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鼠类的超声通讯已有报道,并且在实验室深入研究了小鼠和大鼠接受和释放这些叫声的能力。由于对不同刺激的反应和出自不同的目的,幼鼠和成年鼠都释放超声。发出者的年龄/性/品系以及自然和社会环境的不同,导致这些超声的频率和持续时间也不同。在社会隔离和操作处理时,未成年个体可释放超声波。作为成熟程度以及对环境信号和药物处理时反应的指标,这些叫声得到了广泛研究,表明超声在调节出生后早期的母幼联系中起相应的作用。随着幼鼠的长大及体温调节和感觉能力的增强,发生的数量大大减少。然而,成年小鼠和大鼠在不同的社会条件下,释放出的超声有种间差异:大鼠的超声与正面和负面的社会作用有关,而在小鼠中,这些叫声主要与领域有关.  相似文献   

本文运用免疫组化显示Fos蛋白的方法首次研究了棕色田鼠脑和行为不同发育阶段副嗅球和主嗅球的细胞活动。当不同年龄阶段的幼鼠同时暴露于自己家庭的熟悉底物和另一家庭的陌生底物时 ,嗅闻和呆在自己熟悉底物上的时间较多 ,直到产后 15d、 2 0d和 2 5d时 ,幼鼠探究不同底物的行为显示出显著性差异。脑的大小随着日龄增加而增加 ,但从产后 1到 15d ,脑重、脑宽和嗅球大小随着日龄增加特别显著。当不同日龄幼鼠暴露于陌生底物或者暴露于自己的熟悉底物时 ,从产后 5到 15日龄 ,主嗅球僧帽细胞层、颗粒细胞层、副嗅球僧帽细胞层和颗粒细胞层Fos免疫阳性细胞随着日龄明显增加 ,但直到 15和 30日龄时 ,和对照组相比 ,陌生底物可引起幼鼠主嗅球Fos免疫阳性细胞明显增加 ,从 2 0日龄起 ,陌生底物可引起副嗅球Fos免疫阳性细胞明显增加。主嗅球颗粒细胞层Fos免疫阳性细胞随着日龄的增加从边缘到中心逐渐出现 ,而副嗅球Fos免疫阳性细胞随着日龄的增加从顶部到底部逐渐出现。以上结果说明产后第 1d到 15d左右可能是棕色田鼠脑结构发育的重要阶段 ,而从此以后棕色田鼠主嗅球和副嗅球就具有区别熟悉气味和陌生气味的能力 ,表明棕色田鼠行为、脑发育和细胞活动间有紧密关系  相似文献   

饰纹姬蛙求偶鸣声特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2012年5月,用SX950录音笔和Praat声音分析软件对浙江丽水繁殖季节饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla ornata)求偶鸣声进行录制和特征分析.结果表明,饰纹姬蛙发出的求偶鸣声具有单一谐波鸣声结构、多脉冲(7、9~16)及纺锤形振幅等特征;所有鸣声主频率范围为1.22~4.09 kHz (n=233),且由不同脉冲数组成的鸣声主频率平均值几近相等;叫声时程随脉冲数的增加而增大,脉冲时程在不同脉冲数鸣声中的大小几近相等,但最后一个脉冲的时程大小≤其他脉冲;脉冲间隔与叫声时程则刚好相反,即叫声时程越短,脉冲间隔就越大.在7个脉冲的鸣声中,其脉冲间隔最大,脉冲率最小;而在16个脉冲的鸣声中,脉冲间隔则最小,脉冲率最大.除7个脉冲和16个脉冲鸣声的脉冲率分别与其他鸣声存在显著性差异以外,随着叫声时程和脉冲数的增加,脉冲率也出现相应变化.在声强方面,除16个脉冲鸣声与其余所有的脉冲鸣声出现显著性差异以外,其他脉冲鸣声之间的两两比较差异不显著.丽水种群与其他5个地理种群(杭州、宣城、Kamoor、Bajipe和Padil)的鸣声特征比较显示饰纹姬蛙在不同地理种群的鸣声结构相似,而鸣声主频率、叫声时程、脉冲时程及脉冲率等在6个地理种群种均出现不同程度的差异.了解不同物种的声信号特征有助于更好地理解动物通讯行为及其进化特点.  相似文献   

