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The interaction of DNA polymerase purified from eggs of the teleost fish Misgurnus fossilis (loach) with DNA duplexes with single-strand gaps of 1-13 nucleotides was studied. In the absence of template-restricting DNA, the enzyme elongated primers on single-stranded DNA templates in a distributive manner. However, in the presence of the proximal 5"-terminus restricting the template, the enzyme activity significantly increased. In this case, the enzyme was capable of processive synthesis by filling gaps of 5-9 nucleotides in DNA duplexes. These data indicate that DNA polymerase can interact with both the 3"- and 5"-termini located upstream and downstream from the gap. Analysis of the complexes formed by DNA polymerase and different DNA substrates by electrophoretic mobility shift assay confirmed the assumption that this enzyme can interact with the proximal 5"-terminus restricting the gap. DNA polymerase displayed much higher affinity in duplexes with gaps of approximately 10 nucleotides compared to the standard template–primer complexes. Maximal affinity was observed in experiments with DNA substrates containing unpaired 3"-tails in primers. The results of this study suggest that DNA polymerase exerts high activity in the cell nuclei during repair of DNA intermediates with single strand gaps and unpaired 3"-termini.  相似文献   

Triplex-directed DNA recognition is strictly limited by polypurine sequences. In an attempt to address this problem with synthetic biology tools, we designed a panel of short chimeric α,β-triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) and studied their interaction with fluorescently labelled duplex hairpins using various techniques. The hybridization of hairpin with an array of chimeric probes suggests that recognition of double-stranded DNA follows complicated rules combining reversed Hoogsteen and non-canonical homologous hydrogen bonding. In the presence of magnesium ions, chimeric TFOs are able to form highly stable α,β-triplexes, as indicated by native gel-electrophoresis, on-array thermal denaturation and fluorescence-quenching experiments. CD spectra of chimeric triplexes exhibited features typically observed for anti-parallel purine triplexes with a GA or GT third strand. The high potential of chimeric α,β-TFOs in targeting double-stranded DNA was demonstrated in the EcoRI endonuclease protection assay. In this paper, we report, for the first time, the recognition of base pair inversions in a duplex by chimeric TFOs containing α-thymidine and α-deoxyguanosine.  相似文献   

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Integrins are signal transducer proteins involved in a number of vital physiological processes including cell adhesion, proliferation and migration. Integrin molecules are hetero-dimers composed of two distinct subunits, α and β. In humans, 18 α and 8 β subunits are combined into 24 different integrin molecules. Each of the subunit comprises a large extracellular domain, a single pass transmembrane segment and a cytosolic tail (CT). The CTs of integrins are vital for bidirectional signal transduction and in maintaining the resting state of the receptors. A large number of intracellular proteins have been found to interact with the CTs of integrins linking integrins to the cytoskeleton.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this work, we have investigated structure and interactions of CTs of the leukocyte specific integrin αXβ2. We determined the atomic resolution structure of a myristoylated CT of αX in perdeuterated dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) by NMR spectroscopy. Our results reveal that the 35-residue long CT of αX adopts an α-helical conformation for residues F4-N17 at the N-terminal region. The remaining residues located at the C-terminal segment of αX delineate a long loop of irregular conformations. A segment of the loop maintains packing interactions with the helical structure by an extended non-polar surface of the αX CT. Interactions between αX and β2 CTs are demonstrated by 15N-1H HSQC NMR experiments. We find that residues constituting the polar face of the helical conformation of αX are involved in interactions with the N-terminal residues of β2 CT. A docked structure of the CT complex indicates that a network of polar and/or salt-bridge interactions may sustain the heteromeric interactions.


