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cspA (for cell surface protein A) encodes a repeat-rich glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell wall protein (CWP) in the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. The number of repeats in cspA varies among isolates, and this trait is used for typing closely related strains of A. fumigatus. We have previously shown that deletion of cspA is associated with rapid conidial germination and reduced adhesion of dormant conidia. Here we show that cspA can be extracted with hydrofluoric acid (HF) from the cell wall, suggesting that it is a GPI-anchored CWP. The cspA-encoded CWP is unmasked during conidial germination and is surface expressed during hyphal growth. Deletion of cspA results in weakening of the conidial cell wall, whereas its overexpression increases conidial resistance to cell wall-degrading enzymes and inhibits conidial germination. Double mutant analysis indicates that cspA functionally interacts with the cell wall protein-encoding genes ECM33 and GEL2. Deletion of cspA together with ECM33 or GEL2 results in strongly reduced conidial adhesion, increased disorganization of the conidial cell wall, and exposure of the underlying layers of chitin and β-glucan. This is correlated with increasing susceptibility of the ΔcspA, ΔECM33, and ΔcspA ΔECM33 mutants to conidial phagocytosis and killing by human macrophages and hyphal damage induced by neutrophils. However, these strains did not exhibit altered virulence in mice with infected lungs. Collectively, these results suggest a role for cspA in maintaining the strength and integrity of the cell wall.The saprophytic mold Aspergillus fumigatus is an emerging pathogen and the major causative agent of invasive aspergillosis, a life-threatening disease primarily affecting immunocompromised patients (12, 16, 38).Molecular analyses have revealed numerous virulence attributes that enable A. fumigatus to infect the human host, including the production of toxins, the ability to acquire nutrients and iron under limiting conditions, and the presence of protective mechanisms that degrade oxygen radicals released by the host immune cells (7).The fungal cell wall plays a crucial role in infection. In A. fumigatus, as in other pathogenic fungi, the cell wall protects the fungus and interacts directly with the host immune system. It is an elastic, dynamic, and highly regulated structure and is essential for growth, viability, and infection. The fungal cell wall is a unique structure and therefore a specific target for antifungal drugs. The cell wall of A. fumigatus is composed of a polysaccharide skeleton interlaced and coated with cell wall proteins (CWPs). The main building blocks of the polysaccharide skeleton are an interconnected network of glucan, chitin, and galactomannan polymers (26). The major class of fungal CWPs is the glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-modified proteins (8,11, 14).We recently identified and characterized A. fumigatus CWPs containing tandem repeats (27). Repeats are hot spots of genetic change: because of replication slippage and recombination, repeats can undergo rapid changes in copy number, leading to natural variability among different isolates and allowing faster adaptation to new environments (23). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for example, an increase in the number of coding repeats in the FLO1 adhesin-encoding gene correlates with an increase in adhesion to the plastics used in medical devices (44,46). Similarly, repeat variation in the Candida albicans ALS3 adhesin changes its cellular binding specificity (34). Moreover, clinical C. albicans isolates show variability in the number of repeats in various cell surface genes, suggesting that this recombination process could play a role during infection, allowing cells to adapt rapidly to a fluctuating environment and/or evade the host immune system (34, 49, 50).We identified four genes encoding putative A. fumigatus GPI-anchored CWPs (AFUA_3G08990 [termed cspA for cell-surface protein A [4], AFUA_2G05150 [MP-2], AFUA_4G09600, and AFUA_6G14090) containing variable numbers of repeats among patient isolates (27). In A. fumigatus WT strain AF 293, cspA encodes a 433-amino-acid-long protein containing a putative leader sequence and GPI modification site. cspA lacks recognizable catalytic domains, and homologous genes are found only in species of Aspergillus. Most interesting is that the gene encodes a 188-amino-acid-long serine-threonine-proline-rich N-terminal region followed by a large size-variable six-amino-acid serine-proline [P-G-Q-P-S-(A/V)]-rich tandem repeat region showing significant homology to the repeat domains found in mammalian type XXI collagen. The number of repeats varies between 18 and 47 (24 to 65% of the length of the protein) in different isolates of A. fumigatus. The strains used in this study, AF 293 and CBS 144.89, contain 32 and 28 repeats, respectively.Deletion of cspA resulted in a phenotype characterized by rapid conidial germination and reduced adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM), which