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中国春黄菊族植物叶表皮结构的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对分布在中国的春黄菊族(Anthemideae)中的25属98种植物叶的表皮结构进行了观察。1.毛状体的类型适于作为本族自然群、属、亚属、组或系的分类特征。2.轴型、半平列型和螺旋型等复合结构的气孔适于作属以下各单位的分类依据。3.表皮细胞的大小、气孔的保卫细胞长度和 T 型-毛的顶端长度等,这些只是数量特征,在本族分类上意义不大。  相似文献   

中国春黄菊族一些属的花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照花粉外壁表面纹饰的不同,可将春黄菊族中下列各属分为两大类群:(1)明显具刺:亚菊 属Ajania Poljak., 女蒿属Hippolytia Poljak., 百花蒿属Stilpnolepis Krasch.。 (2)具退化状小刺:紊蒿属 Elachanthemum Ling et Y.R.Ling,线叶菊属Filifolium Kitam., 画笔菊属Ajaniopsis Shih,喀什菊属 Kaschgaria Poljak.),栉叶蒿属Neopallasia Poljak.,绢蒿属Seriphidium Poljak.。根据花粉形态特征,我们认为将紊蒿属和百花蒿属仍分为两个相互独立的属较为适宜。  相似文献   

春黄菊族6属植物种子的微形态特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对春黄菊族6属10种的种子微形态特征进行了比较观察。结果表明:10种种子在种子形态、表面纹饰、脐处的喙状突起、种子端的衣领状环等方面都表现出丰富的多样性,例如茼蒿的穴状和芫荽菊的细胞状纹饰等,具有明显的属级水平上的分类特征;在系和种级水平上,微形态特征虽有相似性,但仍具有一定的分类学价值,如龙蒿系圆头蒿的沟壑状纹饰和猪毛蒿系猪毛蒿的搓板状纹饰等。说明春黄菊族植物丰富的种子微形态特征在其系统分类中具有重要的参考价值;本研究结果支持栉叶蒿属、紊蒿属、茼蒿属独立成属的观点。  相似文献   

1 岩生华千里光 新种 图1 Sinosenecio saxatilis Y. L. Chen, sp. nov. Species habitu S. fanjinshanico C. Jeffrey et Y. L. Chen affinis, a quo planta pusillaglabra vel subglabra; lamina foliorum reniformi, 5-palmatifida glabra; capitulo solitario;phyllariis involucri 11—13, dorso glabris facile differt. Herba scapiformis perennis, rhizomate brevi tenui, erecto vel adscendenti, collo reliquispetiolorum nigro-brunneis praedito, radices fibrosas numerosas edente. Caulis solitarius,erectus, 3—7 cm altus, simplex, glaber vel subglaber. Folia basilaria rosulata, sub anthesiviva, longe petiolata; lamina subcoriacea, reniformis, 0. 5—1 cm longa, 1—1. 5 cm lata, 5  相似文献   

中国菊科春黄菊族的一个新组合   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
石铸 《植物分类学报》1985,23(6):470-472

林镕  石铸 《植物研究》1980,(1):1-16
半灌木(?),高1.5米。茎枝及接花序处被白色稠密短柔毛。大部茎叶为菱形,长1-1.4厘米,宽0.7-1.5厘米,边缘每侧各有一个三角形或斜三角形的浅裂片或钝齿,接花序下部的叶椭圆形、卵形或宽线形,长约1厘米,宽0.5-0.6厘米,全缘不裂。  相似文献   

程用谦   《广西植物》1985,(4):323-326
<正> 帚菊属Pertya Sch.-Bip.乃菊科,帚菊木族→Mutisieae Cass.的一个小属,全世界仅24种,主要分布于东亚山区。我国有17种,东起台湾,西至云南、西藏,北达甘肃、宁夏,南抵广东、广西等省区均产。  相似文献   

Yunnan(云南):Lijiang(丽江),alt、3000~3500m,ad marginem rivulae,1939-09-18,R.C.Ching(秦仁昌)30626(typus,PE) 本种叶形酷似山尖子P.haotatas(L)Y.L.Chen,但植株,特别茎上部密被腺状短柔毛;叶柄无翅,总苞片和小花均为5;冠毛褐色或紫褐色与后者明显不同。  相似文献   

 本文论述了喀喇昆仑、昆仑山地区87种植物12个元素含量的特征。在含量水平上>10000ppm的元素有K,Ca,800—5000ppm的元素为Na、Mg,Fe、Al,10—100ppm的元素有Ba、Sr、Ti,Mn,V与Be的含量<10ppm。大多数植物Fe、V,Sr的含量高于一般的自然含量。植物中K含量的频数分布呈正态分布,其余元素的频数分布呈对数正态分布。不同植物种元素含量差异较大,Na的变异系数最大,Ca、Mg含量的变异系数最小。同种植物在不同地点元素含量有较大差异,不同植物种差异也不同。如紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)>垫状驼绒藜(Ceratoides compacta)>鼠麴凤毛菊(Saussurea gnaphaloides)。植物中元素含量之间的相关分析表明,Fe、Al,V,Ti之间分别达极显著相关水平。用植物中12个元素的资料,对22种植物进行分类和排序,区分出Na,K型植物和Fe,Al,V,Ba型植物。  相似文献   

