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目的:观察右美托咪啶用于预防经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP)中寒战反应的效果.方法:60例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级择期在腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉下行TURP的患者,随机均分为D组(右美托咪啶组)和C组(对照组).D组和C组于麻醉后5min分别静脉泵注右美托咪啶0.5 μg·kg-1和生理盐水(泵注时间为10 min).观察术中两组患者寒战发生情况及镇静情况.结果:D组有3例患者(10%)发生寒战,C组有14例患者(46.7%)发生寒战(P<0.05);寒战程度D组显著低于C组(P<0.05),术中D组所有患者和C组3例患者的Ramsay评分为3~4分(P<0.05).结论:静脉泵注0.5 μg·kg-1右美托咪啶能安全有效降低TURP术中患者寒战的发生率. 相似文献
目的:通过观察盐酸右美托咪定在预防剖宫产患者椎管内麻醉期间寒战反应的临床效果,评价其疗效,探讨其临床适用性。方法:选择2012年9月至2013年3月在我院接受椎管内麻醉行剖宫产的患者120例,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组60例。观察组患者在胎儿剖出后采取静脉注射盐酸右美托咪定,对照组患者则采取静脉注射生理盐水。分别观察并比较两组患者麻醉前、腰麻后5min、胎儿剖出时、盐酸右美托咪定静脉注射后10min、手术结束时的心血管循环系统变化情况,Ramsay镇静评分情况,寒战等不良反应的发生情况。结果:两组产妇的血压在腰麻后5min较麻醉前降低,在胎儿剖出后开始逐渐回升,手术结束时均恢复基础水平,但组间比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。观察组产妇心率在注射盐酸右美托咪定后较麻醉前明显降低(P〈0.05),较对照组也明显减慢(P〈O.05);观察组产妇Ramsay镇静评分在注射盐酸右美托咪定后较麻醉前明显升高,较对照组也明显升高(P〈0.05),但均未发生镇静过度;观察组寒战的发生率为8.33%,明显低于对照组的发生率,差异有统计学意义(X^2=4.18,P〈0.05);观察组用药后不良反应发生率为15.00%,与对照组的发生率相当,差异无统计学意义(X^2=0.24,P〉0.05)。结论:盐酸右美托咪定对于预防剖宫产患者椎管内麻醉期间寒战反应有一定的临床效果,适合临床长期推广应用。 相似文献
Internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediated translation is an essential replication step for certain viruses. As IRES-mediated translation is regulated differently from cap-dependent translation under various cellular conditions, we sought to investigate whether temperature influences efficiency of viral IRES-mediated translation initiation by using bicistronic reporter constructs containing an IRES element of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV), foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human rhinovirus (HRV) or poliovirus (PV). Under mild hypothermic conditions (30 and 35°C), we observed increases in the efficiency of translation initiation by HCV and HRV IRES elements compared to translation initiation at 37°C. The promotion of HRV IRES activity was observed as early as 2 hours after exposure to mild hypothermia. We also confirmed the promotion of translation initiation by HRV IRES under mild hypothermia in multiple cell lines. The expression levels and locations of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) and upstream of N-Ras (unr), the IRES trans-acting factors (ITAFs) of HCV and HRV IRES elements, were not modulated by the temperature shift from 37°C to 30°C. Taken together, this study demonstrates that efficiency of translation initiation by some viral IRES elements is temperature dependent. 相似文献
为研究亚低温对缺血缺氧性脑损伤的保护作用.将21只SD大鼠随机分为对照组、常温组和亚低温组按改良的Pulsine方法建立动物模型,观察缺血再灌注损伤脑皮质的水肿程度,氨基酸和自由基的动态变化等结果表明亚低温通过减轻脑水肿、影响氨基酸和自由基的动态平衡,对缺血缺氧性脑损伤起到保护作用. 相似文献
脑缺血再灌注损伤的主要机制是多种因素诱导的神经元凋亡。而神经元凋亡在一定程度上是可以调控和逆转的。亚低温以其对条件的要求不高实施方便等特点,奠定了其可以大范围推广的基础。作为能够辅助治疗脑缺血再灌注损伤的措施之一,亚低温的作用已经越来越多的得到了大家的重视,其脑缺血保护机制的相关研究也逐年增加。现阶段研究者对亚低温脑保护作用的研究重点放在了抑制细胞凋亡的机制上,也证实了亚低温的脑保护作用的机制和其抑制细胞凋亡密不可分。本文针对这一点,对近几年有关亚低温抑制大鼠脑缺血再灌注诱导的细胞凋亡机制的研究进展作一综述,为亚低温治疗脑缺血性疾病的临床应用提供理论支持。 相似文献
