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Aims:  This study investigated the effects of phosphorus on biofilm formation via annular reactor systems in terms of biofilm cell growth, exopolysaccharide (EPS) production, biofilm structure and cell metabolic potential.
Methods and Results:  Drinking water biofilms were developed in annular reactors with supplement of carbon and different levels of phosphorus. The biofilm formation was monitored over a period of 30 days. Biofilm related parameters were examined by various methods, which included heterotrophic plate count, total carbohydrate content, confocal laser scanning microscopy and GN2 microplate assay. Our results showed that phosphorus addition can promote the biofilm cell growth (cell count increased about 1 log with addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus). However, the addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus caused 81% and 77% decrease in EPS production, respectively. The results of biofilm structure analysis showed that the addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus can induce thicker and less homogeneous biofilms with more biomass. Furthermore, the addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus dramatically increased the biofilm cell metabolic potential. The addition of 3 μg l−1 of phosphorus was found to have minor effects on the parameters examined.
Conclusions:  The results indicate phosphorus addition to drinking water distribution system (DWDS) has a complicated effect on the biofilm formation.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  As the addition of phosphorus at certain levels can affect the biofilm growth in DWDS, care should be taken when phosphate-based corrosion inhibitors are used in the DWDS.  相似文献   

Aims: To examine whether phosphorus and biodegradable organic carbon interact to impact biofilm density and physiological function of biofilm‐forming bacteria under conditions relevant to chlorinated drinking water distribution systems. Materials and Results: The 2 × 2 factorial experiments with low and high levels of phosphorus and biodegradable organic carbon were performed on 4 ‐week‐old drinking water biofilms in four separate pipe systems in the presence of chlorine. Experimental results revealed that biofilm heterotrophic plate count levels increased with the increase in biodegradable organic carbon concentration, showed no response to increases in levels of phosphorus and was not affected by interaction between phosphorus and biodegradable organic carbon. However, a significant positive interaction between phosphorus and biodegradable organic carbon was found to exist on biofilm mass and physiological function and/or metabolic potentials of biofilm communities; the effects of biodegradable organic carbon on biofilm mass and physiological function of biofilm‐forming bacteria were accelerated in going from low to high level of phosphorus. Conclusions: Biodegradable organic carbon was found to be the primary nutrient in regulating biofilm formation in drinking water regardless of the presence of chlorine. It can be therefore concluded that the removal of an easily biodegradable organic carbon is necessary to minimize the biofilm growth potential induced by the intrusion of phosphorus. Significance and Impact of the Study: Phosphorus introduced to drinking water may interact with biodegradable organic carbon, thus leading to measurable impact on the biofilm formation.  相似文献   

AIMS: Biofilms in water distribution systems represent a far more significant reservoir of micro-organisms than the water phase. Biofilms are (i) resistant to disinfectants, (ii) nuclei for microbial regrowth, (iii) a refuge for pathogens, (iv) accompanied by taste and odour problems, and (v) corrode surfaces. The effects of the current strategies for disinfection of drinking water systems in large buildings (chlorination, copper and silver ionization, and hyper-heating) were compared with a new generation of bismuth thiol (BT) biocides. METHODS AND RESULTS: Multispecies biofilms were treated with 0.8 mg l(-1) of free chlorine, 400 and 40 microg l(-1) of copper and silver ions, respectively, at 55 and 70 degrees C, and bismuth-2,3-dimercaptopropanol (BisBAL). Furthermore, the effect of combined heat and BisBAL on planktonic cell viability was examined in monoculture using Escherichia coli suspensions. Inactivation rates for BisBAL were similar to copper-silver ions, where the effects were slower than for free chlorine or temperature. The BisBAL effect on E. coli monocultures was augmented greatly by increasing temperatures. CONCLUSIONS: Like copper-silver ions, BTs show more persistent residual effects than chlorine and hyper-heating in water systems. BT efficiency increased with temperature. Like copper-silver ions, BT action is relatively slow. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: BT presents a new approach to containing water biofilms. BT action is not as rapid, but is more thorough than chlorine, and less caustic. BTs may also be more efficacious in hot water systems. At sub-minimum inhibition concentration levels, BTs uniquely inhibit bacterial exopolysaccharide, thereby retarding biofilm formation. Thus, the combination of bactericidal and residual effects may prevent slime build-up in hot water systems.  相似文献   

