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郑天义  王丹  姬柳婷  康冰 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7353-7361
通过多元回归树(MRT,multivariate regression trees)对太白山自然保护区典型森林群落进行数量分类,采用典范对应分析(CCA,canonical correspondence analysis)进行排序,并对分类得到的森林群落总体多样性进行分析。研究表明:(1)对30个样地进行MRT分类,经交叉验证得出太白山自然保护区典型森林群落可以分为6类。(2)CCA排序揭示了群落的生境分布范围,并反映了太白山森林群落与环境因子的关系,研究表明,海拔、坡度、枯落物厚度和干扰情况4个变量对本研究区群落分布有显著影响。(3)位于中海拔区域森林群落的3种总体多样性指数均较高,而位于高海拔和低海拔区域森林群落的3种总体多样性指数相对较低。  相似文献   

古田山国家级自然保护区地处中亚热带, 地形复杂, 森林群落类型丰富。我们在保护区内10种主要森林群落类型中网格化布置并调查了79个20 m × 20 m样地, 分析了不同群落类型内及相互间的α (Shannon-Wiener指数)、β (Horn-Morisita相异性指数)多样性分布格局及其影响因素。结果表明: (1) α多样性主要受到群落类型、海拔和坡向的影响。α多样性在不同群落类型间差异显著, 并且随海拔升高、坡向从南到北, α多样性增大。(2) β多样性主要受到群落类型和海拔的影响, 受空间距离的影响不显著。不同群落类型间的β多样性显著大于同一群落类型内部, 并且随海拔升高β多样性增大。总体而言, 群落类型和海拔是古田山森林群落α和β多样性的主要影响因子, 表明生境过滤等机制对该区域的森林物种多样性格局起着主要作用。  相似文献   

曾文豪  石慰  唐一思  郑维艳  曹坤芳 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8708-8716
以广西地区植被调查集资料总共365个群落样方(样方面积在300—1000 m2,50%左右为400 m2)为基础,将样方分为海拔≤1000 m喀斯特和非喀斯特森林以及海拔1000 m的非喀斯特森林三类生境,探讨这3种生境森林物种丰富度和群落系统发育结构差异及其与年均温的关系。结果表明,海拔≤1000 m非喀斯特森林含有4种以上的科比海拔1000 m非喀斯特森林多24科,比喀斯特森林多18科,其中樟科、壳斗科、山茶科、杜鹃花科等都是两种非喀斯特森林生境的重要组成科;大戟科为喀斯特森林含有种数最多的科,其中出现在非喀斯特森林的山茶科和杜鹃花科等没有在喀斯特森林出现。森林物种多样性及系统发育指数与年均温不相关或相关不强;海拔≤1000 m的喀斯特与非喀斯特森林的Gleason物种多样性指数没有显著差异,而海拔1000 m的非喀斯特森林的Gleason指数比另外两种生境显著高。海拔≤1000 m非喀斯特森林系统发育多样性PD指数比中山地带的非喀斯特生境的森林高。喀斯特森林和海拔1000 m非喀斯特的绝大部分样地以及海拔≤1000 m的非喀斯特大部分样地都表现出系统发育结构聚集,推测生境过滤在广西地区喀斯特和非喀斯特森林群落构建中发挥着主要作用。但是喀斯特和海拔1000 m的非喀斯特两种生境森林群落发生系统发育发散的比例都比海拔≤1000 m的非喀斯特森林低,揭示生境过滤在这两个生境更为明显。  相似文献   

贾鹏  杜国祯 《生命科学》2014,(2):153-157
生物多样性是生态学的核心问题。传统的多样性指数仅包含物种数和相对多度的信息,这类基于分类学的多样性指数并不能很好地帮助理解群落构建和生态系统功能。不同物种对群落构建和生态系统功能所起到的作用类型和贡献也不完全相同,且物种在生态过程中的作用和贡献往往与性状密切相关,因此功能多样性已经成为反映物种群落构建、干扰以及环境因素对群落影响的重要指标。同时,由于亲缘关系相近的物种往往具有相似的性状,系统发育多样性也可以作为功能多样性的一个替代。功能多样性和系统发育多样性各自具有优缺点,但二者均比分类多样性更能揭示群落和生态系统的构建、维持与功能。  相似文献   

