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The effects of cytochalasin B on functional and physical macrophage-lymphocyte interaction have been examined. Cytochalasin B, an inhibitor of a variety of membrane activities blocks antigen-dependent bindings of immune lymphocytes to macrophages and antigen-triggered lymphocytes proliferation if added at the initiation of culture. Cytochalasin B becomes progressively less inhibitory if addition is delayed by increasing intervals from the onset of culture. Under these conditions neither antigen handling by macrophages nor the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA is inhibited by cytochalasin B. These data are interpreted to suggest that cytochalasin B inhibits antigen-specific macrophage-lymphocyte interaction either by inhibition of an initial antigen-independent phase of macrophage-lymphocyte interaction or by interfering with a lymphocyte membrane event necessary for the interaction of the antigen-specific lymphocyte receptor with the macrophage-bound antigenic signal.  相似文献   

This paper presents the initial effort in anti-HIV infection using glycosphingolipid-based nanostructures. HIV infection of CD4 negative cells is initiated by the binding of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 to galactosylceramide (GalCer), a glycosphingolipid that serves as the cellular receptor for viral recognition. A series of nanostructures of GalCer are designed and produced using an AFM-based lithography method known as nanografting. The geometry dependence of recombinant gp120 binding to these nanostructures is monitored using high-resolution AFM imaging. Gp120 molecules are found to favor binding sites that allow for polyvalent interactions. Increased adsorption at the intersection of two lines, or between two parallel lines with matching separation for trimeric binding, strongly suggests that trivalent interactions are dominant in gp120-GalCer nanostructure interactions. Systematic distance-dependence studies, using parallel nanolines with various separations, reveal a separation of 4.8 nm, matching the separation of V3 loops in gp120 trimers. This investigation demonstrates that nanotechnology provides a powerful tool for investigating and guiding polyvalent interactions among biological systems.  相似文献   

CTL constitute an essential part of the immune response against the HIV. CTL recognize peptides derived from viral proteins together with the MHC class I molecules on the surface of infected cells. The CTL response could be important in prevention or control of infection with HIV by destroying virus-producing cells. In this study we have attempted to identify peptide epitopes recognized by HIV-specific CTL. Using synthetic peptides, we have identified six conserved peptidic epitopes on the gp120 envelope glycoprotein recognized by polyclonal human CTL in association with HLA-A2 class I transplantation Ag. These results were confirmed by two approaches: i) blocking of CTL activities with antibodies specific for three of these conserved peptides; and ii) construction of doubly transfected P815-A2 target cells, using deletions of the HIV env gene. Vaccination or immunotherapy in HLA-A2 individuals can thus be considered using highly conserved HIV env peptidic sequences.  相似文献   

The requirement of direct covalent association of trinitrophenyl (Tnp) groups with cell surface components for functional interactions with anti-Tnp cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) was analyzed. This question was approached by comparing the ability of two methods of trinitrophenylation to render cells susceptible to lysis by anti-Tnp CTLs. As previously shown, cells modified with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid were susceptible to H-2-restricted lysis by anti-Tnp CTLs. However, cells incubated with Sendai virus covalently associated with Tnp groups, were not rendered susceptible to lysis by anti-Tnp CTLs. These same target cells, however, were susceptible to H-2-restricted lysis by anti-Sendai virus CTLs. Direct analysis of the number of Tnp groups on cells modified by either method indicates no significant difference in the number of Tnp molecules associated with the different target cells. The results suggest that direct covalent association of Tnp groups with cell surface specific components is a minimal molecular requirement for recognition and lysis by anti-Tnp CTLs.  相似文献   

Within 2-4 h of interaction of parental spleen cells from naive mice or of their supernates with alloantigen-bearing F1 hybrid spleen cells, a factor called soluble early product of immune recognition (SEPIR) is secreted. SEPIR could be revealed by its ability to enhance mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) set up in suboptimal conditions. The factor appears to be generated by parental strain T but not B lymphocytes, is active at low concentration and acts in a pulse-like fashion. Its formation is triggered by unstimulated T cells reacting with H-2 antigens; no cytokine activity of IL 1, IL 2 or interferon character could be detected. It is suggested that the formation of SEPIR within the first few hours of MLC interaction is critically related to the further development of alloantigen-driven T cell proliferation. SEPIR might thus be the earliest discernible product of alloimmune recognition.  相似文献   

