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A stochastic age-structured population model was developed to explore biologically favourable levels of effort and closing periods within the sardine pelagic fishery in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Results suggested that the developed age-structured model captured the observed biomass fluctuations and catches reasonably well and represents the first comprehensive investigation of alternative management strategies for eastern Mediterranean sardine fishery that include stochasticity. The present study provided direct evidence for the importance of the correct timing of the temporal fishing ban. Significant benefits were found both in terms of biomass and catch from a corrective shift in the fishing closed period. The current findings suggested that protecting the younger age groups from fishing in the period October–December, by shifting the ban period earlier than December may profit, biologically, the stock and economically the fishing sector. Progressive reductions in fishing mortality/effort also yield significant positive biological and fishery benefits in the short term.  相似文献   

Freshwater fishery management is treated as a dynamic system comprising environment protection and improvement, fishing, fishery resources allocation, fish stocking programs and marketing policy. The aims of the plan are to increase the economic value of the catch and to protect the professional fishery. Fisheries statistics, catch per unit effort data and other material were collected during 1972–1976. The total allowable catch (TAC) for the most important fish species was estimated with MSY and population analysis models. The results of fish stockings were studied by tagging and population analysis calculations. Fishing of vendace and non-valuable species (perch, roach, smelt) can be increased, but the fishing pressure on other species should not be raised above the present level. Restrictions on whitefish fishing are needed in some areas. A balanced multispecies fishery is desirable, and suggestions are given for the composition of the fishing gear. Fish stocking can make possible a larger and more valuable catch, but at present its profitability is rather low. The stocking results are strongly affected by the fishery and the gear composition.  相似文献   

Genetic mixed‐stock analysis (MSA) of wild lake‐run brown trout Salmo trutta fishery catches (n = 665) from the Inari Basin (northern Finland) between 2006 and 2008 was carried out using a previously characterized baseline with 30 populations (n = 813) and 13 microsatellite loci. Altogether, 12 populations contributed significantly to mixed‐stock fisheries, with the Ivalojoki system being the major contributor (70%) to the total catch. When catches were analysed regionally, geographically nearby populations were the main contributors to the local catches, indicating that a large proportion of S. trutta occupy lacustrine areas near the natal river mouth rather than dispersing throughout the lake. Similarly, far upstream populations contributed insignificantly to catches. These findings have important implications for the conservation and sustainable fishery management of the Inari system.  相似文献   

Over-exploited fisheries are a common feature of the modern world and a range of solutions including area closures (marine reserves; MRs), effort reduction, gear changes, ecosystem-based management, incentives and co-management have been suggested as techniques to rebuild over-fished populations. Historic accounts of lobster (Jasus frontalis) on the Chilean Juan Fernández Archipelago indicate a high abundance at all depths (intertidal to approximately 165 m), but presently lobsters are found almost exclusively in deeper regions of their natural distribution. Fishers' ecological knowledge (FEK) tells a story of serial depletion in lobster abundance at fishing grounds located closest to the fishing port with an associated decline in catch per unit effort (CPUE) throughout recent history. We have re-constructed baselines of lobster biomass throughout human history on the archipelago using historic data, the fishery catch record and FEK to permit examination of the potential effects of MRs, effort reduction and co-management (stewardship of catch) to restore stocks. We employed a bioeconomic model using FEK, fishery catch and effort data, underwater survey information, predicted population growth and response to MR protection (no-take) to explore different management strategies and their trade-offs to restore stocks and improve catches. Our findings indicate that increased stewardship of catch coupled with 30% area closure (MR) provides the best option to reconstruct historic baselines. Based on model predictions, continued exploitation under the current management scheme is highly influenced by annual fluctuations and unsustainable. We propose a community-based co-management program to implement a MR in order to rebuild the lobster population while also providing conservation protection for marine species endemic to the Archipelago.  相似文献   

