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The objective of this study was to quantify the mastication effort for cooked rice. We analyzed mastication patterns while normal subjects ate a spoonful of cooked rice that had been prepared by cooking with different amounts of water (1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 times the water to rice weight). The rice samples were served with the same weight, same volume and same solid content, and electromyography (EMG) of the masticatory muscles was measured. The texture of the four cooked rice samples was instrumentally analyzed by the two-bite method. The number of chews, masticatory time, and jaw-closing muscle activities per chew evaluated by EMG were higher in the rice sample cooked with least water, which exhibited a high firmness value in the instrumental test. Rice cooked with 4.0 times the amount of water exhibited the longest jaw-opening duration, which was related to the adhesiveness value in the instrumental test. The ratio of jaw-opening muscle activity to the preceding jaw-closing muscle activity was lower for the rice containing least water, this corresponding to the area ratio (balance degree) in the instrumental test. Softer rice containing more water reduced the total mastication effort until swallowing because it required a shorter mastication time. It was not difficult for the softer rice with high density to be ingested in greater weight, decreasing the mastication effort for a certain amount.  相似文献   



Swallowing is triggered when a food bolus being prepared by mastication has reached a defined state. However, although this view is consensual and well supported, the physical properties of the swallowable bolus have been under-researched. We tested the hypothesis that measuring bolus physical changes during the masticatory sequence to deglutition would reveal the bolus properties potentially involved in swallowing initiation.


Twenty normo-dentate young adults were instructed to chew portions of cereal and spit out the boluses at different times in the masticatory sequence. The mechanical properties of the collected boluses were measured by a texture profile analysis test currently used in food science. The median particle size of the boluses was evaluated by sieving. In a simultaneous sensory study, twenty-five other subjects expressed their perception of bolus texture dominating at any mastication time.


Several physical changes appeared in the food bolus as it was formed during mastication: (1) in rheological terms, bolus hardness rapidly decreased as the masticatory sequence progressed, (2) by contrast, adhesiveness, springiness and cohesiveness regularly increased until the time of swallowing, (3) median particle size, indicating the bolus particle size distribution, decreased mostly during the first third of the masticatory sequence, (4) except for hardness, the rheological changes still appeared in the boluses collected just before swallowing, and (5) physical changes occurred, with sensory stickiness being described by the subjects as a dominant perception of the bolus at the end of mastication.


Although these physical and sensory changes progressed in the course of mastication, those observed just before swallowing seem to be involved in swallowing initiation. They can be considered as strong candidates for sensory inputs from the bolus that are probably crucially involved in the triggering of swallowing, since they appeared in boluses prepared in various mastication strategies by different subjects.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate masticatory muscle activity and kinematics of mandible changes in children with unilateral posterior cross-bite (UPXB) after orthodontic treatment, and one year after retention. Twenty-five children with UPXB and functional mandibular shift were evaluated before treatment (mean age 12.5years), after treatment (mean age 14.9years), and one year after retention (mean age 16.8years). The same data were collected in a control group of thirty age-matched normocclusive children. Simultaneous bilateral surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity from anterior temporalis (AT), posterior temporalis (PT), masseter (MA), and supra-hyoid (SH) muscle areas were evaluated at rest, during swallowing, mastication and clenching. Kinematic records of rest position, mandibular lateral shift, swallowing and mastication were analyzed. Results showed a lateral shift of the mandible present at rest. During swallowing, sEMG activity of SH predominated before and post-treatment and retention. High frequency of immature swallowing was maintained post-treatment and retention. During mastication, MA activity increased significantly and its asymmetry was corrected post-treatment. During clenching, cross-bite side AT and MA activity increased significantly posttreatment and remained stable after retention, and MA/AT ratio reversed. These findings reinforce the advantages of treating children with UPXB and functional shift as early as possible.  相似文献   

