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Auxin transport in explants of coleus   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
α-Naphthaleneacetic acid-C14, labeled in the carboxyl group, was applied in blocks of agar to the distal and to the proximal (either apical or basal) ends of explants of Coleus. The radioactivity in receiver blocks at the opposite ends was measured. Acropetal transport was slight, only 4% of the basipetal transport.

Translocation of NAA-C14 was polar in basipetal direction. Only 1.4% of the radioactivity lost from donor blocks at the apical position reached the receiver blocks; the greatest part remained in the tissue and was immobilized there. All activity found in receiver blocks at the basal end appeared to be still in the form of NAA. There were no differences between petiole tissue and stem tissue, so far as the transport of NAA is concerned.


Auxin transport   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Polar transport of auxin is essential for normal plant growth and development. On a cellular level, directional auxin transport is primarily controlled by an efflux carrier complex that is characterized by the PIN-FORMED (PIN) family of proteins. Detailed developmental studies of PIN distribution and subcellular localization have been combined with the analysis of changes in localized auxin levels to map PIN-mediated auxin movement throughout Arabidopsis tissues. Plant orthologs of mammalian multidrug-resistance/P-glycoproteins (MDR/PGPs) also function in auxin efflux. MDR/PGPs appear to stabilize efflux complexes on the plasma membrane and to function as ATP-dependent auxin transporters, with the specificity and directionality of transport being provided by interacting PIN proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The movement of IAA has been investigated in roots of dark-grown seedlings of Zea mays using IAA-I-14C.With 6-mm segments excised 1 mm below the apex of the root it has been shown that: (a) There is a strictly acropetal flux of IAA through the tissues, the amount of IAA found in an apical receiving block increasing almost linearly with increasing transport period up to about 6–7 hours, but thereafter declining for at least a further 18 hours. The onset of this decline appears to be dependent upon the concentration of IAA in the donor block. (b) The amount of IAA recovered in the apical receiving block increases with increasing concentration of IAA in the donor block over the range from 0.1–10 M, with transport periods of both 4 and 9 hours. (c) The radioactivity in the receiving block is confined to the IAA molecule. (d) The orientation of the segment with respect to gravity did not significantly affect the acropetal polar flux of IAA in the tissue.With non-decapitated 7-mm root apices it has been found that the presence of the apex has no effect on the strictly acropetal flux of IAA in the tissues, but that it entirely prevented the emergence of IAA into an apical receiving block.  相似文献   

Summary Light promotes the net acropetal movement of 14C through 6-mm subapical segments of dark-grown roots of Zea mays supplied at their basal ends with 1 M IAA-1-14C in agar blocks. This promotion occurs only when the segments are irradiated during the transport period, and both red and blue light appear to be as effective as white light at the radiant flux densities used in this investigation. The promotion is not found if the segments are pretreated with light and then returned to darkness before the trasport of IAA-1-14C is determined. The very slight basipetal movement of 14C through the segments supplied with an apical source of IAA-1-14C is unaffected by light.Only one radioactive substance is found in the apical receiver blocks. This substance has an Rf virtually identical to those of the stock solution of IAA incorporated into the donor block and of unlabelled IAA. The movement of radioactivity into the receiver blocks through, the illuminated segments therefore appears to reflect the movement of IAA. Light thus increases the acropetal movement of IAA through the Zea root segment.The primary roots of Zea mays var. Giant Horse Tooth seedlings grown in total darkness do not exhibit a positive geotropic response. When the seed is orientated with the embryo uppermost the radicle grows out horizontally. On exposure to light, however, the roots bend down. This reaction appears about 3–9 hours after the onset of illumination, and white, red and blue light appear to be equally effective at the flux densities employed in this study. Green light in the spectral band between 510–530 nm did not appear to induce this positive geotropic responsiveness.  相似文献   

