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14C-proline was supplied to aerated potato disks, in which celldivision was occurring, and also to rapidly growing potato carrotexplants. It was absorbed and incorporated into all the subcellularprotein fractions examined, including the electrophoreticallydistinguishable fractions of the soluble protein of the potatodisks and explants. The 14C-proline was partially convertedto 14C- hydroxyproline in all the protein fractions, exceptfor one of the soluble protein fractions of potato explantsand the soluble proteins of one set of potato disks. Most ofthe 14C-proline and 14C-hydroxyproline contained in the tissuewas found in the soluble protein and also in the cellular fragmentsobtained by centrifugation at 500 g. The relative importanceof the soluble protein in the incorporation of 14C-proline andits conversion to 14C-hydroxyproline was greatest over a shortperiod of a few hours of contact with the 14C-proline supplied.Over a longer period (70 hours) the cellular fragments (500g) had become the most important and contained over 40 per cent.of the total 14C, and more than 60 per cent. of the 14C-hydroxyproline,in the protein of the tissues. In the soluble fraction of potatoexplants, seven protein bands were distinguishable on electrophoresis.A different but characteristic value of the ratio 14C-hydroxyprolineto 14C-proline was associated with each protein band, exceptfor the one region where 14C-hydroxyproline did not occur. Thebasic proteins (i.e. those moving towards the cathode) werethe most active in the incorporation of 14C-proline and itsconversion to 14C-hydroxyproline. The rather general distributionof the 14C-hydroxyproline is noted and the possible siginificanceof the basic proteins and the proteins associated with the cellularfragments (500 g) is considered in relation to the growth, celldivision, and cell wall formations which occurs in the rapidlygrowing tissue cultures.  相似文献   

蛋白质表面疏水性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用Phenyl-SuperoseHR5/5疏水柱在FPLC仪上测定了一些蛋白的表面疏水性。在被测量的蛋白样品中,细胞色素C的亲水性最强,胰凝乳蛋白酶的疏水性最强。说明蛋白质的疏水性与其表面性质密切相关,而与蛋白质的分子量、疏水残基总数并不直接相关;去辅基细胞色素C和C端缩短的金黄色葡萄球菌核酸酶与天然态比较疏水性变化很大。疏水柱层析还用于监测在低浓度胍的作用下蛋白质的构象变化。以N-乙酰酪氨酸为模型化合物探测盐酸胍对疏水柱结合能力的影响,在04M胍存在时,N-乙酰酪氨酸在疏水柱上的结合能力略有减弱,但核糖核酸酶A的变化较大,表明胍引起的蛋白质的微小构象变化有效地引起其表面性质的变化;在0.1—0.3M盐酸胍存在时,甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶表面疏水性明显增大,并伴随聚合态的出现。说明在低胍作用下,酶分子发生的构象变化,导致天然态内埋疏水面的暴露,暴露的疏水面间的相互作用是形成聚合的主要原因。  相似文献   

Incorporation of (14)C L-valine and (14)C L-leucine into protein of tissue slices of the avocado fruit was relatively high during the early stages of the climacteric rise, declined sharply thereafter, and was virtually absent at the peak. The incorporation of amino acids in the preclimacteric stage was markedly lower than during the early stage of the respiratory rise. By following incorporation in relation to uptake at several concentrations it was established that the results were not a reflection of endogenous dilution.Puromycin was effective as an inhibitor of incorporation but not of oxygen uptake. When respiration was at its maximum there was no protein synthesis. It was concluded, therefore, that the respiratory upsurge characteristic of the climacteric was not related directly to protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Amino acid incorporation into protein by chloroplasts from primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L., var. Black Valentine is only partially inhibited by 400 μg/ml ribonuclease. The rate of incorporation, in the presence of ribonuclease, is progressively inhibited with time, and ceases after about half an hour. Preincubation of chloroplasts at 25°, in the absence of ribonuclease, increases the inhibitory effect of ribonuclease on the initial rate of incorporation of amino acid into protein. Examination of electron micrographs of freshly prepared chloroplast suspensions shows that chloroplasts are largely intact. However, after incubation at 25° for 1 hour the chloroplasts are disrupted, as indicated by loss of their stroma contents. It is concluded that the intact chloroplast membrane is relatively impermeable to ribonuclease. Amino acid incorporating activity probably becomes inhibited as the inside of the chloroplast is made accessible to ribonuclease by breakage of membranes during incubation at 25°.  相似文献   

