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The NMR conformation of a carbocyclic analog of the Dickerson-Drew dodecamer [d(CGC-GAAT*T*CGCG)]2 containing 6'-alpha-Me carbocyclic thymidines (T*) has been determined and compared with that of its X-ray structure. The solution structure of the 6'-alpha-Me carbocyclic thymidine modified duplex has also been compared with the solution structure of the corresponding unmodified Dickerson-Drew duplex solved by us under the same experimental conditions. The NMR structures have been based on 24 experimental distance and torsion constraints per residue for [d(CGCGAAT*T*CGCG)]2 (1) and on 21 constraints per residue for the natural counterpart. In general, both final NMR structures are more close to the B-type DNA. The cyclopentane moieties of the carbocyclic thymidine residues adopt C1'-exo B-DNA type puckers (the phase angles P = 136-139 degrees and the puckering amplitudes psi = 36-37 degrees) that are close to their previously published crystal C1'-exo or C2'-endo puckers. The main differences between the two NMR structures are for beta(T*8) and epsilon, xi(T*7) backbone torsions (27-50 degrees ), for basepair twist for the 7-8 and 8-9 basepair steps (5-6 degrees), tilt for the 8-9 step (7 degrees), roll for the 7-8 step (7 degrees), shift for the 7-8 step (0.9A) and slide for the 9-10 step (0.6A). The relatively small deviations of helical structure parameters lead to structural isomorphism of these duplexes in aqueous solutions (atomic RMSD = 1.0A). The difference of the minor groove widths (less than 0.7A) in the core part of the modified duplex in comparison with the native one is much smaller than the difference between the X-ray structures of these duplexes. A detailed comparison of NMR and X-ray structure parameters showed significant monotonic differences (0.9-2.5A) for all basepair slides in both duplexes. Deviations between NMR and X-ray structure parameters for the modified duplex were also found for basepair tilt of the 4-5 step (13 degrees), rolls for the 8-9 and 10-11 steps (16 and 19 degrees), twist of the 3-4 step (8 degrees) and shift of the 9-10 step (0.9A).  相似文献   

Shikiya R  Li JS  Gold B  Marky LA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(37):12582-12588
We have investigated the unfolding thermodynamics for incorporating cationic side chains in the Dickerson-Drew dodecamer duplex. Incorporation of two 3-aminopropyl-2'-deoxyuridine residues (one on each self-complementary strand) lowers the stability of the duplex. This reduction is driven by unfavorable heat contributions due to the removal of electrostricted water and higher exposure of polar and nonpolar atomic groups that immobilize structural water. These cationic chains effectively remove counterions from the major groove, neutralizing some negatively charged phosphates. The overall results are consistent with the NMR solution of the modified duplex that showed a small bend at each modified site.  相似文献   

Multinuclear NMR study of enzyme hydration in an organic solvent   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multinuclear NMR spectroscopy has been used to study water bound to subtilisin Carlsberg suspended in tetrahydrofuran (THF), with the water itself employed as a probe of the hydration layer's physicochemical and dynamic characteristics. The presence of the enzyme did not affect the intensity, chemical shift or linewidth of water (up to 8% v/v) added to THF, as measured by 17O- and 2H-NMR. This finding suggests that hydration of subtilisin can be described by a three-state model that includes tightly bound, loosely bound, and free water. Solid-state 2H-NMR spectra of enzyme-bound D2O support the existence of a non-exchanging population of tightly bound water. An important implication is that the loosely-bound water is the same as free water from an NMR viewpoint. This loosely bound water must also be the water responsible for the large increase in catalytic activity observed in previous hydration studies.  相似文献   