生物多样性的海拔分布格局是生态学研究的热点。海拔作为综合性因子驱动着植物群落的物种、系统发育与功能多样性的空间分布。以戴云山南坡900-1600 m森林植物群落为研究对象,探讨物种多样性、系统发育指数与环境驱动因子的相互关系以及环境因子在群落构建与多样性维持中的重要意义。结果表明:(1)森林植物群落的系统发育多样性与物种多样性沿海拔均呈现中间高度膨胀格局。(2)物种多样性Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数与系统发育多样性指数呈显著正相关,表明物种多样性越高,系统发育多样性也越高。Shannon-Wiener指数与物种多样性指数(Margalef、Pielou、Simpson指数)、系统发育多样性及系统发育结构都存在显著相关性,一定程度上Shannon-Wiener指数可以代替其他指数。Pielou指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数与系统发育结构NRI (Net relatedness index)指数、NTI (Net nearest taxa index)指数存在显著正相关,表明群落优势度、均匀度与系统发育结构相关性较强。(3)土壤全磷含量是影响系统发育多样性和物种多样性的主要驱动因子,土壤含水量是影响Shannon-Wiener、Pielou、Simpson指数的最显著因子,海拔是影响群落系统发育结构的主要因素。海拔是影响系统发育结构变化的主要环境因子,而土壤因子是影响物种多样性与系统发育多样性的主要因素,进一步验证了物种多样性与系统发育多样性的高度相关,结果旨在揭示物种群落空间分布规律。  相似文献   

周婀  李勃  马瑜 《生物技术》2023,(1):14-18+47
[目的]为研究秦岭中段主峰太白山野生桃儿七(Sinopodophyllum hexandrum)中内生真菌的群落组成及多样性,揭示不同生境对其内生真菌群落组成和分布的影响。[方法]选取红河谷、蒿坪两地野生桃儿七为研究对象,采用三步法对两个样地30株野生桃儿七根、茎、叶组织块进行内生真菌的分离、纯化及鉴定,并对所分离菌株群落组成及多样性进行统计分析。[结果]共获得1 865株内生真菌菌株,涉及22个属,链格孢属和茎点霉属为主要优势类群。多样性指数分析结果表明,两样地间不同组织的内生真菌多样性呈现出相似的趋势,即茎>根>叶。[结论]太白山野生桃儿七各组织中内生真菌群落组成不同,不同样地间及同一样地桃儿七内生真菌种类均具有一定差异性,具有丰富的物种多样性。  相似文献   

为揭示森林群落系统发育结构在海拔梯度上的变化及其驱动因素, 本研究以云南哀牢山西坡的亚热带森林群落为研究对象, 以APG III系统为基础框架, 结合DNA条形码序列信息解决末端分类单元亲缘关系的方法, 构建了哀牢山森林群落系统发育进化树, 采用净亲缘指数(net relatedness index, NRI)和最近亲缘指数(nearest taxon index, NTI), 探讨了不同植被类型的森林群落系统发育结构和沿海拔梯度的变化规律。结果表明, 从整体的海拔变化趋势上来看, 哀牢山森林群落系统发育结构随海拔上升由系统发育聚集(phylogenetic clustering)走向发散(phylogenetic overdispersion)或聚集程度降低。在低海拔地区, 群落表现为系统发育聚集, 表明生态位理论中的生境过滤作用在群落构建和生物多样性的维持中起着主导作用; 在中海拔地区, 出现了聚集与发散两种群落系统发育结构并存的现象, 推测可能是生境过滤和竞争排斥两种生态过程共同作用的结果; 在高海拔地区, 群落的系统发育结构因选择的指数不同而出现相反的结果, NRI表现出系统发育聚集, 而NTI却表现为随机或发散, 考虑到高海拔地区的环境胁迫可能促使植物发生趋同进化, 推测其群落构建的生态学过程需要更为综合的研究。本研究揭示群落系统发育结构沿海拔梯度确实存在显著的变化, 证明在生态群落的构建过程中非随机过程起到促进乃至关键作用。  相似文献   

历山自然保护区猪尾沟森林群落植物多样性研究   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数对山西历山自然保护区猪尾沟森林群落多样性进行研究。结果表明 :1 )同一群落内 ,多样性指数存在一定的波动范围 ;不同群落间 ,物种多样性也存在差异 ,但其并不一定具有统计学意义。由此表明 ,群落之间存在差异 ,同时也存在着连续性。 2 )海拔高度是决定本区多样性分布格局的主导因子 ,随着群落分布海拔高度的增加 ,多样性呈一致的上升趋势 ,即多样性与海拔呈正相关关系。 3)群落物种多样性对海拔的敏感性由大到小的次序为草本层 >乔木层 >灌木层 ,其中乔木层的丰富度指数、草本层均匀度指数与海拔有着极显著的正相关关系 ,而乔木层的多样性指数、草本层的丰富度指数与海拔有着极显著的负相关关系 ,灌木层的多样性与海拔没有显著的相关性。 4)群落中不同结构、不同层次对群落总体多样性的贡献是不同的 ,两种测定方法所产生的总体多样性之间呈显著相关关系 ,表明给定加权参数的测定方法没有影响客观生态意义的反映 ,同时也更好地反映出群落结构对于群落多样性的功能差异  相似文献   