1. Methods have been described for reducing protein S-S groups, for oxidizing protein SH groups, and for estimating protein S-S and SH groups. 2. It has been found necessary in estimating the cystine content of proteins by the Folin-Marenzi method to take into account any cysteine that may be present. 3. A method for estimating the cysteine content of proteins has been described. 4. With these methods, estimations have been made of the S-S and SH groups and of the cystine and cysteine contents of a number of proteins. 5. In a denatured, but unhydrolyzed protein, the number of S-S and SH groups is equivalent to the quantity of cystine and cysteine found in the protein after hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Our objective was to identify cell surface proteins in the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum. Proteins on the surface of living cells that had regions exposed to the external medium were labeled with Na125I. After partial purification of membrane proteins and analysis by two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, a protein of roughly 43 kDa was found to have incorporated the radiolabel. This protein was cloned using a combination of protein microsequencing and PCR amplification. The derived protein sequence in the cDNA has a signal peptide at the N‐terminal end of the protein and thus represents the first plasma membrane protein ever reported for a dinoflagellate. The function of the protein is unknown, but its cloning provides a proof of principle for the general use of vectorial labeling in identifying cell surface proteins of marine algae.  相似文献   

1. It has been found that the ratios of the total concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Zn, inside and outside of gelatin particles do not agree with the ratios calculated according to Donnan''s theory from the hydrogen ion activity ratios. 2. E.M.F. measurements of Zn and Cl electrode potentials in such a system show, however, that the ion activity ratios are correct, so that the discrepancy must be due to a decrease in the ion concentration by the formation of complex ions with the protein. 3. This has been confirmed in the case of Zn by Zn potential measurements in ZnCl2 solutions containing gelatin. It has been found that in 10 per cent gelatin containing 0.01 M ZnCl2 about 60 per cent of the Zn++ is combined with the gelatin. 4. If the activity ratios are correctly expressed by Donnan''s equation, then the amount of any ion combined with a protein can be determined without E.M.F. measurements by determining its distribution in a proper system. If the activity ratio of the hydrogen ion and the activity of the other ion in the aqueous solution are known, then the activity and hence the concentration of the ion in the protein solution can be calculated. The difference between this and the total molar concentration of the ion in the protein represents the amount combined with the protein. 5. It has been shown that in the case of Zn the values obtained in this way agree quite closely with those determined by direct E.M.F. measurements. 6. The combination with Zn is rapidly and completely reversible and hence is probably not a surface effect. 7. Since the protein combines more with Zn than with Cl, the addition of ZnCl2 to isoelectric gelatin should give rise to an unequal ion distribution and hence to an increase in swelling, osmotic pressure, and viscosity. This has been found to be the case.  相似文献   

1. Two proteins of the globulin type, serum globulin and tuberin, and the protein of milk, casein, have been purified (a) of the other proteins and (b) of the inorganic electrolytes with which they exist in nature. The methods that were employed are described. 2. All three proteins were found to be only very slightly soluble in water in the pure uncombined state. The solubility of each was accurately measured at 25.0° ± 0.1°C. The most probable solubility of the pseudoglobulin of serum was found to be 0.07 gm. in 1 liter; of tuberin 0.1 gm. and of casein 0.11 gm. The methods that were employed in their determination are described. 3. Each protein investigated dissolved in water to a constant and characteristic extent when the amount of protein precipitate with which the solution was in heterogeneous equilibrium was varied within wide limits. The solubility of a pure protein is therefore proposed as a fundamental physicochemical constant, which may be used in identifying and in classifying proteins. 4. The concentration of protein dissolved must be the sum of the concentration of the undissociated protein molecule which is in heterogeneous equilibrium with the protein precipitate, and of the concentration of the dissociated protein ions. 5. The dissociated ions of the dissolved protein give a hydrogen ion concentration to water that is also a characteristic of each protein.  相似文献   

