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Ceroplastes Gray (wax scales) is one of the genera of Coccidae, most species of which are considered to be serious economic pests. However, identification of Ceroplastes species is always difficult owing to the shortage of easily distinguishable morphological characters. Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences (or DNA barcodes) and the D2 expansion segments of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene 28S were used for accurate identification of six Ceroplastes species (C. floridensis Comstock, C. japonicus Green, C. ceriferus (Fabricius), C. pseudoceriferus Green, C. rubens Maskell and C. kunmingensis Tang et Xie) from 20 different locations in China. For COI data, low G·C content was found in all species, averaging about 20.4%. Sequence divergences (K2P) between congeneric species averaged 12.19%, while intra‐specific divergences averaged 0.42%. All 112 samples fell into six reciprocally monophyletic clades in the COI neighbour‐joining (NJ) tree. The NJ tree inferred from 28S showed almost same results, but samples of two closely related species, C. ceriferus and C. pseudoceriferus, were clustered together. This research indicates that the standard barcode region of COI can efficiently identify similar Ceroplastes species. This study provides an example of the usefulness of barcoding for Ceroplastes identification.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a promising tool for the rapid and unambiguous identification of species. Some arcoid species are particularly difficult to distinguish with traditional morphological identification owing to phenotypic variation and the existence of closely related taxa. Here, we apply DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) to arcoid species collected from the coast along China. Combining morphology with molecular data indicates the 133 specimens of Arcoida could be assigned to 24 species. Because of the deep genetic divergence within Tegillarca granosa, there was an overlap between genetic variation within species and variation between species. Nevertheless, NJ and Bayesian trees showed that all species fell into reciprocally monophyletic clades with high bootstrap values. Our results evidence that the COI marker can efficiently identify species, correct mistakes caused by morphological identification and reveal genetic differentiation among populations within species. This study provides a clear example of the usefulness of barcoding for arcoid identification. Furthermore, it also lays a foundation for other biological and ecological studies of Arcoida.  相似文献   

We conducted the first ever survey of xeniid octocorals in the Indonesian Archipelago, centre of the highly biodiverse Coral Triangle region of the Indo-Pacific. Among 48 xeniid specimens collected from Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, we identified 26 morphospecies belonging to six genera based on assessment of the morphological characters traditionally used for xeniid taxonomy. Multilocus DNA barcodes obtained from 23 morphospecies clustered into 21 molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) separated by average genetic distance values >0.3%. The overall concordance between morphospecies and MOTUs was 91%; just one pair and one trio of morphospecies were not distinguished by the DNA barcodes. A molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of family Xeniidae based on four loci (COI, mtMutS, ND2, 28S rDNA) supported the distinction of Anthelia and Cespitularia+Efflatounaria from all other xeniid genera. Although the remaining genera for which molecular data were available (Asterospicularia, Heteroxenia, Ovabunda, Sansibia, Sarcothelia, Sympodium, Xenia) belonged to a single, well-supported clade, the phylogenetic relationships among them were poorly resolved. Species of Xenia were distributed among three different sub-clades within which they were paraphyletic with Ovabunda (clade X1), Heteroxenia (clade X2) and Sansibia plus Sarcothelia (clade X3). No morphological characters have yet been identified that differentiate these three phylogenetically distinct clades of Xenia. Use of molecular barcodes to discriminate species will facilitate future ecological studies of Xeniidae, a group that has been shown to opportunistically monopolize disturbed reef habitat.  相似文献   