鸟类的鸣叫依赖于发育完善的鸣管并接受各级发声中枢组成的机能控制系统的调控,善鸣唱的鸟类前脑控制发声的神经核团发达.用石蜡切片法和生物信号采集处理系统对不同生长发育期的虎皮鹦鹉的发声控制神经核团的体积和声音进行了比较性研究.结果发现:(1)随着虎皮鹦鹉的成长,核团体积逐渐增大,核团轮廓逐渐清晰,而且雄鸟的核团明显大于雌鸟;(2)在鸟类成长的过程中,鸟的叫声越来越复杂,幅度越来越高,雄鸟的叫声比雌鸟更复杂,雌鸟的叫声比雄鸟的叫声幅度更高;(3)鸟类鸣叫的复杂程度和发声控制神经核团的体积呈相关性.  相似文献   

褐菖鲉的听觉阈值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用听觉诱发电位记录技术研究了褐菖鲉(Sebasticus marmoratus)的听觉阈值。通过采用听觉生理系统记录和分析了8尾褐菖鲉对频率范围在100—1000 Hz的7种不同频率的声音刺激的诱发电位反应。结果表明, 褐菖鲉的听觉阈值在整体上随着频率增加而增加, 对100—300 Hz的低频声音信号敏感, 最敏感频率为150 Hz, 对应的听觉阈值为70 dB re 1 μPa。褐菖鲉的听觉敏感区间与其发声频率具有较高的匹配性, 表明其声讯交流的重要性。同时, 人为低频噪声可能对其声讯交流造成影响。  相似文献   

许多生物都能通过不同方法识别自己的同伴,仓鼠通过嗅觉,鸟类通过婉转的呜叫声,而黄蜂则通过面部特征。那么,动物之所以能相互识别,到底是缘于彼此熟悉,还是某种特别的刺激?  相似文献   

以往对化学通讯在啮齿类社群生活中的作用开展了很多研究,而对视觉信号的作用则很少涉及.本文借助一个特殊设计的透明密封玻璃缸,研究怀孕雌性金仓鼠是否对陌生雄鼠的视觉信号刺激产生应激反应.结果发现实验组和对照组雌鼠在交配后至分娩、分娩至断乳期的体重变化、产仔数量、幼鼠体重变化、睁眼时间、存活率和性比等均未表现显著性差异,而实验组雌鼠正常分娩率显著低于对照组.怀孕雌鼠对陌生雄鼠单一视觉刺激信号产生应激反应的假设得到部分支持.我们的结果表明,陌生雄鼠的视觉信号刺激影响了怀孕雌鼠的繁殖,但该影响并未延伸到分娩后和后代的生长发育.  相似文献   

布鲁斯效应是一种由非配偶雄性的化学信号所诱发的雌性妊娠终止现象,曾被认为是雌性对抗雄性杀婴行为的一种进化策略。布鲁斯效应最初在实验小鼠中发现。后续的研究证明了在实验室条件下多种啮齿类动物中存在布鲁斯效应。布鲁斯效应是否为实验室啮齿类动物中存在的普遍规律,目前尚无定论。本实验首先探讨了布鲁斯效应在金色中仓鼠中是否存在。在交配之后给予实验组雌鼠陌生雄鼠的非直接接触刺激,对照组雌鼠接受配偶雄鼠的非直接接触刺激。同时还测定了雌鼠的体重、胚胎质量以及生理器官(肾上腺、脾脏、卵巢和子宫)质量。结果显示,实验组雌鼠的流产率、体重、胚胎质量、生理器官(肾上腺、脾脏、卵巢、子宫)质量与对照组不存在显著差异。本实验结果表明:陌生雄鼠的化学信号对雌性金色中仓鼠的怀孕状态没有影响,实验室条件下的金色中仓鼠不存在布鲁斯效应。  相似文献   

