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The Pampas deer ( Ozotoceros bezoarticus L. 1758) is the most endangered neotropical cervid, and in the past occupied a wide range of open habitats including grassland, pampas, savanna, and cerrado (Brazil) from 5° to 41° S. To better understand the effect of habitat fragmentation on gene flow and genetic variation, and to uncover genetic units for conservation, we examined DNA sequences from the mitochondrial control region of 54 individuals from six localities distributed throughout the present geographical range of the Pampas deer. Our results suggest that the control region of the Pampas deer is one of the most polymorphic of any mammal. This remarkably high variability probably reflects large historic population sizes of millions of individuals in contrast to numbers of fewer than 80 000 today. Gene flow between populations is generally close to one migrant per generation and, with the exception of two populations from Argentina, all populations are significantly differentiated. The degree of gene flow was correlated with geographical distance between populations, a result consistent with limited dispersal being the primary determinant of genetic differentiation between populations. The molecular genetic results provide a mandate for habitat restoration and reintroduction of Pampas deer so that levels of genetic variation can be preserved and historic patterns of abundance can be reconstructed. However, the source of individuals for reintroduction generally should be from populations geographically closest to those now in danger of extinction.  相似文献   

Scales and costs of habitat selection in heterogeneous landscapes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Two scales of habitat selection are likely to influence patterns of animal density in heterogeneous landscapes. At one scale, habitat selection is determined by the differential use of foraging locations within a home range. At a larger scale, habitat selection is determined by dispersal and the ability to relocate the home range. The limits of both scales must be known for accurate assessments of habitat selection and its role in effecting spatial patterns in abundance. Isodars, which specify the relationships between population density in two habitats such that the expected reproductive success of an individual is the same in both, allow us to distinguish the two scales of habitat selection because each scale has different costs. In a two-habitat environment, the cost of rejecting one of the habitats within a home range can be expressed as a devaluation of the other, because, for example, fine-grained foragers must travel through both. At the dispersal scale, the cost of accepting a new home range in a different habitat has the opposite effect of inflating the value of the original habitat to compensate for lost evolutionary potential associated with relocating the home range. These costs produce isodars at the foraging scale with a lower intercept and slope than those at the dispersal scale.Empirical data on deer mice occupying prairie and badland habitats in southern Alberta confirm the ability of isodar analysis to differentiate between foraging and dispersal scales. The data suggest a foraging range of approximately 60 m, and an effective dispersal distance near 140 m. The relatively short dispersal distance implies that recent theories may have over-emphasized the role of habitat selection on local population dynamics. But the exchange of individuals between habitats sharing irregular borders may be substantial. Dispersal distance may thus give a false impression of the inability of habitat selection to help regulate population density.  相似文献   

Extraction of oil and natural gas (hydrocarbons) from shale is increasing rapidly in North America, with documented impacts to native species and ecosystems. With shale oil and gas resources on nearly every continent, this development is set to become a major driver of global land‐use change. It is increasingly critical to quantify spatial habitat loss driven by this development to implement effective mitigation strategies and develop habitat offsets. Habitat selection is a fundamental ecological process, influencing both individual fitness and population‐level distribution on the landscape. Examinations of habitat selection provide a natural means for understanding spatial impacts. We examined the impact of natural gas development on habitat selection patterns of mule deer on their winter range in Colorado. We fit resource selection functions in a Bayesian hierarchical framework, with habitat availability defined using a movement‐based modeling approach. Energy development drove considerable alterations to deer habitat selection patterns, with the most substantial impacts manifested as avoidance of well pads with active drilling to a distance of at least 800 m. Deer displayed more nuanced responses to other infrastructure, avoiding pads with active production and roads to a greater degree during the day than night. In aggregate, these responses equate to alteration of behavior by human development in over 50% of the critical winter range in our study area during the day and over 25% at night. Compared to other regions, the topographic and vegetative diversity in the study area appear to provide refugia that allow deer to behaviorally mediate some of the impacts of development. This study, and the methods we employed, provides a template for quantifying spatial take by industrial activities in natural areas and the results offer guidance for policy makers, mangers, and industry when attempting to mitigate habitat loss due to energy development.  相似文献   