suggests that cspA participates in defining cell surface properties. Highlighting the importance of this gene, Balajee et al. (4) showed that variations in the cspA nucleotide repeat sequence can be used to type closely related pathogenic isolates of A. fumigatus and identify outbreak clusters occurring in hospitals (3, 4).In this work, we undertook a detailed study of cspA. We analyzed the expression pattern of the protein encoded by cspA and its attachment to the cell wall. We prepared and analyzed A. fumigatus mutant strains in which cspA was overexpressed or deleted in combination with additional cell wall-associated genes. Results indicate that the protein encoded by cspA is GPI anchored to the cell wall and is unmasked during conidial germination. cspA deletion weakens the cell wall and results in rapid conidial germination, whereas cspA overexpression increases conidial resistance to protoplasting and inhibits conidial germination. cspA functionally interacts with the genes ECM33 and GEL2, which encode cell wall-associated proteins, resulting primarily in profound defects in conidial cell wall organization. The cspA ECM33 double mutant exhibited greater susceptibility to killing by human macrophages and hyphal damage induced by neutrophils. The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Dihydroxyacid dehydratase (DHAD) is a key enzyme in the branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway that exists in a variety of organisms, including fungi, plants and bacteria, but not humans. In this study we identified four putative DHAD genes from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus by homology to Saccharomyces cerevisiae ILV3. Two of these genes, AFUA_2G14210 and AFUA_1G03550, initially designated AfIlv3A and AfIlv3B for this study, clustered in the same group as S. cerevisiae ILV3 following phylogenetic analysis. To investigate the functions of these genes, AfIlv3A and AfIlv3B were knocked out in A. fumigatus. Deletion of AfIlv3B gave no apparent phenotype whereas the Δilv3A strain required supplementation with isoleucine and valine for growth. Thus, AfIlv3A is required for branched-chain amino acid synthesis in A. fumigatus. A recombinant AfIlv3A protein derived from AFUA_2G14210 was shown to have DHAD activity in an in vitro assay, confirming that AfIlv3A is a DHAD. In addition we show that mutants lacking AfIlv3A and ilv3B exhibit reduced levels of virulence in murine infection models, emphasising the importance of branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis in fungal infections, and hence the potential of targeting this pathway with antifungal agents. Here we propose that AfIlv3A/AFUA_2G2410 be named ilvC.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus is a mold and the causal agent of invasive aspergillosis, a systemic disease with high lethality. Recently, we identified and functionally characterized three stress sensors implicated in the cell wall integrity (CWI) signaling of this pathogen, namely, Wsc1, Wsc3, and MidA. Here, we functionally characterize Rom2, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor with essential function for the cell wall integrity of A. fumigatus. A conditional rom2 mutant has severe growth defects under repressive conditions and incorporates all phenotypes of the three cell wall integrity sensor mutants, e.g., the echinocandin sensitivity of the Δwsc1 mutant and the Congo red, calcofluor white, and heat sensitivity of the ΔmidA mutant. Rom2 interacts with Rho1 and shows a similar intracellular distribution focused at the hyphal tips. Our results place Rom2 between the cell surface stress sensors Wsc1, Wsc3, MidA, and Rho1 and their downstream effector mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase module Bck1-Mkk2-MpkA.  相似文献   

Teichoic acid (TA), together with peptidoglycan (PG), represents a highly complex glycopolymer that ensures cell wall integrity and has several crucial physiological activities. Through an insertion-deletion mutation strategy, we show that ΔrafX mutants are impaired in cell wall covalently attached TA (WTA)-PG biosynthesis, as evidenced by their abnormal banding patterns and reduced amounts of WTA in comparison with wild-type strains. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed an essential role for external loop 4 and some highly conserved amino acid residues in the function of RafX protein. The rafX gene was highly conserved in closely related streptococcal species, suggesting an important physiological function in the lifestyle of streptococci. Moreover, a strain D39 ΔrafX mutant was impaired in bacterial growth, autolysis, bacterial division, and morphology. We observed that a strain R6 ΔrafX mutant was reduced in adhesion relative to the wild-type R6 strain, which was supported by an inhibition assay and a reduced amount of CbpA protein on the ΔrafX mutant bacterial cell surface, as shown by flow cytometric analysis. Finally, ΔrafX mutants were significantly attenuated in virulence in a murine sepsis model. Together, these findings suggest that RafX contributes to the biosynthesis of WTA, which is essential for full pneumococcal virulence.