The elucidation of the mechanisms by which diverse species survive and interact in drinking water (DW) biofilm communities may allow the identification of new biofilm control strategies. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of metabolite molecules produced by bacteria isolated from DW on biofilm formation. Six opportunistic bacteria, viz. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Burkholderia cepacia, Methylobacterium sp., Mycobacterium mucogenicum, Sphingomonas capsulata and Staphylococcus sp. isolated from a drinking water distribution systems (DWDS) were used to form single and multispecies biofilms in the presence and absence of crude cell-free supernatants produced by the partner bacteria. Biofilms were characterized in terms of mass and metabolic activity. Additionally, several physiological aspects regulating interspecies interactions (sessile growth rates, antimicrobial activity of cell-free supernatants, and production of iron chelators) were studied to identify bacterial species with biocontrol potential in DWDS. Biofilms of Methylobacterium sp. had the highest growth rate and M. mucogenicum biofilms the lowest. Only B. cepacia was able to produce extracellular iron-chelating molecules. A. calcoaceticus, B. cepacia, Methylobacterium sp. and M. mucogenicum biofilms were strongly inhibited by crude cell-free supernatants from the other bacteria. The crude cell-free supernatants of M. mucogenicum and S. capsulata demonstrated a high potential for inhibiting the growth of counterpart biofilms. Multispecies biofilm formation was strongly inhibited in the absence of A. calcoaceticus. Only crude cell-free supernatants produced by B. cepacia and A. calcoaceticus had no inhibitory effects on multispecies biofilm formation, while metabolite molecules of M. mucogenicum showed the most significant biocontrol potential.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in both Europe and the USA in the effects of microbiological fouling on stainless steels in potable water. However, little is known about the formation and effects of biofilms, on stainless steel in potable water environments, particularly in turbulent flow regimes. Results are presented on the development of biofilms on stainless steel grades 304 and 316 after exposure to potable water at velocities of 0.32, 0.96 and 1.75 m s−1. Cell counts on slides of stainless steel grades 304 and 316 with both 2B (smooth) and 2D (rough) finishes showed viable and total cell counts were higher at the higher flow rates of 0.96 and 1.75 m s−1, compared to a flow rate of 0.32 m s−1. Extracellular polysaccharide levels were not significantly different (P< 0.05) between each flow rate on all stainless steel surfaces studied. higher levels were found at the higher water velocities. the biofilm attached to stainless steel was comprised of a mixed bacterial flora including Acinetobacter sp, Pseudomonas spp, Methylobacterium sp, and Corynebacterium/Arthrobacter spp. Epifluorescence microscopy provided evidence of rod-shaped bacteria and the formation of stands, possibly of extracellular material attached to stainless steel at high flow rates but not at low flow rates. Received 04 February 1998/ Accepted in revised form 12 February 1999  相似文献   

A model biofilm, formed of multiple species from environmental drinking water, including opportunistic pathogens, was created to explore the tolerance of multi-species biofilms to chlorine levels typical of water-distribution systems. All species, when grown planktonically, were killed by concentrations of chlorine within the World Health Organization guidelines (0.2–5.0?mg?l?1). Higher concentrations (1.6–40-fold) of chlorine were required to eradicate biofilm populations of these strains, ~70% of biofilms tested were not eradicated by 5.0?mg?l?1 chlorine. Pathogenic bacteria within the model multi-species biofilms had an even more substantial increase in chlorine tolerance; on average ~700–1100?mg?l?1 chlorine was required to eliminate pathogens from the biofilm, 50–300-fold higher than for biofilms comprising single species. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of biofilms showed distinct 3D structures and multiple cell morphologies and arrangements. Overall, this study showed a substantial increase in the chlorine tolerance of individual species with co-colonization in a multi-species biofilm that was far beyond that expected as a result of biofilm growth on its own.  相似文献   