K Zieba  T M Chu  D W Kupke  L A Marky 《Biochemistry》1991,30(32):8018-8026
The role of water in the formation of stable duplexes of nucleic acids is being studied by determining the concurrent volume change, heats, and counterion uptake that accompany the duplexation process. The variability of the volume contraction that we have observed in the formation of a variety of homoduplexes suggests that sequence and conformation acutely affect the degree of hydration. We have used a combination of densimetric and calorimetric techniques to measure the change in volume and enthalpy resulting from the mixing of two complementary strands to form (a) fully paired duplexes with 10 or 11 base pairs and (b) bulged decameric duplexes with an extra dA or dT unmatched residue. We also monitored absorbance vs temperature profiles as a function of strand and salt concentration for all four duplexes. Relative to the decamer duplex, insertion of an extra dA.dT base pair to form an undecamer duplex results in a favorable enthalpy of -5.6 kcal/mol that is nearly compensated by an unfavorable entropy term of -5.1 kcal/mol. This enthalpy difference correlates with a differential uptake of water molecules, corresponding to an additional hydration of 16 mol of water molecules/mol of base pair. Relative to the fully paired duplexes, both bulged duplexes are 12-16 degrees C less stable and exhibit marginally larger counterion uptake on forming the duplex. The enthalpy change is slightly lower for the T-bulge duplex and less still for the A-bulge duplex. The volume change results indicate that an unmatched residue increases the amount of coulombic and/or structural hydration. The combined results strongly suggest that the destabilizing forces in bulged duplexes are partially compensated by an increase in hydration levels.  相似文献   

We have determined, at high resolution, the NMR solution structure of an oxaliplatin-GG DNA dodecamer in the AGGC sequence context by 2D NMR studies. Homonuclear assignment strategies resulted in unambiguous assignment of 203 out of 249 protons, which corresponds to assignment of approximately 81% of the protons. Assignments of H5' and H5" protons were tentative due to resonance overlap. The structure of the oxaliplatin duplex was calculated using the program CNS with a simulated annealing protocol. A total of 510 experimental restraints were employed in the structure calculation. Of 20 calculated structures, the 15 with the lowest energy were accepted as a family. The RMSD of the 15 lowest energy structures was 0.68 A, indicating good structural convergence. The theoretical NOESY spectrum obtained by back-calculation from the final average structure showed excellent agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the final structure was in good agreement with the experimental NMR data. Significant conformational differences were observed between the oxaliplatin-GG 12-mer DNA we studied and all previous solution structures of cisplatin-GG DNA duplexes. For example, the oxaliplatin-GG adduct shows much less distortion at the AG base-pair step than the cisplatin-GG adducts. In addition, the oxaliplatin-GG structure also has a narrow minor groove and an overall axis bend of about 31 degrees, both of which are very different from the recent NMR structures for the cisplatin-GG adducts. These structural differences may explain some of the biological differences between oxaliplatin- and cisplatin-GG adducts.  相似文献   

Methyl groups at the C5 position of pyrimidines located within oligopurine-oligopyrimidine tracts in DNA have been shown previously to modulate curvature generated by those tracts. However, it was not known whether the influence of such methyl groups is consequent to the altered helical structure within the tracts themselves. In the current study, it is demonstrated that methylation of cytosines up to three base pairs away from a (dA)5.(dT)5 tract (A-tract) can still result in alterations of the net curvature of the A-tract-containing DNA, as measured by alterations in electrophoretic mobility. This latter effect depends strongly on both the sequence of the non-A-tract DNA and the positions of the methylated C residues. The current results lend further support to the notion that the biological consequences of cytosine methylation may be effected through local alterations in DNA structure as well as through direct protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