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of cytoskeletal proteins plays an important role in the regulation of focal adhesions and stress fiber organization. In the present study we examined the role of tyrosine phosphatases in this process using p125FAK and paxillin as substrates. We show that tyrosine phosphatase activity in Swiss 3T3 cells was markedly increased when actin stress fibers were disassembled by cell detachment from the substratum, by serum starvation, or by cytochalasin D treatment. This activity was blocked by phenylarsine oxide, an inhibitor of a specific class of tyrosine phosphatases characterized by two vicinal thiol groups in the active site. Phenylarsine oxide treatment of serum-starved cells induced increased tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK and paxillin in a dose-dependent manner and induced assembly of focal adhesions and actin stress fibers, showing that inhibition of one or more phenylarsine oxide-sensitive tyrosine phosphatases is a sufficient stimulus for triggering focal adhesion and actin stress fiber formation in adherent cells.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii remains an important opportunistic fungal pathogen causing life-threatening pneumonia in patients with AIDS and malignancy. Currently, little is known about how the organism adapts to environmental stresses and maintains its cellular integrity. We recently discovered an open reading frame approximately 600 bp downstream of the region coding GSC-1, a gene mediating β-glucan cell wall synthesis in P. carinii. The predicted amino acid sequence of this new gene, termed P. carinii PHR1, exhibited 38% homology to Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAS1, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein essential to maintaining cell wall integrity, and 37% homology to Candida albicans PHR1/PHR2, pH-responsive genes encoding proteins recently implicated in cross-linking β-1,3- and β-1,6-glucans. In view of its homology to these related fungal genes, the pH-dependent expression of P. carinii PHR1 was examined. As in C. albicans, P. carinii PHR1 expression was repressed under acidic conditions but induced at neutral and more alkaline pH. PHR1-related proteins have been implicated in glucan cell wall stability under various environmental conditions. Although difficulties with P. carinii culture and transformation have traditionally limited assessment of gene function in the organism itself, we have successfully used heterologous expression of P. carinii genes in related fungi to address functional correlates of P. carinii-encoded proteins. Therefore, the potential role of P. carinii PHR1 in cell wall integrity was examined by assessing its ability to rescue an S. cerevisiae gas1 mutant with absent endogenous Phr1p-like activity. Interestingly, P. carinii PHR1 DNA successfully restored proliferation of S. cerevisiae gas1 mutants under lethal conditions of cell wall stress. These results indicate that P. carinii PHR1 encodes a protein responsive to environmental pH and capable of mediating fungal cell wall integrity.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls are important barriers against microbial pathogens. Cell walls of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves contain three major types of polysaccharides: cellulose, various hemicelluloses, and pectins. UDP-d-galacturonic acid, the key building block of pectins, is produced from the precursor UDP-d-glucuronic acid by the action of glucuronate 4-epimerases (GAEs). Pseudomonas syringae pv maculicola ES4326 (Pma ES4326) repressed expression of GAE1 and GAE6 in Arabidopsis, and immunity to Pma ES4326 was compromised in gae6 and gae1 gae6 mutant plants. These plants had brittle leaves and cell walls of leaves had less galacturonic acid. Resistance to specific Botrytis cinerea isolates was also compromised in gae1 gae6 double mutant plants. Although oligogalacturonide (OG)-induced immune signaling was unaltered in gae1 gae6 mutant plants, immune signaling induced by a commercial pectinase, macerozyme, was reduced. Macerozyme treatment or infection with B. cinerea released less soluble uronic acid, likely reflecting fewer OGs, from gae1 gae6 cell walls than from wild-type Col-0. Although both OGs and macerozyme-induced immunity to B. cinerea in Col-0, only OGs also induced immunity in gae1 gae6. Pectin is thus an important contributor to plant immunity, and this is due at least in part to the induction of immune responses by soluble pectin, likely OGs, that are released during plant-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Conidiophore development of fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus involves dynamic changes in cellular polarity and morphogenesis. Synchronized differentiation of phialides from the subtending conidiophore vesicle is a good example of the transition from isotropic to multi-directional polarized growth. Here we report a small GTPase, RacA, which is essential for reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the vesicle as well