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Sugar analysis of isolated cell walls from three formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum showed that they contained not only glucose and (N-acetyl)-glucosamine, but also mannose, galactose, and uronic acids, presumably originating from cell wall glycoproteins. Cell wall glycoproteins accounted for 50–60% of the total mass of the wall. X-ray diffraction studies showed the presence of α-1,3-glucan in the alkali-soluble cell wall fraction and of β-1,3-glucan and chitin in the alkali-insoluble fraction. Electron microscopy and lectin binding studies indicated that glycoproteins form an external layer covering an inner layer composed of chitin and glucan.  相似文献   

The transposable element impala is a member of the widespread superfamily of Tc1-mariner transposons, identified in the genome of the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum. This element is present in a low copy number and is actively transposed in the F.␣oxysporum strain F24 that is pathogenic for melons. The structure of the impala family was investigated by cloning and sequencing all the genomic copies. The analysis revealed that this family is composed of full-length and truncated copies. Four copies contained a long open reading frame that could potentially encode a transposase of 340 amino acids. The presence of conserved functional domains (a nuclear localisation signal, a catalytic DDE domain and a DNA-binding domain) suggests that these four copies may be autonomous elements. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of the impala copies defined three subfamilies, which differ by a high level of nucleotide polymorphism (around 20%). The coexistence of these divergent subfamilies in the same genome may indicate that the impala family is of ancient origin and/or that it arose by successive horizontal transmission events. Received: 2 December 1997 / Accepted: 28 April 1998  相似文献   

Two genes encoding putative family F xylanases from the tomato vascular wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici have been cloned and sequenced. The two genes, designated xyl2 and xyl3, encode proteins with calculated molecular masses of 33 and 39.3 kDa and isoelectric points of 8.9 and 6.7, respectively. The predicted amino acid sequences show significant homology to other family F xylanases. XYL3 contains a cellulose-binding domain in its N-terminal region. Southern analysis suggested that xyl2 and xyl3 homologs are also present in other formae speciales of F. oxysporum. Both genes were expressed during growth on oat spelt xylan and tomato vascular tissue in vitro. RT-PCR revealed that xyl3 is expressed in roots and in the lower stems of tomato plants infected by F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici throughout the whole disease cycle, whereas xyl2 is only expressed during the final stages of disease. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 December 1998  相似文献   

A retrotransposon from the fungal plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici has been isolated and characterized. The element, designated skippy (skp) is 7846 by in length, flanked by identical long terminal repeats (LTR) of 429 by showing structural features characteristic of retroviral and retrotransposon LTRs. Target-site duplications of 5 bp were found. Two long overlapping open reading frames (ORF) were identified. The first ORF, 2562 by in length, shows homology to retroviral gag genes. The second ORF, 3888 bp in length, has homology to the protease, reverse transciptase. RNase H and integrase domains of retroelement pol genes in that order. Sequence comparisons and the order of the predicted proteins from skippy indicate that the element is closely related to the gypsy family of LTR-retrotransposons. The element is present in similar copy numbers in the two races investigated, although RFLP analysis showed differences in banding patterns. The number of LTR sequences present in the genome is higher than the number of copies of complete elements, indicating excision by homologous recombination between LTR sequences.  相似文献   

The activity of several families of transposable elements (TEs) in the genome of Fusarium oxysporum represents a potential source of karyotypic instability. We investigated transposon-mediated chromosome rearrangements by analyzing the karyotypes of a set of strains in which transposition events had occurred. We uncovered exceptional electrophoretic karyotype (EK) variability, in both number and size of chromosomal bands. We showed that EK differences result from chromosomal translocations, large deletions, and even more complex rearrangements. We also revealed many duplicated chromosomal regions. By following transposition of two elements and analyzing the distribution of different families of TEs on whole chromosomes, we find (i) no evidence of chromosomal breakages induced by transposition, (ii) a clustering of TEs in some regions, and (iii) a correlation between the high level of chromosomal polymorphism and the concentration of TEs. These results suggest that chromosome length polymorphisms likely result from ectopic recombination between TEs that can serve as substrates for these changes.  相似文献   