中国山地植物多样性的垂直变化格局   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
在生物多样性的研究中,山地植物群落的物种多样性随海拔梯度的变化是一个重要课题,但至今并未达成普遍共识。本研究以表示物种丰富度的Patrick指数(S)和表示物种多样性的Shannon-Wicner指数(H)为主要测度指标,归纳总结了我国山地植物多样性的垂直格局,并就影响这些格局形成的因素进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

中国喀喇昆仑山地区离瓣花类植物有24科114属310种及11变种。分布种数大于60种的科有十字花科(66种)和豆科(63种),20~39种的有3科,10~19种的有4科,这9个科占该地区离瓣花类植物总属数的78.95%和总种数的88.39%,在本植物区系中占较大优势。单种属与寡种属有103属,在属级水平占绝对优势,但多种属与寡种属共含245种,在种级水平优势明显。对其地理成分分析包括8个分布区类型和14个变型,其中,温带或含温带分布的有67属194种,占该区总属数、种数的66.34%和79.18%,区系温带性质明显,且与地中海、西亚、中亚交流相对较多,而与东亚交流很少,缺乏热带分布型及中国特有分布型。与邻近区域相比,本区系与中国帕米尔高原的关系最为密切,相似系数最高,科级、属级与种级水平上,分别达82.14%、63.69%及33.86%;其次,在属级水平与阿富汗、东喜马拉雅及青藏高原相似性也分别达到17.92%、15.36%、16.26%,但种级相似性系数较低,仅为1.76%~5.69%,有一定联系。  相似文献   

中国喀喇昆仑山地区离瓣花类植物有24科114属310种及11变种.分布种数大于60种的科有十字花科(66种)和豆科(63种),20~39种的有3科,10~19种的有4科,这9个科占该地区离瓣花类植物总属数的78.95%和总种数的88.39%,在本植物区系中占较大优势.单种属与寡种属有103属,在属级水平占绝对优势,但多种属与寡种属共含245种,在种级水平优势明显.对其地理成分分析包括8个分布区类型和14个变型,其中,温带或含温带分布的有67属194种,占该区总属数、种数的66.34%和79.18%,区系温带性质明显,且与地中海、西亚、中亚交流相对较多,而与东亚交流很少,缺乏热带分布型及中国特有分布型.与邻近区域相比,本区系与中国帕米尔高原的关系最为密切,相似系数最高,科级、属级与种级水平上,分别达82.14%、63.69%及33.86%;其次,在属级水平与阿富汗、东喜马拉雅及青藏高原相似性也分别达到17.92%、15.36%、16.26%,但种级相似性系数较低,仅为1.76%~5.69%,有一定联系.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty plots, approximately every 100 m above sea level (a.s.1.) along an altitudinal gradient from 470 to 3 080 m a.s.1, at the southern and northern watershed of Mt. Shennongjia, China, were examined to determine the altitudinal pattern of plant species diversity. Mt. Shennongjia was found to have high plant species diversity, with 3 479 higher plants recorded. Partial correlation analysis and detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) based on plant species diversity revealed that altitude was the main factor affecting the spatial pattern of plant species diversity on Mt. Shennongjia and that canopy coverage of the arbor layer also had a considerable effect on plant species diversity. The DCCA based on species data of importance value further revealed that altitude gradient was the primary factor shaping the spatial pattern of plant species. In addition, the rule of the “mid-altitude bulge” was supported on Mt. Shennongjia. Plant species diversity was closely related to vegetation type and the transition zone usually had a higher diversity. Higher plant species diversity appeared in the mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forest zone (900-1500 m a.s.1.) and its transition down to evergreen broadleaved forest zone or up to deciduous broadleaved forest zone. The largest plant species diversity in whole communities on Mt. Shennongjia lay at approximately 1 200 m a.s.1. Greatest tree diversity, shrub diversity, and grass diversity was found at approximately 1 500, 1 100, and 1 200 m a.s.l., respectively. The southern watershed showed higher plant species diversity than the northern watershed, with maximum plant species diversity at a higher altitude in the southern watershed than the northern watershed. These results indicate that Mt. Shennongjia shows characteristics of a transition region. The relationship between the altitudinal pattern of plant species diversity and the vegetation type in eastern China are also discussed and a hypothesis about the altitudinal pattern of plant species diversity in eastern China is proposed.  相似文献   

