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Cicadas are large hemipteran insects characterized by unique life‐history traits, such as extraordinarily long life cycles, a subterranean/terrestrial habitat transition, xylem sap‐feeding and melodious sound production. These fascinating features of cicadas have attracted much attention in the research fields of physiology and ecology, resulting in an accumulation of knowledge about the underlying mechanisms and their adaptive significance. Although community‐level responses to recent climate change have already been documented for cicada fauna, an understanding of their causal relationships is still at the initial stages. In this review, we summarize current knowledge about environmental adaptations of cicadas to facilitate a deeper understanding of the ecophysiological consequences of climate change. We first outline the diverse responses of cicadas to environmental factors, mainly temperature, and their strategies to cope with naturally fluctuating environments. Then, we discuss the consequence of upcoming climate change by consolidating the current findings. This review highlights the fact that fitness‐relevant activities are fine‐tuned to a species‐specific temperature optimum to achieve habitat segregation among coexisting species, implying that cicada diversity is highly susceptible to climate warming. As a result of their conspicuous large bodies and species‐specific calling songs, cicadas are promising candidates for use as bioindicator species to monitor ecological impacts of climate change. We encourage future works that continuously quantify population‐ and community‐level responses to upcoming climate change, as well as unveil mechanistic links between physiological traits and ecological consequences.  相似文献   

The avian auditory system has become a model system to investigate how vocalizations are memorized and processed by the brain in order to mediate behavioral discrimination and recognition. Recent studies have shown that most of the avian auditory system responds preferentially and efficiently to sounds that have natural spectro-temporal statistics. In addition, neurons in secondary auditory forebrain areas have plastic response properties and are the most active when processing behaviorally relevant vocalizations. Physiological measurements show differential responses for vocalizations that were recently learned in discrimination tasks, and for the tutor song, a longer-term auditory memory that is used to guide vocal learning in male songbirds.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Periodical cicadas occur widely in deciduous forests of eastern North America and represent the largest insect emergences in the world. Their effects on forest community dynamics, via oviposition damage and root feeding, are potentially great but not well understood. If tree species vary in their susceptibility to cicada oviposition and root colonization, then periodical cicadas may affect ecological interactions among tree species and forest composition. 2. We measured oviposition damage on 63 tree species at 52 sites in southern Indiana, U.S.A. for two broods of periodical cicadas. We compared oviposition damage among different sites, habitats, and tree species. We also measured cicada emergence rates in mature and successional forest habitats and from beneath different tree species. 3. Certain tree species received significantly more oviposition damage than others, and the most and least damaged species were consistent between the two broods. For some species, oviposition damage varied between mature and successional sites. Despite the differences in oviposition rates among species, there was no difference in emergence rates from beneath different tree species, suggesting that initial differences in cicada density among tree species are not maintained through the nymphal life cycle. 4. Cicadas oviposited more at successional sites, but emerged more in mature forest stands, suggesting that successive generations of cicadas represent a shifting mosaic between forests of different ages. As tree species consistently vary in their susceptibility to oviposition damage, periodical cicadas could alter local competitive interactions and therefore affect forest dynamics.  相似文献   

In this study we recorded auditory brainstem responses to airborne sounds to determine the hearing sensitivity of Xenopus laevis frogs and correlated their hearing profiles with middle ear characteristics. In newly metamorphosed frogs (body mass 0.5–0.76 gm, snout-vent length 17–20 mm) best hearing sensitivities were measured in the 2.4–2.8 kHz range, whereas optimal hearing sensitivity of older adults (body mass 18–90 gm; snout-vent length 57–100 mm) ranged from 1.0 to 1.2 kHz. Middle ear volumes reconstructed from serial sections showed approximate volume of 0.002 cc and 0.04–0.07 cc in newly metamorphosed and older frogs, respectively. This inverse frequency–volume relationship is consistent with the properties of an acoustic resonator indicating that differences in best hearing sensitivity are at least in part correlated to variation in middle ear volumes for airborne sounds. These results are consistent with peak frequency vibrational velocity profiles of Xenopus tympanic disk that have been shown to be dependent on underlying middle ear volumes and corroborate the occurrence of peak amplitudes of otoacoustic emissions in the 1.0–1.2 kHz region in adult Xenopus frogs.  相似文献   

One of the most common auditory warnings is the ambulance 'siren'. It cuts through traffic noise and commands one's attention, but it does so by sheer brute force. This 'better safe than sorry' approach to auditory warnings occurs in most environments where sounds are used to signal danger or potential danger. Flooding the environment with sound is certain to attract attention; however it also causes startled reactions and prevents communications at a crucial point in time. In collaboration with several companies and government departments, the MRC Applied Psychology Unit performed a series of auditory warning studies. The main conclusions of the research were that the number of immediate-action warning sounds should not exceed about six, and that each sound should have a distinct melody and temporal pattern. The experiments also showed that it is possible to predict the optimum sound level for a warning sound in most noise environments. Subsequently, a set of guidelines for the production of ergonomic auditory warnings was developed. The guidelines have been used to analyse the environments in both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, and to design prototype warning systems for environments as diverse as helicopters, operating theatres and the railways.  相似文献   