Although health risk due to discoloured water is minimal, such water continues to be the source of one of the major complaints received by most water utilities in Australia. Elevated levels of iron (Fe) and/or manganese (Mn) in bulk water are associated with discoloured water incidents. The accumulation of these two elements in distribution systems is believed to be one of the main causes for such elevated levels. An investigation into the contribution of pipe wall biofilms towards Fe and Mn deposition, and discoloured water events is reported in this study. Eight laboratory-scale reactors were operated to test four different conditions in duplicate. Four reactors were exposed to low Fe (0.05?mg?l?1) and Mn (0.02?mg?l?1) concentrations and the remaining four were exposed to a higher (0.3 and 0.4?mg?l?1 for Fe and Mn, respectively) concentration. Two of the four reactors which received low and high Fe and Mn concentrations were chlorinated (3.0?mg?l?1 of chlorine). The biological activity (measured in terms of ATP) on the glass rings in these reactors was very low (~1.5 ng cm?2 ring). Higher concentrations of Fe and Mn in bulk water and active biofilms resulted in increased deposition of Fe and Mn on the glass rings. Moreover, with an increase in biological activity, an increase in Fe and Mn deposition was observed. The observations in the laboratory-scale experiments were in line with the results of field observations that were carried out using biofilm monitors. The field data additionally demonstrated the effect of seasons, where increased biofilm activities observed on pipe wall biofilms during late summer and early autumn were found to be associated with increased deposition of Fe and Mn. In contrast, during the cooler months, biofilm activities were a magnitude lower and the deposited metal concentrations were also significantly less (ie a drop of 68% for Fe and 86% for Mn). Based on the laboratory-scale investigations, detachment of pipe wall biofilms due to cell death or flow dynamics could release the entrapped Fe and Mn into the bulk water, which could lead to a discoloured water event. Hence, managing biofilm growth on drinking water pipelines should be considered by water utilities to minimize accumulation of Fe and Mn in distribution networks.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscope techniques and multi-staining fluorescence microscopy were employed to study the steps in drinking water biofilm formation. During the formation of a conditioning layer, surface hydrophobic forces increased and the range of characteristic hydrophobic forces diversified with time, becoming progressively complex in macromolecular composition, which in return triggered irreversible cellular adhesion. AFM visualization of 1 to 8 week drinking water biofilms showed a spatially discontinuous and heterogeneous distribution comprising an extensive network of filamentous fungi in which biofilm aggregates were embedded. The elastic modulus of 40-day-old biofilms ranged from 200 to 9000 kPa, and the biofilm deposits with a height >0.5 μm had an elastic modulus <600 kPa, suggesting that the drinking water biofilms were composed of a soft top layer and a basal layer with significantly higher elastic modulus values falling in the range of fungal elasticity.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate treated water distribution systems in England as a source of Helicobacter pylori. METHODS AND RESULTS: Water and biofilms were obtained from 11 domestic and seven educational properties and from hydrants, reservoirs and water meters supplied by three water utilities. Samples were cultured on nonselective and antibiotic containing media combined with immunomagnetic separation concentration. Viable helicobacters were not detected in any of the 151 samples but Helicobacter-specific PCR assays detected DNA in 26% of samples from domestic properties, schools and hydrants with the highest frequency in biofilms (42%). Direct sequencing of six selected amplicons confirmed >95% sequence homology to H. pylori. CONCLUSIONS: While viable helicobacters were not isolated, evidence was obtained for the presence of Helicobacter DNA, including that of H. pylori. Biofilms on surfaces within water distribution systems may act either as sites for the passive accumulation of helicobacters or as potentially important reservoirs of infection. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our findings strengthen evidence that H. pylori may be transmitted through drinking water. However, there is currently no evidence that viable cells can survive the disinfection levels used in UK mains supplies and the health risk from this source remains unclear.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is a waterborne pathogen that is mainly transmitted by the inhalation of contaminated aerosols. In this article, the influence of several physico-chemical parameters relating to the supply of potable water was studied using a L. pneumophila peptide nucleic acid (PNA) specific probe to quantify total L. pneumophila in addition to standard culture methods. A two-stage chemostat was used to form the heterotrophic biofilms, with biofilm generating vessels fed with naturally occurring L. pneumophila. The substratum was the commonly used potable water pipe material, uPVC. It proved impossible to recover cultivable L. pneumophila due to overgrowth by other microorganisms and/or the loss of cultivability of this pathogen. Nevertheless, results obtained for total L. pneumophila cells in biofilms using a specific PNA probe showed that for the two temperatures studied (15 and 20°C), there were no significant differences when shear stress was increased. However, when a source of carbon was added there was a significant increase in numbers at 20°C. A comparison of the two temperatures showed that at 15°C, the total cell numbers for L. pneumophila were generally higher compared with the total microbial flora, suggesting that lower temperatures support the inclusion of L. pneumophila in drinking water biofilms. The work reported in this article suggests that standard culture methods are not accurate for the evaluation of water quality in terms of L. pneumophila. This raises public health concerns since culture methods are still considered to be the gold standard for assessing the presence of this opportunistic pathogen in water.  相似文献   

