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记述中国贵州懒甲螨科Nothridae懒甲螨属Nothrus 5种。编制了分种检索表,其中包括1新种贵阳懒甲螨Nothrus guiyangensis sp.nov.。新种与山地懒甲螨N.monticola Hammer,1961和湿地懒甲螨N.meakanensis近似,与山地懒甲螨的区别在于:新种后背板毛c1长度是c2的1.3倍,后背板刚毛h1不着生于瘤突上,梁毛的形状和后背板毛的形状相似,都是叶状。而后者毛c2长度是c1的一半,毛h1着生于瘤突上,叶毛呈刚毛状,而后背板毛呈叶状。与湿地懒甲螨的区别在于,h1不达于后背板的末端,吻毛无透明的角质鞘,且长度只有两吻毛着生基部间距的1/3,而湿地懒甲螨的h1超过后背板的末缘,吻毛具有透明的角质鞘,且长度只比两吻毛着生基部间距略短。所有标本均保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

毛罗甲螨属Vepracarus在中国已经记录有3种:库毛罗甲螨V.cruzae Corpuz-Raros,密毛罗甲螨V.hirsutus Aoki,点毛罗甲螨V.punctatus Hu et Wang。本文记述采自江西井冈山1新种:井冈山毛罗甲螨V.jinggangshanensis sp.nov.。记述了3个已知种分布及采集纪录;详细描述了新种的形态特征并绘制了整体特征图,比较了新种与其近似种点毛罗甲螨V.punctatus Hu et Wang的区别特征,提供了该属中国已知种检索表。研究标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。井冈山毛罗甲螨,新种V.jinggangshanensis sp.nov.(图1~2)浅褐色,体表具有不规则刻点,筒形,体长437μm,体宽236μm。新种与点毛罗甲螨V.punctatus Hu et Wang相似,其主要区别特征如下:后背板从c系列毛后开始着生增生毛;感器后外毛较吻毛、梁毛、梁间毛及感器前外毛长;吻毛、梁毛、梁间毛及感器前外毛等长;基节板毛式为8-7-3-4。正模,江西井冈山,2008-08-22,谢丽霞采。副模2头,采集信息同正模。词源:新种以采集地点井冈山命名。  相似文献   

记述采自青海省西宁市互助北山国家森林公园的中国1新纪录属,旁珠足甲螨属Parabelbella Bulanova-Zachvatkina,1967,及1新种,半刺旁珠足甲螨Parabelbella dimidiaspina sp.nov..模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所.半刺旁珠足甲螨,新种Parabelbella dimidiasphna sp.nov.新种相似于锯毛旁珠足甲螨Parabelbella crenatosetosa,都具有短而单侧具刺刚毛,感器窝侧突(&)、(Sp)及梁间毛(蚴.新种具前背板凸起(Aa)和(母),假气门器(豇)中端密被微刺;而锯毛旁珠足甲螨Parabelbella crenatosetosa以不具有前背板凸起(Aa)和(却),假气门器(豇)整个部位密被微刺的特征区别于新种.检视标本:正模1头(75%酒精浸泡,QHHZBS-XLX-8-17),青海西宁互助北山森林公园(37°06′N,102°14′E;海拔3 075 m),柏树落叶层,2009-08-17,谢丽霞采.副模5头(75%酒精浸泡,QHXNDWY-XLX-2009-8-17),采集记录同正模.分布:中国(青海).词源:新种种名源自拉丁词“如庇如一半或对半″及“跏协刺”,意指新种假气门器(盯)端半部分密被微刺.  相似文献   

中国下盾螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲,厉螨科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述厉螨科下盾螨属1新种,沈阳广厉螨Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) shenyangensis sp.nov.,新种与合肥广厉螨H.(Cossmolaelaps) hefeiensis Xuet Liang,1996近似,但可从以下特征区别:1)第1对口下板毛长于颚角;2)雌螨螯肢定趾上具3大齿2小齿,末端呈钩状,雄螨定趾具1齿;3)胸前板新月状,与胸板明显分离;4)雌螨末体腹面膜质区着生11对刚毛。模式标本2002年9月采自沈阳天柱山土壤落叶层,保存于沈阳农业大学植物保护学院。  相似文献   