F Seela  J Ott    D Franzen 《Nucleic acids research》1982,10(4):1389-1397
Poly(adenylic acids) containing the antibiotic tubercidin (7-deazaadenosine) form double strands with poly(uridylic acid) by Watson-Crick base pairing. The stability of these complexes is enhanced by an increasing adenosine content of the polymers. Whereas poly(tubercidylic acid) can bind only one poly(U) chain, the copolymers of adenylic and tubercidylic acid bind a second strand of poly(U). The melting temperatures imply a triple strand formation in a similar geometry as found for poly(A).2poly(U). The diminished hypochromicity of those complexes suggests semi-Hoogsteen base pairs, caused by the lack of N-7 in the antibiotic. As found for poly(A).poly(U), the double-stranded poly(Tu).poly(U) is not hydrolyzed by nuclease S1. In contrast to the four regular homopolyribonucleotides the single-stranded poly(Tu) is cleaved very rapidly. This may be due to a great flexibility of the polynucleotide chain. Moreover TuMP does not inhibit the enzymic digestion. Both phenomena imply a mechanism for the antibiotic action of tubercidin on the polymer level.  相似文献   

The local structure of supercontracted dragline silk from the spider Nephila madagascariensis was investigated by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. Two-dimensional (2D) spin-diffusion experiments did not show any significant conformational changes in short-range order (and the secondary structure of the protein) upon supercontraction. Our results are in accordance with the proposal by Vollrath et al. (Proc R Soc London B 1996;263:147-151) that urea-supercontraction does not alter the local structure of spider dragline silk fundamentally. However, significant differences in the dynamics of the polypeptide chain upon supercontraction are detected at room temperature. At low temperature, these dynamics are frozen out. In addition, the role of the solvent (water) in the silk is investigated in Nephila edulis. Mobile water is detected at temperatures significantly below the freezing point of bulk water.  相似文献   

We present and analyze the structure of the oligonucleotide d(ATATAT) found in two different forms by X-ray crystallography and in solution by NMR. We find that in both crystal lattices the oligonucleotide forms an antiparallel double helical duplex in which base pairing is of the Hoogsteen type. The double helix is apparently very similar to the standard B-form of DNA, with about 10 base pairs per turn. However, the adenines in the duplex are flipped over; as a result, the physicochemical features of both grooves of the helix are changed. In particular, the minor groove is narrow and hydrophobic. On the other hand, d(ATATAT) displays a propensity to adopt the B conformation in solution. These results confirm the polymorphism of AT-rich sequences in DNA. Furthermore, we show that extrahelical adenines and thymines can be minor groove binders in Hoogsteen DNA.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional 500-MHz 1H-NMR study on the non-self-complementary double-stranded DNA dodecamer 5'd(C-C-A-G-A-A-C-A-G-T-G-G)5'd(C-C-A-C-T-G-T-T-C-T-G-G), is presented. This oligonucleotide contains the consensus octanucleotide sequence 5'd(A-G-A-A-C-A-G-T) for the specific DNA-binding sites of the glucocorticoid receptor protein [Payvar, F. et al. (1984) Cell 35, 381-392]. Using a combination of two-dimensional pure phase absorption nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOESY) and homonuclear J-correlated (COSY) spectroscopy all non-exchangeable base (with the exception fo the adenine H2 protons), methyl and deoxyribose H1', H2', H2", H3' and H4' resonances are assigned unambiguously using a sequential resonance assignment strategy. From the relative intensities of the cross peaks in the pure phase absorption NOESY spectra at two mixing times it is shown that the dodecamer adopts a B-type conformation in solution.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of the 3′-cleaved product of the genomic hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme was solved by X-ray crystallographic analysis. In this structure, three single-stranded regions (SSrA, -B and -C) interact intricately with one another via hydrogen bonds between nucleotide bases, phosphate oxygens and 2′-OHs to form a nested double pseudoknot structure. Among these interactions, two Watson–Crick (W–C) base pairs, 726G–710C and 727G–709C, that form between SSrA and SSrC (P1.1) seem to be especially important for compact folding. To characterize the importance of these base pairs, ribozymes were subjected to in vitro selection from a pool of RNA molecules randomly substituted at positions 709, 710, 726 and 727. The results establish the importance of the two WC base pairs for activity, although some mutants are active with one G–C base pair. In addition, the kinetic parameters were analyzed in all 16 combinations with two canonical base pairs. Comparison of variant ribozymes with the wild-type ribozyme reveals that the difference in reaction rates for these variants (ΔΔG) is not simply accounted for by the differences in the stability of P1.1 (ΔΔG037). The role played by Mg2+ ions in formation of the P1.1 structure is also discussed.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient NMR is a convenient alternative to traditional methods for measuring diffusion of biological macromolecules. In the present study, pulsed field gradient NMR was used to study the effects of calcium binding and hydration on carp parvalbumin. Carp parvalbumin is known to undergo large changes in tertiary structure with calcium loading. The diffusion coefficient is a sensitive guide to changes in molecular shape and in the present study the large changes in tertiary structure were clearly reflected in the measured diffusion coefficient upon calcium loading. The (monomeric) calcium-loaded form had a diffusion coefficient of 1.4 x 10(-10) m(2) s(-1) at 298 K, which conforms with the structure being a nearly spherical prolate ellipsoid from X-ray studies. The calcium-free form had a significantly lower diffusion coefficient of 1.1 x 10(-10) m(2) s(-1). The simplest explanation consistent with the change in diffusion coefficient is that the parvalbumin molecules form dimers upon the removal of Ca(2+) at the protein concentration studied (1 mM).  相似文献   