The process of eating and drinking was observed in vivo by application of videofluoroscopy, a dynamic X-ray technique, as well as real-time magnetic resonance imaging. The study was aimed at elucidating the timing and performance of the physiological organs involved in mastication and swallowing, mainly the tongue, the pharynx and the soft palate (velum palatinum). It was shown for the first time that effective physiological barriers do exist during food consumption that are capable of retaining volatiles such as helium within the oral cavity. These barriers allow the access of odorants to the nasal cavity only at certain times during the eating process. Their effectiveness is related to the texture of the food as well as the amount of food material present in the oral cavity and, thereby, directly influences retronasal aroma perception.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the influence of maximal bite force, maximal tongue pressure, number of mastications and swallowing on the oro‐pharyngeal residue in the elderly. Background: Oro‐pharyngeal residue in the elderly is an indication of dysphagia. Pharyngeal residue is especially critical as it may cause aspiration pneumonia, which is one of the major causes of death in elderly. Materials and methods: Videofluorographic recordings were performed on 14 elderly volunteers (six males, eight females, age range 65–93 years) without any history or symptoms of dysphagia. The subjects were instructed to consume 9 g of barium containing bread in two manners; free mastication and swallow (FMS: masticate and swallow freely), and limited mastication and swallow (LMS: swallow once after 30 chewing actions). The amount of oral and pharyngeal residue was evaluated using a 4‐point rating scale. Maximal occlusal force was measured by a pressure sensitive sheet, and maximal tongue pressure using a handy probe. Multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the influence of these items on the amount of oral and pharyngeal residue in FMS and LMS. Results: In FMS, age was found to be a factor which increased oral residue (p = 0.053), and the number of swallowing (p = 0.017) and the state of the prosthesis (p = 0.030) reduced the pharyngeal residue. In LMS, tongue pressure was a factor which reduced oral residue (p = 0.015) and increased pharyngeal residue (p = 0.008). Conclusion: It is suggested that in the elderly tongue pressure contributed to propulsion of the food bolus from oral cavity into the pharynx, and multiple swallowing contributed to the reduction in the amount of pharyngeal residue.  相似文献   

The effects of reduced salivary output in patients suffering from xerostomia on masticatory function has not been previously studied. This study compares masticatory performance and kinematic activity of patients suffering from xerostomia with age-, sex-, and number of occluding pairs-matched healthy controls. Masticatory function was evaluated by assessment of chewing motion and muscle activity during chewing an artificial food (CutterSil®), chewing gum and swallowing a bolus of almond. Chewing motion was recorded with the Optotrak® computer system. Bilateral muscle activity of both masseter and anterior temporalis was recorded using surface electrodes. Results of this study revealed significant differences between patients and controls in their ability to process food and masticatory muscle activity. The majority of patients could not break down the artificial food, others had a larger median particle size than the controls. A significant difference was also observed in the number of chewing cycles required to swallow almonds, the patients required more than twice as many chews as the controls, P<0.001. The right masseter muscle displayed significantly less activity for the patient than the controls. These findings suggest that patients with xerostomia exhibit reduced ability to process food. The observed decline in masticatory performance is probably due to reduced activity of the muscles of mastication.  相似文献   

Unlike all other primates, the digastric muscle of the orangutan lacks an anterior belly; the posterior belly, while present, inserts directly onto the mandible. To understand the functional consequences of this morphologic novelty, the EMG activity patterns of the digastric muscle and other potential mandibular depressors were studied in a gibbon and an orangutan. The results suggest a significant degree of functional differentiation between the two digastric bellies. In the gibbon, the recruitment pattern of the posterior digastric during mastication is typically biphasic. It is an important mandibular depressor, active in this role during mastication and wide opening. It also acts with the anterior suprahyoid muscles to move the hyoid prior to jaw opening during mastication. The recruitment patterns of the anterior digastric suggest that it is functionally allied to the geniohyoid and mylohyoid. For example, although it transmits the force of the posterior digastric during mandibular depression, it functions independent of the posterior digastric during swallowing. Of the muscles studied, the posterior digastric was the only muscle to exhibit major differences in recruitment pattern between the two species. The posterior digastric retains its function as a mandibular depressor in orangutans, but is never recruited biphasically, and is not active prior to opening. The unique anatomy of the digastric muscle in orangutans results in decoupling of the mechanisms for hyoid movement and mandibular depression, and during unilateral activity it potentially contributes to substantial transverse movements of the mandible. Hypotheses to explain the loss of the anterior digastric should incorporate these functional conclusions. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this article, we aimed at investigating the interaction between breathing and swallowing patterns in normal subjects. Ten healthy volunteers were included in the study. Diaphragm EMG activity was recorded by a needle electrode inserted into the 7th or 8th intercostal space. Swallowing was monitored by submental EMG activity, and laryngeal vertical movement was recorded by using a movement sensor. A single voluntary swallow was initiated during either the inspiration or expiration phases of respiration, and changes in EMG activity were evaluated. When a swallow coincided with either inspiration or expiration, the duration of the respiratory phase was prolonged. Normal subjects were able to voluntarily swallow during inspiration. During the inspiration phase with swallowing, diaphragmatic activity did not ceased and during the expiration phase with swallowing, there was a muscle activity in the diaphragm muscle.  相似文献   

