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15 hazardous industrial waste samples were evaluated for mutagenicity in the Salmonella plate-incorporation assay using strains TA98 and TA100 in the presence and absence of Aroclor 1254-induced rat liver S9. Dichloromethane/methanol extracts of the crude wastes were also evaluated. 7 of the crude wastes were mutagenic, but only 2 of the extracts of these 7 wastes were mutagenic; extracts of 2 additional wastes also were mutagenic. In addition, 10 of the crude wastes were administered by gavage to F-344 rats, and 24-h urine samples were collected. Of the 10 raw urines evaluated, 3 were mutagenic in strain TA98 in the presence of S9 and beta-glucuronidase. The 3 crude wastes that produced these 3 mutagenic urines were, themselves, mutagenic. Adequate volumes of 6 of the 10 raw urines were available for extraction/concentration. These 6 urines were incubated with beta-glucuronidase and eluted through Sep-Pak C18 columns; the methanol eluates of 3 of the urines were mutagenic, and these were the same 3 whose raw urines also were mutagenic. In general, the C18/methanol extraction procedure reduced the cytotoxicity and increased the mutagenic potency of the urines. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the mutagenicity of urine from rodents exposed to hazardous wastes. Based on the present results, the use of only strain TA98 in the presence of S9 might be adequate for general screening of hazardous wastes or waste extracts for genotoxicity. The urinary mutagenesis assay does not appear to be a useful adjunct to the Salmonella assay for screening hazardous wastes. The problems associated with chemically fractionating diverse types of hazardous wastes for bioassay are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Phytoremediation, using plants to clean up toxic wastes, is an idea that is attracting increasing attention from scientists, remediation engineers, and environmental professionals in government, industry, and universities. In situ remediation using plants has the potential to be less expensive than current technologies and to simultaneously initiate both detoxification of hazardous waste and site restoration. The perennial habit, extensive root mass, and large transpirational rates give trees advantages over other plants for use in remediation. Trees are already used for wastewater clean-up, for site stabilization, and as barriers to subsurface flow of contaminated groundwater. Clonal propagation and the genetic tools of both classical breeding and genetic engineering exist for a number of both angiosperm and gymnosperm species, opening the door to creation of tree “remediation” cultivars. Work is underway to screen tree species for their ability to tolerate, take up, translocate, sequester, and degrade organic compounds and heavy metal ions. Both an indirect approach to remediation, through enhancing rhizosphere degradation of pollutants by engineering larger root masses in trees usingAgrobacterium rhizogenes, and a direct approach to remediation, through transformation of trees with bacterial genes known to initiate the mineralization of halogenated phenolic compounds and trichloroethylene are reviewed. Presented in the Session-in-Depth Bioremediation through Biotechnological Means at the 1993 Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture, San Diego, CA, June 5–9, 1993.  相似文献   

Summary Co-disposal of 12 compounds representing major organic classes (aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, pesticides, phenols, and phthalate esters) with shredded municipal solid waste was tested using a laboratory-scale column and pilot-scale lysimeter to characterize transport and transformation phenomena including sorption, volatilization and bioassimilation. Leachate and gases emitted from the lysimeters were examined for identifiable products of biotransformation. The results of this investigation provided a mechanistic evaluation of the attenuating and assimilative capacity of municipal solid waste landfills for specific organic compounds. Physical/chemical organic compound characteristics were related to refuse characteristics and composition to predict compound fate. Such knowledge is useful in developíng landfill management and operational strategies consistent with the need for control of pollutant releases.  相似文献   