The changes in protein content of pea cotyledons have been followed during the period from 9 to 33 days after flowering. Initially protein content increased gradually with a rapid period of deposition occurring between days 21 and 27 after flowering. After the 28th day the rate of accumulation of protein declined as the seed dehydrated and matured. At maturity the pea cotyledon contained approximately 25% protein which was divided into albumins and globulins in the ratio of 1:1.4.  相似文献   


Lysine transport into suspension-cultured Wisconsin-38 tobacco cells was observed. Uptake was linear (up to 90 minutes) with respect to time and amount of tissue only after 4 to 6 hours preincubation in calcium-containing medium. The observed cellular accumulation of lysine was against a concentration gradient and not due to exchange diffusion. Transport was stimulated by low pH and characterized by a biphasic uptake isotherm with two K(m) values for lysine. System I (K(m) approximately 5 x 10(-6) molar; V(max) approximately 180 nanomoles per gram fresh weight per hour) and system II (K(m) approximately 10(-4) molar; V(max) approximately 1900 nanomoles per gram fresh weight per hour) were inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide and a variety of respiratory inhibitors. This inhibition was not due to increased efflux. In antagonism experiments, system I was inhibited most effectively by basic amino acids, followed by the sulfur amino acids. System I was only slightly inhibited by the neutral and aromatic amino acids and was not inhibited by the acidic amino acids aspartic and glutamic acids. Transport by system II was inhibited by all of the tested amino acids (including aspartic and glutamic acids) and analogs; however, this system was not inhibited by d-arginine. Neither system was strongly inhibited by d-lysine or the lysine analog S-2-aminoethyl-l-cysteine. Arginine was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of both systems with values for K(i) similar to the respective K(m) values.These studies suggest the presence of at least two amino acid permeases in W-38 tobacco cells.  相似文献   

Deacetylcephalosporin C negative mutants, lacking a certain step in the pathway of deacetylcephalosporin C biosynthesis, were obtained from the deacetylcephalosporin C producing mutant No. 40 of Cephalosporium acremonium by treatment with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Among these mutants, the strain No. 40-20 was found to mainly accumulate a cephalosporin compound other than deacetylcephalosporin C and cephalosporin C. The cephalosporin was isolated as crystals from the culture broth of the mutant No. 40-20, and identified as deacetoxycephalosporin C, possessing a D-a-aminoadipyl side chain at C-7, by physical, chemical and biological methods. The profile of deacetoxycephalosporin C fermentation and the examination of the biochemical reduction of deacetylcephalosporin C led us to the conclusion that deacetoxycephalosporin C would be produced through de novo synthesis by this mutant.  相似文献   

1. It is shown that a neutral salt depresses the potential difference which exists at the point of equilibrium between a gelatin chloride solution contained in a collodion bag and an outside aqueous solution (without gelatin). The depressing effect of a neutral salt on the P.D. is similar to the depression of the osmotic pressure of the gelatin chloride solution by the same salt. 2. It is shown that this depression of the P.D. by the salt can be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy on the basis of Nernst''s logarithmic formula on the assumption that the P.D. which exists at the point of equilibrium is due to the difference of the hydrogen ion concentration on the opposite sides of the membrane. 3. Since this difference of hydrogen ion concentration on both sides of the membrane is due to Donnan''s membrane equilibrium this latter equilibrium must be the cause of the P.D. 4. A definite P.D. exists also between a solid block of gelatin chloride and the surrounding aqueous solution at the point of equilibrium and this P.D. is depressed in a similar way as the swelling of the gelatin chloride by the addition of neutral salts. It is shown that the P.D. can be calculated from the difference in the hydrogen ion concentration inside and outside the block of gelatin at equilibrium. 5. The influence of the hydrogen ion concentration on the P.D. of a gelatin chloride solution is similar to that of the hydrogen ion concentration on the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin solutions, and the same is true for the influence of the valency of the anion with which the gelatin is in combination. It is shown that in all these cases the P.D. which exists at equilibrium can be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy from the difference of the pH inside and outside the gelatin solution on the basis of Nernst''s logarithmic formula by assuming that the difference in the concentration of hydrogen ions on both sides of the membrane determines the P.D. 6. The P.D. which exists at the boundary of a gelatin chloride solution and water at the point of equilibrium can also be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy by Nernst''s logarithmic formula from the value pCl outside minus pCl inside. This proves that the equation x2 = y ( y + z) is the correct expression for the Donnan membrane equilibrium when solutions of protein-acid salts with monovalent anion are separated by a collodion membrane from water. In this equation x is the concentration of the H ion (and the monovalent anion) in the water, y the concentration of the H ion and the monovalent anion of the free acid in the gelatin solution, and z the concentration of the anion in combination with the protein. 7. The similarity between the variation of P.D. and the variation of the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin, and the fact that the Donnan equilibrium determines the variation in P.D. raise the question whether or not the variations of the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity are also determined by the Donnan equilibrium.  相似文献   