Rotational resonance, a new solid-state NMR technique for determining internuclear distances, is used to measure a distance in the active site of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) that changes in different states of the protein. The experiments are targeted to the active site of bR through 13C labeling of both the retinal chromophore and the Lys side chains of the protein. The time course of the rotor-driven magnetization exchange between a pair of 13C nuclei is then observed to determine the dipolar coupling and therefore the internuclear distance. Using this approach, we have measured the distance from [14-13C]retinal to [epsilon-13C]Lys216 in dark-adapted bR in order to examine the structure of the retinal-protein linkage and its role in coupling the isomerizations of retinal to unidirectional proton transfer. This distance depends on the configuration of the intervening C=N bond. The 3.0 +/- 0.2 A distance observed in bR555 demonstrates that the C=N bond is syn, and the 4.1 +/- 0.3 A distance observed in bR568 demonstrates that the C=N bond is anti. These direct distance determinations independently confirm the configurations previously deduced from solid-state NMR chemical shift and resonance Raman vibrational spectra. The spectral selectivity of rotational resonance allows these two distances to be measured independently in a sample containing both bR555 and bR568; the presence of both states and of 25% lipid in the sample demonstrates the use of rotational resonance to measure an active site distance in a membrane protein with an effective molecular mass of about 85 kDa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and ethidium bromide binding studies are used to demonstrate that poly d(G-T) forms an ordered double helical structure at low temperatures (below 24 degrees C in 0.3 M NaCl) in which G and T are hydrogen bonded together in a wobble base pair hydrogen bonding scheme as proposed earlier by Lezius and Domin. Alternative hydrogen bonding schemes involving the tautomeric form of either T or G, such as have been proposed to account for mutation rates in DNA synthesis, are eliminated.  相似文献   

Beta-endorphin is the largest natural opioid peptide. The knowledge of its bioactive conformation might be very important for the indirect mapping of the active site of opioid receptors. We have studied beta-endorphin in a variety of solution conditions with the goal of testing the intrinsic tendency of its sequence to assume a regular fold. We ran NMR experiments in water, dimethylsulfoxide and aqueous mixtures of methanol, ethylene glycol, trifluoroethanol, hexafluoracetone trihydrate and dimethylsulfoxide. The solvent in which the peptide is more ordered is the hexafluoracetone trihydrate/water mixture. The helical structure detected for beta-endorphin in this mixture at 300 K extends for the greater part of its address domain, hinting at a possible mechanism of interaction with opioid receptors: a two-point attachment involving an interaction of the helical part of the address domain (PLVTLFKNAIIKNAY) with one of the transmembrane helices and a classical interaction of the message domain (YGGF) with the receptor subsite common to all opioid receptors.  相似文献   

