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1. We investigated the diversity and distribution of freshwater mussels at 40 sites in an agricultural catchment, the River Raisin in south‐eastern Michigan, to relate mussel assemblages and individual taxa to reach and catchment‐scale variables. Unionids were surveyed by timed searches in 100‐m reaches, and in‐stream and riparian habitat were quantified as well as flow, water chemistry and channel morphology. Land use/cover and surficial geology were determined for site subcatchments and riparian buffers. 2. Some 21 mussel species were found overall; richness ranged from 0 to 12 living species per site. From the upper to middle to lower catchment, the number of individuals, number of species, Shannon–Weaver diversity and relative abundance of intolerant unionids all declined significantly. 3. Four groupings based on overall mussel diversity and abundance were significantly related to reach‐scale habitat variables. The richest mussel assemblages were associated with sites with higher overall habitat quality, greater flow stability, less fine substratum, and lower specific conductance. 4. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that the distribution and abundance of the total mussel assemblage, as well as the most common species, could be predicted from a combination of reach‐ and catchment‐scale variables (R2 = 0.63 for total mussels, R2 = 0.51–0.86 for individual species). 5. Flow stability, substratum composition and overall reach habitat quality were the most commonly identified reach‐scale variables, and measures of surficial geology were the most effective catchment‐scale variables. The spatial pattern of geology is likely to be responsible for the diversity gradient from the upper to the lower catchment. 6. Prior studies, attempting to explain mussel distributions from local habitat features alone, have found relatively weak relationships. By employing a combination of reach‐ and catchment‐scale habitat variables, this study was able to account for a substantial amount of the spatial variability in mussel distributions.  相似文献   


Lamellidens marginalis is an easily available food with high nutritive value. The present study is based on the East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW), India that produces mussels, consumed by human. Thus, the study of heavy metal pollution in the wastewater and mussel, and its transport to human is considered to be need of the hour to assess the health risk to human. The present study focuses on the cadmium accumulation in the outer exposed organs and the internal organs of L. marginalis. The mussel, sediment, and water were collected from the field and analyzed in the laboratory. The environmental factors were analyzed in situ. The survey work was conducted among the consumers of mussel around the EKW to predict the effect of cadmium on human. The result showed that the cadmium concentration of water was relatively important for the bioaccumulation process in L. marginalis. People having low level of income and age above forty, living adjoining the EKW were at high risk of cadmium pollution. The hazard quotient value of the above group was highest among all the groups across age and income. A ‘biofilter’ technique was suggested to mitigate the biomagnification of cadmium at the EKW.  相似文献   

During 1985, a biological monitoring study was conducted in the St. Marys River to determine the availability and source areas of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the relative importance of water and sediment to tissue contaminant concentrations. Clean unionid mussels (Elliptio complanata) were exposed in cages for three weeks at 14 stations and surficial sediments were obtained at 12 of these. The highest concentrations of total PAHs as well as many individual compounds were found in sediments and mussels from the Algoma Steel Slip above St. Marys Falls and in sediments below the discharge of the Edison Sault Electric Co. Canal. Although concentrations were lower below the Falls, elevated levels persisted downstream along the Ontario shore into Lake George. PAHs were also accumulated by mussels exposed along the Michigan shoreline, but at lower levels than along the Ontario shore. From 23 to 63 percent of the PAHs in sediments and 6 to 27 percent of those in mussels were comprised of compounds with mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties. The predominance of higher molecular weight PAHs in both sediments and mussels as well as lower molecular weight PAHs and nitrogen- and sulfur-containing PAHs in certain areas, indicates that high temperature combustion of fossil fuels is the major source of PAHs, augmented by localized spills of fossil fuels and coke oven by-products.Mussels contained fewer PAHs (up to 18 vs. 25) at lower concentrations (µg kg-1 vs. mg kg-1) than the associated surficial sediments. Also, mussels suspended at mid-depth in the water column accumulated similar concentrations to those exposed to sediments, indicating that the major exposure pathway is via the water filtered by these organisms, and hence, is due primarily to external industrial inputs.  相似文献   