目的: 通过对尖孢镰刀菌中Folprp4基因的鉴定,揭示其在尖孢镰刀菌中的功能及致病相关性。方法: 基于同源重组原理,根据测定出的Folprp4基因序列,应用Split-Marker重组技术构建含有潮霉素抗性基因(hph)的基因缺失盒。将基因缺失盒经PEG介导转化到野生型原生质体中,在含有潮霉素B的TCC培养基上筛选转化子,通过PCR正负筛查获得Folprp4基因缺失突变株(ΔFolprp4)。构建含有Folprp4基因的载体pZDH1,并将其转化到敲除突变体中进行互补测验。结果: 与野生型(hm)和异位插入突变体(ecFolprp4)相比,敲除突变体菌丝生长受到严重阻碍,当野生型和异位插入突变体长满整个平板时,敲除突变体菌落呈小点状。敲除突变体的另一个显著变化是ΔFolprp4的分生孢子产量显著下降。侵染实验表明,ΔFolprp4对亚麻幼苗的毒力显著降低。互补实验表明,该互补载体的回复子(Folprp4-C)在菌落形态、生长速率、分生孢子产量和毒力方面均恢复到了野生型菌株。结论: Folprp4基因与尖孢镰刀菌的菌丝生长、分生孢子发生和致病性有关。  相似文献   

尖孢镰刀菌可造成不同瓜类的枯萎病.为明确不同寄主、不同地区的瓜类枯萎病菌菌株间的遗传多样性及亲缘关系,采用相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)分子标记技术,对来源于不同地区、不同寄主的95株尖孢镰刀菌的基因组DNA进行多态性扩增.以筛选出的19对引物共扩增出238条带,多态性比率为100%,平均每对引物扩增出12.5个位点和12.5个多态性位点;尖孢镰刀菌苦瓜专化型共扩增出166条带,其中145条为多态性条带,多态性比率为87.4%,平均每对引物扩增出8.7个位点和7.7个多态性位点,说明尖孢镰刀菌的遗传变异较为广泛.瓜类枯萎病菌株间的遗传相似系数范围为0.68~0.99,样品间的平均Nei遗传多样性指数和Shannon指数分别为0.2390和0.3718.在遗传相似系数为0.74时,可将供试的95株尖孢镰刀菌划分为苦瓜、黄瓜、西瓜、甜瓜4个专化群.在SRAP聚类树中,同一寄主的尖孢镰刀菌聚在一个分支上,其中尖孢镰刀菌苦瓜专化型菌株间的遗传相似系数范围为0.78~0.99,Nei遗传多样性指数为0.1811,平均Shannon指数为0.2750,表明尖孢镰刀菌苦瓜专化型的遗传变异较大,且菌株的聚群与地理来源存在相关性.  相似文献   

Fungi present the ability to hydroxylate steroids. In some filamentous fungi, progesterone induces an enzyme system which converts the compound into a less toxic hydroxylated product. We investigated the progesterone response in the vascular wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum, using mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Progesterone was mainly transformed into 15α-hydroxyprogesterone, which was found predominantly in the extracellular medium. The role of two conserved fungal signaling cascades in the induction of the progesterone-transforming enzyme system was studied, using knockout mutants lacking the mitogen-activated protein kinase Fmk1 or the heterotrimeric G-protein β subunit Fgb1 functioning upstream of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) pathway. No steroid hydroxylation was induced in the Δfgb1 strain, suggesting a role for the G-protein β subunit in progesterone signaling. Exogenous cAMP restored the induction of progesterone-transforming activity in the Δfgb1 strain, suggesting that steroid signaling in F. oxysporum is mediated by the cAMP-PKA pathway.  相似文献   