A CD8+ alpha beta TCR+ T cell clone (A35) was isolated from the synovial fluid of a patient with post-enteric reactive arthritis caused by Yersinia enterocolitica. This clone efficiently killed autologous and allogeneic target cells that had been preincubated with live but not with heat-killed bacteria. There was no restriction by polymorphic parts of HLA-A, -B, or -C molecules and a HLA class II-deficient mutant cell line was lysed as efficiently as its normal counterpart, whereas infected HLA class I-deficient cells (Daudi cells) were not. The clone showed crossreaction between Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Streptococcus pyogenes, but did not lyse target cells preincubated with Staphylococcus epidermidis. MAb to CD2, CD3, and CD8 efficiently blocked A35, whereas the addition of mAb to HLA class II or to HLA class I did not. This clone apparently represents a novel effector mechanism against bacteria-infected or -modified cells that could be involved in the immunopathology of reactive arthritis.  相似文献   

HLA-B27 transgenic animal models suggest a role for CD4(+) T lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of the spondyloarthropathies, and murine studies have raised the possibility that unusual forms of B27 may be involved in disease. We demonstrate that CD4(+) T cells capable of recognizing B27 can be isolated from humans by coculture with the MHC class II-negative cell line T2 transfected with B27. These CD4(+) T cells recognize a panel of B27-transfected cell lines that are defective in Ag-processing pathways, but not the nontransfected parental cell lines, in a CD4-dependent fashion. Inhibition of responses by the MHC class I-specific mAb w6/32 and the B27 binding mAb ME1 implicates the recognition of a form of B27 recognized by both of these Abs. We suggest that B27-reactive CD4(+) T cells may be pathogenic in spondyloarthropathies, particularly if factors such as infection influence expression of abnormal forms of B27.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that sulfated polyanions (SP) are potent inhibitors of HIV infection in vitro, appearing to inhibit virus attachment. To understand the mode of action of these compounds a large panel of SP were examined for their ability to inhibit HIV infection, block anti-CD4 mAb binding and, when immobilized, bind soluble CD4 and virion gp120. Based on anti-CD4 mAb binding-inhibition studies a SP binding site was identified on the CD4 molecule. Dextran sulfate (DXS)-500 kDa, polyvinylsulfate (PVS), and polyanethole sulfonate were particularly potent SP inhibitors, blocking the binding of 11 of the 12 anti-CD4 mAb tested. These 11 mAb are known to interact with the two amino-terminal Ig-like domains of CD4. In fact, DXS-500 kDa exhibited an hierarchy of inhibition of anti-CD4 mAb which suggests that SP bind to a conformational site incorporating the first two Ig-like domains of CD4. This SP binding site is clearly distinct but closely associated with the gp120 binding region of CD4. In terms of anti-HIV activity there was no evidence that SP act at the virion level as rgp120 did not bind to immobilized SP and preincubation of virions with SP did not affect infectivity. In contrast, many of the SP tested showed some affinity for CD4 based on anti-CD4 mAb blocking studies and binding of soluble CD4 to immobilized SP. The most active in this regard were DXS-500 kDa and PVS, whose anti-HIV activity could be entirely due to disruption of the CD4-gp120 interaction. However, with SP such as heparin, fucoidan, the carrageenans, and polyanethole sulfonate, although CD4 blocking may contribute to anti-HIV activity, some other anti-viral mechanism is also operating. Finally, pentosan sulfate, a SP with anti-HIV activity comparable to DXS-500 kDa and PVS, showed little or no reactivity with CD4 and must inhibit HIV infection by a totally CD4-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Short-term treatment of cloned mouse cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) with interferon (IFN) induces lytic activity for natural killer- (NK) sensitive targets. Extended culture of CTL in high concentrations of interleukin 2 induces promiscuous lytic activity in which state both NK-sensitive and NK-resistant target cells are lysed. Cold-target competition analysis showed that the development of NK activity was associated with the acquisition of binding activity for NK-sensitive but not for NK-resistant targets, whereas the development of promiscuous lytic activity was associated with the acquisition of binding activity for both types of target. Antigen-specific cytolysis was inhibited by antibodies to Ly-2, Ly-5, LFA-1 and to the V region of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR), whereas NK and promiscuous lytic activity in the same cells was resistant to inhibition by anti-Ly-2 and anti-TCR. NK activity was expressed normally against a variant NK-sensitive cell line lacking all MHC antigens. These results show that, in contrast to antigen-specific recognition, the NK and promiscuous lytic activities of CTL are expressed without participation of effector cell Ly-2 and TCR molecules or target cell MHC molecules, and are most likely mediated through novel and distinct receptor systems.  相似文献   

