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Recent studies have shown that simplistic measures of toxicity such as the LC50 do not provide enough information about the actual effects that may occur in pesticide-exposed populations over longer time periods than a few days. In this paper we discuss the use of demography and population modeling for estimation of pesticide effects on pest and beneficial species and argue that these new approaches are essential to further our understanding of the potential impacts that pesticides might have on both pest and beneficial species such as biological control agents.  相似文献   

Numerous evolutionary studies have sought to explain the distribution of diversity across the limbs of the tree of life. At the same time, ecological studies have sought to explain differences in diversity and relative abundance within and among ecological communities. Traditionally, these patterns have been considered separately, but models that consider processes operating at the level of individuals, such as neutral biodiversity theory (NBT), can provide a link between them. Here, we compare evolutionary dynamics across a suite of NBT models. We show that NBT can yield phylogenetic tree topologies with imbalance closely resembling empirical observations. In general, metacommunities that exhibit greater disparity in abundance are characterized by more imbalanced phylogenetic trees. However, NBT fails to capture the tempo of diversification as represented by the distribution of branching events through time. We suggest that population-level processes might therefore help explain the asymmetry of phylogenetic trees, but that tree shape might mislead estimates of evolutionary rates unless the diversification process is modeled explicitly.  相似文献   

Determining the timing, extent and underlying causes of interspecific gene exchange during or following speciation is central to understanding species' evolution. Antarctic notothenioid fish, thanks to the acquisition of antifreeze glycoproteins during Oligocene transition to polar conditions, experienced a spectacular radiation to >100 species during Late Miocene cooling events. The impact of recent glacial cycles on this group is poorly known, but alternating warming and cooling periods may have affected species' distributions, promoted ecological divergence into recurrently opening niches and/or possibly brought allopatric species into contact. Using microsatellite markers and statistical methods including Approximate Bayesian Computation, we investigated genetic differentiation, hybridization and the possible influence of the last glaciation/deglaciation events in three icefish species of the genus Chionodraco. Our results provide strong evidence of contemporary and past introgression by showing that: (i) a substantial fraction of contemporary individuals in each species has mixed ancestry, (ii) evolutionary scenarios excluding hybridization or including it only in ancient times have small or zero posterior probabilities, (iii) the data support a scenario of interspecific gene flow associated with the two most recent interglacial periods. Glacial cycles might therefore have had a profound impact on the genetic composition of Antarctic fauna, as newly available shelf areas during the warmer intervals might have favoured secondary contacts and hybridization between diversified groups. If our findings are confirmed in other notothenioids, they offer new perspectives for understanding evolutionary dynamics of Antarctic fish and suggest a need for new predictions on the effects of global warming in this group.  相似文献   

Ecosystem service refers to a wide range of conditions and processes provided by natural ecosystems to help sustain and enhance human life. However, not all ecological conditions or processes are beneficial; some are restrictive or even detrimental under certain circumstances. The nature of the effects depends on time, space and specific target groups. Some locally detrimental phenomena might be beneficial at larger scales, and vice versa. Nature frequently causes detrimental impacts on human beings through disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, ice, sandstorms, flooding, drought, soil erosion, fire, disease and biological intrusion, even though these events might be beneficial to natural evolution. And such natural disasters can in turn be caused by human overuse of natural resources and destruction of the environment. On the other hand, human beings do not always destroy nature, but in fact can play a beneficial role through ecological design, engineering and management – activities which could be considered as the human eco-service contribution to nature. To avoid the misleading point of view that nature is always a servant of mankind, the mono-directional ecosystem service concept should be expanded to one of mutual services. Measurement methods of ecological services were put forward, including space, time, equivalent, pattern and order measuring methods. Case studies of urban land evaluation, ecological space accounting, water and energy equivalents assessment were performed in Changzhou city, Taihu basin and Yangzhou city of PR China applying spatial, pattern and equivalent measurement methods.  相似文献   