2008年12月至2009年1月及2011年12月至2012年1月对钦州湾的越冬鸻鹬类进行了调查,对越冬鸻鹬类退潮后在各类型生境的分布情况和原因进行了分析,以期为制定有效保护越冬鸟类及其生境的措施提供科学依据。冬季在钦州湾记录到鹬鸻类27种,结果表明,在不同的天气情况下退潮后各生境内记录到的鹬鸻类种数和数量均不同,钦州湾不同生境鹬鸻类结构特征随天气变化改变。相似性比较显示,晴天生境相似性指数最高的是盐田-养殖塘生境和农田生境,相似性指数为0.96;相似性指数最低的是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.49。阴冷天生境相似性指数最高的是光滩生境和盐田-养殖塘生境,相似性指数为0.79;最低是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.52。分析表明人类活动的干扰对越冬鹬鸻类栖息地选择的影响是巨大的。  相似文献   

The struggle for existence occurs through the vital rates of population growth. This basic fact demonstrates the tight connection between ecology and evolution that defines the emerging field of eco-evolutionary dynamics. An effective synthesis of the interdependencies between ecology and evolution is grounded in six principles. The mechanics of evolution specifies the origin and rules governing traits and evolutionary strategies. Traits and evolutionary strategies achieve their selective value through their functional relationships with fitness. Function depends on the underlying structure of variation and the temporal, spatial and organizational scales of evolution. An understanding of how changes in traits and strategies occur requires conjoining ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Adaptation merges these five pillars to achieve a comprehensive understanding of ecological and evolutionary change. I demonstrate the value of this world-view with reference to the theory and practice of habitat selection. The theory allows us to assess evolutionarily stable strategies and states of habitat selection, and to draw the adaptive landscapes for habitat-selecting species. The landscapes can then be used to forecast future evolution under a variety of climate change and other scenarios.  相似文献   