Bowker  Ferns  Phillips  Mawle 《Freshwater Biology》1998,39(3):569-576
1. A novel method was used to determine if the statutory regulation of drift‐netting at the mouth of the River Usk in Wales was associated with a significant improvement in the stock and rod catch of salmon in the river upstream.
2. A linear regression model was constructed, in which the annual rod catch of salmon declared from the Usk between 1977 and 1988 was the dependent variable and the simultaneous annual catch declared from the nearby River Wye was the independent variable. The model was extrapolated to project the annual rod catches of salmon on the Usk, relative to the Wye, between 1989 and 1995.
3. The model accurately projected the actual rod catches declared from the Usk in 1989, 1990 and 1991. However, between 1992 and 1995 the declared catches deviated significantly ( P ≤ 0.05) from those projected by the model. The upsurge in rod catches declared after 1992 from the Usk, relative to the Wye was concomitant with the regulation of estuarine drift‐netting.
4. It was concluded that diminished estuarine exploitation had a beneficial impact on salmon angling success on the Usk. However, the utility of the model was restricted by inconsistencies in the methods used to generate the data, by changes in fishery management policies and by a lack of essential information on the interrelationships between catch, effort, stock and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

World whale stocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The history of whaling is very largely one of repeated over-exploitation of the various whale stocks which became available through discovery or technological advance. Modern whaling has similarly caused considerable reductions in the numbers of some species in the major whaling grounds. Stock assessment methods are based on catch and effort statistics, biological information including age and reproductive status, marking and sightings records. Catch effort data have to be used with caution, because of changes in species preference, shifts in the whaling grounds and national fleet variations. With allowance made for these factors, cumulative catches adjusted for recruitment can be used to estimate the initial stock number. Changes in stock density after known catches also lead to abundance estimates. Logarithmic regression of age composition data are used to find the total mortality rates. The natural mortality can be estimated from early season catches in a fishery or pre-fishery year classes caught more recently; fishing mortality is found by subtraction, which again leads to abundance estimates. Mathematical approaches incorporating recruitment estimates from actual age composition data and theoretical population models have been employed. Additional estimates come from mark release-recapture experiments and direct sightings counts from whaling vessels and research ships. The latter are the only means of estimating the protected species. The yields which the various stocks can sustain are calculated from direct observations and theoretical considerations of the changes in recruitment, largely due to increased pregnancy rates and the lower ages at sexual maturity which occur in exploited stocks. The results of all the available analyses have been compared and combined to produce the population estimates and yields tabulated. The object of whale management is to bring all stocks to the levels providing the maximum or optimum sustainable yields. These are defined in terms of numbers at the moment, but may be expressed as biomass in the future.  相似文献   

复合种群管理的风险评估——以日本鲐为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
官文江  高峰  李纲  陈新军 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3682-3692
单一种群是目前渔业资源评估的基本假设,但渔业资源常由多个地方种群或产卵种群组成,并且种群间存在交流,构成复合种群。根据复合种群概念,以东、黄海日本鲐为例,对其12种种群动态情况进行了模拟。利用模拟所得的数据及剩余产量模型,分别分析了在复合种群、两独立种群及单一种群假设下所设置的10种评估管理方案,结果表明:(1)基于复合种群假设的评估管理方案与模拟的种群动态一致,在单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)观测误差较小情况下,该方案为最佳方案,可获得最大可持续产量,但随CPUE观测误差增大,该方案种群灭绝率增大,管理效果随之退化。(2)基于两独立种群假设的评估管理方案均使资源过度开发,不利于资源可持续利用。(3)在单一种群假设下,选择不同CPUE作为资源指数和采用不同捕捞量分配方法的评估管理方案存在过度捕捞和开发不足两种状况,其管理效果受种群本身参数及空间交换率等因素的影响而不同;若采用的CPUE反映部分种群动态信息,则其评估管理方案至少在一种模拟情况下出现种群100%灭绝;若CPUE能反映整个种群资源量的动态变化,且捕捞量能按种群的空间结构进行分配,则管理效果与(1)类似,但不能获得最大可持续产量,若忽略种群的空间结构影响而均匀分配捕捞量,则至少在一种模拟情况下出现种群100%灭绝。据此,对于复合种群的管理,建议:(A)如果种群数据收集及数据精度能得到保证,该资源的评估与管理应基于复合种群假设;(B)如果目前收集种群数据存在较大困难,且CPUE数据存在较大误差,则可采用单一种群假设,但必须设定更保守的捕捞量和采用基于种群空间结构的总许可渔获量(TAC)管理方案;(C)在制定渔业管理政策时,应结合种群生态、数据、模型假设及参数估计方法等方面的不确定性对管理控制规则进行系统的管理策略评价以避免风险。  相似文献   