棉铃虫成虫复眼的光谱敏感性及超极化后电位的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用胞内记录方法研究了雄性棉铃虫小网膜细胞对光刺激的反应特性。结果如下:(1)小网膜细胞对562nm的光最敏感,另外对400nm、483nm光也较敏感;(2)对这三种敏感光的光强度反应曲线(V/LogIcurve)与对白光的类似,在一定范围内,随光强度的增加反应增大,呈近似“S”形曲线;(3)超极化后电位的幅值随闪光刺激强度的增大、刺激时程的延长、对刺激光的敏感程度的增加而增大;(4)感受器的去极化电位与超极化后电位的比值不受刺激强度及光谱的影响,但随闪光刺激时程的延长而逐渐减小。  相似文献   

大仓鼠种群繁殖参数的估算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张知彬  朱靖 《动物学研究》1991,12(3):253-258
西文根据大仓鼠自然种群雌体怀胎率,各种类型子宫斑率和幼鼠比率的季节变动规律,估算了1986年河北饶阳县大仓鼠种群的繁殖参数,其研究结果如下:在当年的繁殖季节,大仓鼠越冬雌鼠繁殖3胎次;4、5月份的幼鼠繁殖2胎次;6、7月份的幼鼠繁殖1胎次;9月份左右的幼鼠不参加繁殖。越冬雌鼠春季怀胎和产仔近似正态分布,分布标准差约为13天,平均值为4月20日。幼鼠成熟历期(幼雌体自产出至其产仔)为62天。生殖时滞(雌体两次繁殖间隔)为59天。平均胎仔数为9.1260±2.5971。雌雄性比为1∶1.4926。幼鼠上铗历期为24天。繁殖终止平均日期为9月20日。  相似文献   

Isolated juvenile golden hamsters produce ultrasonic and audible vocalizations, so-called isolation calls, as a reaction to being separated from their mother and nest and their cooling down. Their aim is to stimulate mothers to search and retrieve the pups. In this work, the vocalization of juvenile laboratory (Zoh:GOHA; Institute of Zoology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) and juvenile wild-derived golden hamsters (captured in northern Syria and southern Turkey) from birth up to the age of 18 days were digitally recorded, analyzed and compared using an ultrasonic microphone and the software Avisoft. Furthermore, the retrieving behavior of the mothers was observed and compared. The results showed that the number of isolation calls was age-specific and the structure of the calls was influenced by body temperature, body mass and sex of the pups. The age of the pups determined retrieval by the maternal golden hamsters; however these did not discriminate between their own pups or foreign pups. In spite of enormous genetic differences between wild-derived and laboratory golden hamsters, only minor differences between the strains were found.  相似文献   

Waveforms of isolation calls emitted from hamster pups, which were Syrian hamsters, Djungarian hamsters, and Chinese hamsters, were compared in a basic study on improving reproduction by decrease of cannibalism, because it was reported that maternal behavior was induced by isolation calls in rodents. Isolation calls of hamster pups, isolated from their mother and receiving cold stress, were collected by Real-Time Spectrogram (RTS), and calculated to spectrograms and power spectra by SIGNAL. Isolation calls consisted of ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and audible vocalizations (ADVs) in each species. Waveforms of isolation calls emitted by the hamster pups, were shown to have several characteristic features. In this study, the species specificity of isolation calls was shown in hamster pups. It would seem that the species specificity originates in the differences of sensitivity to cold stress via the autonomic nerve in hamsters.  相似文献   

Rodent pups vocalize when placed in social isolation. We apply a method of “joint calls” for examining discomfort in rodent pup ultrasonic (>20 kHz) calls. Previously, this method has been developed for audible calls of fur farm mammals. Using a repeated measures design to exclude effects of individual identity and age on the analysed variables, we compared the ultrasonic call variables produced by 8–40-day pups of fat-tailed gerbils Pachyuromys duprasi during two subsequent experimental stages, the Isolation Stage and the Handling Stage. We considered that discomfort-related negative emotional arousal increased towards the Handling Stage compared to the Isolation Stage because of cumulative effects of handling and time of pup isolation from the nest. At the Isolation Stage, the call rate (calls/s) was higher from 10 to 18 days of age, whereas both the maximum amplitude frequency and power quartiles of joint calls were lower than at the Handling Stage from 20 to 32 days of age. At the same time, in audible (<20 kHz) vocalizations of a wide range of mammalian species, both the higher call rate and the upward shift of the maximum amplitude frequency and power quartiles indicate the discomfort-related increase of negative emotional arousal. We discuss the advantages of the method of joint calls for express-analyses of power variables for large sequences of ultrasonic vocalizations of complex acoustic structure during experimental trials.  相似文献   