as differentiation of phialides in Aspergillus fumigatus. We found that wild type A. fumigatus accumulates ROS in these conidiophore vesicles and that null mutants of racA did not, resulting in the termination of conidiophore development in this early vesicle stage. Further, we found that stress conditions resulting in atypical ROS accumulation coincide with partial recovery of phialide emergence but not subsequent apical dominance of the phialides in the racA null mutant, suggesting alternative means of ROS generation for the former process that are lacking in the latter. Elongation of phialides was also suppressed by inhibition of NADPH-oxidase activity. Our findings provide not only insights into role of ROS in fungal cell polarity and morphogenesis but also an improved model for the developmental regulatory pathway of conidiogenesis in A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

Protein O-mannosyltransferases (Pmts) initiate O-mannosyl glycan biosynthesis from Ser and Thr residues of target proteins. Fungal Pmts are divided into three subfamilies, Pmt1, -2, and -4. Aspergillus nidulans possesses a single representative of each Pmt subfamily, pmtA (subfamily 2), pmtB (subfamily 1), and pmtC (subfamily 4). In this work, we show that single Δpmt mutants are viable and have unique phenotypes and that the ΔpmtA ΔpmtB double mutant is the only viable double mutant. This makes A. nidulans the first fungus in which all members of individual Pmt subfamilies can be deleted without loss of viability. At elevated temperatures, all A. nidulans Δpmt mutants show cell wall-associated defects and increased sensitivity to cell wall-perturbing agents. The Δpmt mutants also show defects in developmental patterning. Germ tube emergence is early in ΔpmtA and more frequent in ΔpmtC mutants than in the wild type. In ΔpmtB mutants, intrahyphal hyphae develop. All Δpmt mutants show distinct conidiophore defects. The ΔpmtA strain has swollen vesicles and conidiogenous cells, the ΔpmtB strain has swollen conidiophore stalks, and the ΔpmtC strain has dramatically elongated conidiophore stalks. We also show that AN5660, an ortholog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wsc1p, is modified by PmtA and PmtC. The Δpmt phenotypes at elevated temperatures, increased sensitivity to cell wall-perturbing agents and restoration to wild-type growth with osmoticum suggest that A. nidulans Pmts modify proteins in the cell wall integrity pathway. The altered developmental patterns in Δpmt mutants suggest that A. nidulans Pmts modify proteins that serve as spatial cues.Filamentous fungi use highly polar growth to explore their environments. Except for a brief period of isotropic expansion just after spores break dormancy, filamentous fungi add new cell wall material exclusively at the tips of tubular hyphal cells. Such polar growth involves a high degree of coordination between signals from the environment and the secretory apparatus. In fungi, O mannosylation of specific target proteins has been shown to be important for sensing environmental stress, stabilizing the cell wall, and proper development (18, 28). The assembly of protein linked O-mannosyl glycans in the endoplasmic reticulum lumen is catalyzed by protein O-mannosyltransferases (Pmts), which transfer a single mannosyl residue to the hydroxyl group of serine or threonine residues to form an α-d-mannosyl linkage (30). The addition of further carbohydrate residues to the first O-linked mannose occurs in the Golgi apparatus and involves a range of enzymes (35). Modification by Pmts seems to be specific to proteins that are synthesized and sorted in the secretory pathway; however, the only motif so far identified is that Ser/Ter-rich membrane-bound proteins are O mannosylated by Pmt4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (15). This lack of a clear motif makes identification of Pmt targets by computational methods challenging. All of the fungal Pmt-modified proteins identified so far are localized to the cell membrane or cell wall or are secreted. At least 23 target proteins have been described in yeasts (15). Only three Pmt target proteins have been described in filamentous fungi (12, 23, 37).Pmts have been found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes (33), but not in plants (8). The lengths and compositions of O-mannosyl glycans are different among species. In fungi, O-glycosyl chains range from 2 to 7 residues. In S. cerevisiae, the mannosyl chain can be modified by mannosyl phosphate (6). In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the O-linked glycan is capped with 1 or 2 galactose residues (6). In the filamentous fungi so far examined, O-glycans are linear and branched, with 3 to 5 monosaccharide residues (4).In fungi, the Pmts are classified into the Pmt1, Pmt2, and Pmt4 subfamilies, with each species having three to seven members. S. cerevisiae and Candida albicans Pmts are the most redundant, with subfamilies 1 and 2 containing two or three members (7, 26). S. pombe and many filamentous fungi, including Aspergillus nidulans, have one representative from each subfamily. In