探索和揭示生物多样性的空间格局和维持机制是生态学和生物地理学研究的热点内容, 但综合物种、系统进化和功能属性等方面的多样性海拔格局研究很少。该文以关帝山森林群落为研究对象, 综合物种、谱系和功能α和β多样性指数, 旨在初步探讨关帝山森林群落多样性海拔格局及其维持机制。研究结果表明: 随着海拔的升高(1 409-2 150 m), 关帝山森林群落物种丰富度指数(S)、谱系多样性指数(PD)和功能丰富度指数(FRic)整体上表现出上升的趋势, 特别是海拔1 800 m以上区域。随着海拔的升高, 总β多样性(βtotal)和更替(βrepl)上升趋势明显, 而丰富度差异(βrich)则逐渐下降。不同生活型植物的物种、谱系和功能多样性海拔格局差异较大。随着海拔的升高, 草本植物S和物种多样性指数(H′)上升趋势高于木本植物。影响草本植物S分布的主要因素是地形因子, 而影响木本植物S分布的主要因素是历史过程。随着海拔的升高, 木本植物βtotal上升趋势要比草本植物明显。随着海拔的升高, 木本植物βreplβrich分别表现出单峰格局和“U”形格局, 而草本植物βreplβrich则分别表现出单调递增和单调递减的格局。随着环境差异和地理距离的增加, 群落间物种、谱系和功能β多样性显著增加。环境差异(环境过滤)对木本植物的β多样性具有相对较强的作用; 而环境差异(环境过滤)和地理距离(扩散限制)共同作用于草本植物的β多样性。  相似文献   

物种多样性沿海拔梯度的垂直分布格局一直是生物多样性研究的热点问题,其中最为普遍的分布模式为中峰格局。为了解太白山北坡小型兽类物种组成和物种多样性垂直分布格局,本研究于2020和2021年两年的6至9月采用样线法、铗日法和陷阱法对太白山北坡小型兽类物种进行调查。在海拔780~3767.2 m之间,以200 m为梯度,设置采集样点15个,累计布置4150铗次,陷阱105个,样线8条。共记录小型兽类4目7科12属21种148只,阔叶林中的小型兽类物种多样性普遍高于针叶林,物种多样性在中海拔地区栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)林、锐齿槲栎(Q.aliena)林最高,高海拔地区秦岭冷杉(Abies fargesii)林最低。小型兽类物种多样性垂直分布格局为左偏倚中峰格局,物种多样性在1500~2300 m海拔段内出现峰值。这种分布格局和林型中小型兽类东洋界与古北界、特有种与非特有种在太白山地区交汇有关,太白山北坡南北纵列的山脉-沟谷地貌为南北物种扩散和迁移提供了有利条件,在沟谷内气候和地理特征相似,形成了规律的林型垂直带谱,这使得小型兽类物种多样性垂直分布也具有相似的特点。  相似文献   

近年来, 功能多样性和谱系多样性为探究群落构建机制提供了新方法。为了更准确地了解海南岛高海拔热带云雾林群落构建机制, 该研究以海南岛霸王岭热带云雾林为对象, 测定7个环境因子和13个植物功能性状。利用主成分分析(PCA)筛选环境因子, 以霸王岭、尖峰岭和黎母山热带云雾林分布物种建立区域物种库, 结合模型, 分析Rao二次熵(RaoQ)和平均成对谱系距离(MPD)变化对植物群落构建的影响。结果表明: 林冠开阔度、土壤全磷含量和坡度是影响植物群落构建的关键环境因子。多数功能性状的系统发育信号很低且不显著, 说明热带云雾林群落的系统发育关系与功能性状随历史进程变化不一致。RaoQMPD的实际观测值都显著低于期望值, 且其标准效应值与土壤磷含量显著相关, 说明生境过滤是驱动热带云雾林群落构建的关键因子, 土壤磷含量是群落构建的关键环境筛。  相似文献   

