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Antibodies to homogeneous calf thymus DNA polymerase-beta and calf thymus DNA polymerase-alpha preparations were raised in rabbits. The antiserum against calf thymus DNA polymerase-beta cross-reacts with all vertebrate DNA polymerase-beta preparations tested, but does not cross-react with trypanosome DNA polymerase-beta, DNA polymerase-gamma, terminal transferase, yeast DNA polymerases, and Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. The antibodies against calf thymus DNA polymerase-alpha cross-react with DNA polymerase-alpha from mouse, human, and chicken, but do not cross-react with DNA polymerase-alpha from sea urchin embryos and Drosophila embryos, DNA polymerase-beta, DNA polymerase-gamma, terminal transferase, yeast DNA polymerases, and E. coli DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

The accuracy with which Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Pol I) copies natural DNA in vitro has been determined. When phi X174 viral DNA containing an amber mutation (am3) is primed with a single restriction endonuclease fragment, copied in vitro with Pol I and then expressed in E. coli spheroplasts (Weymout, L. A., and Loeb, L. A. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 75, 1924), the reversion frequency of this DNA is greater than that of uncopied DNA. This change in reversion frequency can be increased by selectively increasing the concentration of either dATP or dCTP relative to the other deoxyribonucleotide substrates. DNA sequence analyses of revertants obtained from substrate pool bias experiments demonstrates that the revertants contain the selectively biased nucleotide as an incorrect substitution at position 587 of the am3 codon. We have analyzed the product of the in vitro Pol I reaction using neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients. Fifty per cent of the input phi X174 DNA template molecules are copied past the am3 site. The phenotypic expression of the product (revertant) strand in the spheroplast assay was estimated using a model heteroduplex molecule similar in structure to the product of the reaction and containing a single base mismatch (A:A or A:C) at position 587. Using these data, and by extrapolation from pool bias experiments, we estimate the error rate of Pol I in Mg2+-activated reactions using equimolar concentrations of the four deoxynucleotide substrates is 1/680,000 for an A:C mispair and < 1/6,300,000 for an A:A mispair at position 587 of the am3 codon in phi X174 DNA.  相似文献   

Monoclonal neutralizing antibodies against DNA polymerase-alpha substantially inhibit nuclear DNA replication in lysolecithin-permeabilized cultured human fibroblasts. The degree of inhibition of DNA synthesis is proportional to antibody concentration, and the effect is specific in that RNA synthesis measured under the same experimental conditions is unperturbed. Autoradiographic data demonstrate that the magnitude of the inhibition measured in the mass culture reflects the uniform response of all the constituent cells in the target population. These observations confirm the participation of DNA polymerase-alpha in replicative DNA synthesis and identify a versatile, novel approach to the dissection of mammalian processes of DNA replication and repair.  相似文献   

A DNA-binding factor able to bind to a double-stranded DNA containing no free ends (SV40 DNA I) has been reproducibly detected in highly purified (to 30,000 units/mg) regenrating rat liver DNA polymerase-α. This factor could not be separated from the catalytic unit by any of the separation procedures so far used (ion-exchange chromatographies, gel filtration, sucrose gradients and DNA affinity chromatographies). Dissociation of the DNA binding unit from the catalytic unit may be observed after formation of a nucleoprotein complex between DNA polymerase-α and SV40 DNA I.  相似文献   

Mcm10 is a conserved eukaryotic DNA replication factor whose function has remained elusive. We report here that Mcm10 binding to replication origins in budding yeast is cell cycle regulated and dependent on the putative helicase, Mcm2-7. Mcm10 is also an essential component of the replication fork. A fraction of Mcm10 binds to DNA, as shown by histone association assays that allow for the study of chromatin binding in vivo. However, Mcm10 is also required to maintain steady-state levels of DNA polymerase-alpha (polalpha). In temperature-sensitive mcm10-td mutants, depletion of Mcm10 during S phase results in degradation of the catalytic subunit of polalpha, without affecting other fork components such as Cdc45. We propose that Mcm10 stabilizes polalpha and recruits the complex to replication origins. During elongation, Mcm10 is required for the presence of polalpha at replication forks and may coordinate DNA synthesis with DNA unwinding by the Mcm2-7 complex.  相似文献   

