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Genomic selection makes it possible to reduce pedigree-based inbreeding over best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) by increasing emphasis on own rather than family information. However, pedigree inbreeding might not accurately reflect loss of genetic variation and the true level of inbreeding due to changes in allele frequencies and hitch-hiking. This study aimed at understanding the impact of using long-term genomic selection on changes in allele frequencies, genetic variation and level of inbreeding.


Selection was performed in simulated scenarios with a population of 400 animals for 25 consecutive generations. Six genetic models were considered with different heritabilities and numbers of QTL (quantitative trait loci) affecting the trait. Four selection criteria were used, including selection on own phenotype and on estimated breeding values (EBV) derived using phenotype-BLUP, genomic BLUP and Bayesian Lasso. Changes in allele frequencies at QTL, markers and linked neutral loci were investigated for the different selection criteria and different scenarios, along with the loss of favourable alleles and the rate of inbreeding measured by pedigree and runs of homozygosity.


For each selection criterion, hitch-hiking in the vicinity of the QTL appeared more extensive when accuracy of selection was higher and the number of QTL was lower. When inbreeding was measured by pedigree information, selection on genomic BLUP EBV resulted in lower levels of inbreeding than selection on phenotype BLUP EBV, but this did not always apply when inbreeding was measured by runs of homozygosity. Compared to genomic BLUP, selection on EBV from Bayesian Lasso led to less genetic drift, reduced loss of favourable alleles and more effectively controlled the rate of both pedigree and genomic inbreeding in all simulated scenarios. In addition, selection on EBV from Bayesian Lasso showed a higher selection differential for mendelian sampling terms than selection on genomic BLUP EBV.


Neutral variation can be shaped to a great extent by the hitch-hiking effects associated with selection, rather than just by genetic drift. When implementing long-term genomic selection, strategies for genomic control of inbreeding are essential, due to a considerable hitch-hiking effect, regardless of the method that is used for prediction of EBV.  相似文献   

Identification of genomic DNA coding for chicken type II procollagen   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A segment of the type II procollagen gene has been isolated by screening a lambda Charon 4A library containing fragments of chicken genomic DNA. The specific clone, LgCOL(II), was selected by hybridization using overlapping inserts from two cDNA clones which are specific for a cartilage procollagen (Vuorio, E., Sandell, L., Kravis, D., Sheffield, V. C., Vuorio, T., Dorfman, A., and Upholt, W. B. (1982) Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 1175-1192). DNA sequence analysis of LgCOL(II) in the COOH-telopeptide region of the protein, shows conclusively that this DNA corresponds to the chicken type II procollagen gene. Hybridization of cDNA probes to restriction fragment gel blots together with DNA sequence analysis have established the orientation and position of the procollagen gene within the lambda Charon 4A vector and indicate that LgCOL(II) contains approximately 6 kilobase pairs of the type II procollagen gene plus additional DNA flanking the 3' end of the gene. DNA sequence analysis shows directly that LgCOL(II) contains DNA sequences identical with those in the cDNA clones. The portion of the gene from amino acid 578 of the triple helical region to the COOH-terminal end of the protein (approximately 700 amino acids) is contained within the clone, corresponding to approximately 50% of the amino acid coding sequence of the gene. This region of the chicken alpha 1 (type II) procollagen gene is encoded within a shorter segment of the chicken genome than is the corresponding region of the alpha 2(type I) procollagen gene.  相似文献   

Genetic evaluation based on information from phenotypes, pedigree and markers can be implemented using a recently developed single-step method. In this paper we compare accuracies of predicted breeding values for daily gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) in Danish Duroc pigs obtained from different versions of single-step methods, the traditional pedigree-based method and the genomic BLUP (GBLUP) method. In particular, we present a single-step method with an adjustment of the genomic relationship matrix so that it is compatible to the pedigree-based relationship matrix. Comparisons are made for both genotyped and non-genotyped animals and univariate and bivariate models. The results show that the three methods with marker information (two single-step methods and GBLUP) produce more accurate predictions of genotyped animals than the pedigree-based method. In addition, single-step methods provide more accurate predictions for non-genotyped animals. The results also show that the single-step method with adjusted genomic relationship matrix produce more accurate predictions than the original single-step method. Finally, the results for the bivariate analyses show a somewhat improved accuracy and reduced inflation of predictions for FCR for the two single-step methods compared with the univariate analyses. The conclusions are: first, the methods with marker information improve prediction compared with the pedigree-based method; second, a single-step method, contrary to GBLUP, provides improved predictions for all animals compared to the pedigree-based method; and third, a single-step method should be used with an adjustment of the genomic relationship matrix.  相似文献   

