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植物分子系统地理学及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
系统地理学这个概念框架来源于早期对线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)的研究。随着系统地理学研究方法的不断拓展和分子生物学实验技术的渗透,出出了一门新的交叉学科——分子系统地理学(Mokcular phylogeography)。本文简述了分子系统地理学的发展简史和植物分子系统地理学研究常用的分子标记,回顾了近年来植物分子系统地理学方面的研究进展以及存植物研究中的应用。并对植物分子系统地理学研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

啮齿动物分子系统地理学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
系统地理学是研究种间及种内不同种群的形成、现有分布格局的历史原因和演化过程的一门学科。基于分子水平,能够更准确地界定物种分布格局,促进分子系统地理学的形成和发展。近年来,分子系统地理研究的开展,促进了对啮齿动物物种分布格局形成机制的理解。对啮齿动物的种内及种上分类阶元的系统演化关系、起源中心与演化历程、影响系统地理格局的因素、鼠害防控和保护生物学等分子系统地理学方面的研究进行了综述。并提出了啮齿动物分子系统地理学未来发展的四点展望:1)综合性系统地理学研究;2)区域系统地理学研究;3)物种演化的全面系统研究;4)新型分子标记和分析方法的发展。  相似文献   

松鼠由于受到非法猎捕、栖息地破坏及欧洲部分地区的北美灰松鼠生态入侵,导致种群数量锐减,现已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为近危种,我国吉林省已将其列入省重点保护野生动物名录.分子生物学研究方法的快速发展,尤其是基于mtDNA片段开展的相关研究,以及已筛选出并能应用于松鼠研究的微卫星位点的应用,使松鼠分子生态学研究不断深入.本文对松鼠的分子系统发育、遗传多样性和分子系统地理学等分子生态学内容进行了综述,并提出松鼠分子生态学未来研究的展望:进一步探讨松鼠与日本松鼠的系统分化关系;松鼠连续种群、隔离种群和集合种群的遗传多样性比较分析;利用核基因其他标记分析松鼠分子系统地理学问题;探讨亚洲是否存在第四纪冰期避难所.  相似文献   

松鼠由于受到非法猎捕、栖息地破坏及欧洲部分地区的北美灰松鼠生态入侵,导致种群数量锐减,现已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为近危种,我国吉林省已将其列入省重点保护野生动物名录.分子生物学研究方法的快速发展,尤其是基于mtDNA片段开展的相关研究,以及已筛选出并能应用于松鼠研究的微卫星位点的应用,使松鼠分子生态学研究不断深入.本文对松鼠的分子系统发育、遗传多样性和分子系统地理学等分子生态学内容进行了综述,并提出松鼠分子生态学未来研究的展望:进一步探讨松鼠与日本松鼠的系统分化关系;松鼠连续种群、隔离种群和集合种群的遗传多样性比较分析;利用核基因其他标记分析松鼠分子系统地理学问题;探讨亚洲是否存在第四纪冰期避难所.  相似文献   

分子标记技术在蕨类植物遗传多样性研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了蕨类植物的生态类型和生殖方式;回顾了近年来分子标记技术在蕨类植物遗传多样性研究中的应用,主要包括种间亲缘关系和分类学的研究、遗传变异和遗传结构的研究,以及系统发育地理学方面的研究.最后,对蕨类植物遗传多样性研究中存在的一些问题进行了讨论和展望.  相似文献   

在东北亚地区(中国的东北地区和内蒙古东北部、日本、朝鲜半岛、蒙古国、俄罗斯的远东地区)具有较为丰富的鼩鼱科类群。分子生物学方法的快速发展,使东北亚地区鼩鼱科动物分子生态学研究不断深入。对鼩鼱科动物的分子系统发育、遗传多样性和分子系统地理学等分子生态学内容进行了综述。提出鼩鼱科动物分子生态学研究未来的发展:1)东北亚地区第四纪冰期避难所的研究;2)同域分布的鼩鼱科动物比较系统地理学研究;3)中国东北地区鼩鼱科动物在东北亚分布区的系统地理学地位;4)新型分子标记和分析方法的发展。  相似文献   