The DNA duplex d-(CATGGGCCCATG)2 has been studied in solution by FTIR, NMR and CD. The experimental approaches have been complemented by series of large-scale unrestrained molecular dynamics simulation with explicit inclusion of solvent and counterions. Typical proton-proton distances extracted from the NMR spectra and the CD spectra are completely in agreement with slightly modified B-DNA. By molecular dynamics simulation, starting from A-type sugar pucker, a spontaneous repuckering to B-type sugar pucker was observed. Both experimental and theoretical approaches suggest for the dodecamer d-(CATGGGCCCATG)2 under solution conditions puckering of all 2'-deoxyribose residues in the south conformation (mostly C2'-endo) and can exclude significant population of sugars in the north conformation (C3'-endo). NMR, FTIR and CD data are in agreement with a B-form of the dodecamer in solution. Furthermore, the duplex shows a cooperative B-A transition in solution induced by addition of trifluorethanol. This contrasts a recently published crystal structure of the same oligonucleotide found as an intermediate between B- and A-DNA where 23 out of 24 sugar residues were reported to adopt the north (N-type) conformation (C3'-endo) like in A-DNA (Ng, H. L., Kopka, M. L. and Dickerson, R. E., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 97, 2035-2039 (2000)). The simulated structures resemble standard B-DNA. They nevertheless show a moderate shift towards A-type stacking similar to that seen in the crystal, despite the striking difference in sugar puckers between the MD and X-ray structures. This is in agreement with preceding MD reports noticing special stacking features of G-tracts exhibiting a tendency towards the A-type stacking supported by the CD spectra also reflecting the G-tract stacking. MD simulations reveal several noticeable local conformational variations, such as redistribution of helical twist and base pair roll between the central GpC steps and the adjacent G-tract segments, as well as a substantial helical twist variability in the CpA(TpG) steps combined with a large positive base pair roll. These local variations are rather different from those seen in the crystal.  相似文献   

M W Kalnik  B F Li  P F Swann  D J Patel 《Biochemistry》1989,28(15):6170-6181
High-resolution two-dimensional NMR studies are reported on the self-complementary d-(C1-G2-C3-O6etG4-A5-G6-C7-T8-T9-G10-C11-G12) duplex (designated O6etG.T 12-mer) containing two symmetrically related O6etG.T lesion sites located four base pairs in from either end of the duplex. Parallel studies were undertaken on a related sequence containing O6meG.T lesion sites (designated O6meG.T 12-mer) in order to evaluate the influence of the size of the alkyl substituent on the structure of the duplex and were undertaken on a related sequence containing G.T mismatch sites (designated G.T 12-mer duplex), which served as the control duplex. The exchangeable and nonexchangeable proton and the phosphorus nuclei have been assigned from an analysis of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) and correlated spectra of the O6etG.T 12-mer, O6meG.T 12-mer, and G.T 12-mer duplexes in H2O and D2O solutions. The distance connectivities observed in the NOESY spectra of the O6alkG.T 12-mer duplexes establish that the helix is right-handed and all of the bases adopt an anti conformation of the glycosidic torsion angle including the O6alkG4 and T9 bases at the lesion site. The imino proton of T9 at the O6alkG.T lesion sites resonates at 8.85 ppm in the O6etG.T 12-mer duplex and at 9.47 ppm in the O6meG.T 12-mer duplex. The large upfield shift of the T9 imino proton resonance at the O6alkG4.T9 lesion site relative to that of the same proton in the G4.T9 wobble pair (11.99 ppm) and the A4.T9 Watson-Crick pair (13.95 ppm) in related sequences establishes that the hydrogen bonding of the imino proton of T9 to O6alkG4 is either very weak or absent. The imino proton of T9 develops NOEs to the CH3 protons of the O6etG and O6meG alkyl groups across the base pair, as well as to the imino and H5 protons of the flanking C3.G10 base pair and the imino and CH3 protons of the flanking A5.T8 base pair in the O6alkG.T 12-mer duplexes. These observations establish that the O6alkG4 and T9 residues are stacked into the duplex and that the O6CH3 and O6CH2CH3 groups of O6alkG4 adopt a syn orientation with respect to the N1 of the alkylated guanine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