Summary The net uptake and movement of radioactivity by 12-mm root segments of Zea mays have been studied as a function of time at 5, 15 and 25° C. Segments were supplied with an agar donor block containing 1 M IAA-1-14C or IAA-2-14C continuously or for a limited period of time (pulse-labelling). In the latter case the original donor block was replaced either by a plain agar block or by one containing 1 M unlabelled IAA. Receiver blocks were placed at the other end of the segments.The net uptake of radioactivity from the donor block at 15° C was greater at the basal end than at the apical end of the segment. At 5 and 15° C, the net uptake from a basal donor was virtually linear with time but at 25° C the rate of net accumulation decreased after about 10 h. Decarboxylation of IAA undoubtedly occurred at 15 and 25° C when the concentration in the tissue attained a high value.An acropetally polarised movement of radioactivity into the receiver blocks occurred regardless of whether the results were based on the actual amounts of radioactivity in the receiver block, or on the amounts in the receiver block expressed as a percentage of the net total radioactivity accumulated from the donor block. Only one radioactive substance was present in the receiver block and it ran to the same Rf as IAA in the isopropanol: ammonium: water solvent system.The amounts of radioactivity moving into that part of the root segment at least 6 mm distant from the end in contact with either an apical or a basal donor block were assessed. An acropetal polarity in the movement of radioactivity was observed on the basis of the actual amounts of radioactivity in these distal parts of the segments, but no such polarity was evident when the amounts of radioactivity were expressed as a percentage of the net total accumulated from the donor block. At least 3 radioactive substances were present in the tissue in addition to the substance running to the same Rf as IAA. The distribution of radioactivity in the segment cannot therefore be used to assess the distribution of IAA.Acropetal movement of radioactivity into an apical receiver block is not dependent upon the continued uptake of IAA at the basal end of the segment. No distinct pulses of radioactivity were detected moving through the root segments.Only a small part of the radioactivity in the root segment appears to be located in the polar transport system, while the bulk is not. The polarity found in the movement of the bulk radioactivity within the segment seems to be related to the polarity in IAA uptake from the donor blocks.  相似文献   

Summary The reasons underlying the initial increase and subsequent decrease in the amount of radioactivity in the receiver block at the apical end of a Zea root segment supplied with a basal donor block containing labelled IAA have been investigated.The phenomenon was observed in segments supplied with IAA-1-14C, IAA-2-14C and IAA-5-3H. An acropetal polarity in the movement of radioactivity into the receiver blocks was observed using donor blocks containing IAA-5-3H at concentrations as low as 10-10M.The decrease in the amount of radioactivity in the receiver block begins after 6–8 h of transport at 25° C, and is unaffected by renewal of the donor block every 2 h, or the presence of 2% sucrose in the donor and receiver blocks.The net export of radioactivity into the receiver block at the apical end of the segment virtually ceases after 6–8 h of transport at 25° C, and is not prolonged by the presence of 2% sucrose in the donor and receiver blocks. At 10° C, net export of radioactivity continues for at least the first 50 h of transport, and the amount of radioactivity in a continuously applied receiver block continues to increase over this period.Receiver blocks removed from the apical end of segments after 8 h of transport and placed on planchettes show little or no decrease in the amount of radioactivity they contain as a function of time, in marked contrast to those left in contact with the segment.There is a marked, and metabolically dependent, resorption of radioactivity from the receiver block at the apical end of the segment after about 8 h of transport at 25° C; most of the resorbed radioactivity remains in the apical 2–4 mm of the segment.There is a loss of radioactive CO2 from segments supplied with a basal donor block containing 10-6M IAA-1-14C at 25° C, the emission beginning after 6–8 h of transport. Segments similarly supplied with 10-6M IAA-2-14C did not begin to lose radioactive CO2 until after about 10–12 h of transport.The ability of the segments to transport radioactivity in a polar manner declines with time after they are excised from the root, regardless of whether their cut ends are kept in the intervening period in contact with plain agar blocks, or ones containing unlabelled IAA at 10-6M. By the 6th h after excision at 25° C no transport of radioactivity through the segments and into the receiver blocks could be detected in either the aropetal or basipetal direction.The decrease in radioactivity in the receiver block after transport periods of 6–8 h at 25° C is therefore due to (1) a cessation of net export of radioactivity into the block, and (2) the onset of a metabolically-dependent, net resorption of radioactivity. At this time substantial amounts of radioactive CO2 begin to be evolved from segments supplied with IAA-1-14C, whereas with IAA-2-14C radioactive CO2 is not evolved for a further 4–6 h.  相似文献   

Auxins are endogenous, growth-regulating compounds in plants: for decades investigators have hypothesized that plants change their growth rates and patterns in response to environmental signals by changing their transport of, metabolism of, or sensitivity to their endogenous auxins. The Cholodny-Went hypothesis, for example, postulates that plants respond to tropic signals by changing the distribution of free indoleacetic acid within their tissues. This hypothesis was based on data from experiments investigating phototropism and gravitropism in oat ( Avena sativa L.) and maize ( Zea mays L.) coleoptiles. The results of recent experiments support the Cholodny-Went hypothesis for maize coleoptile gravitropism. Recent experiments conducted on the gravitropisms of other developmental stages of grasses, and other species of plants, however, indicate that the Cholodny-Went hypothesis may not adequately describe how all plants respond to gravity.  相似文献   

