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Stockpiling of cover soil can influence vegetation development following reclamation. Cover soil, comprising the upper 15–30 cm of the surface material on sites scheduled for mining, is commonly salvaged prior to mining and used directly or stockpiled for various lengths of time until it is needed. Salvaging and stockpiling causes physical, chemical, and biological changes in cover soils. In particular, stockpiling reduces the availability and vigor of vegetative propagules and seed, and can lead to increases in the abundance of some weedy species. This study uses data from monitoring plots to assess how stockpiling of cover soil impacts plant community development on reclaimed oil sands mine sites in northern Alberta. Development of plant communities differed distinctly between directly placed and stockpiled cover soil treatments even 18 years after reclamation. Direct placement of cover soil resulted in higher percent cover, species richness, and diversity. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and multiresponse permutation procedure revealed compositional differentiation between the treatments. Indicator species analysis showed that direct placement treatment was dominated by perennial species while grasses and annual forb species dominated sites where stockpiled soil was used. Results indicate that stockpiling leads to slower vegetation recovery while direct placement of cover soil supports more rapid succession (from ruderal and annual communities to perennial communities). In addition, direct placement may be less costly than stockpiling. However, scheduling of salvage and placement remains a challenge.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Quantitative relationships between soil N availability indices and tree growth are lacking in the oil sands region of Alberta and this can hinder the development of guidelines for the reclamation of the disturbed landscape after oil sands extraction. The aim of this paper was to establish quantitative relationships between soil N availability indices and tree growth in the oil sands region of Alberta.


In situ N mineralization rates, in situ N availability measured in the field using Plant Root Simulators (PRS? probes), laboratory aerobic and anaerobic soil N mineralization rates, and soil C/N and N content were determined for both the forest floor and the 0–20?cm mineral soil in eight jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands in the oil sands region in northern Alberta. Tree growth rates were determined based on changes in tree ring width in the last 6?years and as mean annual aboveground biomass increment.


Soil N availability indices across those forest stands varied and for each stand it was several times higher in the forest floor than in the mineral soil. The in situ and laboratory aerobic and anaerobic soil N mineralization rates, soil mineralized N, in situ N availability measured using PRS probes, soil C/N ratio and N content in both the forest floor and mineral soil, as well as stand age were linearly correlated with tree ring width of jack pine trees across the selected forest stands, consistent with patterns seen in other published studies and suggesting that N availability could be a limiting factor in the range of jack pine stands studied.


In situ and laboratory aerobic and anaerobic N mineralization rates and soil C/N ratio and N content can be used for predicting tree growth in jack pine forests in the oil sand region. Laboratory based measurements such as aerobic and anaerobic N mineralization rates and soil C/N ratio and N content would be preferable as they are more cost effective and equally effective for predicting jack pine growth.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of reclamation treatments on plant community development is an important step in setting realistic indicators and targets for reclamation of upland oil sands sites to forest ecosystems. We examine trends in cover, richness, evenness, and community composition for four cover soil types (clay over overburden, clay over tailings sand, peat‐mineral mix over overburden, and peat‐mineral mix over tailings sand) and natural boreal forests over a 20 year period in the mineable oil sands region of northern Alberta, Canada. Tree, shrub, and nonvascular plant species cover showed similar increases over time for all reclamation treatments, with corresponding declines in forb and graminoid cover with time. These trends resemble those in the natural boreal forests of the region and the trajectory of community development for the reclamation treatments appears to follow typical early successional trends for boreal forests. Species richness and diversity of natural forest differed significantly from reclamation treatments. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination and multi‐response permutation procedure revealed that species composition was not affected by reclamation treatment but clearly differed from natural forest. Analysis of species co‐occurrence indicated random plant community assembly following reclamation, in contrast to a higher proportion of nonrandom plant community assembly in natural forests. Thus, reclaimed plant communities appear to be unstructured through year 20 and assembly is still in progress on these reclaimed sites.  相似文献   