To study the inhibitory effect of hypoxia on the cold defense mechanism, pigeons were exposed at low ambient temperature (5 degrees C) to various inhaled gas mixtures: normoxia [0.21 fractional concentration of O2 (FIO2)], hypoxia (0.07 FIO2), and normocapnic hypoxia (0.07 FIO2 + 0.045 FICO2). Electromyographic (EMG) activity indicative of shivering thermogenesis was inhibited during hypoxia, and body temperature (Tre) fell by 0.09 degrees C/min. Respiratory frequency (f) and minute ventilation (VE) increased by 143 and 135%, respectively, compared with normoxia, but tidal volume (VT) was not changed. PO2, PCO2, and O2 contents in the arterial and mixed venous blood were decreased and pH was enhanced. During normocapnic hypoxia, shivering EMG was present at approximately 50% of the normoxic intensity; Tre fell by only 0.04 degrees C/min. Arterial and mixed venous PCO2 and pH were the same as during normoxia, but VE increased by 430% because of twofold increases in both f and VT. During normocapnic hypoxia, arterial PO2 and O2 content were higher than during hypoxia alone. We conclude that the persistence of shivering during normocapnic hypoxia is due to maintenance of critical levels of arterial PO2 and O2 content. 相似文献
目的本文总结了浅低温不停跳心脏直视手术的体外循环管理经验.本院在1999年10月至2000年11月间共施行了浅低温不停跳冠状动脉搭桥术36例.其中男性32例,女性4例,年龄59±17岁,体表面积1.76±0.24 M2,心功能3.6±0.4级.皆因左冠状动脉前降支、回施支和右冠状动脉主支狭窄而接受冠状动脉旁路移植手术.术中保持患者鼻咽部温度30~34℃.不阻断主动脉,不灌注停搏液,在心脏慢跳(心率60次/分钟左右)、空跳的状态下完成手术操作.患者均安返病房.根据我们开展不停跳心脏直视手术体外循环的体会,我们认为,不停跳心脏直视手术方法简单,无需复杂的仪器设备,疗效确实,且又安全有效,有很高的临床推广价值. 相似文献
目的:比较不同亚低温治疗时间对缺氧缺血性脑病患儿疗效及预后的影响,探讨亚低温治疗的最优时间,并且观察此治疗对新生儿有无不良影响。方法:选取我院收治的80例缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)新生儿作为研究对象,将患儿随机分亚低温治疗48 h组、72 h组、96 h组和常规治疗组,每组20例患儿。所有患儿均给予常规治疗,亚低温组患儿在上述治疗基础上,在出生后6 h内加用选择性头部亚低温治疗。四组患儿生后28 d时进行神经测定(NBNA)评分,出生18月时进行Bayley评分。患儿接受治疗7天后统计血小板减少、电解质紊乱以及血糖紊乱的发生例数。结果:72 h组和96 h组患儿生后NBNA评分、Bayley评分比48 h组和常规治疗组高(P0.05),有统计学差异;72 h组和96 h组的NBNA评分、Bayley评分均没有统计学差异(P0.05),48 h组和常规组的评分也没有统计学差异(P0.05)。亚低温治疗96 h组患儿中,发生血小板减少、电解质紊乱及血糖紊乱等不良反应的比例较48 h组和72 h组明显增多(P0.05),有统计学差异;对比48 h组和72 h组不良反应的患儿比例,没有显著统计学差异(P0.05)。结论:亚低温治疗72 h对HIE患儿的治疗效果优于48 h,产生的副作用小于治疗96 h,建议临床亚低温治疗时间采用72 h以取得最佳治疗效果,产生最小不良反应。 相似文献
目的:探讨亚低温治疗对重症颅脑损伤(sTBI)患者颅内压(ICP)、脑血流及氧代谢的影响。方法:收集50例sTBI患者随机分为实验组和对照组,每组25例,均给予常规治疗,观察组在常规治疗基础上给予亚低温辅助治疗,检测患者治疗前、治疗第3、5、7天ICP动态变化以及治疗前和治疗7天后脑血流和氧代谢等指标变化。结果:治疗第3、5、7天ICP组间差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05),随着治疗时间增加两组ICP均逐渐降低,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);治疗前Qmean、Vmean、Wv、DR等组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05),治疗7天后Qmean、Vmean均升高,Wv、DR均降低,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);治疗前SjvO_2、CjvO_2、CaO_2、CERO_2组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05),治疗7天后SjvO_2、CjvO_2、CERO_2均升高,CaO_2降低,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:亚低温治疗可以显著降低患者颅内压,改善脑血流和氧代谢水平。 相似文献
Ivania Pereira Stephanie Weber Stephan Holzer Georg Fischer Clemens Vass Hemma Resch 《PloS one》2015,10(3)