M W Kalnik  B F Li  P F Swann  D J Patel 《Biochemistry》1989,28(15):6182-6192
The pairing of O6etG with C located four base pairs in from either end of the self-complementary d(C1-G2-C3-O6etG4-A5-G6-C7-T8-C9-G10-C11-G12) duplex (designated O6etG.C 12-mer) has been investigated from an analysis of proton and phosphorus two-dimensional NMR experiments. The structural consequences of increasing the alkyl group size were elucidated from a comparative study of the pairing of O6meG4 with C9 in a related sequence (designated O6meG.C 12-mer). The NMR parameters for both O6alkG-containing dodecanucleotides are also compared with those of the control sequence containing G4.C9 base pairs (designated G.C 12-mer). The NOE cross-peaks detected in the two-dimensional NOESY spectra of the O6alkG.C 12-mer duplexes in H2O solution establish that the O6etG4/O6meG4 and C9 bases at the lesion site stack into the helix between the flanking C3.G10 and A5.T8 Watson-Crick base pairs. The amino protons of C9 at the O6alkG4-C9 lesion site resonate as an average resonance at 7.78 and 7.63 ppm in the O6etG.C 12-mer and O6meG.C 12-mer duplexes, respectively. The observed NOEs between the amino protons of C9 and the CH3 protons of O6alkG4 establish a syn orientation of the O6-alkyl group with respect to the N1 of alkylated guanine. A wobble alignment of the O6alkG4.C9 base pair stablized by two hydrogen bonds, one between the amino group of C9 and N1 of O6alkG and the other between the amino group of O6alkG and N3 of C9, is tentatively proposed on the basis of the NOEs between the amino protons of C9 at the lesion site and the imino protons of flanking Watson-Crick base pairs. The proton and phosphorus chemical shift differences between the O6etG.C 12-mer and O6meG.C 12-mer duplexes are small compared to the differences between these O6alkG-containing duplexes and the control G.C 12-mer duplex.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of a double (13)C-labelled 24-residue synthetic peptide ([(13)C(2)]CAPLB(29-52)), corresponding to the membrane-spanning sequence of phospholamban (PLB), were examined using (13)C cross-polarisation magic-angle spinning (CP-MAS) NMR spectroscopy. CP-MAS spectra of [(13)C(2)]CAPLB(29-52) reconstituted into unsaturated lipid membranes indicated that the peptide was mobile at temperatures down to -50 degrees C. The NMR spectra showed that peptide motion became constrained in the presence of the SERCA1 isoform of Ca(2+)-ATPase, and chemical cross-linking experiments indicated that [(13)C(2)]CAPLB(29-52) and Ca(2+)-ATPase came into close contact with one another. These results together suggested that the peptide and the 110-kDa calcium pump were interacting in the membrane. Rotational resonance CP-MAS (13)C-(13)C distance measurements on [(13)C(2)]CAPLB(29-52) reconstituted into lipid bilayers confirmed that the sequence spanning Phe-32 and Ala-36 was alpha-helical, and that this structure was not disrupted by interaction with Ca(2+)-ATPase. These results support the finding that the transmembrane domain of PLB is partially responsible for regulation of Ca(2+) transport through interactions with cardiac muscle Ca(2+)-ATPase in the lipid bilayer, and also demonstrate the feasibility of performing structural measurements on PLB peptides when bound to their physiological target.  相似文献   

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