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A substantial fraction of replicon initiation events in Chinese hamster V-79 cells have been shown to be refractory to the effects of X irradiation immediately after exposure. This study examines the possibility that the initiation radiorefractive portion is the result of changes in replicon radiosensitivity as a function of position in S phase. The data obtained from DNA fiber autoradiograms and kinetic incorporation of radiolabeled thymidine from cells irradiated at various positions in S phase showed only slight changes in the proportion of replicons refractive to X irradiation immediately after exposure. These results indicate that initiation radiorefractive replicons may be an intrinsic property of V-79 cells and that cell-cycle-specific heterogeneity in radiation response cannot fully account for this phenomenon. The results also indicate that delayed inhibition of initiation events may play a larger role in the observed radiorefractive fraction than previously thought.  相似文献   

Two inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase, 5-methylnicotinamide and m-methoxybenzamide, enhanced the cytotoxicity of 42 degrees C and 45 degrees C hyperthermia in cultured Chinese hamster V79 cells. The inhibitors showed minimal toxicity for cells treated at 37 degrees C, and did not appreciably alter cellular ATP levels under any of the experimental conditions used. Enhanced cell killing occurred when the inhibitors were added after an acute (5-10 min) 45 degrees C heat shock, and after 50 and 100 min exposures to 42 degrees C. When present during heating at 42 degrees C, the inhibitors reduced the shoulder of the 42 degrees C survival curves but did not appreciably affect the slopes. The results suggest a possible role for poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase in the survival response of V79 cells to hyperthermia.  相似文献   

The cellular reduction of chromate(VI) was studied by electron spin resonance spectrometry. Incubation of Chinese hamster V-79 cells with Na2CrO4 resulted in the formation of both chromium(V) and chromium(III) complex in a manner dependent on time (30 min-2 h) and concentration (50-500 microM). Following removal of extracellular chromate, the level of chromium(V) complex decreased quickly during the first hour but more slowly for the next hour, whereas the level of chromium(III) remained unchanged, indicating that chromium(III) is the ultimate ion of this metal in cells. Alkaline elution studies demonstrated that treatment of cells with Na2CrO4 induced DNA single-strand breaks that decreased quickly and DNA-protein crosslinks that persisted for 2 h after removal of this metal. These results suggest that the cellular levels of chromium(V) and chromium(III) may be associated with the formation of DNA damage induced by chromium (VI).  相似文献   

Existence of a substantial fraction of replicon initiation events refractory to the effects of X irradiation in Chinese hamster cells has been reported by several laboratories. The work reported here examined whether this apparently refractive fraction resulted from a delayed inhibition of initiation events. Data obtained from velocity sedimentation studies indicated that the extent of inhibition increased over the first hour after irradiation from 35% inhibition immediately following exposure to 3 kR to 75% inhibition of initiation 1 hr after irradiation. Analysis of subsequent recovery of initiation radiosensitivity was performed using DNA fiber autoradiograms prepared from cells incubated up to 4 hr between 2-kR exposures. The data from these experiments indicated that some recovery occurs within 1 hr of irradiation and thus separation of the inhibition and recovery processes in V-79 cells may not be feasible.  相似文献   

The possible existence of thermal effects specific to microwaves at 2.45 GHz and not found with classical heating in a waterbath was studied by measuring cell survival (colony-forming ability) and cell viability (the ability to exclude trypan blue) in Chinese hamster V79 cells. The microwaves were employed at high power densities (125 to 175 mW/cm2) corresponding to specific absorption rates ranging between 62 and 87 mW/g. When matching the rises in temperature, the effects of microwave-induced hyperthermia at 125 mW/cm2 on cell survival were comparable to those of classical heating. However, they were statistically significantly different when using power densities of 150 and 175 mW/cm2. The response obtained in terms of cell viability appeared to be comparable. The conclusions are also valid when taking into account a correction factor for energy losses during microwave treatment. The apparent specific effect of microwaves appears to be associated with exposures at high power densities involving short treatment times and rapid rises in temperature.  相似文献   