The current study provides important insights into the conservation of interactions and structures among different CTs of integrins.  相似文献   

Summary Several ,-unsaturated and aromatic aldehydes were evaluated for antimicrobial activity usingMycobacterium bovis as the test strain. Activity of most of the compounds was determined in the presence and absence of 2% glutaraldehyde. Several compounds highly active against this organism, e.g. 2-pentenal, benzaldehyde, ando-phthalaldehyde showed rapid kill of >105 CFU ml–1 in 5 min. Activity of ,-unsaturated compounds substituted in the 1 position showed increasing activity with increasing chain length. Of the aromatic aldehydes tested, benzaldehyde andp-dimethylamino benzaldehyde showed little activity alone, but when combined with 2% glutaraldehyde showed increased activity. Substituents added to the benzaldehyde ring (nitro, chloro, methyl, and methoxy) all detracted from the synergism, but still showed increased activity over the activity of 2% glutaraldehyde. The same affect was noted with disubstituted benzaldehyde compounds but not with substitutedo-phthaladehyde (2-formylformaldehyde).  相似文献   

The currently available antithrombotic agents target the interaction of platelet integrin αIIbβ3 (GPIIb-IIIa) with fibrinogen during platelet aggregation. Platelets also bind fibrin formed early during thrombus growth. It was proposed that inhibition of platelet-fibrin interactions may be a necessary and important property of αIIbβ3 antagonists; however, the mechanisms by which αIIbβ3 binds fibrin are uncertain. We have previously identified the γ370–381 sequence (P3) in the γC domain of fibrinogen as the fibrin-specific binding site for αIIbβ3 involved in platelet adhesion and platelet-mediated fibrin clot retraction. In the present study, we have demonstrated that P3 can bind to several discontinuous segments within the αIIb β-propeller domain of αIIbβ3 enriched with negatively charged and aromatic residues. By screening peptide libraries spanning the sequence of the αIIb β-propeller, several sequences were identified as candidate contact sites for P3. Synthetic peptides duplicating these segments inhibited platelet adhesion and clot retraction but not platelet aggregation, supporting the role of these regions in fibrin recognition. Mutant αIIbβ3 receptors in which residues identified as critical for P3 binding were substituted for homologous residues in the I-less integrin αMβ2 exhibited reduced cell adhesion and clot retraction. These residues are different from those that are involved in the coordination of the fibrinogen γ404–411 sequence and from auxiliary sites implicated in binding of soluble fibrinogen. These results map the binding of fibrin to multiple sites in the αIIb β-propeller and further indicate that recognition specificity of αIIbβ3 for fibrin differs from that for soluble fibrinogen.  相似文献   

The interaction of naringenin (Nar) and its neohesperidoside, naringin (Narn), with calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid (ctDNA) in the absence and the presence of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was investigated. The interaction of Nar and Narn with β-CD/ctDNA was analyzed by using absorption, fluorescence, and molecular modeling techniques. Docking studies showed the existence of hydrogen bonding, electrostatic and phobic interaction of Nar and Narn with β-CD/DNA. 1:2 stoichiometric inclusion complexes were observed for Nar and Narn with β-CD. With the addition of ctDNA, Nar and Narn resulted into the fluorescence quenching phenomenon in the aqueous solution and β-CD solution. The binding constant K b and the number of binding sites were found to be different for Nar and Narn bindings with DNA in aqueous and β-CD solution. The difference is attributed to the structural difference between Nar and Narn with neohesperidoside moiety present in Narn.  相似文献   

The polyamides based on 4-amino-1-methylpyrrol-2-carboxylic acid, 4-amino-1-methylimidazole-2-carboxylic acid, and -alanine that stabilize oligonucleotide duplexes consisting of GC pairs through parallel packing in the minor groove were studied. The initial duplex TTGCGCpGCGCAA melts at 28°C; the TTGCGCp[NH(CH2)3COPyImImNH(CH2)3NH(CH3)2][NH(CH2)3COImImPyNH(CH2)3N(CH3)2]GCGCAA duplex (bisphosphoramidate with parallel orientation of ligands, where Py, Im, and are the residues of 1-methyl-4-aminopyrrol-2-carboxylic and 1-methyl-4-aminoimidazole-2-carboxylic acids and -alanine, respectively), at 48°C; and the TTGCGCp[NH(CH2)3COImImPyNH(CH2)3COImImPyNH(CH2)3N(CH3)2]GCGCAA duplex (a hairpin structure with antiparallel orientation), at 56°C.  相似文献   