The effect of four-wall shear rates (34.9, 74.8, 142.5, and 194.5 s(-1)) on bacterial deposition on glass slides in drinking water flow chambers was studied. Biofilm image acquisition was performed over a 50-day period. Bacterial accumulation and surface coverage curves were obtained. Microscopic observations allowed us to obtain information about the dynamics and spatial distribution of the biofilm. During the first stage of biofilm formation (210-518 h), bacterial accumulation was a function of the wall shear rate: the higher the wall shear rate, the faster the bacterial deposition (1.1 and 1.9 x 10(4) bacterial cells . cm(-2) for wall shear rates of 34.9 and 142.5 s(-1), respectively). A new similarity relationship characteristic of a non-dimensional time and function of the wall shear rate was proposed to describe initial bacterial deposition. After 50 days of exposure to drinking water, surface coverage was more or less identical under the entire wall shear rates (7.44 +/- 0.9%), suggesting that biofilm bacterial density cannot be controlled using hydrodynamics. However, the spatial distribution of the biofilm was clearly different. Under low wall shear rate, aggregates were composed of bacterial cells able to "vibrate" independently on the surface, whereas, under a high wall shear rate, aggregates were more cohesive. Therefore, susceptibility to the hydraulic discontinuities occurring in drinking water system may not be similar. In all the flow chambers, significant decreases in bacterial biomass (up to 77%) were associated with the presence of amoebae. This grazing preferentially targeted small, isolated cells.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine if exposure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to chloraminated drinking water can lead to individual bacteria with resistance to antibiotics. Methods and Results: Biofilms of P. aeruginosa PA14 were grown in drinking water in a Kadouri drip‐fed reactor; the biofilms were treated with either 0·5 mg l‐1 or 1·0 mg l‐1 of chloramine for 15 or 21 days; control biofilms were grown in water without chloramine. Fewer isolates with antibiotic resistance were obtained from the chloramine‐treated biofilms as compared to the control. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for selected antibiotic‐resistant isolates were determined using ciprofloxacin, tobramycin, gentamicin, rifampicin and chloramphenicol. All of the isolates tested had increased resistance over the wildtype to ciprofloxacin, rifampicin and chloramphenicol, but were not resistant to tobramycin or gentamicin. Conclusions: Under these test conditions, there was no detectable increase in antibiotic resistance in P. aeruginosa exposed as biofilms to disinfectant residues in chloraminated drinking water. Significance and Impact of the study: Chloramine in drinking water, while unable to kill biofilm bacteria, does not increase the potential of P. aeruginosa to become resistant to antibiotics.  相似文献   


