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香蕉束顶病和花叶心腐病的快速测定技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种植无病蕉苗是防治香蕉束顶病和花叶心腐病的根本措施。筛选无病蕉苗的快速测定技术。除可引用2,3,5-氯化三苯基四(氨)唑浸渍徒手切片;在36℃条件下。24小时后:束顶病株叶脉切片的维管束呈现红色,其它组织为红褐色;花叶心腐病株叶脉切片(含维管束)全部呈现黑褐色;而健株叶脉切片由原绿色变成红色,最后褪成无色。此外。也可取叶片主脉的徒手切片,用1%曙红B水溶液染色。健株切片呈桔红色,病株切片呈砖红色,通过镜检:束顶病株叶片切片的表皮下,可观察到围绕在维管束周围成堆的分布有畸形叶绿体细胞团;花叶心腐病的畸形叶绿体细胞团,多分布在薄壁细胞中,且多散生;而健株的切片没有发现这种畸形的叶绿体细胞团,两种方法同样可靠。  相似文献   

Cell viability assays are widely used to assess the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs and other agents on cell lines and have shown promise for the prediction of tumour chemosensitivity. In this study we have compared two viability assays using Daudi and CCRF-CEM cell lines over a range of 1500–100,000 cells/well of a microplate. The ATP assay was able to detect the lower limit of 1563 cells/well with luminescence values at least 100× background readings, while the MTT assay could not detect less than 25,000 cells/well above background readings. The ATP assay also showed better reproducibility and sensitivity when cells were grown in microtitre plates over several days, and is particularly useful for the measurement of viability with low cell numbers.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrification in well drained granitic soils from forest stands and grassland of differing successional status and from beneath isolated individuals of several tree species were compared in a series of laboratory experiments. Fresh samples were perfused with distilled water or nutrient solution for 10 to 14 weeks at 20°C. The following treatments were applied to the soils singly and in combination: 200 and 400 g N g–1 as (NH4)2SO4; 100 g P g–1 as KH2PO4; 4000 g CaCO3 g–1; inoculation of non-nitrifying soil with nitrifying soil; perfusion of nitrifying soil with leachate from non-nitrifying soil.Nitrification was absent or occurred at only a low rate in many soils; it generally increased as succession proceeded from nature grassland or eucalypt forest towards climax temperate rainforest, but decreased in mature climax forests. However, the influence of individual tree species was often paramount. Nitrification was stimulated by disturbance of a stand by disease. A possible inhibitor of nitrification in a rainforest soil could not be removed by leaching with water, nor transferred via the leachate to a nitrifying soil. Addition of P was without effect on either total amount of nitrate produced or on net mineralisation of soil N, but sometimes increased the rate of nitrification of added ammonium. Non-nitrifying rainforest soil of pH 4.3 was induced to nitrify only after addition of (NH4)2SO4, inoculation with a nitrifying soil, and addition of CaCO3 to raise pH by 3 units. However, once nitrification had commenced it could continue with little change in rate while pH decreased to a value of 3.4.It was concluded that rate of nitrification is dependent upon the presence of particular tree species in a stand, upon its history of disturbance, and hence in part upon the stand's successional status. It is not limited by pHper se within the range found in these soils, although an increase in pH may be necessary to initiate nitrification. In some soils the rate of nitrification may be limited by the level of ammonium substrate, and nitrifiers are virtually absent from others. Overall microbial activity is limited by lack of utilisable carbon substrate.  相似文献   