A new sensing system based on the immobilization of luminescent bacteria,Photobacterium phosphoreum, was proposed for continuous real-time monitoring of pollutants. The response curves demonstrate thatPhotobacterium phosphoreum immobilized on the strontium alginate was very sensitive to seven reference chemicals used. The significant inhibitory concentrations for bioluminescence emission were 5 ppm for Pb(NO3)2, NiCl2, CdCl2, 50 ppm for NaAsO2, 0.1 ppm for HgCl2, 0.5 ppm for pentachlorophenol and less than 5 ppm for SDS, respectively. The alginate mixed-cells (AMC) retained their luminescence during experimental period (29 days) under storage condition of ? 80°C. The variables affecting performance of continuous flow through monitoring (CFTM) were optimized in order to ensure stability and efficiency. The flow through cell with strontium-alginate immobilized luminescent bacteria was tested with salicylate and 4-nitrophenol and a rapid response of luminescence was recorded by time drivemode in bioluminescence spectrometer after exposure to both toxicants.  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)利用微生物整体作为催化剂催化底物将化学能直接转化为电能,是一种极具应用前景的生物电化学技术。微生物在阳极氧化还原有机物产生电子并传递给阳极,电子通过外电路传递至阴极后将电子释放给阴极中的氧化剂,从而产生电流。当有毒物质进入MFC,微生物活性降低,电子传递量变少,电流降低,而电流的产生与微生物活性呈线性关系,据此可检测样品的毒性。本文主要介绍了微生物燃料电池在毒性物质抗生素、重金属离子、有机污染物、酸等方面的研究,并分析了微生物燃料电池存在的问题及未来研究方向,以期不久的将来微生物燃料电池能付之使用。  相似文献   

A hydrogen-producing photosynthetic bacteria strain, Rhodopseudomonas acidophila, was used to investigate the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the presence of toxic substances and the effect of toxicants on bacterial surface characteristics. Addition of the toxic substances including Cu(II), Cr(VI), Cd(II) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) stimulated the production of EPS but reduced the cell dry weight. At concentrations of 30 mg l−1 Cu(II), 40 mg l−1 Cr(VI), 5 mg l−1 Cd(II) and 100 mg l−1 2,4-DCP, the EPS content increased by 5.5, 2.5, 4.0 and 1.4 times, respectively, than the control. These toxic substances also greatly influenced the proteins/carbohydrates ratio of EPS. The ratios in the presence of toxic substances were always higher than that of control. Furthermore, under toxic conditions, the increase in the protein content far exceeded than that of others in EPS, suggesting that extracellular proteins could protect cells against toxic substances. The toxic substances significantly changed the surface characteristics and flocculation ability of R. acidophila, such as surface energy, relative hydrophobicity and free energy of adhesion.  相似文献   

Nomura T 《Mutation research》2008,659(1-2):185-193
Exposure of mouse germ cells to radiation and chemicals results in mutation, malformation, cancer and other adverse effects (e.g., functional disorders) in the offspring, though these findings have not been proven in human studies. Environmental toxic substances such as urethane (ethyl carbamate) which had been injected subcutaneously to 50 million people as a co-solvent of analgesics and dioxin (an endocrine disruptor) have been found to be associated with adverse effects in the progeny of mice after parental exposures. There are some reports on congenital malformations in the progeny of fathers who had been exposed to dioxin. However, these substances have not shown mutagenicity in in vitro assay systems such as bacterial systems even with S9, cell transformation assays, etc., in spite of their potent teratogenicity and carcinogenicity in in vivo systems. Urethane was negative in the mouse specific locus test for germ cell mutations, but elicited a significant response at the same loci in the offspring of mice treated during pregnancy. Further, urethane is a mutagen in Drosophila germ cell tests, specifically inducing point mutations. Dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) does not induce in vivo somatic mutations in mice and rats. It does not induce chromosomal aberrations when the mouse and/or human sperm are treated, but induces mutations at ESTR (expanded simple tandem repeat) loci in mice at low frequencies and also congenital malformations. In this paper, we first present an overview of the results of our studies on transgenerational effects of these toxic substances, compare the results with those obtained after radiation exposure, and then discuss our subsequent studies to reconcile the problems underlying their mutagenicity, teratogenicity and carcinogenicity.  相似文献   

For the purpose of studying the toxic properties of pertussis strains with different agglutination composition and to ascertain the interrelationship between the action of the toxic substances and the serological type of the strains the author used a test of the weight change in albino mice to which crude and heated (at 56 degrees C for 10 minutes) suspensions of the strains of various serological types were injected intraperitoneally. The toxic properties were checked in 17 strains. The test of the change of the animal body weight with the determination of the regression coefficient permitted to determine roughly the presence of the toxic substances in the strains; the action of the thermostable dermonecrotic toxin and thermostable endotoxin was expressed with greater constancy than that of the lymphocytosis stimulating factor. There was no interrelationship between the manifestation of the action of toxic substances in the pertussis strains and their serological type. The toxic activity peristed in the strains stored in dried condition.  相似文献   