Open‐pit mining activities in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada, create disturbed lands that, by law, must be reclaimed to a land capability equivalent to that existed before the disturbance. Re‐establishment of forest cover will be affected by the production and turnover rate of fine roots. However, the relationship between fine root dynamics and tree growth has not been studied in reclaimed oil sands sites. Fine root properties (root length density, mean surface area, total root biomass, and rates of root production, turnover, and decomposition) were assessed from May to October 2011 and 2012 using sequential coring and ingrowth core methods in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss) stands. The pine and spruce stands were planted on peat mineral soil mix placed over tailings sand and overburden substrates, respectively, in reclaimed oil sands sites in Alberta. We selected stands that form a productivity gradient (low, medium, and high productivities) of each tree species based on differences in tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH) increments. In lodgepole pine stands, fine root length density and fine root production, and turnover rates were in the order of high > medium > low productivity sites and were positively correlated with tree height and DBH and negatively correlated with soil salinity (< 0.05). In white spruce stands, fine root surface area was the only parameter that increased along the productivity gradient and was negatively correlated with soil compaction. In conclusion, fine root dynamics along the stand productivity gradients were closely linked to stand productivity and were affected by limiting soil properties related to the specific substrate used for reconstructing the reclaimed soil. Understanding the impact of soil properties on fine root dynamics and overall stand productivity will help improve land reclamation outcomes.  相似文献   

The pace and scale of reclamation in Alberta's oil sands region are increasing, and techniques to measure and validate the ecological function of developing habitats are needed. In Alberta, achievement of equivalent land capability to that present before disturbance is a regulatory requirement of reclamation certification. We compared landbird abundance and productivity indices from mist‐netting data collected in 2011–2013 using the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) protocol with local habitat covariates at 35 monitoring stations in natural, reclaimed, and disturbed habitats. Principal component analysis of habitat covariates explained 83% of the variation in 20 habitat‐structure variables. We found significant relationships between habitat covariates and captures of adult birds, young birds, and/or the probability of capturing a young bird (productivity) for 12 landbird species; in some cases, capture responses contrasted with productivity responses to habitat variables. Responses to reclamation age were as expected, given habitat preferences of our target species. Positive responses to reclamation age from obligate forest‐dwelling species take more years to become evident than those for species preferring successional‐stage habitats, while one species that prefers open, grassland habitats appeared to decline with reclamation age, presumably due to habitat succession. Application of the MAPS protocol as a tool to evaluate and track the performance of reclaimed and disturbed habitats is demonstrated, with landbird abundance and productivity indices in natural habitats being useful indicators of equivalent land capability.  相似文献   

Species loss caused by anthropogenic disturbance threatens forest ecosystems globally. Until 50 years ago, the major sources of boreal forest disturbance in western Canada were a combination of forest wild fire events, pest insect outbreaks, and forest timber harvesting. However, in the 1960s, when the oil boom started in Alberta, oil and gas development along with oil sands mining quickly became another major forest disturbance agent. In this case study we report the effects of operational oil sands mine reclamation on terrestrial arthropod communities and compare them with nearby burned and mature forest sites as a way to provide a benchmark from which to understand the long-term trajectory of recovery for these groups. During the summer of 2016 over 6700 epigaeic beetles were collected using pitfall traps. A total of 43 species of ground beetles and 118 species of rove beetles were collected. Epigaeic beetle assemblages differed between the reclaimed, burned, and mature forest sites. Partitioning of beta diversity in the reclaimed, burned areas and mature forests indicated that species turnover formed the largest component of diversity. Species richness patterns were similar among sites; however, cluster analysis indicated that epigaeic beetle assemblages were only 20% similar between the reclaimed and natural sites. Although ground beetles of the reclaimed area showed positive spatial autocorrelation among treatments, both ground and rove beetles showed responses to the reclamation treatments. The reclaimed areas were dominated by small- to medium-sized open-habitat eurytopic species, whereas the fire and mature forest sites were dominated by larger forest species. The reclaimed area of this case study constitutes a novel, reconstructed ecosystem that is clearly not equivalent in species assemblage to burnt stands of similar age or to mature forest stands.  相似文献   