Diel partitioning of singing, which has been observed from the tropics to the temperate regions, is among the various mechanisms of sound partitioning found in multispecies cicada assemblages and is regarded as an important mechanism of coexistence. Using playback experiments, we studied interspecific interference between two Japanese cicadas, Cryptotympana facialis and Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata, which exhibit similar peak frequencies in their calling songs and different diel patterns of song activity. We found that the males of the two species had different song response patterns: C. facialis responded significantly more to conspecific calling songs than G. nigrofuscata. These results suggest that male C. facialis have evolved more intense conspecific song recognition than G. nigrofuscata. This may cause male G. nigrofuscata to avoid destructive acoustic interference during their active singing time.  相似文献   

In the auditory system, the stimulus-response properties of single neurons are often described in terms of the spectrotemporal receptive field (STRF), a linear kernel relating the spectrogram of the sound stimulus to the instantaneous firing rate of the neuron. Several algorithms have been used to estimate STRFs from responses to natural stimuli; these algorithms differ in their functional models, cost functions, and regularization methods. Here, we characterize the stimulus-response function of auditory neurons using a generalized linear model (GLM). In this model, each cell's input is described by: 1) a stimulus filter (STRF); and 2) a post-spike filter, which captures dependencies on the neuron's spiking history. The output of the model is given by a series of spike trains rather than instantaneous firing rate, allowing the prediction of spike train responses to novel stimuli. We fit the model by maximum penalized likelihood to the spiking activity of zebra finch auditory midbrain neurons in response to conspecific vocalizations (songs) and modulation limited (ml) noise. We compare this model to normalized reverse correlation (NRC), the traditional method for STRF estimation, in terms of predictive power and the basic tuning properties of the estimated STRFs. We find that a GLM with a sparse prior predicts novel responses to both stimulus classes significantly better than NRC. Importantly, we find that STRFs from the two models derived from the same responses can differ substantially and that GLM STRFs are more consistent between stimulus classes than NRC STRFs. These results suggest that a GLM with a sparse prior provides a more accurate characterization of spectrotemporal tuning than does the NRC method when responses to complex sounds are studied in these neurons.  相似文献   

Sounds that move towards us have a greater biological salience than those that move away. Recent studies in human and non-human primates have demonstrated a perceptual and behavioural priority for such looming sounds that is also reflected in an asymmetric pattern of cortical activation.  相似文献   

A recent study provides intriguing insights into how we recognize the sound of everyday objects from the statistical properties of the textures they produce.  相似文献   

Cerebral responses to change in spatial location of unattended sounds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The neural basis of spatial processing in the auditory cortex has been controversial. Human fMRI studies suggest that a part of the planum temporale (PT) is involved in auditory spatial processing, but it was recently argued that this region is active only when the task requires voluntary spatial localization. If this is the case, then this region cannot harbor an ongoing spatial representation of the acoustic environment. In contrast, we show in three fMRI experiments that a region in the human medial PT is sensitive to background auditory spatial changes, even when subjects are not engaged in a spatial localization task, and in fact attend the visual modality. During such times, this area responded to rare location shifts, and even more so when spatial variation increased, consistent with spatially selective adaptation. Thus, acoustic space is represented in the human PT even when sound processing is not required by the ongoing task.  相似文献   

The past 30 years has seen a remarkable development in our understanding of how the auditory system--particularly the peripheral system--processes complex sounds. Perhaps the most significant has been our understanding of the mechanisms underlying auditory frequency selectivity and their importance for normal and impaired auditory processing. Physiologically vulnerable cochlear filtering can account for many aspects of our normal and impaired psychophysical frequency selectivity with important consequences for the perception of complex sounds. For normal hearing, remarkable mechanisms in the organ of Corti, involving enhancement of mechanical tuning (in mammals probably by feedback of electro-mechanically generated energy from the hair cells), produce exquisite tuning, reflected in the tuning properties of cochlear nerve fibres. Recent comparisons of physiological (cochlear nerve) and psychophysical frequency selectivity in the same species indicate that the ear's overall frequency selectivity can be accounted for by this cochlear filtering, at least in bandwidth terms. Because this cochlear filtering is physiologically vulnerable, it deteriorates in deleterious conditions of the cochlea--hypoxia, disease, drugs, noise overexposure, mechanical disturbance--and is reflected in impaired psychophysical frequency selectivity. This is a fundamental feature of sensorineural hearing loss of cochlear origin, and is of diagnostic value. This cochlear filtering, particularly as reflected in the temporal patterns of cochlear fibres to complex sounds, is remarkably robust over a wide range of stimulus levels. Furthermore, cochlear filtering properties are a prime determinant of the 'place' and 'time' coding of frequency at the cochlear nerve level, both of which appear to be involved in pitch perception. The problem of how the place and time coding of complex sounds is effected over the ear's remarkably wide dynamic range is briefly addressed. In the auditory brainstem, particularly the dorsal cochlear nucleus, are inhibitory mechanisms responsible for enhancing the spectral and temporal contrasts in complex sounds. These mechanisms are now being dissected neuropharmacologically. At the cortical level, mechanisms are evident that are capable of abstracting biologically relevant features of complex sounds. Fundamental studies of how the auditory system encodes and processes complex sounds are vital to promising recent applications in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of the hearing impaired.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in three species of cicadas representing one cicadettine (Monomatapa matoposa Boulard) and two cicadines (Diceroprocta biconica [Walker] and Kongota punctigera [Walker]) was investigated by light and electron microscopy. Although spermiogenesis was occurring in the testis of adult males of all species, earlier spermiogenic stages were observed in D. biconica only. While spermiogenesis was similar to that described for other insects, some differences were noted. For example granular material did not assemble around the centriole to form a centriolar adjunct but did accumulate in the cytoplasm of early spermatids adjacent to a region of the nuclear membrane where nuclear pores were aggregated. In late spermatids this material accumulated anterior to the mitochondrial derivatives in a developing postero‐lateral nuclear groove. While this material has been named the ‘centriolar adjunct’ by previous authors, its formation away from the centriole raises questions about its true identity. Second, during acrosome maturation an ante‐acrosomal region of cytoplasm develops. Although present in later spermatids, this region is lost in spermatozoa. Interspecific variations in chromatin condensation patterns and the number of microtubule layers encircling the spermatid nucleus during spermiogenesis were noted.  相似文献   