宋森  刘迺发 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4215-4225
石鸡属(Alectoris,Kaup 1829)鸟类隶属鸟纲,鸡形目(Galliformes),雉科(Phasianidae),全世界共有7种石鸡属鸟类。综合分类、生理生化、生态学、系统地理学和遗传学等方面的内容对石鸡属鸟类的研究历史进行了回顾和总结,侧重介绍了我国学者在石鸡属鸟类方面的研究。提出了石鸡属鸟类今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

鸟类分子系统地理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
董路  张雁云 《生态学报》2011,31(14):4082-4093
分子系统地理学是当代生物地理学的重要分支,是以分子生物学方法重建种内和种上水平的系统发育关系,阐释进化历史,并通过分析近缘生物类群的系统发育关系与其空间和时间分布格局间的相关性构建生物区系历史的研究,是分子生物学与生物地理学结合的产物。中性进化学说和溯祖理论分析的建立,以及线粒体DNA和微卫星标记等分子遗传标记的应用,为分子系统地理学研究的开展提供了理论和实践基础。近年来,分子系统地理方法在鸟类学研究中的应用揭示了许多不同于传统认知的发现,为准确而深入的了解鸟类分子系统地理格局的差异和不同类群的起源中心提供了新颖的证据。目前的研究多从隔离分化说和扩散说的角度对鸟类分子系统地理格局的成因进行分析,而迁徙行为不同对鸟类系统地理格局的影响为成因的解释提供了新的角度。结合区域特点的比较分子系统地理研究,在更广泛的地域和更多类群中开展研究是我国鸟类分子系统地理研究的方向。此外,展望了第二代测序技术对分子生态生物地理研究具有的潜在促进作用。  相似文献   

蚜虫类昆虫生物学特性及蚜虫学研究现状(1)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从形态特征、生活周期、食性、行为等角度系统介绍了蚜虫类昆虫的生物学特性:并从系统分类、物种多样性、生物地理学、分子系统学、行为学等方面报道了蚜虫学研究的现状。  相似文献   

AFLP分子标记技术的发展及其在蜜蜂学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AFLP分子标记技术是一种建立在PCR技术和RFLP技术基础之上的新的DNA指纹分析技术,现已广泛用于生物遗传多样性、系统进化及分类、基因定位、遗传图谱构建、标记辅助育种和品质鉴定等方面的研究。文章对AFLP分子标记技术的原理、特点、技术发展及其在蜜蜂Apis spp.学研究中的应用进行详细论述。  相似文献   

Effectiveness of an acoustic lure for surveying bats in British woodlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. A field experiment was used to test the effectiveness of a synthesized bat call as an acoustic lure to attract bats into mist nets in woodlands in southeast England. The stimulus was modelled on a social call of the rare Bechstein's bat Myotis bechsteinii. 2. In the Test condition, when the synthesized call was played, 23 bats of four species were captured, including six Bechstein's bats. In the Control condition, when no calls were played, only one bat was caught. 3. The bat call synthesizer is an effective tool for increasing capture rates for bats. Used as part of a systematic survey programme, it has the potential to provide the first baseline data on the distribution of bats in British woodlands.  相似文献   

Our study shows that endangered Bechstein'sbats utilise distinct habitats at differentstages of their reproductive cycle, a findingthat has implications how habitat should beselected for preservation. Using nuclear andmitochondrial microsatellite DNA markers wecompared gene diversity of Bechstein's batswithin breeding colonies and at potentialmating sites. Bechstein's bat is one of themost threatened European bat species. Duringsummer it depends largely on mature deciduousforests. Females exhibit strict natalphilopatry. They form demographicallyindependent breeding colonies comprisingmaternally closely related bats. Males aresolitary. Like other temperate bats,Bechstein's bats swarm at the end of summer infront of caves. Because the sexes meet there,such swarming sites are potentially importantfor gene flow. Our genetic analyses reveal thatswarming sites have greater mitochondrial DNAgene diversity than colonies. Furthermore,field data on the phenology and reproductivestatus of several hundred individuals suggestthat Bechstein's bats mate during swarming. Incombination our field and genetic data showthat swarming sites provide the opportunity forgene flow among bats originating from differentcolonies. Therefore, we suggest that swarmingsites should be strictly protected to maintainthe observed high levels of gene flow amongcolonies.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that fruit bats carry two betacoronaviruses,BatCoV HKU9 and BatCoV GCCDC1.To investigate the epidemiology and genetic diversity of these coronaviruses,we conducted a longitudinal surveillance in fruit bats in Yunnan province,China during 2009–2016.A total of 59(10.63%)bat samples were positive for the two betacorona-viruses,46(8.29%)for HKU9 and 13(2.34%)for GCCDC1,or closely related viruses.We identified a novel HKU9 strain,tentatively designated as BatCoV HKU9-2202,by sequencing the full-length genome.The BatCoV HKU9-2202 shared 83%nucleotide identity with other BatCoV HKU9 stains based on whole genome sequences.The most divergent region is in the spike protein,which only shares 68%amino acid identity with BatCoV HKU9.Quantitative PCR revealed that the intestine was the primary infection organ of BatCoV HKU9 and GCCDC1,but some HKU9 was also detected in the heart,kidney,and lung tissues of bats.This study highlights the importance of virus surveillance in natural reservoirs and emphasizes the need for preparedness against the potential spill-over of these viruses to local residents living near bat caves.  相似文献   

