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Molecular cloning of the cDNA coding for Xenopus laevis prion protein.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Isolation and characterization of the cDNA coding for the 216-residue Xenopus laevis prion protein is reported. Existence of this protein in amphibians was suggested by an EST fragment (accession number BG813008), while a conclusive demonstration is presented here. This protein exhibits a higher identity level to avian and turtle prion (more than 44%) than to mammalian prion (about 28%). Although most of the structural motifs common to known prion proteins are conserved in X. laevis, the lack of repeats represents a substantial difference. Other features worth noting are the presence of not perfectly conserved hydrophobic stretch, which is considered the prion signature, as well as the complete absence of histidine residues.  相似文献   

A novel inhibitor of apoptosis protein family member termed SIX was identified in Xenopus containing a single baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domain and no COOH-terminal RING finger domain. It exhibited striking amino acid sequence similarity with human survivin, mouse TIAP, and recently found Xenopus survivin, especially a part of BIR domain was highly conserved. Interestingly, SIX interacted with RXRalpha through the AF2 domain in the absence of ligand, which was weakened when the ligand was present. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that SIX mRNA was not detectable in adult with exception of the ovary and testis, and whole-mount in situ hybridization and Northern blot analyses revealed strong and homogeneous expression of SIX in the developing oocytes. In the embryos, the expression of SIX was observed in the animal hemisphere from one-cell to yolk plug stages and high level of expression was detected in the future brain and dorsal region of the neural tube at the neurula stage and early tail-bud stage. These results strongly support the fact that survivin is evolutionarily conserved in structure and SIX is likely to be the Xenopus counterpart of human and mouse survivin.  相似文献   

Olesen OF  Kawabata-Fukui H  Yoshizato K  Noro N 《Gene》2002,283(1-2):299-309
The microtubules of the mammalian nervous system are stabilised by several microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), including the tau and MAP-2 protein families. The most prominent feature of mammalian tau and MAP-2 proteins is a common and highly homologous microtubule-binding region consisting of three or four imperfect tandem repeats. In this paper we report the cloning and characterisation of a Xenopus laevis tau-like protein (XTP) from tadpole tails. This protein encompasses two isoforms of 673 or 644 amino acids with four tandem repeats that are highly homologous to mammalian tau repeats. Both isoforms share a common amino terminal half, whereas the carboxyl terminus downstream of the repeat region is unique for each isoform. Northern blot analysis revealed that both isoforms are preferentially expressed in the tail of X. laevis tadpoles, whereas a shorter version of XTP is expressed in the head. Recombinant proteins of both XTP isoforms were able to bind microtubules. The longest isoform, however, was more effective at promoting tubulin polymerisation, indicating that sequences downstream of the repeat region affect the microtubule assembling capacity. These results demonstrate that tau-like proteins are found in non-mammalian vertebrate species, where they may support the stability of microtubules.  相似文献   

In order to gain further insight into IGF-1 receptor signaling in Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos, we have undertaken the characterization of the adapter protein Shc and studied its implication in oocyte maturation induced after IGF-1 receptor activation, especially since expression of this molecule has been indirectly evidenced in Xenopus oocytes, eggs and embryos. We report herein the cloning from Xenopus postvitellogenic oocytes of a complementary DNA encoding a protein of 470 amino acids which shows the higher identity with the mammalian adaptor protein p52(ShcA). Western blot analysis using homologous antibodies evidenced a 60-kDa protein, p60(Xl)(Shc), that is predominantly expressed in oocytes and in early embryos. We also demonstrate that, like p60(Xl)(Shc), Grb2 and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos are expressed in oocytes throughout vitellogenesis and in early embryos and that overexpression of a dominant-negative form of Grb2 specifically inhibits insulin-induced resumption of meiosis. We finally show that Grb2 binds to p60(Shc) in oocytes specifically upon insulin treatment. Altogether, these results suggest that Shc and Grb2-Sos are implicated in ras-dependent Xenopus oocyte maturation induced by insulin/IGF-1; they also indicate that inability of insulin/IGF-1 to activate the Ras-MAPK cascade in vitellogenic oocytes does not result from an insufficient expression level of Shc, Grb2 and Sos.  相似文献   