Steady-state responses can follow multiple simultaneous auditory stimuli. If the stimuli are modulated at different rates, responses specific to each stimulus can be assessed by measuring in the frequency domain response the spectral component corresponding to the rate of modulation. When each stimulus has a different carrier frequency or different ear of presentation, the responses when 8 stimuli are presented simultaneously are not significantly different than when each stimulus is presented alone. Since significant responses can be recognized down to intensities that average 14 dB above behavioral threshold, this technique may be useful in objective audiometry. It is also possible to record steady-state responses to multiple modulations of the same carrier frequency. In this case, the amplitude of the responses when the stimuli are combined is smaller than when the stimuli are presented alone. The decrease in amplitude depends upon the number of concomitant stimuli and their relative intensities. These effects are probably due to the compressive rectification occurring during cochlear transduction, and the data may be used to model cochlear processing of auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

The ability of auditory evoked potentials to follow sound pulse (click or pip) rate was studied in bottlenosed dolphins. Sound pulses were presented in 20-ms rhythmic trains separated by 80-ms pauses. Rhythmic click or pip trains evoked a quasi-sustained response consisting of a sequence of auditory brainstem responses. This was designated as the rate-following response. Rate following response peak-to-peak amplitude dependence on sound pulse rate was almost flat up to 200 s−1, then displayed a few peaks and valleys superimposed on a low-pass filtering function with a cut-off frequency of 1700 s−1 at a 0.1-amplitude level. Peaks and valleys of the function corresponded to the pattern of the single auditory brain stem response spectrum; the low-pass cut-off frequency was below the auditory brain stem response spectrum bandwidth. Rate-following response frequency composition (magnitudes of the fundamental and harmonics) corresponded to the auditory brain stem response frequency spectrum except for lower fundamental magnitudes at frequencies above 1700 Hz. These regularities were similar for both click and pip trains. The rate-following response to steady-state rhythmic stimulation was similar to the rate-following response evoked by short trains except for a slight amplitude decrease with the rate increase above 10 s−1. The latter effect is attributed to a long-term rate-dependent adaptation in conditions of the steady-state pulse stimulation. Accepted: 18 June 1998  相似文献   

Auditory brain-stem response (ABR) was measured in 40 patients (80 ears) with confirmed hydrocephalus. Eighty-eight percent of these patients showed some form of ABR abnormality. Responses indicative of brain-stem dysfunction consisted of prolonged I–V interwave latency (38%), reduced V/I amplitude ratio (33%), and abnormalities in wave-shape of components III (27%) and V (53%). In addition, 70% of the patients had elevated ABR thresholds; 45% had responses in excess of 20 dB HL and the remaining 25% had no ABR activity. The etiology of the hydrocephalus, head circumference and brain-stem symptoms were not associated with particular ABR abnormalities. Communicating hydrocephalus correlated significantly with both prolonged I–V conduction time and absence of ABR activity, compared with non-communicating hydrocephalus. Four of the 9 patients retested showed ABR improvement on follow-up; one patient showed deterioration.The results were compared to our prior studies of ABR in 60 post-meningitic patients and in 100 severely neurologically impaired institutionalized children in whom the incidence of intrinsic brain-stem abnormalities was one-third and two-thirds that of the hydrocephalic group, respectively.The results of this study suggest that ABR can be used to document clinically unsuspected brain-stem pathology that may accompany hydrocephalus. Auditory brain-stem dysfunction is likely to complicate the assessment of hearing sensitivity in hydrocephalic patients.  相似文献   

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