Roads affect wildlife in many direct and indirect ways. For ungulates, roads may inhibit seasonal migration and may cause an effective loss of habitat due to avoidance. On the other hand, roadsides and associated agricultural lands offer high quality forage that may attract ungulates and increase the frequency of car accidents. Mitigating actions require detailed knowledge on space use in relation to roads. Using data from 67 global positioning system (GPS)-marked red deer in Norway, we quantified 1) scale of avoidance of roads, 2) crossing frequency, and 3) selection of crossing sites. Red deer avoided roads only on a very local scale and only during daytime, with minor influence of variation in road size (traffic burden). Marked red deer crossed roads, on average, 2 times per day. Females crossed more frequently than males and crossings were most frequent during autumn and winter and during night. Deer selected forested crossing sites close to agricultural pastures, reflecting that roads are crossed most often on nightly feeding excursions. Our findings imply that red deer in our study area have adjusted to exploit feeding habitat close to roads at times of low traffic burden. The high frequency of crossings suggests a limited influence on seasonal migration patterns. The frequency at which red deer cross highways suggests that mitigation measures to reduce road mortality may be effective if targeted in the right areas. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Ungulate behavior is often characterized as balancing selection for forage and avoidance of predation risk. Within partially migratory ungulate populations, this balancing occurs across multiple spatial scales, potentially resulting in different exposure to costs and benefits between migrants and residents. We assessed how availability and selection of forage and risk from predators varied between summer ranges of migrant and resident mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus; a species in which individual migratory strategies are generally fixed for life) in 3 study areas in western Montana, USA, during summers 2017–2019. We hypothesized that mule deer would face a tradeoff between selecting forage and avoiding predation risk, and that migration and residency would pose contrasting availability of forage and risk at a broad (summer range) spatial scale. We hypothesized deer exposed to lower forage at a given spatial scale would compensate for reduced availability by increasing selection of forage at the cost of reduced avoidance of predators, a mechanism whereby migrants and residents could potentially achieve similar exposure to forage despite disparate availability. We compared the availability of forage (kcal/m2) and predation risk from wolves (Canis lupus) and mountain lions (Puma concolor) between summer ranges of each migratory strategy, then assessed how selection for those factors at the home range (second order) and within-home range (third order) scales varied using resource selection functions (RSFs). As forage availability increased among mule deer summer ranges and individual home ranges, selection for forage decreased at the second-order (P = 0.052) and third-order (P = 0.081) scales, respectively, but avoidance of predators varied weakly. In 1 study area, summer range of residents contained lower forage and higher risk than summer range of migrants, but residents compensated for this disadvantage through stronger selection of forage and avoidance of risk at finer spatial scales. In the other 2 study areas, summer range of migrants contained lower forage and higher risk than residents, but migrants did not compensate through stronger selection for beneficial resources. The majority of mule deer in our study system were migratory, though the benefits of migration were unclear, suggesting partial migration may persist in populations even when exposure to forage and predation risk appears unequal between strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Greater Roadrunners (Geococcyx californianus) are common, poorly studied birds of arid and semi‐arid ecosystems in the southwestern United States. Conservation of this avian predator requires a detailed understanding of their movements and spatial requirements that is currently lacking. From 2006 to 2009, we quantified home‐range and core area sizes and overlap, habitat selection, and survival of roadrunners (N= 14 males and 20 females) in north‐central Texas using radio‐telemetry and fixed kernel estimators. Median home‐range and core‐area sizes were 90.4 ha and 19.2 ha for males and 80.1 ha and 16.7 ha for females, respectively. The size of home range and core areas did not differ significantly by either sex or season. Our home range estimates were twice as large (x?= 108.9 ha) as earlier published estimates based on visual observations (x?= 28–50 ha). Mean percent overlap was 38.4% for home ranges and 13.7% for core areas. Male roadrunners preferred mesquite woodland and mesquite savanna cover types, and avoided the grass‐forb cover type. Female roadrunners preferred mesquite savanna and riparian woodland cover types, and avoided grass‐forb habitat. Kaplan‐Meier annual survival probabilities for females (0.452 ± 0.118[SE]) were twice that estimated for males (0.210 ± 0.108), but this difference was not significant. Mortality rates of male roadrunners were higher than those of females during the spring when males call from elevated perches, court females, and chase competing males. Current land use practices that target woody‐shrub removal to enhance livestock forage production could be detrimental to roadrunner populations by reducing availability of mesquite woodland and mesquite savanna habitat required for nesting and roosting and increasing the amount of grass‐forb habitat that roadrunners avoid.  相似文献   

Geoffroy's cat Oncifelis geoffroyi is a little-known South American small felid. We report data on the spatial ecology of four adults (two males and two females) that were radiotracked in an area of wet grassland of the Argentine Pampas from February 2000 to April 2001. The mean home range size varied from 248 ha [90% minimum convex polygon (MCP)] to 342 ha (100% MCP), with male home ranges c . 2.5 larger than those of females. Home range overlap averaged 44.7%, and was more extensive between males than between females but it decreased markedly when outliers were excluded. Forest patches were used more than expected by their availability within home ranges. These patches hosted many large defecation sites, possibly acting as 'communication centres' where information was exchanged among individuals in the form of scent marks. Despite the lack of a clear preference for tall grasslands, this was the most frequently used habitat. We argue that natural grasslands in the Pampas ecoregion are important for O. geoffroyi and that their alteration can affect the conservation status of this cat. The comparison of our data with those reported previously suggests that Geoffroy's cat can show a certain degree of flexibility in its spatial behaviour.  相似文献   