Ecologists are increasingly making use of molecular phylogenies, especially in the fields of community ecology and conservation. However, these phylogenies are often used without full appreciation of their underlying assumptions and uncertainties. A frequent practice in ecological studies is inferring a phylogeny with molecular data from taxa only within the community of interest. These “inferred community phylogenies” are inherently biased in their taxon sampling. Despite the importance of comprehensive sampling in constructing phylogenies, the implications of using inferred community phylogenies in ecological studies have not been examined. Here, we evaluate how taxon sampling affects the quantification and comparison of community phylogenetic diversity using both simulated and empirical data sets. We demonstrate that inferred community trees greatly underestimate phylogenetic diversity and that the probability of incorrectly ranking community diversity can reach up to 25%, depending on the dating methods employed. We argue that to reach reliable conclusions, ecological studies must improve their taxon sampling and generate the best phylogeny possible.  相似文献   

AimsThe evolutionary history and functional traits of species can illuminate ecological processes supporting coexistence in diverse forest communities. However, little has been done in decoupling the relative importance of these mechanisms on the turnover of phylogenetic and functional characteristics across life stages and spatial scales. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the contribution of environment and dispersal on the turnover of phylogenetic and functional diversity across life stages and spatial scales, in order to build a coherent picture of the processes responsible for species coexistence.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem productivity has become a central issue in ecology and conservation biology studies, particularly when these relationships are connected with global climate change and species extinction. However, which facets of biodiversity (i.e. taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity) account most for variations in productivity are still not understood very well. This is especially true with regard to temperate forest ecosystems. In this study, we used a dataset from a stem‐mapped permanent forest plot in northeastern China exploring the relationships between biodiversity and productivity at different spatial scales (20 × 20 m; 40 × 40 m; and 60 × 60 m). The influence of specific environmental conditions (topographic conditions) and stand maturity (expressed by initial stand volume and biomass) were taken into account using the multivariate approach known as structural equation models. The variable “Biodiversity” includes taxonomic (Shannon), functional (FDis), and phylogenetic diversity (PD). Biodiversity–productivity relationships varied with the spatial scales. At the scale of 20 × 20 m, PD and FDis significantly affected forest biomass productivity, while Shannon had only indirect effects. At the 40 × 40 m and 60 × 60 m scales, biodiversity and productivity were weakly correlated. The initial stand volume and biomass were the most important drivers of forest productivity. The local environmental conditions significantly influenced the stand volume, biomass, biodiversity, and productivity. The results highlight the scale dependency of the relationships between forest biodiversity and productivity. The positive role of biodiversity in facilitating forest productivity was confirmed at the smaller scales. Our findings emphasize the fundamental role of environmental conditions in determining forest ecosystem performances. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the underlying ecological processes that influence specific forest biodiversity and productivity relationships.  相似文献   

Ecological communities including tropical rainforest are rapidly changing under various disturbances caused by increasing human activities. Recently in Cambodia, illegal logging and clear-felling for agriculture have been increasing. Here, we study the effects of logging, mortality and recruitment of plot trees on phylogenetic community structure in 32 plots in Kampong Thom, Cambodia. Each plot was 0.25 ha; 28 plots were established in primary evergreen forests and four were established in secondary dry deciduous forests. Measurements were made in 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2010, and logging, recruitment and mortality of each tree were recorded. We estimated phylogeny using rbcL and matK gene sequences and quantified phylogenetic α and β diversity. Within communities, logging decreased phylogenetic diversity, and increased overall phylogenetic clustering and terminal phylogenetic evenness. Between communities, logging increased phylogenetic similarity between evergreen and deciduous plots. On the other hand, recruitment had opposite effects both within and between communities. The observed patterns can be explained by environmental homogenization under logging. Logging is biased to particular species and larger diameter at breast height, and forest patrol has been effective in decreasing logging.  相似文献   

The tropical niche conservatism hypothesis suggests that most groups should be most phylogenetically clustered in cold, dry environments. This idea has been well-tested in plants and some animal groups, but not for fishes. We assess the geographic patterns of freshwater fish phylogenetic structure and investigate the relationships between these patterns and environmental variables across North America and within two biogeographic realms. Phylogenetic relatedness and diversity of 360 freshwater fish assemblages across North America were quantified with three metrics based on a well-dated phylogeny, and were related to 15 environmental variables using correlation and regression analyses. Geographically, the data were analyzed for North America as well as for separate biogeographic realms. We found that cold temperatures are the strongest determinant of phylogenetic clustering overall. However, in the arid west, clustering is most pronounced in the driest regions. In eastern North America, phylogenetic clustering increases at higher latitudes, while the reverse is true in western North America. The strongest phylogenetic clustering for freshwater fish assemblages on the continent is found in the most arid, rather than the coldest, climate in North America. Our results highlight that patterns of phylogenetic structure of freshwater fishes in North America are driven by both ecological and evolutionary processes that differ regionally.  相似文献   

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