Natural hazards are naturally occurring physical events that can impact human welfare both directly and indirectly, via shocks to ecosystems and the services they provide. Animal‐mediated pollination is critical for sustaining agricultural economies and biodiversity, yet stands to lose both from present exposure to natural hazards, and future climate‐driven shifts in their distribution, frequency, and intensity. In contrast to the depth of knowledge available for anthropogenic‐related threats, our understanding of how naturally occurring extreme events impact pollinators and pollination has not yet been synthesized. We performed a systematic review and meta‐analysis to examine the potential impacts of natural hazards on pollinators and pollination in natural and cultivated systems. From a total of 117 studies (74% of which were observational), we found evidence of community and population‐level impacts to plants and pollinators from seven hazard types, including climatological (extreme heat, fire, drought), hydrological (flooding), meteorological (hurricanes), and geophysical (volcanic activity, tsunamis). Plant and pollinator response depended on the type of natural hazard and level of biological organization observed; 19% of cases reported no significant impact, whereas the majority of hazards held consistent negative impacts. However, the effects of fire were mixed, but taxa specific; meta‐analysis revealed that bee abundance and species richness tended to increase in response to fire, differing significantly from the mainly negative response of Lepidoptera. Building from this synthesis, we highlight important future directions for pollination‐focused natural hazard research, including the need to: (a) advance climate change research beyond static “mean‐level” changes by better incorporating “shock” events; (b) identify impacts at higher levels of organization, including ecological networks and co‐evolutionary history; and (c) address the notable gap in crop pollination services research—particularly in developing regions of the world. We conclude by discussing implications for safeguarding pollination services in the face of global climate change.  相似文献   

Since the 1920s, population geneticists have had measures that describe how genetic variation is distributed spatially within a species' geographical range. Modern genetic survey techniques frequently yield information on the evolutionary relationships among the alleles or haplotypes as well as information on allele frequencies and their spatial distributions. This evolutionary information is often expressed in the form of an estimated haplotype or allele tree. Traditional statistics of population structure, such as F statistics, do not make use of evolutionary genealogical information, so it is necessary to develop new statistical estimators and tests that explicitly incorporate information from the haplotype tree. One such technique is to use the haplotype tree to define a nested series of branches (clades), thereby allowing an evolutionary nested analysis of the spatial distribution of genetic variation. Such a nested analysis can be performed regarding the geographical sampling locations either as categorical or continuous variables (i.e. some measure of spatial distance). It is shown that such nested phylogeographical analyses have more power to detect geographical associations than traditional, nonhistorical analyses and, as a consequence, allow a broader range of gene-flow parameters to be estimated in a precise fashion. More importantly, such nested analyses can discriminate between phylogeographical associations due to recurrent but restricted gene flow vs. historical events operating at the population level (e.g. past fragmentation, colonization, or range expansion events). Restricted gene flow and historical events can be intertwined, and the cladistic analyses can reconstruct their temporal juxtapositions, thereby yielding great insight into both the evolutionary history and population structure of the species. Examples are given that illustrate these properties, concentrating on the detection of range expansion events.  相似文献   

By definition, organisms of hybrid ancestry carry amalgamations of divergent genomes. Thus, exaggerated effects of genomic interactions might be anticipated in hybrid populations, thereby magnifying the impact of natural selection and making this and other evolutionary forces easier to document. Mating biases and other gender-based asymmetries also frequently characterize hybrid populations. Thus, maternally inherited cytoplasmic polymorphisms assayed jointly with those at biparentally inherited nuclear loci provide powerful genetic markers to dissect ethological, ecological, and evolutionary processes in hybrid settings. Population-level topics that can be addressed using cytonuclear markers include the frequency of hybridization and introgression in nature, behavioral and ecological factors (such as mating preferences and hybrid fitnesses) influencing the genetic architectures of hybrid zones, the degree of consistency in genetic outcomes across multiple hybrid contact regions, and environmental impacts (including the introduction of alien species) on hybridization processes. Several empirical studies on fish populations in hybrid settings illustrate the application of cytonuclear appraisals in such contexts.  相似文献   