Bats respond to polarity of a magnetic field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bats have been shown to use information from the Earth's magnetic field during orientation. However, the mechanism underlying this ability remains unknown. In this study we investigated whether bats possess a polarity- or inclination-based compass that could be used in orientation. We monitored the hanging position of adult Nyctalus plancyi in the laboratory in the presence of an induced magnetic field of twice Earth-strength. When under the influence of a normally aligned induced field the bats showed a significant preference for hanging at the northern end of their roosting basket. When the vertical component of the field was reversed, the bats remained at the northern end of the basket. However, when the horizontal component of the field was reversed, the bats changed their positions and hung at the southern end of the basket. Based on these results, we conclude that N. plancyi, unlike all other non-mammalian vertebrates tested to date, uses a polarity-based compass during orientation in the roost, and that the same compass is also likely to underlie bats' long-distance navigation abilities.  相似文献   

Information transfer among group members is believed to play an important part in the evolution of coloniality in both birds and bats. Although information transfer has received much scientific interest, field studies using experiments to test the underlying hypotheses are rare. We used a field experiment to test if communally breeding female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) exchange information regarding novel roosts. We supplied a wild colony, comprising 17 adult females of known relatedness, with pairs of suitable and unsuitable roosts and monitored the arrival of individuals marked with transponders (PIT-tags) over 2 years. As expected with information transfer, significantly more naive females were recruited towards suitable than towards unsuitable roosts. We conclude that information transfer about roosts has two functions: (i) it generates communal knowledge of a large set of roosts; and (ii) it aids avoidance of colony fission during roost switching. Both functions seem important in Bechstein's bats, in which colonies depend on many day roosts and where colony members live together for many years.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats cry out loud to detect their prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surlykke A  Kalko EK 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e2036
Echolocating bats have successfully exploited a broad range of habitats and prey. Much research has demonstrated how time-frequency structure of echolocation calls of different species is adapted to acoustic constraints of habitats and foraging behaviors. However, the intensity of bat calls has been largely neglected although intensity is a key factor determining echolocation range and interactions with other bats and prey. Differences in detection range, in turn, are thought to constitute a mechanism promoting resource partitioning among bats, which might be particularly important for the species-rich bat assemblages in the tropics. Here we present data on emitted intensities for 11 species from 5 families of insectivorous bats from Panamá hunting in open or background cluttered space or over water. We recorded all bats in their natural habitat in the field using a multi-microphone array coupled with photographic methods to assess the bats' position in space to estimate emitted call intensities. All species emitted intense search signals. Output intensity was reduced when closing in on background by 4-7 dB per halving of distance. Source levels of open space and edge space foragers (Emballonuridae, Mormoopidae, Molossidae, and Vespertilionidae) ranged between 122-134 dB SPL. The two Noctilionidae species hunting over water emitted the loudest signals recorded so far for any bat with average source levels of ca. 137 dB SPL and maximum levels above 140 dB SPL. In spite of this ten-fold variation in emitted intensity, estimates indicated, surprisingly, that detection distances for prey varied far less; bats emitting the highest intensities also emitted the highest frequencies, which are severely attenuated in air. Thus, our results suggest that bats within a local assemblage compensate for frequency dependent attenuation by adjusting the emitted intensity to achieve comparable detection distances for prey across species. We conclude that for bats with similar hunting habits, prey detection range represents a unifying constraint on the emitted intensity largely independent of call shape, body size, and close phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The decision where to live has far-reaching fitness consequences for animals. In contrast to most other mammals or birds that use sheltered nest sites, female Bechstein's bats frequently switch day roosts during one breeding season, and therefore must often decide where to spend the day. Selecting the right roost is important, because roost quality, e.g. microclimatic condition, influences survival and reproduction in bats. Although thermal factors are very important for the quality of roosts occupied by bats, whether bats base their day roost selection directly on roost temperature has not been tested in the field. Over one summer, we examined and tested the roost choice of 21 individually marked female Myotis bechsteinii living in one maternity colony. In a field experiment, we allowed the bats to choose between relatively warm versus cold bat boxes, while controlling for site preferences. We expected females to exhibit a preference for warm roosts during pregnancy and lactation to accelerate gestation and shorten the period of growth of their young. Roost occupancy over 160 census days reflected significant temperature differences among 89 surveyed roosts (14 tree holes and 75 bat boxes), and preferences changed with the season. Females significantly preferred cold roosts before parturition, whereas post-partum, they significantly favoured warm roosts. Temperature preferences were independent of the roost site, and thus roost selection was based directly on temperature. Boxes with significantly different daytime temperatures did not differ significantly at night. Consequently, bats would have to spend at least 1 day in a new roost to test it. Information transfer among colony members might facilitate knowledge of roost availability. Access to many roosts providing different microclimates is likely to be important for successful reproduction in the endangered Bechstein's bat.  相似文献   