Vigorous knowledge on the occurrence and distribution of toxic metals (TMs) in theenvironment is needed to assess their toxicological impacts on human health especially in developing countries like Pakistan. For the first time, the concentrations of TMs like Ni, Zn, Pb, Cr, and Cd in both ground and surface water and their potential health risk in the district Buner (Pakistan) were determined using Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS, Agilent Technologies, 7500 CX, USA) and their results were compared with their safe limits defined by Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) and World Health Organization WHO (2008 WHO (World Health Organization). 2008. Guidelines for drinking water quality, First Addendum to third ed. Recommendations, vol 1. Geneva, Switzerland [Google Scholar]). The concentrations of TMs, like Pb (43% and 86%), Ni (63% and 32%), Cr (41%), and Cd (1% and 20%) in drinking water samples exceeded their respective permissible limits set by Pak-EPA and WHO (2008), respectively. The mean concentrations of TMs were found in decreasing order Ni > Pb > Cr > Cd > Zn. The HRI values of TMs in drinking water samples for both adults and children were observed <1 indicating no health risk to the local population. Excessive marble industries are present in the study area; therefore, it is necessary to reduce metal contamination via proper disposal and treatment of marble wastewater, for which the government should take serious action in the study area.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to estimate As concentration in groundwater and resulting human health risk in terms of chronic daily intake, hazard quotient (HQ), hazard index (HI), and carcinogenic risk (CR) both for oral and dermal exposure to As. Groundwater samples (n = 100) were collected from ten different towns of Lahore District (Pakistan). Arsenic concentration ranged from 2 to 111 µg L?1 in groundwater samples of the study area, which was significantly greater than the safe limit of As (10 µg L?1) in drinking water set by the World Health Organization. Health risk assessment of As showed that HQ (0.1–11) for oral exposure and HI (0.1–11) values also exceeded the typical toxic risk index value of 1. 9.75 × E-05–4.59 × E-03 and 5.89 × E-07–2.77 × E-05 for oral and dermal As exposure, respectively. Both CR and cancer index (CIs) values were higher than United States Environmental Protection Agency limit (10?6), suggesting that people are at high risk of As-induced carcinogenicity from oral and dermal exposure to As in drinking water. It was concluded that As contamination of groundwater causes carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic health effects to the people; therefore, urgent management and remedial actions are required to protect people from As poisoning.  相似文献   

为了解阿勒泰地区额尔齐斯河和乌伦古河流域的鱼类多样性现状和历史演变, 本研究于2013-2016年间在该流域的鱼类多样性进行了连续调查, 并结合历史资料和标本, 以Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数分析评估了流域内鱼类的多样性水平和时空变化。该流域历史上分布有土著鱼类23种, 当前记录到19种, 流域内还有外来鱼类15种。阿勒泰鱼类的区系组成以鲤科种类为主, 其中特有和珍稀濒危物种占比高, 具有重要的保护价值。多样性指数计算结果显示, 2013-2016年鱼类多样性情况整体稳定, 额尔齐斯河鱼类物种数多于乌伦古河。研究还基于鱼类生物完整性指数(Fish Index of Biological Integrity, F-IBI)对34个采集点的河流健康状况进行了评价, 结果显示额尔齐斯河流域大多数调查点的健康状况处于“亚健康”或“一般”水平, 乌伦古河流域多数调查点的健康状况处于“健康”水平。水利工程、外来物种、过度捕捞是影响阿勒泰地区鱼类多样性的重要因素。未来应通过水利工程的联合调度、下泄合理生态流量、布设鱼类通道、规范养殖渔业、严控外来物种、本地土著鱼类的人工增殖放流, 以及合理的就地保护措施对阿勒泰地区的鱼类多样性加以保护, 提升水体健康程度。  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at assessing drinking water quality regarding arsenic (As) and its impact on health from Mailsi (Punjab), Pakistan. Forty-four groundwater samples were collected from two sites, Sargana and Mailsi. Arsenic and other cations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, whereas the anions were determined either through titration or spectrophotometer. The results revealed that dominant anions were HCO3? and Cl?, Ca+2 was the dominant cation, and overall water chemistry of the area was CaMgHCO3? type. Arsenic concentrations were high, ranging from 11 to 828 µg/L that crossed the World Health Organization permissible limits. Likewise, higher SO4?2 concentrations ranging from 247 to 1053 mg/L were observed. The health risk index was higher in the Sargana site, which employed the differences in terms of higher Average Daily Dose, Hazard Quotient, and Carcinogenic Risk of arsenic, which is unsuitable for drinking purposes. The area seems to be at high risk due to arsenic pollution and wells have never been tested for arsenic concentrations earlier; therefore, necessary measures should be taken to test the wells with respect to arsenic.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a vital source of drinking water in Siddipet rural and urban regions of Central Telangana, South India and it is a major cause of fluoride toxicity in humans. The intake of elevated fluoride has a significant impact on human health, especially immediate problems that are seen in children's teeth. The primary aim of the study was to identify the seasonal variation in fluoride concentration and associated health risks in the residents of the study region. To assess the fluoride contamination in groundwater, a total of 158 samples were analyzed in two seasons. The mean concentrations of fluoride 1.26 mg/L and 2.21 mg/L were 1.46 and 2.8 times higher than the acceptable limit of 1.5 mg/L, before and after monsoon respectively. To estimate the human health risks due to the ingestion of elevated fluoride through drinking water, hazard quotient fluoride (HQFluoride) was calculated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency method. HQFluoride values were 0.44–2.44 and 0.89–4.67 for children, 0.36–2.00 and 0.73–3.82 for females, and 0.41–2.26 and 0.82–4.31 for males in pre- and post-monsoon seasons respectively, suggesting emphatically greater risk than the acceptable limits (HQFluoride > 1), which generates health risks.  相似文献   