The application of tissue culture technology has revealed several new groups of viruses, comprising scores of different serotypes, as important causes of upper and lower respiratory tract disease in man. Other agents as yet unrecognized undoubtedly exist.Present epidemiologic data, although still incomplete, point up the unique importance of certain of these viruses in respiratory diseases.The particular type and severity of respiratory syndrome produced by a virus is determined by the immune status of the host, by the presence of complicating disease and by characteristics intrinsic in the infecting agent itself.Respiratory virus control might be particularly beneficial in certain groups, particularly persons with allergic sensitivity and chronic pulmonary disease.For control of viral respiratory disease, active immunization would provide significant protection but highly polyvalent vaccines might be necessary. Adjuvants could be helpful in this regard.Certain vaccines formerly in use were produced from strains of viruses which have recently been shown to be oncogenic in animals. In addition, hybridization of viruses can occur, resulting in the incorporation of the oncogenic potential of one agent into the genetic constitution of another. The significance of these biologic phenomena to vaccination programs has yet to be defined.Passive immunization would provide short-lived protection and would find application only in uniquely susceptible populations or at times of augmented risk. Active immunization of pregnant women, however, could provide increased breadth and duration to the transplacental passive immunity in the newborn.Interferon-inducing agents could potentially provide broad spectrum antiviral protection, but the extent and duration of their effectiveness are unknowns.Certain chemical agents have been shown to have prophylactic and therapeutic effects against a limited number of clinically severe viral diseases. Finally, limited data suggest that climatic control in places of public gathering might be worth evaluating as a means of controlling the spread of viral respiratory infections.  相似文献   

Humans are the dominant ecological and evolutionary force on the planet today, transforming habitats, polluting environments, changing climates, introducing new species, and causing other species to decline in number or go extinct. These worrying anthropogenic impacts, collectively termed global change, are often viewed as a confounding factor to minimize in basic studies and a problem to resolve or quantify in applied studies. However, these ‘accidental experiments’ also represent opportunities to gain fundamental insight into ecological and evolutionary processes, especially when they result in perturbations that are large or long in duration and difficult or unethical to impose experimentally. We demonstrate this by describing important fundamental insights already gained from studies which utilize global change factors as accidental experiments. In doing so, we highlight why accidental experiments are sometimes more likely to yield insights than traditional approaches. Next, we argue that emerging environmental problems can provide even more opportunities for scientific discovery in the future, and provide both examples and guidelines for moving forward. We recommend 1) a greater flow of information between basic and applied subfields of ecology and evolution to identify emerging opportunities; 2) considering the advantages of the ‘accidental experiment’ approach relative to more traditional approaches; and 3) planning for the challenges inherent to uncontrolled accidental experiments. We emphasize that we do not view the accidental experiments provided by global change as replacements for scientific studies quantifying the magnitude of anthropogenic impacts or outlining strategies for mitigating impacts. Instead, we believe that accidental experiments are uniquely situated to provide insights into evolutionary and ecological processes that ultimately allow us to better predict and manage change on our human‐dominated planet. Synthesis Humans have an increasingly large impact on the planet. In response, ecologists and evolutionary biologists are dedicating increasing scientific attention to global change, largely with studies documenting biological effects and testing strategies to avoid or reverse negative impacts. In this article, we analyze global change from a different perspective, and suggest that human impacts on the environment also serve as valuable ‘accidental experiments’ that can provide fundamental scientific insight. We highlight and synthesize examples of studies taking this approach, and give guidance for gaining future insights from these unfortunate ‘accidental experiments’.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is often considered to be a source of error in phylogenetic reconstruction, causing individual gene trees within an organismal lineage to be incongruent, obfuscating the ‘true’ evolutionary history. However, when identified as such, HGTs between divergent organismal lineages are useful, phylogenetically informative characters that can provide insight into evolutionary history. Here, we discuss several distinct HGT events involving all three domains of life, illustrating the selective advantages that can be conveyed via HGT, and the utility of HGT in aiding phylogenetic reconstruction and in dating the relative sequence of speciation events. We also discuss the role of HGT from extinct lineages, and its impact on our understanding of the evolution of life on Earth. Organismal phylogeny needs to incorporate reticulations; a simple tree does not provide an accurate depiction of the processes that have shaped life''s history.  相似文献   