The impact of chronic air pollution such as increased CO2 and NOx emissions on forest ecosystems in the Athabasca oil sands region in Alberta, Canada, was investigated in Pinus banksiana (jack pine) and Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen, aspen) stands in two watersheds (NE7 and SM8) located at different distances from the main emission sources of oil sands mining and upgrading facilities, using δ13C, δ15N, and Ca/Al of soil and tree ring samples as indicators. Watershed NE7 was exposed to greater amounts of acid deposition due to its closeness to the mining and upgrading area. The δ15N in the forest floor was lower (p < 0.05) in NE7 (ranged from −1.42 to −0.87‰) than in SM8 (−0.54 to 1.43‰), implying a greater amount of recent deposition of 15N-depleted N in NE7. Tree ring δ13C gradually decreased over time for both tree species/watersheds, indicating the influence of 13C-depleted CO2 emitted from industrial sources. Tree ring N concentration and δ15N were not different between watersheds and did not significantly change with time. Interestingly, however, the difference between watersheds (NE7–SM8) that is expressed as Diff_N (for N) increased with concomitant decreases in Diff_δ15N over time, implying greater increases in 15N-depleted N input in NE7 than in SM8. Such trends were stronger in aspen stands (R2 = 0.64 and p < 0.001 for Diff_N and R2 = 0.44 and p < 0.01 for Diff_δ15N between 1964 and 2009) than in jack pine stands. We conclude that δ15N in the forest floor and differences in N and δ15N of tree rings between watersheds are useful indicators reflecting the impact of spatial variations of air pollution on forest stands in the Athabasca oil sands region in western Canada.  相似文献   

More detailed knowledge of the density of organic carbon in soils of boreal forests is needed for accurate estimates of the size of this C stock. We investigated the effect of vegetation type and associated site fertility on the C density at 30 mature coniferous forest sites in southern Finland and evaluated the importance of deep layers to the total C store in the soil by extending the sampling at eight of the sites to the depth of ground water level (2.4–4.6 m). The C density in the organic horizon plus 1 m thick mineral soil layer ranged from 4.0 kg/m2 to 11.9 kg/m2, and, on the average, increased towards the more productive vegetation types. Between the depth of 1 m and the ground water level the C density averaged 1.3–2.4 kg/m2 at the studied vegetation types and these layers represented 18–28% of the total stock of C in the soil. The results emphasize the importance of also considering these deep layers to correctly estimate the total amount of C in these soils. At the least fertile sites the soil contained about 30% more C than phytomass, whereas at the more fertile sites the amount of C in soil was about 10% less than the amount bound in vegetation.  相似文献   

This study investigates Pb isotope ratios at low concentrations (parts per billion; ppb) in tree rings and soils in the Northern Athabasca Oil Sands Region (NAOSR), western Canada, to evaluate if: (1) climatic conditions influence on tree-ring Pb assimilation; and (2) such low Pb content allows inferring the regional Pb depositional history.Our results reflect the influence of winter snow cover and the importance of minimum temperature and precipitation in spring and summer on the bioavailability of Pb and its passive assimilation by trees in sub-arctic semi-humid climatic conditions. Winter conditions can influence the state of root systems that subsequently impacts the following growth period, while spring and summer conditions likely control microbial processes and water source, and may thus impact Pb assimilation by trees. Thus, the results of tree-ring Pb concentrations show interesting correlation with cumulated snow from November of the previous year to February (ρ = 0.53; P < 0.01; n = 36). Likewise, the 206Pb/207Pb ratios inversely correlate with minimum temperature from April to September (ρ = −0.67; P < 0.01; n = 40) and precipitation from May to August (ρ = −0.42; P < 0.01; n = 36). The isotopic results also suggest that the effects of climatic variations are superimposed by regional industrial Pb deposition: Western North American Aerosols (WNAA) and fugitive dust from the oil sands mining operations appear to be the most likely sources.Importantly, this study suggests that even at low Pb concentrations, tree-ring Pb isotopes are modulated by climatic conditions and potential input of regional and long-range transport of airborne Pb. These interpretations open the possibility of using Pb isotopes as an environmental tool for inferring the pollution history in remote regions, and improving our understanding of its natural cycle through the forest environment.  相似文献   

草本层和大气间的碳交换及其对环境因子的响应是目前研究的热点。该研究通过静态箱法, 采用LI-840 CO2/H2O红外分析仪, 对新疆天山北坡草甸草原围封9年的样地和围栏外自然放牧生态系统碳交换进行监测, 分析了围栏内外生态系统碳交换的差异性、日变化、季节变化及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明: 围栏内生态系统碳交换高于围栏外, 围栏内外表现出明显的差异性; 围栏内外生态系统碳交换均存在明显的日变化和季节变化规律, 呈单峰曲线, 且在植物生长季峰形比较明显。在整个监测期间, 围栏内外生态系统CO2净交换最小值分别为-7.62和-6.63 μmol·m -2·s -1, 生态系统呼吸最大值分别为8.55和7.04 μmol·m -2·s -1, 生态系统总初级生产力最大值分别为-14.66和-13.89 μmol·m -2·s -1。因围栏内植被得到保护, 草本植物生长茂盛, 光合作用强, 生态系统CO2净交换较小, 同时有机碳的输入增强了生态系统呼吸。分析发现生态系统碳交换与气温和0-10 cm土壤温度显著相关, 与气温的相关性高于与0-10 cm土壤温度的相关性, 且围栏内禁牧处理相关性高于围栏外自然放牧草地; 土壤含水量与生态系统碳交换存在一定的相关性, 但其相关性略低于温度与生态系统碳交换的相关性。  相似文献   