The details of interaction in a complex between potent antagonists such as long chain α-neurotoxins and α-conotoxins with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), and conformational changes induced by these antagonists, are not yet clear.  相似文献   

Molecular Mechanics-Generalized Born-Solvent Accessibility free energy calculations were used to analyse DNA binding affinity of 1-substituted carbazolyl-3,4-dihydro-β-carboline molecules. In this study, DNA structure with sequence of d(CGATCG)2 was used for simulations. 15 ns molecular dynamics simulations of the studied complexes were performed. The calculated free energy was compared with experimental antitumor activity (IC50). The predicted free energies decreased with the increase of IC50 values. It was shown that molecules 1–6 bind to DNA via intercalation mode, while molecules 7–9 bind through groove binding mode. Also, it was found that the vdW energy term (ΔEvdW) and the non-polar desolvation energy (ΔGSA) are the favorable terms for binding energy, whereas net electrostatic energies (ΔEele + ΔGGB) and conformational entropy energy (TΔS) are unfavorable ones.  相似文献   

In this Letter, we report a convenient and efficient method for the synthesis of new simplified derivatives of hemiasterlin in which the α,α-dimethylbenzylic moiety A is replaced by α,β-unsaturated aryl groups as Michael acceptor. Most of these derivatives have a strong cytotoxic activity on three human tumor cell lines (KB, Hep-G2 and MCF7). Analogs 17b and 17f showed a high cytotoxicity against KB and Hep-G2 cancer cell lines comparable to paclitaxel and ellipticine.  相似文献   

The present study examines a set of 43 compounds for their antileishmanial activities and cytotoxicities. Negative lowest unoccupied molecular orbitas and similar values for the electrophilic Fukui function condensed at the β-position for a subset of δ-substituted α,β-unsaturated cyclic lactones classify them as strong Michael acceptors. There was a well-defined trend of increasing antileishmanial activity with increasing cytotoxicity and large selectivity indices for the most active compounds. Softer compounds were more active than harder ones as observed from the experimental data and rationalised by calculated reactivity indices.  相似文献   

Latent TGFβ binding proteins are extracellular matrix proteins that bind latent TGFβ to form the large latent complex. Nonsynonymous polymorphisms in LTBP4, a member of the latent TGFβ binding protein gene family, have been linked to several human diseases, underscoring the importance of TGFβ regulation for a range of phenotypes. Because of strong linkage disequilibrium across the LTBP4 gene, humans have two main LTBP4 alleles that differ at four amino acid positions, referred to as IAAM and VTTT for the encoded residues. VTTT is considered the “risk” allele and associates with increased intracellular TGFβ signaling and more deleterious phenotypes in muscular dystrophy and other diseases. We now evaluated LTBP4 nsSNPs in dilated cardiomyopathy, a distinct disorder associated with TGFβ signaling. We stratified based on self-identified ethnicity and found that the LTBP4 VTTT allele is associated with increased risk of dilated cardiomyopathy in European Americans extending the diseases that associate with LTBP4 genotype. However, the association of LTBP4 SNPs with dilated cardiomyopathy was not observed in African Americans. To elucidate the mechanism by which LTBP4 genotype exerts this differential effect, TGFβ’s association with LTBP4 protein was examined. LTBP4 protein with the IAAM residues bound more latent TGFβ compared to the LTBP4 VTTT protein. Together these data provide support that LTBP4 genotype exerts its effect through differential avidity for TGFβ accounting for the differences in TGFβ signaling attributed to these two alleles.  相似文献   