A data base including length frequency distributions and catches of the Scomberomorus commerson in Oman according to fleet (gear/technique) and region has been established to carry out length cohort analyses, determine yield per recruit and simulate changes in fishing effort and/or increase in minimum length limit in catches. The analyse of data showed that: (i) The average fishing mortality rate is moderate (0.5–0.6), but acts in part on the juvenile fraction of the stock. The exploitation pattern differs, however, among fleets with some fleet components targeting largely immature kingfish and others largely the adult stock. (ii) An increase in total fishing effort would lead to long‐term losses in total catch; the losses would be highest for fleets that target the larger specimens. A reduction of the effort would, in the long term, lead to an increase in yield and spawning stock biomass. (iii) An increase of minimum length limit in catches would, in the long term, lead to a substantial increase in yield and spawning stock biomass; the gain in catch would be largest for fleet components that target the adult fraction of the stock and (iv) an increase in minimum length limit in catches combined with an increased selectivity of the fisheries (i.e. favorising fleets targeting the adult fraction of the stock) would lead to the highest gain in sustainable catch. In this case, the sustainable catch could be increased by more than 50%. Therefore, this option represents the optimal management strategy obtained in the present study.  相似文献   

The Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stock of Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus (BFTE) has long been considered overfished and at risk of collapse. Although ICCAT quotas for this stock have decreased considerably over the past years, uncertainty exists about the degree of catch beyond this quota. The extent of such catch is an important piece of information in stock assessment models as well as being an indicator of the effectiveness of fisheries management. We present a model using Bluefin tuna trade data to infer actual catches. Basing our calculations on 25 countries involved in BFTE trade, we estimate that between 2005 and 2011, allowable quotas were exceeded by 44 percent. This gap between catch and quotas has slightly increased over past years, leading to estimated excess catches of 57 percent for the period between 2008 and 2011. To improve assessments, preparation and design of BFTE management, we suggest that the estimated total removals reported in this paper be included in stock assessment models for BFTE. An implication of our findings is that ICCAT member states should take stronger measures to monitor and enforce compliance with quotas.  相似文献   

Past theoretical models suggest fishing disease-impacted stocks can reduce parasite transmission, but this is a good management strategy only when the exploitation required to reduce transmission does not overfish the stock. We applied this concept to a red abalone fishery so impacted by an infectious disease (withering syndrome) that stock densities plummeted and managers closed the fishery. In addition to the non-selective fishing strategy considered by past disease-fishing models, we modelled targeting (culling) infected individuals, which is plausible in red abalone because modern diagnostic tools can determine infection without harming landed abalone and the diagnostic cost is minor relative to the catch value. The non-selective abalone fishing required to eradicate parasites exceeded thresholds for abalone sustainability, but targeting infected abalone allowed the fishery to generate yield and reduce parasite prevalence while maintaining stock densities at or above the densities attainable if the population was closed to fishing. The effect was strong enough that stock and yield increased even when the catch was one-third uninfected abalone. These results could apply to other fisheries as the diagnostic costs decline relative to catch value.  相似文献   


Lake Liambezi, situated in the Linyanti Swamp, Caprivi, is inhabited by 43 fish species. Population estimates with seine nets, rotenone and explosives gave values of 74 to 157 kg ha?1. The composition of seine net catches differed markedly from gill net catches where non-Cichlids form a majority. Results of a fleet of gill nets show that best catches of 25 kg 50 m?1 net night?1 can be made with 60 mm mesh nets, catching predominantly non-Cichlids (Marcusenius macrolepidotus, Schilbe mystus, Synodontis spp.). A small commercial fishery is established on the lake, with 60 active fishermen using large mesh (100–150 mm) gill nets. Their catch consists mainly of cichlids (Sarotherodon andersoni and S. macrochir) and Clarias spp. Production figures dropped from 637 ton in 1973–74 to 115 ton in 1975–76. This drop is ascribed to reduced effort as well as a reduction in catch per unit effort. Recommendations are made to utilise the fishery potential of Lake Liambezi in a more balanced way by introducing small mesh gill nets to harvest non-Cichlid populations.  相似文献   