A large number of isolates from the Fusarium graminearum clade representing all regions in China with a known history of Fusarium head blight (FHB) epidemics in wheat were assayed using PCR to ascertain their trichothecene mycotoxin chemotypes and associated phylogenetic species and geographical distribution. Of the 299 isolates assayed, 231 are from F. asiaticum species lineage 6, which produce deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-AcDON); deoxynivalenol and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-AcDON); and nivalenol and 4-acetylnivalenol (NIV) mycotoxins, with 3-AcDON being the predominant chemotype. Ninety-five percent of this species originated from the warmer regions where the annual average temperatures were above 15 °C, based on the climate data of 30 y during 1970–1999. However, 68 isolates within F. graminearum species lineage 7 consisted only of 15-AcDON producers, 59 % of which were from the cooler regions where the annual average temperatures were 15 °C or lower. Identification of a new subpopulation of 15-AcDON producers revealed a molecular distinction between F. graminearum and F. asiaticum that produce 15-AcDON. An 11-bp repeat is present in F. graminearum within their Tri7 gene sequences but is absent in F. asiaticum, which could be directly used for differentiating the two phylogenetic species of the F. graminearum clade.  相似文献   

【目的】采用优良抗病性内生菌资源来控制棉花枯萎病是一种有效的措施。本研究从大豆根瘤中筛选棉花枯萎病拮抗性内生细菌,探索其对棉花枯萎病菌丝的抑制作用和代表菌株特性,为发掘和应用防病、抗逆优良菌株提供理论基础。【方法】采用对峙法和代谢液培养法对大豆根瘤内生细菌进行棉花枯萎病菌抑菌性筛选,显微观察法研究筛选菌株引起病原菌菌丝变化,通过菌株培养特征、理化特性和16S r DNA序列同源性分析确定菌株系统发育地位,比色法测定DD174耐盐碱性,盆栽试验验证防病效果。【结果】经复筛和代谢液试验有5株拮抗性较强菌株,被作用病原菌菌丝畸形、细胞壁消失、自溶,菌丝基部加粗、分支增多,呈树根状;菌丝被菌苔包埋而溶解、断裂,菌丝末端球形膨大。对棉花枯萎病菌的抑制作用主要通过菌体产生胞外代谢物发挥作用。菌株DD174、DD176和DD179最相似菌株分别为Bacillus oceanisediminis H2T(GQ292772)和B.thuringiensis ATCC 10792T(AF290545),菌株DD165和DD166最相似菌株均为Stenotrophomonas maltophilia LMG 958T(X95923)。DD174能耐受6%盐浓度,p H 10生长良好,具有一定耐盐碱能力。DD174处理组防治效果达76.32%,其他防效均在62%以上,可作为棉花枯萎病的生防菌株资源。【结论】大豆根瘤内存在棉花枯萎病内生拮抗细菌,其中有些菌株具有一定耐盐碱能力,对棉花枯萎病病原菌及病害有一定抑菌和防病作用。  相似文献   

Two distinct exo-cellobiohydrolases (1,4-β-d-glucan cellobiohydrolase, EC have been isolated from culture filtrates of Fusarium lini by repeated ammonium sulphate fractionation and isoelectric focusing. The purified enzymes were evaluated for physical properties, kinetics and the mechanism of their action. The results of this work were as follows. (1) A two-step enzyme purification procedure was developed, involving isoelectric focusing and ammonium sulphate fractionation. (2) Yields of pure cellobiohydrolases I and II were 45 and 36 mg l?1 of culture broth, respectively. (3) Both enzymes were found to be homogeneous, as determined by ultracentrifugation, isoelectric focusing, electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing SDS and chromatography on Sephadex. (4) The molecular weights of the two cellobiohydrolases, as determined by gel filtration and SDS gel electrophoresis, were 50 000–57 000. (5) Both cellobiohydrolases had low viscosity-reducing and reducing sugar activity from carboxymethyl cellulose and high activity with Walseth cellulose and Avicel. (6) The enzymes produced only cellobiose as the end product from filter paper and Avicel, indicating that they are true cellobiohydrolases. (7) Cellobiohydrolase I hydrolysed d-xylan whereas cellobiohydrolase II was inactive towards d-xylan. (8) There was a striking synergism in filter paper activity when cellobiohydrolase was supplemented with endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase [cellulase, 1,4-(1,3;1,4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC] and β-d-glucosidase (β-d-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC  相似文献   

