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Whole-comparative genomic hybridization (W-CGH) has been used to exemplify a simple methodology which allows identifying and mapping whole genome differences for highly repetitive DNA sequences between two related species of unknown genomic background. The use of this technique to the species binomy Arcyptera fusca/Arcyptera tornosi has allowed the identification of different DNA families mainly concentrated within the para-/peri-centromeric and distal heterochromatic regions of different chromosomes, which are differentially expanded in both genomes. Additionally, W-CGH allowed chromosome mapping of particular euchromatic regions immersed in the chromosome arms which have been affected by processes of DNA amplification and losses. A molecular approach was also conducted to analyse satellite DNA families in these species. We have found three different families showing an unequal representation in both species. Two of these families showed a centromeric location (EcoRV-390CEN and Sau3A-419CEN), whereas the last one was located at distal heterochromatic regions (Sau3A-197TEL). As A. fusca is a widely distributed species represented in most European high mountains, whereas A. tornosi is an endemic species represented in the Iberian Peninsula, the differences and resemblances reported here offer a good basis to support a close evolutionary relationship between both of the actually isolated species. Finally, W-CGH allowed identification of an asynchronic pattern of heterochromatin condensation through early prophase (characteristic in both species) which is uncommon or probably has been poorly analysed within classical early condensing chromosome domains through meiosis. The congruence of the obtained cytological and molecular results is analysed in light of the ancestral genome relationship between both species.  相似文献   

In drug optimization calculations, the molecular mechanics Poisson‐Boltzmann surface area (MM‐PBSA) method can be used to compute free energies of binding of ligands to proteins. The method involves the evaluation of the energy of configurations in an implicit solvent model. One source of errors is the force field used, which can potentially lead to large errors due to the restrictions in accuracy imposed by its empirical nature. To assess the effect of the force field on the calculation of binding energies, in this article we use large‐scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations as an alternative method to evaluate the energies of the configurations in a “QM‐PBSA” approach. Our DFT calculations are performed with a near‐complete basis set and a minimal parameter implicit solvent model, within the self‐consistent calculation, using the ONETEP program on protein–ligand complexes containing more than 2600 atoms. We apply this approach to the T4‐lysozyme double mutant L99A/M102Q protein, which is a well‐studied model of a polar binding site, using a set of eight small aromatic ligands. We observe that there is very good correlation between the MM and QM binding energies in vacuum but less so in the solvent. The relative binding free energies from DFT are more accurate than the ones from the MM calculations, and give markedly better agreement with experiment for six of the eight ligands. Furthermore, in contrast to MM‐PBSA, QM‐PBSA is able to correctly predict a nonbinder. Proteins 2014; 82:3335–3346. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

It is often envisioned that cations might coordinate at specific sites of nucleic acids and play an important structural role, for instance in the transition between B‐DNA and Z‐DNA. However, nucleic acid models explicitly devoid of specific sites may also exhibit features previously considered as evidence for specific binding. Such is the case of the “composite cylinder” (or CC) model which spreads out localized features of DNA structure and charge by cylindrical averaging, while sustaining the main difference between the B and Z structures, namely the better immersion of the B‐DNA phosphodiester charges in the solution. Here, we analyze the non‐electrostatic component of the free‐energy difference between B‐DNA and Z‐DNA. We also compute the composition of the counterion sheath in a wide range of mixed‐salt solutions and of temperatures: in contrast with the large difference of composition between the B‐DNA and Z‐DNA forms, the temperature dependence of sheath composition, previously unknown, is very weak. In order to validate the model, the mixed‐salt predictions should be compared to experiment. We design a procedure for future measurements of the sheath composition based on Anomalous Small‐Angle X‐ray Scattering and complemented by 31P NMR. With due consideration for the kinetics of the B‐Z transition and for the capacity of generating at will the B or Z form in a single sample, the 5′‐d[T‐(m5C‐G)12‐T] 26‐mer emerges as a most suitable oligonucleotide for this study. Finally, the application of the finite element method to the resolution of the Poisson‐Boltzmann equation is described in detail. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 369–384, 2016.  相似文献   

With the advent of next generation sequencing, new avenues have opened to study genomics in wild populations of non‐model species. Here, we describe a successful approach to a genome‐wide medium density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) panel in a non‐model species, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), through the development of a 10 K Illumina iSelect HD BeadChip. Genomic DNA and cDNA derived from six individuals were sequenced on a 454 GS FLX system and generated a total of 1.2 million sequences, in which SNPs were detected. As no reference genome exists for the house sparrow, we used the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) reference genome to determine the most likely position of each SNP. The 10 000 SNPs on the SNP‐chip were selected to be distributed evenly across 31 chromosomes, giving on average one SNP per 100 000 bp. The SNP‐chip was screened across 1968 individual house sparrows from four island populations. Of the original 10 000 SNPs, 7413 were found to be variable, and 99% of these SNPs were successfully called in at least 93% of all individuals. We used the SNP‐chip to demonstrate the ability of such genome‐wide marker data to detect population sub‐division, and compared these results to similar analyses using microsatellites. The SNP‐chip will be used to map Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for fitness‐related phenotypic traits in natural populations.  相似文献   

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