The lack of specific data correlating activity in the human medial pterygoid muscle with displacement of the jaw during mastication, and the hint of possible differences in function between certain mammalian species, prompted a study of unilateral mastication in six adult subjects. Muscle activity in the medial pterygoid, masseter, and anterior temporal muscles was recorded simultaneously with three-dimensional movement of an incisor point on the mandible. Signals from muscles and displacement transducer were sampled by a disc-based computer system programmed to analyze data averaged over 30 chewing cycles on each side and in some instances over 30 open-close and clench cycles. Patterns of medial pterygoid activity were consistent for the group as a whole, demonstrating activation of both muscles early in the closing cycle with strong ipsilateral muscle activity before and throughout the intercuspal phase of mastication. By contrast contralateral activity ceased during the crushing phase of the cycle, reappearing in some subjects just before the end of intercuspation. Medial pterygoid activity mirrored masseter and anterior temporal activity only during certain phases of the closing cycle, suggesting that these muscles should be considered as being selectively coactivated with, rather than synergists of, the major elevators of the jaw. The muscles were active during horizontal components of movement of the incisor teeth in chewing, but were inactive during the open-close and clench task despite vigorous contraction of the masseter muscles. Overall, the observations complement previous reports of medial pterygoid muscle activity in humans. They also confirm, for these muscles at least, a general similarity between man and the little brown bat, a relationship hitherto suspected but unsubstantiated.  相似文献   

A stress analysis of the primate mandible suggests that vertically deep jaws in the molar region are usually an adaptation to counter increased sagittal bending stress about the balancing-side mandibular corpus during unilateral mastication. This increased bending stress about the balancing side is caused by an increase in the amount of balancing-side muscle force. Furthermore, this increased muscle force will also cause an increase in dorso-ventral shear stress along the mandibular symphysis. Since increased symphyseal stress can be countered by symphyseal fusion and as increased bending stress can be countered by a deeper jaw, deep jaws and symphyseal fusion are often part of the same functional pattern. In some primates (e.g., Cercocebus albigena), deep jaws are an adaptation to counter bending in the sagittal plane during powerful incisor biting, rather than during unilateral mastication. The stress analysis of the primate mandible also suggests that jaws which are transversely thick in the molar region are an adaptation to counter increased torsion about the long axis of the working-side mandibular corpus during unilateral mastication. Increased torsion of the mandibular corpus can be caused by an increase in masticatory muscle force, an increase in the transverse component of the postcanine bite force and/or an increase in premolar use during mastication. Patterns of masticatory muscle force were estimated for galagos and macaques, demonstrating that the ratio of working-side muscle force to balancing-side muscle force is approximately 1.5:1 in macaques and 3.5:1 in galagos during unilateral isometric molar biting. These data support the hypothesis that mandibular symphyseal fusion is an adaptative response to maximize unilateral molar bite force by utilizing a greater percentage of balancing-side muscle force.  相似文献   



Swallowing is a continuous process with substantive interdependencies among different muscles, and it plays a significant role in our daily life. The aim of this study was to propose a novel technique based on high-density surface electromyography (HD sEMG) for the evaluation of normal swallowing functions.


A total of 96 electrodes were placed on the front neck to acquire myoelectric signals from 12 healthy subjects while they were performing different swallowing tasks. HD sEMG energy maps were constructed based on the root mean square values to visualize muscular activities during swallowing. The effects of different volumes, viscosities, and head postures on the normal swallowing process were systemically investigated by using the energy maps.


The results showed that the HD sEMG energy maps could provide detailed spatial and temporal properties of the muscle electrical activity, and visualize the muscle contractions that closely related to the swallowing function. The energy maps also showed that the swallowing time and effort was also explicitly affected by the volume and viscosity of the bolus. The concentration of the muscular activities shifted to the opposite side when the subjects turned their head to either side.


The proposed method could provide an alternative method to physiologically evaluate the dynamic characteristics of normal swallowing and had the advantage of providing a full picture of how different muscle activities cooperate in time and location. The findings from this study suggested that the HD sEMG technique might be a useful tool for fast screening and objective assessment of swallowing disorders or dysphagia.

