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Summary Three types of subsurface cisterns were observed in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of the Syrian hamster. The type-1 cisterns are subsynaptic, related to axosomatic synapses, and are separated from the postsynaptic cell membranes with distances of 400–800 Å. These are probably modified rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. The type-2 cisterns are closely apposed to the surface membranes of Purkinje cells, and have very little intracisternal space except at the dilated lateral edges. The type-3 cisterns are similar in structure to the type-2 cisterns but in addition are closely associated with mitochondria. The type-2 and type-3 cisterns appear between one and two weeks after birth and are still present in adults, having almost the same frequency of occurrence. Thin cell processes opposite the type-2 and type-3 cisterns are considered to be glial cell processes. The morphological details of these types of subsurface cisterns are described here, and their possible functional significance is briefly discussed.This work was carried out at the Department of Anatomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, and was supported by grants from the China Medical Board of New York and Anatomical Training Grant GM114 from the USPHS.Dr. Takahashi wishes to express his sincere thanks to Dr. A. Lazarow and Dr. R. L. Wood of the Department of Anatomy, University of Minnesota, who enabled him to use facilities for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary Cerebella of 3- to 6-week-old chickens were cryofixed in a nitrogen-cooled propane jet, deep-etched and rotary-shadowed. The use of a brief perfusion of 0.32 M sucrose improved the quality of the cryofixation and allowed the study of the deeper layers of the cerebellar cortex. It is reported that the cytoskeleton of the Purkinje cells (PC) shows distinct domains and composition of filamentous structures in the different regions of the cell cytoplasm, such as the perikaryon, the cytoplasm of dendrites and the axoplasm. The perikaryon is occupied by a meshwork of fine filaments, 4–7 nm in diameter, that extends from the nuclear outer membrane to the cell membrane. In this zone the cell organelles (e.g., endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria) adopt a circular arrangement around the nucleus. All structures are anchored by microfilaments to the cytoplasmic network. The dendrites show a dense cytoplasmic network including bundles of microtubules, neurofilaments and microfilaments. Numerous aggregated globular components are attached to this cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton of the dendritic spines shows axially oriented 10-nm bundles of filaments, which are interconnected and anchored also to the cell membrane and the components of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum by cross-linkers. As described in peripheral nerves, the axoplasm of axons in the central nervous system exhibits predominantly neurofilaments and microtubules aligned along the axis of the neuntes in a three-dimensional arrangement and interconnected by cross-linker filaments and filamentous structures.  相似文献   

The functional geometry of the reconstructed dendritic arborization of Purkinje neurons is the object of this work. The combined effects of the local geometry of the dendritic branches and of the membrane mechanisms are computed in passive configuration to obtain the electrotonic structure of the arborization. Steady-currents applied to the soma and expressed as a function of the path distance from the soma form different clusters of profiles in which dendritic branches are similar in voltages and current transfer effectiveness. The locations of the different clusters are mapped on the dendrograms and 3D representations of the arborization. It reveals the presence of different spatial dendritic sectors clearly separated in 3D space that shape the arborization in ordered electrical domains, each with similar passive charge transfer efficiencies. Further simulations are performed in active configuration with a realistic cocktail of conductances to find out whether similar spatial domains found in the passive model also characterize the active dendritic arborization. During tonic activation of excitatory synaptic inputs homogeneously distributed over the whole arborization, the Purkinje cell generates regular oscillatory potentials. The temporal patterns of the electrical oscillations induce similar spatial sectors in the arborization as those observed in the passive electrotonic structure. By taking a video of the dendritic maps of the membrane potentials during a single oscillation, we demonstrate that the functional dendritic field of a Purkinje neuron displays dynamic changes which occur in the spatial distribution of membrane potentials in the course of the oscillation. We conclude that the branching pattern of the arborization explains such continuous reconfiguration and discuss its functional implications.  相似文献   

Summary Stage scanning cytophotometry of Feulgen-stained cell nuclei of the cerebellum of young adult rats revealed that the absorbance values of the majority of the Purkinje cells show a Gaussian distribution with a low coefficient of variance. The peak absorbance of this population is the same as that of the granule cells. About 1% of the Purkinje cells measured, were found to have a stain content which indicates a 4C amount of DNA. For both the granular and the Purkinje cell population, a very small number of nuclei possesses absorbance values intermediate between 2C and 4C. The present data suggest prevalent diploidy of the Purkinje cells, and are at variance with those postulating a tetraploid and/or hyperdiploid status of this population.  相似文献   

Phenytoin (PHT) is a primary antiepileptic drug. Cerebellar malformations in human neonates have been described following intrauterine exposure to PHT. The neonatal period of development in the cerebellum in mice corresponds to the last trimester in humans. To examine the neurotoxic effects of PHT in the developing cerebellum, we administered PHT orally to newborn mice once a day during postnatal days 2-4. We observed many apoptotic cells in the external granular layer (EGL) on postnatal day 5, labeled cells in the EGL still remaining 72 h after labeling with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, and EGL thicker than that in the control on postnatal day 14. These results showed that PHT induced cell death of external granule cells and inhibited migration of granule cells in cerebella. In specimens immunostained with antibody against inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1, Purkinje cells in the treated group had poor and immature arbors, and partially showed an irregular arrangement. The motor performance of the treated mice in a rotating rod test was impaired, although there were no changes in muscular strength or in walking pattern at the period of maturity. These findings indicate that PHT induces neurotoxic damage to granule cells and Purkinje cells in the developing cerebellum and impairs selected aspects of motor coordination ability.  相似文献   