The translocation of the marbled African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus into Lake Baringo created a new fishery for the local community, who capture them primarily in a bottom-set long line fishery. Its introduction, development and current fishery status in the lake are documented. Annual catch data were obtained from the District Fisheries Office, while catch and effort data of the long line fishery were recorded at one active fish-landing site between February and October 2001. Lungfish comprise a significant component of commercial landings, sometimes exceeding catches of the Baringo tilapia Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis as the most landed species by weight. Daily catch rates and effort varied considerably, ranging from 5.51–15.18kg day?1 and from 50–590 baited hooks day?1, respectively. Daily catch per fisher ranged from 0–35.72kg, while the overall mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) was only 0.003kg per hook-hour. This study provides the only baseline CPUE data for a lungfish long line fishery that the authors are aware of, for comparison with future studies in this or other lakes where lungfish are similarly exploited. Recommendations for improved management and the maintenance of a viable lungfish long line fishery in Lake Baringo are presented.  相似文献   

The Isostichopus fuscus fishery in Mexico was heavily exploited until 1994, when it was closed due to overfishing. However, no information existed on the status of the populations. The fishery was evaluated through an age structured simulation model, and according to our analysis of the stock, the fishery can be feasible and sustainable as long as fishing mortality and age of first catch are optimized. In order to evaluate exploitation strategies, several scenarios were simulated considering different combinations of fishing intensities and ages of first catch. Input data for the model included population parameters, commercial catch and costs and benefits of the fishing operations. Yield production was strongly influenced by the fishing pressure and by the age of first capture. When the first one increased, significant decreases in yield and profits occurred. The best exploitation strategy was these parameters: fishing mortality level F = 0.15, age at first capture t(c) = 4 years, and yielding of approximately 430 tons. However, since the species reproduces for the first time at 5 years, extracting younger specimens would collapse the population. The critical value of fishing mortality was detected at Fc = 0.25. If exceeded, the population tends to exhaustion and the fishery is no longer profitable. In conclusion, I. fuscus fishery is highly vulnerable to overfishing and age of catch. It must be taken into account that the management policies should be considered as pilot and used on a regional basis. Continuous monitoring of the stock, control of the number of fishing licenses and extracting only specimens 5 yeasr-old and older (around 20 cm and >400 g), will allow the populations to recover from fishing activities. Rev. Biol. Trop.  相似文献   

There was an intensive trawl fishery in the Enonselkä basin in Lake Vesijärvi (southern Finland) in 1989–1993 and thereafter the fishing intensity declined. The fish assemblage dynamics were studied both during the years of intensive trawling and for 3 years afterwards. Roach Rutilus rutilus dominated the fish assemblage before the mass removal. The intensive trawling effectively diminished the roach stock and the present fishing intensity has been sufficient to prevent its recovery. There were significant decreasing trends in the gillnet cpue (catch per unit effort) of bream Abramis brama (L.) and bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.) while increasing trend was observed in cpue of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.) and vendace Coregonus albula (L.). Perch Perca fluviatilis L. and pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca (L.) showed variations in cpue but no trends existed. The proportion of cyprinids decreased while that of percids and coregonids increased in the catches. The changes in the fish assemblage were induced by the intensive fishing and by the concomitant decline in the ecosystem productivity.  相似文献   

We consider combinations of three types of control measures for the management of fisheries when the input information for policy decisions is uncertain. The methods considered include effort controls, catch quotas and area closures. We simulated a hypothetical fishery loosely based on the Icelandic cod fishery, using a simple spatially explicit dynamic model. We compared the performance with respect to conserving the resource and economic return for each type of control measure alone and in combination. In general, combining more than one type of primary direct control on fishing provides a greater buffer to uncertainty than any single form of fishery control alone. Combining catch quota control with a large closed area is a most effective system for reducing the risk of stock collapse and maintaining both short and long-term economic performance. Effort controls can also be improved by adding closed areas to the management scheme. We recommend that multiple control methods be used wherever possible and that closed areas should be used to buffer uncertainty. To be effective, these closed areas must be large and exclude all principal gears to provide real protection from fishing mortality.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider what may happen to the marine ecosystem of Gran Canaria Island within the 2030 horizon, if fishing strategies different from those currently in place were implemented and we evaluate the effect of, for example, reduction of recreational–artisanal fishing, limitation of catches (e.g. total allowable catches, TAC), or spatial distribution of fishing sectors. From all scenarios tested, only those that significantly reduce the high effort of the recreational fishing would allow the recovery of the most exploited stocks in the marine ecosystem in the short and medium-term. Moreover, the best management strategy, in contribution to abundance, was obtained with a scenario that has a spatial partition of exploitation rights between artisanal and recreational fishermen and includes no-fishing zones (NTZ). This work is a first attempt to use spatial and temporal models to assess the effectiveness of alternative fishery policies in the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