草本层和大气间的碳交换及其对环境因子的响应是目前研究的热点。该研究通过静态箱法, 采用LI-840 CO2/H2O红外分析仪, 对新疆天山北坡草甸草原围封9年的样地和围栏外自然放牧生态系统碳交换进行监测, 分析了围栏内外生态系统碳交换的差异性、日变化、季节变化及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明: 围栏内生态系统碳交换高于围栏外, 围栏内外表现出明显的差异性; 围栏内外生态系统碳交换均存在明显的日变化和季节变化规律, 呈单峰曲线, 且在植物生长季峰形比较明显。在整个监测期间, 围栏内外生态系统CO2净交换最小值分别为-7.62和-6.63 μmol·m -2·s -1, 生态系统呼吸最大值分别为8.55和7.04 μmol·m -2·s -1, 生态系统总初级生产力最大值分别为-14.66和-13.89 μmol·m -2·s -1。因围栏内植被得到保护, 草本植物生长茂盛, 光合作用强, 生态系统CO2净交换较小, 同时有机碳的输入增强了生态系统呼吸。分析发现生态系统碳交换与气温和0-10 cm土壤温度显著相关, 与气温的相关性高于与0-10 cm土壤温度的相关性, 且围栏内禁牧处理相关性高于围栏外自然放牧草地; 土壤含水量与生态系统碳交换存在一定的相关性, 但其相关性略低于温度与生态系统碳交换的相关性。  相似文献   