This work intends to assess circumpapillary retinal vessel density (RVD) at a 3.46 mm diameter circle and correlate it with circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness measured with Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate the reduction of intersubject variability of RNFL when considering RVD as a source of information for RNFL distribution. For that, 106 healthy subjects underwent circumpapillary RNFL measurement. Using the scanning laser ophthalmoscope fundus image, thickness and position of retinal vessels were assessed and integrated in a 256-sector RVD profile. The relationship between local RVD value and local RNFL thickness was modeled by linear regression. RNFL was then compensated for RVD variation by regression formulas. A strong statistically significant intrasubject correlation was found for all subjects between RVD and RNFL profiles (mean R = 0.769). In the intersubject regression analysis, 247 of 256 RNFL sectors showed a statistically significant positive correlation with RVD (mean R = 0.423). RVD compensation of RNFL resulted in a relative reduction of up to 20% of the intersubject variance. In conclusion, RVD in a 3.46mm circle has a clinically relevant influence on the RNFL distribution. RVD may be used to develop more individualized normative values for RNFL measurement, which might improve early diagnosis of glaucoma. 相似文献
Neurochemical Research - To explore the mechanism regarding the regulation of spinal cord ischemia (SCI) in rats by mild hypothermia. A SCI rat model was established through aorta occlusion, and in... 相似文献
A phase of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) precedes most forms of neurodegenerative dementia. Many definitions of MCI recommend the use of test norms to diagnose cognitive impairment. It is, however, unclear whether the use of norms actually improves the detection of individuals at risk of dementia. Therefore, the effects of age- and education-norms on the validity of test scores in predicting progression to dementia were investigated.Methods
Baseline cognitive test scores (Syndrome Short Test) of dementia-free participants aged ≥65 were used to predict progression to dementia within three years. Participants were comprehensively examined one, two, and three years after baseline. Test scores were calculated with correction for (1) age and education, (2) education only, (3) age only and (4) without correction. Predictive validity was estimated with Cox proportional hazard regressions. Areas under the curve (AUCs) were calculated for the one-, two-, and three-year intervals.Results
82 (15.3%) of initially 537 participants, developed dementia. Model coefficients, hazard ratios, and AUCs of all scores were significant (p<0.001). Predictive validity was the lowest with age-corrected scores (−2 log likelihood = 840.90, model fit χ2 (1) = 144.27, HR = 1.33, AUCs between 0.73 and 0.87) and the highest with education-corrected scores (−2 log likelihood = 815.80, model fit χ2 (1) = 171.16, HR = 1.34, AUCs between 0.85 and 0.88).Conclusion
The predictive validity of test scores is markedly reduced by age-correction. Therefore, definitions of MCI should not recommend the use of age-norms in order to improve the detection of individuals at risk of dementia. 相似文献14.