Climate change can have diverse effects on natural enemies of pest species. Here we review these effects and their likely impacts on pest control. The fitness of natural enemies can be altered in response to changes in herbivore quality and size induced by temperature and CO2 effects on plants. The susceptibility of herbivores to predation and parasitism could be decreased through the production of additional plant foliage or altered timing of herbivore life cycles in response to plant phenological changes. The effectiveness of natural enemies in controlling pests will decrease if pest distributions shift into regions outside the distribution of their natural enemies, although a new community of enemies might then provide some level of control. As well as being affected by climate through host plants and associated herbivores, the abundance and activity of natural enemies will be altered through adaptive management strategies adopted by farmers to cope with climate change. These strategies may lead to a mismatch between pests and enemies in space and time, decreasing their effectiveness for biocontrol. Because of the diverse and often indirect effects of climate change on natural enemies, predictions will be difficult unless there is a good understanding of the way environmental effects impact on tritrophic interactions. In addition, evolutionary changes in both hosts and natural enemies might have unexpected consequences on levels of biocontrol exerted by enemies. We consider interactions between the pest light brown apple moth and its natural enemies to illustrate the type of data that needs to be collected to make useful predictions.  相似文献   

The process of crop domestication involves artificial selection for beneficial traits in plants, such as yield, standard development times for ease of harvest, and pest and disease resistance. This process has greatly improved crop performance and can allow farmers to produce viable harvests in previously un-profitable circumstances. However, there is growing evidence that domestication may impact species interactions perhaps through the amplification of effects across spatial scales and so have a pervasive influence on the functioning and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. This can occur directly, through unintentional alteration to crop traits that disrupt the host-finding ability of natural enemies; or indirectly through alterations to within-plant nutritional quality that impacts herbivore size and density and then ramifies throughout food chains. At the field level, the low variability in traits between individual plants means that particular weed and invertebrate communities are associated with each crop type. At the landscape level, the use of one or a few varieties across wide spatial scales, planted and harvested relatively synchronously, further reduces diversity. This process acting across multiple spatial scales represents a considerable selection pressure that may result in feedback-loops which favour the occurrence of particular traits within the community (e.g. resistance to pesticides). In order to properly balance the ‘pros and cons’ of the widespread adoption of new varieties, for the future, we must consider how particular traits influence interactions within the wider ecological community, and how these effects amplify across spatial scales. Here we argue that the process of domestication (with the primary goal of yield increases) and the widespread use of a few varieties has led to potentially detrimental impacts on species interactions, and suggest possible strategies for mitigating some of these negative impacts in the future.  相似文献   

Eukaryotes appear to evolve by micro and macro rearrangements. This is observed not only for long-term evolutionary adaptation, but also in short-term experimental evolution of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Moreover, based on these and other experiments it has been postulated that repeat elements, retroposons for example, mediate such events. We study an evolutionary model in which genomes with retroposons and a breaking/repair mechanism are subjected to a changing environment. We show that retroposon-mediated rearrangements can be a beneficial mutational operator for short-term adaptations to a new environment. But simply having the ability of rearranging chromosomes does not imply an advantage over genomes in which only single-gene insertions and deletions occur. Instead, a structuring of the genome is needed: genes that need to be amplified (or deleted) in a new environment have to cluster. We show that genomes hosting retroposons, starting with a random order of genes, will in the long run become organized, which enables (fast) rearrangement-based adaptations to the environment. In other words, our model provides a "proof of principle" that genomes can structure themselves in order to increase the beneficial effect of chromosome rearrangements.  相似文献   