The transition between wintertime net carbon loss and springtime net carbon assimilation has an important role in controlling the annual rate of carbon uptake in coniferous forest ecosystems. We studied the contributions of springtime carbon assimilation to the total annual rate of carbon uptake and the processes involved in the winter-to-spring transition across a range of scales from ecosystem CO2 fluxes to chloroplast photochemistry in a coniferous, subalpine forest. We observed numerous initiations and reversals in the recovery of photosynthetic CO2 uptake during the initial phase of springtime recovery in response to the passage of alternating warm- and cold-weather systems. Full recovery of ecosystem carbon uptake, whereby the 24-h cumulative sum of NEE (NEEdaily) was consistently negative, did not occur until 3–4 weeks after the first signs of photosynthetic recovery. A key event that preceded full recovery was the occurrence of isothermality in the vertical profile of snow temperature across the snow pack; thus, providing consistent daytime percolation of melted snow water through the snow pack. Interannual variation in the cumulative annual NEE (NEEannual) was mostly explained by variation in NEE during the snow-melt period (NEEsnow-melt), not variation in NEE during the snow-free part of the growing season (NEEsnow-free). NEEsnow-melt was highest in those years when the snow melt occurred later in the spring, leading us to conclude that in this ecosystem, years with earlier springs are characterized by lower rates of NEEannual, a conclusion that contrasts with those from past studies in deciduous forest ecosystems. Using studies on isolated branches we showed that the recovery of photosynthesis occurred through a series of coordinated physiological and biochemical events. Increasing air temperatures initiated recovery through the upregulation of PSII electron transport caused in part by disengagement of thermal energy dissipation by the carotenoid, zeaxanthin. The availability of liquid water permitted a slightly slower recovery phase involving increased stomatal conductance. The most rate-limiting step in the recovery process was an increase in the capacity for the needles to use intercellular CO2, presumably due to slow recovery of Rubisco activity. Interspecific differences were observed in the timing of photosynthetic recovery for the dominant tree species. The results of our study provide (1) a context for springtime CO2 uptake within the broader perspective of the annual carbon budget in this subalpine forest, and (2) a mechanistic explanation across a range of scales for the coupling between springtime climate and the carbon cycle of high-elevation coniferous forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Addition of bovine adrenal cytochrome P-450scc to small unilamellar dioleoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles (DOPC-SUV) produces a complex sequence of interactions, indicating exceptional cytochrome mobility. First, cholesterol transfer from cytochrome to vesicles indicated rapid dissociation of P-450scc oligomers and integration of monomers into the membrane (delta A 390-420 nm; t1/2 = 2 s). After 10-15 s, P-450scc-induced aggregation of the vesicles starts, as indicated by increased turbidity (delta A 448 or 520 nm; complete in 6-8 min). Fluorescence quenching experiments indicate that this aggregation does not lead to measurable vesicle fusion during this period. Aggregation is prevented by mild heat denaturation of P-450scc, by addition of anti-P-450scc IgG, and also by 1:1 complex formation with the electron donor adrenodoxin (ADX). P-450scc, therefore, links two vesicles through two separate domains involved in, respectively, membrane integration (lipophilic) and ADX binding (charged). Although completely bound by DOPC-SUV, as evidenced by Sephadex elution, P-450scc has access within 1 min to cholesterol in secondary SUV. This is indicated by spectral changes (cholesterol complex formation) and by metabolism of secondary vesicle cholesterol. Since cholesterol equilibrates slowly between vesicles (t1/2 = 1-2 h), these changes arise from P-450scc transfer. This transfer was maximally slowed after a 5-min preincubation with primary vesicles, reflecting more extensive integration into the membrane than is necessary for the rapid initial cholesterol transfer to P-450scc. P-450scc transfer probably results from simultaneous interaction of P-450scc with two vesicles that may also initiate aggregation. Weaker integration into primary dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles facilitates exchange but prevents aggregation. Integration and aggregation are both enhanced by incorporation of 10% phosphatidylinositol into SUV, while exchange is slowed. This mobility of P-450scc is most probably a consequence of the absence of amino-terminal anchoring. P-450scc-induced association of inner mitochondrial membrane segments may contribute to the exceptionally vesiculated structure of adrenal and ovarian mitochondria that parallels increased P-450scc content.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, we have found Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica (L. f.) D. Don, trees with crown tops affected by dieback in isolated urban forests on the low altitude plain. To clarify future growth of C. japonica in these forests, we investigated their growth, decline levels and water status. The live crown-top heights from the ground (LCTHs) per diameter at breast height (dbh) were lower in forests with C. japonica top dieback than in forests with no top dieback. Furthermore, in a forest with C. japonica top dieback, the LCTHs were similar between trees although dbh and decline levels were different. Moreover, water status near the top of the live foliage was very similar although decline levels were different, suggesting that in urban forests, where C. japonica top dieback is observed, the LCTH is subject of restriction. A sudden increase in temperatures since the 1980s may be restricting the LCTHs of C. japonica in urban forests. We conclude that LCTHs of C. japonica in urban forests are becoming lower and more equal in each forest. If temperature continues to increase, height restriction will become more severe and LCTHs of C. japonica in urban forests will become even lower.  相似文献   

A range of different species of diazotrophic bacteria has been found in tissues and the rhizosphere of oil palm plants, suggesting a potential to benefit from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). A few studies have confirmed that plantlets at nursery stage can benefit significantly from BNF after inoculation with Azospirillum spp. but no data are available regarding the benefit from naturally-occurring diazotrophic bacteria in oil palm. The results described here were derived from two pot trials laid out under controlled conditions with plantlets from two important regions for palm oil production in Brazil, as well as from different field sites of mature oil palm plantations. The 15N natural abundance technique was employed to estimate plant dependence on BNF (%Ndfa) by the different ecotypes grown in soil and previously characterized as hosting diazotrophic bacteria. From both pot trials it was possible to identify some ecotypes of high potential for N2-fixation that reached in some cases approximately 50%Ndfa. However, the accuracy of measurement still needs to be improved using more suitable reference plants for pot experiments. Values of δ 15N signals from oil palm and reference plants in the field were inconclusive concerning any benefit from BNF to oil palm, owing to apparently high temporal and spatial variability of δ 15N of the plant-available N in the heterogeneous soil matrix for the different palm and reference plant tested.  相似文献   