The effects of rapid eye movement sleep restriction (REMSR) in rats during late pregnancy were studied on the ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) made by the pups. USVs are distress calls inaudible to human ears. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was restricted in one group of pregnant rats for 22 hours, starting from gestational day 14 to 20, using standard single platform method. The USVs of male pups were recorded after a brief isolation from their mother for two minutes on alternate post-natal days, from day one till weaning. The USVs were recorded using microphones and were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively using SASPro software. Control pups produced maximum vocalization on post-natal days 9 to 11. In comparison, the pups born to REMSR mothers showed not only a reduction in vocalization but also a delay in peak call making days. The experimental group showed variations in the types and characteristics of call types, and alteration in temporal profile. The blunting of distress call making response in these pups indicates that maternal sleep plays a role in regulating the neural development involved in vocalizations and possibly in shaping the emotional behaviour in neonates. It is suggested that the reduced ultrasonic vocalizations can be utilized as a reliable early marker for affective state in rat pups. Such impaired vocalization responses could provide an important lead in understanding mother-child bonding for an optimal cognitive development during post-partum life. This is the first report showing a potential link between maternal REM sleep deprivation and the vocalization in neonates and infants.  相似文献   

Males of certain species of fairy-wrens (Aves: Maluridae) emit a unique vocalization, the Type II vocalization, in response to the calls of potential predators. We conducted field observations and playback experiments to identify the contexts in which the Type II vocalization is emitted by splendid fairy-wren ( Malurus splendens ) males, and to examine social and genetic factors that influence its occurrence. In field observations and controlled playback experiments, Type II vocalizations were elicited most consistently by calls of the predatory gray butcherbird ( Cracticus torquatus ). Some vocalizations from other avian species also elicited Type II vocalizations, and the majority of these were vocalizations from avian predators. Splendid fairy-wrens are cooperative breeders, and males that responded with Type II vocalizations to playbacks of butcherbird calls tended to be primary rather than secondary males, had larger cloacal protuberances, and were older than those that did not respond. In addition, secondary males that were sons of resident females were more likely than non-sons to respond with a Type II vocalization. In another playback experiment, females responded similarly to the Type I song and Type II vocalizations of their mates. Although the Type II vocalization is emitted primarily in response to predator calls, it is inconsistent with an alarm call explanation. Patterns of reproductive success among Type II calling males suggest that it does not function as an honest signal of male quality. At present, the function of the vocalization remains anomalous, but indirect fitness benefits may play a role in its explanation.  相似文献   

The use of vocalizations by males to attract mates and defend territories is widespread in birds but uncommon in mammals. In the greater white-lined bat, males defend small territories in tree buttresses and produce complex audible vocalizations. During the day, females roost within these territories, and males with females in their territories have higher reproductive success than males without females. To determine call function, we recorded male vocalizations on the island of Trinidad and made behavioural observations of the focal male and nearby bats at the time the calls were given. Noisy broadband calls were directed mainly at other males whereas tonal calls were used primarily in interactions with females. Two other types of calls were given independently of any observable context and may be involved in territorial defence or conspecific notification. Poisson regression showed that males with song repertoires that contained more unique types of composite syllables had more females in their territories. In addition, several acoustic features of one common call type significantly correlated with the number of females on a territory. Male vocalizations may, therefore, transfer information to colony members about male quality or fighting ability.  相似文献   