Human parechovirus (HPEV) infections are very common in early childhood and can be severe in neonates. It has been shown that integrins are important for cellular infectivity of HPEV1 through experiments using peptide blocking assays and function-blocking antibodies to αV integrins. The interaction of HPEV1 with αV integrins is presumably mediated by a C-terminal RGD motif in the capsid protein VP1. We characterized the binding of integrins αVβ3 and αVβ6 to HPEV1 by biochemical and structural studies. We showed that although HPEV1 bound efficiently to immobilized integrins, αVβ6 bound more efficiently than αVβ3 to immobilized HPEV1. Moreover, soluble αVβ6, but not αVβ3, blocked HPEV1 cellular infectivity, indicating that it is a high-affinity receptor for HPEV1. We also showed that HPEV1 binding to integrins in vitro could be partially blocked by RGD peptides. Using electron cryo-microscopy and image reconstruction, we showed that HPEV1 has the typical T=1 (pseudo T=3) organization of a picornavirus. Complexes of HPEV1 and integrins indicated that both integrin footprints reside between the 5-fold and 3-fold symmetry axes. This result does not match the RGD position predicted from the coxsackievirus A9 X-ray structure but is consistent with the predicted location of this motif in the shorter C terminus found in HPEV1. This first structural characterization of a parechovirus indicates that the differences in receptor binding are due to the amino acid differences in the integrins rather than to significantly different viral footprints.Picornaviruses consist of a positive-sense, single-stranded infectious RNA genome of approximately 7.3 kb enclosed in a capsid composed of 60 copies of each of the three or four capsid proteins (VP1 to VP4). Human parechovirus 1 (HPEV1) is a member of the Parechovirus genus of the Picornaviridae family (38, 70). There are currently eight completely sequenced human parechovirus types and 14 described types (4, 19, 24, 30, 38, 39, 51, 58, 78). In addition, the Parechovirus genus currently has four Ljungan virus members that infect rodents. HPEV1 exhibits several distinct molecular characteristics compared to other picornaviruses (38, 71). These include the lack of the maturation cleavage of the capsid proteins VP0 to VP4 (N-terminal) and VP2 (C-terminal), existence of an approximately 30-amino-acid-long extension to the N terminus of VP3, a unique nonstructural protein 2A, and a 5′ untranslated region that is more closely related to picornaviruses infecting animals than those infecting humans.HPEV infections are common during the first years of life and are often mild or asymptomatic (20, 28, 42, 73, 80). Recently, a number of new types have been identified, and their prevalence in stool samples, for example, highlights their clinical importance. Normally, they cause gastroenteritis and respiratory infections, but severe illnesses, such as infections of the central nervous system, generalized infections of neonates, and myocarditis, have also been associated with HPEV infections (1, 8, 10, 28, 80). Currently, the role of the unique molecular, structural, and antigenic characteristics of HPEVs in the pathogenesis of infection is unknown.HPEV types 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are known to possess an RGD motif near the C terminus of VP1 that is known to facilitate binding of cellular ligands (e.g., fibronectin) to αv integrins. The motif is in an analogous position to motifs in coxsackievirus A9 (CAV9) and echovirus 9 (EV9; Barty strain) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The role of the RGD sequence in cellular entry and subsequent replication of HPEV1 has been shown through blocking assays with RGD-containing peptides, mutation of the sequence, and function-blocking antibodies to αv integrins (11, 43, 62, 71). These results strongly suggested that αv integrins play a central role in the initiation of HPEV1 infection. Direct involvement of αv integrins in the infectious entry of HPEV1 was further confirmed by overexpression of human αvβ1 and αvβ3 integrins in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, allowing successful virus infection (74). There are no reports yet on the identification of receptors for the HPEV types lacking the RGD motif (HPEV3, HPEV7, and HPEV8) (19, 39, 51).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Sequence alignments. Amino acid sequence alignment of the viral coat protein VP1 from different picornaviruses with the CAV9 secondary structure derived from the atomic model displayed above the alignment (34). The columns boxed in blue with red letters signify similarity, and the red column signifies identity. There is limited similarity between HPEV and other picornaviruses. C-terminal RGD motifs are boxed in red.Although the crystal structures of several picornaviruses have been determined (3, 26, 34, 35, 44, 57, 59, 65, 68, 72) and the receptor interactions have been studied in detail by X-ray crystallography, electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM), and three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction (6, 9, 23, 31, 32, 47, 83), there is no structural information available for the parechoviruses or parechovirus-receptor complexes. Here, we compare the binding of αVβ3 and αVβ6 to HPEV1 in vitro by biochemical assays and determine the structures of HPEV1 and the corresponding HPEV1-integrin complexes.  相似文献   