The digastric muscle acts for both feeding (including mastication and swallowing) and respiration. In this study, we examined whether or not the muscle activity is detectable during anoxia in developing rats. Rats at 4 different ages, days 5, 10, 16, and 24, were exposed to 100% N2 under pentobarbital or ketamine-xylazine anesthesia, and the electromyograms of digastric muscles (dEMG) and the diaphragm (diaEMG) were examined simultaneously. Prior to the anoxic exposure, at all ages, the dEMG was similar to or less apparent than the diaEMG, which was detected at each inspiratory movement. In anoxia, we first observed dEMG activity, mostly sporadic (days 5 and 10) or mostly tonic (days 16 and 24), when diaEMG activity was temporarily suppressed (we termed it Phase 1). Second, synchronous phasic or tonic dEMG and phasic diaEMG were recorded temporarily before terminal apnea (we termed it Phase 2). These phenomena were also obtained in vagotomized rats (all ages) or in rats injected with the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 (dizocilpine (5R,10S)-(+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate) (days 16 and 24). In conclusion, our results suggest that in anoxia, dEMG activity is detectable during diaEMG suppression in early anoxia, irrespective of the developmental age, the anesthetic (pentobarbital or ketamine-xylazine), vagotomy, or MK-801 injections.  相似文献   

The masseter muscle is involved in the complex and coordinated oromotor behaviors such as mastication during wakefulness. The masseter electromyographic (EMG) activity decreases but does not disappear completely during sleep: the EMG activity is generally of low level and inhomogeneous for the duration, amplitude and intervals. The decreased excitability of the masseter motoneurons can be determined by neural substrates for NREM and REM sleep. The masseter EMG activity is increased in association with the level of arousal fluctuations within either sleep state. In addition, there are some motor events such as REM twitches, swallowing and rhythmic masticatory muscle activity (RMMA), whose generation might involve the additional activation of specific neural circuits. Sleep bruxism (SB) is characterized by exaggerated occurrence of RMMA. In SB, the rhythmic activation of the masseter muscle can reflect the rhythmic motor inputs to motoneurons through, at least in part, common neural circuits for generating masticatory rhythm under the facilitatory influences of transient arousals. However, it remains elusive as to which neural circuits determine the genesis of sleep bruxism. Based on the available knowledge on the masseter EMG activity during sleep, this review presents that the variety of the masseter EMG phenotypes during sleep can result from the combinations of the quantitative, spatial and temporal neural factors eventually sending net facilitatory inputs to trigeminal motoneurons under sleep regulatory systems.  相似文献   

以玉米淀粉糖渣为原料制备米曲发酵酱油   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米淀粉糖渣为原料制备米曲,米曲中的中性蛋白酶活力能够达到4000 U/g(干基),糖化酶比活力可达到120 U/g左右,满足酿造酱油所需要求。用糖渣米曲发酵酱油,氨基态氮和总氮质量浓度分别能够达到7.1 g/L和11.9 g/L,还原糖质量浓度为13.2 g/L,各项理化指标均可达到国家二级酱油标准。  相似文献   