This study compared the vocalization of two sympatrically occurring species of hamster: the Eversmann hamster Allocricetulus eversmann and the Grey hamster Cricetulus migratorius. The animals were tested in conspecific pairs for 5 min. Because of the high level of aggressiveness of both species, the hamsters were separated by a mesh partition, but they had olfactory, visual and acoustic contact. Female and male Eversmann hamsters vocalized more than those of Grey hamsters. This was expressed by emission of low-frequency calls as well as by ultrasounds. The difference in vocalization between the two species was also reflected in the basic structure of ultrasonic vocalizations. Grey hamster high-frequency (ultrasonic) pulses were longer and had larger bandwidths and lower minimum frequencies than Eversmann hamster calls. Within-species comparison of vocalization indicated that males of both species emitted fewer ultrasounds than females did. These differences could have an important role in communication within and between species living in the same area and preferring the same habitats.  相似文献   

The audible distance of 11 primate vocalizations uttered by blue monkeys, Cercopithecus mitis, and grey-cheeked mangabeys, Cercocebus albigena, and the human utterance ‘hey’ were determined experimentally. Calculations were based on measurements of (1) sound power of vocal signals (Brown: Bioacoustics, in press), (2) the attenuation rates of sound of different frequencies in East African forests (Waser & Brown: Am. J. Primatol., 1986, 10, 135–154), and (3) sensitivity of conspecific listeners to vocal signals presented in forest noise. Calculations were made of the active space, the area over which a call is audible, and the expected number of recipients of signals in nature. Masked thresholds for test vocalizations ranged from 21·1 dB for the mangabey ‘staccato bark’ call to 41·3 dB for the blue monkey ‘boom’ vocalization. The audible distance of the test signals ranged from 79 m for the blue monkey ‘chirp’ call to 1951 m for the mangabey ‘chorused grunt’ vocalization. Calls could be grouped into short- and long-range signals. The audible distance of primate long-range calls varied between 2·4 and nine times that of a typical yell given by human subjects. The active space of the test signals ranged from 1·4 to 1031·8 ha. The mean active space of monkey long-range calls (445·4 ha) was more than an order of magnitude greater than the loudest human yell. The average blue monkey long-range call was audible for 870 m, while the average mangabey long-range call was audible for 1800 m. The typical mangabey home range is four times that of the blue monkey, and in both species the average long-range call had an audible distance twice the diameter of the median home range of each species.  相似文献   

Vocal behavior of four pairs of adult Sichuan golden monkeys was studied at the San Diego, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco zoos between November 1984 and October 1986. Four call types made up 86% (1,357/ 1,578) of vocalizations that occurred during 45 h of tape-recording. All four major vocalization types were made by both sexes. There was, however, significant sexual asymmetry in their production: 82% to 99% of each type was produced by one sex or the other. Frequently, duets developed when an individual male or female responded to the vocalizations of its cagemate. Males vocalized more than did females in each of the four pairs, and males responded vocally to female calls more than twice as frequently.  相似文献   

Social interactions in mice are frequently analysed in genetically modified strains in order to get insight of disorders affecting social interactions such as autism spectrum disorders. Different types of social interactions have been described, mostly between females and pups, and between adult males and females. However, we recently showed that social interactions between adult males could also encompass cognitive and motivational features. During social interactions, rodents emit ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), but it remains unknown if call types are differently used depending of the context and if they are correlated with motivational state. Here, we recorded the calls of adult C57BL/6J male mice in various behavioral conditions, such as social interaction, novelty exploration and restraint stress. We introduced a modulator for the motivational state by comparing males maintained in isolation and males maintained in groups before the experiments. Male mice uttered USVs in all social and non-social situations, and even in a stressful restraint context. They nevertheless emitted the most important number of calls with the largest diversity of call types in social interactions, particularly when showing a high motivation for social contact. For mice maintained in social isolation, the number of calls recorded was positively correlated with the duration of social contacts, and most calls were uttered during contacts between the two mice. This correlation was not observed in mice maintained in groups. These results open the way for a deeper understanding and characterization of acoustic signals associated with social interactions. They can also help evaluating the role of motivational states in the emission of acoustic signals.  相似文献   

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