Monitoring of biofilms subjected to different operating conditions was performed using a flow cell system. The system was fed by chlorine-free tap water, with and without added nutrients (0.5 mg l?1 carbon, 0.1 mg l?1 nitrogen and 0.01 mg l?1 phosphorus), and biofilms were grown on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and stainless steel (SS) coupons, both in laminar and turbulent flow. The parameters analysed were culturable cells, using R2A, and total bacteria, which was assessed using the 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining method. The impact of the different operating conditions in the studied parameters was established using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). From the most relevant to the least relevant factor, the total and culturable bacteria in biofilms increased due to the addition of nutrients to water (F = 20.005; p < 0.001); the use of turbulent (Re = 11000) instead of laminar (Re = 2000) hydrodynamic flows (F = 9.173; p < 0.001); and the use of PVC instead of SS as the support material (F = 2.848; p = 0.060). Interactions between these conditions, namely between surface and flow (F = 8.235; p < 0.001) and also flow and nutrients (F = 5.498; p < 0.05) have also proved to significantly influence biofilm formation. This work highlights the need for a deeper understanding of how the large spectrum of conditions interact and affect biofilm formation potential and accumulation with the final purpose of predicting the total and culturable bacteria attached to real drinking water distribution pipes based on the system characteristics.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize the composition of microbial populations in a distribution system simulator (DSS) by direct sequence analysis of 16S rDNA clone libraries. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterial populations were examined in chlorinated distribution water and chloraminated DSS feed and discharge water. Bacterial strains isolated from DSS discharge water on R2A medium were identified using 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The majority of the bacteria identified were alpha-proteobacteria, ranging from approx. 34% in the DSS discharge water to 94% of the DSS isolates. Species richness estimators Chao1 and ACE (abundance-based coverage estimators) indicated that the chlorinated distribution water sample was representative of the total population diversity, while the chloraminated DSS feed water sample was dominated by Hyphomicrobium sp. sequences. The DSS discharge water contained the greatest diversity of alpha-, beta-, gamma-proteobacteria, with 36% of the sequences being operational taxonomic units (OTUs, sequences with >97.0% homology). CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrated the dominance of alpha-proteobacteria in distribution system water under two different disinfectant residuals. The shift from chlorine to monochloramine residual may have played a role in bacterial population dynamics. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Accurate identification of bacteria present in treated drinking water is needed in order to better determine the risk of regrowth of potentially pathogenic organisms within distribution systems.  相似文献   

目的了解临床使用消毒饮用水稀释益生菌产品,对益生菌活菌数的影响。方法配制不同有效氯水溶液,测定不同放置时间四个菌种活菌数变化情况。结果微囊包被屎肠球菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌在有效氯5 ppm和10ppm中使用有效活菌数不受任何影响;微囊包被粪肠球在有效氯5 ppm中浸泡2 h内使用,不影响其有效活菌;而在10ppm中1 h之内使用有效活菌数不受影响;微囊包被枯草芽胞杆菌在有效氯5 ppm中1 h之内活菌数不受影响,而增加浸泡时间及有效氯浓度都会影响其有效活菌数。结论在临床使用微生态产品可以使用含氯消毒饮用水稀释但是需尽快用完不要超过否则影响部分菌株的使用效果。  相似文献   

Occurrence of moulds in drinking water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: In order to determine the occurrence of filamentous fungi in public drinking water systems in Norway, water from 14 water supply networks from all over the country was sampled and analysed. Networks with both ground and surface water sources were included in this study. METHODS AND RESULTS: During a one-year period, 273 water samples were collected. Frequencies of fungi in samples from raw water, treated water and from home and hospital installations were determined on the basis of incubation of 100 ml membrane-filtered samples on dichloran 18% glycerol agar media. Filamentous fungi were recovered from 62% of all samples. In ground water 42.3% of the samples were positive for mould growth, while surface waters yielded 69.7% positive samples. CONCLUSIONS: The risk to recover moulds from surface water is three times higher compared with ground water. It is more likely to detect moulds in cold waters and showers than in hot waters. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: By analysing the water reaching the consumers, the results reported in present study indicate that filamentous fungi in drinking water is not negligible, and that moulds should be considered as part of the microbiological analysis parameters in drinking water.  相似文献   

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