We measured the electromyographic activity of the posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) muscle simultaneously with glottic width (dg) in five normal human subjects during hyperpnea induced by hypoxia (7% CO2 in N2) or hypercapnia (9% CO2 in 50% O2). The glottic aperture was measured during inspiration at the time corresponding to peak inspiratory PCA activity and during expiration at the time corresponding to the minimum tonic activity. During hyperpnea, peak and tonic PCA activity increased simultaneously with widening of the vocal cords in both phases of the respiratory cycle. The PCA activity during both inspiration and expiration showed a single curvilinear relationship with dg of the form dg = A - Be-k.PCA (where A, B, and k are constants) in three of the five subjects. At 50% of maximum PCA activity, dg already reached 95% of its maximum value, which was less than that recorded during a voluntary forced expiratory maneuver. The single curvilinear relationship between PCA activity and dg could be due to the length-tension relationship of the PCA muscle and/or changes in its mechanical coupling, as well as simultaneous agonist and antagonist laryngeal muscle activity during progressive chemical stimulation. Also, further widening of the glottis during forced expiration suggests recruitment of additional muscles, e.g., the arytenoideus.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of human pharyngeal muscle activation patterns during swallowing found a relatively invariant muscle activation onset sequence in the upright position. However, different gravitational forces influence a liquid bolus when supine and could modify the central timing control of laryngeal airway protection during swallowing. The purpose of this study was to determine whether laryngeal muscle onset timing during swallowing differed between the supine and upright positions. Nine subjects performed six swallowing trials with a 2-ml water bolus in each position. Simultaneous electromyographic recordings were obtained from the submental complex (SMC) and the right and left thyroarytenoid (TA) muscles. Regardless of body position, the timing, amplitude, and duration of the TA muscles did not vary relative to the SMC. Therefore, the sequence of TA muscle activation relative to the SMC during swallowing appeared unaffected by gravitational influences.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether gastric emptying limits the rate of muscle glycogen storage during the initial 4 h after exercise when a carbohydrate supplement is provided. A secondary purpose was to determine whether liquid (L) and solid (S) carbohydrate (CHO) feedings result in different rates of muscle glycogen storage after exercise. Eight subjects cycled for 2 h on three separate occasions to deplete their muscle glycogen stores. After each exercise bout they received 3 g CHO/kg body wt in L (50% glucose polymer) or S (rice/banana cake) form or by intravenous infusion (I; 20% sterile glucose). The L and S supplements were divided into two equal doses and administered immediately after and 120 min after exercise, whereas the I supplement was administered continuously during the first 235 min of the 240-min recovery period. Blood samples were drawn from an antecubital vein before exercise, during exercise, and throughout recovery. Muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis immediately after and 120 and 240 min after exercise. Blood glucose and insulin declined during exercise and increased significantly above preexercise levels during recovery in all treatments. The increase in blood glucose during the I treatment, however, was three times greater than during the L or S treatments. The average insulin response of the L treatment (61.7 +/- 4.9 microU/ml) was significantly greater than that of the S treatment (47.5 +/- 4.2 microU/ml) but not that of the I (55.3 +/- 4.5 microU/ml) treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objective: Clinical observations and mathematical models show that dental implants are influenced by the magnitude of loading. Therefore, the knowledge of mandible movement during mastication is important to assess occlusal and masticatory force vectors. The purpose of this study was to detect the path of movement of the lower jaw and to distinguish stages of mastication, duration of bolus processing and peak amplitude of mastication. Method: Motion analysis was used to record three-dimensional mandible movements. Individualized sensors were rigidly attached to the mandible of 51 study participants. At the beginning of the measurement, all subjects were asked to move the mandible in extreme positions (maximal opening and maximal lateral movements). Then, each subject masticated a bite of hard and soft food. Duration of bolus mastication and peak amplitude of mastication movement in mesio-distal, cranio-caudal and vestibulo-oral axes related to peak amplitude of marginal movements were evaluated for each subject. The chewing record of each subject was divided into three phases (chopping, grinding and swallowing), and the duration of mastication and number of closing movements were evaluated. Results: The findings of this pilot study suggest that masticatory movements vary in individuals. Bolus character influences the process duration, but not the frequency of closing movements. Neither gender nor age had any influence on either the time or frequency of bolus processing. Conclusion: Relationships to directions and magnitudes of acting chewing force should be more precisely examined since transversally acted forces during grinding are important factors in tooth/implant overloading.  相似文献   

The relationship between the physical properties of solid food and the masticatory parameters is clarified. Eight solid foods of varying physical properties were chosen. Electromyography of the jaw-closing muscles and mandibular kinematics in eleven young subjects were recorded. The masticatory parameters were derived from the recorded data for the entire mastication process, for the first bite, and in the early, middle, and late stages of mastication. After calculating values relative to the mean value for each subject, nine parameters representing each group were chosen through a cluster analysis. Three principal components were extracted, each of them related to the masticatory time and cycle, minimum jaw opening at the early stage of mastication, and masticatory force. The principal component scores for each food were different, except for one combination in which the physical properties under large and extra-large deformations were similar, despite different breaking properties or small deformation properties. The masticatory parameters did not correlate with the physical properties of food measured for small deformation.  相似文献   

The present study examined respiratory muscle endurance and the magnitude of the sense of effort during inspiratory threshold loading following a dose of caffeine (600 mg) previously observed to increase diaphragm strength. Experiments were performed on 12 normal subjects. Respiratory muscle endurance at a given level of load was assessed from the time of exhaustion and from the time course of the change in the power spectrum (centroid frequency) of the diaphragm electromyogram (EMG). The intensity of the sense of effort during loaded breathing was evaluated using a category (Borg) scale. Increasingly severe loads were associated with more rapid onset of fatigue. At a given load, caffeine prolonged the time to exhaustion and decreased the rate of fall of the centroid frequency of the diaphragm EMG. Caffeine also decreased the sense of effort during loaded breathing in 9 of 11 subjects. Changes in respiratory muscle endurance after caffeine administration were not explained by changes in the pressure-time index of the respiratory muscles or the pattern of thoracoabdominal movement. We conclude that caffeine enhances inspiratory muscle endurance, while concomitantly reducing the sense of effort associated with fatiguing inspiratory muscle contractions.  相似文献   

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