Sensors that provide reliable, rapid measurement of toxic substances are needed to solve significant human health and safety problems. We developed a new biosensor design that combines the advantages of immunoassay with electrochemical response. We established that this enzyme-linked immunosensor measures toxic substances in biological samples. The biosensor consists of two major elements: (1) an electrical conducting layer having immobilized enzyme, polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies, and other necessary reagents, and (2) the electronic components used in the signal readout. The result is an amperometric immunoassay based on coupling the immunochemical reaction to the enzyme electrode response by using a soluble, electrochemically active mediator. The specific question addressed was: Does the system's immunochemical detection reliably respond at sufficiently low analyte concentrations? We present our results in these areas: (1) enzyme immobilization on colloidal gold; (2) colloidal gold-enzyme deposition on the electrode surface; (3) mediator-antigen conjugate synthesis; (4) antibody incorporation at the electrode surface; (5) bioelectrode characterization and optimization; and (6) immunosensor demonstration to detect antigen. Sensors that employ immunochemical detection will have broad applicability to detect/diagnose toxic substances in biological samples such as blood and urine and in environmental samples such as wastewater and drinking water.  相似文献   

Sustainable development requires the promotion of environmental management and a constant search for new technologies to treat a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial habitats contaminated by increasing anthropogenic activities. Bioremediation, i.e. the elimination of natural or xenobiotic pollutants by living organisms, is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to physico-chemical cleanup options. However, the strategy and outcome of bioremediation in open systems or confined environments depend on a variety of physico-chemical and biological factors that need to be assessed and monitored. In particular, microorganisms are key players in bioremediation applications, yet their catabolic potential and their dynamics in situ remain poorly characterized. To perform a comprehensive assessment of the biodegradative potential of a contaminated site and efficiently monitor changes in the structure and activities of microbial communities involved in bioremediation processes, sensitive, fast and large-scale methods are needed. Over the last few years, the scientific literature has revealed the progressive emergence of genomic high-throughput technologies in environmental microbiology and biotechnology. In this review, we discuss various high--throughput techniques and their possible--or already demonstrated-application to assess biotreatment of contaminated environments.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in the treatment of tannery wastewater using upflow anaerobic contact filter (reactor) and on the role of toxic substances viz tannin, sulphide, chromium (3+) in inhibiting the performance of the reactor. The influent COD concentration was varied in the range of 1500 to 16500?mg/l, at different hydraulic retention times viz 36,48,60 hr. The limiting concentrations of toxicity for the three substances viz tannin, sulphide, chromium (3+) were identified in terms of the performance of the reactor viz COD removal percent, biogas production etc. Toxic limits of the above mentioned substances were further estimated in batch process (in vials) to supplement the evidence. In anaerobic contact filter tannin beyond 914?mg/l inhibited the performance, whereas sulphide concentration even upto 180?mg/l and chromium (3+) concentration even upto 140?mg/l did not affect the reactor performance. In batch process tannin above 77 wt.% affected the anaerobic microbial growth. Hydrolysable tannin was present in these tannery wastewaters.  相似文献   

The adaptative reactions of alga populations to the toxic effect have been investigated by the functional triad method. The role of phenotypic and genotypic adaptation and the dynamics of their correlation during the alga adaptation to the toxic media has been revealed.  相似文献   

In the model system of tissue culture, the effect of dermatotrophic substances, such as the tenzides and conservatory substances, was tested. The cytotoxic effect of the substances was evaluated according to the vitality of the cells and the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in the suspension culture of human lymphocytes and further according to the migration inhibition of cells from the animal spleen fragments (SF). The cells obtained from rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and man were used. The highest correlation between the concentration of the substance in the cultivation medium and its toxic effect in the culture has been proved in the tests of LDH activity from the supernatant of the human peripheral lymphocytes culture and further in the migration inhibition test from rabbit SF. Both the tests are in mutual correlation. The determination of LDH activity represents a sensitive marker of the cell damage, the least sensitive is the estimation of the cell vitality. It has been proved that the system of suspension culture of human peripheral lymphocytes and the migration inhibition test from rabbit SF is suitable for the screening determination of the effect of dermatotrophic substances. The system of tissue culture compared to classical tests of skin irritation performed in vivo secures overall objectivity in evaluating the results and the possibility of making a number of parallels without any ethical limits.  相似文献   

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