We have determined the levels of DNA-polymerases-alpha and-beta in fibroblasts obtained from normal subjects and from patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) belonging to three different complementation groups and to the variant form. The assays have been performed in crude extracts and after fractionation on sucrose gradients. The levels of alpha and beta-polymerases in the different cases of XP were found to lie within the same range as the control values, and no correlation was found with the severity of the symptoms. The sedimentation coefficients of the two polymerases from all the pathological lines were identical to those of the normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, minichromosome maintenance protein (Mcm) 10 interacts with DNA polymerase (pol)-alpha and functions as a nuclear chaperone for the catalytic subunit, which is rapidly degraded in the absence of Mcm10. We report here that the interaction between Mcm10 and pol-alpha is conserved in human cells. We used a small interfering RNA-based approach to deplete Mcm10 in HeLa cells, and we observed that the catalytic subunit of pol-alpha, p180, was degraded with similar kinetics as Mcm10, whereas the regulatory pol-alpha subunit, p68, remained unaffected. Simultaneous loss of Mcm10 and p180 inhibited S phase entry and led to an accumulation of already replicating cells in late S/G2 as a result of DNA damage, which triggered apoptosis in a subpopulation of cells. These phenotypes differed considerably from analogous studies in Drosophila embryo cells that did not exhibit a similar arrest. To further dissect the roles of Mcm10 and p180 in human cells, we depleted p180 alone and observed a significant delay in S phase entry and fork progression but little effect on cell viability. These results argue that cells can tolerate low levels of p180 as long as Mcm10 is present to "recycle" it. Thus, human Mcm10 regulates both replication initiation and elongation and maintains genome integrity.  相似文献   

None of 16 independent monoclonal antibodies against human (KB cell) DNA polymerase-alpha recognizes epitopes on cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptors prepared from the same cells. Consistently negative results are obtained with separate assays that measure antibody binding to uncharged receptors or to charged receptor complexes that have been preloaded with a specific steroid ligand. These results must qualify the interpretation of possible immunological relations between polymerase-alpha and glucocorticoid receptors that were inferred from studies with polyclonal antisera of poorly defined specificity.  相似文献   

The carboxy terminus of the human DNA polymerase-alpha contains a zinc finger motif. Three-dimensional structures of this motif containing 38 amino acid residues, W L I C E E P T C R N R T R H L P L Q F S R T G P L C P A C M K A T L Q P E, were determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The structures reveal an alpha-helix-like domain at the amino terminus, extending 13 residues from L2 through H15 with an interruption at the sixth residue. The helix region is followed by three turns (H15-L18, T23-L26 and L26-A29), all of which involve proline. The first turn appears to be type III, judging by the dihedral angles. The second and third turns appear to be atypical. A second, shorter helix is formed at the carboxy terminus extending from C30 through L35. A fourth type III turn starting at L35 was also observed in the structure. Proline serves as the third residue of all the turns. Four cysteine residues, two located at the beginning of the helix at the N-terminus and two at the carboxy end, are coordinated to Zn(II), facilitating the formation of a loop. One of the cysteines at the carboxy terminus is part of the atypical turn, while the other is the part of the short helix. These structural features are consistent with the circular dichroism (CD) measurements which indicate the presence of 45% helix, 11% beta turns and 19% non-ordered secondary structures. The zinc finger motif described here is different from those observed for C(4), C(2)H(2), and C(2)HC modules reported in the literature. In particular, polymerase-alpha structures exhibit helix-turn-helix motif while most zinc finger proteins show anti-parallel sheet and helix. Several residues capable of binding DNA, T, R, N, and H are located in the helical region. These structural features imply that the zinc finger motif is most likely involved in binding DNA prior to replication, presumably through the helical region. These results are discussed in the context of other eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA polymerases belonging to the polymerase B family.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase-alpha was purified from the cytosol of blast cells of a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia by ammonium sulfate fractionation and successive column chromatographies. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of 2943 units/mg protein with activated calf thymus DNA as a template. The enzyme sediments under high-salt conditions as a homogeneous band at 7.2 S and free from other DNA polymerases (beta, gamma) and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity. The native molecular weight of the enzyme from gel filtration and glycerol gradient centrifugation was found to be 175 000. The values of Stokes radius (53 A), diffusion coefficient (4.05 x 10(-7) cm2/s) and frictional ratio (1.42) determined by gel filtration suggest that the native enzyme is compact and globular. Antibodies to DNA polymerase-alpha were raised in rabbits. These antibodies, partially purified by 50% ammonium sulfate saturation and Sephadex G-200 chromatography, gave one precipitin band on immunodiffusion and inactivate DNA polymerase-alpha-. This antibody preparation also inhibited, in vitro, the activity of DNA polymerase-alpha from calf thymus, phytohemagglutinin-stimulated normal human lymphocytes, as well as that from other leukemic cells. Thus, DNA polymerase-alpha from calf thymus and human leukemic cells resemble each other in antibody specificity.  相似文献   