波利甲螨属Paulianacarus全世界过去已知12种,中国无记录。记述采自福建龙岩的中国新纪录该属及1新种,龙岩波利甲螨P.(P.)longyanensis sp.nov.;提议2新组合P.(M.)foliatus Mondal et Chakrabarti,comb.nov.和P.(M.)sarbias Coetzee,comb.nov.;编制了波利甲螨属2亚属12个种分种检索表;详细描述了新种的形态特征并绘制了整体特征图,比较了新种与其近似种P.(P.)simplisetosus Mahunka,1985的区别特征。研究标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。龙岩波利甲螨,新种P.(P.)longyanensis sp.nov.(图1~2)浅褐色,筒形,体长842(838~846)μm,体宽476(473~477)μm。新种与P.(P.)simplisetosus M ahunka相似,主要区别特征如下:体表具网状结构;背板具有一些粗糙的不规则斑状结构;背部和腹部均无孔状结构;第1基节板具增生毛,基节板毛式为7-2-3-4。正模1头,福建龙岩,2009-01-20,胡展育采。副模2头,采集信息同正模。词源:新种种名源自采集地点龙岩。  相似文献   

记述了采自我国西藏和甘肃的小赫甲螨属1新种,郑氏小赫甲螨Hermannniella zhengisp.nov.。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。郑氏小赫甲螨,新种Hermanniella zhengisp.nov.(图1~16)新种以后背板背面小孔状花纹与杜氏小赫甲螨H.dubininiSitnikova,1973、微毛小赫甲螨H.microsetosa Hammer,1966、长毛小赫甲螨H.longisetosaHammer,1966相似,但新种以吻端有凹陷和后背板第3若螨毛f1指向前而不同于这3个已知种。除此之外,新种与杜氏小赫甲螨的区别为:新种梁毛与梁间毛端部尖,感器端部无膨大,被稀疏小刺,后背板背面小孔状花纹的6个点(有时为5或7个)间由细线连接成规则多边形,后缘成体毛4对,光滑;杜氏小赫甲螨梁毛和梁间毛端部钝圆,感器端部被小刺且略膨大,后背板背面花纹为无细线相连的不规则分散小孔,后缘5对成体毛,略被小刺。新种与微毛小赫甲螨的区别为:新种吻毛外表面被小刺,后背板背面花纹为大小均一的小孔,小孔之间有细线连成规则多边形;微毛小赫甲螨吻毛光滑,后背板上的小孔状花纹排列规则,成行但不连接成...  相似文献   

报道了发现于我国的裂头甲螨属Fissicepheus 2新种:中国裂头甲螨,新种F.chinensis sp.nov.,喙裂头甲螨,新种F.ornithorrhynchus sp.nov.,描述了它们的形态特征并与近似种作了比较鉴别。此外,还记述了我国1新纪录种——温和裂头甲螨F.milis Aoki,1970.并对于我国产4种裂头甲螨进行了种的检索。  相似文献   

记述派伦螨属一新种:鞍山派伦螨Parholaspulusanshanensis sp. nov.,模式标本保存于辽宁省沈阳农业大学植物保护学院.新种与Parholaspulus bregetovae Alexandrov,1965相近,但新种雌螨螯肢动趾7齿,而后者动趾具齿10个以上;新种第3对肛前毛位于同侧第1、2对肛前毛着生点连线内侧,后者3对腹肛毛几乎在同一纵线上;新种头盖中突和侧突均有分叉,而后者不分叉;雄螨头盖形状两者也不同.正模♀,副模2♀♀,4♂♂,辽宁省鞍山市千山风景区土壤,副模14♀♀,17♂♂,辽宁省凤城市凤凰山土壤,2002-09,石承民和顾丽嫱采.  相似文献   

本文记述马珠足甲螨属一新种,歧马珠足甲螨Machadobelba bifurcata sp.nov.采于云南勐仑热带植物园枯枝落叶层。模式标本保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。马珠足甲螨科系中国首次报道。  相似文献   

记述了采自黑龙江省伊春市呼兰河的中国软滑水螨一新纪录属:妖水螨属嘞Tiphys Koch,1836,及1新种:伊春妖水螨 Tiphys yichunensis sp.nov,.新种与分布于俄罗斯的近疤妖水螨Tiphys scaurellus Tuzovskij,1983近似,区别在于:新种P-Ⅳ背面起始端亚中部具1栓毛,近疤妖水螨缺失;新种足雄螨足Ⅲ爪特化,其中一爪为钩状简单爪,另一爪中、基部膨大,近疤妖水螨雄螨足Ⅲ爪均具腹小爪;新种雄螨Ⅳ.L4近筒状,近疤妖水螨雄螨Ⅳ.L-4从基部至端部逐渐膨大.  相似文献   