The expression time for induced mutants resistant to 6-thioguanine, in V-79 Chinese hamster cells, was determined by respreading the cells in the selective medium, at various times after treatment. The length of the expression time for mutants induced by X-rays, ethyl methane sulphonate and ultraviolet irradiation was dose dependent. For the highest dose used this was 7 to 8 days, beyond which there was no further changes in mutant frequency. The dose-response relationship of these agents does not appear to deviate from linearity; this permits the calculation of mutation rate per unit dose. For X-rays this value was 1.35 - 10(-7) per rad per locus, for ethyl methane sulphonate, 2.2 - 10(-2) per mole per locus and for ultraviolet irradiation, 6.3 - 10(-6) per erg per mm2 per locus. The effectiveness of the 3 different mutagens for the induction of mutations was compared by calculating the increase in mutant frequency per unit of decrease in survival (Do). These increments in frequency were: 5.6 - 10(-5) for X-rays, 69.5 - 10(-5) for ethyl methane sulphonate and 16.1 - 10(-5) for ultraviolet irradiation.  相似文献   

The effects of extracellular anions (10-150 mM, added as Na salts to normal growth medium) on the growth of Chinese hamster V-79 cells were examined. Additions of NaCl and NaNO3 at concentrations greater than 60 mM reduced the growth rate dose-dependently. Several other anions also inhibited cell growth in the decreasing order of potency, SCN- greater than NO2- greater than NO3- greater than Br- greater than Cl- greater than gluconate- glutamate- greater than Mes-. When the added anions were removed, the growth rate was restored to the control rate. Cell survival was markedly reduced by the addition of SCN-, but was less affected by other anions (Cl-,NO3- and NO2-) of comparable potency. The respective syntheses of cellular DNA and protein, as estimated from the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine and [14C]leucine, also decreased with the increase in the concentration (60-120 mM) of anions added, the order of potency being SCN- greater than NO2- greater than NO3- greater than Cl-. After anion-treatment, the cellular Na+ concentration increased and the cellular Cl- concentration decreased in the order of SCN- greater than NO2- greater than NO3-, Cl-, but, the cellular K+ concentration did not change significantly. These data suggest that changes in extracellular anions affect cell growth and survival, probably through changes in the intracellular Na+ or Cl- concentration and in the rates of protein and/or DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The antibiotic pentalenolactone, a specific inhibitor of glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase, was used to investigate the effect of glycolytic adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis on the survival response of aerobic and hypoxic Chinese hamster cells treated with 42 degrees C hyperthermia. Data obtained with aerobic cells, incubated in balanced salt solutions supplemented with different substrates for ATP production, showed that 50 microM pentalenolactone blocked ATP synthesis via glycolysis but not by oxidative phosphorylation. The glycolytic inhibition was reversed upon transfer of the cells to antibiotic-free medium, and minimal cytotoxicity (less than 20 per cent) was observed. Hypoxic cultures were obtained by incubating dense cell suspensions (2 X 10(6)/ml) to produce metabolic oxygen depletion. Concomitant with the development of hypoxia, pentalenolactone-treated cells became ATP-depleted; cellular ATP levels were reduced by about 70-fold as compared to hypoxic cells in the antibiotic-free medium. The ATP-depleted cells were more sensitive to killing by hyperthermia. Comparison of the 42 degrees C survival curves for control and the antibiotic-treated hypoxic cells yielded a dose-modifying factor of 4 (5 per cent survival level). The results indicate that inhibition of glycolytic ATP synthesis, for example by pentalenolactone, can selectively sensitize hypoxic cells to the lethal effects of mild hyperthermia.  相似文献   