Auxin transport: a field in flux   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Polar auxin transport is crucial for plant growth and development. Auxin moves between plant cells through a combination of membrane diffusion and carrier-mediated transport. Several classes of membrane proteins that facilitate auxin uptake and efflux have recently been identified in Arabidopsis. The relative contribution to auxin transport made by the different facilitators and by membrane diffusion is unclear. In this Opinion article, we assess the significance of auxin diffusion versus carrier-mediated transport and then discuss the physiological importance of the transport facilitators within the context of the multiple trans-cellular auxin fluxes recently described in the Arabidopsis root apex.  相似文献   

Auxin transport and gravitational research: perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Palme K  Dovzhenko A  Ditengou FA 《Protoplasma》2006,229(2-4):175-181
Gravity is a fundamental factor which affects all living organisms. Plant development is well adapted to gravity by directing roots downward and shoots upwards. For more than a century, plant biologists have been fascinated to describe the molecular mechanisms underlying the gravitropic response of plants. Important progress towards signal perception, transduction, and response has been made, but new tools are beginning to uncover the regulatory networks for gravitropic control. We summarise recent progress in study of gravitropism and discuss strategies to identify the molecular basis of the gravity response in Arabidopsis thaliana. This will put us on a road towards the molecular systems biology of the Arabidopsis gravitropic response.  相似文献   

A high frequency in vitro shoot bud differentiation and multiple shoot production protocol from hypocotyl segments of 8 to 10-d-old seedlings of cotton has been developed. Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium with Nitsch and Nitsch vitamins was found to be optimal in shoot regeneration. A combination of 2 mg dm−3 thidiazuron and 0.05 mg dm−3 naphthaleneacetic acid was the most effective for shoot regeneration (76 %) and an average of 10.6 shoots per responding explant. Combination of the cytokinins benzylaminopurine and kinetin induced better regeneration response than their individual treatments. Supplementation of the culture medium with ethylene inhibitor silver nitrate and activated charcoal showed beneficial effects. Optimal rooting was obtained on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg dm−3 indolebutyric acid and activated charcoal. Scanning electron micrographs of in vitro cultured explants revealed that shoot primordia were formed de novo.  相似文献   

J. L. Lyon  O. E. Smith 《Planta》1966,69(4):347-356
Summary Gibberellic acid (GA3) accelerated abscission when applied, in a wide concentration range, to excised abscission zones of cotton. Abscission was promoted equally by distal or proximal applications of from 10-3 to 100 g. A slight, but inconsistent, abscission retardation was obtained with distal applications of 10-6 and 10-7 g.Seven different gibberellins accelerated abscission equally when applied distally at amounts of 5×10-4 to 5×10-1 g per abscission zone. At 5×10-5 g there were great differences in effectiveness; their activities can be ranked: A3>A5A4>A7=A8>A1=A9.The ready translocatability of GA3 was suggested when 1.0 or 0.01 g was applied to one petiole, and the opposite untreated petiole abscised at the same time as the treated one. However, 0.001 g was not effective in moving across the stem and inducing abscission of the untreated petiole.The rate of abscission of petioles treated with 1.0 g GA3 was not affected by increasing the length of the petiole from 3 to 9 mm. However, abscission of petioles treated with smaller amounts is inversely proportional to petiole length.The rate of abscission of petioles treated with GA3 decreased with increasing seedling age; there was a simultaneous increase in abscission rate of the controls.Part of this research was based on a portion of a thesis submitted by the senior author to the Graduate Division, University of California, Davis, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree.  相似文献   

Auxin transport - shaping the plant   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Plant growth is marked by its adaptability to continuous changes in environment. A regulated, differential distribution of auxin underlies many adaptation processes including organogenesis, meristem patterning and tropisms. In executing its multiple roles, auxin displays some characteristics of both a hormone and a morphogen. Studies on auxin transport, as well as tracing the intracellular movement of its molecular components, have suggested a possible scenario to explain how growth plasticity is conferred at the cellular and molecular level. The plant perceives stimuli and changes the subcellular position of auxin-transport components accordingly. These changes modulate auxin fluxes, and the newly established auxin distribution triggers the corresponding developmental response.  相似文献   

Fluoresceins are shown to be effective inhibitors of indoleacetic acid transport as measured by the receiver agar block technique, eosin having the same order of activity as 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid and N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid, with fluorescein less effective. It is suggested that many of their characteristic effects on plants, especially those which involve auxin, are at least partially due to their effects on auxin transport.  相似文献   