The content of hyaluronan (HA), a polymer of the extracellular matrix involved in a variety of physiological and pathological processes, depends on the activity of synthetic (HAS) and degrading enzymes. Since HA is also involved in embryogenesis, we have used Xenopus as a model organism because information is available for HAS1 and HAS2, but not for HAS3. We report the sequence of xlHAS3 mRNA, its genomic organization and its expression in adult tissues as well as during embryonic development. Interestingly, evidence from in situ hybridization indicates that xlHAS3 expression is restricted to the developing inner ear and cement gland. In addition, we have correlated the expression pattern of the enzymes involved in HA metabolism with the HA content during development.  相似文献   

All cells contain mechanosensitive ion channels, yet the molecular identities of most are unknown. The purpose of our study was to determine what encodes the Xenopus oocyte's mechanosensitive cation channel. Based on the idea that homologues to known channels might contribute to the stretch channels, we screened a Xenopus oocyte cDNA library with cation channel probes. Whereas other screens were negative, P2X probes identified six isoforms of the P2X4 subtype of ATP-gated channels. From RNase protection assays and RT-PCR, we demonstrated that Xenopus oocytes express P2X4 mRNA. In expression studies, four isoforms produced functional ATP-gated ion channels; however, one, xP2X4c, had a conserved cysteine replaced by a tyrosine and failed to give rise to functional channels. By changing the tyrosine to a cysteine, we showed that this cysteine was crucial for function. We raised antibodies against a Xenopus P2X4 C-terminal peptide to investigate xP2X4 protein expression. This affinity purified anti-xP2X4 antibody recognized a 56 kDa glycosylated Xenopus P2X4 protein expressed in stably transfected HEK-293 cells and in P2X4 cDNA injected oocytes overexpressing the cloned P2X4 channels; however, it failed to recognize proteins in control, uninjected oocytes. This suggests that P2X4 channels and mechanosensitive cation channels are not linked. Instead, oocyte P2X4 mRNA may be part of the stored pool of stable maternal mRNA that remains untranslated until later developmental stages.  相似文献   

Versican, a proteoglycan recently implicated in hair follicle induction, has been shown to influence axon outgrowth in vitro and in vivo. We used immunohistochemistry to study the relationship between versican expression and innervation, during rat vibrissa follicle development and the adult hair cycle. During development, nerve fibres were commonly associated with areas of weak versican expression, and the path of axons appeared to be delineated by sharp boundaries of versican expression. Versican expression changed in the lower follicle dermis during the adult hair follicle cycle but remained strong around the follicle neck reflecting the constant innervation. Our observations show a correlation between versican expression and peripheral innervation indicating that versican may have a dual role in hair follicle biology.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences for identified prolactin (PRL)-releasing peptides (PrRPs) were conserved in mammals (>90%) or teleost fishes (100%), but there were considerable differences between these classes in the sequence (<65%) as well as in the role of PrRP. In species other than fishes and mammals, we have identified frog PrRP. The cDNA encoding Xenopus laevis prepro-PrRP, which can generate putative PrRPs, was cloned and sequenced. Sequences for the coding region showed higher identity with teleost PrRPs than mammalian homologues, but suggested the occurrence of putative PrRPs of 20 and 31 residues as in mammals. The amino acid sequence of PrRP20 was only one residue different from teleost PrRP20, but shared 70% identity with mammalian PrRP20s. In primary cultures of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) pituitary cells, Xenopus PrRPs increased prolactin concentrations in culture medium to 130–160% of the control, but PrRPs was much less potent than thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) causing a three- to four-fold increase in prolactin concentrations. PrRP mRNA levels in the developing Xenopus brain peak in early prometamorphosis, different from prolactin levels. PrRP may not be a major prolactin-releasing factor (PRF), at least in adult frogs, as in mammals.  相似文献   

Compact structure of ribosomal chromatin in Xenopus laevis.   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Micrococcal nuclease digestion was used as a tool to study the organization of the ribosomal chromatin in liver, blood and embryo cells of X. laevis. It was found that in liver and blood cells, ribosomal DNA is efficiently protected from nuclease attack in comparison to bulk chromatin. Although ribosomal chromatin is fragmented in a typical nucleosomal pattern, a considerable portion of ribosomal DNA retains a high molecular weight even after extensive digestion. A greater accessibility of the coding region in comparison to the non-coding spacer was found. In embryos, when ribosomal DNA is fully transcribed, these genes are even more highly protected than in adult tissues: in fact, the nucleosomal ladder can hardly be detected and rDNA is preserved in high molecular weight. Treatment of chromatin with 0.8 M NaCl abolishes the specific resistance of the ribosomal chromatin to digestion. The ribosomal chromatin, particularly in its active state, seems to be therefore tightly complexed with chromosomal proteins which protect its DNA from nuclease degradation.  相似文献   

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