Genetic variation is now routinely screened at the DNA sequence level in many studies. If the DNA region being screened has not experienced excessive amounts of recombination, it is often possible to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genetic variation in the form of a haplotype tree. This tree estimates the evolutionary pathway that interconnects all the different haplotypes (sequence variants) observed in the sample. This haplotype tree can be used to define a series of nested branches (clades) that reflects the relative temporal history of the haplotypes and groups of haplotypes. Geographical information can then be overlaid upon this temporal series to test for significant associations between geography and temporal position in the haplotype tree. This allows a reconstruction of how the genetic variation arose and spread in both space and time. Such reconstructions can yield many insights into the joint roles of recurrent events such as gene flow and of historical events such as fragmentation or range expansion. These points are illustrated with studies on the chub, Leuciscus cephalus. There is also a need to extend such nested phylogeographic analyses to a phylo/reticulate geographic analysis that incorporates both assortment and recombination between and within DNA regions. A preliminary phylo/reticulate geographic analysis is presented of the transferrin locus in the brown trout, Salmo trutta, species complex that reveals the importance of hybridization in the recent evolutionary history of this group. This example shows the inadequacy of a strictly phylogenetic approach and illustrates the need to incorporate reticulate evolution. The results of nested clade phylogeographic analysis and the new phylo/reticulate geographic analysis are then used for inferring species status of the marbled trout. The results indicate that an old hybridization event may have played a role in the origin of the marbled trout. Currently the marbled trout is primarily endangered by hybridization with introduced brown trout. These results show both the positive and negative impacts of hybridization upon biodiversity. Such phylo/reticulate geographic studies will challenge both our concepts of species and our conservation management strategies.  相似文献   

入侵植物根茎的生长和竞争力因相邻植物的不同而不同 物种内的遗传和表型变异对进化过程的影响已众所周知,但人们对种内变异如何影响群落水平过程还知之甚少。在人类对自然系统造成影响的大背景下,由于人类活动可能会产生巨大的选择压力,因此具有生态意义的种内变异可能会特别重要。在一项温室实验中,我们研究了一种分布广泛的入侵物种和农业杂草石茅(Sorghum halepense)在受到种间竞争、种内竞争和土壤肥力的影响时,其在生物量和根茎方面发生的种内变异和生态型变异。与我们的预期和此前的研究结果不同的是,我们并没有在这一早期生命阶段中发现石茅各生态型生物量的改变。然而,我们确实发现石茅的生物量会随着竞争植株种类和土壤施肥方式的不同而发生很显著的变化,同时不同株之间也存在很大差异。农业生态型的根茎较其它生态型大了11%,经施肥处理后的增大幅度更高至3倍;虽然施肥后的根茎生物量增加了~50%,但生态型之间却并无差异。有趣的是,当受到种内竞争时,与玉米(Zea mays)发生种间竞争时的情况相比,石茅的生物量和根茎生物量产出分别减少了32%和20%。我们的研究结果表明,针对相邻植株的种类而发生的物种特异性竞争响应以及根茎分配的改变,石茅在受竞争时可能会产生适应性响应,从而使分配情况发生改变。  相似文献   

The global ecological impacts of introduced and exotic species can be dramatic, leading to losses in biodiversity and ecosystem “meltdown”, however, the evolutionary impacts of introduced species are much less understood. Further, very few studies have examined whether mammalian herbivores can act as agents of natural selection for plant traits. We examined the hypothesis that variation in aspen phytochemistry resulted in selective herbivory by Cervus elaphus (elk), an introduced mammalian herbivore. With the experimental removal of a large elk exclosure, elk selectively eliminated 60% of an aspen population previously protected from herbivory resulting in a dramatic shift in the phytochemical composition of the aspen forest. Selection gradients (β) varied from 0.52 to 0.66, well above average relative to other studies of selection. These results indicate that introduced herbivores can have rapid evolutionary consequences even on long lived native species. Because there are fundamental links between phytochemistry, biodiversity and ecosystem processes, the effects of an introduced herbivore are likely to have cascading impacts on the services ecosystems provide.  相似文献   