1. This paper contains experiments on the influence of acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of crystalline egg albumin and of gelatin, and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin. 2. It was found in all cases that there is no difference in the effects of HCl, HBr, HNO3, acetic, mono-, di-, and trichloracetic, succinic, tartaric, citric, and phosphoric acids upon these physical properties when the solutions of the protein with these different acids have the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 3. It was possible to show that in all the protein-acid salts named the anion in combination with the protein is monovalent. 4. The strong dibasic acid H2SO4 forms protein-acid salts with a divalent anion SO4 and the solutions of protein sulfate have an osmotic pressure and a viscosity of only half or less than that of a protein chloride solution of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. Oxalic acid behaves essentially like a weak dibasic acid though it seems that a small part of the acid combines with the protein in the form of divalent anions. 5. It was found that the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of Li, Na, K, and NH4 salts of a protein are the same at the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 6. Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 form salts with proteins in which the cation is divalent and the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of these two metal proteinates are only one-half or less than half of that of Na proteinate of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric gelatin. 7. These results exclude the possibility of expressing the effect of different acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of gelatin and egg albumin and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin in the form of ion series. The different results of former workers were probably chiefly due to the fact that the effects of acids and alkalies on these proteins were compared for the same quantity of acid and alkali instead of for the same pH.  相似文献   

Synthesis of germ tube wall is a major quantitative event during germination penetration of fungi on host plants, but little is known of germ tube composition or metabolic regulation. Sonic oscillation was used to separate germ tubes from germinating uredospores of Uromyces phaseoli var. typica. Uniformly 14C-labeled wall fractions from both structures were prepared by repeated low speed centrifugation and extraction with polar and nonpolar solvents. Based on amino acid analysis, approximately 6 and 16% of the carbon from uredospore and germ tube walls, respectively, was present in amino acids readily accessible to protease. Covalent linkages between amino acid and carbohydrate of walls was indicated by analysis of fragments prepared by mild hydrolytic procedures and separated by column chromatography and paper electrophoresis. The existence of protein in wall structures may resolve some previous uncertainty about the occurrence of protein biosynthesis during germination of rust fungi. Glucose, mannose, and glucosamine were the only carbohydrate components identified in both germ tubes and uredospore walls but different percentages were observed (germ tubes 28: 16: 16; uredospore 6: 36: 6). In germ tubes, most of the glucosamine was present in linkages hydrolyzed only by strong acid treatment, suggesting chitin-like polymers. In uredospore walls, glucosamine appears to be associated with red uredospore pigment which has properties similar to those of a melanin. Approximately 20% of the carbon in walls could not be identified with known compounds, partially because of degradation during the analytical procedures.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of the mechanism of the nephridial apparatus of Paramecium multimicronucleatum by high-speed cinematography (300 fps at x 250) confirms the observations by electron microscopy (Schneider, 1960) that once the pore is opened, the vesicle is invaginated by adjacent cytoplasm and is emptied by collapsing under pressure from that cytoplasm, aided perhaps by pressure of the fibrils which anchor the ampullae to the excretory canal. There is no indication of active contraction of the vesicle or its membrane. There is no permanent pore to the vesicle. The vesicle is closed by a sealing of the ruptured membrane where it is in contact with the pellicular excretory canal. At onset of expulsion of vesicular fluid the membrane across the basal opening of the excretory canal is ripped along one semicircular portion of the excretory pore and is driven up against the opposite wall as a flap while the water rushes out. A constriction of the vesicular and cell membranes at the base of the excretory canal reseals the opening.  相似文献   

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