Plant knowledge of the Shuhi in the Hengduan Mountains, Southwest China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Shuhi are a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group of around 1,500 people living exclusively in the Shuiluo Valley, southwest China. We documented their plant knowledge concerning wild collected species, and analyzed food, medicine, and ritual uses. Overall, uses, collection sites, and use frequencies of 136 plant species were documented. The plants were divided in fodder (46 spp.), food (43 spp.), medicine (27 spp.), ritual plants (20 spp.), fuelwood (17 spp.), plants used for construction (8 spp.), ornamentals (2 spp.), and "others" (34 spp.). Food plants mainly consist of fruits and leafy vegetables, and the uses are comparable with those of other ethnic groups in the area. Knowledge about medicinal plants is relatively limited, since traditional Shuhi healers use ritual and other healing methods instead of medicinal plants. Ritual plants play an important role relative to human well-being. Villagers and ritualists use them to keep the environment clean of malevolent spirits and to maintain a good relationship with the deities. All habitats, from the dry shrub vegetation at the valley bottom up to the alpine shrub, are used for plant collection, but 87% of all species are collected in the near vicinity of the villages around the fields and in the dry shrub vegetation. Finally, we postulate two main factors influencing wild plant use among the Shuhi: cultural values and accessibility.  相似文献   

本研究以长白山区典型苔草沼泽为对象,分析了密丛型苔草(瘤囊苔草、乌拉草)沼泽和疏丛型苔草(毛苔草)沼泽的植物物种多样性.结果 表明:3种苔草沼泽植物群落共有83个物种,隶属于36科59属.其中,乌拉草沼泽有71个物种,瘤囊苔草沼泽有61个物种,毛苔草沼泽有26个物种.密丛型苔草沼泽植物物种数和物种丰富度明显高于疏丛型苔...  相似文献   

2006年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国经济持续稳定发展的背景下,国家通过各种研究计划(如973计划、863项目、NSFC等)和国家知识创新体系等形式大力支持具有国家战略需求的基础研究,使植物科学研究飞速发展并受到国际同行的高度重视。体现在我国不少科学家担任国际学术组织负责人或重要国际期刊编委,如许智宏院士担任国际植物组(The International Association for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology,IAPTC & B;)  相似文献   

林火是大兴安岭地区森林生态系统的重要影响因子,研究火灾对植物多样性和优势种多度长期影响,有助于火灾区域森林生态系统重建与管理。本研究以大兴安岭不同火烧年限(1~5、5~10、10~20、20~30、30~40和40~50年)48对配对样地(火烧样地与邻近未火烧对照样地)为研究对象,利用二者差值变化来探讨森林恢复年限对植物多样性指数影响,通过对乔灌草相对多度变化确认火灾恢复对优势种的影响。研究结果表明:(1)火烧与对照间乔木多样性和丰富度差值先降后升趋势,在10年左右最低,而恢复30~40年后与对照样地相当或更高。灌木与乔木变化趋势相似,但是变化趋势多达到统计学显著(P<0.05),灌木Shannon-wiener多样性指数和丰富度差值随年限增加而线性上升。草本Simpson多样性指数随火烧年限增加而直线下降,但是均匀度与丰富度没有出现线性变化。(2)乔灌草优势种变化趋势为:乔木层白桦(Betula platyphylla)在火烧5~30年占比均超过30%,在30年后占比不超过15%,同时兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)在30~40年占比超过50%;灌木层在0~30年均是越桔(Vaccinium vitis-idaea)占比最大,30年之后变为榛子(Corylus heterophylla),草本层5~30年均是小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)占比最大,30年之后变为其他物种。对照样地乔木层主要是兴安落叶松,占比超过50%,灌木层主要是越桔(Vaccinium vitis-idaea),草本层主要是小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)。整体来看,乔木火后恢复需要更长的时间,而灌木和草本火后恢复更快。植物多样性及优势种变化是研究其对生态服务功能(如碳汇)影响的基础,我们研究结果为天保工程后续实施及科学管理大兴安岭森林生态系统提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

Forty-nine wild oil plants which are abundant in the Tsinling and Zhongtiao Mountains were investigated and screened as raw material for biodiesel production. The oil content was tested and found to be greatly variable, ranging from 10 to 62.8 %. Fatty acid profiles of their vegetable oils were analyzed, and their acid value, saponification number, and iodine value were found to range from 1.6 to 61.3 mg KOH/g, 128.6 to 225.9 mg KOH/g, and 54.3 to 120.9 g I2/100 g, respectively. Cetane number, kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, high heating values, and cold filter plugging point of the 49 vegetable-oil methyl esters (MEs) were empirically calculated and were found to vary from 38.8 to 66.6, 2.9 to 4.2 mm2/s, 841.4 to 883.8 kg/m3, 39.0 to 47.5 kJ/g, and ?14.3 to 13.2 °C, respectively. Almost half (25 species) of all the sampled resources were found to be suitable for biodiesel production since the profiles of their vegetable-oil MEs met the major specifications of Chinese and European Union biodiesel standards, GB/T20828 and EN-14214, respectively. Grey relational analysis was used during the optimum-species screening process. The difference between the individual species and the artificial designed ideal species (the best biodiesel plant type in this paper) was calculated and evaluated with the help of grey relational grade, which varied from 0.467 to 0.686. Finally, the selected plants, Prunus salicina Linn. and Amygdalus davidiana (C.) C. de Vos, were considered as the optimal feedstock for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

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