Recent meta-analyses have provided a comprehensive overview of studies investigating Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in schizophrenic patients, thus attempting to clarify the potential role these infections might play in causing schizophrenia. Issues for further research have been suggested. Associations and theories that may enrich the current level of knowledge with regard to this significant subject deserve attention. Anti-parasitic agents as well as antipsychotics are effective in treating parasitosis. Both classes of drugs have been shown to exert dopaminergic activity. Parasites and human organisms have a long history of mutual contact. The effect of parasitosis on the host and the host's response to infection are undoubtedly the product of a long evolutionary process. The neurochemical background of delusions of parasitosis is potentially similar to ancient evolutionary traces of altered neurotransmission and neuropeptide gene expression caused by parasites; these include fungal and viral infections. This is very unique in medicine if a class of drugs is effective in the treatment of an illness but also cures the delusion of the same disorder as well. Furthermore, metabolic disturbances such as hyperglycemia and insulin resistance were reported several decades before the antipsychotic era. Toxoplasmosis may also be linked to insulin resistance. Schizophrenia research can benefit from understanding this evolutionary link. New chemical entities that are liable to alter neurochemical changes related to the brain's perception of the risk of predation secondary to parasites may result in new approaches for the treatment of psychosis. These findings suggest that further research is needed to clarify this evolutionary link between parasite infection and delusions of parasitosis. We believe this model may well open up new avenues of research in the discovery of drugs to counteract schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Fishes thriving in polar habitats offer many opportunities for comparative approaches to understanding protein thermal adaptations. Investigations on the remarkable evolutionary adaptations to these environments of basic proteins such as hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier, can provide new insights into the mechanisms studied in temperate organisms and can shed light on convergent processes evolved in response to thermal adaptations. At the molecular level, hemoglobins are one of the most intriguing systems for studying the relationships between environmental conditions and adaptations. This review summarizes the current knowledge on molecular structure, biological function and phylogeny of hemoglobins of fish species living in both polar habitats but having different evolutionary histories. In benthic, non-migratory, cold-adapted fishes, the stability of thermal conditions may have generated no or few variations in selective pressures on globin sequences through evolutionary time, so that sequences retain the species phylogenetic “signal”. In pelagic, migratory, cold-adapted or temperate fishes, variations in selective pressures on globin sequences caused by variations in temperature accompanying the dynamic life style may have disrupted the phylogenetic “signal” in phenetic trees.  相似文献   

Effective pest control remains an essential part of food production, and it is provided both by chemicals and by natural enemies within agricultural ecosystems. These methods of control are often in conflict because of the negative impact of chemicals on natural enemies. There are already well-established approaches such as those provided by the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control-Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms for testing, collecting, and publishing information on responses of natural enemies to chemicals based on laboratory responses of specific organisms; however, these tests do not assess the cumulative impact of chemical inputs across an entire season or consider impacts on the complex communities of natural enemies that can provide effective pest control on a farm. Here, we explore the potential of different approaches for assessing the impact of chemicals on agricultural ecosystems and we propose a simple metric for sustainable chemical use on farms that minimizes overall impact on beneficial groups. We suggest ways in which the effectiveness of metrics can be extended to include persistence and habitat features. Such metrics can assist farmers in developing targets for sustainable chemical use as demonstrated in the viticultural industry.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks and founder events reduce genetic diversity through stochastic processes associated with the sampling of alleles at the time of the bottleneck, and the recombination of alleles that are identical by descent. At the same time bottlenecks and founder events can structure populations through the stochastic distortion of allele frequencies. Here we undertake an empirical assessment of the impact of two independent bottlenecks of known size from a known source, and consider inference about evolutionary process in the context of simulations and theoretical expectations. We find a similar level of reduced variation in the parallel bottleneck events, with the greater impact on the population that began with the smaller number of females. The level of diversity remaining was consistent with model predictions, but only if re-growth of the population was essentially exponential and polygeny was minimal at the early stages. There was a high level of differentiation seen compared to the source population and between the two bottlenecked populations, reflecting the stochastic distortion of allele frequencies. We provide empirical support for the theoretical expectations that considerable diversity can remain following a severe bottleneck event, given rapid demographic recovery, and that populations founded from the same source can become quickly differentiated. These processes may be important during the evolution of population genetic structure for species affected by rapid changes in available habitat.  相似文献   

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