We evaluated habitat selection by European beaver Castor fiber L. across a spatial gradient from local (within the family territory) to a broad, ecoregional scale. Based on aerial photography, we assessed the habitat composition of 150 beaver territories along the main water bodies of the Vistula River delta (northern Poland) and compared these data with 183 randomly selected sites not occupied by the species. The beavers preferred habitats with high availability of woody plants, including shrubs, and avoided anthropogenically modified habitats, such as arable lands. Within a single family territory, we observed decreasing woody plant cover with increasing distance from a colony centre, which suggests that beaver habitat preferences depend on the assessment of both the abundance and spatial distribution of preferred habitat elements. We tested the importance of spatial scale in beaver habitat selection with principal coordinates of neighbour matrices analysis, which showed that the geographical scale explained 46.7% of the variation in habitat composition, while the local beaver density explained only 10.3% of this variability. We found two main spatial gradients that were related to the broad spatial scale: first, the most important gradient was related to the largest distances between beaver sites and was independent of woody plant cover and the local beaver site density. The second most important gradient appeared more locally and was associated with these variables. Our results indicate that European beaver habitat selection was affected by different scale‐related phenomena related 1) to central place foraging behaviour, which resulted in the clumped distribution of woody plants within the territory, and 2) local population density and woody plant cover. Finally, 3) habitat selection occurs independently across the largest spatial scale studied (e.g. between watersheds), which was probably due to the limited natal dispersal range of the animals.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need for conservation programmes to make quantitative predictions of biodiversity responses to changed environments. Such predictions will be particularly important to promote species recovery in fragmented landscapes, and to understand and facilitate distribution responses to climate change. Here, we model expansion rates of a test species (a rare butterfly, Hesperia comma) in five landscapes over 18 years (generations), using a metapopulation model (the incidence function model). Expansion rates increased with the area, quality and proximity of habitat patches available for colonization, with predicted expansion rates closely matching observed rates in test landscapes. Habitat fragmentation constrained expansion, but in a predictable way, suggesting that it will prove feasible both to understand variation in expansion rates and to develop conservation programmes to increase rates of range expansion in such species.  相似文献   

We studied home range and habitat selection of radio-marked adult California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) randomly selected from among the breeding population of owls in the central Sierra Nevada, California from June to October 2006. The most parsimonious home-range estimate for our data was 555 ha (SE = 100 ha). Home-range size was positively correlated with the number of vegetation patches in the home range (habitat heterogeneity). We used resource selection ratios to examine selection of vegetation types by owls within our study area. Owl home ranges contained a high proportion of mature conifer forest, relative to its availability, although the confidence interval for this estimate overlapped one. We also used resource selection functions (RSF) to examine owl foraging habitat selection. Relative probability of selection of foraging habitat was correlated with vegetation classes, patch size, and their interaction. Owls showed highest selection rates for large patches (>10 ha) of pole-sized coniferous forest. Our results suggested that spotted owls in the central Sierra Nevada used habitat that contained a high proportion of mature conifer forest at the home-range scale, but at a finer scale (foraging site selection) owls used other vegetation classes interspersed among mature forest patches, consistent with our hypothesis that spotted owls may use other forest types besides old growth and mature forests when foraging. Our study provides an unbiased estimate of habitat use by spotted owls in the central Sierra Nevada. Our results suggest that forest managers continue to protect remaining mature and old-growth forests in the central Sierra Nevada because owl home ranges contain high proportions of these habitats. However, our results also showed that owls used younger stands as foraging habitat so that landscape heterogeneity, with respect to cover types, may be an important consideration for management but we did not attempt to relate our findings to fitness of owls. Thus management for some level of landscape heterogeneity for the benefit of owls should proceed with caution or under an adaptive management framework. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

陈浩  王刚  王成  薛菲  成海  张亚楠 《生态学报》2024,44(4):1526-1538
了解野放丹顶鹤的运动模式、家域和栖息地选择的时间节律特征对丹顶鹤种群保护和栖息地管理尤为重要。基于GPS-GSM跟踪数据,综合运用3S技术、动态布朗桥模型、栖息地选择指数,研究了盐城海滨湿地野放丹顶鹤在不同生活周期的活动节律、家域的面积和重叠指数,以及栖息地选择。结果表明:(1)丹顶鹤日活动节律具有明显的周期性特征。丹顶鹤活动强度:育成期>越冬期>孵化期>育雏期,孵化期和育雏期日间活动强度平稳,育成期和越冬期呈“双峰”模式。(2)丹顶鹤95%家域面积均值介于(111.18±22.15)hm2—(621.28±105.77)hm2,育成期((621.28±105.77) hm2)>育雏期((226.83±54.86) hm2)>孵化期((112.40±7.72) hm2)>越冬期((111.18±22.15) hm2);核心家域面积均值介于(0.53±0.26)—(45.78±6.66) hm2,育成...  相似文献   