Auxin transport: a new synthetic inhibitor   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Beyer EM 《Plant physiology》1972,50(3):322-327
The new synthetic plant growth regulator DPX1840 (3,3a-dihydro-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)-8H-pyrazolo [5,1-a] isoindol-8-one) was examined for its effects on auxin transport. At a concentration of 0.5 mm in the receiver agar cylinders DPX1840 significantly inhibited the basipetal transport of naphthaleneacetic acid-1-14C in stem sections of Vigna sinensis Endl., Pisum sativum L., Phaseolus vulgaris L., Glycine max L., Helianthus annuus L., Gossypium hirsutum L., and Zea mays L. without significantly reducing total auxin uptake or recovery. The time sequence of the effect varied with the plant species. A similar inhibition of the basipetal movement of indoleacetic acid-1-14C was observed in intact seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris L. In contrast to basipetal auxin transport DPX1840 had no significant effect on the acropetal movement of indoleacetic acid-1-14C in stem sections of Gossypium hirsutum L. Qualitatively the effect of DPX1840 on basipetal auxin transport was similar to that of other known auxin transport inhibitors. Quantitative differences, however, suggested the following order of activity: Naptalam>morphactin[unk]DPX1840>2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid.  相似文献   

Auxin transport promotes Arabidopsis lateral root initiation   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Lateral root development in Arabidopsis provides a model for the study of hormonal signals that regulate postembryonic organogenesis in higher plants. Lateral roots originate from pairs of pericycle cells, in several cell files positioned opposite the xylem pole, that initiate a series of asymmetric, transverse divisions. The auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) arrests lateral root development by blocking the first transverse division(s). We investigated the basis of NPA action by using a cell-specific reporter to demonstrate that xylem pole pericycle cells retain their identity in the presence of the auxin transport inhibitor. However, NPA causes indoleacetic acid (IAA) to accumulate in the root apex while reducing levels in basal tissues critical for lateral root initiation. This pattern of IAA redistribution is consistent with NPA blocking basipetal IAA movement from the root tip. Characterization of lateral root development in the shoot meristemless1 mutant demonstrates that root basipetal and leaf acropetal auxin transport activities are required during the initiation and emergence phases, respectively, of lateral root development.  相似文献   

An increase in starch content of cells in the abscission zone of the cotton explant appeared correlated with an increase in number of cells. A large increase in the number of cells in the abscission zone, concomitant with an increase in starch content, followed treatment with gibberellin as compared to auxin. In the final stages of abscission starch was hydrolyzed in the cells of the separation layer. Some starch remained after the petiole abscised.

A positive phloroglucinol-hydrochloric acid reaction in the cells of the petiole distal to the line of separation indicated the presence, not of lignin, but of soluble sugars and uronic acids. This reaction was especially intense following gibberellic acid treatment.

It was concluded that gibberellin in accelerating abscission leads to (1) an increase in cell number and starch content in the abscission zone, (2) the hydrolysis of starch in the separation layer just before abscission, and (3) the breakdown of polysaccharides and the release of soluble sugars and uronic acids. Auxin, an abscission retardant, either delays or prevents these events.


Inhibitors of auxin polar transport disrupt normal embryogenesis and thus specific spatial auxin distribution due to auxin movement may be important in establishing embryonic pattern formation in plants. In the present study, the distribution of the photoaffinity labeling agent tritiated 5-azidoindole-3-acetic acid ([3H],5-N3IAA), an analog of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was visualized in zygotic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) embryos grown in vitro and in planta, and used to deduce auxin transport pathways in these embryos. This study provides the first direct evidence that the distribution of auxin, here [3H],5-N3IAA, is heterogeneous and changes during embryo development. In particular, the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry was correlated with a redistribution of [3H],5-N3IAA in the embryo. Furthermore, in bilaterally symmetrical embryos, that is, embryos in the late transition stage or older, the localization of [3H],5-N3IAA was altered by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid, a specific inhibitor of auxin polar transport. No significant effect was observed in radially symmetrical embryos, that is, globular embryos, or very early transition embryos. Thus, the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry is associated with the onset of active, directed auxin transport involved in auxin redistribution. A change in the distribution of [3H],5-N3IAA was also observed in morphologically abnormal embryos induced on media supplemented with auxin or auxin polar transport inhibitors. By means of a microscale technique, free IAA concentration was measured in in vitro- and in planta-grown embryos and was found to increase during development. Therefore, IAA may be synthesized or released from conjugates in bilaterally symmetrical embryos, although import from surrounding tissues cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Auxin transport in Convolvulus roots cultured in vitro.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

Auxin transport: ABC proteins join the club   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The isolation of potential auxin carriers from Arabidopsis thaliana marks a breakthrough in the characterization of elements involved in auxin delivery. Current models suggest that asymmetrical localization of auxin uptake and efflux carriers within the plasma membrane control the establishment of auxin gradients via facilitated transport. Now, the analysis of mutants defective in Arabidopsis ABC proteins indicates that primary active transport might participate in the control of auxin homeostasis as well.  相似文献   

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