S. cerevisiae, the enzymatic activity of Pmts requires interaction among members of the Pmt1 and Pmt2 subfamilies, while Pmt4 forms homomeric complexes (8). Heteromeric complexes between Pmt1 and Pmt2 subfamily members have also been reported in S. pombe (34).O mannosylation appears to be required for the stability, localization, and function of target proteins (18, 28, 32), and in vivo consequences of Pmt loss range from limited to lethal. In S. cerevisiae, O mannosylation is essential for cell integrity and cell wall rigidity (7). In C. albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans, Pmt mutation affects morphogenesis and virulence (24, 26, 27). In S. cerevisiae, strains with single Pmt subfamily representatives deleted are viable; however, deletion of subfamily 2 representatives is lethal in S. pombe and C. albicans (7, 34). In filamentous fungi, deletion of individual Pmts has been reported. Deletions of Trichoderma reesei pmtI, Aspergillus fumigatus pmt1, A. nidulans pmtA, and Aspergillus awamori pmtA were not lethal but affected growth and development (10, 22, 23, 37).In previous work, we identified the swoA mutant from a collection of temperature-sensitive polarity mutants and showed that the swoA allele encoded a Pmt2 subfamily member (PmtA) (21, 29). In this study, we use Δpmt strains to show that each of the three Pmts in A. nidulans (pmtA, pmtB, and pmtC) is nonessential but that all play distinct roles in cell wall integrity and developmental patterning. We also demonstrate that PmtA and PmtC modify an ortholog of S. cerevisiae Wsc1, a known Pmt target. Because of redundancy, all Pmt1 and Pmt2 subfamily members have not been deleted in S. cerevisiae. Because of lethality, the effects of loss of the Pmt2 subfamily cannot be addressed in S. pombe or C. albicans. This makes A. nidulans the first fungus in which the phenotypes of deleted strains for each Pmt subfamily have been reported.  相似文献   

Cleft palate results from a mixture of genetic and environmental factors and occurs when the bilateral palatal shelves fail to fuse. The objective of this study was to search for new genes involved in mouse palate formation. Gene expression of murine embryonic palatal tissue was analyzed at various developmental stages before, during, and after palate fusion using GeneChip® microarrays. Ceacam1 was one of the highly up-regulated genes during palate formation, and this was confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR. Immunohistochemical staining showed that CEACAM1 was present in prefusion palatal epithelium and was degraded during fusion. To investigate the developmental role of CEACAM1, function-blocking antibody was added to embryonic mouse palate in organ culture. Palatal fusion was inhibited by this function-blocking antibody. To investigate the subsequent developmental role of CEACAM1, we characterized Ceacam1-deficient (Ceacam1 −/−) mice. Epithelial cells persisted abnormally at the midline of the embryonic palate even on day E16.0, and palatal fusion was delayed in Ceacam1 −/− mice. TGFβ3 expression, apoptosis, and cell proliferation in palatal epithelium were not affected in the palate of Ceacam1−/−mice. However, CEACAM1 expression was retained in the remaining MEE of TGFβ-deficient mice. These results suggest that CEACAM1 has roles in the initiation of palatal fusion via epithelial cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Plant fungal pathogens secrete numerous proteins into the apoplast at the plant–fungus contact sites to facilitate colonization. However, only a few secretory proteins were functionally characterized in Magnaporthe oryzae, the fungal pathogen causing rice blast disease worldwide. Asparagine-linked glycosylation 3 (Alg3) is an α-1,3-mannosyltransferase functioning in the N-glycan synthesis of N-glycosylated secretory proteins. Fungal pathogenicity and cell wall integrity are impaired in Δalg3 mutants, but the secreted proteins affected in Δalg3 mutants are largely unknown. In this study, we compared the secretomes of the wild-type strain and the Δalg3 mutant and identified 51 proteins that require Alg3 for proper secretion. These proteins were predicted to be involved in metabolic processes, interspecies interactions, cell wall organization, and response to chemicals. Nine proteins were selected for further validation. We found that these proteins were localized at the apoplastic region surrounding the fungal infection hyphae. Moreover, the N-glycosylation of these proteins was significantly changed in the Δalg3 mutant, leading to the decreased protein secretion and abnormal protein localization. Furthermore, we tested the biological functions of two genes, INV1 (encoding invertase 1, a secreted invertase) and AMCase (encoding acid mammalian chinitase, a secreted chitinase). The fungal virulence was significantly reduced, and the cell wall integrity was altered in the Δinv1 and Δamcase mutant strains. Moreover, the N-glycosylation was essential for the function and secretion of AMCase. Taken together, our study provides new insight into the role of N-glycosylated secretory proteins in fungal virulence and cell wall integrity.  相似文献   