斑驳白化是一种先天性颜色失调表型,在翼手目中较为罕见。2016年5月至8月期间,分别在3个省份共发现3种存在斑驳白化现象蝙蝠。在河南省内乡县七里坪乡北湾村,发现1只怀孕雌性斑驳白化毛腿鼠耳蝠(Myotis fimbriatus),斑驳区域包括背部左侧区域及腹部左侧边缘一带。在陕西省柞水县下梁镇,发现1只怀孕雌性斑驳白化亚洲长翼蝠(Miniopterus fuliginosus),斑驳部位包括背部下端、腹部底端股骨边缘、左右股骨、尾骨及小部分尾膜区域。在云南省晋宁县双河乡法古甸村,发现2只斑驳白化雄性栗鼠耳蝠(Myotis badius),斑驳区域分别为背部左下侧和背颈部一侧,区域面积较小。其中,毛腿鼠耳蝠和栗鼠耳蝠的斑驳白化现象为国内首次报道。此外,通过测量蝙蝠体重、前臂长等体型参数,并与同种正常个体进行比较,发现斑驳白化亚洲长翼蝠体重偏大,1只斑驳白化栗鼠耳蝠前臂长偏大,其余斑驳白化蝙蝠体型数据均在正常范围内,表明斑驳白化现象对蝙蝠的正常生存与繁殖未造成严重影响。这为将来斑驳白化蝙蝠的生理生态研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Animal coordinated movement interactions are commonly explained by assuming unspecified social forces of attraction, repulsion and alignment with parameters drawn from observed movement data. Here we propose and test a biologically realistic and quantifiable biosonar movement interaction mechanism for echolocating bats based on spatial perceptual bias, i.e. actual sound field, a reaction delay, and observed motor constraints in speed and acceleration. We found that foraging pairs of bats flying over a water surface swapped leader-follower roles and performed chases or coordinated manoeuvres by copying the heading a nearby individual has had up to 500 ms earlier. Our proposed mechanism based on the interplay between sensory-motor constraints and delayed alignment was able to recreate the observed spatial actor-reactor patterns. Remarkably, when we varied model parameters (response delay, hearing threshold and echolocation directionality) beyond those observed in nature, the spatio-temporal interaction patterns created by the model only recreated the observed interactions, i.e. chases, and best matched the observed spatial patterns for just those response delays, hearing thresholds and echolocation directionalities found to be used by bats. This supports the validity of our sensory ecology approach of movement coordination, where interacting bats localise each other by active echolocation rather than eavesdropping.  相似文献   

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