光合有效辐射(PAR)是影响白天净生态系统碳交换(NEE)变化的主要环境因子,但坡面地形水平测量的PAR与超声风速仪倾斜校正后的NEE坐标系统并不匹配。本研究以平均坡度9°、坡向296°的帽儿山温带落叶阔叶林为例,研究2016年生长季(5—9月)NEE的日变化规律及其驱动因子,评估水平和坡面平行辐射表测量PAR在光响应参数估计以及其他驱动因子对NEE解释方面的差异。结果表明: 生长季各月NEE日变化均呈上、下午不对称的单峰曲线,NEE日出约2.5 h后变为负值(净碳吸收),在12:00左右达到峰值,日落前2 h再次接近零。日吸收峰7月最大,5月最小。从整个生长季来看,坡面平行与水平测量PAR的时滞和差异导致通过水平辐射表测得的PAR值拟合得到的光合量子效率(α)和白天呼吸速率(Rd)分别增大13.3%和11.5%,最大光合效率(Amax)降低7.7%;上午与下午的NEE光响应曲线不对称,下午的RdAmax均大于上午。光响应参数还受天气条件影响,多云Amax大于晴天,但αRd大多小于晴天。但逐月来看,水平测量辐射的AmaxRd普遍低于倾斜测量辐射的值,尤其是多云下午的Amax。辐射表安装方式还影响空气温度(Ta)与饱和水汽压差(VPD)对NEE的解释,除9月Ta外,基于坡面平行辐射表的全天NEE残差与Ta和VPD的相关性(r为0.082~0.219和0.162~0.282)高于基于水平辐射表的NEE残差(r为0.013~0.197和0.098~0.224)。本研究表明,倾斜地形水平测量PAR可对NEE的环境解释带来明显误差,这对山地植被辐射测量方法以及陆地生态系统碳通量的科学解释具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Elevated (700 μmol mol−1) and ambient (350 μmol mol−1) CO2 effects on total ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity, photosynthesis (A), and photoinhibition during 6 d at low temperature were measured on wild type (WT), and rbcS antisense DNA mutants (T3) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with 60% of WT total Rubisco activity (Rodermel et al. (1988) Cell 55: 673–681). Prior to the low temperature treatment, A and quantum yield of PSII photochemistry in the light adapted state (φPSII) were significantly lower in T3 compared to WT at each CO2 level. At this time, total nonphotochemical quenching (NPQTotal) levels were near maximal (0.75–0.85) in T3 compared to WT (0.39–0.50). A was stimulated by 107% in T3 and 25% in WT at elevated compared to ambient CO2. Pre-treatment acclimation to elevated CO2 occurred in WT resulting in lower Rubisco activity per unit leaf area and reduced stimulation of A. At low temperature, A of WT was similar at elevated and ambient CO2 while stimulation of A by elevated CO2 in T3 was reduced. In addition, at low temperature we measured significantly lower photochemical quenching at elevated CO2 compared to ambient CO2 in both genotypes. NPQTotal was similar (0.80–0.85) among all treatments. However, a larger proportion of NPQTotal was composed of qI,d, the damage subcomponent of the more slowly relaxing NPQ component, qI, in both genotypes at elevated compared to ambient CO2. Greater qI,d, at elevated CO2 during and after the low temperature treatment was not related to pre-treatment differences in total Rubisco activity.  相似文献   

The kinetics of chloride and bromide transport were examined in intact human red blood cells and resealed ghosts. Because the influx and efflux of halide ions are almost equal (less than 0.01% difference), the stimulation of the exchange flux by external halides could be determined by measuring 36Cl or 82Br efflux. When the external halide concentration was increased by replacement of isoionic, isotonic solutions of sucrose and the nontransported anion citrate, the stimulation of the exchange flux was hyperbolic and was maximum at 20 mM halide externally. The K 1/2-out, the external concentration of chloride or bromide which stimulated the efflux to half of its maximum value, was 3 and 1 mM respectively, 15-fold smaller than K 1/2-in which we found to be about equal to the K 1/2 of halide self-exchange with nearly equal internal and external concentrations. Thus, the transport mechanism behaves asymmetrically with respect to these transported halides. Bromide flux was two-fold greater in bromide-chloride heteroexchange than in bromide-bromide self-exchange but it was still much smaller than the chloride self-exchange flux. The maximum influx and efflux of bromide in exchange for chloride were roughly eqal. Thus, since the maximum transport rates in the two directions are nearly equal, the kinetics of bromide equilibrium exchange with equal concentrations on the two sides are controlled on the inside where K 1/2 is greatest. The K 1/2-out Cl was a hyperbolic function of internal chloride concentration and was proportional to the maximum flux at each internal chloride concentration. These results are evaluated in terms of two broad categories of models. We conclude that, in contrast to other ion transport systems which have been shown to have kinetics of a sequential mechanism, anion exchange is compatible with a ping-pong mechanism in which a single site reciprocates between inside- and outside-facing orientations with asymmetric K 1/2 values.  相似文献   

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