M. E. J. Gore 《Ibis》1968,110(2):165-196
A short account of the geography of Sabah, North Borneo, is followed by a survey of the main habitats and bird communities. The greater part of the paper is devoted to a check-list of the birds of Sabah, which incorporates information collected since the standard work on Borneo by Smythies (1960). 504 species belonging to 65 families have been recorded.  相似文献   

中国西双版纳蚋类纪要及一新种(双翅目,蚋科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
记载西双版纳自然保护区蚋类16种,隶属于蚋属Simulium的3亚属,其中包括1个中国新纪录种和3个待定种,并记述1新种,版纳绳蚋S.(G.)bannaense sp.nov.。该新种蛹具10条呼吸丝,与其已知4个近缘种即重庆绳蚋S.(G)chongqingense以及产白爪哇的S.(G.)batoense、产自印尼的S.(G.)atratoides和产自菲律宾的S.(G.)bi-colense等在形态学上有明显的种间差异。  相似文献   

In many organisms, genotypic selection may be a less effective means of adapting to unpredictable environments than is selection for phenotypic plasticity. To determine whether genotypic selection is important in the evolution of complex life cycles of amphibians that breed in seasonally ephemeral habitats, we examined whether mortality risk from habitat drying in natural populations of small-mouthed salamanders (Ambystoma texanum) corresponded to length of larval period when larvae from the same populations were grown in a common laboratory environment. Comparisons were made at two levels of organization within the species: 1) among geographic races that are under strongly divergent selection regimes associated with the use of pond and stream habitats and 2) among populations within races that use the same types of breeding habitats. Morphological evidence indicates that stream-breeding A. texanum evolved from pond-breeding populations that recently colonized streams. Larvae in streams incur heavy mortality from stream drying, so the upper bound on length of larval period is currently set by the seasonal duration of breeding sites. We hypothesized that selection would reduce length of larval period of pond-breeders that colonize streams if their larval periods are inherently longer than those of stream-breeders. The results of laboratory experiments support this hypothesis. When grown individually in a common environment, larvae from stream populations had significantly shorter larval periods than larvae from pond populations. Within races, however, length of larval period did not correlate significantly with seasonal duration of breeding sites. When males of both races were crossed to a single pond female, offspring of stream males had significantly shorter larval periods than offspring of pond males. Collectively, these data suggest that differences in complex life cycles among pond and stream-breeders are due to genotypic selection related to mortality from habitat drying. Stream larvae in the common-environment experiment were significantly smaller at metamorphosis than pond larvae. Yet, the evolution of metamorphic size cannot be explained readily by direct selection: there are no intuitively obvious advantages of being relatively small at metamorphosis in streams. A positive phenotypic correlation was observed between size at metamorphosis and length of larval period in most laboratory populations. A positive additive genetic correlation between these traits was demonstrated recently in another amphibian. Thus, we suspect that metamorphic size of stream-breeders evolved indirectly as a consequence of selection to shorten length of larval period.  相似文献   

The average branchial blood pressure in sand sharks was 32 mm. of mercury. The highest recorded in a resting animal was 43 mm. The average dorsal or systemic pressure was 23.3 mm.; highest 30 mm. The ratio of branchial to systemic pressure is about 3 to 2. The pressure in both systems keeps up well under trauma; but under experimental conditions, with or without manipulation of viscera, slowly falls after several hours. It rises with muscular effort, and a long rise usually follows stoppage of struggling. It rises when sodium carbonate is injected. The adrenalin curve resembles that in a mammal. Spontaneous rises and falls not attributable to the heart occur. Light in some animals increases blood pressure. It is suspected that these fishes have a vasomotor apparatus. The heart rate except after trauma is practically always the same as the respiration rate, and there is some reason for believing that the heart rate is determined by the respiration rate. When not in step with respiration, the heart is slower and often in a simple ratio with respiration. The heart is inhibited by all sorts of stimuli applied practically anywhere (except to the liver?). This effect is abolished by atropin. Respiration is faster in small animals and averages 24 per minute. Respiration slowly decreases in strength with little change in rate. Usually respiration ceases long before the heart stops.  相似文献   