The CTL response to HIV was analyzed in humans and in mice. By using a novel and strictly autologous lymphocyte culture system, human CTL lines were established with PBL from seropositive asymptomatic donors and from patients suffering from AIDS or presenting AIDS-related complex. CTL from HLA-A2 donors recognize and kill murine P815 mastocytoma cells doubly transfected with the human HLA-A2 gene and the HIV env gene; they also kill HLA-compatible human macrophages infected with HIV. CTL specific for the HIV env Ag were also generated in BALB/c mice by immunization with syngeneic murine cells transfected with the HIV env gene. Human and murine HIV-immune CTL populations belong to the CD8 subset of T lymphocytes and are restricted by class I HLA or H-2 transplantation Ag, respectively, in the recognition of HIV env Ag. The two different experimental systems presented here can be used to study CD8 lymphocyte immunity against HIV. The murine model of CTL immunity offers the additional advantage of avoiding the manipulation of infectious virus isolates.  相似文献   

CD8+ murine CTL that are specific for an unusual nonpeptide Ag, the heme moiety of hemoglobin, have been derived by in vitro stimulation of spleen cells with hemin. Such CTL demonstrate a requirement for the expression of class I Ag on target cells, yet appear to be unrestricted to the extent that both syngeneic and allogeneic targets precoated with hemin are sensitive to lysis. A series of CTL clones with specificity for hemin was derived from C57BL/6 mice. They exhibited the same type of promiscuous recognition that was observed in CTL populations from a number of different strains. The possibility that hemin acts as a nonspecific mediator of lysis by CTL was ruled out by the fact that a variety of CTL populations and clones specific for different Ag did not exhibit hemin-specific lysis. Some explanations offered to explain these results include 1) the possibility that hemin is recognized by binding to a site on the MHC other than the Ag-binding groove, and 2) the possibility that TCR recognition of a rigid molecule, such as hemin, may be less sensitive to polymorphic variation in the MHC than is recognition of a conventional peptide Ag whose conformation may differ significantly when bound to MHC molecules whose sequences differ within the Ag-binding groove.  相似文献   

We found that rotavirus-specific protein synthesis was not necessary for recognition by virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). In addition, CTLs lysed rotavirus-infected target cells prior to production of infectious virus. Target cell processing of rotavirus antigens for presentation to CTLs was enhanced by treatment of rotavirus with trypsin prior to infection; trypsin-induced cleavage of the viral hemagglutinin (vp4) has previously been found to facilitate rotavirus entry into target cells by direct penetration of virions through the plasma membrane. We conclude that sufficient quantities of exogenous viral proteins may be introduced into the cytoplasm for processing by target cells. The mechanism by which rotavirus proteins are processed for presentation to the target cell surface remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Zhu X  Borchers C  Bienstock RJ  Tomer KB 《Biochemistry》2000,39(37):11194-11204
An analytical approach is reported for the characterization of the specific glycans found on highly glycosylated proteins based on a combination of specific proteolysis and deglycosylation combined with two different mass spectrometric approaches, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, and nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry/tandem mass spectrometry using a hybrid quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometer. The high resolution and mass accuracy of the mass spectrometric data obtained on the hybrid instrument combined with the high parent mass capabilities are shown to be extremely useful in the site-specific assignment of heterogeneous glycans. Using this methodology, 25 of 26 consensus glycosylation sites on HIV-1(SF2) gp120, expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, could be assigned. Good correlations between the relative abundances of members of heterogeneous series in the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectra and the nanoelectrospray mass spectra were observed, indicating that the mass spectrometric data reflected the actual abundances of the members of the series. These data were incorporated with molecular modeling based on the solved structure of a mutant truncated, highly deglycosylated gp120 to propose a structural model for the completely glycosylated form.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for MOPC-104E myeloma cells of BALB/c origin could be induced in BALB/c, (BALB/c X BALB.B)F1, and (BALB/c X BALB.K)F1 mice. (BALB/c X BALB.B)F1 CTL activity specific for MOPC-104E was effectively inhibited by anti-H-2d but not by anti-H-2b alloantiserum. However, the activity was hardly blocked by specific anti-idiotypic antibodies to MOPC-104E. For further analysis of the recognition of idiotype on target cells by CTL, the effect of those lymphocytes on anti-dextran B1355S antibody-producing B lymphocytes, which have a cross-reactive idiotype to MOPC-104E, was investigated. Lymphocytes from the CTL population did inhibit antibody production by dextran-immune spleen cells, but those from the CTL population specific for irrelevant myeloma cells (MOPC-167) did not. The (BALB/c X BALB.K)F1 CTL population suppressed the antibody production of BALB/c but not of BALB.K. This indicates that F1 cells can preferentially see H-2 antigens of immunizing myeloma cells on target B lymphocytes. The inhibition of antibody production was antigen specific and was only restricted to the PFC that were inhibitable by anti-idiotypic antibodies. The surface phenotypes of the cells that inhibited the antibody production were Thy-1+, Lyt-1-, Lyt-2+, and I-J-. These results strongly suggest that CTL specific for MOPC-104E recognize self H-2 antigens simultaneously with idiotypic determinants on B lymphocytes. Possible immunoregulatory roles of idiotype-specific CTL on antibody production systems are also suggested.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed to the dual reactive cytolytic T lymphocyte clone OH8 (Db + H-Y and H-2d) were established. Analysis by cell surface staining and immunoprecipitation of radiolabeled surface molecules of OH8 followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that both mAb recognized an identical heterodimeric, clonotypic structure on OH8 cells, i.e., T cell receptor. However, although the MR3-2 mAb inhibited the lysis of either Db + H-Y or H-2d targets by OH8, the MR3-6 mAb inhibited the lysis of H-2d target cells, but not that of Db + H-Y target cells. Modulation of T cell receptor by either MR3-2 or MR3-6 mAb rendered the OH8 cytolytic T lymphocyte incapable of killing both Db + H-Y and H-2d target cells. These findings suggest that different epitopes of OH8 T cell receptor were involved for the recognition of self + antigen and alloantigen.  相似文献   