(I) Shivering intensity and metabolic rate were determined in Large White pigs aged 2, 24, 48 h and 5 d, at temperatures ranging from thermoneutrality (36°C) to cold (20°C). (2) Shivering is the main heat producing mechanism, the absence of nonshivering thermogenesis being implied by both the absence of delay between the onset of shivering (Stt) and the increase in metabolic rate (Lct) and by the linearity of the relationship between metabolic rate and shivering intensity in the cold. (3) For a comparable thermal demand, shivering intensity decreased with age whereas cold induced heat production remained constant, which suggests that the thermogenic efficiency of shivering is improved during the first 5 days of life. 相似文献
目的:探讨腰硬联合麻醉中静脉输注50 mg/kg和25 mg/kg两种剂量的硫酸镁对术后镇痛和寒战的的影响。方法:90名腰硬联合麻醉(CSEA)下行全子宫切除术的患者随机分成3组。在腰麻注药后即刻,MGI组30分钟内静脉输注硫酸镁25 mg/kg继以10 mg/kg/h的速度输注至手术结束;MGⅡ组输注硫酸镁50 mg/kg,然后以10 mg/kg/h的速度输注;C组注入等量生理盐水。观察术后24小时的疼痛评分(视觉模拟评分法:VAS),术后镇痛药物的用量,寒战的发生率。结果:三组术后镇痛用药量由低到高依次为MGII组,MGI组,C组(P<0.001)。术后VAS评分,MGII组较C组减少,(P<0.05);在12 h,24 h,MGII组较MGI组减少,MGI组在2 h,4 h较C组减少(P<0.05)。术后寒战在C组发生率最高,在MGI组与MGII组发生率少,组间有统计学差异(P=0.007)。结论:腰硬联合麻醉中静脉输注两种剂量的硫酸镁均可以改善术后镇痛,减少术后寒战的发生率,大剂量硫酸镁更有效,但也可能伴随更大的血流动力学波动。 相似文献
Henri M. H. Spronk Till Braunschweig Rolf Rossaint Dirk C. Wüst Rene van Oerle Brian Lauritzen Rene Tolba Oliver Grottke 《PloS one》2015,10(6)
Recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) is registered for use in haemophilia with inhibitors and other rare bleeding disorders, but has also been used in various other clinical conditions to terminate life-threatening bleeding. Underlying conditions (e.g. coagulopathy) and dosing may affect treatment efficacy. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impact of increasing doses of rFVIIa on blood loss and coagulation assays in haemodiluted and hypothermic pigs undergoing blunt liver injury.Methods
A grade III blunt liver injury was induced in 28 pigs after 70% haemodilution and cooling to 32.6–33.4°C. Ten minutes after trauma, animals randomly received placebo or 90, 180 or 360 μg/kg rFVIIa. Global coagulation parameters, thromboelastometry (TEM) and plasma thrombin generation (TG) were determined at different time points during the observation period of 120 minutes.Results
Total blood loss was significantly lower following 90 μg/kg rFVIIa (1206 [1138–1470] mL) relative to placebo (2677 [2337–3068] mL; p<0.05), with no increased effect with higher dose levels of rFVIIa. Following trauma and haemodilution, coagulation was impaired relative to baseline in both TEM and TG analysis. At 60 and 120 minutes after trauma, TEM variables improved in the rFVIIa-treated animals compared with the placebo group. Similarly, rFVIIa improved coagulation kinetics in TG. As was observed with blood loss, no significant effect between different rFVIIa dose levels was found in TEM or TG. Macro- and microscopic post-mortem examination did not reveal any signs of thromboembolic events.Conclusion
Early administration of 90 μg/kg rFVIIa reduced blood loss in pigs undergoing blunt liver injury even after severe haemodilution and hypothermia, with no further effect of higher dose levels. Coagulation assays showed impaired coagulation in coagulopathic animals, with a dose-independent improvement in animals treated with rFVIIa. 相似文献17.
Serena Candela Raffaele Dito Barbara Casolla Emanuele Silvestri Giuliano Sette Federico Filippi Maurizio Taurino Domitilla Brancadoro Francesco Orzi 《PloS one》2016,11(4)
BackgroundCEA is associated with peri-operative risk of brain ischemia, due both to emboli production caused by manipulation of the plaque and to potentially noxious reduction of cerebral blood flow by carotid clamping. Mild hypothermia (34–35°C) is probably the most effective approach to protect brain from ischemic insult. It is therefore a substantial hypothesis that hypothermia lowers the risk of ischemic brain damage potentially associated with CEA. Purpose of the study is to test whether systemic endovascular cooling to a target of 34.5–35°C, initiated before and maintained during CEA, is feasible and safe.MethodsThe study was carried out in 7 consecutive patients referred to the Vascular Surgery Unit and judged eligible for CEA. Cooling was initiated 60–90 min before CEA, by endovascular approach (Zoll system). The target temperature was maintained during CEA, followed by passive, controlled rewarming (0.4°C/h). The whole procedure was carried out under anesthesia.ResultsAll the patients enrolled had no adverse events. Two patients exhibited a transient bradycardia (heart rate 30 beats/min). There were no significant differences in the clinical status, laboratory and physiological data measured before and after CEA.ConclusionsSystemic cooling to 34.5–35.0°C, initiated before and maintained during carotid clamping, is feasible and safe.