Intensity of the 3H-sodium acetate and 3H-leucine incorporation into dark and light Purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum was studied. The intensity of incorporation into light Purkinje cells was found to be 1.5 times higher than into the dark ones.  相似文献   

The cells that comprise the cerebellum perform a complex integration of neural inputs to influence motor control and coordination. The functioning of this circuit depends upon Purkinje cells and other cerebellar neurons forming in the precise place and time during development. Zebrafish provide a useful platform for modeling disease and studying gene function, thus a quantitative metric of normal zebrafish cerebellar development is key for understanding how gene mutations affect the cerebellum. To begin to quantitatively measure cerebellar development in zebrafish, we have characterized the spatial and temporal patterning of Purkinje cells during the first 2 weeks of development. Differentiated Purkinje cells first emerged by 2.8 days post fertilization and were spatially patterned into separate dorsomedial and ventrolateral clusters that merged at around 4 days. Quantification of the Purkinje cell layer revealed that there was a logarithmic increase in both Purkinje cell number as well as overall volume during the first 2 weeks, while the entire region curved forward in an anterior, then ventral direction. Purkinje cell dendrites were positioned next to parallel fibers as early as 3.3 days, and Purkinje cell diameter decreased significantly from 3.3 to 14 days, possibly due to cytoplasmic reappropriation into maturing dendritic arbors. A nearest neighbor analysis showed that Purkinje cells moved slightly apart from each other from 3 to 14 days, perhaps spreading as the organized monolayer forms. This study establishes a quantitative spatiotemporal map of Purkinje cell development in zebrafish that provides an important metric for studies of cerebellar development and disease. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1174–1188, 2015  相似文献   

Oligodendrocytes (OLs) are the glial cells of the central nervous system (CNS) classically known to be devoted to the formation of myelin sheaths around most axons of the vertebrate brain. We have addressed the role of these cells during cerebellar development, by ablating OLs in vivo. Previous analyses had indicated that OL ablation during the first six postnatal days results into a striking cerebellar phenotype, whose major features are a strong reduction of granule neurons and aberrant Purkinje cells development. These two cell types are highly interconnected during cerebellar development through the production of molecules that help their proliferation, differentiation and maintenance. In this article, we present data showing that OL ablation has major effects on the physiology of Purkinje (PC) and granule cells (GC). In particular, OL ablation results into a reduction of sonic hedgehog (Shh), Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), and Reelin (Rln) expression. These results indicate that absence of OLs profoundly alters the normal cerebellar developmental program.  相似文献   

The cerebellum is a highly conserved structure which exhibits patterns of gene expression and axonal connections that are organized into parasagittal domains. These aspects of the mature cerebellum are presaged during embryonic development by the expression patterns of vertebrate homologs of Drosophila segmentation genes. We wished to determine whether the parasagittal domains of gene expression are compartments of lineage restriction. To this end, a clonal analysis of the chick cerebellum was conducted with a complex retroviral library. From embryonic day (E) 8 to E12, clones derived from the more medial portion of the cerebellar ventricular zone (VZ) were observed to spread preferentially in the mediolateral direction, crossing the boundaries of the parasagittal domains of gene expression. In late embryonic and posthatch periods, VZ clones were found to comprise Purkinje cells, glial cells, or both types of cells. At these later times, clonally related glial cells formed tight parasagittal clusters, while clonally related Purkinje cells were scattered extensively in the anteroposterior direction. We propose that a subset of the cerebellar VZ clones, those with medial origins, undergoes a biphasic dispersion: an early phase of mediolateral dispersion and a late phase of anteroposterior dispersion. This novel pattern of clonal dispersion suggests that the cerebellar VZ is not partitioned into parasagittal domains of lineage restriction. It leaves open the possibility that the later dispersion along the anteroposterior axis results from the parasagittal patterns of gene expression in the developing cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

We have isolated a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a 42-kDa protein from adult zebrafish brain. The antibody stains the typical drop-shaped perikaryon of Purkinje cells and their dendrites. The cerebellum of teleosts has complex features. It is composed of three parts; the valvula cerebelli (Va), the corpus cerebelli (CCe), and the crista cerebellaris (CC). In higher vertebrates, the molecular layer is always found as the most outer layer of the cerebellum, but in teleosts, some of the granular cells are located on the surface of the Va. In higher vertebrates, the boundary between the granular and molecular layers always contains Purkinje cells, but this does not occur in teleosts. The Purkinje cells are found only in a part of the boundary in Va. We have found that the layer containing Purkinje cells forms a continuous zone in the cerebellum in the zebrafish. The complex structure of the cerebellum is more easily understood with the aid of the concept of a "Purkinje zone". The Purkinje zone starts at the caudal end of Val (lateral division of Va), turns at the edge of Va toward Vam (medial division of Va), connects to CCe, and ends at the bottom of CCe. The dendrites are found only on one side of the zone. The dendrites of the Purkinje cells in Vam are planar and are packed regularly, similar to those of higher vertebrates. However, the dendrites in Val and the posterior part of CCe are not planar and are irregularly packed.  相似文献   

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