【目的】离腹寡毛实蝇属Bactrocera昆虫是最具经济重要性的实蝇类害虫,本研究依据mtDNA COI基因碱基序列对离腹寡毛实蝇属常见实蝇种类进行识别鉴定与系统发育分析。【方法】以口岸经常截获的离腹寡毛实蝇属8个亚属21种实蝇为对象,采用DNA条形码技术,通过对mtDNA COI基因片段 (约650 bp)的测序和比对,以MEGA软件的K2-P双参数模型计算种内及种间遗传距离,以邻接法(NJ) 构建系统发育树。【结果】聚类分析与形态学鉴定结果一致,除11种单一序列实蝇外,其他10种实蝇均各自形成一个单系,节点支持率为99%以上。种内(10种)遗传距离为0.0003~0.0068,平均为0.0043;种间(21种)遗传距离为0.0154~0.2395,平均为0.1540;种间遗传距离为种内遗传距离的35.8倍,而且种内、种间遗传距离没有重叠区域。【结论】基于mtDNA COI基因的DNA条形码技术可以用于离腹寡毛实蝇属昆虫的快速鉴定识别,该技术体系的建立对实蝇类害虫的检测监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Jacquemontia reclinata House (Convolvulaceae) is a federally listed endangered species endemic to coastal strand habitat of south-eastern Florida. In order to identify the closest relatives of J. reclinata , a phylogenetic reconstruction was performed based on nucleotide sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA and from the trnH-psbA intergenic spacer of chloroplast DNA. The three putative relatives of J. reclinata and the majority of Jacquemontia Choicy species known to occur in the Caribbean Islands were included. The strict consensus tree concurs with previous morphological studies, indicating that J. reclinata is closely related to the Caribbean species J. cayensis Britton, J. curtisii Hallier f., and J. havanensis (Jacq.) Urb. These three species and J. reclinata form an unresolved clade. Nucleotide divergence within this clade is low, suggesting that the group is recent, perhaps diversifying after the latest glacial period. These taxa need to be studied further using population-level DNA markers. Most species endemic to the Caribbean Basin form a strongly supported clade. Our phylogeny supports Convolvulus nodiflorus Desr. as part of Jacquemontia . In addition, J. ovalifolia (West) Hallier f. ssp. sandwicensis (A. Gray) K.R. Robertson is sister to the Antillean endemic J. solanifolia (L.) Hallier f. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 443–454.  相似文献   

The diversity of phenotypically different and often reproductively isolated lacustrine forms of charrs of the genus Salvelinus represents a substantial problem for taxonomists and evolutionary biologists. Based on the analysis of variability of ten microsatellite loci and two fragments of mitochondrial DNA (control region and cyt‐b gene), the evolutionary history of three charr species from Lake El'gygytgyn was reconstructed, and phylogenetic relationships between the main representatives of the genus were revealed. Three species from Lake El'gygytgyn were strongly reproductively isolated. Long‐finned charr described previously as Salvethymus svetovidovi, an ancient endemic form in the lake, originated 3.5 Mya (95% Bayesian credible intervals: 1.7, 6.1). Placement of this species in the phylogenetic tree of Salvelinus was not determined strictly, but it should be located in the basal part of the clade Salvelinus alpinus – S. malma species complex. The origin of small‐mouth charr S. elgyticus and Boganida charr S. boganidae in Lake El'gygytgyn was related to allopatric speciation. Their ancestors were represented by two glacial lineages of Taranets charr S. alpinus taranetzi from Asia. In Lake El'gygytgyn, these lineages entered into secondary contact postglacially. A revision of the main phylogenetic groups within the Salvelinus alpinus – S. malma complex is conducted. The Boganida charrs from Lakes El'gygytgyn and Lama (Taimyr) belong to different phylogenetic groups of Arctic charr and should not be regarded as a single species S. boganidae. Using the charrs from Lakes El'gygytgyn and Lama as a case study, we show that a model of sympatric speciation, which seemed more probable based on previous empirical evidence, was rejected by other data.  相似文献   

Molecular (mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1– COI) analysis was performed to characterize the poorly known Malapterurus minjiriya from Nigerian inland water bodies. Integrative taxonomy, involving morphological and molecular data, confirms the identity of M. minjiriya. Matrilineal genealogy reveals a sister relationship of M. minjiriya with Malapterurus electricus and Malapterurus microstoma. The genetic analysis further shows evidence of population divergence within M. electricus and Malapterurus beninensis. The findings of the study highlight the importance of the integration of DNA barcoding in biodiversity documentation of freshwater fish species in Nigeria.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study based on molecular marker and karyotype analyses has provided evidence for the monophyly of the subfamily Myoxocephalinae, which includes the genera Myoxocephalus, Megalocottus, Microcottus, Porocottus, Enophrys and Argyrocottus. In addition, the karyotype of the threadfoot sculpin Argyrocottus zanderi Herzenstein 1892 has been studied for the first time. Marker traits of karyotypes identified 13 species among six cottid genera. As the molecular genetic results confirmed, the subfamily is divided into two groups corresponding to Enophrys and Myoxocephalus. The molecular genetic data did not support the formation of tribes within the subfamily Myoxocephalinae, as proposed earlier based on morphological characters. Moreover, the genera Trichocottus and Taurocottus should be excluded from the Myoxocephalinae. The evolutionary transformations of karyotypes in cottid fish tended towards a reduction in the number of chromosomes and chromosome arms.  相似文献   

Biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are insect vectors of economically important veterinary diseases such as African horse sickness virus and bluetongue virus. However, the identification of Culicoides based on morphological features is difficult. The sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), referred to as DNA barcoding, has been proposed as a tool for rapid identification to species. Hence, a study was undertaken to establish DNA barcodes for all morphologically determined Culicoides species in Swedish collections. In total, 237 specimens of Culicoides representing 37 morphologically distinct species were used. The barcoding generated 37 supported clusters, 31 of which were in agreement with the morphological determination. However, two pairs of closely related species could not be separated using the DNA barcode approach. Moreover, Culicoides obsoletus Meigen and Culicoides newsteadi Austen showed relatively deep intraspecific divergence (more than 10 times the average), which led to the creation of two cryptic species within each of C. obsoletus and C. newsteadi. The use of COI barcodes as a tool for the species identification of biting midges can differentiate 95% of species studied. Identification of some closely related species should employ a less conserved region, such as a ribosomal internal transcribed spacer.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 13 snapper species from the South China Sea have been established using the combined DNA sequences of three full-length mitochondrial genes (COI, COII and CYTB) and two partial nuclear genes (RAG1, RAG2). The 13 species (genus Lutjanus) were selected after DNA barcoding 72 individuals, representing 20 species. Our study suggests that although DNA barcoding aims to develop species identification systems, it may also be useful in the construction of phylogenies by aiding the selection of taxa. Combined mitochondrial and nuclear gene data has an advantage over an individual dataset because of its higher resolving power.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular phylogeny of isonychiid mayflies inhabiting the East Palearctic region, Isonychia (Isonychia) japonica, Isonychia (Isonychia) ignota, Isonychia (Isonychia) ussurica and Isonychia (Prinoides) shima. We discuss their genetic structures, phylogeny and phylogeography. We collected a total of 100 specimens of isonychiid mayfly species from 47 localities of the Northeast Palearctic region (the Japanese archipelago, the Korean peninsula, the Russian Far East and Mongolia). We analyzed the DNA sequences at the mtDNA COI and 16S rRNA regions, and the nuDNA Histone H3 region. As a result of our genetic analyses of the four Northeast Palearctic isonychiid mayflies, their monophyly at the species level was supported by both the mtDNA (COI and 16S rRNA regions) and the nuDNA (Histone H3 region). In addition, it also became clear that significantly large genetic differentiation exists at the inter‐species level; thus, the relationship of “shima + (japonica + (ignota + ussurica))” is supported. Among the four isonychiid mayflies of the Northeast Palearctic area, I. (P.) shima was shown to be a basal‐most linage within the included species  相似文献   

Allozyme genetic distances were estimated for ten species of akodontine rodents, as compared with the Oryzomyini Oligoryzomys longicaudatus , which was used as an outgroup to assess plesiomorphic character-states. Twenty-six loci were analysed. Distribution patterns of allele frequencies were determined by both phenetic (UPGMA) and cladistic (PAUP') techniques. Allozyme analysis confirmed monophyly for the Akodontini, and among them, the distinctiveness of the genus Oxymycterus. Genetic divergence among the eight species of Akodon was small compared to most known species of rodents. Phenrtic and phylogenetic analysis between Bolonys obscurus and species of Akodon was m agreement with previous chromosomal work but in disagreement with the indications of morphology. The general lack of allozymic differentiation among members of the Akodontini suggests that in this group molecular divergence is unrelated to speciation. Molecular clock estimation calibrated by fossils showed that generic divergence within Akodontini started at least in the late Miocene and that divergence of Akodintini from Orizomyini occurred within the Miocene.  相似文献   