The anatomical and physiological isolation of the sieve element-companion cell complex (se-cc complex) was investigated in stems of Ricinus communis L. and Salix alba L. In Ricinus, the plasmodesmatal frequencies were in the proportions 8∶1∶2∶30, in the order given, at the interfaces between sieve tube-companion cell, sieve tube-phloem parenchyma cell, companion cellphloem parenchyma cell, and phloem parenchyma cellphloem parenchyma cell. The membrane potentials of the se-cc complex and the surrounding phloem-parenchyma cells sharply contrasted: the membrane potential of the se-cc complex was about twice as negative as that of the phloem parenchyma. Lucifer Yellow CH injected into the sieve element or into the companion cell remained within the se-cc complex. Dye introduced into phloem parenchyma only moved (mostly poorly) to other phloem-parenchyma cells. The distribution of the plasmodesmatal frequencies, the differential dye-coupling and the sharp discontinuities in membrane potentials indicate that the se-cc complexes constitute symplast domains in the stem phloem. Symplastic autonomy is discussed as a basic necessity for the functioning of the se-cc complex in the stem.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and reliable method has been developed for assessing the number and viability of cells, as well as cell size, in suspension culture by the use of flow cytometry. Propidium iodide exclusion is used for viability determination and fluorescent beads serve as an internal standard for cell enumeration. The main advantages of this method are its ability to handle a large number of samples with a high degree of precision and its specificity in detecting viable cells quantitatively in a heterogeneous culture of living and dead cells and debris. The method shows only a fraction of the variation found in the haemacytometer/trypan blue counting method due to its very low operator dependence. CHO - Chinese hamster ovary; FCS - Foetal calf serum; FS - Forward scatter light; MTT - 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; NCS - newborn calf serum; PBS - Phosphate buffered saline; PI - Propidium iodide; SS - Side scatter light. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The xylem plays an important role in strengthening plant bodies. Past studies on xylem formation in tension woods in poplar and also in clinorotated Prunus tree stems lead to the suggestion that changes in the gravitational conditions affect morphology and mechanical properties of xylem vessels. The aim of this study was to examine effects of hypergravity stimulus on morphology and development of primary xylem vessels and on mechanical properties of isolated secondary wall preparations in inflorescence stems of arabidopsis. METHODS: Morphology of primary xylem was examined under a light microscope on cross-sections of inflorescence stems of arabidopsis plants, which had been grown for 3-5 d after exposure to hypergravity at 300 g for 24 h. Extensibility of secondary cell wall preparation, isolated from inflorescence stems by enzyme digestion of primary cell wall components (mainly composed of metaxylem elements), was examined. Plants were treated with gadolinium chloride, a blocker of mechanoreceptors, to test the involvement of mechanoreceptors in the responses to hypergravity. KEY RESULTS: Number of metaxylem elements per xylem, apparent thickness of the secondary thickenings, and cross-section area of metaxylem elements in inflorescence stems increased in response to hypergravity. Gadolinium chloride suppressed the effect of hypergravity on the increase both in the thickness of secondary thickenings and in the cross-section area of metaxylem elements, while it did not suppress the effect of hypergravity on the increase in the number of metaxylem elements. Extensibility of secondary cell wall preparation decreased in response to hypergravity. Gadolinium chloride suppressed the effect of hypergravity on cell wall extensibility. CONCLUSIONS: Hypergravity stimulus promotes metaxylem development and decreases extensibility of secondary cell walls, and mechanoreceptors were suggested to be involved in these processes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Syngeneic vascular cells are interesting tools for indirect gene therapy in the cardiovascular system. This study aims to optimize transfection conditions of primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) using different non-viral vectors and zinc as an adjuvant and to implant these transfected cells in vivo. METHODS: Non-liposomal cationic vectors (FuGene 6), polyethylenimines (ExGen 500), and histidylated polylysine (HPL) were used as non-viral vectors in vitro with secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) as reporter gene. Transfection efficiency was compared in cultured rat, rabbit and human VSMCs and fibroblasts. Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) was added to optimize transfection of rat VSMCs in vitro which were then seeded in vivo. RESULTS: Much higher SEAP levels were obtained in rabbit cells with FuGene 6 (p <0.0001) at day 2 than in equivalent rat and human cells. Rat VSMCs transfected in vitro with FuGene 6 and ExGen 500 expressed higher SEAP levels than with HPL. In rat VSMCs, SEAP secretion was more than doubled by addition of 250 microM ZnCl2 (p <0.0001) for all vectors. Seeding of syngeneic VSMCs transfected under optimized conditions (FuGene 6/pcDNA3-SEAP +250 microM ZnCl2) into healthy Lewis rats using various routes or into post-infarct myocardial scar resulted in a peak of SEAP expression at day 2 and detectable activity in the plasma for at least 8 days. CONCLUSIONS: FuGene 6 is an efficient non-viral transfection reagent for gene transfer in somatic smooth muscle cells in vitro and ZnCl2 enhances its efficiency. This increased expression of the transgene product is maintained after seeding in vivo.  相似文献   