Trial Registration
ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02629653相似文献18.
Yujuan Li Minting Zeng Weiqiang Chen Chuiliang Liu Fei Wang Xue Han Zhiyi Zuo Shuling Peng 《PloS one》2014,9(4)
Prolonged exposure to volatile anesthetics, such as isoflurane and sevoflurane, causes neurodegeneration in the developing animal brains. Recent studies showed that dexmedetomidine, a selective α2-adrenergic agonist, reduced isoflurane-induced cognitive impairment and neuroapoptosis. However, the mechanisms for the effect are not completely clear. Thus, we investigated whether exposure to isoflurane or sevoflurane at an equivalent dose for anesthesia during brain development causes different degrees of neuroapoptosis and whether this neuroapoptosis is reduced by dexmedetomidine via effects on PI3K/Akt pathway that can regulate cell survival. Seven-day-old (P7) neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly exposed to 0.75% isoflurane, 1.2% sevoflurane or air for 6 h. Activated caspase-3 was detected by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. Phospho-Akt, phospho-Bad, Akt, Bad and Bcl-xL proteins were detected by Western blotting in the hippocampus at the end of exposure. Also, P7 rats were pretreated with various concentrations of dexmedetomidine alone or together with PI3K inhibitor , and then exposed to 0.75% isoflurane. Terminal deoxyribonucleotide transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) and activated caspase-3 were used to detect neuronal apoptosis in their hippocampus. Isoflurane, not sevoflurane at the equivalent dose, induced significant neuroapoptosis, decreased the levels of phospho-Akt and phospho-Bad proteins, increased the expression of Bad protein and reduced the ratio of Bcl-xL/Bad in the hippocampus. Dexmedetomidine pretreatment dose-dependently inhibited isoflurane-induced neuroapoptosis and restored protein expression of phospho-Akt and Bad as well as the Bcl-xL/Bad ratio induced by isoflurane. Pretreatment with single dose of 75 µg/kg dexmedetomidine provided a protective effect similar to that with three doses of 25 µg/kg dexmedetomidine. Moreover, LY294002, partly inhibited neuroprotection of dexmedetomidine. Our results suggest that dexmedetomidine pretreatment provides neuroprotection against isoflurane-induced neuroapoptosis in the hippocampus of neonatal rats by preserving PI3K/Akt pathway activity. LY294002相似文献
Hai-Bin Dai Miao-Miao Xu Jia Lv Xiang-Jun Ji Si-Hai Zhu Ru-Meng Ma Xiao-Lei Miao Man-Lin Duan 《Molecular neurobiology》2016,53(7):4865-4873
Ping Gong Ming-Yue Zhang Hong Zhao Zi-Ren Tang Rong Hua Xue Mei Juan Cui Chun-Sheng Li 《PloS one》2013,8(6)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of mild hypothermia on the coagulation-fibrinolysis system and physiological anticoagulants after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). A total of 20 male Wuzhishan miniature pigs underwent 8 min of untreated ventricular fibrillation and CPR. Of these, 16 were successfully resuscitated and were randomized into the mild hypothermia group (MH, n = 8) or the control normothermia group (CN, n = 8). Mild hypothermia (33°C) was induced intravascularly, and this temperature was maintained for 12 h before pigs were actively rewarmed. The CN group received normothermic post-cardiac arrest (CA) care for 72 h. Four animals were in the sham operation group (SO). Blood samples were taken at baseline, and 0.5, 6, 12, 24, and 72 h after ROSC. Whole-body mild hypothermia impaired blood coagulation during cooling, but attenuated blood coagulation impairment at 72 h after ROSC. Mild hypothermia also increased serum levels of physiological anticoagulants, such as PRO C and AT-III during cooling and after rewarming, decreased EPCR and TFPI levels during cooling but not after rewarming, and inhibited fibrinolysis and platelet activation during cooling and after rewarming. Finally, mild hypothermia did not affect coagulation-fibrinolysis, physiological anticoagulants, or platelet activation during rewarming. Thus, our findings indicate that mild hypothermia exerted an anticoagulant effect during cooling, which may have inhibitory effects on microthrombus formation. Furthermore, mild hypothermia inhibited fibrinolysis and platelet activation during cooling and attenuated blood coagulation impairment after rewarming. Slow rewarming had no obvious adverse effects on blood coagulation. 相似文献