陕西蓝田公王岭“蓝田伟猴”化石的再研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
蓝田公王岭动物群中,唯一的一种非人灵长类化石由胡长康、齐陶(1978)定名为Megamacaca lantianensis(蓝田伟猴)。但按其形态,我们觉得把它归于疣猴亚科比较适宜。特别是与该亚科中的金丝猴属(Rhinopithecus)更为相像,例如蓝田标本下颌支与下颌体垂直,冠状突略向后弯,齿尖起伏较大等都显示了金丝猴的一般性质。至此,本文将蓝田伟猴归于金丝猴属,保留原有种名:Rhinopithecus(Megamacaca)lantianensis(Hu and Qi)。时代为早更新世晚期。  相似文献   

1. The course of such processes as hemolysis is very largely dependent upon variations in resistance among the different individuals, and secondarily upon the course of the fundamental reaction. 2. The fundamental reaction may be either a simple process, or the expression of a complex series of changes whose rate is at all times governed by that of the slowest of the series. This might perhaps be regarded as another expression of the so called "Law of the minimum." 3. Unnatural assumptions would be requisite for the explanation of a resemblance between the course of such processes in general and that of a monomolecular reaction. 4. The supposition that such a general resemblance exists is not supported by the available evidence. 5. The independent determination of either the nature of the fundamental reaction, or the type of the variation curve for the particular case under observation, will further our knowledge of the nature of such processes and lead to a far deeper insight into the nature and reactions of living matter.  相似文献   

王怿  蔡重阳 《古生物学报》2007,46(3):269-277
简要论述贵州凤冈志留纪Llandovery世晚期Pinnatiramosus qianensis Geng(黔羽枝)的研究历史、地层时代、主要特征、早期陆生维管植物起源和演化意义、争议焦点及其今后的研究途径和展望。P.qianensis代表了一类目前仍鲜为人知、由水生藻类植物向陆生环境过渡的植物类群,具有陆生维管植物某些重要特征,在后续演化过程中,可能是一类不成功的灭绝类群。由于P.qianensis的特有外部形态和复杂的内部解剖特征,对其认识引发了很大的争议,焦点集中在是否属于真正的志留纪植物(产出地层是否为志留纪Llandovery世晚期,是否属于这个时期的早期维管植物或植物根系)。作者认为:我国西南地区是探索早期陆生维管植物起源和早期演化的关键地区,通过一系列野外和室内研究,进一步强化对P.qianensis及其共生植物群的研究,并采用多学科交叉的方法,系统揭示P.qianensis的生物学属性、分类系统及其生态环境,在早期植物演化上提出新观点和演化模式,推进早期陆生维管植物起源、演化的研究。  相似文献   

记述采自西藏墨脱的树蚁蛉属1新种,命名为墨脱树蚁蛉 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.,提出了1个新异名Dendroleon pERLISTIGMA Wang,2004.syn.nov.,整理出中国树蚁蛉树属物种名录,模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.墨脱树蚁蛉,新种 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.(图1~6)新种与环纹树蚁蛉 Dendroleon pupillaris(Gerstaecker),1893相似,但区别明显:1)新种前胸背板细长狭窄,明显在1/3处分为两段,前段洋葱形;环纹树蚁蛉前胸背板为梯形,仅在1/3处有不明显的缢缩;2)新种前翅散布更多的小型斑点,位于翅中央近后缘处眼状斑的弧形条纹不连续;环纹树蚁蛉前翅斑点较稀疏,眼状斑的弧形条纹清晰、粗重且连续;3)新种后翅端区C形斑下面的斑较之环纹树蚁蛉大很多.正模♀,西藏墨脱,1995-09,海拔800m,黄浩采.模式标本保存在中国农业大学.词源:新种种名根据采集地而拟.  相似文献   

  1. It has been established that the absence of isocitric dehydrogenaseactivity in cotyledons of Vigna sesquipedalisin the germinationstage is due to the lack of endogenous TPN. It is unlikely thatthe TCA cycle in the cotyledon is operative.
  2. The activitiesof enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, a modifiedTCA cycle, weremeasured through the germination stage. Theiractivities wereconsiderably higher in the cotyledon tissuethan in the hypocotyl.A dominant metabolic pathway of isocitricacid in the cotyledonmay be the glyoxylate cycle.
  3. DPN kinase which produces TPNfrom DPN, ATP and Mg++ was localizedin the supernatant portionof cell components in the cotyledon.Its activity was low. DPNkinase serves as a control factorfor the cotyledon metabolism.
(Received April 17, 1961; )  相似文献   

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