Both the V79 and CHO cell lines are routinely used in the in vitro MN screening assay for the detection of possible genotoxicants. The CHO cell line is the predominant cell line currently used in the genetic toxicology testing industry. However, some laboratories routinely utilize the V79 cell line since the in vitro MN screening assay was initially developed using V79 cells. Our laboratory has historically used the CHO cell line. Therefore, our laboratory was interested in comparing the two cell lines with regard to possible similarities or differences in MN induction sensitivity after exposure to cyclophosphamide (CPA) and mitomycin C (MMC), the two standard positive control chemicals routinely used in this assay. Three exposure conditions in the presence of CPA and MMC were examined in both cell lines. Replicate cultures of CHO cells in McCoy's 5A and V79 cells in both McCoy's 5A and E-MEM were established and treated with 5 microg CPA/ml (4h exposure with S9), 0.5 microg MMC (4h exposure without S9) and 0.5 microg MMC (24h exposure without S9). A total of 400 cytochalasin B-blocked binucleated cells and 200 consecutive cells were analyzed from each culture for MN and cell cycle kinetics, respectively. Analysis of the data demonstrated that CHO cells were up to approximately five-fold more sensitive to the induction of CPA- and MMC-induced MN than V79 cells. Both cell lines exhibited similar average generation times among identical exposure groups. Therefore, the difference in MN sensitivity cannot be attributed to possible differences in cell cycle kinetics and is possibly related to inherent cellular differences in the processing of and/or repair of CPA- and MMC-induced damage by V79 and CHO cells.  相似文献   

The effect of caffeine on V-79 Chinese hamster cells after ultraviolet irradiation or treated with ethyl methanesulphonate was investigated. Caffeine strongly potentiated the killing of both agents, but it had no effect on the induction of mutations at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus. The results are consistent with the notion that caffeine slows down an error-prone post-replicative repair mechanism without changing the mutation frequency.  相似文献   

The radiosensitivity of Chinese hamster V-79-171B fibroblasts increased more rapidly with increasing partial pressure of oxygen when the cell cultures had low endogenous levels of non-protein sulphydryl (NPSH), about 5 mumol per cell compared with about 15 mumol per cell. There was a good correlation between initial NPSH content and sensitization by oxygen concentrations between 0.06 and 0.7 per cent.  相似文献   

Ultrasoft X rays (approximately less than keV) provide a useful probe for the study of the physical parameters associated with the induction of biological lesions because the spatial scale of their energy depositions is of nanometer dimensions, comparable to that of critical structures within the cell. We report on cell-killing experiments using cultured hamster cells (V79) exposed to carbon K (0.28 keV), aluminum K (1.5 keV), copper K (8.0 keV), and 250 kVp X rays, under oxic and hypoxic conditions, and as a function of cell-cycle phase. Our principal results are: RBE increases with decreasing X-ray energy; OER decreases with decreasing X-ray energy; and cell-cycle response is similar for all X-ray energies. Our RBE results confirm earlier observations using ultrasoft X rays on mammalian cells. The shapes of fitted curves through the data for each energy are statistically indistinguishable from one another, implying that the enhanced effectiveness is purely dose modifying. The results reported herein generally support the view that single-track effects of radiation are predominantly due to very local energy depositions on the nanometer scale, which are principally responsible for observed radiobiological effects.  相似文献   

Paracetamol was studied for possible genotoxic effects in V79 Chinese hamster cells. Paracetamol (0.5 mM for 30 min) reduced the rate of DNA synthesis in exponentially growing V79 cells to about 50% of control. A further decrease in the DNA synthesis was seen during the first 30 min after termination of paracetamol exposure. Paracetamol (3 and 10 mM for 2 h) caused a small increase in DNA single-strand breaks, as measured by the alkaline elution technique. After 16 h elution, the amount of DNA retained on the filters was 79 and 70% of controls in cells treated with 3 and 10 mM paracetamol respectively. No indication of DNA damage was seen in measuring the effect of paracetamol (0.25-10 mM for 2 h) on unscheduled DNA synthesis in growth-arrested cultures of V79 cells. At the highest concentrations (3 and 10 mM paracetamol), decreased unscheduled DNA synthesis was observed. Also UV-induced DNA-repair synthesis was inhibited by 3 and 10 mM paracetamol. DNA-repair synthesis was, however, inhibited at a much higher concentration than that inhibiting replicative DNA synthesis. The number of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) increased in a dose-dependent manner on 2 h exposure to paracetamol from 1 mM to 10 mM. At the highest dose tested (10 mM), the number of SCE increased to 3 times the control value. Co-culturing the V79 cells with freshly isolated mouse hepatocytes had no further effect on the paracetamol induced sister-chromatid exchanges. The present study indicates that paracetamol may cause DNA damage in V79 cells without any external metabolic activation system added.  相似文献   