Four distinct surface molecules on human T cells are defined by the monoclonal antibodies anti-T1, anti-T3 (anti-T3A), anti-T11 and anti-T12. Following cell binding, anti-T3 (anti-T3A) and anti-T1 induce independent modulation of their respective ligands, whereas anti-T11 and anti-T12 do not. To explore the biological consequences of this modulation, we used cloned populations of T4 and T8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Anti-T3 (anti-T3A), but not anti-T1, inhibits cytotoxic T lymphocyte effector function by T4 and T8 clones as well as antigen-specific T cell recognition. The latter is not secondary to a generalized inhibitory effect since responsiveness to interleukin 2 is maintained. Moreover, after modulation, cytotoxic T lymphocytes recover cytolytic function in parallel with reexpression of surface T3 molecules. We provide evidence for a direct linkage between antigen recognition by T lymphocytes and surface expression of the T3 molecular complex.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes recognize the synthetic polypeptides GA and GLT and the natural antigen LDHB and are thereby stimulated to proliferate in vitro. Simultaneously with the antigen, T cells recognize class II MHC molecules of the antigen-presenting cell and the T-cell proliferation can therefore be inhibited by the addition of monoclonal antibodies specific for either A (AA ) or E (EF ) molecules. Antibody blocking of in vitro responses thus provides an opportunity to test the rules governing the selection of class II molecules (A versus E) in the recognition of different antigens. To determine these rules we tested T cells for some 40 strains (classical inbred strains and B10.W lines) carrying H-2 haplotypes derived from wild mice) for their proliferative response to GA, GLT, and LDHB. Strains that responded were then tested in the antibody-blocking assay to determine the class II context of the response. The response to GA occurred always in the context of the A molecule; no single instance was found of the response being channelled through the E molecule. Of the 19 different A molecules (A allomorphs) that could be tested, nine (47 percent) were able to provide the context for GA recognition (and hence conferred responsiveness), while the rest failed to do so (conferred nonresponsiveness). Of the 17 informative cases tested for the response to LDHB, 14 channelled the response through the A molecule, while, in the remaining cases, the cells failed to respond altogether. And again, there was no case where the response was channelled through the E molecule. However, in two instances (of 14) the E molecule provided the context for the stimulation of suppressor T cells, which then suppressed the response of helper T cells occurring in the context of the A molecule. Of the 19 cases tested for the response to GLT, eight channelled the response through the E molecule and two through the A molecule. The two cases of an E A switch were those in which the strains failed to express cell-surface E molecules as a result of a mutation in one of the E-encoding loci. These data indicate a remarkable but puzzling consistency in the channelling of the response to a given antigen via either A or E molecules. This consistency may be a hint that there is a link between the specificity of antigen (nonself) and MHC (self) recognition by T lymphocytes.Abbreviations used in this paper APC antigen-presenting cell - GA poly (Glu40Ala60) - GLT poly (Glu51Lys34Tyr15) - Ir immune response - LDHB lactate dehydrogenase 134 - MHC major histocompatibility complex - TH T helper (cell) - TS T suppressor (cell)  相似文献   

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