Molecular studies have enlightened our understanding of freshwater zooplankton biogeography, yet questions remain regarding the scale and commonality of geographic speciation. Here, we present a mtDNA-based phylogenetic hypothesis for 92 Daphnia species from all seven continents, with a focus on North and South America, Europe, and Australia, and use it to explore the frequency, scale, and geographical orientation of allopatric divergence events. Allopatric speciation can conservatively account for at least 42% of cladogenetic events among the species included in our study; most of these involve intercontinental splits. Closely related species pairs are concentrated in the circumarctic region and between northern and southern continents, aligned with bird migration routes, suggesting recent dispersal. By contrast, deeper phylogenetic patterns are consistent with vicariance scenarios linked to continental fragmentation. The possible reasons for the puzzling persistence of these ancient patterns in light of the eroding force of dispersal are considered. Our results demonstrate the high frequency and complex pattern of allopatric speciation in this ancient, passively dispersed genus.  相似文献   

We give a first account of our ongoing barcoding activities on Bavarian myriapods in the framework of the Barcoding Fauna Bavarica project and IBOL, the International Barcode of Life. Having analyzed 126 taxa (including 122 species) belonging to all major German chilopod and diplopod lineages, often using four or more specimens each, at the moment our species stock includes 82% of the diplopods and 65% of the chilopods found in Bavaria, southern Germany. The partial COI sequences allow correct identification of more than 95% of the current set of Bavarian species. Moreover, most of the myriapod orders and families appear as distinct clades in neighbour-joining trees, although the phylogenetic relationships between them are not always depicted correctly. We give examples of (1) high interspecific sequence variability among closely related species; (2) low interspecific variability in some chordeumatidan genera, indicating that recent speciations cannot be resolved with certainty using COI DNA barcodes; (3) high intraspecific variation in some genera, suggesting the existence of cryptic lineages; and (4) the possible polyphyly of some taxa, i.e. the chordeumatidan genus Ochogona. This shows that, in addition to species identification, our data may be useful in various ways in the context of species delimitations, taxonomic revisions and analyses of ongoing speciation processes.  相似文献   

Indigenous cattle of India belong to the species, Bos indicus and they possess various adaptability and production traits. However, little is known about the genetic diversity and origin of these breeds. To investigate the status, we sequenced and analyzed the whole mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of seven Indian cattle breeds. In total, 49 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) were identified among the seven breeds analyzed. We observed a common synonymous SNV in the COII gene (m.7583G?>?A) of all the breeds studied. The phylogenetic analysis and genetic distance estimation showed the close genetic relationship among the Indian cattle breeds, whereas distinct genetic differences were observed between Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle. Our results indicate a common ancestor for European Zwergzebu breed and South Indian cattle. The estimated divergence time demonstrated that the Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle lineages diverged 0.92 million years ago. Our study also demonstrates that ancestors of present zebu breeds originated in South and North India separately ~30,000 to 20,000 years ago. In conclusion, the identified genetic variants and results of the phylogenetic analysis may provide baseline information to develop appropriate strategies for management and conservation of Indian cattle breeds.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of two putative new species of the collembolan genus Orchesella was investigated by comparison with four other Italian species of the genus using a fragment of the mitochondrial gene encoding for subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase (COI). The gene showed the well-known A + T bias, typical of insect mitochondrial DNA, although A + T content was not as high as that observed in species belonging to more derived insect orders. The large number of variable sites in 3rd codon positions (85.2% variable) suggested that these sites contain significant homoplasy due to multiple hits. Despite the lack of morphological differentiation, the COI portion examined shows remarkable levels of genetic divergence between the putative species and their closest relatives. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that one of the putative new species is related to O. villosa, whereas the other is included in a clade with O. cincta and O. ranzii. The species O. chiantica appears to be related to O. villosa, agreeing with previous allozyme data.  相似文献   

