' address: Zbigniew Czajgucki, M. Sc., Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Gdańsk, 11/12 Narutowicza St., 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland, Fax +48 58 347 11 44, E-mail: zmczaj@wp.pl  相似文献   

Based on population analysis of the DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 and TNFA allele frequency distribution patterns, regional features of immunogenetic structure of the population of West Siberia were investigated. Statistically significant linkage disequilibrium within the HLA class II region, as well as between the TNFA and DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 was demonstrated. Population frequency distribution patterns of two- and multilocus haplotypes were examined.  相似文献   

Phengaris (=Maculinea) arion is an endangered social parasite of Myrmica ants, and for a very long time was considered as specific to Myrmica sabuleti. Previous studies carried out in Poland suggested some discrepancies within this assumption, and therefore a much more intensive survey was undertaken. The host ant use of P. arion was studied at five sites in different types of biotopes in Poland, i.e. xerothermal grasslands where Thymus pulegioides was used as a larval food plant by the butterfly, and more or less sandy biotopes with Thymus serpyllum. Altogether nine Myrmica species were recorded, and considerable variation in species composition and density of nests was recorded. At four localities M. sabuleti proved to be the most common ant. A total of 529 Myrmica nests were examined, and only 20 of them contained larvae and pupae of P. arion. Host ants belonged to five different species, i.e. M. sabuleti, Myrmica scabrinodis, Myrmica schencki, Myrmica lobicornis and Myrmica hellenica. Only at one site (NE Poland) was a significant heterogeneity in parasitation rates among Myrmica species detected. M. lobicornis was the most often infested ant there, which may suggest local specialisation of the butterfly. Overall low parasitism rates may explain the vulnerability of P. arion in Central Europe but further studies are also necessary.  相似文献   

Following a re-examination of the material treated under Barleria brevispina (Fiori) Hedrén in the recent Flora of Somalia account of the Acanthaceae, it is concluded that two distinct species are involved and Barleria compacta Malombe & I. Darbysh. is described here from north-eastern Somalia. Its affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

There are three most important bacterial causative agents of serious infections that could be misused for warfare purposes: Bacillus anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax) is the most frequently mentioned one; however, Fracisella tularensis (causing tularemia) and Yersinia pestis (the causative agent of plague) are further bacterial agents enlisted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the category A of potential biological weapons. This review intends to summarize basic information about these bacterial agents. Military aspects of their pathogenesis and the detection techniques suitable for field use are discussed.  相似文献   

The research on incidence of mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. abietis) on silver fir (Abies alba) was carried out in natural fir stands in Croatia. In the area of Gorski Kotar 32.8 % of the examined dominant fir trees were infected with mistletoe. The mistletoe incidence was presented according to the damage degrees of silver fir from 0 (healthy trees) to 4 (dead trees), rated by the crown defoliation and needle discoloration. With the increase of incidence, mistletoe spreads more onto more vital, i.e. less damaged trees. In the Dinaric Alps 28.6% of the examined fir trees were infected, this percentage amounting to 27.1% for the mountainous regions between the Sava and Drava rivers. The site and stand parameters (exposure, elevation, site quality, forest community and crown closure) were analysed in order to establish whether there was a correlation between these parameters and mistletoe incidence. There was a negative correlation between the elevation and mistletoe incidence. Among the compartments with a closed stands there were considerably less compartments with higher mistletoe incidence than among compartments with a sparsely closed and understocked stands. The other analysed site and stand parameters individually had no significant influence on mistletoe incidence. The correlation of silver fir mortality in 2004 and mistletoe incidence in 2002/03 was analysed, and their strong correlation was established. Mistletoe could be considered as a bioindicator of silver fir decline, and probably a significant contributor to that decline. In the areas where mistletoe incidence is great it can be presumed that silver fir is significantly damaged.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal (MG) is a highly reactive α-oxoaldehyde, demonstrating anticancer effect on plant neoplastic tumours. In in vivo studies it was observed that MG destroyed crown gall tumours in Nicotiana tabacum produced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, without any adverse effect on the host. The efficacy of MG in comparison to other anticancer drugs viz. cisplatin and ellagic acid in the treatment of crown gall was investigated. A slight degeneration of galls was noted in plants treated with cisplatin and ellagic acid but the plants died subsequently. With MG however, crown galls were completely cured and the plants completed their usual life cycle by flowering and producing seeds. MG inhibited the respiration of crown gall calluses suggesting that energy depletion resulted in tumour destruction.  相似文献   



Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs), small cytosolic proteins that function in the uptake and utilization of fatty acids, have been extensively studied in higher vertebrates while invertebrates have received little attention despite similar nutritional requirements during periods of reproductive activity.  相似文献   

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