The attachment of spores to a substratum is essential for their germination and, therefore, to the completion of the life cycle of the red algae. In most red algae, spores are liberated without a cell wall, within a sheath of mucilage which is responsible for their primary attachment. Utilizing fluorescent-labeled lectins, we identified carbohydrate residues and their locations in the mucilage and cell walls of spores of Gelidium floridanum. Cell wall formation and mucilage composition were studied with calcofluor, toluidine blue (AT-O), alcian blue (AB) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS). In the mucilage we identified α-D mannose, α-D glucose, β-D-galactose, N-acetyl-glucosamine and N-acetyl-galactosamine. The first two sugar residues were not found in the cell wall of the germ tube but they were present on the rhizoid’s cell wall indicating their importance to substrate adhesion. A cell wall is produced soon after the spore’s attachment, beginning with a polar deposition of cellulose and its gradual spread around the spore as indicated by calcofluor. The cell wall matrix was positive to AB and metachromatic to AT-O, indicating acidic polysaccharides, while cellulose microfibrills were positive to PAS. A polar disorganization of the cell wall triggers the process of germination. As spores are the natural form of propagation of Gelidium, the understanding of the mechanisms of spore attachment may contribute to the cultivation of this valuable seaweed.  相似文献   

The aberrant expression of the transmembrane protein EpCAM is associated with tumor progression, affecting different cellular processes such as cell–cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation, signaling, and invasion. However, the in vivo function of EpCAM still remains elusive due to the lack of genetic loss-of-function studies. Here, we describe epcam (tacstd) null mutants in zebrafish. Maternal-zygotic mutants display compromised basal protrusive activity and epithelial morphogenesis in cells of the enveloping layer (EVL) during epiboly. In partial redundancy with E-cadherin (Ecad), EpCAM made by EVL cells is further required for cell–cell adhesion within the EVL and, possibly, for proper attachment of underlying deep cells to the inner surface of the EVL, thereby also affecting deep cell epiboly movements. During later development, EpCAM per se becomes indispensable for epithelial integrity within the periderm of the skin, secondarily leading to disrupted morphology of the underlying basal epidermis and moderate hyper-proliferation of skin cells. On the molecular level, EVL cells of epcam mutant embryos display reduced levels of membranous Ecad, accompanied by an enrichment of tight junction proteins and a basal extension of apical junction complexes (AJCs). Our data suggest that EpCAM acts as a partner of E-cadherin to control adhesiveness and integrity as well as plasticity and morphogenesis within simple epithelia. In addition, EpCAM is required for the interaction of the epithelia with underlying cell layers.  相似文献   

With the aim to decipher the molecular dialogue and cross talk between Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersci and its host during infection and to understand the molecular bases that govern fungal pathogenicity, we analysed genes presumably encoding N-acetylglucosaminyl transferases, involved in glycosylation of glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans or small molecule acceptors in other microorganisms. In silico analysis revealed the existence of seven putative N-glycosyl transferase encoding genes (named gnt) in F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici genome. gnt2 deletion mutants showed a dramatic reduction in virulence on both plant and animal hosts. Δgnt2 mutants had αalterations in cell wall properties related to terminal αor β-linked N-acetyl glucosamine. Mutant conidia and germlings also showed differences in structure and physicochemical surface properties. Conidial and hyphal aggregation differed between the mutant and wild type strains, in a pH independent manner. Transmission electron micrographs of germlings showed strong cell-to-cell adherence and the presence of an extracellular chemical matrix. Δgnt2 cell walls presented a significant reduction in N-linked oligosaccharides, suggesting the involvement of Gnt2 in N-glycosylation of cell wall proteins. Gnt2 was localized in Golgi-like sub-cellular compartments as determined by fluorescence microscopy of GFP::Gnt2 fusion protein after treatment with the antibiotic brefeldin A or by staining with fluorescent sphingolipid BODIPY-TR ceramide. Furthermore, density gradient ultracentrifugation allowed co-localization of GFP::Gnt2 fusion protein and Vps10p in subcellular fractions enriched in Golgi specific enzymatic activities. Our results suggest that N-acetylglucosaminyl transferases are key components for cell wall structure and influence interactions of F. oxysporum with both plant and animal hosts during pathogenicity.  相似文献   

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