A genomic bank has been constructed using DNA isolated from a dystrophic strain of chickens. The library was screened for myosin heavy chain (MHC) sequences using a cDNA probe and 11 positive recombinants isolated. Identity of the clones was confirmed by positive RNA selection via hybridization of the clones with muscle RNA and subsequent translation of the hybridizable RNA in vitro. Restriction maps indicate that the clones can be divided into 7 distinct groups; some of these groups do, however, share similar or homologous sequences. Hydridization of the clones to RNA derived from leg, breast, heart, and brain reveals that all of the clones code for the muscle-specific MHC isoforms. These experiments also show that there are at least 3 size classes of MHC mRNA sequences, whose relative amounts appear to be modulated in a tissue- and developmental stage-specific manner.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid and cost-effective technique for the in vitro removal of introns and other unwanted regions from genomic DNA to generate a single sequence of continuous coding capacity, where tissues required for RNA extraction and complementary DNA synthesis are unavailable. Based on an overlapping fusion-PCR strategy, we name this procedure SPLICE (for swift PCR for ligating in vitro constructed exons). As proof-of-principle, we used SPLICE successfully to generate a single piece of DNA containing the coding region of a five-exon gene, the short-wavelength-sensitive 1 (SWS1) opsin gene, from genomic DNA extracted from the brown lemur, Eulemur fulvus, in only two short rounds of PCR. Where the genomic structure and sequence is known, this technique may be universally applied to any gene expressed in any organism to generate a practical unit for investigating the function of a particular gene of interest. In this report, we provide a detailed protocol, experimental considerations, and suggestions for troubleshooting.  相似文献   



Genomic evaluations are rapidly replacing traditional evaluation systems used for dairy cattle selection. Higher reliabilities from larger genotype files promote cooperation across country borders. Genomic information can be exchanged across countries using simple conversion equations, by modifying multi-trait across-country evaluation (MACE) to account for correlated residuals originating from the use of foreign evaluations, or by multi-trait analysis of genotypes for countries that use the same reference animals.


Traditional MACE assumes independent residuals because each daughter is measured in only one country. Genomic MACE could account for residual correlations using daughter equivalents from genomic data as a fraction of the total in each country and proportions of bulls shared. MACE methods developed to combine separate within-country genomic evaluations were compared to direct, multi-country analysis of combined genotypes using simulated genomic and phenotypic data for 8,193 bulls in nine countries.


Reliabilities for young bulls were much higher for across-country than within-country genomic evaluations as measured by squared correlations of estimated with true breeding values. Gains in reliability from genomic MACE were similar to those of multi-trait evaluation of genotypes but required less computation. Sharing of reference genotypes among countries created large residual correlations, especially for young bulls, that are accounted for in genomic MACE.


International genomic evaluations can be computed either by modifying MACE to account for residual correlations across countries or by multi-trait evaluation of combined genotype files. The gains in reliability justify the increased computation but require more cooperation than in previous breeding programs.  相似文献   

Mammalian pancreatic ribonucleases form a family of homologous proteins that has been extensively investigated. The primary structures of these enzymes were used to derive phylogenetic trees. These analyses indicate that the presence of three strictly homologous enzymes in the bovine species (the pancreatic, seminal, and cerebral ribonucleases) is due to gene duplication events which occurred during the evolution of ancestral ruminants.In this paper we present evidence that confirms this finding and that suggests an overall structural conservation of the putative ribonuclease genes in ruminant species.We could also demonstrate that the sequences related to ox ribonuclease coding regions present in genomic DNA of the giraffe species are the orthologues of the bovine genes encoding the three ribonucleases mentioned above.Correspondence to: A. Furia  相似文献   

Bromelain inhibitor (BI) is a cysteine proteinase inhibitor isolated from pineapple stem (Reddy, M. N., Keim, P. S., Heinrikson, R. L., and Kézdy, F. J. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 1741-1750). It consists of eight isoinhibitors, and each isoinhibitor has a two-chain structure. In this study, the genomic DNA has been cloned and found to encode a precursor protein with 246 amino acids (M(r) = approximately 27,500) containing three isoinhibitor domains (BI-III, -VI, and -VII) that are 93% identical to one another in amino acid sequences. The gene structure indicated that these isoinhibitors are produced by removal of the N-terminal pre-peptide (19 residues), 3 interchain peptides (each 5 residues), 2 interdomain peptides (each 19 residues), and the C-terminal pro-peptide (18 residues). Moreover, all the amino acid sequences of bromelain isoinhibitors could be explained by removal of one or two amino acids from BI-III, -VI, and -VII with exopeptidases. A recombinant single-chain BI-VI with and without the interchain peptide showed the same and no bromelain inhibitory activity as compared with the native BI-VI, respectively. These results indicate that the interchain peptide plays an important role of the folding process of the mature isoinhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary An EcoRI restriction endonuclease fragment of maize DNA coding for the 19,000 dalton zein protein was cloned in phage gt WES. The zein gene was identified by the electron microscopic analysis of RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops) and DNA-DNA hybrids (D-loops). The R-loops were formed with poly(rA)-containing RNA isolated from 18 days post-pollination maize endosperm and showed no intervening non-hybridizing sequences (introns) within their 800 base length. A cDNA clone specific for the 19,000 dalton zein protein formed D-loops in the same position and orientation as the R-loops. The cloned fragment measured 4.4 kilobases (kb), the same size as an EcoRI fragment of maize DNA revealed by Southern analysis.  相似文献   