The combined effects of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) on the induction of 6-thioguanine (6TG)-resistant mutants and chromosome aberrations were examined in Chinese hamster V79 cells. Cells were simultaneously treated with EMS at a concentration of D20 and MMS at various concentrations for 3, 6 or 9 h. In other experiments cells were simultaneously treated with MMS at a concentration of D20 and EMS at various concentrations for 3, 6 or 9 h. The mathematical analysis of the combined effects of both chemicals for cell killing (cytotoxicity) and 6TG-resistant mutations indicates that synergistic interactions were observed for both cell killing and mutations induced by MMS and EMS. The frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by simultaneous treatment with MMS at a concentration of D20 and EMS at various concentrations for 3 h was additive. However, the frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by EMS at a concentration of D20 and MMS at various concentrations for 3 h was not significantly different from those induced by MMS alone.  相似文献   

The rates of intracellular RNA synthesis at various temperatures between 33 and 41 °C were determined in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts by measuring average amounts of [3H]uridine incorporated per cell per unit of time. The energy of activation and Q20 for intracellular RNA synthesis were calculated from the slopes of the relative rates of RNA synthesis in hamster fibroblasts vs time, plotted on Arrhenius coordinates. The incorporation of uridine into RNA is characterized by an energy of activation of 19 200 calories/mole and a Q10 of 2.71. The absolute rates of RNA synthesis were determined at various temperatures, with values ranging from 1.55 to 0.60 × 10−15 g RNA/min/cell at 41 to 33 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and long-wave ultraviolet irradiation (UVA) on cell killing and mutation induction was studied in V-79 Chinese hamster cells. No effect was observed after treatment with 8-MOP alone (50 μg/ml, 4 h), UVA alone (9000 J/m2), or 8-MOP metabolized by rat-livermicrosomes. Combined treatment with 8-MOP and UVA induced both cell killing and mutation. This was also observed under conditions approaching patient treatment with PUVA photochemotherapy with respect to the concentration of 8-MOP in the skin and the amount of UVA received by the epidermal cells. A simple relation proved to apply for mutation induction under different treatment conditions: 5.5 × 10−8 per J/m2 per μg 8-MOP/ml. On this basis the mutation induction in dividing cells per session of PUVA-photochemotherapy amounts to 12.4 × 10−5, which is probably an over-estimation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The current study was performed to characterize the antimitotic action of 2-mercaptoethanol (MET) on mammalian cells.
At concentrations of 2.5 × 10-2 M, MET arrests V-79 Chinese hamster cells in metaphase. Smaller concentrations (from 5 × 10-3 M) only produce a mitotic block after several hours, only arresting those mitoses which have gone through one cell cycle in the presence of MET. The accumulation of mitoses by MET is smaller in comparison with colcemid, explained by an effect reducing the number of cells which enter mitosis. In contrast to colcemid, MET-concentrations which do not lead to a mitotic block cause a delay in proliferation. It was shown, by means of the BUdR-labelling method that cells in the presence of colcemid concentrations which arrest mitosis again enter interphase and become polyploid, whereas MET leads to an irreversible arrest of mitosis and does not produce polyploidy in V-79 cells.  相似文献   

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