Plant products along with biocontrol agents were tested against Fusarium wilt of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc). Of the 22 plant species tested, the leaf extract of Datura metel (10%) showed complete inhibition of the mycelial growth of Foc. Two botanical fungicides, Wanis 20 EC and Damet 50 EC along with selected PGPR strains with known biocontrol activity, Pseudomonas fluorescens 1, Pf1 and Bacillus subtilis, TRC 54 were tested individually and in combination for the management of Fusarium wilt under greenhouse and field conditions. Combined application of botanical formulation and biocontrol agents (Wanis 20 EC + Pf1 + TRC 54) reduced the wilt incidence significantly under greenhouse (64%) and field conditions (75%). Reduction in disease incidence was positively correlated with the induction of defense-related enzymes peroxidase (PO) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO). Three antifungal compounds (two glycosides and one ester) in D. metel were separated and identified using TLC, RP-HPLC (Reverse Phase-High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) and mass spectrometry. In this study it is clear that combined application of botanical formulations and biocontrol agents can be very effective in the management of Fusarium wilt of banana.  相似文献   

卢氏香茶菜乙素的结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从卢氏香茶菜叶的乙醚提取物中分得一个新的二萜化合物,卢氏香茶菜乙素(ludongnin B),其结构经各项光谱数据确定为(1)式。  相似文献   

鲁山冬凌草戊素的结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从鲁山冬凌草叶中分得一个新的二萜化合物,鲁山冬凌草戊素(lushanrubesensin E),其结构经各项光谱数据确定为对映-2α,11β-二羟基-3α,6β-二乙酰氧基-16-贝壳杉烯-15-酮。  相似文献   

Many of the genes involved in trichothecene toxin biosynthesis in Fusarium sporotrichioides are present within a gene cluster. Here we report the complete sequence for TRI12, a gene encoding a trichothecene efflux pump that is located within the trichothecene gene cluster of F. sporotrichioides. TRI12 encodes a putative polypeptide of 598 residues with sequence similarities to members of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) and is predicted to contain 14 transmembrane-spanning segments. Disruption of TRI12 results in both reduced growth on complex media and reduced levels of trichothecene production. Growth of tri12 mutants on trichothecene-containing media is inhibited, suggesting that TRI12 may play a role in F. sporotrichioides self-protection against trichothecenes. Functional analysis of TRI12 was performed by expressing it in yeast strains that were co-transformed with a gene (TRI3) encoding a trichothecene 15-O-acetyltransferase. In the presence of the TRI3 substrate, 15-decalonectrin, cultures of yeast strains carrying TRI12 and TRI3 accumulated much higher levels of the acetylated product, calonectrin, than was observed for strains carrying TRI3 alone. PDR5, a transporter of the ABC superfamily, which is known to mediate trichothecene resistance in yeast, increased calonectrin accumulation in TRI12/TRI3 yeast strains but not in TRI3 strains. These results confirm the involvement of TRI12 in the trichothecene efflux associated with toxin biosynthesis, and demonstrate the usefulness of yeast as a host system for studies of MFS-type transporters. Received: 4 September 1998 / Accepted: 14 April 1999  相似文献   

Purified β-glucosidase from Fusarium oxysporum catalyses hydrolysis and transglycosylation reactions. By utilizing the transglycosylation reaction, trisaccharides and alkyl β-d-glucosides were synthesized under optimal conditions in the presence of various disaccharides and alcohols. The yields of trisaccharides and alkyl β-d-glucosides were 22–37% and 10–33% of the total sugar, respectively. The enzyme retained 70–80% of its original activity in the presence of 25% (w/v) methanol, ethanol and propanol. Thus, β-glucosidase from F. oxysporum appears to be an ideal enzyme for the synthesis of useful trisaccharides and alkyl β-d-glucosides.  相似文献   

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