The radial fusiform cell files of the secondary phloem of conifers and dicots are composed of different cell types?–?fibres, parenchyma and sieve cells (in conifers), or sieve elements plus companion cells (in dicots). These cell types are arranged in characteristic, species-specific sequences along the radii of the files. The sequences are replicated in adjacent files and this leads to tangential bands of similar cell type. Moreover, the sequences are developed repetitively so that a sequence found in one year's growth increment of phloem is repeated in the next increment. In some species, many repetitions of the same sequence occur within one annual increment. A general hypothesis has been developed to account for the radial sequences of cell types. It is proposed that there is a gradient of a phloem-promoting morphogen, a series of morphogen thresholds for the determination of each phloem cell type, and a particular spatio-temporal pattern of periclinal cell division in the phloem domain of the vascular cambium that generates a corresponding pattern of cell displacement through the morphogen gradient in the immediately post-mitotic zone of cell determination. The feasibility of the hypothesis was supported by means of simulation which, using a constant set of initial conditions, could reproduce very nearly all the radial sequences of cell types found in the secondary phloem of a range of species of conifers and woody dicots. The tangential banding of the various cell types suggests that cell production and cell determination are events which occur synchronously across the radial files. The repeating blocks of cell types may constitute functional modules of phloem tissue, and the constituent cells probably have particular patterns of symplasmic connections and mechano-structural properties.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate warming depend on the degree to which plants are constrained by adaptation to their climate‐of‐origin or exhibit broad climatic suitability. We grew cool‐origin, central and warm‐origin provenances of Eucalyptus tereticornis in an array of common temperature environments from 18 to 35.5°C to determine if this widely distributed tree species consists of geographically contrasting provenances with differentiated and narrow thermal niches, or if provenances share a common thermal niche. The temperature responses of photosynthesis, respiration, and growth were equivalent across the three provenances, reflecting a common thermal niche despite a 2,200 km geographic distance and 13°C difference in mean annual temperature at seed origin. The temperature dependence of growth was primarily mediated by changes in leaf area per unit plant mass, photosynthesis, and whole‐plant respiration. Thermal acclimation of leaf, stem, and root respiration moderated the increase in respiration with temperature, but acclimation was constrained at high temperatures. We conclude that this species consists of provenances that are not differentiated in their thermal responses, thus rejecting our hypothesis of adaptation to climate‐of‐origin and suggesting a shared thermal niche. In addition, growth declines with warming above the temperature optima were driven by reductions in whole‐plant leaf area and increased respiratory carbon losses. The impacts of climate warming will nonetheless vary across the geographic range of this and other such species, depending primarily on each provenance's climate position on the temperature response curves for photosynthesis, respiration, and growth.  相似文献   

Primates are excellent models for study of blood transfusion in humans. Erythrocytes of chimpanzees, gibbons, baboons, and rhesus monkeys have a half life (T/2) of 14 to 16 days and a life span (T/10) of approximately 50 to 60 days, which is about half of that found in man. Red cells of primates were cryopreserved by freezing using either a droplet method or the low-glycerol rapid-freeze procedure. Thawed cells survive normally when transfused into the same species. Transfusion of incompatible isologous blood in alloimmunized baboons, in the presence of high titer antibodies, showed survival with small volumes to be virtually nil, but with large volumes, a short normal survival period was followed by a “collapse” phenomenon similar to that seen in humans.  相似文献   

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