Fishery resource use in a subarctic Indian community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cree Indians of Fort George, James Bay, northern Canada, maintain a large and successful subsistence fishery. Methods used in the fishery, seasons and locations of catch, and yield levels were studied, together with the population biology of two sea-run Coregonus species, cisco and whitefish, that dominate the catch. The fishery was characterized by a high degree of order, social regulation of the fishing effort and the gillnet mesh size, and practices that were identified as adaptations to the subarctic ecosystem. Fishing methods used permit the Cree to control the magnitude of the harvest and the species and size composition of the catch. There is evidence that fishers can alter the scarcity-abundance patterns of the fish stocks, and have a biologically measurable effect on the populations.  相似文献   

An integrated socioecological model was developed to evaluate the potential for stock enhancement with hatchery fishes to achieve socioeconomic and conservation objectives in recreational fisheries. As a case study, this model was applied to the red drum Sciaenops ocellatus recreational fishery in the Tampa Bay estuary, Florida, U.S.A. The results suggest that stocking of juvenile fish larger than the size at which the strongest density dependence in mortality occurs can help increase angler satisfaction and total fishing effort (socioeconomic objectives) but are likely to result in decreases to the abundance of wild fishes (a conservation objective). Stocking of small juveniles that are susceptible to density‐dependent mortality after release does not achieve socioeconomic objectives (or only at excessive cost) but still leads to a reduction of wild fish abundance. The intensity and type of socioeconomic gains depended on assumptions of dynamic angler‐effort responses and importance of catch‐related satisfaction, with greatest gains possible if aggregate effort is responsive to increases in abundance and satisfaction that are greatly related to catch rates. These results emphasize the view of stock enhancement, not as a panacea but rather as a management tool with inherent costs that is best applied to recreational fisheries under certain conditions.  相似文献   


Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) is a neritic species that supports commercial, artisanal and recreational fisheries throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Historically receiving little attention by commercial fisheries, the global annual catch of longtail tuna has steadily risen from around 30,000 t in the early 1980s to exceeding 200,000 t since 2004, reaching a peak of 291,264 t in 2007, and was 281,613 t in 2017. Catches of longtail tuna in the Indian Ocean now exceed catches of principal commercial target species, such as albacore and bigeye tunas. A sequence of stock assessments undertaken throughout the species’ range since the late 1980s persistently indicated that at least three of the four stocks defined in this paper are likely to have been, and most likely are currently, subject to overfishing and overfished as a result of excess fishing effort on this relatively slow-growing and long-lived tuna species. As the spawning biomass of principal tuna target species continue to decline in both the Indian and western and central Pacific Oceans, the increasing catches of longtail tuna, other neritic tunas, and seerfishes is worrisome. Few conservation and management measures (CMMs) are currently in place specifically for longtail tuna, although in recent years some coastal States, Regional Fishery Bodies, and tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organisations have begun to develop initiatives to improve the catch and biological data quality for longtail tuna and sympatric species of neritic tunas and tuna-like species. This paper provides a global review of biological, ecological and fishery information to provide researchers, fishery managers and policy makers with the most current information from which to begin to guide future stock assessment and the development of CMMs for longtail tuna.


This paper suggests ways forward from the widely perceived present failures of fishery assessment and management. A history of fishery yield modelling is presented from the carefree days of the 1950s to the depressing series of stock collapses and depletions of the 1980s. Underlying this gruesome story has been the failure of management by quotas to arrest overcapacity in fishing power, the lack of robust and informative reference points and the inadequacy of methods dealing with some multispecies fisheries. The paper refines the use of the concept of Fext, defined as the minimum value of F in a self-regenerating yield model that leads to eventual extinction in a family of yield curves generated with a range of stock recruitment curves. Model reconstructions for North Sea cod and Icelandic herring make evident calamitous losses in catches forgone as result of the failure of rational management. An optimistic agenda that may achieve more effective fishery management in the future is presented. In some ways, we may have been trying to be too clever. A simple management system based on careful monitoring of fishing effort, biological targets such as F95, and exploitation of a diversity of fish resources may suffice to avert further disaster and hedge against uncertainty.  相似文献   

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