Despite the current wealth of sequencing data, one‐third of all biochemically characterized metabolic enzymes lack a corresponding gene or protein sequence, and as such can be considered orphan enzymes. They represent a major gap between our molecular and biochemical knowledge, and consequently are not amenable to modern systemic analyses. As 555 of these orphan enzymes have metabolic pathway neighbours, we developed a global framework that utilizes the pathway and (meta)genomic neighbour information to assign candidate sequences to orphan enzymes. For 131 orphan enzymes (37% of those for which (meta)genomic neighbours are available), we associate sequences to them using scoring parameters with an estimated accuracy of 70%, implying functional annotation of 16 345 gene sequences in numerous (meta)genomes. As a case in point, two of these candidate sequences were experimentally validated to encode the predicted activity. In addition, we augmented the currently available genome‐scale metabolic models with these new sequence–function associations and were able to expand the models by on average 8%, with a considerable change in the flux connectivity patterns and improved essentiality prediction.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a segment of the chick alpha 2 collagen gene by screening a library of chick genomic fragments using as hybridization probe an alpha 2 collagen cDNA clone. Several clones were isolated and one of them, lambda gCOL 204, was used for further studies. The DNA of lambda gCOL 204 hybridizes to a unique species of mRNA the size of alpha 2 collagen mRNA. This mRNA can be translated into a unique polypeptide which comigrates in SDS-gel electrophoresis with pro-alpha 2 collagen. Electron microscopic analysis by R-loop technique indicates that lambda gCOL 204 contains 7Kb of the alpha 2 collagen gene. This 7 Kb piece constitutes the 3' end of the gene. The same clone also contains 9 Kb of DNA that is immediately adjacent to the 3' end of the alpha 2 collagen gene. The cloned segment of the alpha 2 collagen gene is interrupted by 8 intervening sequences of various lengths. The coding sequences for collagen in this clone add up to approximately 1,800 bp, which correspond to about 1/3 of alpha 2 collagen mRNA. DNA sequence analysis of a small coding segment of lambda g COL 204 reveals a characteristic collagen type sequence which encodes for an amino acid sequence identical to a sequence found in calf alpha 2 collagen. The sequence of this region of the protein has not yet been determined for the chick alpha 2 collagen.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of breed composition and predictor dimensionality on the accuracy of direct genomic values (DGV) in a multiple breed (MB) cattle population were investigated. A total of 3559 bulls of three breeds were genotyped at 54 001 single nucleotide polymorphisms: 2093 Holstein (H), 749 Brown Swiss (B) and 717 Simmental (S). DGV were calculated using a principal component (PC) approach for either single (SB) or MB scenarios. Moreover, DGV were computed using all SNP genotypes simultaneously with SNPBLUP model as comparison. A total of seven data sets were used: three with a SB each, three with different pairs of breeds (HB, HS and BS), and one with all the three breeds together (HBS), respectively. Editing was performed separately for each scenario. Reference populations differed in breed composition, whereas the validation bulls were the same for all scenarios. The number of SNPs retained after data editing ranged from 36 521 to 41 360. PCs were extracted from actual genotypes. The total number of retained PCs ranged from 4029 to 7284 in Brown Swiss and HBS respectively, reducing the number of predictors by about 85% (from 82% to 89%). In all, three traits were considered: milk, fat and protein yield. Correlations between deregressed proofs and DGV were used to assess prediction accuracy in validation animals. In the SB scenarios, average DGV accuracy did not substantially change when either SNPBLUP or PC were used. Improvement of DGV accuracy were observed for some traits in Brown Swiss, only when MB reference populations and PC approach were used instead of SB-SNPBLUP (+10% HBS, +16%HB for milk yield and +3% HBS and +7% HB for protein yield, respectively). With the exclusion of the abovementioned cases, similar accuracies were observed using MB reference population, under the PC or SNPBLUP models. Random variation owing to sampling effect or size and composition of the reference population may explain the difficulty in finding a defined pattern in the results.  相似文献   

Two independent methods are used to evaluate the protein-coding information content in different classes of DNA sequences. The first method allows to evaluate the statistical relevance of finding unidentified reading frames, longer than 100 codons, on both DNA strands of: a) 117 DNA sequences that code for 142 nuclear proteins; b) 39 stable RNA coding sequences and c) 36 other DNA sequences which include regulatory and as yet unknown function sequences. The finding of 50 reading frames longer than 100 codons (complementary inverted proteins or c.i.p. genes) located on the DNA strand complementary to the protein-coding one is drastically in excess of the number predicted by chance alone. An independent method (testcode) applied to c.i.p. gene sequences, which assigns the probability of coding to a given sequence, predicts that more than 50% of these genes are translated in a functional product. These analyses indicate the existence of a new class of protein-coding genes, located on the DNA sequences complementary to the protein-coding DNA strand.  相似文献   

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