Aim Resource‐selection functions (RSFs) can quantify and predict the density of animal populations across heterogeneous landscapes and are important conservation tools in areas subject to human disturbance. Sandy beach ecosystems have comparatively low habitat heterogeneity and structural relief in the intertidal zone, but intense human use. We aimed to develop predictive RSFs for birds on ocean‐exposed sandy beaches at two spatial scales, 25 ha (local scale) and 250 ha (landscape scale), and to test whether habitat selection of birds that commonly use the surf–beach–dune interface is influenced by the rates of human activities. Location Moreton and North Stradbroke Island, eastern Australia. Methods Avifauna and human activities were mapped on three sandy beaches covering 79 km of coastline for 15 months. Habitat characteristics of the surf–beach–dune interface were derived from remote sensing and ground surveys. RSFs were developed for 12 species of birds at two spatial scales: 25 ha (local scale) and 250 ha (landscape scale). Results  At local (25 ha) and landscape scales (250 ha), dune dimensions and the extent and type of vegetation structure were important predictors of bird density. Adding the frequency of human activities improved the predictive power of RSFs, suggesting that habitat selection of birds on beaches is modified by human use of these environments. Human activities occurred mostly in the mid‐ to lower intertidal zone of the beach, overlapping closely with the preferred habitats of Silver Gulls (Larus novaehollandiae), Pied Oystercatchers (Haematopus longirostris), Red‐capped Plovers (Charadrius ruficapillus) and endangered Little Terns (Sternula albifrons). Main conclusions In addition to demonstrating the appropriateness of RSFs to the surf–beach–dune interface, our results stress the need for systematic conservation planning for these ecosystems, where ecological values have traditionally been subsidiary to the maintenance of sand budgets and erosion control.  相似文献   

Ecologists and evolutionary biologists must develop theories that can predict the consequences of global warming and other impacts on Earth's biota. Theories of adaptive habitat selection are particularly promising because they link distribution and density with fitness. The evolutionarily stable strategy that emerges from adaptive habitat choice is given by the system's habitat isodar, the graph of densities in pairs of habitats such that the expectation of fitness is the same in each. We illustrate how isodars can be converted into adaptive landscapes of habitat selection that display the density‐ and frequency‐dependent fitness of competing strategies of habitat use. The adaptive landscape varies with the abundance of habitats and can thus be used to predict future adaptive distributions of individuals under competing scenarios of habitat change. Application of the theory to three species of Arctic rodents living on Herschel Island in the Beaufort Sea predicts changes in selection gradients as xeric upland increases in frequency with global warming. Selection gradients will become more shallow for brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) and tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) strategies that preferentially exploit mesic habitat. Climate change will cause selection gradients for the alternative strategy of using mostly xeric habitat to become much steeper. Meanwhile, the adaptive landscape for collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus), which specialize on xeric Dryas‐covered upland, will become increasingly convex. Changes in the adaptive landscapes thus predict expanding niches for Lemmus and Microtus, and a narrower niche for Dicrostonyx. The ability to draw adaptive landscapes from current patterns of distribution represents one of the few methods available to forecast the consequences of climate change on the future distribution and evolution of affected species.  相似文献   

2009年12月—2010年1月,在黄泥河自然保护区采用样线法对狍冬季栖息地选择进行了研究。共设置了47条样线,调查了109个狍利用样方和109个对照样方,测定了海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位、隐蔽级、郁闭度、食物丰富度、灌丛盖度、树胸径、人为干扰距离、林型、裸岩、雪深、倒木和针叶树15类栖息地因子。Baileys法和Mann-WhiteyU检验表明:在黄泥河自然保护区冬季,狍喜欢在坡度平缓、平均海拔602m,位于阳坡或半阴半阳坡的中坡位上雪被较浅,食物丰富度、灌丛盖度和隐蔽级都较高的针阔混交林生境中活动,对倒木因子表现出明显的选择性,避开选择阴坡、裸岩和针叶林生境。在主成分分析中,前5个主成分中的累积贡献率达到88.6%,第一主成分贡献率为30.8%,主要反映利用样方的林型、海拔和隐蔽级的影响,第二主成分贡献率为26.5%,主要反映利用样方的食物丰富度和灌丛盖度影响。  相似文献   

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