【目的】粉虱种类繁多,个体微小,其种类识别与鉴定常需借助分子生物学技术。本研究旨在明确线粒体COI基因(mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene) 5′端和3′端序列对常见种类粉虱识别鉴定的可行性。【方法】以我国田间常见的16种粉虱为对象,以COI基因5′端(641 bp)和3′端(738 bp)序列为靶标进行比对分析,以MEGA 5.10软件的K2-P模型计算种内与种间遗传距离,以邻接法(NJ法)构建进化树并进行系统发育分析。【结果】当以5′端为靶标时,16种粉虱的种内平均遗传距离为0.0015,种间平均遗传距离为0.2897,种间遗传距离为种内遗传距离的193.1倍;而且种内、种间遗传距离没有重叠区域。当以3′端为靶标时种内平均遗传距离为0.0007,种间平均遗传距离为0.2817,种间遗传距离为种内遗传距离的402.4倍;但桑粉虱Pealius mori与烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci Asia II 1的种内和种间遗传距离重叠。系统发育分析结果显示,以5′端为靶标时,16种粉虱可以形成独立的进化分支;以3′端为靶标时,除桑粉虱与传统分类学不一致外,其余种类均可形成独立的分支。【结论】结果表明,5′端序列更适用于基于DNA条形码技术的物种识别鉴定研究。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has become a useful system for linking different biological life stages, and for identification of species within a known taxonomic framework. In this study, we generated mitochondrial DNA COI barcodes using adult specimens of all 22 species of the hoverfly genus Merodon (Diptera, Syrphidae) occurring on Lesvos island (Greece). The generated COI barcodes could well discriminate between all Merodon taxa of Lesvos, except for M. loewi and M. papillus that shared the same haplotype, despite their clear morphological differences. In addition, the barcodes revealed two cases of hitherto unknown morphologically cryptic species close to M. avidus and M. nigritarsis, respectively. Because only few successful rearings of immature stages of Merodon hoverflies are available, the larval host plant remains unknown for these phytophagous taxa. The obtained COI barcode library for the Merodon spp. of Lesvos will constitute a tool to link any unknown immature stages with already known species, and thus provide important life-history information and promise for ecological studies.  相似文献   

Aceria tosichella (the wheat curl mite, WCM) is a global pest of wheat and other cereals, causing losses by direct damage, as well as the transmission of plant viruses. The mite is considered to have an unusually wide host range for an eriophyoid species. The present study tested the commonly held assumption that WCM is a single, highly polyphagous species by assessing the host range of genetically distinct lineages of WCM occurring in Poland on different host plants. Genotyping was performed by analyzing nucleotide sequence data from fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear D2 region of 28S rDNA. Mean between‐lineage distance estimated using COI data was found to be one order of magnitude greater than the within‐clade lineage and, in some cases, comparable to distances between WCM lineages and a congeneric outgroup species. Host acceptance was tested by quantifying population growth for different WCM mitochondrial (mt)DNA lineages when transferred from source host plants to test plants. These experiments revealed significant differences in host colonization ability between mtDNA lineages, ranging from highly polyphagous to more host‐specific. The present study reveals that WCM is composed of several discrete genetic lineages with divergent host‐acceptance and specificity traits. Genetic variation for host acceptance within A. tosichella s.l. may act as a reproductive barrier between these lineages, most of which had narrow host ranges. Two lineages appear to have high pest potential on cereals, whereas several others appear to specialize on wild grass species. We conclude that WCM is not a homogeneous species comprising polyphagous panmictic populations rather it is a complex of genetically distinct lineages with variable host ranges and therefore variable pest potential. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 165–180.  相似文献   

基于部分18S rDNA, 28S rDNA和COI基因序列的索科线虫亲缘关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过PCR扩增获得我国常见昆虫病原索科线虫6属10种18S rDNA、28S rDNA(D3区)和COI基因序列,结合来自GenBank中6属10种索科线虫的18S rDNA同源序列,用邻接法和最大简约法构建系统进化树。结果显示:12属索科线虫分为三大类群,第一大类群是三种罗索属线虫(Romanomermis)先聚在一起,再与两索属(Amphimermis)和蛛索属(Aranimermis)线虫聚为一支;在第二大类群中,六索属(Hexamermis)、卵索属线虫(Ovomermis)和多索属(Agamermis)亲缘关系最近,先聚在一起,再与八腱索属(Octomyomermis)和Thaumamermis线虫聚为一支。第三大类群由索属(Mermis)和异索属(Allomermis)线虫以显著水平的置信度先聚在一起,再与蠓索属(Heleidomermis)和施特克尔霍夫索属(Strelkovimermis)线虫聚为一支。从遗传距离看,基于3个基因的数据集均显示索科线虫属内种间差异明显小于属间差异,武昌罗索线虫(R.wuchangensis)和食蚊罗索线虫(R.culicivorax)同属蚊幼寄生罗索属线虫,其种间的遗传距离最小。  相似文献   

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