A very highly purified fraction of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha, prepared with a monoclonal antibody, contains DNA primase activity. The primase synthesizes oligonucleotide chains initiated with ATP in a reaction that is resistant to alpha-amanitin and strictly dependent on added template and ribonucleoside triphosphates (rNTPs). In the presence of added dNTPs and M13 DNA template, the primase produces a uniform population of oligoribonucleotides, predominantly hexamers to decamers, that are extended by polymerase-alpha into DNA chains up to 3000 nucleotides long. There is no evidence for nucleotide preferences at RNA/DNA junctions. In the absence of added dNTPs, the oligomeric products are heterogeneous in size and composition and susceptible to cleavage by pancreatic DNase I due to their content of short oligodeoxynucleotide tracts synthesized by primase from trace contaminant dNTPs in the rNTP substrates. The primase and polymerase-alpha activities are distinguishable by several physical and chemical criteria, and the primase reaction is only partially sensitive to two potent, independent monoclonal antibodies that neutralize polymerase-alpha. Although the presence of both primase and polymerase-alpha activities in a highly purified immune complex prepared with a monoclonal antibody argues for their tight physical association, the chemical, physical, and immunological discriminations indicate the two catalytic entities are functionally and structurally distinct.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of calf thymus DNA polymerase-alpha has been further investigated. In particular, an enzyme (enzyme D) which exhibits higher activity on poly(dA) . (dT)10 (A:T = 20:1) compared with that on activated DNA, has been further purified and its properties compared with two other activities of the DNA polymerase-alpha fraction (enzymes A1 and C) which do not show a preference for poly(dA) . (dT)10 over activated DNA. As with A1 and C, enzyme D was shown to have many of the characteristic properties of DNA polymerase-alpha in that it is an acidic protein as judged by its binding to DEAE-cellulose, has a molecular weight of about 140000, does not use a poly (A) . (dT)10 template-initiator complex and is inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide. It exhibits anomalous gel filtration behaviour on Sepharose 6B and it binds relatively weakly to DNA-cellulose compared with DNA polymerase-beta. The extreme sensitivity of enzyme D to inhibtion by N-ethylmaleimide distinguishes it from A1 and C, as does its elution position from a DEAE-cellulose column. On the other hand enzymes C and D are readily inactivated by heating at 45 degrees C unlike enzyme A1. The possible interrelationships of the multiple activities of calf thymus DNA polymerase-alpha are discussed.  相似文献   

Kinetics of cell replication was compared in regenerating livers of Mus musculus at ages ranging between 6 and 32 months. Incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into DNA and autoradiographic analysis showed that the maximal extent of DNA replication following partial hepatectomy became delayed with age. Furthermore, the total fraction of parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells in S phase at different intervals during regeneration diminished as mice aged. The specific activity of DNA polymerase-alpha, the putative replicative enzyme, declined progressively during aging. The specific activity of DNA polymerase-beta, the purported repair enzyme, declined to an appreciably lesser extent during the lifespan of the mouse. No evidence was found for the appearance of a specific inhibitor of polymerase-alpha in senescent mouse liver. Also, the bulk of the activities of both hepatic DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta remained localized in the cell nucleus throughout the lifetime of the animal and were mainly associated with chromatin.  相似文献   

Small samples of the 8-S species of enzymes (A1 and A2) occurring in the DNA polymerase-alpha fraction of calf thymus, have been extensively purified using non-denaturing (normal) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When peak fractions of activity on normal gels were subjected to dodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a polypeptide at 155000 correlated with polymerase activity. Samples of the 7.3-S (C) enzyme prepared from A2 by treatment with 2.4 M urea or isolated directly without exposure to urea, also showed the presence of a 155000-Mr polypeptide. It is concluded that the 7.3-S (C) enzyme, of previously estimated molecular weight 155000-170000, is a single polypeptide and that the 8-S enzymes A1 and A2 contain an additional subunit of 50000-70000 molecular weight.  相似文献   

1-beta-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine 5'-triphosphate (araCTP), an active form of a inhibitor of DNA replication, 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (araC) was tested for its inhibitory action on the DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta (EC purified from calf thymus. The reaction of DNA polymerase-alpha was shown to be more sensitive to the inhibition by araCTP than that of DNA polymerase-beta. The mode of the inhibition by araCTP was competitive to dCTP in the reaction catalysed by either DNA polymerase-alpha or -beta. The Ki value of DNA polymerase-beta for araCTP was 32 micron; eight times higher than that of DNA polymerase-alpha (4 micron) for this inhibition.  相似文献   

Chromatin prepared from S phase hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cell incorporates in vitro about 11-14 pmoles [3H]dTMP into DNA in 30 min. Single-stranded DNA added to this chromatin stimulates DNA synthesis more than 40-fold whereas activated DNA enhances it about 60-fold. By contrast, stimulation of DNA synthesis by activated DNA in a crude nuclear extract exceeds the stimulation exerted by denatured DNA by a factor of 7. Stimulation of DNA synthesis by denatured DNA is not due to stabilization of either the chromatin or the product of the endogenous reaction. On the other hand, we find that poly(dC) and poly (dT) enhance DNA synthesis by serving as templates which are copied by chromatin in a true complementary fashion. It seems therefore, that eukaryotic cell chromatin is able to copy single-stranded DNA at a high efficiency. Chromatin of G1 arrested cell copies exogenous templates at a considerably reduced rate. The enzyme responsible for the copying of denatured DNA is tentatively identified as DNA polymerase alpha on the basis of its sensitivity to sulfhydril group blocking, its requirements for ions and failure to copy the ribo strand of oligo(dT) poly(A).  相似文献   

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