DNA looping plays a key role in many fundamental biological processes, including gene regulation, recombination, and chromosomal organization. The looping of DNA is often mediated by proteins whose structural features and physical interactions can alter the length scale at which the looping occurs. Looping and unlooping processes are controlled by thermodynamic contributions associated with mechanical deformation of the DNA strand and entropy arising from thermal fluctuations of the conformation. To determine how these confounding effects influence DNA looping and unlooping kinetics, we present a theoretical model that incorporates the role of the protein interactions, DNA mechanics, and conformational entropy. We show that for shorter DNA strands the interaction distance affects the transition state, resulting in a complex relationship between the looped and unlooped state lifetimes and the physical properties of the looped DNA. We explore the range of behaviors that arise with varying interaction distance and DNA length. These results demonstrate how DNA deformation and entropy dictate the scaling of the looping and unlooping kinetics versus the J-factor, establishing the connection between kinetic and equilibrium behaviors. Our results show how the twist-and-bend elasticity of the DNA chain modulates the kinetics and how the influence of the interaction distance fades away at intermediate to longer chain lengths, in agreement with previous scaling predictions.  相似文献   

Structural data of integrin αIIbβ3 have been interpreted as supporting a model in which: 1) the receptor exists primarily in a “bent,” low affinity conformation on unactivated platelets and 2) activation induces an extended, high affinity conformation prior to, or following, ligand binding. Previous studies found that “clasping” the αIIb head domain to the β3 tail decreased fibrinogen binding. To study the role of αIIb extension about the genu, we introduced a disulfide “clamp” between the αIIb thigh and calf-1 domains. Clamped αIIbβ3 had markedly reduced ability to bind the large soluble ligands fibrinogen and PAC-1 when activated with monoclonal antibody (mAb) PT25-2 but not when activated by Mn2+ or by coexpressing the clamped αIIb with a β3 subunit containing the activating mutation N339S. The clamp had little effect on the binding of the snake venom kistrin (Mr 7,500) or αIIbβ3-mediated adhesion to immobilized fibrinogen, but it did diminish the enhanced binding of mAb AP5 in the presence of kistrin. Collectively, our studies support a role for αIIb extension about the genu in the binding of ligands of 340,000 and 900,000 Mr with mAb-induced activation but indicate that it is not an absolute requirement. Our data are consistent with αIIb extension resulting in increased access to the ligand-binding site and/or facilitating the conformational change(s) in β3 that affect the intrinsic affinity of the binding pocket for ligand.  相似文献   


Acridine-modified oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ODNs) at the C5-position of a 2′-deoxyuridine via different lengths of linker arms were synthesized. Reaction of 5-(N-aminoalkyl)carbamoylmethyl-2′-deoxyuridines with 9-phenoxyacridine gave the acridine-modified 2′-deoxyuridines which were incorporated into ODNs. The duplexes containing the acridine-modified strands and their complementary DNA or RNA were thermally more stable than that containing the unmodified strand. Thermal stability of the duplexes of the modified ODNs varied depending on the length of the linker arms.


Ge Y  Wu J  Xiao J  Yu J 《Journal of molecular modeling》2011,17(12):3183-3193
The α/β-type small acid soluble proteins (SASPs) are a major factor in protecting the spores from being killed in bacteria. In this article, we perform a systematic phylogenetic analysis of the α/β-type SASP in the genus of Geobacillus, which indicates that the whole family can be divided into three groups. We choose one protein from each group as a representative and construct the tertiary structure of these proteins. In order to explore the mechanism of protecting DNA from damage, 15 ns molecular dynamics simulation for the four complexes of Gsy3 with DNA are performed. The sequence alignment, model structure and binding energy analysis indicate that the helix2 region of SASPs is more conserved and plays a more crucial role in protecting DNA. Pairwise decomposition of residue interaction energies calculation demonstrate that amino acids of Asn10, Lys24, Asn49, Ile52, Ile56, Thr57, Lys58, Arg59 and Val61 take major effect in the binding interaction. The differences of energy contribution of the amino acids between different complexes make us conclude that the protein structure conformation has a slight change upon more proteins binding to DNA and consequently there occur protein-protein cooperation interactions.  相似文献   

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