Contamination of freshwater bodies and consequently freshwater fish with toxic heavy metals is a serious environmental issue. The trophic transfer of potentially toxic heavy metals in the human food chains, especially in fish has important implications for human health. The present research study was designed to assess the concentrations of the heavy metals Cr, Ni, Cd, and Pb in the water, sediments, and different freshwater fish species of River Kabul, Pakistan. The heavy metals were quantified in the samples with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Heavy metal contamination in fish muscles was characterized in terms of metal pollution index and biota-sediments accumulation factor, while human health risk was assessed through calculation of estimated weekly intake. The average concentrations of Cr, Ni, Cd, and Pb in muscle samples of the analyzed fish species at different sampling sites of the river ranged from 12.3 to 33.0, 33.2 to 109.2, 0.98 to 1.5, and 13.9 to 29.6 mg kg?1 wet weight, respectively. Based on the current study data, consumption of the analyzed freshwater fish species from River Kabul was generally safe in terms of potential risk from Cd and Pb but the observed Ni accumulation may pose a potential health risk to regular/excessive fish consumers.  相似文献   

1. Lampricides are commonly used to control invasive sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in tributaries around the Great Lakes (U.S.A.) by targeting their larvae (ammocoetes). As lampricides have sublethal effects on unionids, this study investigated unionid and ammocoete distribution and habitat use to aid in refining lampricide applications. 2. Habitat and unionid surveys were conducted in the Paw Paw River, in south‐west Michigan (U.S.A.). Unionids were predominately present in the upper main stem, while the probability of ammocoete presence was highest in the tributaries and lower main stem. 3. Generalised linear models revealed median particle size and gradient to be effective predictors of unionid distributions, while distance to sea lamprey spawning habitat and bank stability were effective predictors of ammocoete distributions. 4. Minimal overlap of unionid and ammocoete distributions suggests that refinement of lampricide treatment in the Paw Paw River is possible. We propose redefining the extent of the treatment unit so that only areas with a high probability of ammocoete presence and a low probability of unionid presence are treated with lampricide. This could result in reducing treatment costs and minimising threats to unionid conservation, while not jeopardising the success of lampricide treatment programmes.  相似文献   

Intensive agriculture and industrial activities have resulted in contamination in rivers and groundwater quality, which threatens human health. In this study, we used comprehensive physiochemical indicators to assess the quality of groundwater used for drinking and irrigation in addition to the potential risks to local residents in a riverbank filtration site. Human health risks through drinking water intake and dermal contact were also estimated. Moreover, we analyzed the spatial distribution regularities of health risk values in a riverbank filtration site. The assessment results revealed that NH4–N, NO2–N, F?, Mn, and As are main contaminants affecting groundwater quality and that 62% of the total samples is suitable for a variety of purposes. All groundwater in the study area is suitable for irrigation based on the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), Na percentage (%Na), and U.S. Salinity Laboratory (USSL) and Wilcox diagrams. The health risk assessment suggests that residents in the study area are at high health risk, and women and children face higher risk than men in both non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks. The spatial distribution regularities of health risk values suggest that the human health risk value of each groundwater sample is different in the study area and has certain regularity. Therefore, effective measurements must be taken to address the groundwater contamination and to reduce the human health risks.  相似文献   


This work investigated the ecological and health hazards caused by heavy metals present in urban street dust of Radom (Poland). The objectives of this study were to improve the estimation of exposure doses of toxic metals based on their distribution patterns in street dusts and to assess the noncarcinogenic health risk for the residents. Zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and lead (Pb) were mainly associated with the reducible fraction, copper (Cu) with the oxidizable fraction, and iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), and chromium (Cr) with the residual fraction. The contents of short-term and long-term labile fractions of the metals were used to assess a direct health risk, a potential health risk and an overall human health risk. The level of the overall risk quantified by the cumulative total labile fraction-HI (tlf-HIc ): 3.91E-01 (children) and 3.85E-02 (adults) was lower than the safety limit of unity. The metal that contributed the most to the overall health risk was Pb: 34% (children) and 31% (adults), while Zn and Ni had the least contribution (3% and 2% for both children and adults). It was shown that the risk assessment based on the pseudo-total content of metals can overestimate the health risk by nearly two times when compared to the assessments based on the total content of labile fractions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the drinking water quality and human potential health risk in Peshawar, which is the most populous district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. Water was randomly collected throughout Peshawar District (urban = 45 samples and rural = 29 samples). These samples were analyzed for heavy metal (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn) concentrations using the atomic absorption spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, AAS-PEA-700). Heavy metal concentrations in drinking water revealed the highest pollution index (PI) values—17.80, 11.92, 7.50, and 5.70 for the Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni, respectively. The contaminations of Cd and Pb were significantly higher (p < .05) than their maximum allowable limits set by the World Health Organization. Heavy metal contaminations in drinking water were evaluated for health risk assessment: the chronic risk or hazard quotient (HQ) and cancer risk. Results revealed that HQ values were >1 for the Cd and Pb, suggesting that the exposed human beings could be at chronic risk. Therefore, serious measures such as drinking water treatments and contamination controlling policies are needed to avoid the hazardous effects of toxic heavy metals.  相似文献   

沈阳某冶炼厂废弃厂区的人类健康风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
晁雷  周启星  陈苏  崔爽 《应用生态学报》2007,18(8):1807-1812
以沈阳某冶炼厂废弃厂区重金属污染监测为依据,采用美国环保局最新的人类健康风险评价标准方法对沈阳某冶炼厂废弃地块污染土壤进行了评价,并且假设未来该土地利用类型为工业用地(Ⅰ)或休闲用地(Ⅱ).评价结果显示:工业用地(Ⅰ)和休闲用地(Ⅱ)的累积非致癌风险指数分别为2.65×10-2和3.67×10-2;工业用地(Ⅰ)和休闲用地(Ⅱ)由呼吸摄入Cd造成的潜在致癌风险指数分别为4.48×10-9和7.30×10-10,不会对在该地区工作和休闲的人们造成身体健康上的伤害;无论是工业用地假设还是休闲用地假设,由无机铜造成的人类健康风险在整个风险中所占的比例最大;由美国环保局的人类健康风险评价方法反推得出的冶炼厂地块未来为工业用地的土壤修复目标值均小于我国工业企业土壤环境质量风险评价基准值.  相似文献   


This study was performed to measure arsenic (As) contents in groundwater/drinking water of high schools and its effects on human health. Chronic daily intake, hazardous quotient (HQ), carcinogenic risk (CR), hazardous index (HI), and carcinogenic indices (CI) for oral and dermal exposure to arsenic were calculated. Samples were taken from high schools in four tehsils of Multan. As contents ranged from 3.25 to 184?µg/l and 99% samples exceeded World Health Organization safe limit (10?µg/l). HQ for Multan city (1.70) and for Multan Saddar (1.38) exceeded USEPA permissible toxic risk value (1.0). CR in four tehsils for oral (0.0001–0.0003) and dermal exposure (0.0000049–0.000011) exceeded USEPA limit (10?6). HI for tehsil Multan city (1.75) and Multan Saddar (1.42) exceeded the limit (1.0). CI for four tehsils ranged from 0.00022 to 0.0008 exceeding USEPA limit (10?6) indicating high chronic and carcinogenic health risk to exposed population. Results indicated that groundwater of district Multan is not fit for human consumption due to excessive arsenic contamination. It invites attention of water supplying agency and educational authorities to take steps for provision of arsenic free safe drinking water to students and local area peoples.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and V in water, sediment and the gill, liver and muscle tissues of Synodontis resupinatus, Heterotis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus, all commercially important fish species of the lower Niger River, were investigated in 2015. Water, sediment and fish samples were collected for six months and heavy metals were determined using an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Fe ranked highest in water and sediment, with concentrations of 2.74 mg l?1 and 61.60 mg kg?1, respectively. Metals followed the magnitude of Fe > Mn > Ni > V > Pb in the water and Fe > Mn > V > Ni > Pb in the sediments. Metal concentrations were higher in the tissues of S. resupinatus compared with H. niloticus and C. gariepinus. Fe was also highest in the gills, liver and muscle of the three fish species. Its highest concentration of 132.97 mg kg?1 dry weight was recorded in the gills of S. resupinatus. Bioconcentration factors of metals ranged from 8.79 for Mn in H. niloticus muscle to 67.99 for Ni in S. resupinatus gills. The fish species studied pose no health risk for all metals studied, because the target hazard quotient was less than 1 and the estimated daily intakes of the metals were below the reference doses.  相似文献   

There is a lack of scientific literature regarding the bioaccumulation, dietary, and toxicity exposure of emerging persistent organic pollutants through food crops. The current mini-review presents the dietary intake, spatial distribution pattern, and screening-levels risk assessment of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the cereal crops and environmental compartments from Punjab Province, Pakistan. Results of congener specific analysis were in accordance to the previously reported pattern of detected POPs across the globe. Spatial distribution was influenced by the industrial and urban fraction and trend of spatial distribution pattern was observed as follows: industrial/urban areas > industrial/peri-urban areas > agricultural/rural areas. Dietary intake of Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) via consumption of cereal crops was observed higher and was in accordance to the previously reported levels while human health was at marginal risk to cancer. The results of dietary and toxicity exposure of detected POPs warrant auxiliary devotion in future, to this group of contaminants.  相似文献   

Freshwater mussels provide important functions and services for aquatic ecosystems, but populations of many species have been extirpated. Information on biodiversity plays an important role in the conservation and management of freshwater mussels. The Xin River Basin is a biodiversity hotspot for freshwater mussels in China, with more than 43 species known, but populations of which are decreasing. Here, we quantify the diversity of freshwater mussels in the middle and lower reaches of the Xin River Basin and study the correlation of habitat characteristics and freshwater mussel diversity. Compared to the historical period, the number of species, density, and biomass of freshwater mussels decreased 33%, 83%, and 82% in the current period, respectively. Fifty two percent of recorded species were empty shells, and 14 native freshwater mussels were not found in the study area. Four species are currently listed as vulnerable species using IUCN criteria and their global status. The assemblage structure of freshwater mussels exhibits significant spatial differences, and there was a correlation with substrate and physicochemical parameters. The main tributary of the Xin River with higher freshwater mussel diversity should be established as one large protected area because the nestedness component was the main pattern of beta diversity. These results indicated freshwater mussel diversity was declining rapidly, which can help focus conservation effort for freshwater mussel biodiversity.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to determine mollusk distributions in proximity to waste-water treatment plants (WTP's) in the upper Clinch River and to test the tolerance of two mollusk species to monochloramine and unionized ammonia, the major toxicants in domestic effluent. River reaches up to 3.7 km downstream of WTP's were devoid of freshwater mussels (Unionidae), and tolerance to effluents varied among snails, sphaeriid clams, and the asian clam Corbicula fluminea. Residential communities with septic systems had no measurable impact on mollusk assemblages downstream.Laboratory bioassays with glochidia of Villosa iris yielded the following results: 24 h EC50 and LC50 values of 0.042 mg l–1 and 0.084 mg l–1 monochloramine, respectively; and 24 h EC50 and LC50 of 0.237 mg l–1 and 0.284 mg l–1 unionized ammonia, respectively. Glochidia rank among the most sensitive invertebrates in their tolerance to these toxicants. The snail Pleurocera unciale unciale was moderately sensitive, with 96 h LC50 values of 0.252 mg l–1 monochloramine and 0.742 mg l–1 unionized ammonia. Monitoring of monochloramine and unionized ammonia concentrations 0.1 km below WTP outfalls indicated that monochloramine was the toxicant likely inhibiting mollusk recovery below these plants.The Unit is jointly supported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, The Wildlife Management Institute and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.  相似文献   

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